Free travel for pensioners - the procedure for obtaining a social travel card and transport card. Free travel for pensioners - the procedure for obtaining a social travel card and transport card Travel cards for pensioners per year

Pensioners who live in Moscow and either work or do not work are entitled to additional regional benefits. In 2016, pensioners will receive a variety of benefits. Moscow pensioners can receive other benefits, for example, riding public transport for free. This benefit does not apply to minibuses or just taxis. If a pensioner does not want to use this benefit, then every month he has the right to receive monetary compensation instead.

Non-working pensioners of the capital can get a trip to a sanatorium once a year to receive treatment. To do this, they need to get a certificate from a doctor about the need for this treatment. For intercity transport, which pensioners used to get to the sanatorium and back, they get their money back.

Capital pensioners can receive treatment at home. Only this benefit applies to pensioners who live alone and always need temporary or permanent social assistance. These pensioners have limited mobility and self-care abilities. In any Russian region, pensioners can enjoy free medical care. In addition, in the capital they can receive free dental care to make dentures for themselves. The exception is ceramics and expensive metals. You can also repair them for free.

Pensioners in Moscow, as in any other region, are completely exempt from taxes on one of their real estate. A capital pensioner can receive subsidy payments if they exceed 10% of the total income of the family living with them per month.

A pensioner who is also working can, at his own request, take 30 days of additional leave, which is unpaid, at any time. Labor veterans can take 35 days of this leave, and if pensioners have a disability, they take 60 days of leave. By age, pensioners are entitled to 14 days of additional leave.

Moscow pensioners can receive compensation for paying for their home telephone. There is also a discount of half the cost of the current tariff for broadcasting programs on citywide networks. If capital pensioner support is needed, since he finds himself in a difficult life situation, he can receive food or clothing assistance.

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Benefits for pensioners do not have a unified legal regulation and, accordingly, it is impossible to find any single collection of regulations on this topic. All types of benefits, taxes and deductions are scattered and are components of the Laws of the Russian Federation, regional laws, decrees of the governments of the Russian Federation and regions, and by-laws of local authorities. This is probably why the topic of benefits is surrounded by many rumors, some of which have no basis in reality.

Benefits for pensioners

Benefits for pensioners are regulated by an extensive list of regulations. Almost all of them are nationwide and vary in regions within the limits determined by the local budget. This means that the same statutory benefits may differ in their financial expression. For example, throughout the Russian Federation, subsidies have been established for pensioners to pay for housing and communal services. But in percentage terms, a Moscow pensioner will receive a larger subsidy than a Vologda region pensioner. This difference is due only to the volume of the regional budget.

Tax benefits for pensioners are based on internal regulations of the tax service, which are issued on the basis of legislative acts.

Benefits for low-income pensioners in 2020

It is possible to classify a pensioner as a low-income citizen only on the basis that his pension corresponds to the minimum subsistence level (ML). If the paid pension, together with all family income, is less than the regionally established income of each family member, then the pensioner will be classified as low-income and will be entitled to all types of social benefits for this category of citizens.

Minimum pension for pensioners in 2020

In 2020, the federal PM was equal to the minimum wage (minimum wage) - 11,163 rubles. The regional PM cannot be less than the federal one. For example, in Moscow and the PM region for pensioners in 2020, the amount is set at 11,420 rubles.

If the individual income of a pensioner as a family member is less than the subsistence minimum, he is classified as low-income.

By order of the Moscow Financial Department No. 337 dated December 28, 2017, the Moscow budget programmed the following financial expenditures for 2020 on benefits intended for labor veterans:

Application for benefits

Using the same methods, you can obtain a unified application form for choosing between tax exemption and tax deduction if you own two or more real estate properties.

Form for notification of selected tax objects

You can download the application form at.

Transport tax for pensioners

Owning any vehicle with an internal combustion engine is taxable. Data on the number of vehicle owners and their names are received by the National Assembly from the traffic police.

