Autumn themed mobile. Mobile from autumn leaves. Mobile. Suspended mobiles with their own hands - Suspended mobiles in the design of the group

I forgot that the group is closed, I'll have to repeat. wrote in Waldorf pedagogy.

She promised to tell you how to make such a mobile.

So let's get started. You need to go to the park or the yard, well, where there are maples, they are the most profitable, collect as many leaves as you want, I have 17.
Then find a candle at home, preferably wax, but if not, then paraffin will do, better colorless, I have wax, there was a small candle and paraffin from a floating candle, I melted 5 things in an old saucepan. (I'll tell you how to clean the pan later if necessary).
Be careful not to overheat the wax, otherwise the leaves will turn out like chips, they will be very fragile and fried like french fries in oil. You take a leaf, dry and clean, dip it into melted wax and pull it out, so the moni will retain their former appearance for a long time, I had such a leaf all winter, it just got dusty and that's it. And so all 17, or 25, or how many of them you will have there, they dry out almost instantly, I folded them on a newspaper.
We leave the leaves. We are looking for a base for a mobile. I have this old, old wooden hoop. Moreover, such a story happened to them, I don’t even know ... I’ll tell you - before I dealt with the mobile, I redid the spoiled doll, some are aware of what I did. and I have such a huge handmade tin box. She stood on the table, I made a doll and put both the doll and the tin in the closet. And she began to study mobile. I remembered that these hoops were in this tin and Yegor was dragging them, recently, I took him from him, but where are things? I searched everywhere throughout the apartment, got upset, well, I think where did they go ... and I began to think about what to hang the leaves on. Then I remove the leaves from the table, put them in a bowl, put the newspaper away and oops! And how is the hoop here? And why I don’t remember how they got from the tin to the table!

Okay, let's continue. So we find a circle, a hoop or not a circle, I also had a cross, from an old children's turntable above the crib, you can tie 2 sticks with a cross, you can just tie a sprig and string on it, as it turns out, what will be available to you.

So I have a hoop, they are wooden and I will not do anything with them, neither paint nor wrap them with threads. I take a thread from me such a thick cotton thread, I cut it into 17 pieces of the same length, quite long, and knit it to the rim, tie it so that one third of the thread is at the top and two thirds at the bottom, so all 17 threads are in place, we take those that are short , from above we put it together evenly and tie it into a knot - this is the top, then another knot at the end, it turned out such a dumpling as. we would hang for it, and then I laid out the leaves in size, the smallest ones up. Then more and more and tied each leaf by the tail to the rope, but at first I tied it not tightly so that I could fix it, otherwise the very last ones might not be long enough. I tied it in such a way that it turned out to be a spialka. It's beautiful when you circle the mobile.

That's all, perhaps. I wish you beautiful mobiles and creative success.

Threat. Zhanna, I took a picture of the curtains for you.

A bunch of interesting options independent production of original interior decoration - a mobile - are collected for you in the publications of this section. One of the most common themes of these crafts is, of course, seasonal changes in nature. According to the four seasons outside the window, you can change the thematic design of the room. And the hanging mobile is perfect for this. In winter, you can hang snowflakes from it, in spring - birds, in summer - butterflies, and in autumn - colorful leaves. However, these are the most simple options. More interesting ones you can easily find in abundance on these pages.

Change the design of the room, fantasize with MAAM.

Contained in sections:
  • Breathing exercises for children. Recommendations, manuals, games for the development of breathing

Showing publications 1-10 of 83 .
All sections | Mobile. Suspended mobiles do it yourself

Us required: - colored printer paper in yellow, pink and green shades - pink, green and yellow satin ribbons different widths - flower and butterfly templates - double-sided tape - threads "Iris" white color Stages work: 1. Cut out flowers and butterflies according to the template (so ...

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Mobile. Suspended mobiles with their own hands - Suspended mobiles in the design of the group

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MAAM Pictures Library

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Elena Nikanorova
Mobile - autumn.

