First romantic dinner at home. Romantic evening for two at home. Romantic dinner - a classic of the genre

Hello! Readers of our blog Mensclubonline. It’s been a while since I wrote anything new in this section, I’ll fix it now! 😉 Today I want to write an article about how to properly organize a romantic evening. What inspired me to think about this topic was the atmosphere that is everywhere now - March 8th! Day of our beloved ladies!

At first glance, organizing such an evening in a quality manner is not easy, but in reality it turns out to be easier! And so that you don’t have any questions about this, now I’ll write everything down in detail!

Preparing the premises

Let's begin! The first step is to prepare the room in which you want to have a meal with your loved one. There are many options, book a table in a cafe, restaurant, and so on, but today let’s forget about this banality and do everything with our own hands, it’s not for nothing that there is a saying - “ Best gift one that is made with your own hands.”

So! We settled on the premises. In our case it will be an apartment. For a romantic evening, it is best to select a hall; as a rule, this is the largest room in the apartment. Let's move on to preparing the hall for the reception in more detail. We put a table in the middle of the room, bring in musical equipment, because... A romantic evening without appropriate music is not the same. So! There is a table and music, you will also need a snow-white tablecloth, this is very important! It will add a festive touch to your dinner.

Table setting

Now let's move on to table setting. To give the evening a special chic, buy long candles, white or red are best. Next, you will need beautiful wine glasses, if you have them on a long stem or you can find them, this will only be a plus, because... These glasses look very gallant. An excellent addition to all of the above would be a beautiful red rose in the center of the table, in some thin vase.

Cooking dishes

Fine! The first steps of preparation have been completed! Now let's think about food, not only the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, this also applies to girls! Proven fact! A tasty and beautiful dish is always handy for such events! You and your girlfriend won’t eat dumplings with mayonnaise and snack on sandwiches on a romantic evening! And now I will share with you the most suitable recipes, which I found in RuNet. I assessed their relevance according to two criteria – accessibility and originality!

What's the point of writing recipes that require products whose names are even difficult to remember? And the dishes that I will describe to you are not difficult to prepare and the ingredients can be easily purchased at your favorite supermarket. So! This is where I’ll end my little lyrical digression and move on to the recipes themselves!

First course

The first course will be baked wings, almost everyone loves them, so you can’t go wrong!

Letual chicken wings are a pleasure to cook: you don’t need to stand at the stove, stir anything, everything cooks itself in the oven, and the result is gorgeous!!!


  • Chicken wings 600 gr.
  • Lemon juice 100 g (0.5 cups).
  • Vegetable oil 100 g (0.5 cups).
  • Garlic 3-4 cloves.
  • Rosemary 1 sprig.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook:

Real jam! 😉


The main dish is here! Let's move on to dessert! On our agenda are fruits in chocolate cream! Simple, fast, delicious!


  • Tangerines 100 gr.
  • Kiwi 100 gr.
  • Banana 1 pc.
  • Pear 1 pc (Canned or fresh).
  • Pineapple 100 g (Also canned or fresh).
  • Cream 40% fat 200 gr.
  • Sugar 50 gr.
  • Chocolate 50 gr.
  • Cognac 30 ml.

How to cook:


After such a dessert, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have some coffee! This one is the best! Coffee, with a delicate froth of whipped cream, with a faint complementary taste of chocolate.

  • Freshly brewed coffee 300 ml.
  • Cream 40% fat 120 g (0.5 cups).
  • Sugar for cream 1 tablespoon.
  • Powdered sugar 2 teaspoons.
  • Grated chocolate 2 teaspoons.
  • Ground cinnamon ¼ teaspoon.

How to cook:

Recipe source:

Let's dance

We cooked and ate. It's time to dance! It’s not for nothing that at the beginning of the article I advised using the hall! There must be room for slow dancing! At the same time, you’ll shake out your stuffed bellies 😉 Let’s move on to the music. Since we’re having a romantic dinner, we’ll choose the music accordingly. The best people for such an event would be: LionelRichie, PinkFloyd, PeterVanPoehl, I personally really like the duo of old guitarists – AcousticAlchemy, they have a very beautiful and romantic instrumental, in general, listen to the performers from this list and add your favorite tracks to it.

Here is the standard and most importantly proven scenario for a romantic dinner!

Have a good dinner and continue the banquet 😉

The men's blog Mensclubonline was with you. See you in touch!

Such a sublime event as a romantic dinner excites the imagination and makes feelings play with new colors both for newly found lovers and for mature, established couples who want to diversify their common life.
Especially on the eve of the most romantic holiday, Valentine's Day.

However, organizing the perfect intimate dinner is not as easy as it might seem. Sometimes one little thing is enough to ruin the mood for both yourself and to a loved one, and sediment and disappointment are not good for the relationship.

Romance is romance, but some rules still have to be followed.

