Municipal pension calculation. Long service pension for municipal employees. Pension amounts

The insurance period includes the following periods:

  • periods of activity for which contributions under compulsory pension insurance were paid;
  • length of public service;
  • other periods specified in Art. 12 laws “About insurance pensions”.

Insurance pension provision is calculated based on the accumulated amount pension points, multiplied by their cost in the year of appointment (from January 1, 2018, 81.49 rubles). For civil servants such a pension is paid excluding fixed payment.

If a citizen continues to work after retirement, for which contributions to the Pension Fund will continue to be paid, then his pension provision will be subject to. Thus, the share of the old-age insurance pension is subject to recalculation according to individual accounting data with an increase in the sum of the coefficients, which depends on the amount of insurance contributions not taken into account when calculating the insurance pension when it was assigned. Recalculation occurs annually from August 1 without the pensioner filing an application.

Law on raising the retirement age from 2017

On May 11, 2016, a law proposed by United Russia member Valery Trapeznikov was adopted, on the basis of which the gradual increase in the retirement age of civil servants for women up to 63 years old, and up to 65 for men.

The law of May 23, 2016 No. 143-FZ comes into force on January 1, 2017 and will involve an increase in the retirement age for six months annually until it reaches the set level. For men this will happen by 2026, and for women by 2032.

The period of service for receiving a pension has also changed: if previously it was 15 years, now for civil servants will need to work for 20 years. Minimum length of service, as well as retirement age, will also increase gradually and reach a final increase by 2026.

This law also increases the period of performance of duties for deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council for calculating bonuses based on length of service; now it will be 5 years instead of the previously established year.

Calculation of state pension for federal employees

The calculation of the amount of state pension payment for length of service for federal civil servants depends on the average monthly salary of length of service and the amount of accrued old-age (disability) pension, and is calculated using the formula:

P = (45% SZ - SP) + 3% SZ × St,

  • P— the amount of pension for long service;
  • NW- average salary;
  • JV— amount of old-age (disability) pension;
  • St— experience over 15 years.

The calculation does not take into account the amount of increases in fixed payments to the insurance pension and the size of the share of the insurance pension.

The law also sets restrictions on the size of the maximum pension payment. So the amount of service pension and insurance pension cannot exceed 75% average monthly salary of a federal civil servant.

Earnings from which the pension is calculated

The amount of the long-service pension depends on the average monthly earnings for the last year (12 months) of service preceding retirement. To determine the amount of this earnings the following payments are taken into account civil servants:

  1. official monthly salary;
  2. monthly salary assigned to the employee according to class rank;
  3. long service bonus;
  4. bonus for special conditions of the federal state civil service, added to the official salary;
  5. bonus for working with information constituting state secrets;
  6. monthly bonus;
  7. bonus for completing particularly important and complex tasks;
  8. one-time payment for annual paid leave and financial assistance.

When calculating average monthly earnings excluded from calculation periods (accrued benefit amounts during this time are not taken into account):

  1. employee leave without pay;
  2. maternity and child care leave upon reaching the age established by law;
  3. period of temporary incapacity.

The amount of average monthly earnings is calculated by dividing the total amount of payments by 12. If vacations or sick leave are recorded in the billing period, then the total amount of earnings is divided by the number of days actually worked and multiplied by 21 (the average number of working days per year).

The amount of average earnings cannot exceed 2.8 of the official salary or 0.8 of the monetary remuneration established for the employee in the billing period.

Indexation of pension provision for civil servants

Annually, the long-service pension may be subject to increase through indexation. In accordance with Resolution No. 346 of May 31, 2005, it is carried out:

  • at increase in official salaries federal civil servants - according to the index of increase in such official salaries;
  • at increase in other cash payments included in the maintenance of federal civil servants - by the index of increase in such payments (weighted average).

An increase in the amount of payments also occurs in the following cases:

  • change in the amount of old-age pension;
  • increasing the length of service in public service.

Indexation of old-age labor pensions is carried out annually on February 1 to the inflation level of the previous year. However, this legislative provision was suspended until 2017 and in the current 2016 the increase was only 4%. After such a low indexation, the government decided to pay additional 5000 rubles to all pensioners as compensation (January 1, 2017).

Increasing the amount of payments

In addition to indexation of pension provision, according to Article 14 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001. No. 166-FZ “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”, an increase in the amount of payments is provided in the following cases:

  • For every full year experience over 15 years at 3% of average monthly earnings. At the same time, the total amount of the pension and fixed payment should not exceed 75% of the average monthly earnings.
  • Residents of the Far North, areas equivalent to it, as well as citizens who previously worked in such areas, are set a coefficient for the entire period of time spent there, according to the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation. When a citizen leaves this area for permanent residence, the amount of the pension benefit will be calculated without taking this coefficient into account.

Registration of pension and necessary documents

A citizen has the right to submit an application for a pension after the right to a name arises. Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of Russia, at any time without time limit. The application must be submitted to the Pension Fund or the Multifunctional Center either independently or through a legal representative, or by mail. When sending an application through the post office, the day of application will be considered the date indicated on the stamp from the place of departure.

The application is considered within 10 days from the date of submission of the application or provision of missing documents.

The following must be attached to the application: documentation:

  1. passport (original and copy);
  2. a certificate of average monthly earnings in the civil service for the last full year before leaving;
  3. a certificate of position, confirming the length of service in public service;
  4. a certificate from the Pension Fund department confirming the established labor pension according to old age or disability and the amount accrued;
  5. a copy of the work book;
  6. a copy of the order of dismissal from public service;
  7. a copy of the military ID;
  8. documents confirming activities that are included in the civil service experience.

The procedure for payment and calculation of pension benefits

The payment of state pensions is established from the 1st of the month, in which the citizen applied for it, but not before the right to it arose.

Benefits are transferred monthly through an organization chosen by the civil servant. A citizen can also use a trusted person as a recipient; in this case, in order to receive benefits, it is necessary to register power of attorney.

Possible methods of delivering pension benefits:

  • Russian Post— receiving benefits is possible both at the post office at the place of registration and at home. The date of receipt is set according to the delivery schedule.
  • Bank— through a bank cash desk or by card for withdrawing funds from an ATM;
  • Benefit delivery organization— in this case, receiving a pension is possible through the organization’s cash desk or at home.

To approve the delivery method, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund, in which the pension benefit was issued.

Termination of payment upon continuation of service

Long service pension payments may be suspended in the following cases:

  • While holding a public office. In this case, the citizen is obliged to notify the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation within five days of the resumption of service. When a position is vacated, pension payments are resumed on the same terms at the request of the citizen.
  • When assigning a monthly supplement to a labor pension or other additional lifelong financial support. Payment for length of service ceases from the date of assignment of these payments;
  • For the period of work in interstate bodies, in positions for which long-service pensions are assigned and paid.

Payment of the insurance pension does not stop during the period of work.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, working citizens who reach retirement age cannot be left without material support from the state. They are entitled to receive pension payments for the rest of their lives. In addition, the law allows certain categories of persons (representatives of certain professions) to retire at a later date. early age. This practice is called superannuation. Let's figure out who has the right to length of service in 2018 and how to apply for retirement.

All citizens Russian Federation upon reaching a specific age or for other reasons may qualify for monthly receipt pension payments. Today, legislation allows retirement at this age: for women - at 55 years old, for men - at 60 years old. These age standards have been adopted for a long time and have not yet been changed.

At the same time, some categories of persons may retire earlier than they reach the established age. This applies to representatives of those professions who are entitled to a pension for long service. This category includes citizens whose work activity requires higher health indicators, which, due to age, a person no longer has.

With age, a worker can no longer work as well as before, so he can retire or switch to a job with easier working conditions. To compensate for previous earnings, the state assigns a citizen a long-service pension.

What positions are included in the municipal service?

Professional activity, the purpose of which is the implementation of state policy in a particular region, is called municipal.

Its signs are:

  • place of duty included in the staff of a local government body
  • activity is the main
  • it is paid from the local budget
  • execution of legal powers of municipal authorities

Important! Technical personnel with any education do not belong to municipal employees.