I present to you MOBILE - AUTUMN. WITH mobile Summer I introduced you. So I continue my idea - I create all the seasons in this form. For the basis took the mobile, circular hanger. She was decorated autumn leaves and flowers. To remember autumn omens, my children and I made them together. We used porous rubber, cut out a cloud, rain, mushrooms, vegetables, berries, autumn leaves, fruits. Down to clothespins "strawberries", attached the strings on which she strengthened the made objects. Placed a bright umbrella on top. What autumn without an umbrella? Very comfortable, does not take up much space, new to children, does not hang high, attracts the attention of the child. Bright hanging figurines are set in motion by a light breeze. The kids enjoy looking at them. Children began to remember signs better autumn(pay attention immediately to the hint - the layout). Such mobiles help to expand the horizons of children, and also contribute to the development of speech. This original decoration for the interior of the group.

Victoria Averyanova

Good evening, dear colleagues, guests of my page! Today I want to bring to your attention master- hanging manufacturing class mobile« Autumn» . With the onset autumn we want to create an autumn mood in the group. Autumn rich in bright colors and impressions, and in order for it to last as long as possible, I decided to make such mobile.

Mobile« Autumn» reveals seasonal changes in nature, enables children to remember the signs autumn. Also it can be used for thematic design group room in the preschool educational institution.

Required for work:

Umbrella mesh to protect products from flies (orange, thread, needle, scissors, beads, shiny cardboard (red, yellow, green, maple leaf template.

ballerina « Autumn» I made in advance from wire and colored corrugated paper three colors (red, orange, yellow).

natural material: dry maple leaves, physalis, acorns.

Felt blanks: leaves, hedgehog, squirrel, fox, mushrooms, apples, pumpkin, bird, cloud with rain, umbrella, acorn.

Stages of work:

1. Sew a thread to the four corners of the mesh umbrella.

2. Then tie these threads onto the ring.

4. When all four threads are ready, we sew the mesh to the top of the four corners.

5. We take a thread, a needle and string acorns, beads on it.

6. In the same order, we string mushrooms and beads on a thread.

7. Sew these two threads in the center.

8. We attach a ballerina to the rope in the center « Autumn»

9. We take a colored shiny cardboard of red, yellow, green color, circle Maple Leaf pattern and cut out.

10. Sew a golden ribbon to the ring.

11. Sew a yellow and red sheet onto a ring with a ribbon (to each other).

12. We sew a green leaf onto a string with a ballerina.

13. We put dry maple leaves and physalis inside the umbrella.

14. Mobile ready.

15. We hang mobile to the ceiling in a group.

Mobile"Autumn"I did in kindergarten The children observed and asked various questions. When mobile was ready I told them that it autumn has come to us. Together with the children, we remembered what was happening autumn in nature(leaf fall, it often rains, harvest, birds fly away, animals prepare supplies, etc.).

Thank you for your attention!

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Children's suspended mobile. MK and ideas...

It's so easy to make a bright colorful hanging mobile together with a child (or for a child), which can be hung on a wall, a chandelier or a window, so that passers-by can admire your creativity. Toddlers will love the idea of ​​making this movable DIY toy.

1. This cute cockchafer is made from an egg carton in just half an hour.

We will need:
1. 2 cells from an egg carton
2. Colored cardboard or a piece of old wallpaper, postcards lying around
3. Gouache: red, orange, brown, green, white and red,
4. Scissors
5. Shank
6. Braid
7. Twigs
8. 1 black pom-pom
9. Eyes
10. Glue
11. Brush
12. Hot glue

1. Need to prepare cardboard box from under the eggs: turn it upside down, take the paint of the desired color and paint the cells. Painting should be paired, that is, we paint 2 cells with one color.

