How to make a romantic dinner for your boyfriend at home. A romantic evening for a man. Themed evening for two

Romance for a loved one: ways and methods. Romance ideas for your loved one: dates, communication and confessions. Romance for your loved one at home: for the morning, for the whole day and for the night. Do-it-yourself romance for your loved one: using technology, photographs and a couple of lines. How to arrange a romantic evening for a guy?

From the moment the word “love” was born in our mouths, we strive to find our soulmate. And when we find it, we can’t get enough of our happiness. But then a couple of months pass, maybe six months or a year, and all the charm of the relationship fades. It would seem that you already know everything about your loved one, you have already been to all the restaurants, you have already seen the sunrise a thousand times and walked by the seashore. But somehow you have to maintain the sparkle in a relationship! I'm sure you have a lot of ideas in your head. In addition, romance for the guy you love requires individual approach. This is your advantage. But let me help and inspire you a little.

Romance ideas

Once again, I will emphasize that it is a mistake to believe that romance needs to be maintained only during the holidays. Of course, on such special days you can make rich gifts in accordance with the wishes of the chosen one and his requests. But our task is to create romance for your loved one every day. Therefore, I want to draw your attention to those methods that you can implement at least a couple of times a week. At your disposal:

  • Time. Arrange for him romantic dinner or go for a walk along the evening streets. Learn to set aside at least an hour of your free time for the two of you. If you stay alone more often, you will have more chances to leave pleasant memories of each other and your feelings.
  • General plans and dreams. When you first met him, remember what attracted you? You should remind him more often of what unites you. Communicate, share your experiences and hopes. Plan together. You can even gossip (believe me, the guy has someone to talk about too).
  • Feelings. What you feel for him is the most important thing. Don't forget to show him as often as possible what he means to you. Give compliments. Confess your love. Leave sweet messages on the refrigerator, in his bag, via text message.

Romance at home

Well, you've found the right time for romance. I remembered how magical everything was when you first met. I have a picture in my head of you hanging wallpaper together in a new apartment and discussing the release of a new album by your favorite band. Everything seems great. How can you organize everything without leaving home? Don't worry, I'll tell you.

Romance for your loved one is, first of all, your feelings for him.

You can show them in several ways:

  • Pleasant awakening: from breakfast in bed to kissing with lipstick on the mirror, from heart-shaped pancakes to the words “I love you” with ketchup on scrambled eggs. His mood is in your hands - remember this.
  • Smile throughout the day. Keep warm memories of you alive in him. Include a few notes with short love messages. One for his wallet - he will see it first when he pays for travel or coffee. Put the second one in your notepad. When he needs it for recording, he will see another note from you. And make the third message universal and put it in your pocket or bag.
  • Bedtime story. Guys mature, but the boy at heart remains. He doesn't disappear anywhere. Guys, like girls, are drawn to the land of wonders and fairy tales - Neverland. To charming mermaids and charming princesses, to daring Indian girls and modest stepdaughters. Only you can give him a fairy tale for adults. Dress up, get into character, prepare a delicious dish and go! You will surprise him even more if you learn some moves from belly dancing or pole dancing. Oh, and don't forget about the forfeits. You can independently come up with wishes for your lover that you could fulfill. He will like this game.

How to create romance with your own hands

But our romance is not limited to breakfast in bed and hidden notes. I suggest you increase the amount of pleasant emotions in your relationship. There are many more options on how to arrange a surprise with your own hands at minimal cost.

