What payments are made by social security. What payments are made by social security and to whom are they due? List of required documents

In Russia, state social support is provided for low-income, needy and needy citizens.

We will tell you what benefits are, how they differ and to whom they are intended, and also determine who is entitled to receive them at the federal and regional levels in 2018.

What are state social payments and benefits, and in what situations are they assigned?

To support low-income or low-income citizens, families in Russia, social assistance is provided. It can be expressed in cash compensation, allowances or benefits.

Funds allocated by the state from the federal or regional budgets are allocated to citizens under the following conditions:

  1. on the principle of targeting. That is, a certain, specific person can receive benefits, whose initials will be indicated in the documentation. For example, a one-time allowance for a low-income, low-income family can be received by one spouse. The second, while the first receives or has received funds, cannot count on the same assistance.
  2. Free of charge. You don't have to pay to get benefits. By the way, it is also impossible to buy a benefit.
  3. According to the principle of need. Only Russians who need financial support can count on social payments and benefits.
  4. In the event of unforeseen circumstances and an increase in the costs of a citizen or his family. For example, expenses may increase on the occasion of death. In some regions, the increase in the expenses of most families is associated with the birth of children, so social assistance is provided mainly in the form of material compensation or child benefits.
  5. For partial or full reimbursement of temporarily lost income. There are many examples of such social return and assistance - benefits paid to the unemployed, or benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, or benefits in case of temporary disability, etc.

All social assistance is regulated at the legislative level and is a form of state social security for the population of the country.

Characteristic features and signs of federal and regional benefits

Social benefits may differ from others in the form of state financial support.

We highlight the characteristic features and signs of social benefits:

  1. Allocated by the state.
  2. They can only receive privileged categories of citizens prescribed in the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
  3. Funds are transferred from the federal or regional budgets.
  4. Can be given as a one-time, monthly, or periodic appointment.
  5. It is established in a fixed amount or taking into account the individual earnings of a citizen.
  6. They are targeted.
  7. Appointed according to certain principles and taking into account certain vital factors.

Factors taken into account when assigning benefits


Health condition or certain life circumstances

Illness, injury, pregnancy, etc.

Features of housekeeping

The need for housing

Changes in social status

Dismissal, the birth of children, etc.

Since social assistance can be provided at two levels - federal and regional- then each type has its own distinctive features.

Using the example of tabular data, we will tell you what signs and differences are in federal and regional social benefits.

Characteristic features of federal and regional social payments

Federal social benefits

Regional social payments


From the federal budget

The allocation of funds comes from the budgets of the regions

Payment amount

Usually this is an addition to the main income of the beneficiary. For example, if a disabled person receives social assistance below the subsistence level, then he may be given a supplement to increase his income.

The amount of these benefits and the conditions for their receipt are the same for all citizens of Russia.

They may differ in size or even be absent in some subjects of the Russian Federation.

For certain services to the state. For example, the title of honorary donor of Russia, Hero of the USSR, RF.

Upon receipt of preferential status. For example, a labor veteran, a disabled person, a home front worker, an unemployed person, etc.

Regional assistance is intended for persons in need of additional measures of social support from the authorities. For example, it can be pensioners, veterans of labor, citizens with a long work history.

Terms of appointment

The terms of appointment are prescribed in federal regulations. The categories of beneficiaries are the same for everyone, regardless of the region of residence.

The conditions of appointment are determined by the regional authorities, since some funds are paid at the expense of the employer, and some at the expense of the state. The categories of beneficiaries are prescribed in the legislative acts of the regional authorities.

Typically, payments are made non-cash way, and are transferred to a personal account in a banking organization.

Preferential categories of citizens who can receive state social payments and benefits - who can apply for help?

In accordance with Article 6.1 of Federal Law No. 178 and titled “On State Social Assistance”, which was adopted on July 17, 1999, but revised and approved on July 1, 2017, not everyone is entitled to receive state social assistance.

