Own business: kindergarten at home. How to organize a private kindergarten at home: instructions to help a beginner How to open a kindergarten at home

“When a home opened in our area kindergarten, not only me, but many other mothers breathed a sigh of relief, - says Svetlana, mother of three-year-old Alina. - I was forced to go to work when my daughter was two years old, a retired neighbor volunteered to “look after” her for a small fee. Of course, I had no complaints about her - the child was supervised, fed, but my heart sank from the fact that Alina spent almost the whole day watching cartoons, did not communicate much with her peers, did not attend developmental classes. Now she only chirps about what plants she and the teacher grow on the windowsill, in what games Alina turns out to be more agile than other children, or what thematic lesson she remembers more than the others."

Why do we need a home kindergarten?

Almost all parents apply for placing their child on the waiting list for preschool immediately after receiving his birth certificate. Some mothers, especially concerned that their child will not get a place in a particular institution, agree with the head long before the birth of the baby himself, the price of the issue sometimes reaches the six-month payment for a private kindergarten. But despite these measures, queues for municipal kindergartens today are as long as in Soviet times behind an apartment or a car.

What to do if a place in a preschool educational institution should appear only by the age of four, and it is paid maternity leave mother only until one and a half years of her child? In such a situation, child care centers or home kindergartens come to the rescue. Sometimes home kindergartens are founded by enthusiastic parents to collectively solve the problem of organizing leisure time for their beloved child. Often, educators for children act in turn, united mothers. A vivid example of this is the story of Irina Vyazemskaya, who not so long ago opened a kindergarten (or rather, it should be called a children's leisure center) at her home.

The idea of ​​creating a home leisure center came to Irina not as a kind of business idea, but rather as a salvation. Irina is a teacher by education, a single mother raising 2 summer son. “I, like many mothers, faced the problem of placing a child in a state kindergarten,” says Ira. - Paid maternity leave was coming to an end, and there was no question of going to work: I had no one to leave Mishenka with, my mother worked 5 days a week herself. In order to carve out at least some free time and devote it to work, I came up with the following scheme. Having agreed with my friends who have children of the same age as Misha, I suggested that they take turns looking after our children, for example, today from 10 am to 1 pm all the children play at Olya’s house, tomorrow at Masha’s, and the day after tomorrow at mine. Gradually, I became so involved in the work of a teacher (my pedagogical education came in handy) that I decided to arrange a mini-leisure center for children.

Irina converted one of the rooms in her apartment into a playroom, purchased educational aids for children, and prepared play sessions for children. The first visitors to such a play center were the children of the same friends, but Irina was looking after them for more than a fee. Now there are 5 guys in the group in the first half of the day and 3 in the afternoon.

Recently, this type of home kindergarten, created by amateurs, has been replaced by commercial ones. Such a kindergarten is distinguished by the level of training of educators and the presence of a unique offer. This can be teaching kids according to a popular developmental methodology (many creative centers work according to the method of Maria Montessori, the Glen Doman system, they teach reading using Zaitsev’s cubes or the Cecile Lupan method), the presence of a special menu for children eating on a special diet.

Most often, a home kindergarten is a two- or three-room apartment that meets all the requirements of young visitors. There are: a game room, a bedroom, a kitchen where the guys eat at a large common table, like at home. In home kindergartens, there are also specially equipped sports corners with a Swedish wall, a horizontal bar, large gymnastic balls. If a kindergarten is located in a private house, then, as a rule, it has its own playground.

The composition of the group usually consists of three to ten people. For each of them, the educators promise to find individual approach which will help to maximize the innate talents of the baby.

You have decided to open a home kindergarten, weigh all the pros and cons!

Such a form of employment of children as a home kindergarten in our country is still a novelty, it is not as widespread as, for example, in the United States, but it already has its supporters. As you know, demand creates supply, and this gives confidence that home gardens will take root beneficially on our soil.

Opening your own home kindergarten is a great idea not only for parents who dream of a permanent income “without leaving home”, but also for private entrepreneurs who plan to try their hand at a new business area.