Whatever you say, but modern technology today is our indispensable assistant:

  1. Surely your boyfriend has a notepad on his phone or tablet for notes. When he's distracted, write a note with sweet wishes. When she comes in to look at your reminders for the day, she will be pleasantly surprised by your addition.
  2. Whatever stereotypes exist about girls and technology, I’m sure you can handle it. You just need to create a clip from photos with captions or a video. Pick yours the best photos or those with only him. Remember the funniest, most original and pleasant “your” phrases. Complement all this with his favorite songs. And send him by mail, Skype, mms or social network: VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki.
  3. A surprise for him will be massive romantic “spam”. Ask all your friends at a specific time to send him a message that resembles a virus or spam, but with the content of a love message. For example, as if your phone was hacked and you selected it from the phone book best guy in the world to send him this confession. The main thing is that this message comes to him from at least 15 numbers at the same time. It will be both funny and romantic, don’t you agree?
  4. If you have a knack for needlework, put your hand to his cold technique. For example, sew him a cover. There are many options and patterns for tablets and smartphones on the Internet. And felt or faux leather They are quite inexpensive. A couple of evenings - and the surprise is ready.

Even the most stingy of emotions are sentimental at heart. There are several options to reveal the feelings of your loved one:

  • Photos of romance, for example, from last Valentine's Day, you can print out and make a puzzle out of them. This is done quite simply. Find diagrams on the Internet on how to make a cube out of cardboard. Surely you still have cardboard boxes from perfumes or some parcels. When the cubes are ready, cut the photographs you selected to their size. For example, one photo may take one side of four cubes.
  • The tree of your love will be a pleasant surprise for him. You can do it two ways. First - artificial tree. To do this, fill the pot with expanded clay and sand. Install beautiful branches in it. Remove the leaves from them. And cut out the selected photographs according to the shape of the leaf you like. It could be a wedge leaf or an oak leaf. Or you can make leaves in the shape of a heart. This will give them romance. Don't forget to decorate the bottom of the pot with colored pebbles or bright confetti. The second option is also good. It is suitable if you have Chinese roses growing at home - hibiscus or ficus. You can tie photographs on their branches. You can tie it with beautiful red or pink ribbons. And you can decorate the photos themselves with bright frames. For example, crumbly glitter.
  • If your boyfriend likes games of wit, I’ll make him a crossword puzzle from photographs. Just choose the most memorable photos. So that he can easily answer the question. This crossword puzzle should bring back pleasant memories for him. Questions can be like “What? Where? When?". For example, a photo from your first New Year and the question: “What did I give you on this day?”, or a photo of your first trip to a city and the question “Where was it?” I'm sure you have a lot of such photos.
  • Do you know what might really surprise you? A piñata of compliments. Step by step instructions You can find the manufacture on the Internet. And I'll tell you briefly. You make a cardboard frame or buy a shaped ball. For example, in the shape of a heart. And you put stickers on it. If you want, you can make the piñata multi-colored, or you can make it gradient (from light to dark shade or vice versa), you can make it plain. And on stickers you write all the most touching, romantic and exciting epithets: beloved, handsome, talented, strong, stylish, courageous, etc. And put gifts in the piñata itself. After all, the point is for him to break it.
  • What could be more romantic than a candlelit bath? It's just not original. But this problem is easy to solve. When your bubble bath is ready, place a bottle with a love message in the bottom. Maybe you still have a bottle of soy sauce, or maybe even wine? You can add a feather and glitter to the note, or you can also add something intimate, for example, lace from panties. And the content of the message is at your disposal.
  • If you know how to embroider, and he has a favorite pillow, the next option is for you. Romantic gifts are different. But there are those with whom your loved one can wake up and fall asleep. You can embroider a message on his favorite pillow. It could be anything. Lines from his favorite song or your song. It could be an excerpt from the rubaiyat or a short but sweet haiku. Or maybe just a list of why you love him so much. Isn't that cute?

There are still many things you can do with your own hands. So don’t despair if you can’t always spend money on a gift.

No matter how trite it may be, feelings cannot be calculated in money. Therefore, the most valuable thing is the ability to express them.

Video: how to arrange a romantic evening for your beloved man

Women love romance. Every lady dreams of a pleasant evening by candlelight, on the seashore or in a beautiful restaurant. The more unusual the evening, the more memorable it will be, and positive impressions can endear you. The question of how to arrange a romantic evening for a girl is quite common among men. And this is good, it means that there are still worthy gentlemen who are ready to do anything for the sake of their lady.