We list which privileged categories of citizens can receive state social payments and benefits:

  1. War invalids.
  2. WWII participants.
  3. Combat veterans listed in the Federal Law "On Veterans" under number 40.
  4. Soldiers who passed military service in military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the army in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least six months, military personnel awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service in the specified period.
  5. Persons awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad".
  6. Persons who worked during the Second World War at facilities air defense, local air defense, in the construction of fortifications, naval bases, airfields and other military installations within the rear borders of the operating fronts, operating zones of the operating fleets, on the frontline sections of railways and highways, as well as crew members of the transport fleet ships interned in the beginning of the Second World War in the ports of other states.
  7. Family members of war veterans who died (deceased), veterans of the Great Patriotic War and war veterans, family members of persons who died in the Great Patriotic War from among the personnel of the self-defense groups of the facility and emergency teams of the local air defense, as well as family members of the dead workers of hospitals and hospitals in the city of Leningrad.
  8. Disabled people.
  9. Disabled children.
  10. Liquidators of accidents at the Chernobyl and other nuclear power plants.

Regional preferential categories citizens determined by each subject of the Russian Federation independently. These may include Russians who are poor, including individuals living alone or families.

The lists of regional beneficiaries who may qualify for social assistance may include:

Types of social benefits and payments in Russia

The state social security system in the Russian Federation is as follows:

Based on the current legislation, social payments and benefits can be divided into several types.

There are several classifications, so there are many types.

1 Classification - according to characteristic features and intended purpose

Allocate allowances:

  1. Compensating average earnings in whole or in part.
  2. Provided in the form of additional financial assistance.

2 Division - by duration of allocation of funds

Since January, Moscow has been increasing the size of the city standard for non-working pensioners, as well as a number of social benefits. the site tells how much social support will grow in the capital and who will receive increased payments.

Sergei Sobyanin called social support for Muscovites a priority for the coming years. Pensions, benefits, assistance to large and low-income families are just a few of the areas for which a significant part of the city's money will be spent from January 1, 2018. First of all, the increase will affect those who need social support more than others.

The amount of increase in payments was determined taking into account the opinion of the residents of the capital. What measures should be taken to improve the lives of Muscovites, Sergei Sobyanin discussed during meetings with pensioners, veterans, large families, single mothers and parents of disabled children. Proposals were made by the Moscow City Council of Veterans, representatives of large families and others public organizations. The Mayor of Moscow included in the draft budget precisely those proposals that were voiced at these meetings.

Help for pensioners and veterans

In Moscow will increase minimum size pensions. The mayor of Moscow supported the proposal of the Council of Veterans to raise it immediately by three thousand rubles. The city social standard will amount to 17,500 rubles. Already at the end of December, almost 1.4 million citizens will receive an increase in their pensions.

“If we take the last seven years, we started with 10 thousand rubles. Now there are already 17.5 thousand. That is, every year we are almost a thousand rubles the size of this minimum pension raise. And in the future we will try to raise it as much as possible,” said Sergei Sobyanin.

Monthly compensation for labor veterans, home front workers and victims of political repression will more than double from 2018.

In addition, city allowances for veterans participating in the defense of Moscow will be doubled. They will be paid monthly eight thousand rubles instead of four thousand.

Additional compensations are provided for capital centenarians. A lump sum of 15 thousand rubles will be received by those who next year turn 101 or older. Married couples on the occasion of anniversaries will also receive a one-time cash payments. Celebrated 50th Anniversary life together will receive 20 thousand rubles (in 2017 the amount of payment was 10 thousand rubles), 55th and 60th anniversary - 25 thousand (in 2017 - 11 thousand and 12 thousand rubles respectively), 65th and 70th anniversary - 30 thousand (in 2017 - 13 thousand and 15 thousand rubles, respectively).

Monthly compensation to pensioners will be doubled in return free travel in public transport, as well as in commuter trains.

Support for low-income and large families

The amount of child benefits for low-income families will increase from three to 6.25 times. The increase in these payments will affect almost 300,000 young Muscovites. Almost five times - the monthly allowance for a child will increase for low-income families with children under three years old - up to 10 thousand rubles (in 2017 - two thousand rubles).

Payments to low-income single mothers and fathers, military personnel who are conscripted for a child under three years old will be increased to 15 thousand rubles, and the amount of benefits for children over three years old and benefits large families and families raising disabled children will double in number. Monthly assistance for caring for a disabled child under the age of 18 or a disabled child under the age of 23 will amount to 12,000 rubles (6,000 rubles in 2017). The same amount will be paid for a child under the age of 18 living in a family in which both or the only parent do not work and are disabled of group I or II.

