Car spells against accidents. A conspiracy to buy a good car. Conspiracy to make a guy call

To buy a car at an affordable price and not make a bad choice before starting your search suitable option, read the following plot in the evening, looking at the growing month: “I’m choosing a new car, a new assistant!
So that I make a successful purchase,
So that the car does not break down and does not fail!
So that the price is good and the quality is even better!”
The spell must be repeated three times, after which you can begin choosing a car. If the amount to buy a car is limited, then do the ceremony on Wednesday and the transaction will be completed with minimal financial costs.

Ritual with a new car

Make a ritual when you buy a new car and, even more so, when you buy a used car. Take in right hand scissors, go around the car, from the driver's door forward to the hood, then back and, going around the back of the car, return to the starting point. Do this path three times. Moving along this route, constantly open and close the scissors - cut the air with them, getting rid of negative energy and opening up new spaces for the car.

Blessing of a new car

It is better to carry out the ceremony at noon or midnight, outside the city, on Thursday. Bring holy water from the church, add a pinch of salt and sprinkle it on all four corners of the car, the hood and trunk, read the “Our Father” three times. Place your right hand on the hood and read the plot:
“I bless my car, I call everyone and everything as a witness! Let this car serve me faithfully and be my friend and assistant. I give you a name (come up with a name for the car). The blessing is complete! Let it be so!".
Read the plot three times.

Selling a car

1. Sell the car quickly

Perform the ritual on the waning moon, then the car will be quickly sold. First you need to choose the car you want to buy yourself. Walk around your car three times clockwise while saying three times:
“As I walk around the car, so let the buyers walk around, crowd, and try to buy. Attract a new owner to you, not greedy, with big money.”

2. Prayer for a quick car sale

Pronounced while driving. You need to look at the icon on the windshield and read the plot:
“Through Christ, with Christ and in Christ. To you, Almighty Father, and to the Holy Spirit, glory. They pay for all kinds of merit, even if I, the servant of God (name), sell, I will be paid well. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

3. Sell the car at a good price

Wash the car yourself, putting into the ritual not only your labor, but your energy as much as you can. After washing the car, read the spell over the water:
“I wash off the dirt and put my car up for auction. Let the merchants come, one richer than the other, whoever gives more, I’ll sell it to him.”

4. Sell a car successfully and quickly

Shake out and clean all the carpets and covers of your car while saying:
“I clean up the rubbish from the car, I drive out my spirit. Let the merchant come, let the new spirit come in!”

5. For a quick car sale

Take holy water from the church and say to it:
“Just as everyone needs water, so does my car, just as there is no life without water, so a merchant would not have life without my car. Let him buy, and pay generously in specie! Amen". Sprinkle the car with spoken water.

Vehicle and driver protection

1. Rite for safety

The most common problem and the most terrible grief can be an accident. Therefore, it is best to make a simple conspiracy in advance that will help both the driver and the vehicle avoid getting into traffic accidents. To perform the ritual you will need a car key and holy water. Late in the evening, sprinkle the car key with holy water with the words: “Lord God, save me, Thy servant (name), and my car from troubles and from dangers! Make sure we don't have any accidents! Amen!"
Magic words must be repeated seven times.

2. Amulet for driver safety

Prepare an amulet bag with herbs in advance. At night, light a white candle and put it in a bag of natural fabric, Same white, sew up a few pinches of dry comfrey while reading a plot to protect the driver and good luck along the way:
“The oak will be broken by thunder, the ash will be struck by lightning,
the comfrey will save you from trouble and bring you home unharmed.”
The amulet can be hidden in the car, or you can hang it in a visible place, for example, above a mirror.

3. Runic protection of the car, driver and passengers

“Helmet of Horror” can be used as reliable protection for the car and passengers, without fear of negative consequences.
The stav contains a fourfold repeating Algiz rune.
Apply to paper with a red marker.
Speak for protection from enemies, thieves, accidents, unnecessary stops.
Activate with your breath, leave an offering to the gods - good beer or a bottle of wine, then attach it inside the car with double-sided tape.

4. Amulet to prevent accidents

Make a small bag out of black leather. Place three stones in it: amber, turquoise and satellite. Hang this amulet on the rearview mirror of your car and say:
"From everyone in parts,
from everyone to the fullest,
from everyone according to ability.
Protection of children from the Sun stone,
protection of the path from the Moon stone,
from the stone of the Earth there is a barrier to all danger.
Both in front and behind, everything in the area,
everyone’s on defense, everyone’s on the road.”

5. Protecting the machine from damage

To protect your car from damage and all kinds of road troubles, sprinkle salt on its hood and say:
“Where did this salt fall?
there is no damage, no evil eye, no breakage,
no scratches, no dents, no failure.
I affirm this with a conspiracy word,
I will turn you into action forever and ever.”
After this, sprinkle salt on the roof and back of the car, and finally throw a few grains of salt into the car interior. Doing this all the time, repeat the previous plot.

6. Amulet for a car

Place a small pillow filled with dry herbs of mint, lavender and yarrow in the car and say:
"Three herbs gathered together,
They united against troubles and hardships.
To be together on the road and on the road,
protect people from harm and misfortune.”
The smell emitted by herbs will have a beneficial effect on the driver (increase his reactions and reduce fatigue), and their Magic force will protect the car from collisions with other cars.