What are the benefits of opening a home kindergarten:

  1. Your own child is supervised, you have the opportunity to choose caregivers and a good company of children for him, you will be sure that he receives quality nutrition.
  2. This is a demanded and profitable activity with relatively low costs and low risks.
  3. You will have the opportunity to prove yourself as a private entrepreneur, director, manager, educator, learn time management, and therefore grow professionally.
  4. Formally, in order to open a home kindergarten, or rather a child care center, you only need permission to labor activity and conclusion of agreements with parents.

Home kindergartens are an excellent alternative to public and private kindergartens, but this business also has its own nuances that should be considered in advance. Eg:

  1. lack of a playground. Most often, children are either indoors or taken out for a walk in the nearest park or square;
  2. subject to renting a room (if you don’t own an apartment that can be converted), the very next day a crowd of disgruntled neighbors complaining about the noise may appear at your doorstep. However, if you are a sociable person, then solve this problem in no time;
  3. you cannot suddenly fall ill or go on vacation for a long time. The issue with your replacement should be decided in advance.

The organization of the upbringing and leisure of children is not an easy task, requiring the investment of considerable effort and imagination. Therefore, it will be especially pleasant when your undertaking will be fully realized and will benefit not only you, but also your little visitors. Good luck!

You can learn how to prepare for the opening from the following article. Alisa Ivannikova

The easiest way to open your own private kindergarten is to buy

But if you still want to do it yourself - we suggest you step by step instructions from the expert of the company "Little Country"

According to statistics, the majority of entrepreneurs who decide to start their business by opening a private kindergarten are young parents who are aware of what a “queue” for kindergarten is and quite possibly have already met with such a concept as a shortage of places in municipal kindergartens. They know firsthand that parents are willing or forced to pay for attending a kindergarten. And if there are people willing to pay, then why not let them pay you?

But before you open your kindergarten, you need to find evidence of its demand in your area or city.

First you need to count the number of residents of the area and find out their structure. For example, if the majority of the inhabitants are older people, it is unlikely that you will be able to fill your garden with kids. Another thing is when you open a private kindergarten in a new area, where there is no state kindergarten nearby and where mostly young families live, who will provide you with preschool children.

  • You can request data on the statistics of the area in the passport office. And if we are talking about new microdistricts, developers can provide this statistics, since they have data on apartment buyers.

In other areas of the city, a private kindergarten may be in demand for several reasons. One of them is the notorious queues in municipal preschool institutions.

  • It is easy to find out about the existence of "queues" in the city administration, namely in the education department.

However, if there are several public kindergartens in the area you have chosen, and at the same time their occupancy leaves much to be desired, the private kindergarten you open is unlikely to be very popular with parents. Be that as it may, but at the cost of a child's stay in kindergarten, a private institution will always lose to a public one.

But in contrast to this minus, the sphere of private preschool education every year it becomes more and more significant plus. The thing is, now everything more parents a priori, they do not consider a municipal kindergarten, but immediately look for a private kindergarten for their child. This category of parents has an average and above average income and makes certain requirements for a private kindergarten in terms of living conditions, quality of food, education and leisure activities.

Nevertheless, there are still more parents in our country who send their children to private kindergartens, not because they made this choice consciously, weighing all the pros and cons, but because for some reason they cannot arrange his child to the public garden.

  • It is also not easy for “visitors” to arrange their child in a state kindergarten. The problem is especially acute in Moscow and the Moscow region, where without registration or availability of " social card Muscovite” to give the child to the municipal kindergarten is almost impossible. The “come in large numbers” have no other choice but to send the baby to a private kindergarten.

Do not forget to also analyze the area in terms of other indicators. For example, find out if there are other private gardens in the area and how many? Will you be able to compete with them on price or terms and additional services?

The primary expense item that will significantly reduce your start-up capital is the renovation of the premises.

  • On average, a small kindergarten designed for one group can accommodate 100 sq.m.

Repair of a room of 100 sq.m and bringing it under the norms of controlling authorities will require 600-700 thousand rubles (including payment for repair work and the purchase of building materials).