For large families with five or more children, the city will also increase monthly payments for the purchase of children's clothing, housing, utilities, and telephone communications. Increased payments await parents also to international day family and Knowledge Day.

In the Moscow budget, the growth of social spending is two times faster than the growth of other items. It is planned to allocate 430 billion rubles for social needs in 2018. Part of these funds will go to raise salaries for social workers.

From 2011 to 2017, budgetary spending on the social sphere of Moscow has already been almost doubled. At the same time, the targeting of benefits was strengthened. For example, spending on subsidies and benefits to pay for housing and communal services has tripled, nine times on the provision of food and clothing assistance to the poor, and five times on providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation.

At the same time, a system of benefits for the payment of contributions for major repairs has been launched in the city, which has covered about four million Muscovites. As part of the land public transport reform, beneficiaries received the right to free travel in commercial buses.

Payments to low-income families

Monthly allowance for a child to families whose level of property security does not exceed the level of property security for providing social support measures to low-income families, established by the Moscow Government, and whose average per capita income does not exceed the subsistence level established by the Moscow Government per capita

For children from birth to three years of age:

Three - 6.25 times

in other families

3.3 - five times

For children aged three to 18:

single mothers (fathers), conscripted military personnel, a parent evading child support

Two - 2.5 times

in other families

Payments to large families

Monthly compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses due to the increase in the cost of living for families:

with three or four children

with five or more children

Monthly compensation payment for the purchase of children's goods for a family with 5 or more children

Monthly compensation payment for the purchase of children's goods for a family with 10 or more children

Monthly compensation payment to families with 10 or more children

Monthly compensation payment to a mother of many children who has given birth to 10 or more children and receives a pension

Annual compensation payment to a family with 10 or more children on the International Day of the Family

Annual compensation payment to a family with 10 or more children on the Day of Knowledge

Monthly compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses for payment for housing and utilities to families:

with three or four children

with five or more children

Monthly compensation payment for telephone use to families with three or more children

nine percent

Annual compensation payment for the purchase of a set of children's clothing for attending classes for the period of study

Payments to families of disabled people and families raising disabled children

One-time payment to families of anniversaries married life in connection with:

50th anniversary

55th anniversary

60th anniversary

65th anniversary

70th anniversary

Lump sum for centenarians aged 101 and over

Monthly city cash payments to preferential categories

Monthly city cash payment to rehabilitated citizens and persons recognized as victims of political repression

Monthly city cash payment to home front workers

Monthly city cash payment to veterans of labor and military service veterans

Monthly cash compensation in exchange for free travel to public transport public use in urban traffic

Monthly cash compensation instead of free rail travel in suburban traffic

Monthly cash compensation instead of free drug provision

Monthly monetary compensation for paying for local telephone services to citizens of preferential categories specified in clauses 4, 5-appendix 1 to Decree of the Government of Moscow dated February 8, 2005 No. 62-PP "On the implementation of social support measures for paying for the phone"

nine percent

Monthly monetary compensation for paying for local telephone services to citizens of privileged categories specified in paragraphs 1-3, 6-10-Appendix 1 to Decree of the Government of Moscow dated February 8, 2005 No. 62-PP "On the implementation of social support measures for paying for the phone"

nine percent

Monthly social payments to citizens of the older generation

Monthly compensation payment to the invalids of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and the participants of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 in order to partially compensate for the cost of basic food products from the socially necessary set

Monthly compensation payment to disabled people as a result of a military injury received during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, who did not work out the length of service for the appointment of a full old-age pension (for length of service)

Monthly compensation payment to disabled people from childhood due to injury during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

Monthly compensation payment to women - invalids of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and women - participants of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

Monthly compensation payment to persons awarded with the badge "Honorary Donor of the USSR" for donating blood during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

Monthly compensation payment to participants in the defense of Moscow

Additional monthly cash support for heroes Soviet Union, Heroes of Russia, Full Cavaliers of the Order of Glory, Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of Russia and Full Cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory

56 percent

Monthly compensation payment to widows (widowers) of heroes of the Soviet Union, heroes of Russia, full cavaliers of the Order of Glory, heroes of Socialist Labor, heroes of Labor of Russia and full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory who have not remarried

88 percent

Monthly compensation payment to one of the parents of the dead (deceased) heroes of the Soviet Union, heroes of Russia

88 percent

Additional lifelong monthly material security for persons retirement age, awarded the title "Honorary Citizen of the City of Moscow"

Monthly compensation payment to persons of retirement age awarded the honorary titles "People's Artist of the USSR"; "People's Artist of the RSFSR"; "National artist Russian Federation»; "Honored Artist of the RSFSR"; "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation"

New allowance

Not all citizens of the Russian Federation enjoy the opportunities that they are entitled to by law. Many are not aware of the news in this area, and some simply have no time to run around the authorities and find out what exactly they are supposed to do. There are very few people who make full use of all the privileges granted to everyone by law.