7. Amulet for the driver

Speak while driving:
“Lord God, help! Protect me and protect me: from bruises, mutilation, broken bones, from deformity, muscle rupture, from terrible wounds and scarlet blood. Protect my body from the burns of fire. Save, save, protect me. Be my words strong and sculpted. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

8. Plot for the road

Before a long journey, say to the water:
“I (driver’s name) will go out into an open field, in a field there are seven devils on a chain and on a leash. As if the devil couldn’t reach or touch me, I would be safe and sound on the way, on the road. My conspiracy is long, my words are strong. Amen".
Pour water into the bathtub or sink.
Before leaving home say:
“The road is a princess, the path is a king!”

9. Charms for drivers

A talisman in the form of a turtle hidden in the back seat wards off the consequences of dangerous speeding;
- the number “7” in silver is the driver’s lucky number. You can independently roll up the figure seven from silver foil and discreetly attach it to the rear window of your car;
- a wonderful amulet for the driver - a keychain or accessory with seven gems and one quartz crystal;
- an eye stone (tiger, falcon or cat eye) will reduce the number of forced stops on the road to check documents;
- the rune “Raido” is the patroness of all travelers. An inscription, medallion or tablet with the Raido rune is a good amulet against any problems on the road.

10.Car protection

Write the plot on paper and hide it in the car:
“The husband is stone, iron,
Water won't flood you, fire won't burn you,
Metal won't knock you down
It won’t turn off the path, won’t turn it over, won’t crush it,
No one will ever crush or kill the rider anywhere.
Iron up, iron down.
The metal is heated on fire and pours,
But my firm word will not be interrupted
Neither the first evil nor the second,
Not a third evil or anything.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Protection against car breakdowns

1. Ritual against malfunctions

So that the car does not fail at a crucial moment and does not break down, a ritual with salt will help. To complete this you will need a handful of salt. Early in the morning, throw three pinches of salt on the hood of the car, saying the spell three times:
“Wherever my salt falls, there will be no room for breakdowns and malfunctions. With strong words I confirm my conspiracy, I infuse it with strength, I make it a talisman! It will be like this now, it will always be like this. Amen!".

2. So that the car does not break down

Wash the car well, imagining how you wash away all the negativity. Then throw a few pinches of salt on the hood while reading the plot:
“Where my salt falls, there is no place for damage, no evil eye, no breakage, no failure, no scratches, no dents. With a strong conspiracy word, I affirm my words, turning them into deeds forever and ever. Amen".

3. From breakdowns and accidents

Fill a small green bag with dry rowan leaves and sprigs, and also place a tiger eye stone in the bag. Place this amulet in the interior of your car.

Luck on the road

1. Three colors ritual

Park the car in an open place. Light a green candle and place it in front of the car three meters from its hood. Light a red candle and place it a few meters behind the car. Light a yellow candle and sit behind the wheel with it.
“Three colors are on my way, green in front, red behind, yellow in the middle. This is how these colors should always be located, without changing places. My car should not break down, rush forward, and should not meet others along the same path. Be my conspiracy firm and strong, stronger than strong iron, harder than solid stone.”
Extinguish the yellow candle with your fingers. After this, get out of the car and extinguish the same, first the red, then the green candle. All this will not only protect your car from breakdowns and collisions, but will also bring you good luck on the road, the green light will always accompany you, the red light will always remain behind, and the yellow aspect will give you attentiveness, dexterity and caution.

2. Free path talisman

With this talisman you will always have good luck on your journey. Cut from thick paper circle and draw a five-pointed star on it. Write your car number in the center of the star. Light red, yellow and green candles. Tip a red candle over the paper and fill the center of the star with melted wax. When the wax hardens, tilt a yellow candle over the talisman. Next, you must fill the surface of the talisman with green candle wax. Make sure that the green wax completely covers all other colors. Place the paper circle in a small box or box and keep this magical talisman in your car. The red aspect will give your car speed, you personally - skill, reaction and dexterity, the green one will secure the car, and will give you attentiveness and not fatigue while driving, yellow will give you caution, and the car will have strength and durability.

3. Good luck on a long trip

Prepare for it in advance and protect yourself and your car from all misfortunes on this journey. Take a map of the area where you are going, three white church candles, a ball of white cord and a white felt-tip pen. Lay out the map on the table and mark your route on it; outline the marked path with a white circle. After this, draw a protective symbol on the card - a “cross of life” with a loop instead of the upper end. Place three burning candles in a triangle so that the route of your path is inside it. Imagine yourself and your passengers traveling without any interruptions. Then extinguish the candles, roll up the card, and tie it tightly with a white cord. Hide it so that no one will find it until you return. When you return from a trip, remove the cord from the card without untying it, and then get rid of everything (burn it or bury it).

Anti-theft magic

1. Full moon conspiracy

The plot is read on a full moon while sitting in the car:
“Just as I shouldn’t be a brownie, I shouldn’t be on foot,
Like a stone mountain cannot be moved from its place,
So no one can steal my car or steal it.
I close my words with a lock, I close them with a key, I give them power. Amen!".
You need to repeat the words of the conspiracy three times. When you have read the spell, close the machine and cross it three times.

2. Protect your car from theft

“How can I be on foot, so I can’t become a goblin.
How can I avoid becoming a brownie and a copper coin becoming gold?
Just like you can’t remove a stone mountain from its place, you can’t steal it,
So the car of God’s servant (name) cannot be stolen or stolen.
I lock my words with an iron lock, I close them with a copper key,
I protect you with a strong amulet. Amen".
Theft protection has been set.