The second point of investment costs will be the equipment of the premises with everything necessary - from furniture and household appliances to bed linen and utensils. Having opened at least 50 kindergartens, we determined for ourselves the minimum amount of equipment costs - 600 thousand rubles. This figure is documented. For example, a refrigerator can be purchased for 15,000 rubles at M-video, and a four-burner electric stove can also be purchased there for 8,000 rubles, and so on.

  • You need to understand that opening a kindergarten in the center of Moscow and in one of the sleeping areas of Ryazan involve completely different amounts of investment.

Can I get a loan to open a kindergarten?

Of course, it is preferable to open a kindergarten business at your own expense. But I also know those who took money to run their kindergarten on credit. Their experience shows that it is possible to work successfully and even develop, keeping a part of the profit for yourself, while paying off the loan.

Moreover, the very specifics of the business of a private kindergarten allows you to qualify for benefits at the loan rate. There are a number of offers that greatly help in obtaining start-up capital to start this business.

For example, there is an interesting offer from the Our Future social entrepreneurship support fund, which offers a loan at 6%. Or you can apply for a small business competition as an entrepreneur who has opened a business in the social sector and qualify for a subsidy from the state to reimburse the funds spent on starting a kindergarten. However, if you work without a license for educational activities, you can be reimbursed up to 1.5 million rubles, and with a license - up to 10 million rubles, but the amount you receive should not exceed 60% of the funds spent on opening. Thus, it is possible to compensate for most of the investments in opening a kindergarten.

In addition, in the process of work, you can also reduce your costs with the help of the state. For example, by submitting an application for subventions, which will be paid to you from the municipal budget for the maintenance of one child per month.

  • For example, in Moscow, 2.5 thousand rubles are paid for one child, in Krasnodar - 9 thousand rubles, and in the Moscow region - 12 thousand rubles.

However, it is possible to use such subventions only with a state license.

And this is not all the available support programs for entrepreneurs who decide to devote themselves to preschool education and the business of a private kindergarten. Knowing all possible programs and knowing how to use them, you can not only return your investment as quickly as possible, but also make good money by performing part of its functions for the state.

Step-by-step instruction

A private kindergarten can be opened as an individual entrepreneur, you can register as an LLC, and you can also choose DOW form(preschool educational institution) or ANO (autonomous non-profit organization). The time for its registration will also depend on the choice of the legal form of your future kindergarten. For example, if it takes you two to three weeks to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, then registration of a preschool educational institution or ANO will take 2 times longer.

  • Registration of a preschool educational institution with the Ministry of Justice will take about two months.

Nevertheless, these temporary delays will not affect the opening of the kindergarten in any way. You can register your kindergarten in parallel with other matters, for example, conclude a lease agreement for an individual and start making repairs in the premises. Once registered, the contract can be renewed.

The choice of registration form will primarily affect the taxation system and the nuances of bookkeeping. By choosing an IP, you can purchase a patent for a period of 1 to 12 months. The patent system is suitable for kindergartens in a small space and with a minimum number of staff. If you open an LLC, then you will pay 6% of income according to the “simplified” system. PEIs and ANOs have their own peculiarities of taxation and accounting.

How to select employees for kindergarten?

Hiring staff in a kindergarten is a separate conversation, which should also be taken wisely. Firstly, it is the staff, i.e. educators and nannies work both with your direct clients - children, and with their parents, who directly pay money. Secondly, the quality and quantity of employees will affect the economic model of the kindergarten: the larger the staffing, the larger the payroll.

The number of staff directly depends on the size of the kindergarten you open - the more children go to your kindergarten, the large quantity they need employees.

  • For one group of 20 children, the minimum list of staff is two educators, one nanny and one cook.

At the same time, it is taken into account that all this small staff replaces both teachers of other specialties and a nurse. For example, one of the educators can be a "musician" and conduct developmental activities with the kids, the other is an "artist", teaching kids how to express themselves through drawings. This approach to staffing can significantly reduce the cost of payroll. The same nanny can combine her direct duties with the job descriptions of a nurse, of course, provided that she has the necessary qualifications ...