Our site Lgotnik.com provides an opportunity to learn about all payments, benefits, subsidies, compensations, pensions, discounts and laws that are provided by government agencies as a support to the country's population. Almost every citizen of Russia has the opportunity to receive benefits that belong to him by right from the state, for this he needs to provide the relevant state bodies with a certain list of documents confirming his rights.

A privilege is a characteristic advantage that is provided to certain legal entities and individuals. Currently, there is a list of benefits in 2018 aimed at improving housing conditions and general life positions:

  • Lending: to police officers, judges and prosecutors, benefits for Chernobyl survivors, rehabilitated persons, benefits for migrants and large families.


  • Equity - co-financing is subject to certain conditions of the subsidy.

    Subsidies in 2018 are provided to certain categories of citizens who fall under the list of those in need of better housing conditions and general financial situation: subsidies for the poor, teachers, police officers, military personnel, civil servants and state employees for the purchase of housing; subsidies for utility bills, young families and utility bills.

    Subsidies are calculated according to the average income of each family member and the subsistence level. The allocation of subsidies for the purchase of housing is not carried out by all citizens who apply, as there are many nuances in connection with which the state cannot make payments. SUBSIDIES and their changes for 2018 in a separate section of the site.


    State payments in 2018 also underwent certain changes for various categories of citizens. One-time social payments have increased markedly for orphans and those left without parental care, for adopted children, for anniversaries of married life, centenarians, widows and widowers, as well as veterans.

    The payment of benefits is also due at the birth of a child, for child care, military personnel and the disabled. Social payments and their amount change annually, all useful information on this issue posted in the PAYMENTS section.


    There are also several programs for a specific list of citizens who are entitled to compensation. Compensation is calculated after the application is submitted and the case is considered. The category of citizens in need of payments includes: disabled people, military personnel, victims of fire, relatives of the dead who buried them. Scroll required documents for registration of compensation and the conditions for registration is posted on the website in the COMPENSATION section.


    Pension is a monthly state cash benefit, which is paid to certain categories of citizens:

  • survivor's pension;
  • disability pension.
  • The Russian Federation is currently reviewing its pension policy and amending pensions in 2018. Details about pension payments, seniority for pensions and its calculation are on the website in the PENSIONS section.


    At present, the established system of discounts for certain segments of the population with single-parent, low-income or large families operates on the territory of the Russian Federation; persons who are in training, retired or have small children; veterans, disabled people and Chernobyl liquidators.

    The system of discounts is aimed at improving the living conditions of certain categories of citizens who are required to submit an application and provide the necessary documentation. To get this help. You can learn more about this system on the website in the DISCOUNTS section.


    Russian federal laws operate in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and provide for a certain list of benefits, subsidies, discounts and payments provided to various segments of the population.

    In 2018, new laws came into force, for example, aimed at improving housing conditions and raising the standard of living of Russians. About what laws are currently in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, and what each resident of the country is entitled to, read in the LAWS section.

    What payments can be received from the state according to Russian laws: a list of documents and the procedure for obtaining assistance

    Not all citizens of the Russian Federation enjoy the opportunities that they are entitled to by law. Many are not aware of the news in this area, and some simply have no time to run around the authorities and find out what exactly they are supposed to do. There are very few people who fully use all the privileges granted to everyone by law and know what payments can be received from the state.

    Benefits for citizens in Russia

    Almost every citizen of Russia has the opportunity to receive benefits that belong to him by right from the state, for this he needs to provide the relevant state bodies with a certain list of documents confirming his rights.