Article 9 of Law No. 25-FZ defines the classification of employees. The register of positions contains several provisions, depending on the functions and scope of authority:

  • senior (management)
  • chief (heads of departments and departments)
  • leading (specialists)
  • elder
  • juniors
  • scope of official powers and responsibilities
  • work experience
  • education and other

The earnings of a municipal employee (MS), and, consequently, subsequent pension benefits directly depend on this parameter.

Law on municipal long-service pension in 2018

To qualify for a municipal pension, a citizen must comply with all of the following conditions:

  • compliance with federal legislation, including:
    • reaching the required age
    • have sufficient experience of at least 15 years
    • availability of pension points, which grows every year (1 point costs 81 rubles)
  • being fired for only one of the following reasons:
    • liquidation of a person's workplace
    • reduction of staff under which a citizen fell
    • reaching the maximum permissible age for working in the service
    • lack of sufficient health to perform the duties prescribed by the contract
    • the will of the pensioner, if there are grounds

In 2018 size insurance period should be 9 years, it will gradually increase to 15 years by 2025.

Types of pension payments

According to the law, a long-service pension in 2018 is assigned if the following requirements are met:

  • if on the day of dismissal the length of service is two decades, the age of the citizen is not taken into account. The amount of payments is 50% of existing earnings, and for each year over 20 an additional 3% is added, but in the end the total amount should not exceed 85% of existing income, which includes not only salary, but also additional incentives for experience, title, food compensation, etc.
  • if common seniority equal to 25 years or more, while 12.5 or more years of them were given military service, service in the authorities: internal affairs; control over the circulation of psychotropic and narcotic drugs; fire service; penal system. The monthly supplement to the pension of civil servants for length of service in this case is 50% of earnings and one percent for each year over 25

Who is entitled to a pension in 2018

In order to understand who has the right to claim a pension for long service in 2018 (including in terms of increase), it is necessary to refer to the federal law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”, where the categories of citizens are clearly defined:

  • federal state and municipal employees. Minimum 15 years, but there are certain exceptions
  • workers in underground or mining operations. Their experience must be at least 25 years, but the amount of payments is 75% of earnings
  • emergency services workers. They have the right to retire after working for 15 years, but this rule does not apply to all categories
  • employees civil aviation and astronauts. Depends on the type of activity and health status.
  • teaching staff. Must have worked for at least 25 years
  • medical workers. There is an additional distinction: for everyone who worked in the city, the experience requirement is 30 years, in rural areas - 25 years
  • cultural workers. Depending on the position and working conditions, the minimum experience varies from 15 to 30 years
  • river and navy in the fishing industry. Depends on the type of activity, with men going on vacation after 55, and women at 50 years of age
  • military personnel. At least 20 years

Retirement based on length of service - registration procedure

According to established practice, all issues of long-service pensions in 2018 (including on special conditions) are dealt with by the personnel services of enterprises and organizations.

Certain employees are appointed responsible for this. They are cooking pension documents, and then submit them to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund.

The whole process consists of several successive stages:

  1. identification and registration of employees whose age is approaching the point specified by law
  2. notification of a citizen about the emergence of his right to a well-deserved rest
  3. accepting an application for a pension
  4. collection and registration necessary documents
  5. consideration of the submission of prepared papers to the authorities that are involved in the assignment of pension payments

What documents are needed

When submitting documents to the Pension Fund yourself, you will need to prepare:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or residence permit for foreigners
  • a statement drawn up in accordance with the rules
  • extract from the work record book
  • certificate of income for 12 months
  • papers confirming health status (if necessary)
  • documents confirming other circumstances

In some cases, additional certificates may be required from the applicant due to the specific nature of its activities. They can be submitted at the place of permanent or temporary registration. It is also possible to do this at the place of actual residence. Papers can be sent by registered mail or during a personal visit to the Pension Fund office.

When sending papers by mail, the date of receipt will be considered the date stamped on the envelope, and not the day the letter was actually received.

How is service life determined?

Every year, a list of all employees who have the right to take a well-deserved rest on a general or preferential basis is compiled. For this purpose, personal cards and work books are used, which are considered in chronological order, based on the dates of birth of each citizen. According to the received list, the personnel officer carries out preliminary preparation of documents for assigning pensions to employees.

If corrections and erasures were noted in the work book without the corresponding mark, a written request is made to the organization where the entry was made with a request to document the corrected information. If, when calculating the length of service, it turns out that the employee does not have enough experience, he will be notified about this in order to find out whether there are any documents available that can confirm his work activity. The organization has the right to request such data from archival sources or organizations specified by the employee.

Conditions for assigning a pension

The main condition for receiving a long-service pension in 2018 is reaching the age that gives the right to old-age or disability payments. In addition, there are other requirements that must be observed: For different categories of citizens who have this right, they will be different, but they can all be reduced to the following:

  • occupy a position (profession) specified by law
  • availability of necessary experience
  • dismissal for good reason, which, for example, may be related to the end of the contract, health status, etc.

Procedure for determination and calculation

  • total length of service (work)
  • average monthly earnings, which is calculated from the provided certificate with accruals for the last 12 months
  • increasing or decreasing factor
  • bonuses and increases
  • indexation (payments are indexed as official inflation increases)
  • possible deductions from pension payments

To employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The pension for internal affairs workers is classified as a military pension, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs is responsible for its calculation and payment.

It is prescribed in two cases:

  • with 20 years of service
  • with 25 years of mixed experience, of which half or more of the time was devoted to service in the authorities. Here it is important to take into account that the dismissal occurred due to health conditions, due to organizational and staffing circumstances, or upon reaching the age limit. In this case, service from the date of assignment of the rank is counted for a period of 12 years and 6 months.

To correctly calculate length of service, you need to refer to the resolution of the Council of Ministers. According to the document, the following are taken into account:

  • military service, participation in hostilities
  • service in internal affairs bodies, law enforcement agencies, Federal Drug Control Service, Federal Penitentiary Service
  • fire service
  • training in educational institutions at the rate of 2 months of study – 1 month of service (no more than 5 years)
  • serving the sentence (subject to subsequent rehabilitation)

The amount of allowance for pensioners depends on several components: the salary assigned for a regular position and valid before dismissal, and the salary for a special rank. The bonus accrued for length of service and monthly cash food compensation are also taken into account.

The formula can be represented by the following expression:

(OD + HP + NVL) × 62.12% × (50% + (3% × CL), where

OD – official salary;

OZ – salary according to rank;

NVL – long service bonus

62.12% – the amount of monetary allowance established by law (may change);

KL – number of years greater than 20.

If a citizen decides to continue his work activity after dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he has the right to do so. The state will continue to pay him for his length of service, but on the condition that he will work in a civilian profession.

Important! If work continues in the Department of Internal Affairs, payments will be suspended.

Municipal employees

Since 2018, new rules have been in force for increasing the length of service, according to which six months will be added annually to the total amount until the length of service of civil servants reaches 20:

2020 – 17, etc.

Municipal employees will be able to retire when they reach 56 (women) or 61 (men). If after this the person decides to get a job, then pension payments are not canceled and are not subject to recalculation, unless the citizen continues to work in government bodies. The amount of allowance should not be less than the minimum wage, which is in force in the region of residence (registration) of the citizen.

Pensions for civil servants for length of service from 2018 can be calculated using the following formula:

PVL = (45% SZ - SP) + 3% SZ × St,

PVL - the amount of pension accruals for length of service;

SP - the amount of pension payments for old age (disability);

St - over 15 years of experience.

The average salary is calculated by adding the monthly earnings for the year and dividing the result by 12.

For the calculation we take:

  • monthly salary;
  • monthly bonus;
  • cash incentives;
  • monthly and one-time bonuses, etc.

The calculation does not take into account:

  • unpaid leave
  • being on sick leave due to temporary incapacity for work
  • Holiday to care for the child

In this case, income is divided not by the number of full months, but by days actually worked, and multiplied by 21 (the average number of working days in a month).

Important! An employee, at any time after receiving a long-service pension, has the right to refuse it and switch to an old-age pension and receive all fixed payments.

For teachers

Workers in the teaching field have a number of privileges, for example, the possibility of early retirement (if they have accumulated 25 years of experience) regardless of age.