Speaking of qualifications. Inspection authorities put forward their requirements for the staff of a private kindergarten. At the same time, these requirements are the same for both private kindergartens and municipal ones. So, when choosing educators, cooks and nurses, you will have to pay attention to whether they have a medical book and a certificate from a psychiatrist. Besides, Special attention is given to educators - they must have a pedagogical education and undergo advanced training every three years. A complete list of requirements for kindergarten staff can be found when submitting documents for permission to carry out childcare activities at Rospotrebnadzor or when applying for a license for educational activities at the Ministry of Education.

Many entrepreneurs who decide to open their own private kindergarten often have a problem finding suitable premises. The fact is that any room is not suitable. When it comes to children, the state carefully monitors that they are in appropriate conditions. If the room is not responding complete list requirements - you are unlikely to be able to get permission from Rospotrebnadzor, fire safety and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

All the standards that the premises must meet are spelled out in the fire safety rules and SanPin, which should be studied in detail before taking on the search for a room. These documents contain special requirements for the width of doorways and the length of corridors for evacuation routes for babies, and for ventilation and natural lighting. They spell out everything that needs to be known and taken into account when creating a kindergarten - up to the number of rooms that a kindergarten should consist of, and their purpose. Of particular importance for Rospotrebnadzor will be the quadrature of each room, for example, the same locker room or bathroom, depending on the number of children for which the kindergarten is designed. Another thing is the equipment of the rooms: for example, for one group of children in the bathroom there should be four children's toilets and sinks, one shower, and one sink for adults. In addition, a separate bathroom should be allocated for employees.

There are many such trifles, but all of them must be known and taken into account.

At the same time, the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other regulatory authorities differ depending on whether the premises are residential or non-residential. And all thanks to the fact that today it is possible to open a private kindergarten both in separate non-residential premises, outbuildings and on the first floors of residential buildings, and in ordinary residential apartments, i.e. there are plenty to choose from.

  • The Ministry of Emergency Situations does not check residential premises and does not give an opinion for kindergartens.

That is why, despite the apparent difficulties and problems with the selection of premises, the entrepreneur only needs to know the rules and mandatory norms and a scrupulous approach to the search.

Another issue that concerns the premises is related to the payment of its rent.

Renting eats up a significant part of income and affects both the net income received and the cost of the final product. Of course, a kindergarten can operate at any rental rate - from 1 rub./sq.m. to 1000 rub./sq.m. But when compiling an economic model, you need to understand that the higher the rental rate, the more expensive the cost of visiting will be. And if there are competitors nearby, the “issue price” will be important for parents.

Of course, you need to approach the assessment of the premises individually. First, look at how it fits the norms and requirements. Secondly, if the premises require significant investments in repairs, then a high rental rate will only increase the amount of investment and initially set a high price bar for the final product, which is not advisable.

However, even in Moscow, with an average market rent of 1,000 rubles/sq.m, only one of our network's kindergartens pays rent at this rate. Most find more acceptable prices from 250 to 400 rubles/sq.m. This is the so-called social lease, when developers lease large areas for kindergartens on the first floors of their housing complexes or individual multi-storey buildings. The presence of such tenants from the social sphere is a definite plus for developers, so they are willing to reduce the cost of rent.

You can also find cheaper accommodation with help from the state. In some regions, there are special programs for the preferential lease of municipal premises for representatives of the private sector of preschool education or social entrepreneurship. Therefore, it is worth exploring possible options, calculate the economic model and identify the optimal rental rate for yourself.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

When opening a kindergarten, you need to decide how many children it will be designed for - for 20, 100 or 200 kids. It is on the number of small customers that your income and, accordingly, the benefit will depend.

For example, you can open one kindergarten for 100 children, or you can open five small kindergartens designed for a group of 15-20 children. In both the first and second cases, you will end up with 100 children. It would seem that the profit in both options should be the same, but in reality everything is not quite so.

