Ribbon weaving: chokers, bracelets, flowers. Braiding braids from ribbons on a green dragon necklace Braiding from satin ribbons Japanese braiding

How to make a hair tie with your own hands

Usually, the idea of ​​making a hair tie with your own hands comes to the minds of those who have too thick and/or heavy hair, and commercially available examples hold their hairstyle for literally 20 minutes, no more. For myself, I solved this problem back in school, when from an ordinary elastic band, using my knowledge of macrame, I began to make elastic bands that did not let me down and reliably held my braid or ponytail in its proper place.

I will teach you how to make a hair tie with your own hands, even if macrame is an empty phrase for you. Anyone can weave such a rubber band. Teach your daughter to weave such elastic bands, and she will happily begin to weave beautiful decorations for hair and be proud of this skill in front of your friends. By the way, this kind of work is great for developing fine motor skills, which may not be necessary, but is nice. In the first photo you saw that you can weave such rubber bands from colored elastic - they are beautiful in themselves.

You can weave an elastic band from a simple, black or white one, and then tie it or trim it (I’ll tell you how to do this in another material). And another option is to add a ribbon bow to the elastic band. But that’s all later, and now we’ll weave the elastic band itself.

So, we need:

2.5 m of regular elastic (I buy skeins of 10 m and braid 4 elastic bands at once);

needle and thread suitable color;

eye pins;

a pillow or something to which you can pin an elastic band while working (for me this is the soft back of a chair).

Step 1. Fold the elastic band in half and cut it. We will get 2 elastic bands of 1.25 m each.

Step 2. We fold each elastic band in half, place them one on top of the other and pierce them in the center with a pin, pinning the elastic bands to the pillow for work (previously I used ordinary sofa cushions). What you should end up with is shown in the photo below.

Step 3. Mentally number the elastic bands: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th (clockwise). Now we work like this: we put the first elastic band on the second, the second on the third, the third on the fourth. We thread the tip of the fourth elastic band into the loop formed by the first elastic band. Then we tighten all the elastic bands (see 2 photos below).

Please note: the elastic band should not wrinkle! Those. it should be tightened tightly and neatly, but should not wrinkle or change its ribbon shape.

Step 4. We continue to weave: the first to the second, the second to the third, the third to the fourth, the fourth to the first loop, everything as in the previous step. And then - again and again. You will notice that your hair tie seems to curl to one side. That's how it should be.

When the rubber band runs out, this is what you get:

A caveat: if you plan to sew an elastic band on top, it’s better to do it right now - sew a “pipe” from a strip of fabric and thread our self-woven hair elastic column through it. If you don’t want to sheathe, then proceed to the next step.

Step 5. We take a needle and thread in our hands and sew on our protruding tails so that the elastic does not unravel. When the “tails” are well secured, we take the wicker column by the ends and, pressing them together, sew them along the perimeter. This is what you get as an output:

The DIY hair elastic is ready and you can try it on.

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SOURCE http://www.moyazaya.ru/

Are you interested in ribbon weaving or weaving patterns? Then the article will help in learning about this type of needlework. Creating an accessory from such material is easy and simple. It is enough to have knowledge and use it. What will you need? Certainly, good mood and a positive attitude. Bring your muse with you to help you through the whole process. Weaving is so easy that even children can learn the basics. This is truly “family” therapy, where everyone will find something to do and will be able to turn the idea of ​​a product into reality.

From the Indians

There are a huge number of materials for needlework. But for sophisticated works and household items, only a few are used. For example, you can weave beautiful baubles from ribbons. This is an interesting accessory, known since ancient times. It is interesting because it was invented by Indian tribes. They considered it a "sacred" creation tradition. They were made for each tribe separately. Such products became more famous during the hippie subculture.

Thanks to the tribes and flower children, the works became very popular. Giving a bauble meant giving a piece of your soul, expressing your emotional emotions.

From packing tape convenient to weave products for the home. For example, baskets and boxes that will easily fit into any home interior. This material is durable and strong, so the craft will last a very long time. In ancient times, ancestors wove baskets and bast shoes from tree bark and pre-cooked it. But now it’s much simpler, so the tape can easily replace the “gifts of nature.”

Ideas for creativity

Let's study step by step options for creating products. Let's try to weave a decoration in a youth style.