Contrary to the belief that at home it’s trivial, you can do it beautiful evening, which your girlfriend or wife will definitely like. First, you should send your significant other to another place for a while, for example, to a store or to mom. There is no need to make a mysterious face, otherwise the woman might guess everything, but it should be a surprise.

Now we are thinking through the concept: what kind of evening it will be, what will be taken as its basis and what the man will treat the lady with. You can arrange a surprise at oriental style, traditional or come up with something completely exotic. Just setting the table is a little banal, although it is acceptable if there is very little time. You can spend a good evening in any conditions, the main thing is desire and a little imagination. Everyone’s financial capabilities are different, but you shouldn’t save too much, although you can come up with something interesting as a budget option.

We decide what we will use as drinks and snacks. Food can be ordered at a restaurant, but if a man knows how to cook on his own, a girl will definitely appreciate it. If you chose an oriental dinner, then good option will order sushi. A girl can get by with pizza without any extra complaints, it will even be somewhat unexpected. It’s easy to cook meat in the oven at home; most men can do it with ease. The restaurant offers light salads. A girl will definitely like fruit with yogurt.

As a dessert, you can order several types of ice cream, complementing it with fruits and nuts. A treat like strawberries and cream would also work. If strawberries seem like a trivial solution, you can replace them with other fruits, such as banana slices. Remember, the food should always be light, even if you are organizing an evening at home, so that you have the energy to dance when you want.

We're setting the table. If you want to make the evening a little unusual, you can use low tables or even lay out the tablecloth on the floor. The result is a relaxed atmosphere in which it is fun to watch a movie and have conversations. Just make sure you sit comfortably and warmly. You can put soft pillows or a fur blanket on the floor.

How to decorate an apartment for the evening

Candles are a traditional attribute of a romantic dinner, but there are other accessories as well. You can order now air balloons of various shapes, colors and with inscriptions. Traditionally, a romantic date should include flowers. It is not necessary to choose large bouquets. You can put small bouquets of roses or violets on the table. At the height of summer, a bouquet of wildflowers collected with your own hands will add romance.

If you use scented candles, choose a neutral scent so that it does not interfere with the overall perception and does not irritate. Important: everyone perceives fragrances differently, and some people may have allergies, this should be taken into account. You can scent the room using an aroma lamp and essential oils. For romantic purposes, the aroma of lemon, sage, lavender is suitable, a few drops are enough. It is better not to light sticks - they give off too much of a smell and can be distracting.

Let's have an evening in nature

Want to celebrate an anniversary or the date of your first meeting? There is absolutely no need to stay at home for this. Organize a picnic in nature. This is easy to do in the summer. We collect a basket with snacks and drinks in advance, be sure to take a blanket and head out of town. For romance, we choose the travel time closer to the evening. It will be great if the sky is clear and the couple can admire the stars.

A trip outside the city can be combined with a horseback ride. Nowadays this is a popular entertainment; my wife will probably like this walk. If you don’t want to ride a horse or the girl is afraid, rent a carriage with a couple of horses. Ride through the countryside or on city streets if your area allows it.

In winter, despite the cold, you can also have an evening in nature. Rent a house at a tourist base, just make sure first that there is heating and entertainment. A night spent in a house among snow and nature will definitely remain in your memory. Take care of warm clothes and treats. It is better to choose a recreation center with a restaurant on site or a small cafe where you can taste delicious kebab.

If you have a summer house, you can spend the evening there. The house should first be prepared: decorate the veranda with balls, flowers, candles, hang bells on the nearest trees. Champagne or good wine is suitable as a drink. You can bring food with you, but it is much more interesting if a man prepares it himself. Even the wife will like such a surprise; she will definitely appreciate the attention and originality.

Unusual solutions for a romantic evening

Do you want to come up with something original? Then let's turn on our imagination. Organize lunch on the roof of your house. Invite her to admire the stars or tell her you want to surprise her. Set the table on the roof. There is absolutely no need to include a lot of dishes, just good wine and a light snack. The evening will be decorated with candles and quiet music. A man who knows how to play the guitar can sing a song declaring his love. A poem of your own composition will also surprise the lady and will definitely be remembered by her.