Twenty-five years of experience entitles you to a pension regardless of age

Right to preferential pension have the following:

  • directors and their deputies involved in the educational process
  • head teachers
  • teachers
  • educators
  • teacher psychologists
  • speech therapists
  • masters of vocational schools
  • teachers and methodologists combining the position of educator
  • organizers of leisure activities in educational institutions
  • music school teachers
  • social educators
  • trainers-educators

Separate requirements are also imposed on the institution itself where teaching activities are carried out:

  • primary and secondary schools;
  • gymnasiums;
  • lyceums;
  • general education schools for certain categories of children;
  • centers for gifted children;
  • paramilitary schools;
  • sanatorium schools;
  • orphanages of all types;
  • kindergartens, including nurseries;
  • correctional and special educational institutions;
  • specialized schools;
  • music, art and similar schools;
  • rehabilitation centers;
  • centers for additional education.

To calculate the long-service pension in 2018 for teaching staff, the following periods are taken into account in calendar order:

  • full-time work in accordance with the established standard hours for each category of teachers (this rule does not apply to teachers working in rural schools and primary classes)
  • annual emergency leave
  • maternity leave
  • parental leave until the child reaches one and a half years of age
  • sick leave
  • obtaining specialized education and advanced training, if before and after this moment the applicant worked in a pedagogical specialty

To calculate the amount of payments, it is necessary to take data from the income certificate for the last 12 months.

A prerequisite for accruals is the presence of an individual pension coefficient, which is equal to 13.8, followed by an annual increase in the lower threshold by 2.4 points until 2025, when it should be equal to 30.

When assigning allowances, it is necessary to stop pedagogical activity(except for work in private institutions).

Federal employees

All periods are taken into account in the length of service in the federal civil service if the total number of years is at least 16, and this figure will continue to increase every year. Before the salary is assigned, the civil servant must work continuously for at least 12 months, and the dismissal must occur for the following reasons:

  • the occurrence of health problems that make it impossible to continue working
  • dissolution of a government agency
  • dismissal due to reaching retirement age
  • staff reduction

When a government agency is dissolved, the requirement to serve a twelve-month period does not apply. If a civil servant at the time of the right to retire in 2018 has worked for 16 years, the amount of payment will be 45% of the average monthly pay for the position.

For each additional year, 3% is added to the length of service, but in total it should not exceed 75% in total. When calculating the average salary, it is necessary to take into account the limits established by law, which cannot be exceeded. They are different for each position. The length of service of federal employees does not include:

  • time spent on sick leave
  • maternity leave
  • child care up to one and a half years of age
  • vacation at your own expense

Financing of long-service pensions is carried out from the federal budget and is calculated using the formula:

PVL = (0.45 x NW - SP) + 0.03 x NW × St,

PVL - the amount of pension for long service;

SZ - average salary;

SP - the amount of pension accruals for old age (disability);

St - over 15 years of experience.

For health workers

In order for a doctor to have the right to long-service pay, he must work in a medical institution for at least 25 years (in rural areas) and at least 30 in the city.

When calculating this time, the following are additionally taken into account:

  • urgent leave
  • sick leave (provided that there was a deduction to the insurance fund)
  • maternity leave and childcare leave up to one and a half years of age
  • work as a trainee and intern doctor

Residency training, advanced training, personal leave and work in another position for more than one month during the year are not taken into account.

Positions that are eligible to claim the long service pension in 2018 include:

  • obstetric staff
  • doctors of various specialties
  • junior medical staff
  • laboratory staff
  • forensic medical examiners
  • sanitation specialists

In some cases, one year worked in a medical institution is counted when taking into account the length of service with a certain coefficient, which can be 1.5, as, for example, for ambulance workers or 1.9 for surgeons practicing in rural areas.

Calculation of payments for employees of medical institutions is carried out on an individual basis; employees of public and private centers have the right to apply for it.

For military personnel

Military personnel who have served in the armed forces of the Russian Federation and the USSR for at least 20 years have the right to receive allowances. With mixed length of service, the value should be 25, provided that half or most of it is given to service in the Armed Forces. All pension applicants are entitled to certain bonuses. They are paid if the serviceman has served at least 24 months, and service in the internal, border and railway troops is counted.

Employees of foreign intelligence, the FSB, employees of the state fire service and correctional labor colonies can also count on additional payments. Increasing factors are used to calculate allowances for pilots and divers (1.5). The size of the benefit for former military personnel depends on the length of service, but the bonus is due for a duration of service of 20 years. For at least the last five years, there has been active discussion of increasing the minimum threshold from 20 to 25 years.

From January 2018, you can receive an increase according to the following scheme, depending on your length of service:

Experience, yearsIncrease, %
from 2 to 510
from 5 to 1015
from 15 to 2025
from 20 to 2530
over 2540

Local government officials

Employees are required to comply with the same standards for acquiring the right to a pension as ordinary citizens. However, payments for length of service are subject to additional strict parameters.
In general, the list of criteria looks like this:

  • reaching the age limit for participation in the relevant work
  • Availability:
    • insurance experience of at least 15 years (in 2017 - 8 years, in 2018 - 9 years)
    • pension coefficients - 30 (11.4 in 2017, 13.8 in 2018)
  • Minimum 15 years of service experience in local government bodies
  • reason for dismissal:
    • in connection with the liquidation of the power structure
    • on staff reductions
    • reaching the age limit established for this position
    • disability

About the amount of pension assignments

The length of service amounts depend on the following parameters:

  • period of service in government structures
  • assignment of regular maintenance in old age
  • additional payments and preferences

The pension payment is calculated as follows:

  • with 15 years of experience - 45% of average monthly earnings, which includes:
    • salary
    • additional payment for the position
    • premium
    • allowances:
      • for special conditions
      • for an academic degree and special achievements
      • for service
  • for each year of service over 15, another 3% is added, but not more than 75% in total
  • payments are calculated minus:
    • pension assigned under civil law (No. 400-FZ)
    • basic part of the insurance benefit

In 2010, the official Ivanenkov A. was assigned insurance support due to his age. Its value is 6,500 rubles. (fixed part RUB 3,500). At the same time, in his position he continued to receive an average of 9,500 rubles. (salary 6,500 rubles).

By 2017, his service was 25 years.

The MS pension is determined as follows:

1. First, average monthly earnings are calculated. The maximum pension amount is calculated from it:

it cannot exceed 2.3 salaries: 6,500 rubles. x 2.3 = 14,950 rub.

2. Now we look at the experience:

over 15 years - 45%. In the case of 25 years of service, another 10×3% = 30% is added, but not more than 75% in total;

Ivanenkov’s benefit amount will be 75% of average monthly earnings: 9,500 rubles. x 75% = 7,125 rub.

3. The restrictions indicate that, in general, pension benefits (two payments) should not exceed 75% of the average monthly salary, that is, 7,125 rubles.

4. We check whether the calculation did not exceed the criterion of 2.3 times the official salary:

RUB 14,950 x 75% = 11,212.5 rub.

5. Thus, the amount of the length of service pension will be as follows: 7,125 rubles.

6. But previously assigned benefits should be deducted from it:

RUB 7,125 - 6,500 rub. = 625 rub.

7. This will be the additional payment for length of service.

About pension supplements

All retired officials' pensions are increased on the following grounds:

  • increase in earnings of current employees holding relevant positions
  • longer service

In certain regions, additional preferences may be established, depending on:

  • earnings in recent months
  • duration of service and others

Important! When determining the type of pension, insurance or length of service, officials are given the right to choose the most profitable one.

Methodology for assigning a pension

All issues related to seniority are dealt with by the personnel department of the municipal government. To assign it, you must contact this department. As a rule, in addition to the application, the following documents are required:

  • passport
  • military ID
  • information about earnings for the last year
  • a certificate of the type of pension already assigned, indicating the number of the law that gave the basis for this operation

To receive insurance benefits, you must contact the Pension Fund office within the prescribed time frame. The application is considered within 10 days. After this, the former official is provided with a written response. If refused, the following information must be provided:

  • justification for such a decision
  • procedure and deadlines for appeal

Payments of benefits for service are made in any of the following ways at the choice of the applicant:

  • through the services of the Russian Post company
  • to a bank card
  • through a specialized organization certified to deliver money

Pensions for municipal employees: latest news and new innovations in 2018

Next year, municipal employees can expect further changes that will have a significant impact on the processing of payments. First of all, there will be another stage of raising the retirement age, which next year will be:

  • 61 years for men
  • 56 years for women

This reform started in 2017 and is designed to raise the age limit to 63 years for women and 65 years for men.