As in all other cases of assigning preferences, there is no single legislative act on benefits for pensioners when paying transport taxes. The amount of transport tax and corresponding benefits are established at the regional level and therefore vary throughout the Russian Federation. In this case, benefits are differentiated depending on the power or price of the vehicle. An approximate range of preferential conditions can be seen in the list below:

Benefits are differentiated depending on the power or price of the vehicle

Important! If the vehicle costs more than 3,000,000 rubles or is equipped with an engine with a capacity of over 300 horsepower, the legislation classifies the vehicle as a luxury item. Accordingly, there can be no benefits for luxury goods.

The rates of the increasing coefficient are common to all regions of the Russian Federation.

Multiplier rates

Benefits for those who continue to work

The only benefit for working pensioners was and remains the provision of additional unpaid leave of slightly longer duration than for non-pensioners. Therefore, this benefit can hardly be called full-fledged, especially since additional leave, if the pensioner so desires, must be agreed upon with the management of the enterprise and is not provided unconditionally.

Additional leave is essentially an exemption from work due to special circumstances in the personal life of a working pensioner. Such special circumstances may include significant events in the family, issues related to treatment, and so on, that is, so-called valid reasons that can be accepted by management as such.

Article 128. Leave without pay Article 128 Labor Code

establishes differentiation of the duration of additional leave depending on the employee’s personality:

Differentiation of the duration of additional leave depending on the employee’s personality

With an application for unpaid leave for up to 14 days, the pensioner must contact management, providing at the same time a document confirming the events on the basis of which the leave is requested.

The final version of the application for additional unpaid leave will look something like this:

Application option for additional unpaid leave

Benefits for spa treatment in 2020

Benefits for sanatorium treatment are provided to all categories of pensioners, but with some variations.

  • Thus, pensioners from among the disabled veterans of the Patriotic War and those equivalent to them, pensioners from among the officers of the Soviet and Russian armies and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, pensioners - members of the families of veterans and participants of the Second World War, disability pensioners and labor veterans have the right to benefits for sanatorium treatment unconditionally.
  • be unemployed;

need specialized treatment.

Pensioners from among former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can receive free sanatorium treatment in sanatoriums and health resorts belonging to the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, that is, departmental ones. At the same time, they will also be compensated for the cost of travel to the place of treatment.

Pensioners from among disabled people of groups 1 and 2 are provided with sanatorium-resort treatment at the expense of the state, and disabled people of group 3 are entitled to a 25 percent discount.

Pensioners who do not fall into any of the listed categories may qualify for partial compensation for travel costs and a discount on their stay at the sanatorium.

The distribution of vouchers is in charge of the authorities social protection and social insurance funds. The Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs have their own functions of providing their former employees with vouchers for treatment in a sanatorium, but are limited by the fact that the medical institutions belong to their own system.

The justification for the need for sanatorium-resort treatment is a medical opinion. A medical certificate of form 070у-04 should be submitted to the authority in charge of the distribution of vouchers. Employees of this body will check the testimony and determine the types of benefits for a particular pensioner.

Sample medical certificate in form 070у-04

Regional benefits

At the regional level, there is a sufficient variety of benefits for pensioners, especially if the benefits are not expensive.

Thus, in Moscow and the region, free garbage collection is provided for pensioners living in the private sector, and the installation of dentures is provided at the expense of the local budget. Regional benefits also include different kinds

small discounts on payments for electricity, water, gas, as well as on installation of gas supply in private sector homes. In Moscow, Krasnoyarsk and Samara regions, pensioners are offered 50 percent discounts on telephone bills.

In any case, full advice on regional benefits for pensioners can only be provided by the local social security service.

Video - What benefits do pensioners have?

