Flowers for topiary. DIY spring topiary made from corrugated paper for beginners. Master class with step-by-step photos. Corrugated paper product

Floral topiary from roses is easy to make from floral material corrugated paper. You can take paper in delicate shades (white, pink, purple) and make a beautiful tree of happiness with your own hands. It can be a wonderful decor for any interior. This is a wonderful or different holiday. The next master class will tell you in detail how to make such a topiary yourself.

Basic materials

To make a topiary, as in the photo, you will need approximately 5-6 hours of free time and the following materials.
1. Paper for roses: when choosing corrugated paper, it is important to choose floral paper, since regular paper does not have sufficient rigidity.
2. A tree trunk can be made from a branch, thick wire, a pencil or a piece of a narrow pipe.
3. A ball made of ordinary polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, tennis ball, plastic ball, or any other ball that can be found in the house (I use a regular Christmas tree toy).
4. A flower pot or any other suitable container, from a mug to a disposable cup.
5. Details for decorating the composition: ribbons, rhinestones, beads and the like.
6. Transparent hot melt adhesive for attaching roses to the base
7. A cement-type solution for soil in a pot: you can use tile adhesive, regular cement or gypsum. If you take plaster, then add a few more stones to it.

Stages of work

The master class consists of four main stages:
1. creating a trunk,
2. making flowers from corrugated paper,
3. gluing roses onto a round base,
4. planting a plant in a pot,
5. final decor of the composition.

Preparing a trunk for topiary

I offer several ideas on how to make a trunk for a topiary.
Option 1. Find a suitable stick, remove all excess from it, and then paint it with paint or wrap it with tape or regular thread. It is best to take wax ribbon for flowers, it is sold in flower wholesalers.

Option 2. Take a thick wire or cable that will support the weight and wrap it with tape. A good option- a knitting needle from an old umbrella.
Option 3. Make a chic gypsum trunk of any convenient shape. To do this, you need to take a gypsum solution and stick it on any solid base, from a stick to an ordinary one. a simple pencil. Paint the dried plaster in any suitable color.
The photo shows how a topiary trunk was made for our master class - several thick wires are wrapped with ordinary packing tape not completely. Bottom part straightened in different directions, we will then glue the tree to the pot using it.

Base ball

For our topiary, the base was chosen in the form of a Christmas ball. Besides this, you can take any suitable base. If there is nothing in the house, then it can simply be made according to the papier-mâché principle using a slightly inflated balloon or in this even simpler way.
We crumple several newspapers into a ball and give them a spherical shape. Then we wrap it with threads and apply glue. At the end, we paint with paints to match the main color of the corrugated paper prepared for the flowers.
We stick the trunk into the base and now move on to making roses.

How to make flowers?

Creating roses is the most labor-intensive stage. But the master class on creating paper roses will certainly come in handy in the future in the most different types creativity. For example, to decorate a lid or. The following photos show the entire process in detail.

1. Take 30 cm of corrugated paper and cut it off the roll. Now cut lengthwise into strips 30 cm long and 5 cm wide.
2. Use your fingers to slightly stretch the strip of paper, making the edge uneven. We bend a third of the width inward along the entire length, again slightly stretching the edge. The photo shows how uneven it turns out in the end.

3. Now roll the strip into a flower, holding the bottom with your fingers, forming small folds. You need to twist it loosely and not too tightly (as in the photo). From time to time I fix the layers at the bottom with a drop of hot melt glue so that everything stays in place.
4. Now we need to make many, many paper roses so that there are enough of them for our entire ball.
There are several more ways to create paper roses. For example, original version describes in detail the following video master class.

Flower ball

Let's move on to the pleasant stage - creating with our own hands flower ball. Flowers can be glued using instant glue or a hot-melt gun. Last option, in my opinion, more convenient.

Glue the first rose on top, the next ones next to it. Be sure to place the flowers in neat rows and plant them close to each other so that the base does not show through between them. After the entire ball is filled, all roses must have their petals fluffed up, making them even more voluminous.


Beautiful flower pot You don't have to decorate it with anything. If the pot is simple or not very suitable, then you can simply wrap it in cloth, as in the example in the photo. The fabric is again attached with hot glue.