The second indicator that will affect future pension– length of service, which allows you to retire. In 2018, this parameter will reach 16 years, which is 6 months higher than the standards of the current year. In the future, the minimum length of service will be 20 years.

In addition, the age limit for being in the civil service is being increased, which will make it possible to retain the most experienced personnel at work. Next year this figure will be:

  • 65 years for ordinary employees
  • 70 years for senior executives

As a result, the government apparatus will not lose employees who have significant knowledge and skills.

Pensions for employees are calculated in the same way as for all citizens

The principle of calculating the pension of a municipal employee in 2018 will remain without significant changes, which is fixed in the current legislation. The amount of the payment remains tied to salary and depends on total experience. The maximum level of pension cannot exceed 75% of salary, and the minimum level is 45%. An additional year of experience increases this figure by 3%.

Payments to pensioners next year will be indexed in accordance with current legislation. Improvement external factors allows officials to increase pensions without significant consequences for the budget deficit.

To be indexed!

In 2018, the authorities plan to increase pensions at the rate of inflation. Officials assure that the February indexation of pensions will fully cover the price increase during 2017. As a result, pensioners' income will be protected from depreciation.

However, the main indicators indicate a crisis in the current pension system. The Pension Fund deficit remains impressive and requires significant injections from the state treasury. In addition, the authorities are using funds accumulated in the savings system, which makes it possible to cover existing gaps, but is a temporary measure.

In such conditions, the real incomes of pensioners will continue to decline, which will affect the real quality of life. As a result, the government needs to accelerate the implementation of changes that will correct existing trends.

The pension reform for state and municipal employees may become a prototype for further reforms of the pension system. Experts expect changes in key parameters pension model, which will balance the state treasury.

Pension diseases and treatment methods

High oil prices allowed officials to annually increase funding for the social sector, which ensured a steady increase in the well-being of pensioners. However, falling export earnings and the economic crisis have exposed imbalances existing model social security. Without changing key parameters, the Pension Fund's budget will remain in deficit, and the full launch of the funded part will be in jeopardy.

Experts insist on the need for an integrated approach that will correct existing imbalances. First of all, it is necessary to adjust the retirement age and length of service. In addition, officials will have to reconsider all benefits that are used when calculating pensions. Similar reforms have already been implemented for municipal employees and last news from the Ministry of Finance allow the start of such transformations for all categories of the population in 2018.

The government will focus on a mechanism for increasing key indicators, tested on municipal employees, experts are sure. Annual adjustment of the indicator for 6 months will reduce Negative consequences for ordinary citizens. Only the scale of the future increase in age remains in question.

News about the municipal pension confirms the next stage of changes, which will adjust key parameters for calculating pensions in 2018. The standard length of service and age of employees will be increased by 6 months, which will affect the registration of pensions.

Experts expect the start of a full-scale pension reform next year, implemented along the lines of innovations for employees.

Municipal employees(hereinafter MC) are citizens of the country who perform duties in the public service for monetary compensation. MS's pension in 2017 will be paid according to a new scheme. So study detailed information in this material to keep abreast of the latest developments in the calculation of pension payments to municipal employees.

Retirement age for municipal employees

According to Federal Law No. 143 dated May 23, 2016, starting from 2017, the retirement age of MS will increase annually by 6 months. Thus, in 2017, older people who held a position in the municipal structure will be able to apply for a pension when they reach 55.5 years (women), 60.5 years (men).

These innovations will affect more than one million elderly citizens.

The changes will not affect persons who had already received a pension before the introduction of the new bill. In addition, employees who held government positions before January 1, 2017 and had at least 20 years of service, as well as employees who have accumulated 15 years of service and have received the right to a pension, are entitled to receive a pension at 55 and 60 years of age (women and men, respectively). until January 1 of the New Year.

As a result of the changes, the state will save more than 600 million rubles in 2017. Every year the amount of budget funds will increase due to the gradual increase in the retirement age of MS.

How much experience is needed?

Changes in the pension reform made in July 2016 affected the MS experience, which is necessary to assign a pension. From 2017, the length of service will increase by six months until it reaches 20 years. Although in 2016, a total length of service of 15 years was required to grant a pension.

Therefore, to apply for a pension in 2017, MS must have at least 15.5 years of experience, and in 2018 - 16 years, and so on until the 20-year period.

If a former MS gets a government job after pension payments have been assigned, then the amount of the pension is not reduced or cancelled!

Municipal length of service is used as the basis for determining the pension percentage as follows:

  • 15 years - 45% of the monthly salary;
  • 16 - 48%;
  • 17 - 51%;

That is, for every year worked over 15 years, MS receive a pension bonus of 3%. Maximum pension rates are 75% of the average salary.

When assigning a disability pension, the MS experience does not affect the amount of the pension. If there are groups 1 or 2, the pension is equal to 75% of the salary, and if group 3 is assigned - 50%.

The pension size should not be lower than the subsistence level!

Long service pension

To assign a long-service pension, the MS must fulfill a number of conditions, namely:

  • having a total length of service of 15 years or more (depending on the year in which the citizen applies for a pension);
  • reaching retirement age.

To apply for a long-service pension, you must do the following:

  1. Submit an application to the HR department or the Pension Fund.
  2. Prepare a complete package of documents:
    • passport;
    • a certificate from the place of employment about the amount of salary for the last year of work;
    • a certificate from the personnel service indicating the total length of service;
    • a copy of the dismissal order; a document confirming the fact of assignment of a long-service pension;
    • a copy of the work book.
  3. Review of documentation by employees of the Pension Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Pension Fund) - based on the results of reviewing the papers, the relevant authorities make a decision to assign the former MS a long-service pension.

The pension is paid from the date of submission of the application, but not earlier than from the date of actual dismissal from public office.

The size of the pension depends on such indicators as:

  • size of the casing;
  • additional payments for the position;
  • long service accruals;
  • cash, paid for special working conditions;
  • increases for academic degrees and titles;
  • awards.

Every year the state indexes pension payments in accordance with inflation rates.

Amount of pension payments

The size of the MS pension with 15 years of experience is equal to 45% of the average salary. For each year worked over 15 years, the MS receives a bonus of 3% of the salary.

The maximum criteria for pension payments are equal to 75% of the cash payments of the MS. The size of the pension is directly related to the salary of a municipal employee, as well as the size, bonuses, benefits throughout the entire labor activity.

In addition, the amount of the long-service pension should not be lower than the minimum wage in a particular region.

The long-service pension is paid to disabled people in the following percentage: group 1.2 - 75% of the salary; Group 3 – 50%.

The amount of pension payments for length of service is compensated for the last 3 years if the documentation was submitted after the standard deadlines.

The pension consists not only of a percentage of the salary part, but also of a fixed payment, bonuses for position, annual indexation, a funded part and other types of additional payments.

Calculation of pensions for municipal employees

In order for the MS to be able to independently calculate the size of the future long-service pension, it is necessary to use the following formula:

The average size salary portion* coefficient* percentage of length of service=pension.

To determine the average salary, you need to multiply the salary amount by 2.8 (the maximum salary limit for the position).

Municipal experience is used in the form of percentages, namely:

  • 15 years - 45% of salary;
  • 16 - 48%;
  • 17 - 51%;

That is, for every year worked over 15 years, MS receive a pension bonus of 3%. The maximum indicators are 75% of the average salary.

Benefits for municipal employees

In addition to pension payments, MS are entitled to the following benefits:

  1. Medical care for medical workers and the employee’s family after the assignment of pension payments.
  2. Payments of pensions for length of service or disability, as well as the assignment of a pension to the family of the MS in the event of death while performing an official assignment.
  3. Insurance of an employee in case of loss of ability to work during the period of work activity or after its completion, but related to the performance of job duties.
  4. Preferential dental prosthetics (not in all regions).
  5. Compensation for funeral expenses of MS (introduced at the discretion of local authorities).

Additional social benefits are provided by local authorities in different regions of the country.