Firstly, by opening five kindergartens instead of one, you will spend 20-30% more money. Secondly, such an important indicator as the rate of return per child will also differ.

  • If a kindergarten for 100 children earns 1 million rubles a month, the rate of return per child will be 10 thousand rubles.

The larger the kindergarten and the more children attend it, the lower will be the rate of return per child. This ratio is due to the fact that when opening a kindergarten for 100 children, you will be forced to rent a room many times more, hire several times more teachers, paying their salaries, more money will be spent on current expenses.

  • When obtaining a license for educational activities, the cost of staff salaries can be reduced by 10%.

A kindergarten for 20 children, located in a four-room apartment on the first floor of a residential building, will have a completely different rate of return. Rent in this case will cost a priori two times cheaper than in any non-residential premises. It will only be necessary to work on bringing it under the norms of SanPiN.

To organize even a small educational children's institution, an entrepreneur needs to obtain a number of mandatory permits and licenses (see). This is a long and expensive procedure, and not everyone can go through it. However, in this area there is an easier option for earning money - the provision of day care services for children. In this article we will tell you how to organize a home kindergarten.

How to organize day care

If you want to run something like a home daycare but are not sure you can document this kind of business activity, then we suggest you consider starting a private center that only provides childcare services. The difference between this format and the traditional kindergarten is that the latter provides the pupil with the opportunity to take one or more educational courses, while the child care center cannot perform such functions.

Important! Children are taken to a mini kindergarten at home so that they are supervised while their parents are away on their own business, are fed and get used to communicating with their peers. Such an enterprise cannot perform any other functions.

How to arrange such a home kindergarten? Not very difficult! To do this, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur (see how) with the OKVED code 88.91 (provision of day care services for children), select the appropriate taxation system (read,), prepare and equip the premises.

Before accepting the first visitors, you should also consider the rules for their stay in a private kindergarten and draw up a price list for the services provided. Each parent, before leaving the child in such a kindergarten, must familiarize himself with the procedure for the center and confirm his consent to use the services, taking into account the proposed conditions.

Material and technical base for the kindergarten

If you are considering how to open a kindergarten at home, then you will need free living space that can be converted into a small kindergarten. For these purposes, you can use your apartment (house) or rented premises.

Most often, landlords are not very willing to agree that their apartments are used for children's institutions, and if they do, they raise the rent by 30-40% above the average market.

Therefore, you can consider the following option: organize a kindergarten in the living space that you own, and move the family to a rented apartment. Yes, this procedure will take a lot of time and effort, but it will save your entrepreneurial venture from risks that you cannot manage.

Some entrepreneurs who have large living spaces at their disposal organize a mini-garden at home, that is, one of the rooms is converted into a nursery, and the entrepreneur's family lives in the rest.

Despite the fact that at first this option seems attractive to many (you don’t have to travel anywhere, you can work at home), when implementing this undertaking, many problems arise that turn into high costs, and the usual way of family life can be disrupted.

To organize a mini kindergarten (for 3-5 children) you will need:

  • a room for a recreation area (20 sq. m);
  • game and sports room (20 sq. m.);
  • dining room (20 sqm).

That is, for these purposes, an ordinary three-room apartment is suitable.

Equipment for the children's center:

  • five sleeping places with bedding and linen (although children should not be left in the garden to sleep, each of them should have the opportunity to lie down and rest);
  • sports wall and toys (all good quality and without the risk of injury to the child);
  • dining table and chairs (for a certain age category);
  • dishes, refrigerator, equipment for cooking and heating food;
  • toilet room adapted to the needs of babies.

The approximate cost is about 300 thousand rubles (taking into account the redecoration of the existing space).

Kindergarten opening hours

When deciding how to open a home kindergarten, an entrepreneur must protect himself in advance from claims from regulatory authorities and parents. So that the fiscal services do not see violations in the activities of a private kindergarten, its organizer must ensure that children are not left for longer than 4 hours a day, children do not participate in any educational and educational programs, reports are regularly filed and taxes are paid.