The most unusual walk will be an evening in a cave. Find out where there are caves in your area that are allowed to be accessed and go there with a friend. Be sure to bring flashlights and don't venture too far.

For those who love to travel, you can arrange an evening on a water transport, and for extreme sports enthusiasts - on a raft. If your budget allows, then take a flight on hot-air balloon. You can take good champagne and chocolate with you.

Do nice little things

Romantic evening consists not only of dinner or active recreation, but there should be surprises. This could be cookies with wishes, balloons with the inscriptions “I love”, “marry me” or “thank you for your son” if the evening is intended for the wife. For invitations, you can use love notes, telegrams, a messenger with a bouquet of flowers and a postcard. Small souvenirs are suitable as gifts, Jewelry, original bouquets or fruit baskets, soft toys.

Dinner together should be accompanied by nice words, a girl shouldn't be bored. You need to not just spend the evening together, but make it memorable and want to repeat it. If you organize it at home, make sure that no one disturbs you, turn off your phone and do not be distracted by extraneous trifles like the Internet. Remember: you must be completely attracted to the girl and pay attention only to her.

The evening should come from the heart, that is, the man should put into it the desire to please the woman, to surprise, to touch. If you do it without enthusiasm, it is unlikely to be successful. Tune in to romance and positivity, and then everything will be as pleasant as possible, and the memory will remain for a long time.

You can always find a reason for a romantic evening. Anniversary of meeting, first kiss, sex or wedding.

Valentine's Day, the warmest evening in October, or just a desire to pleasantly surprise your loved one.

Men, although they seem stern and strict, also love romance and will be glad if their beloved organizes a joint evening of love.

We'll tell you how to arrange a romantic evening for a guy, and why it's important for every couple!

Time for romance

First dates, lush bouquets Red roses and goosebumps from a light touch...

The longer a couple is together in the wake of everyday problems and routine, the more distant those days seem when endophrines were seething in the blood.

This is not a reason to fall into despair - it’s just time to revive the relationship, adding spice and passion to it. A romantic evening for two is a great way. Here are ten ideas to make it unforgettable.

Romantic for a guy at home

1. Dinner with continuation

The simplest, but win-win idea. You can try to cook something special, but the main point is not in the dishes, but in the emotions.

Imagine: Baked vegetables with meat, wine, romantic music, dim lights...

The beloved woman is not in a robe and slippers, but in a sexy dress and stockings.

He doesn’t swear why he didn’t wash the dishes, but praises him and asks how his day went. There are aromatic dishes on the table, a clean bed in the bedroom.

2. Movie show

Wrap yourself up in a cozy checkered blanket, open a bottle of wine “for a special occasion,” light candles and whisper in your loved one’s ear: “Darling, today I’m ready to watch any movie with you!”

For a special evening, it is better to choose a special film. Romantic films with elements of eroticism and intimacy between the main characters will fit perfectly into the atmosphere. Here are some options:

  • "Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona" (2008);
  • “Boyfriend from the Future” (2013);
  • "The Age of Adaline" (2015);
  • "The Time Traveler's Wife" (2008);
  • "Professor Marston and His Wonder Women" (2017);
  • "Last Love on Earth" (2010).

3. Massage

Anyone enjoys a sensual massage. Especially from your significant other. Many sensations are born here at the same time: intimacy with a partner, body relaxation and excitement.

Use massage cream or oil, scratch and bite your loved one, run your hair, kiss in unexpected places, whisper an erotic compliment!

Don't do a massage on a special evening for "wellness" purposes, but don't make too superficial movements.

4. Costume party

Have a costume party! Add here role-playing games. A nurse, a flight attendant, a strict teacher or a modest student... White robe, cat ears, angel wings...

Be sure to wear seductive underwear under your suit to make it doubly pleasant for a man to undress you. Play your role to the end!

5. Sex with your eyes closed

Sex before bed in the missionary position gets boring after the third time! It's time to try something new. And we’re not talking about sex toys, intricate positions from the Kama Sutra and watching porn.