    A privilege is a characteristic advantage that is provided to certain legal entities and individuals. Currently, there is a list of benefits aimed at improving housing conditions and general life positions:

    1. Acquisition of housing: benefits for large families and single mothers, benefits for the disabled, veterans, pensioners, benefits for military personnel, rehabilitated persons;
    2. Utilities: benefits for rural workers, benefits for Chernobyl survivors, military personnel, benefits for the disabled, veterans and rehabilitated persons;
    3. Lending: to police officers, judges and prosecutors, benefits for Chernobyl survivors, rehabilitated persons, benefits for migrants and large families.

    To determine the persons falling under the receipt of benefits, the legislation provides for a fairly wide list of categories of citizens.

    Subsidies are payments to citizens provided at the expense of the local or state budget and special funds for individuals and legal entities by local authorities. In accordance with the Russian budget code, the following types of subsidies are distinguished:

    1. Free - the provision of a subsidy is made once, for a specific purpose, but it is possible to return funds under a subvention;
    2. Target - funds are issued for the intended purpose and can only be used in this direction;
    3. Equity - co-financing is subject to certain conditions of the subsidy.

    Subsidies are provided to certain categories of citizens who fall under the list of those in need of better housing conditions and general financial situation: subsidies for the poor, teachers, police officers, military personnel, civil servants and state employees for the purchase of housing; subsidies for utility bills, young families and utility bills.

    Subsidies are calculated according to the average income of each family member and the subsistence level. The allocation of subsidies for the purchase of housing is not carried out by all citizens who apply, as there are many nuances in connection with which the state cannot make payments. State payments have also undergone certain changes for various categories of citizens. One-time social payments have increased markedly for orphans and those left without parental care, for adopted children, for anniversaries of married life, centenarians, widows and widowers, as well as veterans.

    The payment of benefits is also due at the birth of a child, for child care, military personnel and the disabled. Social payments and their amount change annually.


    State compensation is a system that provides compensation for harm caused by damage or violation of rights. Such activities should be directly related to causing harm to an individual or legal entity in the exercise of power by authorized persons.

    There are also several programs for a specific list of citizens who are entitled to compensation. Compensation is calculated after the application is submitted and the case is considered. The category of citizens in need of payments includes: disabled people, military personnel, victims of fire, relatives of the dead who buried them. Pension is a monthly state cash benefit, which is paid to certain categories of citizens:

    1. Pension for working citizens who have reached retirement age;
    2. survivor's pension;
    3. disability pension.

    The Russian Federation is currently reviewing its pension policy and amending pensions in 2018. At present, the established system of discounts for certain segments of the population with single-parent, low-income or large families operates on the territory of the Russian Federation; persons who are in training, retired or have small children; veterans, disabled people and Chernobyl liquidators.

    The system of discounts is aimed at improving the living conditions of certain categories of citizens who are required to submit an application and provide the necessary documentation. To get this help. Russian federal laws operate in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and provide for a certain list of benefits, subsidies, discounts and payments provided to various segments of the population.

    State subsidies

    The state offers its population a fairly wide range of subsidies that can be used by any resident of the country who meets the conditions for subsidies.

    Russia. Leningrad region. February 22. Pensioners receive their pension at the post office. Photo by ITAR-TASS/Interpress/archive photo: 01/29/2007

    The list of government-provided subsidies should be freely available and includes the following:

    • Subsidies for the purchase of real estate;
    • Subsidies for opening an individual entrepreneur;
    • Subsidies to the population that is temporarily unemployed, as well as other types of subsidies.

    Before applying for a particular type of subsidy, you must make sure that you fully fit its parameters, otherwise you will not receive the expected funds.

    What payments and compensations from the state are due to citizens of the Russian Federation

    Payments and compensations that are guaranteed by the state can be divided into two types: one-time and non-one-time.

    The bulk of the first type of compensation and payments, which include the following:

    1. Compensation for the dismissal of employees, which are provided for by the legislation and the labor code of the Russian Federation. They rely on people who leave not of their own free will, but due to the end of the contract or for other reasons not related to violation of labor discipline at the enterprise and amount to an amount equal to three average monthly salaries of an employee over the past six months. In this case, the employee must be notified in writing a month before the proposed dismissal, otherwise the employee has the right to file claims with the trade union committee.
    2. Incentive payments. Usually paid to public employees such as medical staff, doctors, teachers and the like.
    3. Recovery payments. Basically, they are received by employees of state organizations in a certain percentage of wages. Such payments should accrue to employees for each year worked in the organization.
    4. Also, maternity capital payments can be equated to lump sum payments.