1. Simple!

Avoid choosing complex, showy dishes that require standing in the kitchen for hours.

Firstly, you will be tired, fatigue will ruin your evening. Secondly, if your man is not a picky gourmet, he can swallow all the culinary delights without noticing the subtlest nuances of taste. If he is a subtle connoisseur, you risk not pleasing him.

Don't cook a lot of dishes - you'll show off your culinary zeal another time. Leave the table filled with salads for large-scale family celebrations.

2. Nourishing!

Leave light salads and seafood cocktails for figure-conscious friends. A man, most likely, will not appreciate them, he will eat them in one sitting - and then ask when he will be fed, in fact, dinner.

Dishes must be nutritious. However, here too there is underwater rock– don’t try to feed your loved one to the fullest! After a hearty meal, he will dream not about you, but about the sofa and pillow. Even if you are the best in the world at making borscht and dumplings from 7 types of meat, for a romantic dinner it is better to choose something more interesting.

3. Convenient!

Romantic dinner It should be convenient to eat! Fish and meat should be boneless, complex sandwiches should not fall apart right in your hands, risking ruining your dress and the snow-white shirt of your loved one.

Give up the idea of ​​impressing a man with an exotic soup right away - no one has ever managed to gracefully slurp hot liquid. Maintaining a casual conversation while battling bones and cartilage won't be easy either.

4. Alcohol

The choice of alcohol is a real problem. Ideal - cognac or good wine, champagne. But vodka, even very good and expensive, is, frankly speaking, not entirely suitable for a romantic dinner. If you do not understand wines and cognacs, leave the choice to the man.

The main rule in this case is moderation. An extra glass can ruin everything, and it doesn’t matter who drinks it. If you plan to spend the evening in a restaurant, be careful with cocktails - light and sweet drinks can play a cruel joke on you.

Practice mixing cocktails together - this will entertain you and diversify the alcoholic menu.

5. Entourage

And moderation again! Don’t get carried away with candles, hearts and rose petals - very few men are able to appreciate a lady’s desire to decorate every centimeter of the house.

If you decide to have a candlelit dinner, keep them small. And try to arrange them as conveniently as possible for both of you - a dress drenched in paraffin is not included in your plans, and fire safety no one canceled. Be especially careful with scented candles - for some reason, most men are not happy with their suffocating smell.

It's a good idea to have a dinner in the same style. For example, in popular Japanese (sushi, geishas, ​​other oriental flavors). Or in Arabic - do you know at least one man who would not dream of becoming a padishah for one evening, and having Scheherazade flutter around in translucent silks?

6. Atmosphere

Take care of the musical accompaniment. Even if you have diametrically opposed tastes, it is possible to find music that suits both of you - viscous saxophone spills or a selection of soundtracks from classic love films have never let anyone down.

7. Aphrodisiacs

Lists of products that excite fiery passion do not leave the pages of glossy magazines. Don’t place high hopes on them - firstly, one serving may not give the desired effect, and secondly, not everyone likes dishes made from them. In addition, many aphrodisiacs are strong allergens (seafood, honey, nuts).

If your lover ends up in the hospital with angioedema straight from a romantic date, it will not be easy for you to convince him of your good intentions.

8. Details

It’s not for nothing that they say that the devil is in the details – the smallest detail can ruin the best plan.

When choosing products, try to ensure that they do not have a strong odor, otherwise passionate kisses will take on a very peculiar taste. We are not talking about all the well-known onions and garlic: salted fish, some cheeses and sauces with horseradish are also not the best choice for a romantic evening.

When decorating dishes, do not get carried away - the abundance of decor does not add sophistication to the taste.

9. Originality

Surprises are great, but the timing must be very precise.

Returned after have a hard day The man from work will, of course, be happy to see you in all your glory in front of a table set with candles, but he will be an unimportant interlocutor. What kind of romance is there if your loved one dreams of quickly eating and stretching out on the sofa?

In addition, not knowing about your plans, he can suddenly change his own and simply not show up - and what could be sadder than a lonely evening among dying candles and freezing delicacies?

10. Relax!

This should have been written about from the very beginning. The main thing in a romantic dinner is not in a special way baked meat and expensive wine, and your mood.

Don’t treat dinner as an exam, don’t expect too much from it - just enjoy the preparations, the company of your loved one, take a break from the hustle and bustle and have fun!

Many of us have at least once thought about how to surprise our loved one and create an exceptional evening for two. What outfits to choose, what dishes to cook, what wine to buy and how to create a unique atmosphere?

You can, of course, book a table in a restaurant and limit yourself to choosing the menu offered. In addition to this, you can buy a ticket to the sauna or a double massage session. Then you won’t have to worry about anything except your appearance.

But what if you decide to have a romantic dinner and... entertainment program on one's own? Well, great idea! The online magazine “” will be happy to help you with this!

How to arrange a romantic dinner?