To add sensuality, blindfold both yourself and your partner. This way you won’t see notifications on your phone, and you won’t be distracted by external imperfections.

Romantic dinner for your loved one outside the home

6. Restaurant

A corny idea from romantic movies. But many couples never bring it to life! An evening dress and an elegant clutch for a woman, a formal suit and a bouquet of roses for a man...

Favorite dishes, without looking at the price and comparing with the monthly budget. A helpful waiter, a slightly tipsy look at the end of the meal...

This kind of relaxation will help you feel like you were on a first date again, and make your home unforgettable night love.

7. Dinner on the roof

On a warm evening on a cloudless night, you can go out onto the roof of your house, take a bottle of dry red wine, Dor Blue, a couple of candles and a warm blanket.

To be alone without people, phones and city noise. Talk about everything in the world, laugh and get drunk.

8. Dance master class

How long have you danced with a partner? On the first date? At a friends wedding?

A couple of years ago on new year party?.. If you can’t remember, it’s time to correct the situation.

It is not necessary to perform the “step” correctly, perform complex acrobatic tricks and hone the technique of movements for months.

The main thing is the experiences and spark between partners that arise during dancing. One Evening Dress and the heels are worth it!

9. Sex hotel

If at home it is not always possible to tune in to romance, then in sex hotels, designed specifically to give in to passion, such problems will not arise.

You can rent a room for the night or for a few hours. You can also choose a topic based on your preferences: BDSM, pink tones, jacuzzi, ultraviolet lighting, mirrors on the ceiling, aphrodisiacs...

There are a lot of options, and the most valuable experience is the opportunity to immerse yourself in each other, make love and nothing else.

It is very important to treat a man with love and learn to understand him - this is the key to a couple’s happiness:

10. Striptease

Have you ever gone to a strip club with your husband? Or do you think that this is an exclusively male pastime?

But if you look at sexy girls, erotic dances and embarrassing movements together, it’s impossible not to get aroused. After all, sitting next to you is someone with whom you want to lock yourself in a black room and make all your intimate fantasies come true!

Moreover, you can take several ideas and movements for yourself. What did the man look at with his burning eyes, at what moments did he lick his lips? Surely this turns him on.

  • Warn the man about your plans in advance! So that it doesn't happen that you - romantic and fragrant - in new underwear and with cat ears in bed, and he came home from work and just wants to watch football...
    A week in advance, and then on day X, remind your loved one: “Today I want to spend the evening with you!”
  • Come up with a plan. So that at the moment when you blindfold him and put handcuffs on his hands, you don’t freeze in silent anticipation: “What’s next?” This evening is your responsibility.
  • Don't try to make everything perfect. If the champagne is warm, and the color of your men’s underwear and socks don’t harmonize, deal with it.
  • Don't over-praise yourself. This evening is not an ode to your heroism to add romance. It's time for love!

Romantic evening for your loved one: summary

Special evenings are useful for every couple to spice up the relationship and add passion.

Evening ideas at home:

  • a delicious dinner with a romantic continuation in bed;
  • costume party. You can be an erotic cat or a strict teacher. Role-playing games can't hurt;
  • movie show No, you don't need to watch Schindler's List. Something erotic is better;
  • massage. With candles, oil, passionate sighs and a poignant finale;
  • sex without conventions and usual positions - blindfolded, erotic music;

Romance outside the home:

  • dinner in a restaurant;
  • wine with oysters on the roof accompanied by slow music under the starry sky;
  • dance master class;
  • sex hotel. Themed accessories, the opportunity not to restrain yourself and play the role of unfamiliar lovers;
  • go to a striptease together. Why not?
  • warn the man about your plans in advance so as not to find yourself in an awkward position;
  • think through the plan until the very end;
  • Devote yourself to your loved one, discard all extraneous thoughts.

How do you spend romantic evenings?

Yes, a teddy bear will not pass here and will not get through. Who said that only men are responsible for romance?