3. Protect your car against theft

You need to come to a deserted place, taking with you a bottle of holy water. Walk around the car clockwise and recite the spell:
“I bought it, I paid for it.
I cover it with a talisman, I dress it with a veil,
I protect you with a spell and don’t let thieves in.
It’s worth it, it’s mine, but, thief, it’s not yours.
To you, thief, it will become someone else’s, but to me, it will be mine, dear.
Whoever takes this for himself will die a quick death.
Mother Earth, God the Father.
Whoever takes mine will have the end of his life.
Amen. Amen. Amen".
Then read the water spell and spray the car with this water.

4. Anti-theft conspiracy

Drive to a quiet, deserted place, place three church candles in a saucer or candlestick on the car: the first on the roof, the second on the hood, the third on the trunk. Read the plot by walking around the car clockwise, holding each of the three candles in your hand, in turn. In total there will be three circles and three conspiracies. “On the sea, on the ocean, there is an island, on that island there is an iron oak tree, in it is a security certificate (make and number of the car). Just as you can’t break an oak tree in three, you can’t chop it, you can’t split it, so you can’t take or steal (the make and number of a car). Now and forever, forever and ever, Amen!”
Let the candles burn for a while, then put them out and put them in the glove compartment or trunk of the car away from prying eyes.

5. To prevent the car from being stolen

Often imagine your car as completely transparent when you leave it for long periods of time.

Communication on the road and during car repairs

1. Force a person to do according to your will

This spell is universal, it is better to learn its words by heart, they will come in handy on the road. Before pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, clearly formulate your desire, for example: “forget about us completely” (for traffic cops) or “do as I tell you” (during a technical inspection). Read three times (you can silently) at the right person:
“I was in a field and saw grass.
Where the wind blows the grass
That's where her leaf looks.
So would you, servant of God
(name, if you don’t know the name, you can leave it out),
did what I needed.
According to my words, according to my speeches.
My words are the key, my deeds are the lock.
Secure, God, my words, my deeds.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

2. Confusing Spell

Speak in a whisper or to yourself, focusing your will on the subject of influence, imagining it in a web:
“Dream and darkness attack you,
not just one, but all 40!!!
I take your eyes away
I'm confusing your consciousness,
I'm wrapped in a black web!!!
Like flies and mosquitoes to a spider's web
stick tightly
so my words-deeds-views
your will is being euthanized!!!
Sleep your mind, sleep your mind.
How does the earth absorb water?
So you do my will!
The trouble has fallen on you
on each side and on any side!
Perish, your clear mind, for one earthly hour!
I confuse, I twist, I twist,
do it the way I want!!!
There is blindness in your eyes,
there is numbness in your arms and legs,
to your will - my every command!!!
As soon as I blow on your face,
So I’ll break your spell right away!
Brother devils, my fetters are on
(name of the one you are confusing)
throw on, throw on, put on,
subordinate his (her) will to my will!
Your eyes are in the fog, and your mind is in a dope!!!
Your eyes are in the fog, and your mind is in a dope!!!

3. Inhibiting hex

The conspiracy is designed to sharply take away a person’s strength, which he is ready to spend to harm you:
“Spun, grabbed, carried
Through windbreaks, gullies,
Ditches, snags
With a roar, a whistle,
Leshim laughter, eagle screeching.
Heavy moans, screams.
It hit me in the ribs, it frothed in my heart,
A roar on the throat, on the chest with claws,
It swirled and splashed a yellow-muddy wave into my eyes.
Burning sparks.
Yellow all around, dark all around,
The fog is all around, it's burning all around,
It’s light all around, there’s no light around...
Saliva burns drunker than wine,
It burns and suffocates, drowning out thoughts.
Moan and cry - don't hide your tears.
A grin of laughter like a yellow snake,
It curls in rings, dazzles in the eyes,
He tied his forehead with a tight tourniquet,
The heart sucks, the soul gnaws,
My back feels cold and my ears buzz.
Fall asleep, fall - there is no way!

4. Retain a profitable client

When selling a car, this conspiracy will push a profitable client to buy. Light a match, blow it out and say:
“In an open field, in a dark forest, in a great fog, a light burned and smoke curled. So that the servant of God (your client's name) should go to that light, to that little smoke, so as not to get lost, but not to get lost, and not to go astray, but to be close, and not to leave. Amen".

Thieves are quicker to spot light-colored cars.
Light-colored cars more often attract envious glances (evil eye, damage) or provoke people to harm the car.
Traffic police are quicker to notice and more likely to fine owners of bright red cars.
Never buy a car whose color you don't like. You will still break up with her, but it’s good if it’s peaceful.
Do not drive in a dust storm or hurricane. Because of this natural phenomenon, chaos and disorder may burst into your life, which will be difficult to get rid of.
A driver who boasts that he has never had an accident will definitely find his pole soon - do not tempt fate and the gods.

We bought a used car. Now he is 6 years old. Everything was fine for a while, and then problems began. Almost every month something happens to him, something breaks. The husband only has time to take the car for repairs and spend a lot cash. Maybe it's better to sell the car? And how to do this faster?


Dear Sophia!