We lower the trunk to the bottom of the pot and fix it with hot glue. Now it stands on its own and it’s time to mix the solution for the “soil”. Many people ask how to dilute plaster for topiary and even ask to write a separate master class on this topic. But in fact, everything you need to know can be described in one sentence: feel free to make a solution like thick sour cream or even liquid porridge by eye. Pour the porridge into a pot and wait about a day until it dries completely. After this, all that remains is to decorate the composition.


Anything suitable in the house will do for decoration. I had leftover white corrugated paper, which I cut into 1x1 cm squares and glued directly onto the tile adhesive using the trimming technique. White fluffy grass additionally decorated with several transparent beads.

I glue the same beads onto the flowers on the ball. Finally, I tie a bow on the trunk from the same packaging tape.
The master class has come to an end. This is how the delicate purple topiary turned out!
Topiary is a beautiful and harmonious plant, appropriate in any interior.

Today's master class was dedicated to working with floral corrugation. However, you can make topiary with your own hands not only from paper roses, but also from a wide variety of materials. A master class on topiary made from ordinary napkins is described in detail. You can also watch a step-by-step master class using coffee beans or a review article on the most different materials for making a tree of happiness.

What is topiary? Topiary is either a figuratively trimmed hedge (which is also very interesting, but not within the scope of this master class), or an original small tree, made from natural (and not so natural) materials.

Making it is a wonderful opportunity to have fun and useful time with your child. After all, working with corrugated paper develops fine motor skills and instills a sense of beauty. Moreover, if in kindergarten or your child will be faced with a similar task at school, it will no longer cause much stress and will bring much more pleasure.

How to make topiary from roses? You will learn this from the master class, and step-by-step photos and an explanation of each step will help you complete the product at the highest level.

This is what the finished craft looks like:

Materials for corrugated paper topiary

1. Corrugated paper.

2. Transparent glue “Moment”.

3. Stick for the barrel.

4. Rope for wrapping the trunk.

5. Thread for tying roses.

6. Plaster (If there is no plaster, then you can use alabaster or cement).

7. Pot (or any other container in which a tree with roses will grow).

8. Scissors.

9. Newspaper (paper) for the ball.


1. Cut out strips of corrugated paper 3 cm wide, bend the end twice and twist it like a candy wrapper, repeat until the end of the strip.

2. We twist the strip loosely and fasten it with thread. You will need about 20-30 of these roses.

3. Let's make a trunk. In our master class we will use 4 sushi chopsticks. Wrap them with thread and glue them with PVA glue, as in photo.

4. Let's make a crown. You can use newspaper, paper or plastic balls. Shape the paper into a ball and wrap it with string for strength. Make a hole in the center, fill it with glue and insert the barrel.

5. Let's create the foundation of the future product - take alabaster or plaster, dilute it until it becomes sour cream, and then fill the pot with it and insert the barrel into the middle.

6. Now let’s glue the roses to the ball.

7. Beautiful, but something is missing. Perhaps leaves? Let's make them from green paper and glue them between the roses.

The lovely tree is ready. It can serve as original and an unusual gift, which will please both representatives of the weaker sex and representatives of the stronger sex who are not prone to sentimentality. As an interior detail, topiary will fit perfectly into any style - from Provence to Art Nouveau; it has a place in the bedroom, in the study, in the living room or hallway. At the same time, your child will have great pleasure working with corrugated paper, and you will be able to spend time together not in front of the TV, but as if in a real art workshop.

Video selection on this topic

They will help you cope with the heaviest part of topiary - the flowers - and help you master the technique of working with corrugated paper. step by step videos master classes covering in detail aspects of working with the material.

Corrugated paper has almost become the subject of a massive craft craze. This is, of course, a joke, but the popularity of crepe paper cannot be ignored. More than one photo and video master class is devoted to crafts made from corrugated paper: flowers, berries, leaves, stylish packaging and, of course, topiary. With your own hands, from this textured paper you can make a tree of happiness with flowers, or a tree-heart as a gift to your loved one.