Even if you have already seen the sunrise on the ocean, been to all the best restaurants in the city and flown in a hot air balloon, you need to find a reason to warm up the relationship between a man and a woman.

You will please yourself, and you will enjoy it yourself.

There was a sea, restaurants too, and the balloon didn’t fly far?

Great, there are still plenty of ideas on how to spend romantic and unforgettable time together. What's stopping you from calling him to the present? Shake, refresh, in long relationship never interferes.

Read, take notes - take notes! Top 11 romantic ideas for any occasion.

1. Pleasant morning

The day starts with breakfast. And it's not just coffee in bed. Cool too though!

A love letter for a man on the refrigerator, pancakes or scrambled eggs (yes, in the shape of a heart), a declaration of love in the glove compartment or jacket pocket...

The main thing is to create the right mood. Any little thing that will please him and tell him once again about your feelings for him.

2. Private dance

A fatal evening dress, an outfit from a sex shop for role-playing games, from a brunette and vice versa - he will be pleasantly surprised and for sure.

7. Launch a sky lantern together

The most important thing here is to make a wish together. You don’t need any special preparations for this - just invite your loved one to take a walk in the evening.

The main thing is that the weather does not disappoint.

8. Evening of painting

No, I don't do exhibitions and cultural education. What about body art? The canvases will be your own bodies.

9. Theme party

We create a holiday with our own mood. If you sincerely try to please your man, believe me, he will appreciate it and your efforts will pay off handsomely!

If you are ready to give first - simply because you are internally filled with positivity, joy and light - then a man will consider returning energy to you in the form of love, material and other benefits as happiness!

Good luck,
Yaroslav Samoilov.

First of all, you need to choose what exactly the upcoming evening will be like: traditional or unusual. Candles and chocolate-covered strawberries are great, but what's stopping you from having a themed date? For example, in the style of the 20s? Or in the spirit of your mutual favorite movie? Based on the theme, you can choose music, menu, entertainment and even costumes.


There are two ways here: either discuss the date in advance, or surprise your partner. Last option, of course, more romantic, but there is a risk that it is on this evening that your passion will plan something or simply be late at work.

To prevent the surprise from being spoiled, ask in advance to come to your place under a plausible pretext (if you do not live together) or plan a joint meeting with friends who, of course, will not come


Subdued light and pleasant aromas are conducive to romance. and flowers are a classic, but you can experiment and create an original composition from them. Well, add garlands, lanterns and incense sticks to them. And don’t forget about the main symbol of love - the heart.

Another decoration solution is to rearrange the furniture. Try removing the dining table and having a picnic at home on the floor, or moving the bed to the center of the room and making it the main date spot.

And, of course, pleasant music. Make it from your favorite songs or turn it on.


When planning a romantic dinner, try to adhere to three rules:

  1. Prepare proven dishes or practice cooking new ones in advance. Otherwise, you risk ruining the whole romance with tasteless food.
  2. Choose recipes that won't require a lot of time and effort. A stormy evening awaits you ahead: demonstrating all your culinary talents and immediately collapsing into bed from fatigue is not the best option.
  3. Cook something light. Otherwise, romance will turn into sleepy digestion.

Here are a few dishes that you and your partner will love.


For the canapés:

  • 6 pieces of melon;
  • 6 mini mozzarella balls;
  • 6 slices prosciutto.

For the sauce:

  • ⅓ tablespoon olive oil;
  • ⅓ tablespoon chopped basil leaves;
  • 1 shallot;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.


Place melon slices, mozzarella balls and prosciutto slices on wooden skewers. In a blender, combine all sauce ingredients except pepper. Pepper the finished sauce, place the appetizers on a plate, drizzle with sauce and serve immediately.

Instead of one piece of melon, you can use two, placing them at different ends of the skewer. No melon? Cherry tomatoes are a great alternative.


  • 2 teaspoons truffle oil;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground red pepper - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • lemon juice - to taste;
  • 300 g salmon fillet;
  • a little olive oil;
  • 300 g porcini mushrooms;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.