Benefits for pensioners in questions and answersQuestion
Do pensioners have to pay taxes on income from rental property?
Should a pensioner pay taxes on dividends?
Starting from 2015, the tax rate on dividends is set at 13%. Tax deductions for this species income does not apply
A pensioner purchased an apartment, which is listed in the cadastral lists as apartments. Social security authorities denied him property tax benefits. What to do?
Nothing can be done. Apartments are subject to full taxation for everyone without exception, that is, no benefits for pensioners in this issue not provided
Why in our city do they deny a pensioner the “6 acres” tax benefit for a summer cottage?
It should always be remembered that the tax rate and tax benefits are under the jurisdiction of local governments. It is quite possible that in some particular region the preferential 6 acres are not taken into account. You can check the circumstances with your local tax office.
A neighbor said that my husband and I could receive a pension supplement for being married for 30 years. Where to go?
The neighbor told a lie. No additional payments, payments, gifts, etc. for the time lived in marriage is not provided for by law. Rumors began to spread after the St. Petersburg city administration made a one-time event, congratulating the elderly people of the city on their pearl wedding
What benefits are there for single pensioners?
The legislation does not provide any separate benefits for single pensioners. Special assistance measures can be taken in relation to helpless single pensioners by social protection authorities. These special measures include the appointment of patronage assistance, placement in homes for pensioners, food delivery, and help with housework.
I was denied compensation for housing and communal services due to debts on utility bills. And they accumulated due to the fact that my pension is low, and I am getting more and more into debt. What should I do?
There are two ways. The first is to pay off the debt, but with a small pension this is difficult. The second way is to go to the housing department and enter into an agreement with them on gradual repayment within a certain period. Typically, utilities are happy to agree to such agreements. The agreement signed by both parties should be submitted to the social security authorities. They will be required to provide compensation. Don't be afraid to overstay your contract. The main thing is to constantly and timely repay part of the debt


Payment benefits:

  • Property tax.
  • Transport tax.
  • Land tax.

Tax deduction.

A working pensioner can apply for leave and the employer is obliged to provide it without retaining the salary in accordance with Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Depending on the category of pensioner, such leave can last:

  • 35 calendar days if the person is a participant in the Second World War.
  • 60 days if the pensioner has a disability.
  • up to 14 days for age pensioners.

A pensioner can be provided with assistance with gasification of housing in accordance with Government Resolution Russian Federation dated June 10, 2011 N 456.

Targeted assistance is provided to pensioners who find themselves in difficult life situations. It can be obtained not only in the form of money, but also food, hygiene products, clothing and other essential items.

Pensioners undergo medical examination every three years (from 60 to 99 years), with the exception of disabled people during the Second World War, persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad” and recognized as disabled due to a general illness, work injury and other reasons. These groups undergo medical examination annually, regardless of age.

Disabled veterans also have the right to free sanatorium vouchers.

Citizens over 60 years of age can get a flu vaccine every year.

Exemption of income from personal income tax:

  • state pensions pension provision, labor pensions, social payments.
  • payment at the expense of the organization’s own funds for the cost of sanatorium and resort vouchers, as well as the cost of treatment and medical care for former employees who resigned due to retirement due to disability or old age (clauses 9, 10 of Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • amount of financial assistance not exceeding 4,000 rubles. per year, provided by employers to their former employees who resigned due to retirement due to disability or age (clause 28 of article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

If the child’s mother cannot care for the child, then family members, including working pensioners (grandmothers or grandfathers), can do this. Parental leave in accordance with Article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 1, Art. 3; 2008, N 30, Art. 3613) can be used in full or in parts by grandparents, in fact caring for the child.

In the event that the mother of a child, who receives a monthly child care allowance, is unable to care for the child due to her illness or other reasons, the right to receive monthly allowance child care can implement actually caring for the child during this period.