    Maternity capital is accrued for the birth or adoption of two or more children. It can also be used as a loan payment or as a stand-alone cash for their needs and the needs of their children.

    Monthly, that is, not lump-sum payments are usually due for guardianship of minor citizens and citizens who, for whatever reason, are incapacitated, as well as persons who have reached a certain retirement age.

    To receive such payments, you must collect a package of documents and apply with it to the district administration at your place of residence.

    The military is also entitled to monthly payments. who received a combat wound or people with disabilities of a certain group.

    Pensions upon reaching a certain seniority. as well as other types of pensions can also be classified as types of monthly payments. Scholarships can also be attributed to monthly payments. They are awarded to students of a free form of education, as well as to foreign students in accordance with their level of performance.

    In order to receive any type of payment or compensation, the following documents are required:

    1. Application for one or another type of payment;
    2. Confirmation that you meet the conditions for obtaining them (certificate of disability, death, that you are a student, and so on);
    3. A document proving your identity or a copy of it, which must be mandatory certified by a notary.

    Who is eligible for subsidies

    Subsidies paid by the state are provided to certain categories of the population, which are established by the country's legislation in this area, as well as various types of federal laws. In order to qualify for subsidies, you need to be sure that you fall into the right category and meet all its conditions.

    For example, unemployment subsidies are provided only to unemployed persons who quit not of their own free will, and also not in connection with absenteeism and violation of discipline on it.

    Small business development subsidies are available to start-up entrepreneurs who want to start their own business. The condition is to be unemployed, and also not to own another legal entity, and also not to be registered as an individual entrepreneur.

    Childbirth subsidies are intended for mothers with the birth of their first and subsequent children. With the birth of every second child, the amount of subsidies increases, and it also becomes possible to apply for maternal capital in the amount of about three hundred thousand rubles for mothers who gave birth or adopted more than two minor children.

    What does a young family need from the state

    Young families can apply for various kinds benefits, mainly related to the acquisition of housing. For young families, special mortgage programs are provided, which make it possible to obtain real estate on credit at a low interest rate, as well as under certain conditions.

    Additional benefits and subsidies are provided for young and at the same time large families.

    Federal programs to promote the purchase / construction of your own housing: a general description

    Such programs provide for the general procedure and conditions for the purchase and construction of housing, which is carried out by certain categories of the population specified in the program.

    The most popular today are the following programs:

    1. Provision of real estate for young families;
    2. Assistance in the purchase and construction of housing for pensioners;
    3. Affordable housing for youth;
    4. The program of resettlement from communal apartments and others.

    Benefits for young large families

    Young and large families, as well as other types of the population, are offered to take advantage of some benefits, including:

    1. Benefits for admission to a higher educational institution in the form of a pass to any type of faculty and specialty out of competition;
    2. Benefits when applying for a loan in the form of reduced interest rates, as well as weakening some other conditions of the loan agreement;
    3. Benefits in the form of payment of funds for a child up to three years;
    4. Early retirement;
    5. Possibility to get a land plot free of charge, as well as many others.

    Subsidies for the unemployed to open a sole proprietorship

    Another type of subsidies are subsidies issued to individual entrepreneurs. The only condition for receiving them is to be temporarily unemployed.

    Subsidies of this type can be issued as follows:

    1. For residents of Moscow in the amount of three hundred thousand Russian rubles. if you fit at least one of the following categories: never worked anywhere before, served your time in the army, are a mother or father who is raising an imperfect child alone, and also has a disability;
    2. In the amount of sixty thousand rubles. with additional subsidies for each employee who is planned to be on the staff of the enterprise;
    3. In the amount of twenty-five thousand for all other categories of citizens.

    It should be noted that in the latter case, subsidies can be received not only personally, but also through third parties.