Supplement to pension

MS have the right to receive the following types of additional payments:

  • increase in pension in the amount of one salary;
  • social additional payments when assigning a pension that is below the minimum subsistence level;
  • additional payments from 50 – 80% of the salary;
  • preservation of state guarantees;
  • monetary compensation for unused vouchers;
  • payments to relatives for the funeral of MS.

The full list of surcharges is fixed individually by region of the country. Consequently, the list of additional payments may vary between different regions of the Russian Federation.

Additional payments are due in cases where the MS, in addition to government activities, worked in an official position in another field!

The right of municipal employees to pensions for long service is enshrined at the legislative level. The main federal laws governing these legal relations include:

It should be noted that these laws deal with general provisions. Considering that payments for length of service are provided from local budget funds, many municipalities adopt their own bills regarding the conditions of appointment and the amount of established amounts.

Municipal employees they have a right for the following types of payments:

  • share of old-age (or disability) insurance payment;
  • various types of additional payments and one-time payments if there are grounds for it.
  • Due to the fact that the municipal long-service pension is established on the basis of not only federal, but also local laws, the conditions for its appointment may vary depending on the municipal authority where the monthly payment is calculated.

    The amount of such benefit is set within certain limits. The length of service worked in excess of the standard indicator affects the amount of pension benefits. You should apply for a long-service pension to the personnel records department at your place of service with a package of necessary documents.

    Registers of municipal service positions

    Municipal service is professional activity citizens. Her signs are:

  • holding positions in local government bodies;
  • execution of powers of the municipality;
  • carrying out activities as the main job;
  • receiving monetary compensation from the local budget.
  • Thus, municipal employee is an adult citizen of the Russian Federation holding a position in the municipal service and performing his duties in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and the laws of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and receiving wages from the local budget.

    The list of positions held by municipal employees is registry, approved by the law of a subject of the Russian Federation. The municipal service positions specified in it are filled by employees by concluding an employment contract.

    The names of the positions listed in the register serve as the basis for drawing up and approving the staffing table of a local government body.

    Job titles may be classified for several reasons depending on:

    • scope of delegated powers:
      • managers;
      • specialists;
    • on the level of education and professional skills (higher, chief, leading, senior, junior specialists);
    • from qualification category (1, 2, 3 classes).
    • Types of assigned pensions

      As for the pension provision of municipal employees, they are fully entitled to the rights of civil servants apply established by federal laws and laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

      The following types of pensions are provided for municipal employees:

      Pension provision for long service is provided from funds local budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

      In terms of legislation, in addition to federal legislative acts regulating the rights of municipal employees to pensions, there are local laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and regulations of municipalities. Municipal laws are intended to:

    • in some cases, specify general rules;
    • in other cases, make additional changes.
    • Thus, different constituent entities of the Russian Federation have adopted their own laws on pension provision for municipal employees. For example, the law of the Moscow region dated November 11, 2002 No. 118/2002-OZ, the law of St. Petersburg dated May 10, 2011 No. 204-50, the law of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) dated December 15, 2011 1012-Z No. 909-IV, the law of the Novgorod region dated October 22, 2007 No. 173-OZ and others.

      To acquire the right to a pension payment, the following conditions must be met:

    • correspondence requirements of federal legislation:
      • availability of the required age (for men 60 years old, for women 55 years old in 2018),
      • the amount of insurance experience of at least 15 years (in 2018 - 9 years with a subsequent annual increase by one year until 2025)
      • the presence of the required number of individual coefficients of at least 30 (in 2018 - 13.8 with a subsequent increase each year by 2.4 by 2025);
      • availability of a certain quantity experience in municipal service(at least 16 years in 2018);
      • specific reasons for dismissal from service:
        • liquidation of a local government body;
        • reduction in the number of employees;
        • reaching the age limit for service;
        • health does not meet the requirements for performing job duties;
        • own desire in connection with reaching retirement age.
        • Pension for municipal employees from January 1, 2017

          From the beginning of next year, Federal Law No. 143 of May 23, 2016 introduces amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation concerning certain categories of citizens, primarily state (municipal) employees. These innovations concern:

        • retirement age;
        • requirements for having a certain amount of length of service to assign a pension for long service.
        • These changes do not apply to citizens who have already received a pension payment and are applying for it before the end of 2016.

          The government considers the positive aspects of increasing the age and required length of service to be:

        • retention of qualified personnel;
        • budget savings.
        • Many analysts consider this step to be the beginning of subsequent transformations of the pension system in terms of raising the generally established retirement age for all citizens.

          At present, municipal employees who have not completed the length of service that gives them the right to a pension for long service or who have lost this right due to dismissal from service for the wrong reasons can apply for an insurance payment in accordance with federal law.

          Retirement age

          The retirement age requirement increased significantly after the adoption of the law and, depending on gender, amounted to:

        • for men 65 years old;
        • for women 63 years old.
        • But this increase will take place gradually, increasing for six months every year, starting in 2017. The required values ​​will be achieved by 2026 and 2032, respectively.

          Thus, the age of entry into long-service pensions for municipal employees is in 2018 will be for men 61 years old, for women - 56 years old.

          In addition, the new law establishes age limit for civil service- up to 65 years old.

          Length of experience in municipal service for the purpose of a long-service pension

          The new rules for assigning pensions to municipal employees also imply an increase in the required length of service in municipal positions. Previously, this length of service was 15 years, but since January 2017 its value has been increasing until it reaches 20 years. In this case, transitional provisions are also provided and the missing five years will be added six months every year.

          Thus, in 2018, the length of service required to obtain the right to a pension for municipal employees will be 16 years.

          Moreover, the required amount of service must be continuous over the last years preceding the registration of the “special” pension.

          Pension amounts

          The general procedure for calculating the amount of pension provision for municipal employees assumes an amount equal to 45% quantities average monthly salary minus:

        • old age (disability) insurance payment;
        • fixed (basic) amount for the insurance pension;
        • increases established in accordance with federal law “About insurance pensions”.

        At the same time, for years worked in excess of the required norm, the long-service pension will increase by 3% of the average monthly earnings for each such year. However, the total amount of pension provision (both insurance and length of service) cannot be more than 75% average monthly salary of an employee.

        When assigning a payment, the average monthly salary is calculated based on the income for the last 12 months of service.

        It is worth noting that different regions may set different pension amounts. Thus, the law of the Moscow region establishes the amount of payment equal to 55% of the monthly official salary, and the laws of such constituent entities of the Russian Federation as the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Novgorod region do not deviate from the generally accepted norm of 45%.

        However, such laws have not currently been adopted in all municipalities.

        Supplement to pension and one-time cash incentive

        Local laws of municipalities may establish and additional cash payments to a long service pension. Any changes in the amount of pension provision for municipal employees are possible if:

      • change in size due to an increase in the salary of civil servants;
      • length of service longer than required.
      • In some regions, a one-time cash incentive may be established when entering a municipal pension for long service. This payment usually depends on:

      • from the salary for the month preceding the month of dismissal;
      • and on the duration of the service itself.
      • The peculiarity of pension provision for municipal employees is that this category of citizens is entitled only one type of pension(insurance or length of service), therefore, if a more profitable option is chosen, an increase is established in the form of part of the payment under the second option.

        Procedure for appointment and payment

        You must apply for a long-service pension payment to the HR department the authority where the municipal service took place immediately before dismissal. The application can occur at any time after becoming eligible for this type of pension. Thus, the pension payment is assigned from the date of application for it, but not earlier than the right to it.

        For payment of an insurance pension, you should contact the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund. To apply for a pension you must provide the following: package of documents:

      1. passport;
      2. work book and other certificates confirming the required length of service and dismissal from the municipal body;
      3. pension insurance certificate;
      4. military ID (if such service is available);
      5. salary certificate for the last 12 months of service to calculate the amount of payment;
      6. a certificate of assignment of old-age insurance payment indicating the federal law on the basis of which it was established.
      7. After reviewing all necessary documents within 10 days accepted appointment decision or refusal to establish a pension for long service.

        The payment to the municipal service employee is transferred monthly in accordance with the delivery method chosen by him:

      8. through a post office (at home or at the branch of the organization at the place of registration);
      9. through the bank (directly at the branch or by transfer to a current account);
      10. through an organization engaged in the delivery of pension payments.
      11. Comments (18)

        Good afternoon To my relative on this moment Several months of municipal service are missing from 15 years of experience. She will soon turn 55 years old. Does she have the right to appoint an old-age insurance pension and when will she have the right to payment for long service?