Any topiary starts with the fact that you need to make a sphere or ball. The ball is the basis of the crown of the future tree. Of course, you can just buy a foam blank and not worry. But if you are interested in the purity of the experiment, you can do almost all the stages that make up the master class yourself.

How to make a ball - step by step instructions:

  • To make the base ball you will need balloon and polyurethane foam.
  • The balloon needs to be slightly inflated and placed on the tube of the foam balloon.
  • You fill the ball, monitoring its size, and then wait for the foam to harden. After five to seven hours you can see the result.
  • If you try to moisten the inside of the ball with water, the process of foam hardening will speed up.
  • When the foam has dried, you need to remove the top layer from the ball. In every MK, this work is compared to peeling an orange - you really have to cut off the top layer, as if you were peeling a fruit.

Removing the top layer of the ball is necessary in order to give it more correct form and remove all irregularities on the surface of the sphere.

Master class: corrugated paper asters (video)

Topiary heart made of corrugated paper: step by step

Since the master class will further develop in almost the same direction, it’s worth immediately talking about how to make a heart base. If your crown is held not by a ball, but by a heart, you must create this shape with your own hands.

Instructions: how to make a heart base:

  • This MK suggests following the good old papier-mâché technique. Tear paper into pieces different sizes, after which you soak it in a mixture of water and PVA glue.
  • Wrap the film around a heart-shaped shape - a soap dish, powder compact, children's toy, etc.
  • And you work according to the rules of technology - you paste the paper layer by layer, covering the joints of one layer with the paper of a new one.
  • How more quantity layers, the better, although, of course, the instructions do not require fanaticism.
  • Next, the structure must be allowed to dry thoroughly. If you have already seen a similar photo or video master class, then you probably noticed how the masters are in no hurry to proceed to the next stage.
  • Using a stationery knife, very carefully cut the structure in the middle, take out the object used for the base, and see the two halves of the heart that you made with your own hands.

Roses made of corrugated paper (video master class)

Crepe paper topiaries: delicate decor

Most often, flowers are made from corrugated paper. Roses and peonies are the favorite choice of craftsmen. Of course, making flower arrangements– a separate topic. If you want to do beautiful roses, watch more than one video, or let the photo instructions guide you in the technique.

So, let’s say you watched a video or photo master class and learned how to make roses. With your own hands you need to make at least a dozen flowers that will decorate the crown of the topiary.

As for color, such paper topiaries can be either cheerfully variegated or delicate. For example, cream or greenish-white topiary will be relevant in a light, soft interior. In the girl's room pink shades will certainly be appropriate, and if you want freshness, the deep cornflower blue color will bring it.

MK: corrugated paper topiary: forming a tree

For this:

  • Prepared roses one by one, very carefully, row by row, glue them onto the ball base with hot glue.
  • Leave a hole for the barrel in advance. This is a durable tube that can also be wrapped in corrugated paper. And not necessarily green. For delicate topiary it can be White color or pale pink. The barrel is inserted into the hole in the ball and fixed with glue.
  • The tree is ready, all that remains is to make the same beautiful flowerpot for him. You can, of course, buy a ready-made one - with exquisite decor, stucco molding, etc. You can go further, today even on a flower pot you can print a photo, for example, of you and your significant other. Why not an option? Well, you need to fill the pot with plaster, into which the tree is planted.

Such paper topiaries can also be decorated with small candies wrapped in the same paper and scattered over the top layer of plaster in a pot.

You can also create an entire composition from crepe paper. For example, hang a beautiful ballerina next to the topiary. It is done simply: the silhouette of a ballerina is twisted from wire, and it is carefully covered with a mixture of thin toilet paper and glue. And then the ballerina needs to be dressed in fluffy dress from corrugated paper.

She can stand by a tree, sit down next to her, in a word, the situation can be played out. If you decide to create such a composition, film the process and don’t hide your master class - it can inspire others!

Corrugated paper topiary: video master class

This master class will show in detail how you can make a topiary from corrugated paper with your own hands.

Part 1: crown decor (video)

Part 2: supporting structure of the topiary (video)

Part 3: Final design (video)

Promotional videos or videos dedicated to creating topiary motivate beginners in this business to try themselves in this technique. And if you doubt whether you can create such a topiary yourself, rest assured that the process is fascinating, the interest only increases, and the result will delight you for a long time.