    The process for obtaining subsidies for opening an IP is as follows:

    1. You must be unemployed. so you should quit your job.
    2. Contact the employment center at your place of residence and become registered in it. You will be asked to fill out several applications, which are questionnaires about why you left your previous job and the like.
    3. It is necessary to obtain a certificate of the amount of wages from the previous place of work. This can be done both in the accounting department and in the human resources department.
    4. After completing the previous paragraph, you must again visit the employment center with a package of necessary documents. passport, salary certificate, as well as a statement indicating that you want to organize your own business. After that, the employees of the employment center should advise you about the types of subsidies available and choose the one that suits you. If they do not do this, although this process is part of their duties, then it is recommended to insist on this yourself.
    5. Next, you need to prepare a business plan for your future enterprise. with a detailed indication of the strategy of the future company, as well as other nuances that must be covered in the business plan. It must also be correctly formatted and logical, otherwise the commission will send the plan for revision and you will be able to receive subsidies only after a certain period of time.
    6. The plan must be protected. That is, before the commission to answer a few questions about its content.
    7. If the previous stage was successful, then in this case you should open an account in state bank and wait for the receipt of subsidies to this account, after which the funds can be spent at your discretion.

    So, we can conclude that it is not so difficult to receive funds in the form of subsidies for opening individual entrepreneurship if you follow the above steps.

    How to get a housing subsidy

    In order to receive a housing subsidy, the following steps must be followed:

    1. Collect a package of necessary documents;
    2. Submit them to the local authorities at the place of registration;
    3. Answer the necessary questions on the commission;
    4. Open a bank account;
    5. Get a subsidy.

    Documents for obtaining a housing subsidy

    In order to receive the above subsidy, the following documents may be required:

    1. Application;
    2. Extract from the house book;
    3. Certificate from the place of work;
    4. Identification document;
    5. Documents confirming the presence of other real estate in the property;
    6. Certificates that allow you to apply for additional space and so on.

    Conditions and calculation of the amount of real estate subsidy

    In order to find out exactly how to calculate the amount of a subsidy, you must first find out the conditions under which it is issued. Usually in local governments, where all the necessary documents are submitted, and you can get acquainted with the size and amount of calculated subsidies.

    The terms of the real estate subsidy also vary depending on the categories of the population that apply for it, and are prescribed in various programs at the federal level.

    Compensation payments in 2020

    Compensation payments- a type of social support for citizens, caused by the need to overcome a number of negative consequences transition to market relations associated with a sharp decline in the standard of living of non-working citizens and are addressed narrow circle persons in need of social support due to circumstances beyond the control of the citizen, as well as in connection with emergency circumstances.

    The amount of compensation payments in 2020

    • Compensation payments to the disabled
      • Compensatory payments to the disabled include a number of measures of social support for non-working able-bodied citizens caring for the disabled and elderly citizens who have reached the age of 80 or who need constant outside care at the conclusion of a medical institution, as well as a number of other measures related to compensation for harm to health.
    • Compensation payments to citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster
      • They are assigned to certain categories of citizens exposed to radiation in the form of monthly, annual and one-time compensation payments.

      Reason for appointment:

      • Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 N 1244-I
    • Compensatory cash payments to citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the accident at Mayak
      • They are assigned to certain categories of citizens exposed to radiation in the form of monthly, annual and one-time compensation payments.

      Reason for appointment:

      • Federal Law No. 175-FZ of November 26, 1998
    • Compensation payments to citizens affected by nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site
      • They are assigned to certain categories of citizens affected by nuclear tests in the form of monthly compensation payments.

      Reason for appointment:

      • Federal Law of January 10, 2002 N 2-FZ
    • Compensation payments to citizens from special risk units
      • They are assigned to citizens who, as part of special risk units, were directly involved in the testing of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons, the elimination of accidents at nuclear installations at weapons and military facilities in the form of monthly, annual and one-time compensation payments.

      Reason for appointment:

    • Monthly compensation payments to students and graduate students of organizations that carry out educational activities who are on academic leave for medical reasons
      • 50 rub.

      Reason for appointment:

    • Monthly compensation payments to mothers (or other relatives who actually take care of the child) who are in labor relations on an employment basis with enterprises, institutions and organizations, and to female military personnel who are on parental leave until they reach 3 years of age
      • 50 rub.

      Reason for appointment:

      • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 30, 1994 N 1110
      • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 1994 N 1206
    • Monthly compensation payments to non-working wives of private and commanding staff of internal affairs bodies in remote garrisons and areas where there is no possibility of their employment
      • 50 rub.

      Reason for appointment:

      • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 30, 1994 N 1110
      • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 1994 N 1206
    • Monthly compensation payments to unemployed women with children under the age of 3, dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization
      • 50 rub.