        Hello! Currently, in order to accrue pension benefits for long service, it is necessary to work 15 years of service. Next year, 2017, according to the innovations adopted by Federal Law No. 143 of May 23, 2016, the period of municipal service required for the right to a pension in connection with work in local authorities will be 15.5 years and will increase every year by six months, until he reaches 20 years of age. Also a necessary condition for assigning this type of payment is the establishment of old-age insurance.

        Thus, subject to all conditions relating to minimum length of service, the presence of the required individual coefficients (points) and the generally established age for retirement, your relative must first apply to the Pension Fund for the establishment of an old-age insurance payment, and then, if there are grounds for this, - for a long-service pension.

        It should also be remembered that the last type of benefit is assigned subject to leaving work in the municipal authorities and terminates upon renewal in a position provided for in the register of municipal service positions.

        Hello, I have 16 years of service as of January 1, 2017. In August 2017 I turn 50 years old and live in the Far North. My term of office ends in July 2017 (I am filling a municipal position). When can I retire and will the 12 months before the end of my term of office be taken into account for my pension?

        Hello! I am retiring in December 2017 at the age of 55.5 years with 33 years of municipal service experience. Will the average salary for the last 12 months be taken into account when calculating the old-age pension, or will only the calculation be made based on points? Can my sister transfer to my pension (if so, where is this stipulated by law) in the event of my death?

        Hello! My mother turned 53 years old on January 25, 2017; her experience in municipal service is currently 19.5 years. When can she retire? And where to go?

        Please tell me, on October 3, 2000, I was hired for a position in the municipal service category - managers. On May 13, 2013, he was dismissed of his own free will. Am I entitled to a superannuation? Thank you.

        In 2015, he was dismissed from a municipal position; he was 53 years old and had 27 years of municipal service experience. In February 2017, I turned 55 years old. Do I have the right to receive a municipal pension from February 2017? Please provide an answer with reference to regulatory documents.

        I don’t understand at all why a municipal pension is beneficial? How can it attract new staff? Not only that, the condition for receiving it must be good health and good performance at 65 years of age. So the size is somewhat confusing: if our specialists receive 17 thousand rubles. with all bonuses and allowances inclusive, the pension is 7,650 rubles. And now, if you subtract from the municipal pension minimum pension for old age, so you still owe the state 1150 rubles. Or am I missing something?

        Hello! I am a military pensioner and receive military pension for long service, as well as old age pension. I have served in the municipal service for 30 years; in 2017, I retired from local government of my own free will. Am I entitled to receive part of the council pension? Military pensioners discharged in 2016 receive part of the municipal pension.

        I have the same story. I would also like to know my right to part of the municipal pension. Thank you.

        In June 2017, he turned 55 years old; in November 2017, he had 20 years of experience in municipal service. How will my pension be calculated?

        Why do municipal service pensioners, when their labor pension increases, have their long-service pension reduced by the same amount? It turns out that municipal employees general pensions are not growing at all, but prices are rising all the time!

        I turned 55 years old in 2017, and due to old age I will retire at 55.5 years old. Municipal service experience is 17 years. Now, when I quit my job, will I receive a municipal pension?

        Can the payment of a pension for length of service in the municipality be stopped because there is no money in the budget? And how is this situation resolved?

        Hello! Please write why the Pension Fund in Crimea does not take into account salary certificates for 2000-2001? It is automatically clear that the amounts indicated there are given in hryvnia units. Why does this have to be written down? After all, it’s clear that back then the salary was in hryvnias, and not in rubles or euros))

        I live and work in the area far north. I am a municipal employee. 2018 marks 50 years. Will I be able to apply for a northern old-age pension?

        From January 1, 2018, by Decree of Putin V.V. salary increased by 4%. If I go on a municipal pension from February 1, 2018, will it be calculated based on the new salary?

        Good day. Unfortunately, the salaries of municipal employees have not been increased since January 1, 2018.

        Municipal pension

        Pensions for municipal employees are calculated not according to old age, but according to length of service. If an employee of this category has a different length of service (he was previously employed not in a government agency), then he can additionally receive old-age payments.

        If a person on January 1, 2017 was a civil servant, had 15 years of service or more, and received the right to an old-age or disability pension, he has the right to apply for a long-service pension according to previously established standards, and not taking into account the new provisions. Let us consider in more detail in the material presented how this payment is calculated and who has the right to claim it.

        Who is entitled to a municipal pension?

        The main regulations governing the right of municipal employees to long-service pensions are:

      12. Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”;
      13. Federal Law dated 02.03.007 No. 25-FZ “On municipal service in the Russian Federation”.
      14. According to the previous legislation, officials could extend the service life from 60 to 65 years, but as of January 1, 2017, this opportunity was lost. An exception is made for the following category of workers - heads of civil services under the age of 70, subject to agreement with the authority that appointed them to this position.

        Law No. 25-FZ (Article 4) determines the legal status of municipalities, according to which they are one of the branches of government at the local level. Municipalities have the powers and responsibilities to implement state policy and respect the legal rights of citizens living in the territorial association.

        The conditions for providing a municipal pension at the expense of budgetary funds are established by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and acts of local government bodies. A long-service pension for civil servants is assigned to an old-age or disability insurance pension and is paid simultaneously with it.

        The assignment of a municipal long-service pension is made:

      15. military personnel;
      16. state and municipal employees;
      17. citizens equated to them from among flight test personnel or cosmonauts.
      18. long service pension;
      19. one-time payments and additional payments if there are grounds;
      20. share of old-age or disability insurance benefits.
      21. If civil servants who have served for 15 years (in 2017 - at least 15 years and 6 months) and have held positions in the federal public civil service for at least 12 full months are now entitled to a municipal long-service pension, then the minimum required length of service from 2020 will be 20 years.

        If you have 15 years of experience, the pension will be 45% of the average monthly salary minus standard insurance payments. If a civil servant retires 5 years later, he will receive 10% more, and before 01/01/2017 it was necessary to work 1 extra year.

        If an employee has served for 10 years, from the beginning of 2017 he is entitled to a 75% increase, and until that moment he receives the same increase if the period is 3 years. With 15 years of service or more, an employee receives an annual bonus of 3% of average monthly earnings.

        The right to a municipal pension from 01/01/2017 arises as before - in case of dismissal, but the list of reasons has changed:

      22. retirement of an official;
      23. liquidation of a government agency;
      24. health care;
      25. the employee reaches the age limit for work;
      26. the agreement of the parties to the service contract has expired, otherwise.
      27. If you quit for other reasons, you can receive a pension on a general basis.

        Retirement age

        Art. 8 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” sets the threshold retirement age for all categories of citizens: 55 years for working women and 60 years for working men. The changes will affect only government employees. According to the innovations:

      28. the retirement age will be raised gradually over 15 years;
      29. will increase the minimum length of service for calculating payments to officials based on length of service;
      30. will determine a new list of reasons for dismissal of civil servants with the right to receive a pension.
      31. The schedule for increasing the retirement age is outlined in Appendix 5 to Law No. 400-FZ. Every year until 2032 it will increase by 6 months. Women will retire at age 63, and men at age 65. The length of service when calculating the municipal pension in 2017 is determined by the sum of periods of civil service and other activities included in the service in other positions determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

        In all cases, a prerequisite for receiving a long-service pension is that a civil servant has at least 1 year of experience in a position in the federal service, and certain categories of officials must have 12 months immediately before dismissal.

        Long service pension

        Citizens have the right to apply for a long-service pension at any time after the right to it arises without any restrictions. If citizens apply to the MFC or the territorial body of the Pension Fund for a pension, then they must apply for a long-service pension:

      32. with an application addressed to the chairman of the board of the Pension Fund and documents to the personnel service of the federal government body;
      33. to the personnel service of his apparatus, in which the person held a position before dismissal;
      34. upon liquidation of a government agency - to the personnel service of the reorganized or liquidated body, to which the functions of the previous body were transferred.
      35. Documents for assigning this type of pension must be collected in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated May 22, 2017 No. 436n.