To work you will need:

  • 2 skeins of satin ribbon. It is advisable to use several colors to make the product brighter and more beautiful;
  • scissors.

For easy lesson no need for special tables full description actions.

  1. Fold the edge of one strip. Wrap it with another ribbon, tying a knot. We will have a living loop that can be used to tighten the end.

  1. We fold the loose ribbon into a loop, threading it through the finished loop. This loop is made from a different tape.

  1. In the picture the orange loop is large. We put the green one into it, threading it through. The orange one was tightened. These steps must be repeated until the desired size of the product.

  1. To finish the job, you need to tighten the edges of the tapes.

This simple example of a project is suitable for beginners because it uses all two ribbons and a simple weave.

A little practice

Craftsmen advise using high-quality tapes for products. Typically, one accessory requires 2 m of each color. It all depends on the chosen product. To work the weaving pattern. For example, the following:

And although many schemes on foreign language they are easy to understand. There are in the pictures detailed description, which will help cope with weaving.

Beautiful bracelets can be created with more complex weaving. For example, this one. This product is woven with ribbons and is called “round” or “lotus”. It will last a long time due to its rigidity.

Let's take two 2 m ribbons and a pin as auxiliary material. This master class is a continuous diagram, so study the pictures carefully as you work.

  1. Fold with a cross, as in the photo.

  1. We perform the steps one by one, as in the illustrations.

  1. To complete the first stitch, you need to pull all the ribbons tightly together.

  1. The previous steps must be completed to the desired size. This is how you will get a bracelet.

Simple difficulties

Ribbons make beautiful and naturalistic flowers. They are easy to make, but you need more materials. The plant, the stages of its appearance will be shown, is made using the kanzashi technique. It's interesting and fast. Most often they are worn in hair or decorated with dresses, skirts, etc.


  • use petals;
  • glue;
  • stamens (sold in specialized handicraft stores);
  • pliers.
  1. We make 5 or 6 petals using the kanzashi technique. We put the petals on the needle, pulling the thread through them.
  2. Do not tighten the knot to insert the stamens!
  3. Lubricate the stamens with glue and insert them into the flower.

  1. Don't forget to tighten the thread from the petals, tying them into a knot. This flower is ready. You can collect a whole bouquet!

Some tips. In order for the product to turn out the way the needlewoman sees it, you need to remember a few rules. They will make the work easier. These are the achievements of professionals who have been working with ribbons for many years, weaving various accessories.

  1. Choose the color for the product very carefully. It all comes from history, when each color had a specific meaning.
  2. Do not pull the loops too tightly, because it will be difficult to undo it and appearance will become sloppy and less pronounced.
  3. The pin is needed as a help. It holds the tapes while working.

Video on the topic of the article

Help for all craftswomen - video. They will help you learn the basics of work and show you how to work. Feel free to ask questions on the forums. There will always be friendly people ready to help. Video inspiration:

Are you interested in ribbon weaving or weaving patterns? Then the article will help in learning about this type of needlework. Creating an accessory from such material is easy and simple. It is enough to have knowledge and use it. What will you need? Of course, a good mood and a positive attitude. Bring your muse with you to help you through the whole process. Weaving is so easy that even children can learn the basics. This is truly “family” therapy, where everyone will find something to do and will be able to turn the idea of ​​a product into reality.

From the Indians

There are a huge number of materials for needlework. But for sophisticated works and household items, only a few are used. For example, you can weave beautiful baubles from ribbons. This is an interesting accessory, known since ancient times. It is interesting because it was invented by Indian tribes. They considered it a "sacred" creation tradition. They were made for each tribe separately. Such products became more famous during the hippie subculture.

Thanks to the tribes and flower children, the works became very popular. Giving a bauble meant giving a piece of your soul, expressing your emotional emotions.

It is convenient to weave products for the home from packaging tape. For example, baskets and boxes that will easily fit into any home interior. This material is durable and strong, so the craft will last a very long time. In ancient times, ancestors wove baskets and bast shoes from tree bark and pre-cooked it. But now it’s much simpler, so the tape can easily replace the “gifts of nature.”

Ideas for creativity

Let's study step by step options for creating products. Let's try to weave a decoration in a youth style.