First, decide on the room where you will treat your loved one. This could be the kitchen itself, but you can serve dinner in any other room. Yes, at least in the bathroom, if you plan to stay in it further after a snack. The main thing is to create an intimate atmosphere.

Romantic atmosphere

To make a romantic dinner, curtain the windows and stock up on candles. Both regular ones in beautiful candlesticks and “tablets” (penny candles in a tin “case”) will do.

Take a closer look at the floating candles. They look great on a romantic table in an original vase with water or an unusual plate.

You can even place these candles in glasses of water *wink*

By the way, the above-mentioned “tablets” can also be placed in glasses. And if you turn the glasses upside down, place our “tablets” under them, and put a decoration of your choice on the stem – it will turn out extremely unusual and interesting. It all depends on your imagination.

A string of pearls carelessly thrown on the table or a scattering of rose petals will also help create the atmosphere of a romantic dinner...

Or you can simply put a bouquet in a beautiful vase, which your loved one will probably present to you as a traditional present. Quiet relaxing music will be a great addition.

It’s better not to rely on your favorite radio station, but not to be lazy and burn a disc with the appropriate tracks.

Important nuances

By the way, we won’t dwell too much on this point, but we’ll make a small note that cleanliness and neatness are practically the most important attributes. Agree that a dirty floor, dust on the table and stained glasses do not look very romantic.

Therefore, take care of the cleanliness of the room and the accessories used. Based on the above, we can say with confidence that weekdays spent in fatigue and stress are not the best days for such a dinner.

Let it be a day off. And you will prepare well and prepare a romantic dinner for two, and your loved one will be full of strength and energy.

It is important to understand that a romantic dinner is not a dinner party. There is no need for heavy perfume, brocade and velvet (even as a tablecloth), and kilogram sponge cakes and fatty cabbage soup have no place at all at your romantic dinner. You want the evening to continue, don't you? *wink*

Therefore, think about your dinner menu in advance.

What to cook for a romantic dinner for two?

Of course, strawberries, whipped cream and chocolate came to your mind even without us. That's right, these products are included in the list of natural aphrodisiacs.

This also includes bananas, mangoes, avocados, coffee, cardamom, celery, parsley, nuts, shrimp, oysters, and mussels.

They say that garlic also has stimulating properties, but for obvious reasons we do not recommend consuming it during a romantic dinner

In short, we'll throw you some easy ones and at the same time delicious recipes. We hope they will help you decide what to cook for a romantic dinner.

The most important thing to remember is that you should never overeat at a romantic dinner.

Otherwise, then you’ll just lie sideways on the couch watching TV. And the opportunity to show off stunning sexy lingerie will wait until next time *pardon*

Therefore, portions should be modest, and the table should not be crowded with the abundance of dishes on it. Stick to salad and dessert, or salad and main course, or main and dessert.

Although, if the portions are really small, then you can cook all three dishes. In general, everything is up to your taste and creative discretion.

Please also note taste preferences your loved one and that he is not allergic to any product you are planning. Otherwise, you will then “flood” its erogenous zones in the stomach with antihistamines...

Recipe No. 1 Salad “My Fish”

Lightly salted salmon (trout) fillet -100-150 g

Rye bread or Borodino bread – a couple of slices

Mild curd cheese (0% fat cottage cheese is also suitable, or even Philadelphia cheese) – 100-150 g

Mayonnaise – 1 tsp. per serving

Red caviar for decoration

Cut the crusts off the pieces of bread, cut into small cubes and dry in a frying pan without oil (or in the oven). Cut the salmon into small pieces. Grind the curd cheese with mayonnaise and finely chopped herbs (if you have cottage cheese, first rub it separately through a sieve or grater, then mix with the rest of the ingredients). Place in a bowl in layers: curd cheese, fish, a little crackers and caviar.

Recipe No. 2 Spicy cocktail salad with shrimp “Sweet Kiss”

Boiled shrimp 150 g

Strawberry 50 g

Orange – 3-4 slices

Mango – ¼ fruit

A bit of celery

Orange juice 1 tbsp.

Sugar 0.5 tsp. no slide

Sour cream 1 tbsp.

Sweet chili sauce -0 5 tsp.

A little salt

Cut the mango into cubes. Finely chop the celery stalks. Peel the orange slices from film, seeds and fibers, cut into cubes. Cut the strawberries into 4 pieces each. Now prepare the sauce: mix sour cream, orange juice, sweet chili sauce, sugar and salt. Place the prepared mixture of fruits and shrimp into bowls or glasses and pour the sauce on top.