It’s up to you to decide whether to sell it or not, but for a foreign car, 8 years is not the age of “old age.” No matter how strange it may sound, the car reacts to your and your husband’s energy. When there is chaos in life, there is no stability and a share of healthy pragmatism, then the surrounding things react accordingly, falling apart, getting lost, deteriorating. Therefore, I recommend putting things in order in your life and finances, and making a plan for at least the next month. And after that, you can “tame” the car using the following conspiracy.

A conspiracy to keep the car from breaking down

Walk around it and sprinkle it with holy water, saying:

“The Lord has given you to me as an assistant in my labors. Do not break in my hands, do not resist your duty. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Among all the amulets, spells and prayers that people use when they go on the road, the amulet for the car stands apart. Why? Well, of course - the answer is obvious - some go on a long journey by train, some by plane, and some even on foot or by bicycle. And for every a special case There are your own time-tested prayers or conspiracies.

Of course, there are prayers for the road that can be considered universal. They are suitable for any road, no matter what type of transport you decide to use. They will be appropriate even if you went somewhere on foot. Such a prayer or such a conspiracy can be read before setting foot outside the house. That's all. Well, or create some kind of ritual (as a rule, they are all quite simple and do not require any specific knowledge or skills) before setting out on the road.

But today we want to tell you exactly about those prayers and conspiracies that are amulets on the road when a person is driving in a car. It doesn’t matter whether they are drivers or passengers.

This amulet is traditionally used to preserve a vehicle. It is even suitable in situations where your car is simply parked somewhere. It’s no secret that it can be damaged in a parking lot. Someone threw something, someone tore off a mirror, someone scratched or stole something from the car.

To avoid such troubles, as well as accidents with them, you need to read this plot on any day, avoiding days when fasting is in progress. It will be great if you not only read this prayer, but also rewrite its words so that you can hide it in your car later. It is important that no one sees them later.

So, standing facing your iron “horse”, you need to read the following words:

You can also use this protective spell that will keep your car, and most importantly, you, safe and sound:

Prayer is a talisman so as not to get hurt in an accident

This is a very powerful prayer. She saved more than one person's life. The ritual of creating a conspiratorial prayer itself consists of three days, it would be more accurate to say that it is created three days in a row at dawn.

The words are:

Dear friends, it is no coincidence that we offer you big choice all kinds of protective spells and prayers. It’s no secret that every person needs their own medicine. Someone reads a prayer or a spell and understands that the words seem to be good and correct, but somehow they do not find a response in the soul. And he will read another protective speech and immediately something will skip inside. Here it is! It is these words and precisely this ritual that I need to carry out before setting off on the road.

Our task is to present you with a choice, and you will decide for yourself. So, you need to pronounce these protective words before the road itself.

To ensure that the road is smooth and wide, so that nothing mars it, you need to read this plot three times before setting off. Here are his words:

Strong prayer for the driver on the road

This prayer is suitable for the driver. It will be especially useful to those who go to long journey. Usually men are not very willing to believe in this kind of amulets until they are tested and convinced in their own skin that they are really effective.

If your man (husband, father, fiance) does not want to read this conspiracy, then you can write it yourself, and then simply hide the piece of paper with the conspiracy in his car. He won’t even know about it, but your loved one will be under the protection of the Higher Powers.

Driver's prayer for the road

It's good if you already have sufficient driving experience. But he doesn’t appear right away. At first it is very difficult on the road. There is a lot of excitement, if not anxiety. A person is often either excessively absent-minded, or, on the contrary, constrained, like God knows what. In such difficult moments (and not only then), this prayer for a driver on the road will come in handy for you. It will help you avoid accidents and other troubles that happen along the way.

Magical protection of the car (Car Spells)

Topic: Magical protection of the car (Car conspiracies)

The conspiracies of the car and the driver are designed to protect, and not harm, anyone. Talk to yourself or loved one for safety while driving, and the car itself also from theft - this means protecting in one of the most dangerous areas.

“Like someone under a spell,” they say about a person who is overcome by troubles and misfortunes and who comes out of all troubles unharmed. This is not just a common phrase, you can really speak to a person - put a kind of magical intangible amulet.

Conspiracies are certain verbal formulas that must be pronounced in a strictly defined order, while performing magical actions. A conspiracy can be made by a professional magician, or maybe by the person himself, if the question concerns him or his loved ones.

If you decide to carry out all the rituals of protection at the same time, then it is better to start with the ritual of protecting the car from an accident. This plot will also help prevent the car from breaking down. To do this, first wash it well, imagining how you are washing away all the negativity. Then throw a few pinches of salt on the hood while reading this conspiracy to prevent accidents and prevent the car from breaking down:

“Where my salt falls, there is no place for damage, no evil eye, no breakage, no failure, no scratches, no dents. With a strong conspiracy word, I affirm my words, turning them into deeds forever and ever. Amen."

This ritual will protect your car from accidents and breakdowns.

“How can I be on foot, so I can’t become a goblin.

So you can’t steal or steal the car of God’s servant (name).

I protect you with a strong amulet. Amen."

Theft protection has been set.

And finally, make your own amulet for the driver’s safety. Prepare an amulet bag with herbs in advance. At night, light a white candle, and sew a few pinches of dry comfrey into a bag made of natural fabric, also white, reading the plot to protect the driver and good luck along the way:

the comfrey will save you from trouble and bring you home unharmed.”

This amulet for the driver can be hidden in the car, or it can be hung in a visible place, for example, above a mirror.

Those who work with runes are also concerned about the protection of the car, driver and passengers.