Benefits for labor veterans:

  1. Federal
  • free travel on all types of urban passenger transport (except taxis) in any city, regardless of their place of residence, and in rural areas - also on road transport general use (except for taxis) suburban and intercity transport;
  • 50% seasonal discount on fares on suburban rail and water transport;
  • A 50 percent discount in payment for the occupied total area of ​​residential premises (within the social norm), including for family members of these persons living with them (in communal apartments - a 50 percent discount in payment for the occupied living space). Housing benefits are provided to labor veterans living in houses of state and municipal housing stock, as well as in privatized residential premises;
  • 50 percent discount on utility bills (water supply, sewerage, removal of household and other waste, gas, electricity and heat - within the limits of utility consumption standards, radio, collective antenna), and for labor veterans living in houses that do not have a central heating - in payment for fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the population, and transport services for the delivery of this fuel. Fuel is provided as a matter of priority. Benefits for paying utility bills are provided to persons living in houses, regardless of the type of housing stock.
  • social benefits in 2015 include compensation of 50% of the price of utilities for water, gas and electricity supply, garbage collection, operation of a radio and a collective television antenna, without taking into account the form of the housing stock;
  • working veterans of labor can go on annual leave at any time at will and on vacation at their own expense for a month once a year;
  • free production and repair of dentures in municipal medical government institutions, except for dentures made of metal ceramics and precious metals;
  • free service in city clinics.
  • Regional (each region of the Russian Federation sets its own benefits, so you need to find out about them in the social support service of the population)
    • free travel on public transport.
    • 50% cash compensation for telephone fees.
    • 50% discount on utility bills (within social standards).
    • free travel on commuter rail.
    • monthly city cash payment(247 rub.).
    • if there are medical indications - free sanatorium-resort treatment and reimbursement of travel expenses to the place of treatment and back (by rail only).

    Benefits for pensioners over 80 years of age

    • the size of the insurance part of the pension increases by 2 times. You do not need to provide any documents for this; recalculation occurs automatically.
    • free medical and social services, including boarding homes, nursing homes and other public medical institutions.
    • if there are problems with housing (for example, emergency housing), housing may be provided from the state.
    • temporary or permanent assistance in the form of receiving food packages, obtaining a place for temporary residence, providing legal and medical-psychological assistance.

    After 80 years of age, a citizen can receive care for himself, for which money is paid to the person who cares. Care can be provided by his relatives or completely strangers, and caregiving time will definitely be included in the insurance period for future pensions. This will ensure pension points to form the insurance (former labor) part of the pension. The amount of payment depends on the region and is credited to the pensioner’s pension account.

    In order to be officially registered, the caregiver does not have the right to work, be on the stock exchange or receive a salary.

    In this material we will get acquainted with the what are the benefits for pensioners in 2016 provided by the authorities, as well as for which specific categories of people retirement age they will act. In addition, we will consider what travel benefits, housing and utility benefits will be available, what awaits veterans, and what tax breaks will be in effect for pensioners in 2016.

    Any state is obliged to ensure that people who have reached retirement age live in comfort and have decent conditions. It is with the aim of supporting pensioners that a new system of various benefits is developed annually or the existing one is adjusted, which extend to the main areas of life. So, what categories of the population can apply for pension benefits, and what they will need for this, we will consider further.

    Every citizen who applies for a benefit for pensioners must first contact the local authorities that deal with social protection issues and submit an application. The mere fact that a person has reached a certain age or length of service is not enough; you must collect documents and personally declare that you are entitled to receive benefits.

    All beneficiaries are classified according to two groups - the regional benefit contingent and the federal one. The federal contingent of beneficiaries includes:

    All WWII veterans;
    Veterans of other military operations;
    Citizens who lived on the territory of Leningrad during the siege;
    Women whose husbands died during the Second World War;
    Citizens who have suffered from radiation effects;
    Families of military personnel who died in service;
    Citizens who suffer from disabilities.

    The categories that are classified as regional beneficiaries are formed in each federation separately, as precisely as the amount of material payments that they will receive. The financial condition of the region itself has a great influence on the list of such preferential contingent and on how much the benefit will be for pensioners. The values ​​of pension benefits that are due to citizens upon reaching age, length of service for internal affairs employees and pensioners who were military personnel change most often. In order to obtain complete information about what benefits are provided in a particular region and how much they amount, it is better to contact the authorities that deal with social protection issues at the place of registration. If a relative is caring for a pensioner whose age is over eighty years old, then he also has the right to receive social benefits and benefits.