        Municipal pension amount

        The procedure for pension provision for municipal employees, including the conditions for calculating length of service and its confirmation, is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2011 No. 1648n and Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 28, 2014 No. 958n. Each subject of the Russian Federation issues its own regulations regulating the process of assigning pensions to officials, taking into account the characteristics of their employment, the deadlines for submitting documents, and the procedure for their registration.

        Calculation of pensions for municipal employees

        The size of the pension for municipal employees depends on:

      36. work experience;
      37. the amount of deductions of insurance premiums as a percentage of the accrued salary.
      38. The minimum pension value for this category of persons is 45% of the salary for the last year minus the old-age pension, calculated in proportion to the available individual pension coefficient (IPC), which is calculated from length of service and the amount of contributions.

        The maximum amount is 75%, which is calculated as follows: assigning 45% for 15 years of experience, adding 3% for each next year, but not more than 75% of everything.

        According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2009 No. 818, when calculating average earnings for calculating the amount of a pension, the following are taken into account:

      39. salary;
      40. sick leave and bonuses;
      41. vacation pay, health benefits;
      42. all types of allowances and surcharges.
      43. Incentives, payments in connection with illness, untimely death of a close relative are not taken into account when determining the amount.

        Benefits for municipal employees

        Employees have the right to receive two pensions at the same time: for length of service - based on the length of service in the civil service and for old age - from the remaining total length of service. If the amount is small, he has the right to refuse a long-service pension and receive only old-age payments, since the total number of IPC will be higher in this case, and the size of the pension will increase.

        Supplement to pension

        Monthly supplements to labor pensions paid to former municipal employees, the procedure for recalculating the amount of pensions and payments is approved by the Rules for assigning monthly supplements to labor pensions, which are adopted by municipal authorities. The rules adopted by the constituent entities of the Federation determine the conditions for acquiring the right to additional payment for length of service.

        Municipal pensioners often go to court for additional payments to their pensions, since the district administration or other municipal body is in no hurry to comply with the law. Without a lawyer, it is almost impossible to obtain the payments due. We recommend that you seek legal support from our experienced specialists. Call us by phone or contact us via the feedback form for advice on any questions about municipal pensions.

        How long does a municipal employee need to work to receive a long-service pension?

        A long-service pension is not available to everyone, but only to people in certain professions.

        They can count on it:

      • miners;
      • firefighters;
      • astronauts;
      • rescue workers;
      • civil servants;
      • persons who are workers in the fishing industry;
      • people of creative professions;
      • medical workers;
      • teachers and lecturers;
      • military personnel;
      • test pilots;
      • other professions that have harmful and difficult working conditions.
      • We will talk about such a category of citizens as municipal employees.

        Workers in this sector have the right to receive long-service pensions. To do this, you must have at least 15 years of experience and fulfill certain conditions when terminating your employment contract or resigning:

      • the municipal employee has reached retirement age;
      • if the authority ceased to operate and the employee was laid off;
      • the employee has reached the maximum age in this position;
      • his term of office has expired;
      • his health does not meet the necessary conditions for work in this position;
      • If an employee has worked for more than 15 years in this field of activity, then for each year over that he is entitled to a 3% bonus, but the entire pension cannot be more than 75% of the average salary he received during his entire service.

        An important point is that the pension cannot be less than the minimum subsistence level.

        Conditions for assigning a pension

        The basic conditions are defined in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On State Pension Security in the Russian Federation” and, therefore, are the same for all municipal and state civil servants in Russia.

        In order to qualify for a long service pension, a citizen must meet the following conditions:

      • he has special work experience;
      • acquires pension rights in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation;
      • dismissed from service for certain reasons.
      • Minimum and maximum pension amount

        Suppose a municipal employee meets the criteria that allow him to count on a long service pension. What size is she?

        The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes that the long-service pension is 45% of the average salary of a municipal employee. At the same time, we repeat, for each year worked over 15 years, you are paid in the form of a bonus of 3% of average earnings.

        Its maximum size is 75% of the salary level. This means that pension payments are calculated not from the established salary, but from the monetary allowance, which includes official and rank-appropriate salaries, allowances for special conditions of service, monthly incentives and other payments due to a municipal employee.

        We also talked about the minimum size above. This type pensions cannot be lower than the minimum wage.

        A long-service pension for those persons who left service due to disability is paid in the amount of:

      • for groups 1 and 2 - 75% of the monthly allowance;
      • for group 3 - 50% of the allowance.
      • How to calculate your pension?

        There is a formula for calculating the amount of pension for long service:

        PVL = D x OK x P,

      • PVL – the amount of the long-service pension itself;
      • D – average monthly salary;
      • OK - limiting coefficient;
      • P is a percentage expression established depending on the length of service in the municipal service.
      • The maximum limit is 2.8 times the salary of the corresponding position, and if we are talking about monetary remuneration, then within 0.8 times this amount.

        Let's calculate the average monthly income. It is on this basis that the size of the long-service pension is calculated. The law places restrictions on it. It cannot be more than 2.3 times the official salary. For us this amount was 8050 rubles. (RUB 3,500 x 2.3)

        The size of a municipal employee's pension is 45% of average monthly earnings if his length of service is at least 15 years and increases by 3% each subsequent year. But this amount should not exceed 75% of average earnings.

        We determine the pension coefficient of length of service: 45% is obtained for 15 years, 30% - for 10 years after.

        Since this pension is assigned in addition to the labor pension, it is limited. The total amount of two pensions cannot exceed 75% of the average monthly earnings of a municipal employee.

        In this example, 75% of the average monthly earnings, on the basis of which the size of this pension is determined, is

        8050 x 75% = 6037 rub.

        The size we calculated state pension for length of service (5625 rubles) does not exceed 2.3 official salaries (6037 rubles), on the basis of which the amount of this pension is calculated.

        A municipal employee was assigned a long-service pension in the amount of 5,625 rubles.

        From the long-service pension (RUB 5,625), we subtract the amount of the labor pension (RUB 5,000). The remainder will be the amount of additional payment that is due to a municipal employee for his years of service.

        In our example, this difference is 625 rubles. This is exactly the amount that a municipal employee will receive as an additional payment to the basic labor pension.

        If there is an indexation of pensions, both for old age and for long service, then this is also taken into account. Thus, with an increase in the old-age pension, the amount of additional payment for length of service may decrease.

        If the amount of the labor pension exceeds the amount of the long-service pension, then in this case only the labor pension is paid.

        Do you need to apply for a pension soon? Find out what documents you will need for this. More details here.

        Lately, the government has been increasingly talking about raising the retirement age. How it will happen, read in this article.

        How to apply for superannuation payments?

        A municipal employee can apply for a long-service pension at absolutely any time after becoming eligible for it, if he has already been assigned an old-age labor pension.

        The application must be submitted to the personnel service of the territorial body in which the citizen served immediately before dismissal.

        The following documents must be provided:

      • passport (you need both the original and a copy of all pages);
      • a certificate of positions and periods of work, which include length of service for the assignment of this type of pension;
      • a copy of the dismissal order;
      • a certificate of the average monthly earnings of a municipal employee for the last full 12 months preceding dismissal (it is also necessary to indicate the amounts by month);
      • certificate of assignment of a labor pension for old age (or disability). It must indicate the federal law on the basis of which this pension was assigned, its amount, the date must be the month of dismissal, and the certificate must also have a number and stamp;
      • work book (copy);
      • other documents that confirm periods of service for the purpose of a pension for long service.
      • After submitting the application, a commission in the territorial body reviews it and makes a decision on assigning a long-service pension to the municipal employee.

        This pension is assigned from the day the employee applied for it, but not earlier than the day following dismissal from municipal service and the assignment of an old-age pension.

        What is the municipal superannuation?

        Long service pension in accordance with current legislation, it is provided not only for civil servants, but also for municipalities. And if oh long service pensions civil servants are talked about quite a lot, but we hear much less often about municipal employees. In this article we will discuss what social guarantees municipal pensioners receive.

        How is the long service pension calculated?