This image is called "Helmet of Terror", but in fact it can be done without fear negative consequences– it is completely loyal to the bearer. Algiz is a rune that is used in the stave. The purpose of the Helm of Terror is “protection and irresistibility in battle.”

Here is a review of the application:

– stipulated: for protection from enemies and accidents, etc. I drew it with a red marker.

She consecrated it, then brought an offering and stuck the panel directly on double-sided tape.

* Traffic cops stopped stopping,

* The magical effect “AGAINST” was applied, but it did not work, resulting in a strong rollback. Moreover, the attacker did not even notice the defense

* The car was successfully and profitably sold, the new owner left the protection and noticed that the car was no longer stopped.

Ritual with a new car

Take the scissors in your right hand, walk around the car, from the driver's door forward to the hood, then back and, walking around the back of the car, return to the starting point. Do this path three times. Moving along this route, constantly open and close the scissors - cut the air with them, thereby getting rid of negative energies and opening up new spaces for the car. Do this when you bought a new car and even more so when you bought a used car.

Amulet to prevent accidents

Make a small bag out of black leather. Place three stones in it: amber, turquoise and satellite. Hang this amulet on the rearview mirror of your car and say:

From everyone in parts,

from everyone to the fullest,

from everyone according to ability.

Protection of children from the Sun stone,

protection of the path from the Moon stone,

Both ahead and behind, everything around,

everything is protected, everything is on the way.

Amulet of protection against breakdowns

A reliable amulet for preventing accidents and breakdowns is a peacock feather, which should be placed next to the rear window, where the first aid kit is usually kept in the car.

For fast movement

Before setting off on a long journey, sprinkle a little salt on the hood, roof and back of the car. This will protect the car from danger on the road and make it more maneuverable and faster.

Luck on the road

Park the car in an open place. Light a green candle and place it in front of the car three meters from its hood. Light a red candle and place it a few meters behind the car. Light a yellow candle and sit behind the wheel with it.

Three colors are on my way, green in front, red behind, yellow in the middle.

This is how these colors should always be located, without changing places.

My car should not break down, rush forward, and should not meet others along the same path.

Be my conspiracy firm and strong, stronger than strong iron, harder than solid stone.

Blow out the yellow candle. After this, get out of the car and extinguish, first the red, then the green candle. All this will not only protect your car from breakdowns and collisions, but will also bring you good luck on the road, the green light will always accompany you, the red light will always remain behind, and the yellow aspect will give you attentiveness, dexterity and caution.

Protecting your machine from damage

To protect your car from damage and all kinds of road troubles, sprinkle salt on its hood and say:

Where did this salt fall?

I turn it into action forever and ever.

After this, sprinkle salt on the roof and back of the car, and finally throw a few grains of salt into the car interior. While doing this, repeat the same plot all the time.

The magic of herbs for the car

Place a small pillow filled with dry herbs of mint, lavender and yarrow in the car interior and say:

Three herbs gathered together,

protect people from troubles and misfortunes.

Free path talisman

Make a talisman for your car that will always bring you good luck on the road. Light a red, yellow and green candle. Cut a circle out of thick paper and draw a five-pointed star on it. Write your car number in the center of the star. Tip a red candle over the paper and fill the center of the star with melted wax. When the wax hardens, tilt a yellow candle over the talisman. Next, you must fill the surface of the talisman with green candle wax. Be sure to make sure that the green wax completely hides all other colors. Place the paper circle in a small box or box and keep this magical talisman in your car. The choice of wax colors for this talisman is associated not only with the symbol traffic- a traffic light, but it also contains an additional meaning, so the magical aspect of the red color will give your car speed, you personally - skill, reaction and dexterity, green will secure the car, and will give you attentiveness and not fatigue while driving, yellow will give you caution, and give the car strength and durability.

From breakdowns and accidents

Fill a small green bag with dry rowan leaves and sprigs, and also place a tiger eye stone in the bag. Place this amulet in your car to avoid breakdowns and accidents.

Wrap small nail scissors in green ribbon. Place them in a bag, into which you also add dry herbs of wormwood, St. John's wort and plantain. Keep this amulet in the glove compartment of your car to avoid vehicle breakdowns and accidents.

If you lubricate the steering wheel of your car with sandalwood, the tires with bergamot, and the front and rear bumpers eucalyptus oil, then protect your vehicle from breakdowns and accidents.

Wrap a double rock crystal (two fused crystals) in green fabric. Wrap a cloth with green ribbon and store this amulet in the glove compartment of your car to avoid breakdowns and accidents.


Walk around the car clockwise, but so that no one can see.

I bought it, I paid for it.

I don't let thieves in.

It’s worth it, but, thief, it’s not yours.

You, thief, will become someone else's,

and mine is mine, dear.

Who will take it for themselves?

will die soon.

who will take mine

that's the end of life.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

They read the water spell and spray the car with this water.

Lord bless my road, my wheels, my cart. Three rivers flow in an open field: the first is Varvara, the second is Nastasya, the third is Paraskovya. These rivers are washed with stumps, underwater roots, white stones, steep banks, hidden pearls. So they would wash, wash away all damage: from the cart, from the cart, from the wheels, from the road. It would jump, it would jump: from the path, from me, from the horse carrying me, from the ride, from all four wheels. So that it doesn’t get stuck and carried away, knocked down, crushed, broken, or destroyed. The bad should not be, but the good should live. Neither the first enemy, nor the other, nor the third enemy, none. Mother, help, Father, help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Car magic

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Ritual when choosing and buying a car

So that I make a successful purchase,

So that the car does not break down and does not fail!