Recipe No. 3 Creamy tuna in apricots “Delight”

Canned tuna in oil (half a can)

Curd cheese (low-fat cottage cheese is fine) – 100-150 g

Walnut kernels – 20-30 g

Canned apricots – 2-4 pieces

Red onion – ¼ onion (or less)

Fry the nuts in a frying pan without oil and chop finely. Drain the oil from the tuna, mash it with a fork and combine it with the cream cheese. Finely chop the onion and mix with the tuna. Beat the mixture with a fork until creamy. Place the resulting creamy tuna on the apricot halves. Sprinkle with nuts. If desired, you can garnish with mint or parsley leaves.

Recipe No. 4 Pork “Light”

Pork – 250-300 g

Bell pepper – 1 pc.

Onions - 0.5 bulbs

Black pepper, red hot pepper, ground dry ginger - to taste

Vegetable oil for frying

Cut the pork into thin long pieces. Cut the onion and pepper into strips. Place the meat in a frying pan and fry in oil. A few minutes before cooking, add the onion. Once the onion becomes translucent, add the bell pepper. Salt and add the indicated spices. Simmer under the lid until fully cooked.

Recipe No. 5 Chicken chop “Tenderness”

Chicken fillet - 1 pc. (consists of two halves, 1 half per person)

Flour - 1 tbsp.

Egg – 1 pc.

Mayonnaise -1.5 tbsp.

Salt, ground black pepper - to taste

Vegetable oil for frying

Hard cheese 50-80 g


Wash the fillet and divide into 2 parts. Beat it with a hammer on both sides. Prepare the batter: break an egg into a bowl, add chopped parsley, mayonnaise, flour, salt and pepper and mix everything well. Grate the cheese separately. Now heat a frying pan with oil. Dip the beaten fillets into the batter on one side. Place this side (the one in the batter) into the pan.

Place grated cheese on top (on the side where there is no batter). Cover with a lid and fry until golden brown. After this, pour the batter onto the melted cheese with a spoon, thus “covering” the chop. Now turn the chops over to the second side and fry until golden brown. Garnish the finished chops with parsley sprigs.

Recipe No. 6 Chicken in soy sauce with summer vegetables “Beijing”

Chicken (meat from any part) – 200-300 g

Soy sauce – 100 g

Cucumber – 80-100 g

Tomato – 80-100 g

Bell pepper -80-100 g

Honey – 20 g

Salt, ground black pepper - to taste


Vegetable oil

Prepare chicken meat: wash, separate from bones and chop into pieces. Marinate the meat in soy sauce mixed with honey (preferably for 30-60 minutes). Fry the meat in oil. Cut the vegetables into strips and the tomato into slices. Add bell peppers and cucumbers to the meat. Fry until done. Pour the remaining marinade and spices over the dish and simmer for about 7 minutes until the liquid has evaporated. Then add the tomatoes and fry for a couple more minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped herbs.

Dry sparkling wine (1 bottle for 4 servings)

Canned peaches with syrup – 1 jar

For decoration – a couple of strawberries or a sprig of mint

Drain the syrup from the peaches into a separate cup, place a few peaches in a bowl and use a blender to blend them to a thick puree, adding syrup a teaspoon at a time. Take a deep glass, add 3-5 tsp. peach puree and pour in the wine in a thin stream (it’s better to place a teaspoon in the glass and pour the wine in a neat, thin stream right along its back side). As a decoration, you can cut the strawberry in half and decorate the glass with it. Or just add a mint leaf to your cocktail.

Recipe No. 8 Honey yogurt “Favorite”

Natural yogurt (any thick yogurt without flavorings or additives will do) – 400 g

Walnuts (or pine nuts) - 30-40 g

Ground ginger, cinnamon - to taste

Sprig of mint

Honey – 150 g

Prepare the sweet sauce: combine honey and ginger, mix thoroughly and whisk. Fry the nuts in a dry frying pan, chop finely. Place the yogurt in 2 bowls, 200 g each. Pour the sweet sauce over the yoghurt and sprinkle nuts and cinnamon on top. Garnish with mint leaves.

Recipe No. 9 Watermelon cake “Fantasy”

Ripe watermelon

Cream 30% (if the fat content is higher, it will be even better) - 600 ml

Vanillin (if you find a vanilla pod, it will be great) – to taste

Brown sugar – 80 g

mint leaves

Cut 2 cubes of adequate size from the watermelon, cut off the skin and place on two plates. This will be the basis of our mini cakes. Separately, chop the pieces of watermelon into small pieces or use a small spoon to give them the appearance of a sphere (there should be at least 20 such tiny lumps for 2 servings) for decoration.

For the cream, in a bowl, beat the cream, 50 g of brown sugar and vanilla (or vanilla bean seeds) with a mixer or blender for 5 minutes until a thick and smooth creamy consistency. Blot the prepared watermelon cubes paper napkin so that all excess liquid is absorbed. Cover these cubes evenly with the resulting cream and level. Sprinkle the prepared watermelon lumps on top, garnish with mint leaves and sprinkle with brown sugar.

Recipe No. 10 The most delicate strawberry fresh soup with ginger “Baby”

Fresh strawberries – 1 kg

Fresh ginger – 100 g

Lemon – 1 pc.

