Intimate photographs of rapper Oksimiron have leaked online. The best photos of Oksimiron Photo of Oksimiron with a girl

Initially, photographs of Oksimiron were published by the Technician on his Instagram account. Later, users of the image board “Dvach” drew attention to the piquant publication. Fedorov himself has not yet commented on the photographs, but the musician’s fans are eagerly sharing their impressions of what they saw: “Well, that’s normal. After all, he is a man. This is not Panin”, “Which one of them is Oksimiron?”, “Consolation after a lost battle?” - Twitter users write.

In the official group of rapper Pasha Technik, intimate photos of musician Miron Fedorov, known under the nickname Oksimiron, appeared.

Users of the Dvach image board drew attention to this. Judging by the photographs, they were originally published on Technician’s Instagram account.

In addition, partially censored images appeared on the MDK community Twitter account.

Miron himself has not yet commented on the “leaked” pictures. At the time of writing, Technician was broadcasting online on Instagram, in which he claimed that Gnoyny had won the battle.

Let us recall that the recent battle between Oksimiron and Gnoyny became one of the main media events of the year in Russia. All leading media reported about the confrontation between the two rappers. In addition, the fight came to the attention of the Kremlin and State Duma deputies.

Rapper Oxxxymiron (Miron Fedorov) was born in 1985 in St. Petersburg. Nine years later, the future artist moved with his parents to Germany, where, in fact, he began to take his first creative steps, performing under the pseudonym. Photographs of Oksimiron from this period of his life have survived in small quantities.

At the age of 15, Miron faced another move. This time the rapper was brought to England, to the city of Slough, where he showed success in his studies and in 2004 entered Oxford to study English literature. The artist himself says that studying at Oxford did not greatly affect his erudition. Photos of Oksimiron from Oxford are also presented in small quantities.

The year 2008 can be considered the starting point in Oksimiron’s career. The artist had perspective job in one of the London offices, but at the same time he fruitfully collaborated with rappers from Optik Russia. In 2010, Miron quit his job, rented cheap housing in one of the London ghettos, left Optik Russia and began recording his first album, “The Eternal Jew.” After the release of the record, Oxy goes on a small tour with his colleague Shockk.

In the future, Miron will face a conflict with Shockk, a series of battles on the Restaurateur site, the release of a second full-length album, packed concert halls and an ascent to the pedestal of Russian rap.

Photo of Oksimiron with a girl

But first, let’s look at the rapper’s personal life, the behind the scenes of which is no less interesting. Oksimiron is credited with relationships with at least four girlfriends:

  • ex-wife in England;
  • Sonya Dukk;
  • Sonya Grese;
  • Olga Seryabkina from the group Serebro.

Rumor has it that Miron got married in London in 2007. The performer himself has never announced his marriage in England, and there are only two photos of Oxxxymiron with his alleged ex-wife. Ex-wife Oxymirona is second to the left of the rapper in this photo:

And here she is in a red dress:

However, information about Oxxxymiron’s marriage is more like a cruel joke from haters. Myron's only deep relationship was with Sonya Dukk. Almost nothing is written about them on the Internet, but it is known for sure that the couple were together for several years. Photos of Oksimiron with Sonya Dukk only confirm the depth of their relationship.

Another Sonya in Miron’s life is Sonya Grese, whose name was heard during the battle between Oxy and Gnoyny. There is not one on the network joint photo Oxxxymiron with Sonya Grese, although in public they declare that they maintain warm friendly relations. Sonya herself looks like this:

Oksimiron’s most famous friend is Olga Serebkina from the Russian pop group Serebro. In August 2015, Oksimiron helped out the Serebro group at one of their concerts: when the girls had problems with the equipment, Miron went on stage and read an excerpt from the battle against Johnnyboy. After this, many rumors appeared on the Internet about the relationship between Oxy and Serebkina, but there are no photos of Oxymiron with Olya confirming these rumors. The artists have only a few selfies from social evenings and photos from the very concert where he helped the girls.

It is also known that Myron had a relationship with ex-girlfriend Pasha Technique. Intimate photos of Oksimiron with ex-girlfriend The technique was posted on the Internet by Pasha Technician himself. For ethical reasons, we did not publish them.

Photos of Oxxxymiron at concerts

The artist began to gather large halls during a tour in support of the album “Gorgorod”, which was released in 2015. Oksimiron photos from this tour are available in abundance.

After the release of the album, Oxy even appeared on TV in the Evening Urgant program.

In 2017, Oxxxymiron began a new round of his career. For the first half of 2017, the rapper sat in the shadows and worked mainly on a collaboration with Reebok, and in August 2017.

After the defeat from Gnoynoy, Miron released several fits, announced and performed well in the international.

On November 6, 2017, Oksimiron, for the first time in his career, gathered a full hall at the Olympic Stadium, which seats 35 thousand spectators.

Unknown people stole and published intimate photographs of the Versus-battle star, rapper Oksimiron, in which he indulges in lovemaking with an unknown girl. In the published photographs, they smoothly move from foreplay to lovemaking.

The photos appeared around the same time on the Instagram stories of rapper Pasha Technik and on the 2ch resource. On this moment It is unknown who leaked the photos online. Pasha Technician, in his usual style, commented on the leaked photos, suggesting that Miron turned to the services of a tranny for 4,000 rubles. Not much is known about Miron’s personal life, except that he does not have a permanent girlfriend. In November 2016, a demo version of Oksimiron’s track “Girl-*****ts” was released, on which he shares the initial vision of his love - a short-haired representative of the punk subculture. In the track released on the 2015 album “Gorgorod”, listeners are presented with a different vision beautiful girl Mirona.

Over the past time, photographs have also been published on the MDK microblog. At the moment, Miron Fedorov, better known as Oksimiron, has not confirmed/denied the authenticity of the photographs taken. In the photographs one can note the authenticity of the tattoos that the performer has made in recent years.

On September 4, the site wrote about a report by Channel One, which was dedicated to the battle between Oksimiron and Gnoyny, which at the time of writing the news had received more than 21 million views. The presenters of Channel One highly appreciated the reviews of glazed cheese curds authored by Gnoyny and suggested that if the film “Brother” were being filmed now, the hero Danila Bagrov would listen in the player to Gnoyny’s appeal to Oksimiron, called “Cool my ardor.”