So that the price is good and the quality is even better!”

The spell must be repeated three times, after which you can begin choosing a car. If the amount to buy a car is limited, then do the ceremony on Wednesday and the transaction will be completed with minimal financial costs.

Ritual with a new car

Blessing of a new car

“I bless my car, I call everyone and everything as a witness! Let this car serve me faithfully and be my friend and assistant. I give you a name (come up with a name for the car). The blessing is complete! Let it be so!".

Read the plot three times.

Selling a car

“As I walk around the car, so let the buyers walk around, crowd, and try to buy. Attract a new owner to you, not greedy, with big money.”

“Through Christ, with Christ and in Christ. To you, Almighty Father, and to the Holy Spirit, glory. They pay for all kinds of merit, even if I, the servant of God (name), sell, I will be paid well. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“I wash off the dirt and put my car up for auction. Let the merchants come, one richer than the other, whoever gives more, I’ll sell it to him.”

“I clean up the rubbish from the car, I drive out my spirit. Let the merchant come, let the new spirit come in!”

“Just as everyone needs water, so does my car, just as there is no life without water, so a merchant would not have life without my car. Let him buy, and pay generously in specie! Amen". Sprinkle the car with spoken water.

Vehicle and driver protection

Magic words must be repeated seven times.

“The oak will be broken by thunder, the ash will be struck by lightning,

the comfrey will save you from trouble and bring you home unharmed.”

The amulet can be hidden in the car, or you can hang it in a visible place, for example, above a mirror.

The stav contains a fourfold repeating Algiz rune.

Apply to paper with a red marker.

Speak for protection from enemies, thieves, accidents, unnecessary stops.

Activate with your breath, leave an offering to the gods - good beer or a bottle of wine, then attach it inside the car with double-sided tape.

"From everyone in parts,

from everyone to the fullest,

from everyone according to ability.

Protection of children from the Sun stone,

protection of the path from the Moon stone,

from the stone of the Earth there is a barrier to all danger.

Both in front and behind, everything in the area,

everyone’s on defense, everyone’s on the road.”

“Where did this salt fall?

there is no damage, no evil eye, no breakage,

no scratches, no dents, no failure.

I affirm this with a conspiracy word,

I will turn you into action forever and ever.”

After this, sprinkle salt on the roof and back of the car, and finally throw a few grains of salt into the car interior. Doing this all the time, repeat the previous plot.

"Three herbs gathered together,

They united against troubles and hardships.

To be together on the road and on the road,

protect people from harm and misfortune.”

The smell emitted by the herbs will have a beneficial effect on the driver (increase his reactions and reduce fatigue), and their magical power will protect the car from collisions with other cars.

“Lord God, help! Protect me and protect me: from bruises, mutilation, broken bones, from deformity, muscle rupture, from terrible wounds and scarlet blood. Protect my body from the burns of fire. Save, save, protect me. Be my words strong and sculpted. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“I (driver’s name) will go out into an open field, in a field there are seven devils on a chain and on a leash. As if the devil couldn’t reach or touch me, I would be safe and sound on the way, on the road. My conspiracy is long, my words are strong. Amen".

Pour water into the bathtub or sink.

Before leaving home say:

“The road is a princess, the path is a king!”

– the number “7” in silver is the lucky number of the driver. You can independently roll up the figure seven from silver foil and discreetly attach it to the rear window of your car;

– a wonderful amulet for the driver – a keychain or accessory with seven gems and one quartz crystal;

– a peephole stone (tiger, falcon or cat’s eye) hung on the front window of the car will reduce the number of forced stops on the road to check documents;

– the rune “Raido” is the patroness of all travelers. An inscription, medallion or tablet with the Raido rune is a good amulet against any problems on the road.

“The husband is stone, iron,

Water won't flood you, fire won't burn you,

Metal won't knock you down

It won’t turn off the path, won’t turn it over, won’t crush it,

No one will ever crush or kill the rider anywhere.

Iron up, iron down.

The metal is heated on fire and pours,

But my firm word will not be interrupted

Neither the first evil nor the second,

Not a third evil or anything.

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Protection against car breakdowns

“Wherever my salt falls, there will be no room for breakdowns and malfunctions. With strong words I confirm my conspiracy, I infuse it with strength, I make it a talisman! It will be like this now, it will always be like this. Amen!".

“Where my salt falls, there is no place for damage, no evil eye, no breakage, no failure, no scratches, no dents. With a strong conspiracy word, I affirm my words, turning them into deeds forever and ever. Amen".

Luck on the road

“Three colors are on my way, green in front, red behind, yellow in the middle. This is how these colors should always be located, without changing places. My car should not break down, rush forward, and should not meet others along the same path. Be my conspiracy firm and strong, stronger than strong iron, harder than solid stone.”

Extinguish the yellow candle with your fingers. After this, get out of the car and extinguish the same, first the red, then the green candle. All this will not only protect your car from breakdowns and collisions, but will also bring you good luck on the road, the green light will always accompany you, the red light will always remain behind, and the yellow aspect will give you attentiveness, dexterity and caution.

Anti-theft magic

“Just as I shouldn’t be a brownie, I shouldn’t be on foot,

Like a stone mountain cannot be moved from its place,

So no one can steal my car or steal it.