Sugar – 4 tbsp.

Peel the ginger and grate it on a fine grater. Extract the juice from the ginger. Squeeze the lemon and add lemon juice to the grated ginger. Place washed strawberries in a tall glass, pour ginger and lemon juice over them. Add granulated sugar. Beat everything with a blender. Place the fresh soup into plates and garnish with mint leaves. Can be served with ice cubes, a few whole strawberries or sorbet.

Here are some tasty and quick recipes how to make a romantic dinner. As you can see, the products are quite affordable. Mangoes, shrimp and watermelon can be easily found on store shelves. It doesn’t take a huge amount of time to prepare these delicacies either. Better spend time on yourself, my beloved.

Organizing a romantic dinner is not difficult at all. We hope our recipes will help you prepare for such an intimate event. Our light and healthy dishes can also diversify your daily menu.

Romantic dinner and drinks

And finally: when it comes to alcoholic drinks, something light is preferable. For example, wine or champagne. If your man prefers strong drinks, buy cognac for him. Or whiskey.

Please note that you should not consume large quantities of alcohol at such an event. Therefore, if you choose strong alcoholic drink, then either limit its portion or use it in cocktails.

Or submit delicious Irish coffee :

Irish coffee recipe

Brew coffee in a Turk, pour it into mugs, add 50 g of cognac to each cup. Separately whisk the milk (this can be done using a French press or mixer) and add it to the coffee. You can sprinkle with cocoa, cinnamon or grated chocolate. By the way, roasted crushed almonds will add piquancy to the drink.

After dinner…

And make sure your loved one doesn’t fall asleep *wink* . Think over your further program in advance: it could be a night walk under the stars with a bottle of wine, a relaxing massage or bath, or maybe even a striptease performed by you (you can even do this together) or play the now fashionable “forfeits”.

The main thing is that everything flows in the direction you want.

Oh yes, we almost forgot! Under no circumstances should you whine to your man this evening about problems, worries, an unattached shelf or unbought bread. We can talk about this tomorrow.

And after dinner, don’t frantically run to the sink in order to wash all the dirty dishes: they will also wait. You have more pleasant and important things to do this evening.

Bon appetit and have fun!

There is no need for a reason for a romantic evening between two lovers. You don't have to wait for a holiday or anniversary. You can please your loved one at any time. Well, on the day of acquaintance or wedding, as well as on Valentine’s Day, God himself ordered to arrange something like that - incredibly romantic and amazingly sensual. Yes, any existing holiday can be celebrated romantic evening for two.

Even if the couple’s relationship is many years old, this does not mean that romantic evenings should remain in the past. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together – six months, a year or 30 years. Romantic surprise, and this should be a surprise, it will do its job - it will bring partners closer, bring a spark to their relationship, and allow them to experience the same vivid feeling of love as in the first weeks of dating.

How to arrange a romantic evening for two in honor of a holiday or just because? You need to start with pre-planning.

Romantic evening for your loved one: planning

1. Time. We choose a day and time, simultaneously deciding what it will be - dinner, a light night dinner, lunch or, perhaps, breakfast? It's best to plan a romantic evening on Friday or Saturday so you don't have to rush anywhere and don't worry about not being able to get enough sleep.

2. Concept. We decide on a concept, choose a theme, and imagine in detail the desired atmosphere. At the same time, we take into account the reason, if there is one.

3rd place. We choose a location in accordance with the concept of the event. You can arrange a romantic evening in the courtyard of your country house, in a clearing in the forest, on the roof of a multi-story building or in a hotel suite. The easiest way, of course, is to organize romantic evening at home . Where will your romantic retreat take place: in the living room, bedroom, bathroom or maybe in the attic?

4. Entourage. We decide how we will create the desired atmosphere, think through the decor, lighting, etc. Everything down to the smallest detail.

5. Table setting. We carefully consider the serving. We select a tablecloth, dishes, table decor. If it's a theme night, it should match. Set the table so that nothing prevents you from fully seeing each other during the meal.

6. Menu. We are making a menu. Dishes for a romantic evening should be quite light: less flour and fatty foods, because after such a meal you both want to lie down on the sofa and just watch TV. If you cook for yourself, choose dishes that are easy and quick to prepare, otherwise you will feel exhausted by the time you need to enjoy spending time with your loved one.

If you want your romantic evening ended only in the morning, include it in the menu dishes made from aphrodisiac products. These include strawberries, bananas, spices, peanuts, shrimp, asparagus, celery, garlic, coconut, anise, oysters, avocado, honey, dates, vanilla, etc.

7. Selecting drinks. Strong drinks are not advisable. However, a tasty liqueur is acceptable. Wine, including champagne, is still preferable. If you wish, you can make delicious low-alcohol cocktails.