Mix one teaspoon of truffle oil with salt, red and black pepper and lemon juice. Rub this mixture onto the fish.

Grease the baking dish olive oil. Add coarsely chopped mushrooms, finely chopped garlic, add the remaining truffle oil and a little more olive oil, salt and pepper and place the prepared fish on top.

Bake the dish in the oven at 200°C for about 10–20 minutes. The time depends on the thickness of the fillet. Serve as a separate dish or with a side dish of.


  • 1 small rabbit carcass (0.7-1 kg);
  • salt - to taste;
  • 4 tablespoons butter;
  • 2 large onions;
  • ½ glass of white wine;
  • ½ cup mustard;
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme;
  • ½ glass of water;
  • ½ cup heavy cream;
  • 4 tablespoons finely chopped parsley.


Cut the rabbit carcass into portions, add salt and leave to marinate at room temperature for 30 minutes to an hour.

Then heat the butter over medium heat. Fry the pieces of meat until golden brown. Try not to let the pieces touch each other. If the pan is not very large, divide the meat into two parts and fry one at a time.

Place the rabbit in a bowl and fry the diced onion in a frying pan for 3-4 minutes. Add wine and increase temperature. Then add mustard, thyme, water and bring the sauce to a boil. Add salt if necessary.

Return the meat to the pan, reduce the temperature to low, cover and simmer for about 45 minutes. If you want the meat to almost fall off the bone, increase the simmering time to an hour.

When the meat is ready, remove it from the pan and simmer the sauce over high heat until it has reduced by half. Then turn off the stove, add the cream and parsley, stir the sauce and return the rabbit to the pan. Serve hot with crusty bread and white bread.


  • ½ cup Greek yogurt;
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder;
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla;
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon;
  • a tiny pinch of cayenne pepper - optional.


Mix all ingredients in a medium bowl. Stir for about 3 minutes. Yogurt should become uniform dark color, and the sugar will completely dissolve. Serve with fresh berries, fruit, marshmallows and sweet cookies.


  • 1 head of brie cheese (150–200 g);
  • ⅓–½ cup cranberry sauce;
  • ¼–⅓ cup pecans.


Make a small hole in the cheese rind and top with cranberry sauce. Find the homemade sauce recipe below. The exact amount of sauce depends on the size of the brie. Place the cheese on a baking sheet lined with parchment and place in an oven preheated to 220°C.

Bake the cheese until it starts to melt and bubble. After this, remove it from the oven and garnish with chopped nuts. Serve with or without crackers or bread as a complete meal.

You can use store-bought cranberry sauce for this recipe or make your own.

Homemade cranberry sauce


  • 1 glass of apple juice;
  • ¾ cup sugar;
  • 340 g fresh cranberries;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon.


Combine the juice and sugar in a saucepan and cook over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add the rinsed cranberries and cook for about 10 minutes until the berries are soft and starting to pop. Remove the sauce from the heat, add cinnamon and cool.

Other romantic dinner ideas

Make something you tried on a first date or some other special moment. Or just order food at home: a dish from a good restaurant is unlikely to leave your significant other indifferent.


Or taking a bath together are far from the only options for a romantic evening. Here are some more ideas:

  1. Take a walk. It seems banal, but you probably don’t walk together under the moon very often. It's time to fix this and admire the city at night.
  2. Get a massage. Long with aromatic oils - something that a partner will definitely appreciate after a hard day at work.
  3. Play. You can try out a new couples video game or come up with one yourself. For example, invite your partner to remember the best moments together or tell why you love each other.
  4. Do something together. Make a pie, organize a shadow theater or draw portraits of each other? The choice of activity depends only on your preferences and imagination.
  5. Add variety to your intimate life. A romantic evening will end in bed one way or another. Why not use this special time to do something new? Choose what you want: erotic lingerie, striptease, sex toys, role-playing games, or types of intimacy.

The main thing is that you both enjoy the chosen pastime. And then the date will definitely be unforgettable.

What kind of romantic evenings did you organize? Share your experiences, ideas and recipes in the comments.