2. After the paint has dried, carefully cut out the cells and remove unnecessary cardboard remnants from the workpiece.

3. Cut out the wings of 2 pieces (2x2 cm in size), and glue them together with a pattern on the outside.

body + wings

4. We fasten the body and wings in such a way that between the 1st and 2nd parts of the body there are wings and a braid that will come out of the middle.
5. Take a pompom, stick eyes on it. Using hot glue, we attach horns to the top of the head, which can be of completely different shapes.
Body + wings + head
6. Use hot glue to connect the head to the body

7. We tie the finished beetle to the prepared base of wooden rods

2. Or try to make such a wonderful butterfly mobile with your kids:

They can decorate a bedroom or a children's room, or give it to someone - everyone will like such mobiles! What’s more, they are so soft and dainty! Well, how about we start the process?
To make a butterfly mobile you will need:
. A small wreath (about 30 cm in diameter) or a hoop from a hoop, or something else rounded (whatever you find);
. Fishing line;
. Pink ribbon transparent or colored - at your discretion;
. Ribbon with polka dots or other ornament, or a strip of tulle;
. Artificial creeper 45 cm long;
. Remains of plain white or pink tulle;
. Double sided tape or glue.

Operating procedure
1. Wrap the wreath with green liana and polka dot ribbon.

2. Cut out 32 large butterflies and 32 smaller ones. You can do it with the following pattern:

3. Cut 4 pieces of fishing line 56 cm long. Using glue or double-sided tape, connect small and large butterflies, leaving 13 cm of fishing line free on top. On each segment of the fishing line, you will get 4 butterflies.

4. From the remains of white or pink tulle, cut 8 strips 13 cm wide and 50 cm long.
Take 4 more pieces of fishing line 56 cm long. Collect pieces of tulle on a thread with a needle, leaving pieces of thread along the edges - you will get 8 lush school bows. Tie these bows to the fishing lines - 2 for each.
From a pink ribbon, make 8 pieces about 50 cm long, burn the edges so that they do not split. Now tie them with bows on fishing lines - 2 for each. In general, you should end up like this:

5. Alternating fishing lines with butterflies and fishing lines with bows, tie them to a wreath. You can vary the height: for example, tie butterflies higher, bows - lower, or just anyhow - everything is up to you. Carefully cut the line at the very top.

3.Here is another amazingly beautiful butterfly mobile:

How to make such a simple but colorful mobile "butterflies" out of felt or paper, which will be great for decorating a child's room? Yes, very easy!
You will need plates of multi-colored felt or felt, white threads, beads, thick cardboard for the base and two white lace paper napkins.
Instead of felt, you can use colored double-sided paper.
First, we cut out a circle from thick cardboard along the diameter of the napkin, which we then paste on it.
Then we cut out 19-20 butterflies according to the template (they do not have to be all the same size).

Then we string the butterflies on a thread, alternating with felt beads or small cardboard circles (radius 1 cm), if you chose the cardboard option. Felt butterflies can be made in two layers and sewn together with large stitches, stepping back from the edge of about 0.5 cm.
We need to make 4 threads with butterflies. Arrange the butterflies by color first on the table and see what combinations they look best in. Each thread starts with a large knot and a bead. Take threads about 1.5 m long and do not cut them off until the last moment.
When all the threads are collected, four holes will need to be made in the cardboard circle with an awl. We will thread the threads in them, adjust them in height, then tie knots and only then cut off the excess.

4. Mobile "Solar system"

5. Hanging mobile "Bright Aquarium", which the kids themselves can make.

Colored cardboard in various colors
colored paper
Pencil, ruler, compasses
Scissors and PVA glue
Needle and thread
Small stick from a tree
Preparation method.
The basis of the fish is cardboard, cut out in the form of a contour of fish with tails and fins.
The body of the fish is made from paper cone, which is glued to the base.

It is desirable that the base of the fish and the voluminous body be of different colors.
We decorate the resulting fish with additional elements: eyes, mouths ...
Draw waves (about 11 cm long) on ​​a sheet of white paper with a pencil. Cut the same waves, but smaller, from blue paper. Glue the waves together, as in the photo.
Put sticks (about 20-30 cm long), fish and waves together in the way you would like them to be on the mobile.
Connect with needles and threads first sticks, then waves, fish, etc. (Do not forget to make knots before and after each figure so that they do not bunch up).
Your colorful mobile "Bright Aquarium" is ready.

In general, for the manufacture of such mobiles you only need colored paper, glue and thread. Everything is very simple!))

6. And of course, no one canceled sewn mobiles)). That's really where the variety of colors, shapes and ideas is really!