8. Music for a romantic evening. Choose the music that will help create the atmosphere you want. You can prepare two playlists: one for dinner, the second for its continuation.

9. Appearance. Of course, you need to think about looking your best. Moreover, you don’t need to think about it last moment. When the room is decorated, the table is set, the dishes are prepared, take an aromatic bath, clean up, use a light perfume and put on prepared clothes appropriate for the occasion.

This is a standard preparation plan for organizing a romantic evening at home . Adhering to this template plan, you need to bring in each time romantic evening scenario something new to make every romantic date bright and unforgettable.

Romantic evening for two at home: ideas

A classic romantic dinner for your beloved home

The table is set in the living room, dining room or bedroom (but not in the kitchen). Getting ready traditional dishes: light snacks, main course, dessert. For hot dishes, you should serve dishes that can only be eaten with a fork and spoon, so as not to get your hands dirty. It’s hardly worth taking risks by taking on new complex recipes - cook what you’re good at, just serve it in a new way. For example, the usual meatloaf can be served with an original sweet and sour sauce and decorated with lemon roses.

Dessert is usually served with ice cream with fruit or strawberries with cream. Drinks of choice are usually champagne or wine.

The table setting is romantic. For example, a white tablecloth, a red carpet and red napkins. The table decoration is a small bouquet in the center, vases filled with water in which rose petals float, and candles. The room is dim.

The music is pleasant, relaxing, and then exciting.

A woman puts on a dress for such a romantic evening (it can even be erotic - transparent, with deep neckline or open back). A man, of course, must match, but a tailcoat, of course, is of no use, but the shirt must be clean.

Unconventional romantic evening at home

A romantic surprise from a football fan. This is an idea for those women whose partners are incredibly passionate about football and do not miss a single match involving the national team or their favorite club. Many ladies complain that their lovers do not pay attention to them while the match is going on. Why not turn the situation to your advantage? How to do it? Have a romantic football evening in front of the TV.

The main thing here is to surprise him. Set a coffee table near the sofa in front of the TV. Cover the table with a green tablecloth and decorate with souvenir soccer balls. It’s great if you can buy dishes and napkins with a football design.

Prepare a variety of snacks, preferably crispy, but not too greasy or heavy. For example, instead of just dumping chips into a bowl, make a salad with chips. Grind the shrimp, add boiled rice and finely chopped fresh and pickled cucumbers, taken equally. Stir, add a little salted sour cream or mayonnaise. Place the chips on a large flat plate and fill them with the salad. You need to fill the chips no earlier than half an hour before the start of the match, otherwise they will stop crunching and lose one of their “football” advantages.

Make cheese balls, decorate them with strips of black olives or prunes, making them look like a soccer ball, and place them on a plate generously sprinkled with chopped herbs (a la balls on a football field). By the way, Italian pizza at home is also an option, especially if your loved one is a Milan fan. Prepare sliced ​​cheese and, of course, fruit. “Kebabs” of fruit on skewers will fit perfectly. The most suitable drinks are ice-cold beer and cocktails made from it.

The key to such a romantic evening is appearance"football fan" You can wear a short fluffy skirt and transform into a cheerleader. It will be even more piquant if you wear a T-shirt from the uniform of your man’s favorite club. Just a T-shirt - and nothing more! Twilight, delicious snacks, a very sexy fan nearby... Mmm, it’s not a fact that even the most ardent football fan will be able to watch the match to the end.

If those you're rooting for score a goal, you can celebrate the occasion with a hot kiss. Well, if the ball is missed, you will kiss slowly and sadly. By the end of the match, the man will be literally on edge.

Romantic evening"From winter to summer." This option is optimal if the goal of a romantic evening is not only to surprise and delight your significant other, but also to help her relax after hard work and stress. You can arrange such a romantic evening in late autumn, winter or early spring.

It would be great if you could buy a rug that imitates a lawn. In general, any green blanket will do, the main thing is that it is soft. Buy candles with the scents of summer herbs, clover, and violets. A few small bouquets of flowers will be very useful. Curtain the windows tightly, place a table lamp on the windowsill and turn it on - through the curtains it will look as if there is a summer sunset outside the window.

The ideal soundtrack would be muted music from one or more sound sources. loud sounds summer
nature - from another. A light breeze, birdsong, the chirping of crickets and cicadas, and perhaps the surf against the backdrop of romantic country music will create a stunning atmosphere.

Place a rug or blanket on the floor in a comfortable place where you can rest your back, such as a chair, wall or sofa. Place dishes on two tray tables, which are used for serving breakfast in bed. Decorate the snacks big amount green salad and fresh herbs. For drinks, you should prefer refreshing lemon juice and, for example, apple wine - so that everything reminds you of summer. For main course you should serve fish cooked on charcoal, and for dessert - berries(blueberries, cloudberries, etc.) with ice cream.