Corrugated paper topiary (photo)

Topiary can become a highlight in any home, and most importantly, it is believed that it drives away negative energy and brings happiness to the house. Is a symbol vital energy and prosperity.

The word “topiary” came from Ancient Rome, which was the name given to the art of caring for trees. Nowadays, topiary can be easily made with your own hands from scrap materials: cotton pads, napkins, corrugated paper and crepe paper are often used.

It’s quite easy to make a topiary from corrugated paper with your own hands. The following is a simple master class on making original crafts from paper.

Craft using paper napkins

This option is a little different from corrugated paper topiary. It is one of the cheapest, but is certainly suitable for beginners: if you don’t succeed in making a masterpiece the first time, you can safely try again. In addition, napkins are a handy material; everyone has it in abundance.

To make such a topiary you will need:

  • pot;
  • stick for the trunk;
  • stapler;
  • wire;
  • gypsum;
  • foam ball;
  • ribbons;
  • beads;
  • threads

Fold the napkin in the middle to form a rectangle. Next we fold it to form a square.

Use a stapler to secure the middle, trim the edges to make a circle.

Then we lift each layer of the napkin and get a flower. Make enough of them to cover the entire ball.

And now the topiary is ready, it will serve as an excellent decoration or gift.

Corrugated paper option

Corrugated paper topiary is one of the most popular due to its fairly simple technique and availability various types colored paper.

A tree made of crepe (corrugated) paper is made similarly to the previous method, but with minor changes.

List of required items:

  • glue or pins;
  • wire;
  • stick;
  • corrugated paper;
  • pot;
  • ribbons;
  • moss (for decoration).

There is another instruction on how to make a topiary base ball with your own hands. If there is polyurethane foam in the house, the base can be made from it. Let's take it balloon Having first moistened it a little with water, slightly inflate it, put it on a balloon with foam, and release the required amount of foam into the ball. Let it dry for 12 hours, after which we remove the ball. The base is ready.

Next we make flowers from corrugated paper. Cut a strip of corrugated paper 5 cm wide. Fold the paper 2/3 over on top. Carefully twist the tape. Using glue and pins we secure the flowers to the crown. We connect it to the tree trunk and to the pot. The product is ready.

Corrugated paper topiary (video)

Topiary made from cotton pads

This option is performed a little differently than a paper model, but this method can be noted for one simple reason: this way you can perfectly practice how to make topiary with your own hands before creating something more serious.

The main difference between this method is the use of cotton pads to create flowers.

We take a cotton pad and first bend one of its edges, and then the second, which should be above the first. We tie the workpiece with a thread just above the middle. Turn the bottom edge inside out and the flower is ready. Further actions are similar to the previous methods.

Corrugated paper roses (video)

Topiary heart

An unusual way of execution is topiary heart made of paper or other materials. The peculiarity of this method lies in the complexity of the crown shape itself.
To make the base you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • cotton pads;
  • glue;
  • threads

Cut out the desired heart shape from cardboard. We take cotton pads and, moistening them in glue, glue them onto a cardboard base to give it the desired volume. Then you need to tie it all up with thread and leave it to dry. The base is ready.

There may be different methods for gluing the finished base.

You can decorate the crown with coffee beans. Using glue, fix the coffee beans to the base.

Since the base is already ready, you can proceed directly to the design. Cut the organza into 5 cm squares. Then fold it 2 times diagonally. We bend the corners on one side and the other. Lubricate the base with glue and apply a square to it, hold it until the glue hardens.

Thus, we first paste over the outline of the heart, and then fill the rest of the space. It is more convenient to do this by moving from the edges to the middle. Next, we attach the trunk to the crown and insert the structure into the pot. The junction of the trunk and the pot can also be decorated with organza.

Topiary care

It will not grow, it will not need to be watered or fertilized. The most important thing is to ensure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight, as this will cause the fabric to fade. Occasionally you will have to shake off the dust.

And then this unpretentious interior decoration will please the eye for quite a long time.