    Tax benefits for pensioners.

    All categories of citizens who have reached retirement age have preferential conditions for paying property taxes. Regardless of how much real estate a pensioner owns, be it apartments, summer cottages or garages, he has the right not to pay tax obligations on real estate. However, it is worth considering that it is also necessary to fill out an application and submit it to tax authorities, while having with you an identity document and a pensioner’s ID. If you need a pensioner's exemption on real estate, you will have to submit an application once every three calendar years. For citizens who retired, for example, in the middle of the year, they will have to pay part of the property tax until they retire. In this case, it is also necessary to submit an application to the tax authorities, where the date of retirement must be indicated in order for tax liabilities to be recalculated taking it into account.

    Benefits for pensioners in 2016 also apply to vehicles, but there is one caveat here. You can reduce your tax payment on just one vehicle. If a pensioner owns two or more cars, then they will have to pay the full amount of tax obligations. It is impossible to talk about any amount established for all vehicle owners, since this tax is of a regional type. Hence, in each region, it is installed in different sizes, the same. as well as a benefit for pensioners on its payment. For example, in St. Petersburg, those vehicles that have less than one hundred and fifty horsepower are not taxed; in Moscow, there are basically no benefits, but in Novosibirsk they amount to twenty percent of the total tax rate. To receive transport benefits, a pensioner must also complete and submit an application.

    If we talk about the land tax, it is also established in the format of a regional tax obligation, so it can have different meanings in each federation. Pensioners who continue to labor activity, and those who are individual entrepreneurs.

    Preferential travel on public transport for pensioners.

    Since travel costs often take up a significant part of the budget of citizens of our country, preferential conditions are also provided for people of retirement age in this area. They are regional in nature, which means that they may be different in each federation. In some of them, people of retirement age have the right to free travel on city public transport, while in other regions only a reduction in the price of the coupon by a certain percentage is provided. The ways in which a pensioner can receive his well-deserved benefit also differ. Sometimes it is enough just to show the inspector your pensioner’s ID; in some regions they require you to officially issue a transport discount card, and sometimes a social card. Such documents are not valid for minibus taxis. And according to the rules established in St. Petersburg or Novgorod, people of retirement age must purchase a special coupon for reduced travel. In Moscow, a pensioner must apply for a special social card. Those categories of beneficiaries who are recognized by the federal group are offered either free use of commuter trains or a discount on travel. That. the extent to which such benefits are provided for pensioners can be found out in the department of social protection authorities, which is located at the place of registration of the pensioner. Some regions give pensioners the opportunity to purchase tickets for long-distance trains and air flights, taking into account pension benefits. In order for a pensioner living in the extreme northern territory of the country to receive the required benefits, he should also contact Pension Fund at the place of registration. Then he will be able to benefit from compensation for the costs of a vacation in a sanatorium or resort medical building.

    Providing benefits for utilities.

    Benefits for utilities are also provided by the authorities of our country for people of retirement age. In order to reduce the amount of your monthly payment, you can take advantage of a subsidy. According to experts, the total amount that a family pays for utilities should not be more than twenty-two percent of total income. If it turns out that the amount exceeds the established limits, the state will give you a subsidy. It can also be issued if the income for each family member is less than the minimum subsistence level. In addition to these rules, there are also preferential conditions for paying utility bills for certain categories of residents of the country. For example, benefits for labor veterans in 2016 will allow paying only half the cost of housing and communal services, and pensioners who are single or families of retirement age will not have to pay for garbage collection. In order to become familiar with the amount of benefits that the subsidy will provide, as well as to register them, you should contact the social protection authorities at your place of registration.

    Benefits for veterans.