Wear a light sundress. You can even decorate your head with a straw hat. It's great if you both spend the evening barefoot. After dinner, give your loved one a massage with a refreshing massage oil containing menthol and eucalyptus. Suddenly plunging from the chilly winter into a wonderful summer, your other half experiences an abyss of pleasure. Arrange one romantic evening for husband if he is depressed.

Romantic evening “Picnic”.
In good weather, of course, it’s worth having a picnic for two, getting out somewhere from the house. But when there is frost or slush outside, you can organize a picnic at home. Of course, it will be a “pseudo-picnic,” but new sensations won’t hurt you.

You can have a picnic in any room of the house, but it is better to do it on a loggia or balcony (if, of course, they are glazed and moderately warm, although you probably need to heat them in advance). Set the table in a camp style with a rough tablecloth and simple dishes. Prepare grilled meat in the oven. Don't forget vegetables, and for dessert - fruit in a wicker basket. For drinks, you can serve strong wine - you will need to warm up. And if possible, you can put a grill on the balcony and fry meat together, having a picnic on the floor in the kitchen. The sounds of the forest and birdsong will be a wonderful background. After finishing with the meat, you can play - for example, strip cards. All the same, in this “dead place” no one will see you except birds and animals.

Romantic evening in the bath.
An amazing tool for relaxation. This is exactly the kind of romantic evening you can arrange for Valentine's Day. What do you need? Complete cleanliness in the bathroom, floating candles in glass containers (with a flared top) placed on the floor. Small bouquets decorating all kinds of shelves. Thick candles on the shelf directly next to the bath. A bath filled with warm water and foam (preferably with the aroma of ylang-ylang, considered an aphrodisiac). You can throw rose petals into the water. It is worth preparing a fragrant scrub for massage and a soft sponge.

You can spend a romantic evening in complete silence or bring music or even a small TV into the bathroom (you can figure out what you can watch at such a moment).

Directly next to the bath you need to place a small table with drinks, snacks and dessert. The bathroom is the element of water, so you can serve seafood on skewers as appetizers. Hot is undesirable, so if your significant other is hungry, prepare more hearty snacks. For dessert - strawberries or other berries with cream, ice cream with cherries or bananas. Champagne is the best drink. It will be an unforgettable evening!

Ethnic romantic evening.
Do you welcome your loved one back from work with the same dishes? And do you almost always look the same? Add variety by arranging, for example, Japanese romantic dinner .

Find Japanese music. Decorate your living room or bedroom with Japanese fans, cherry blossom branches (can be artificial), and wind chimes. Light incense sticks.

Transform yourself into a geisha: put on oriental makeup, lift your hair and pin it up at the back of your head. As a kimono, you can use a translucent peignoir (you can embroider a hieroglyph on it). Cover your bed with linen Japanese style and leave the bed unmade.

You can serve sushi rolls and light sushi rolls for an appetizer, and baked fish for main course. Dessert can be arbitrary - it’s unlikely that it will come to that. After dinner, you can draw hieroglyphs on each other’s bodies according to the pattern.

Similar romantic evenings can be done in any style: Arabic, Indian, Spanish, Mexican, French, etc. Every romantic evening will be unique. During a romantic evening, you can study the Kama Sutra. Having immersed yourself in the atmosphere of France, you can play French kiss (take turns pulling out pieces of paper with written parts of the body that need to be kissed). During an Arabian romantic evening, you can smoke a hookah and play backgammon according to your wishes, and your partner can demonstrate her abilities in belly dancing. In a word, ethnic romantic evening will always be original and interesting.

Romantic evening at home in the style of 9 and a half weeks. The room should be very dark - a minimum of candles.

Let's decorate the table in black and red (colors of passion). For drinks, you can have something strong, but in minimal quantities.

Music is not relaxing, but on the contrary – tonic, stimulating. For example, compositions by the Enigma musical group.

You can cook anything, but let it be spicy dishes. It can even be very spicy. When it’s time for dessert, blindfold your partner and invite him to play: let him try certain fruits, berries, chocolate - let him guess by taste what you’re treating him to. And then you can apply the treat to your own body - now let him guess not only what he is eating, but also where he is eating from. After this game, you can dance a light striptease to your loved one. In general, any erotic games on this evening are not prohibited, but are only welcomed. Your loved one will never forget this romantic evening in his life.

Romantic evening for your beloved

Men also want to organize romantic events for their loved ones. You can take any of the above ideas as a basis. But for men there are some special tips:

1. If you don’t know how to cook, order food at a restaurant - it’s better than feeding your loved one overcooked and poorly rolled rolls.

2. If you want to surprise your loved one by strewing the entire apartment with rose petals, you don’t have to buy an expensive armful of flowers and gut it. Flower shops often sell petals from roses that are beginning to fade - they are not at all expensive.