To work you will need:

  • 2 skeins of satin ribbon. It is advisable to use several colors to make the product brighter and more beautiful;
  • scissors.

For an easy lesson, you don’t need special tables with a full description of the actions.

  1. Fold the edge of one strip. Wrap it with another ribbon, tying a knot. We will have a living loop that can be used to tighten the end.

Related article: Clock from an old record - master class

  1. We fold the loose ribbon into a loop, threading it through the finished loop. This loop is made from a different tape.

  1. In the picture the orange loop is large. We put the green one into it, threading it through. The orange one was tightened. These steps must be repeated until the desired size of the product.

  1. To finish the job, you need to tighten the edges of the tapes.

This simple example of a project is suitable for beginners because it uses all two ribbons and a simple weave.

A little practice

Craftsmen advise using high-quality tapes for products. Typically, one accessory requires 2 m of each color. It all depends on the chosen product. To work the weaving pattern. For example, the following:

And although many diagrams are in a foreign language, they are easy to understand. The pictures contain a detailed description that will help you cope with weaving.

Beautiful bracelets can be created with more complex weaving. For example, this one. This product is woven with ribbons and is called “round” or “lotus”. It will last a long time due to its rigidity.

Let's take two 2 m ribbons and a pin as auxiliary material. This master class is a continuous diagram, so study the pictures carefully as you work.

  1. Fold with a cross, as in the photo.

  1. We perform the steps one by one, as in the illustrations.



A very original button, easy to make and does not require special materials.
To make each button we will need the following materials:

A small ball or bead. The bead in the center of the knot determines the size of the button. You may need to experiment with different beads until you find the right match between it, the size of the future button and the number of turns needed for the braid.

Threads and instant glue to secure the cord.

Required tools:

Scissors, sewing needle.

Manufacturing process:

You need to determine how many turns you will make, and then do this number at each step. I did four turns.

Weaving a knot should begin on the fingers. Wrap the cord four times through your index and middle fingers, then once around your middle finger.

Holding the cord horizontally behind the turns, pull it between your fingers at the base of the turns, encircling all the turns.

Moving from bottom to top, wrap the cord four times around all the turns in the center. Insert a bead (ball) into the formed “well”, placing it on the middle finger.

Moving from the back to the front, pull the cord through the bottom turns four times, then through the top ones, over the first four already made.

Carefully remove the fingers, observing the order of weaving all the turns. The bead will remain in place.

Tighten the cord around the bead, pulling the rings of turns in the order in which they were made. The bead should “sit” securely inside.

There are two options here:

1. We make a loop from the “tails”: leaving a small end of each “tail”, carefully sew them together. The resulting loop is sewn to the product. This option makes sense to use if the fabric of your product is thick (for example, coat fabric).
2. Sew on a button without a loop: Cut the end of the cord very short and secure it with instant glue, then hide it under the turns.

The button is ready!

Both adults and children will not find it difficult to weave baubles from ribbons. Materials for creating bracelets can be beads and beads, threads and leather, as well as satin ribbons. And if it is more difficult to work with beads or floss threads (this is quite painstaking work), then weaving baubles from satin ribbons will not cause any difficulties in the work.

Experienced needlewomen can handle one bauble in just a few minutes! Fast, high-quality and very beautiful - these are the main advantages of weaving baubles from ribbons.

Those who are just trying their hand at weaving should start making baubles from ribbons. A little patience and perseverance, and the result will not take long to arrive.

If we talk about the ancestors of the art of weaving baubles, it would be fair to remember the American Indians. Centuries later, hippies introduced this decorative item into their subculture. Today the fashion for such things is returning. Such cute things, given to a dear person, are very much appreciated. Previously, a bauble was considered an attribute of a certain culture, today it is just a friendly gift that can show off on everyone’s hand. In some cases, girlfriends deliberately wear identical baubles on their wrists, thereby indicating that they are best friends.

Young fashionistas hang baubles on their bags and use them as keychains.

So, how to make baubles from ribbons? There are at least two simple ways.

Baubles made of two ribbons

To work on the future bracelet, you need satin ribbons of two colors. Remember the principles of color combinations. Today on the Internet you can easily find special tables that help you learn how to combine colors harmoniously. But for the first time you can take two colors, one of which is yellow. Colors such as red, blue and green go well with it.