    There is a separate law on veterans' benefits in the legislation, which regulates this area of ​​work of social protection authorities. All combat veterans, as well as labor veterans, are entitled to additional payments, the amount of which is established by the authorities. What this amount will be depends directly on the receipt of other benefits by the veteran. Let’s say that if a war disabled person enjoys the right to receive free medicines, he will receive 3568 rubles 79 kopecks. If the veteran does not take advantage of the medication benefit, he will receive more material resources: 4247 rubles 84 kopecks. There are other benefits for veterans, such as free medical support, which includes dentistry, or preferential payment terms for telephone services. But it is worth considering the fact that many benefits are of a regional nature, so the benefits that exist in one region may not be available in another. If we talk about the capital, here veterans can use any kind of free public transport, pay only fifty percent of the established tariffs for utilities, take advantage of free prosthetics, and also annually get the opportunity to go on vacation to a sanatorium for free. If we talk about other regions and cities, for example Penza, here travel for veterans is not free, but only a small discount is provided, but a pensioner will be able to use a train or electric train on preferential terms only on a holiday or weekend. There is also no possibility of free prosthetics. In Nizhny Novgorod, veterans have the opportunity to visit sanatorium resorts only once every two years and only during a specified period. There is also a discount on travel, but there is no free prosthetics.

    These are the benefits for pensioners in 2016, taking into account the latest amendments and laws.

    Regional authorities have reviewed benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2019. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for social protection of vulnerable categories of the population, but some of it falls on the shoulders of the regions. The total number of residents in our country is just over 146 million, and the number of pensioners is about 46 million - it is clear that this is a fairly high burden on the country’s economy. Therefore, pensions in Russia are low, hence the need for targeted assistance.

    In Moscow, as well as throughout Russia, there is a system of benefits for labor veterans, pensioners, disabled people, low-income groups and other categories of the population. What exactly is offered as help? Firstly, these are subsidies that reimburse utility bills. Secondly, tax benefits for an individual’s home ownership and his land plot. Thirdly, there is a transport tax; a pensioner is exempt from paying it if the car does not exceed the installed capacity. To receive these benefits, you should contact specialists tax office, which is located at your place of residence. In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a working pensioner is allowed to take unpaid additional leave for fourteen days, and if there is a disability, for sixty days.

    Housing and communal services

    Let's consider what benefits for housing and communal services pensioners in Moscow will be provided in 2019. Article 159 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation provides for the provision of subsidies to pensioners and low-income segments of the population, whose payment for housing and housing and communal services reaches 22% of the total income of a family living in the same apartment. In Moscow, thanks to regional authorities, this standard is 10%.

    The owner of an apartment that is too large cannot count on compensation for paying for its entire area. A single owner will only be reimbursed for 33 square meters. This is the area that is suitable for one person to live in. A family consisting of two people receives a subsidy for 42 square meters, and a family of three or more people receives compensation based on the standard living space per person (18 square meters).

    For reference

    Documents and photocopies that must be submitted to social security to apply for a subsidy for housing and communal services:

    • *certificate of ownership of a house, apartment, extract from personal account;
    • *passports of each family member;
    • *Muscovite social card or photocopy of savings book;
    • *document on wages for 6 months for all residents of the apartment (pensioners do not need such a certificate);
    • *receipts for the last month for paid housing and communal services;
    • *certificate of absence of debt and family composition.

    If there are other registered persons in the house or apartment, information about them is also provided to social authorities. Compensation is assigned for six months, so it becomes necessary to resubmit the application after this period.

    It is important

    It should be remembered that if the family’s income increases, then within a month it is necessary to inform the inspector about this, since payments are due only to needy categories of citizens. Otherwise, the social protection authority will claim the overpaid cash through the court.


    If you submit an application for a subsidy from the 1st to the 15th, it is paid in the same month, otherwise it is paid from the next month. If the right to receive it arose only during the heating season, the application must be submitted at any time prior to this period.

    Benefits for Muscovites in 2019

    You should know what benefits pensioners in Moscow have in addition to those provided for by federal legislation. The capital government made a decision at the expense of the city budget:

    • exempt them from paying taxes on premises and buildings;
    • establish a regional cash supplement to bring the pension amount up to the Moscow social standard. In 2019, the standard is 17,500 rubles (Regulation dated December 11, 2018 N 1525-PP).