I close my words with a lock, I close them with a key, I give them power. Amen!".

You need to repeat the words of the conspiracy three times. When you have read the spell, close the machine and cross it three times.

How can I avoid becoming a brownie and a copper coin becoming gold?

Just like you can’t remove a stone mountain from its place, you can’t steal it,

So the car of God’s servant (name) cannot be stolen or stolen.

I lock my words with an iron lock, I close them with a copper key,

I protect you with a strong amulet. Amen".

Theft protection has been set.

“I bought it, I paid for it.

I cover it with a talisman, I dress it with a veil,

I protect you with a spell and don’t let thieves in.

It’s worth it, it’s mine, but, thief, it’s not yours.

To you, thief, it will become someone else’s, but to me, it will be mine, dear.

Whoever takes this for himself will die a quick death.

Whoever takes mine will have the end of his life.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then read the water spell and spray the car with this water.

Let the candles burn for a while, then put them out and put them in the glove compartment or trunk of the car away from prying eyes.

Communication on the road and during car repairs

“I was in a field and saw grass.

Where the wind blows the grass

That's where her leaf looks.

So would you, servant of God

(name, if you don’t know the name, you can leave it out),

did what I needed.

According to my words, according to my speeches.

My words are the key, my deeds are the lock.

Secure, God, my words, my deeds.

Now, forever, forever and ever.

“Dream and darkness attack you,

not just one, but all 40.

I take your eyes away

I'm confusing your consciousness,

I'm wrapped in a black web.

Like flies and mosquitoes to a spider's web

so my words-deeds-views

your will is being put to sleep.

Sleep your mind, sleep your mind.

How does the earth absorb water?

So you do my will!

The trouble has fallen on you

on each side and on any side!

Perish, your clear mind, for one earthly hour!

I confuse, I twist, I twist,

do as I want.

There is blindness in your eyes,

there is numbness in your arms and legs,

to your will - my every command.

As soon as I blow on your face,

So I’ll break your spell right away!

Brother devils, my fetters are on

(name of the one you are confusing)

throw on, throw on, put on,

subordinate his (her) will to my will!

Your eyes are foggy, and your mind is in a daze.

Your eyes are foggy, and your mind is in a daze.

“Spun, grabbed, carried

Through windbreaks, gullies,

With a roar, a whistle,

Leshim laughter, eagle screeching.

Heavy moans, screams.

It hit me in the ribs, it frothed in my heart,

A roar on the throat, on the chest with claws,

It swirled and splashed a yellow-muddy wave into my eyes.

Yellow all around, dark all around,

The fog is all around, it's burning all around,

It’s light all around, there’s no light around...

Saliva burns drunker than wine,

It burns and suffocates, drowning out thoughts.

Moan and cry - don’t hide your tears.

Grin of laughter - like a yellow snake,

It curls in rings, dazzles in the eyes,

He tied his forehead with a tight tourniquet,

The heart sucks, the soul gnaws,

My back feels cold and my ears buzz.

Fall asleep, fall - there is no way!

“In an open field, in a dark forest, in a great fog, a light burned and smoke curled. So that the servant of God (your client's name) should go to that light, to that little smoke, so as not to get lost, but not to get lost, and not to go astray, but to be close, and not to leave. Amen".

Light-colored cars more often attract envious glances (evil eye, damage) or provoke people to harm the car.

Traffic police are quicker to notice and more likely to fine owners of bright red cars.

Never buy a car whose color you don't like. You will still break up with her, but it’s good if it’s peaceful.

Do not drive in a dust storm or hurricane. Because of this natural phenomenon, chaos and disorder may burst into your life, which will be difficult to get rid of.

A driver who boasts that he has never been in an accident will definitely soon find his pole - do not tempt fate and the gods.

Magic Shield. A unique project “Three R”. Official website of magicians.

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Car in life modern man– this is minimizing distance, comfort during movement and independence in resolving issues (meeting, seeing off, driving, bringing). She is not only an individual means of transportation, but also a great friend who is always at hand and will take you to your destination at any time. Over time, the car becomes a member of the family, which must be protected, loved and properly looked after according to all technical rules.

Timely technical inspection, repair of minor breakdowns and repairs to your car will keep you and your family safe while driving on the road. It will also help you successfully sell your old vehicle and purchase a new one, and protect you from accidents, breakdowns on the road, theft and damage to your iron friend. By the way, to successfully sell a car, use from the previous article.

Before purchasing a new car, the future owner has many questions: which model to choose, what color it will be, whether it will fail at the most crucial moment. To accurately choose the model and color of your future friend, listen to the advice of experienced people and white magic. They will help you decide on the right purchase and you will not be disappointed.

How not to make a mistake when choosing a car and protect yourself from disappointment:

  • Before buying a new car, you need to say goodbye to the old one (if you have one). Approach her to thank her for all the time she served faithfully. Let the car understand that parting with it is not an easy decision, but the old always comes to be replaced by the new. As avid car enthusiasts say, if the car for some reason is offended by the owner, then buying a new one will not bring anything good.
  • Before you leave the house to make a purchase, pick up the wallet containing the money or card for payment and whisper: “My finances serve me, they will never let you down and will protect you if necessary.” Now you can calmly go and make a purchase; usually this plot does not fail.
  • Before buying a car you like, you need to walk around it and inspect it from all sides. While the examination is going on, mentally talk to your future friend, praise him and stroke his sides. It is important to feel whether this is what you need or look for more.
  • After full mental contact with the car, when paying for it, you should not bargain. As magicians say, such actions release negative energy, which will subsequently affect the operation of the machine. It will cause frequent breakdowns and damage, as well as troubles on the road.
  • If the bargain does take place, upon arrival home, take scissors and cut the air around the car with cutting movements. Walk around the car clockwise three times, this way you can get rid of negativity.
  • Most car owners prefer to bless their car immediately, involving a church minister.
  • Another good tradition is to pour champagne on the car, but this ritual has no basis whatsoever.