Using an example, let's see how to weave a bauble from green and orange ribbons. Approximately each tape should be a meter long.

First we bend the edge of one ribbon (green). We wrap it with another ribbon (orange), and then tie a knot. Thus, from the green ribbon we will get a living loop - if we pull on it long end, then the loop can be tightened.

Now the loose ribbon (orange) needs to be folded into a loop, and then threaded into the finished loop made earlier from the green ribbon.

After this, the green loop needs to be tightened a little.

We will see that the orange loop has already become large. Next, we fold the green ribbon into the loop and thread it through the orange one. Tighten the orange loop. The process is repeated, we perform these actions in turn.

As soon as we reach the desired length of the bracelet, we tie the ribbons together in a knot.

Fenechka is ready! It can be worn on your hand or attached to your backpack.

Square bauble made of four ribbons

In this version of weaving baubles from ribbons, the consumption of ribbons is already greater.

We will need 4 tapes (their width is 5-7 mm). Length - 2 meters or more. You can take 2 long ribbons and start weaving from the middle with four ends.

Let's start weaving a square bauble. Leave 15 cm of each ribbon for ties and tie the ribbons into one knot.

Don’t think about where the front side of the ribbon is and where the back side is: in this bauble they will be visible equally.

We straighten the ribbons up, down, left and right. And then we weave in the following sequence:

  1. Bend one ribbon (pink) from top to bottom, leaving a loop.
  2. Now we cover it with a second tape, bending it from right to left (brown tape).
  3. Overlapping the brown ribbon, bend the beige ribbon from bottom to top.
  4. Next, bend the orange ribbon from left to right and insert it into the pink ribbon loop.
  5. We carefully pull together all the ribbons and form an even square. We straighten all the ribbons.

There is no need to tighten the ribbons too much, otherwise the bauble will be uneven.

Repeat all five steps until the ribbon reaches the desired length. You will see that the bauble is quite voluminous.

Many people like this bauble because it can be worn not only in its original form, i.e. square, but also as a twisted spiral. To do this, just twist the finished bauble slightly, but very carefully to prevent deformation of the product.

You need to handle such a square bauble with care. If stretched too much, the ribbons may twist, in which case the bauble will no longer return to its original form, but will look like this:

Many craftsmen insert a strong thread into the bauble at the beginning of their work - this way the bracelet does not stretch and remains in good condition for a long time.

The keychain is woven in the same way, watch the video master class:

Round bauble made of ribbons

You can also weave round baubles from ribbons. This round bracelet is woven from Chinese lotus knots. The work will take about an hour. Tighten the knots very tightly, then the cord (the bauble itself) will be rigid and will not lose its shape for a long time.

So, we need two ribbons 2 or 2.5 m long or 4 ribbons 1.5 m long. In the first case, satin ribbons are placed crosswise and secured with a pin.

In the case of weaving a bauble from four ribbons, they need to be folded together, tied with a knot, having previously retreated 10 cm for the ties. The knot is also secured with a pin.

After this, we pull the ribbons into a knot and straighten them.

Then you need to tighten the knot tighter:

  1. One ribbon (light) lies straight, the second (dark) lies on top of the light ribbon in the shape of an arch.
  2. Now we turn the light ribbon to the right so that it lies on top of the dark ribbon, also forming an arch. In this case, the two arches are perpendicular to each other.
  3. Next, the dark ribbon should be lifted up so that it lies on top of the light ribbon, forming an inverted arch.
  4. The light ribbon, in turn, bends to the left and passes not only over the brown ribbon, but also under it (look carefully at the photo!)

We repeat the above sequence of actions until the cord reaches the desired length.

That is, the basis for weaving a round bauble is a four-stage intersection of arches made of ribbons. They are then converted into one square, which is then pulled together tightly. It turns out to be a beautiful elegant cord.

It can be used not only as a bracelet, but also as another decorative element. Can decorate children's things, be a key ring, or be made into beautiful headband on the head or handles for a child’s handbag - why not? If you weave a round bauble tightly enough, there will be no doubt about the strength of such a product.

Now you know how to make baubles from ribbons. But these are not all weaving options. Experiment!