3. You can invite a girl home at the appointed time, but it would be more correct to send a taxi for her, obliging the driver to give the girl a bouquet with a note of romantic content, for example: “I’m looking forward to seeing you at home, my love!”

4. If it's themed romantic evening for a girl , you don’t have to devote your beloved to all the details - just tell her what clothes you would like to see her in today.

5. If you want to surprise your beloved, meet her near the house when she arrives by taxi, and immediately blindfold her. And untie it only in a room prepared for a romantic evening.

6. If a man arranges a romantic dinner for his beloved, he is almost obliged to give her a present, albeit small and not particularly expensive. For example, place a box with a bracelet near her glass or thread her napkin through a new ring.

Hello everyone! Today I had a completely different topic in mind for writing a post, but I remembered that in a day there will be main holiday all lovers - February 14th! Actually, my husband and I never celebrated it, but this year I decided to change the situation in reverse side.

No matter what you think, you shouldn’t refuse such a holiday, especially for family people. After all, everyday life, children contribute to the relationship between husband and wife, some manage to stay afloat and maintain tender feelings, while others need recharge. And the holiday of February 14 provides an excellent opportunity for rapprochement, expression of feelings, declaration of love and fidelity. Although we have no problems in our family, I still think that this event should be uneven with the wedding anniversary. Why miss a great opportunity to organize one of the most wonderful days in a year?

By the way, this instruction is suitable not only for Valentine’s Day, but also for planning any romantic evening that takes place at home. You can celebrate the day you met or an anniversary in this way. It’s even suitable for a marriage proposal.

How to organize a romantic dinner at home

So, this is how I plan to have a romantic dinner at home with my husband. In the future, I will rely on it so as not to forget anything and organize the holiday at the highest level. I will try to reveal to you all the possibilities that will help you decide on the style and atmosphere of the evening.

1. First of all, I advise you to choose a place. It’s clear that it’s home, but where exactly? And here you can make a choice. For example, if you are husband and wife or already have a close relationship, you can sit in a bubble bath. This will ignite and make the meeting unforgettable. If you want to have a heart-to-heart talk, it is better to choose a table. Then the spark between you will ignite gradually, with increasing strength. Well, the last thing you can think of is to celebrate the holiday in bed.

2. The second step is to think about the atmosphere. It is formed due to many factors.

  • Lighting is most often preferred not bright, dim. Yes, I think so too, bright light is useless. Mystery and some mystery, and maybe intrigue should be present. It will be more interesting that way))). Be sure to light a few candles. Where would a romantic evening be without them? They can rightfully be considered a symbol of romance.
  • Smells play an important role. It would be inappropriate if there was a fishy smell at home after you prepared dinner. This time I will light the aroma lamp with essential oils. Well, if you prefer neutrality, then it is best to ventilate the room well or better open the window slightly so that there is constant access to fresh air. It will be hot))).
  • For a more romantic and relaxing mood, turn on slow melodic music as the background. It will give a more solemn atmosphere and distract from extraneous thoughts.
  • For decoration, use fresh flowers in a vase or rose petals. Make a heart-shaped shape from small tea candles or simply place them around the room.

3. The menu for a romantic evening must be planned carefully. I choose one main course, several appetizers (3-4 pieces) and dessert. It is best to choose simple dishes that do not require large quantity time to cook. It is preferable to pay attention to vegetable and meat dishes, seafood. For example, this time I will have a menu like this:

  • The main course is baked wings with oranges (a super dish, I love it) with a salad of Chinese cabbage, carrots, cucumber and herbs. I'll season it with olive cape and lemon juice, season with salt and ground black pepper.
  • Appetizers: seafood and vegetable canapes, sliced ​​fruit, tartlets with red caviar.
  • Dessert: ice cream with grated dark chocolate.

As you can see, everything is very simple. For two it will be enough to satisfy your hunger. I don’t want to eat my fill at all.

For drinks I prefer wine or champagne. For those who don’t drink alcohol at all, plain juice is fine. And, of course, don’t forget about table setting.

4. To make the evening a success, you need to look the part. This time you must amaze your loved one with your beauty. Do caring procedures in advance - face and hair masks. Create a romantic hairstyle or curl your hair. Makeup should not be provocative, and it’s also not worth wearing eyelashes alone. Measurement is needed here. Suitable for this case dark shades: brown, purple, gray, golden. Focus on your lips.

From clothes will fit dress, but no way sports suit or shorts))). Focus on sexuality, because this is an evening for two. The main thing is that everything looks harmonious and without excesses. And one more thing, for such a case it would not hurt to buy a new set of underwear. Don't forget to add some perfume to add the finishing touch to your look.

5. And lastly, ensure complete privacy. If you have children, then in the evening, or better yet at night, arrange with your grandmother so that she can pick them up. If this is not possible, you must make them fall asleep, then no one will disturb you. Turn off phones, TV and computer (unless there is music playing on it). You will be provided only with each other. This is cool!