      Social benefits will also increase. Pensioners who continue to work can count on this payment:

      • in social security, civil registry and healthcare institutions;
      • in the field of education;
      • as well as in family policy;
      • in the field of physical education and sports;
      • in the state veterinary service;
      • in employment centers;
      • holding the position of archivist and librarian;
      • in housing and communal services, as janitors or territory cleaners;
      • servicing garbage chutes;
      • workers for the care and maintenance of apartment buildings;
      • cleaners of staircases, office spaces and toilets;
      • duty officers at the entrances of apartment buildings;
      • in the dressing rooms of OJSC;
      • in cultural institutions financed by the budget, in healthcare or education.
    • on the basis of a Muscovite’s social card, travel is provided without payment on any type of public transport;
    • once a year, if there is a doctor’s certificate, a non-working pensioner can take advantage of a voucher for sanatorium and resort treatment with 100% travel compensation;
    • benefits are provided to single pensioners in Moscow and those receiving compensation for housing and communal services in the form of a 50% discount on the broadcast of television programs from citywide networks;
    • they can take advantage of free dental prosthetics and repairs, excluding products made of gold, palladium and silver, as well as metal ceramics;
    • assistance in paying for telephone calls is provided to single people and those with dependent children under 18 years of age.

    In 2019, a social nursing service called “Sanatorium at Home”, a “panic button” service and patronage, designed for elderly people with mobility problems, are also operating.

    From August 1, 2018, the right to free travel on electric trains was added to the list of travel benefits for pensioners in Moscow. This measure applies to both conventional electric trains and Lastochka trains. The city administration of the capital has expanded the list of beneficiaries entitled to a 50% discount when paying for major housing repairs. This list now includes 10 categories. These include: families with disabled children; persons who worked in the period from July 22, 1941 to January 25, 1942. at city enterprises; having the medal “For the Defense of Moscow”; honorary donors of the USSR, Russia and Moscow; families of fallen military personnel; spouses of deceased disabled veterans;

    disabled people; large families. The initiative to expand the list of beneficiaries at the meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government on July 28, 2015 was made by A. Metelsky, head of the United Russia party of the Moscow City Duma. He explained his interest by the fact that disabled Muscovites and their public organization

    have repeatedly asked to be included in the list of beneficiaries for paying for major repairs of apartment buildings.

    This proposal was supported by the mayor of the capital; he proposed increasing the list to 10 categories. Thus, today over one and a half million residents of the capital are recipients of benefits.

    Subsidies are allocated only for 1 apartment, and the discount is calculated from the amount of the minimum contribution (15 rubles per 1 square meter per month). It is noted that the validity of the document begins from the time the legal relationship arises, namely from 07/01/2015, from the moment of adoption of the regional program for the overhaul of apartment buildings.

    Since 2018, the capital authorities have indexed a lump sum payment for the anniversary of married life:

    Since 2019, payments to the population who took part in the defense of Moscow during the Second World War have increased. Now its size is 8,000 rubles.

    To exercise your rights and receive the above benefits, you must contact the social security authority at your place of registration. In accordance with the law of the capital dated October 31, 2018 No. 22, the value was established pensioner for 2019, it amounted to 12,115 rubles. The regional social supplement for pension will be calculated from this amount.

    Providing targeted assistance

    Targeted assistance is provided to pensioners who find themselves in difficult life situations. It is intended for such residents not only in the form of money, it is also given out in food and hygiene products, clothes and other essential items. This assistance is the responsibility of local authorities, so you should contact your municipal authorities to receive it. It is worth requesting for review the normative act, which specifies specific measures to provide such assistance.

    Thus, we can conclude that the fundamental role in raising the standard of living of the population belongs to regional and local authorities. And the way this government treats its electorate speaks of its responsibility and degree of competence.