A ritual to keep your car from breaking down

What owner of an iron horse does not dream that the car does not break down and look under the hood only when changing the oil. There is such a ritual and it must be carried out early in the morning before you start using the car. Take it. Three pinches of salt and throw them on the hood of the car with the words:

“Where the salt gets in, there will be no breakdowns or malfunctions. I turn salt into a talisman and affirm it with the power of words. It'll be this way forever".

Repeat the spell three times. With these actions you can periodically protect your car from breakdowns, but you also shouldn’t forget to undergo technical inspection.

Amulet spell for a car

As a rule, any motorist is a very superstitious person at heart. And of course, it is almost impossible to meet a car owner who does not have a talisman.

After illuminating the car in the church, icons with the faces of holy protectors on the road, rosary beads made of wood and crosses, which are displayed on the rearview mirror, are also purchased there. This is, in principle, for a Christian, the most reliable and faithful amulet, which has been tested for more than one decade.

For many, before setting off, the words “With God” are no less a talisman than the spoken prayers that exist specifically for drivers. But knowing by heart and reading the prayer on the road in full is a guarantee of complete safety on the road.

For a talisman in the car, use a sprig of wormwood or plantain leaves; they cleanse the car’s aura well of negative energy. Charms of this type are put away in invisible places so that passengers do not bother with questions regarding them.

When selling a car, it is not recommended to leave your talismans and amulets in it, as well as to buy with them.

A pinch of salt thrown on the hood of a car before the road is a talisman against breakdowns.

The list can be continued endlessly, because each nationality has its own culture, which means it has its own talismans and protective rituals.

But, no matter what the culture is and no matter how the amulets-talismans look, first of all, the attentiveness and accuracy of the driver while driving are the most important attributes of protection, both for the car and for everyone in the cabin.

Car cleansing ritual for a new owner

Before selling your car, you need to carry out a cleansing ritual. Which will free the car from the energy of the old owner and easily accept the new owner. To do this, it is advisable not to use the car for several days before the sale. Remove all stickers Stuffed Toys, pendants. Collect your icons to place them on your new vehicle. While cleaning the interior from your energy, read the words:

“I’m ridding the car of my spirit, and I’m throwing all the energy out. The new owner will come and bring his spirit, and enter the car with him.”

A ritual for all sorts of troubles with the car

There are car-related problems a large number of. There are predictable ones, for example, they didn’t refuel on time, and the car stalled a few kilometers before the gas station. In this case, you only have to blame your own hindsight. And there are unpredictable ones, for example, an accident or theft, from which the words of conspiracies intended for specific situations will help protect you.

To prevent accidents

Place three stones in a black leather bag: turquoise, satellite and amber. Before hanging it on the mirror in the salon, read the words of the conspiracy:

“The sun stone is protection for children, the moon stone is protection on the road, the earth stone is protection from danger. From everyone, a little bit, and according to their abilities, from everyone in full. Protection along the way, both in front and behind, both on the right and on the left.”

Taking the talisman to the salon is a reliable talisman against accidents.

Amulet against breakdowns

In front of the rear window, near the first aid kit, you should put a peacock feather; it is a reliable talisman against various car breakdowns on the road.

Protection from damage and unhindered movement

A pinch of salt on the hood will protect the car from damage by hooligans, and before a long journey it will save you from traffic jams and congestion.

Luck on the road

To perform this ritual, buy three candles from the church: yellow, red and green. You will go to an open field or area where there are no people. Light a green candle in front of the hood of the car, place a red one behind it, and take the yellow one with you into the cabin. Read three times:

“I have three colors on the way. Green is in the front, yellow in the middle and red in the back. And these colors will never change places, just as my car will never break down on the road, rush forward and never meet others. My word is firm and strong.”

Get out of the car, extinguish the green one with your fingers first. Then yellow and red candles. It is better to take the leftovers to church. A green candle symbolizes the open road, a red one warns of danger, and a yellow one symbolizes attentiveness and caution.

All this will not only protect your car from breakdowns and collisions, but will also bring you good luck on the road.

Anti-theft spell

Each owner of “his own swallow” wants to protect it in various ways from theft. Firstly, no one wants to lose their means of transportation, and secondly, this is enough expensive thing. Therefore, car theft is a fear that lives in every car owner. Various technical measures are being taken, and a conspiracy that will strengthen the effect of protection will not hurt.

Anti-theft conspiracies are read on the full moon, before leaving the car:

“Just as you can’t move a rock, you can’t steal my car. Just as the moon cannot live without stars, so I cannot live without a car. Just as a horseman cannot be a horseman without a horse, so I cannot be on foot. I close the lock with a key and secure it with the power of words.”

After the words, you need to get out of the car, close it and cross yourself three times. Now she is under reliable protection.