        There is currently no separate law that would independently define the pension provision of municipal employees. However, in Art. 24 of the Federal Law “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” stipulates that employees of this category have the right to receive all social benefits. guarantees provided for state civil servants in the field of pensions. The very right to pension provision for long service is provided for in Art. 23 of the said law. Thus, in order to understand what rights municipalities have in the field of pensions, it is necessary to refer to the legislation on the state civil service.
        And if this is done, it will be clear that in order to receive a pension, an employee must have at least 15 years of work experience in the municipality. At the same time, for her appointment directly for length of service, certain additional conditions must be met.

        This is possible if the dismissal or termination of the employment contract with the employee occurred:

      • due to the liquidation of a municipal authority or due to a reduction in the number of its employees;
      • in connection with the end of the employee’s term of office as a municipal employee;
      • upon reaching the age limit for holding the position;
      • in connection with the identification of a discrepancy between the health status of a municipal employee and the requirements necessary for him to perform his official duties;
      • at the employee’s own request in connection with his/her reaching retirement age.
      • It is also important to say that to apply for long service pension Only those municipal employees who, at the time of dismissal, have worked in their position for at least 12 months are entitled. This rule does not apply only to those persons who were forced to resign due to staff reductions or due to the liquidation of the municipal government in which they served.

        How much is the long-service pension paid?

        Let’s say a municipal employee meets all the mandatory criteria that allow him to count on appointment long service pensions. What is its size in this case?

        The Law “On State Civil Service in the Russian Federation” establishes a condition regarding the size long service pensions, according to which it is 45% of the average monthly earnings of a municipal employee. Moreover, for each year worked over 15 years, he has the right to receive a bonus in the amount of 3% of earnings. But it should be noted that in any case long service pension cannot exceed 75% of the salary level received by the employee during the period of work.

        Long service pension in this case, it is calculated based on the monetary allowance, and not on the salary established for him. The official salary, as well as the salary corresponding to class rank, are taken into account in the total amount of salary. This also includes bonuses for length of service, for special conditions of service, monetary incentives provided to the employee on a monthly basis, and a monthly bonus for working with a protected state. secret and the presence of an honorary title or academic degree.

        It is also important to say that long service pension cannot be less than the subsistence level in force in the relevant region at the time of its appointment.

        Long service pension persons who left municipal service due to assignment of a disability group are paid in the following amount:

      • for 1st and 2nd disability groups - in the amount of 75% of the monthly allowance;
      • for disability group 3 - in the amount of 50% of the allowance.

    A long-service pension for municipal employees in 2020 is a right of employees enshrined in law. Such payments are controlled not only by federal, but also by local laws. Therefore, the specific conditions under which employees will receive financial compensation will depend on the specific municipal body.

    The right to receive a municipal long-service pension

    Persons holding municipal service positions on a permanent basis and with whom an employment agreement (contract) has been concluded have the right to a municipal employee pension. The source of funds for paying pensions for years served is the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the local budget.

    This right is provided for in Article 24 of the Federal Law “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation”.

    Except federal laws, local acts of the constituent entities of our country can clarify, make more specific or supplement the basic rules for this type of payment. The list of municipal employee positions is approved individually in each subject of the Russian Federation.

    This registry contains list of job titles that are classified by:

    • local authorities;
    • election commissions;
    • groups and functional characteristics of positions.

    In addition to the basic old-age insurance payment, municipalities have the right to a long-service pension, and in certain cases to. In the event of the death of a municipal employee, which was associated with his professional activities, members of his family are entitled to receive payments.

    Important! All rights of a state civil servant fully apply to a municipal employee.

    Conditions for assigning a municipal long-service pension

    A municipal long-service pension is assigned only after a number of conditions dictated by federal law are met.

    Among the mandatory requirements:

    1. municipal experience - 16 years and 6 months: +6 months every year until 2026;
    2. availability of the required set of individual coefficients (30 or more).

    The reason for dismissal must be justified by law.

    The dismissal of an employee gives the right to receive a municipal pension if:

    • reduction of employees;
    • reaching the age limit for performing official duties;
    • liquidation of a local government body;
    • inability to perform job duties due to health reasons;
    • or at their own request, subject to reaching a specified age.

    Note: requirements for length of service are not mandatory for a person in the event of termination of an employment contract or liquidation of a municipal body.

    Changes in the conditions for assigning pensions to municipalities

    Federal Law No. 143 of May 23, 2016 introduced changes to a number of legislative acts that mostly affect municipal employees.

    The innovations mainly concern the age of retirement and working out the required length of service to receive a long-service pension. Now men will be able to receive a second municipal pension for years of service after 65 years, and women after 63 years.

    However, these changes, as well as the implementation for all citizens, occur in stages. Starting from 2017, the increase will proceed according to the plan of adding six months every year. The numbers required by the bill will reach the required level in 2026 for men, and by 2032 for women.

    Following these calculations, in 2020, men will be able to receive pension payments upon reaching age 62, and women upon reaching age 57.

    The changes also affected the length of service required to receive an old-age pension for municipal employees. Since 2017, it has increased by 5 years, reaching twenty years. The changes will come into force in the same manner as the new rules regarding age for pensioners, not immediately, but for six months every year.

    The procedure for registering pensions for municipal employees

    A long-service pension for municipal employees may be awarded simultaneously with disability or old-age payments. To register and assign financial compensation based on age, you should come to the territorial offices.

    To make a decision on granting or refusing a pension, the department pension fund given 10 days.

    You need to have with you:

    1. passport;
    2. pension insurance certificate;
    3. a certificate with information on salary for the last year of municipal service;
    4. work book;
    5. a certificate confirming the right to insurance payment.

    To register payment of a pension for years served, you need to go to the personnel department, in whose authority the civil servant served before he was dismissed. However, the payment is assigned only after all conditions for receiving it are met.

    The legislation provides for cases in which the payment of funds is terminated:

    • death or unknown disappearance of a citizen who has received the right to a pension;
    • leaving the Russian Federation for permanent residence outside it;
    • loss of rights to receive a pension (by court decision when providing false information to receive payments.

    After receipt of the relevant documents by the pension authorities, payments are stopped.

    Early retirement for municipalities

    Certain categories of persons can receive an early municipal pension when recruiting certain period length of service and reaching a specified age. This period is different for the male and female half of state civil servants.

    Thus, for early retirement for municipal employees, women must reach 53 years old and have 20 years of experience . For men, these numbers are different: 58 years and 25 years of service.

    Important! Termination of the employment contract must occur for reasons beyond the control of the employee.

    Municipalities can retire early also when working in special conditions. They are:

    • carrying out activities in difficult climatic conditions;
    • when performing special duties;
    • staying in hazardous production.

    In these cases, municipal employees can receive a pension early also at their own request (for health reasons).

    Rules for calculating the size of pensions for municipal employees

    Calculations to understand what the long-service pension for municipal employees will be, lead us to a figure equal to 45% of the average monthly salary, excluding various types of social benefits and other additional payments. The specific amount of payments is established by the relevant local law.

    At the same time, the amount of pension payments of a municipal employee cannot be higher than the amount of monthly monetary compensation of a state civil servant of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    For each year of work more than the required norm, payments will increase by 3% up to an upper limit of increase of 75% of the average salary of a civil servant, which is calculated based on the average income for the last year of service. But these figures may vary from region to region.

    The total amount of the final pension to the fixed part of the municipalities includes:

    1. allowances for professional duties;
    2. percentage of salary;
    3. interest allowances;
    4. storage part.

    When calculating payments, the official salary corresponding to a certain class rank is taken into account. For each specific subject of the Russian Federation, the calculation procedure may be different. The local board of each subject itself develops a system for calculating pension payments.

    Additional options for receiving payments

    Municipal employees have every right receive two payments at once - for length of service in municipal service and for old age. They also have the right to refuse material compensation for length of service in order to increase the total number of IPC and increase the size of the pension.

    • for a certain number of years of service;
    • under special conditions of service;
    • monthly cash incentive;
    • bonus for working with state secrets;
    • for an honorary title or academic degree.

    Important! In the case of pension provision for citizens below the subsistence level, the state is obliged to begin immediate social supplements.

    Thus, due to the economic crisis in Russia, the shortage of funds will be eliminated by state and municipal employees. By raising the retirement age and increasing the length of service required for payments, the state will significantly increase state treasury funds. But the privileges, benefits and amounts of payments themselves will remain the same.