How to make a topiary with flowers from corrugated paper step by step with photos

DIY spring topiary made of corrugated paper for students in grades 1 - 4. Master class with step by step photos.

Lapatina Svetlana Vasilievna, teacher of the GPA MOU Tumskaya secondary school No. 46 Branch "Oskinskaya secondary school", Klepikovsky district, Oskino village.
Purpose: This spring topiary can be made as a gift to your loved ones, friends or for interior decoration. The master class will be of interest to primary school students, GPA teachers, and teachers primary classes and to all those who love to do handicrafts.
Target– Making spring topiary from corrugated paper.
1. To develop students’ interest in creativity.
2. Learn to make roses from corrugated paper.
3.Develop imagination, aesthetic taste, compositional skills.
3. Cultivate accuracy in work, the ability to finish what you start.
Materials and tools:
1. Corrugated paper.
2.Ribbon Green colour.
3.Lace, a ball of strong thread.
4. Scissors.

1. Thermal gun.
2.Flower pot.
3.Paper, newspaper.
4. Stick for the trunk.
5.Alabaster, water, jar, spoon.

The course of the master class.

Guys, spring has come! It's a wonderful time of year! And I invite you to listen to this wonderful poem about spring.

“The days are fine”

The days are fine
Similar to holidays
And in the sky there is a warm sun,
Cheerful and kind.

All the rivers overflow
All the buds are opening,
Winter has gone with the cold,
The snowdrifts became puddles.

Having left the southern countries,
The friendly birds have returned.
On every branch there are squirrels
They sit and clean their feathers.

The time of spring has come,
It's time to bloom.

And that means the mood
It's spring for everyone!
M. Plyatskovsky.

In the spring, the sun began to warm up, birds began to fly in from the south, humming funny songs, but there were still no flowers to be seen. And so I invite you today to make a bright flower tree with me - a topiary. So let's get to work.

1. Making roses from corrugated paper.
Take corrugated paper different colors and cut into strips 7 centimeters wide and 50 centimeters long.

With our left hand we hold the strip, right hand bend the upper right corner of the strip.

Next, we bend it a second time, then we take it in the middle with our fingers and with our right hand we lift the lower bend, as if we were twisting a candy wrapper on a piece of candy.

And we hold the top of what we have folded with the finger of our left hand. Moving thumb with your left hand in the middle and hold it so that the strip does not move, bend it again with your right hand.

And we do this until the end of the strip, these are the strips we got.

We form a rose – we begin to gradually twist the strip.

We wrap the roses with thick threads, tie them and carefully straighten the edges of the rose.

We need to make 45 of these beautiful roses.

2.Preparing the crown.
We form a ball of the required size from paper and newspaper. We wrap the ball with thread to secure the shape.

Make a hole in the ball, add glue and insert the barrel. Now the ball is held firmly.

3. Installation of the tree.
We dilute the alabaster in a bucket until it becomes thick sour cream and pour everything into the pot.

We put the stick in the pot, hold it and wait for it to harden completely.

4.Decorating the crown with flowers.

Now the fun begins creative work– we begin to decorate our ball with beautiful roses. Glue the roses, alternating them in color using a heat gun.

Let's admire the ball, completely decorated with roses.

We fill the empty spaces between the roses with green triangles.

We wrap the barrel with green ribbon.

Let's decorate the surface of the pot - cut green corrugated paper into squares, it will be grass, tie a bow, and glue ladybugs.

This is what a beautiful tree we got.

We admire our spring topiary and sing a song.

"If Freckles Smile"

Words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by E. Ptichkin.

If on a snowy edge
Snowdrops are making their way through the forest,
If freckles smile
On the noses of girls and boys.

That there is novelty in nature.
This means, this means, this means
That spring has come again.

If on country roads
Happy streams run away,
If in the trees with a stern look
Busy rooks are building nests.

If the sky turns bluer
And there were more radiant, ringing days,
If boys visit classmates
They began to treat us a little more tenderly.

This means, this means, this means
That there is novelty in nature.
This means, this means, this means
That spring has come again.

Thank you for your attention, I wish you all spring creative inspiration!