In order to regulate relations with clients, an entrepreneur must, with the help of a lawyer, draw up an agreement on the provision of day care services for a child, in which all the nuances of interaction with parents and with the baby are specified. The contract must be signed by both parties.

During those three to four hours while the child is in the kindergarten, the kindergarten staff has the right to:

  • play with him;
  • feed him with the food that is agreed with the parents;
  • spend time outdoors with him.

The child must be completely safe. The kindergarten staff is responsible for the baby while he is under his supervision.

Enterprise expenses and income

The main expenses of a home kindergarten are utility bills, laundry services, taxes, updating the material and technical base. All this will take about 15 thousand rubles a month. In the event that you do not plan to independently care for children, but are going to hire an employee for this purpose, then about 25 thousand rubles will be added to the amount of monthly costs, which you will spend on wages.

The average cost of visiting a kindergarten for one child is 500 rubles on a weekday and 800 rubles on a day off. Conventionally, if children visit the garden only on weekdays, then your income will be approximately 55 thousand rubles (5 children * 500 rubles * 22 days). Profit in this case will be from 10 thousand to 35 thousand rubles, depending on whether you use hired labor.

Products for children are always in high demand. So, it does not cease to be in demand, relevant and promising. Find out how to open your own outlet for the sale of such products.


The promotion of child day care services can be arranged through social media, as well as through the local press, making a report about the conditions in which children are and how convenient this format of work is for parents. After a few years of such work, an entrepreneur can take on the organization of a full-fledged preschool. And now we bring to your attention information about

Galina Fundurak

Making a group in kindergarten, as a rule, falls on our shoulders, educators.

In order for the children to feel comfortable, care must be taken that the situation in groups was close to home. In addition, beautiful and tasteful the group is framed has aesthetic and developmental value for children. The main thing is to get creative. All this attracted the attention of my parents. Someone draws beautifully, someone sews. And that's what happened.

Our the group is called"Fireflies". Entrance to group is designed like this. I pasted an application of self-adhesive paper on the door made of ceiling tiles.

And this is how I issued reception room according to the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". Collaboration with parents.

This is our Miracle tree for creative works children. My work.

Reception wall framed application of ceiling tiles and self-adhesive paper. Also the work of my hands.

So I designed a corner"Lost". A basket of flowers, a cover, letters and a crow made of felt. I tried to.

stand for crafts made of plasticine. Shoe box, pasted over with self-adhesive paper and decorative felt work. Beauty!

IN I decorated the wall of the group room with appliqué, continuation of the fairy tale "Kolobok". The bunny is made of fabric, and everything else is made of self-adhesive paper.

A corner of nature is not only a decoration groups but also a place for self-education. I decided to make flower stands from stumps and decorate with felt. Fabulous forest dwellers live in a corner of nature. Fedor and Fenya. They are also made from stumps.

And this is our Masha. Dressing corner. My idea, but my parents brought it to life.

These paintings are made from felt by me. hands they decorate group.

And me and my kids are comfortable with us in group!

Related publications:

Do-it-yourself summer decoration of the site in kindergarten.

layout for story game in the kindergarten "Farm" with their own hands. The game is the leading activity of a preschooler, which affects all sides of him.

The middle group of our kindergarten is called "Smeshariki". All information for parents and children is made in the same style, images of heroes.

Hello, Dear colleagues and friends! I bring to your attention the design for the corners of fine arts, mathematics, literacy These are funny.

Each group in our kindergarten has its own name. Our group is called "Little Red Riding Hood." That's how I designed the information stand for.

In the classroom in kindergarten, teachers, together with children, make various crafts. Often, parents are asked to do some things at home for the group or site. The presented ideas with photos will help to show imagination, please the child with a beautiful composition, picture or toy.

In kindergarten, teachers, together with children, often make various crafts from paper, cardboard, plasticine, clay, waste material. These activities help develop imagination, creativity, fine motor skills hands Often, parents are also involved in an interesting process, offering to make some toys or compositions in a group or at home. For those who do not know how to surprise or please a child, the ideas below will help different time years with their own hands for the exhibition, territory for walking.

seasonal crafts

When thinking about what crafts can be done for a child of three to six years old in kindergarten, you should take into account not only your capabilities, but also the seasons. Typically, caregivers give parents a rough sketch or theme based on seasonality. So, in autumn it is easy to make an application of bright leaves, dry branches, acorns, pine or fir cones. In winter, you can make a feeder on the plot, bring a picture or a poster with New Year's greetings. In the spring, many make birdhouses, but in the summer they use small stones, moss, mushrooms, fruits, vegetables, in their work.

Here are some options for autumn work in kindergarten:

  • a house made of branches, leaves, stones or pumpkins;
  • animal from vegetables or fruits (caterpillar, hedgehog, piglet);
  • a picture of dried leaves and flowers in a frame;
  • a lawn of moss with mushrooms and trees from branches;
  • bouquets of "roses" from red-orange maple leaves;
  • figures from cones, acorns, fastened with toothpicks, plasticine.

Ideas for winter exhibitions in a group:

  • three-dimensional winter picture on a substrate with clouds, trees, snow from cotton wool;
  • penguins from plastic bottles and colored paper, glue;
  • paper pictures, large volumetric snowflakes for decorating walls and windows New Year;
  • cardboard or plastic;
  • Christmas trees and snowmen made in various techniques.

Examples of spring crafts:

  • birdhouse made of plywood or wooden boards;
  • artificial flowers made of cardboard, felt, corrugated paper, sweets;
  • spring picture from plasticine on glass;
  • Easter tree from branches, ribbons, paper flowers;
  • disposable toys paper plates, cups.

Ideas for things to do in the summer:

  • toys from bright caps from plastic bottles;
  • beads from pasta, berries, flowers;
  • a picture of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, beans or lentils;
  • application from colored paper, cardboard;
  • a doll made of woolen threads or fabric;
  • wreath, paper bouquet.

Ideas for site design

In the summer and in the summer, together with your parents, you can make not only wooden ships, trucks or stairs, but also cheerful flower beds, decorations for trees, large flowers and bright fences on the site in kindergarten. You just need to purchase materials, paint, bring your tools and blanks to the subbotnik. Some crafts for a sandbox or flower garden are easy to do at home, calling on children and other family members to help.

Here are some simple but interesting ideas for crafts on the kindergarten site:

  • ladybugs made of painted stones;
  • figures in the form of insects, butterflies, lanterns;
  • toy wooden transport in the form of a car, plane, ship;
  • garden house;

When thinking about what crafts to do, it is advisable to consult with educators, to find out the opinions of other parents. Together, parents can make various benches, tables and chairs from polished stumps, a steam locomotive with wagons from rails or boxes for the kindergarten site. It is easy to make windmills at home, flowers from five-liter plastic bottles. All these decorations will help to decorate the territory.

Examples of crafts in a group

Often in kindergarten, teachers ask parents to make some costumes, accessories for the holidays, decorations for the hall or foyer. And if boards, plywood, nails are required for the manufacture of items on the site, here you only need to purchase materials such as fabric, glue, paper. For example, for the New Year or March 8, it is easy to make a paper garland, snowflakes, cardboard flowers or fans.

Here are a few interesting options decor group:

  • photo frames made of fabric, branches, ribbons or shells;
  • bouquets of branches glued with ribbons, cloth or pieces of paper;
  • screens made of fabric, plywood or slats for puppet theater;
  • themed toys made of felt, wood, fabric, thread;
  • huge paper flowers on the wall in the hall;
  • details for the concert;
  • garlands of autumn leaves, lanterns or artificial flowers.

Some parents make beautiful pictures from dried flowers, leaves, make applications, make pictures from salt dough, ribbons. If there are dads in the group who know how to work with plaster, wood, you can ask them to decorate panels, frames, cut out a couple of original shelves with a jigsaw. Usually they respond to the requests of educators, many for the sake of the children agree to do some kind of work on arranging the group. In order to interest children and parents, competitions, exhibitions should be held in kindergartens, certificates and thank-you sheets should be issued upon completion.