      Reason for appointment:

      • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 4, 2006 N 472
    • Compensation payments to family members of dead servicemen to pay for housing and utilities
      • Family members of the dead (deceased) military personnel pay for living space, utilities and other types of services in full with the subsequent receipt of compensation payments.

      Reason for appointment:

      • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2005 N 475
    • Compensation payments on Soviet deposits
      • Compensatory payments on Soviet deposits are aimed at the fulfillment by the state of its debt obligations to Russian citizens.

      Reason for appointment:

      • Federal Law of May 10, 1995 N 73-FZ "On the restoration and protection of savings of citizens of the Russian Federation"
    • Compensation payment to internally displaced persons for travel and baggage
      • Payment of compensation for travel and baggage expenses to internally displaced persons is carried out by transferring funds to a deposit account opened by the applicant in a credit institution.

      Reason for appointment:

      • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2004 N 713
    • Compensation payment to pay the cost of travel to the place of rest and back to pensioners Far North
      • Compensation for the cost of travel to the place of rest and back to pensioners of the Far North can be made 1 time in 2 years. In this case, the two-year period is calculated in calendar order starting from January 1 of the year in which the specified compensation was made to the pensioner on the basis of the application submitted by him in this period, but not earlier than from January 1, 2005. If the pensioner has not applied for compensation in the past biennium, no compensation will be paid for those periods.

      Reason for appointment:

      • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 1, 2005 N 176

    Related news

    The State Duma is preparing for the first reading a bill protecting labor and military pensions from arrest by bailiffs. It will be forbidden to cut off something from social payments on account of debt.

    On Thursday, June 6, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the Social Insurance Fund (FSS RF) and the Mir payment system signed an agreement on cooperation. The goal is to improve the procedure for direct payments to a national payment card.

    A number of compensation payments will be exempt from personal income tax (PIT). The corresponding bill was adopted by the State Duma in the third reading.

    Monthly child benefit: key points in 2020

    Monthly child allowance- This is a sum of money that is paid by the state in order to support citizens caring for a child. The amount of this allowance for a family directly depends on the number of children and their age.

    Types of child benefits:

    • . Calculated as 40% of the parent's average income over the last 2 years. Assigned to both mother and other relatives.
    • . The old payments of 50 rubles were canceled at the end of 2019. Instead, low-income families will be able to receive "Putin's" payments for children.
    • . On January 15, 2020, Vladimir Putin instructed to develop a bill, according to which some families will receive the right to be appointed monthly allowance caring for a child aged 3 to 7 years.

    Funds are accrued both to the mother and to other people who are related to the child. The main condition is that they take care of the baby in fact, so there are no other sources of funds. If there are several people involved in the care, then only one of them is entitled to the allowance.

    The following are also entitled to the allowance (a child under 1.5 years old):

    • Relatives of the baby in the presence of compulsory social insurance.
    • Mothers during contract military service.
    • Citizens, . For mothers, the period of pregnancy is taken into account, for relatives - the vacation period due to the upbringing of the child.
    • Relatives, in the event of non-insurable events (for example, deprivation of parental rights).
    • Relatives who are studying full-time.

    Benefit conditions:

    • Child living with parents or guardian.
    • Family recognition.
    • Benefits are also due to children who are disabled in groups 1, 2 and 3, and where 3 or more children are brought up.

    R monthly allowance for a child in 2019

    The amount of the allowance is determined depending on the age of the child.

    • Monthly allowance for a child in 2020 for a child under 1.5 years old.

    The minimum allowance for the care of the first child is 4852 rub.

    • For a child up to 3 years old.

    The payment of 50 rubles was canceled by order of the President of the Russian Federation. Instead, the so-called "Putin's" allowances will be assigned. Their size corresponds to the subsistence minimum per child in the region where the family lives in the 2nd quarter of the previous year.

    There is also an additional type of benefit that provides good nutrition for the mother and child.

    • For a child after 3 years.

    From January 1, 2020, a new type of allowance will come into force in Russia, which is issued monthly for a child aged 3 to 7 years. In 2020, the amount of the payment will be 5,500 rubles, and in 2021 it will be doubled to 11,000 rubles.

    The monthly allowance for the second and third child is paid in the same amount as for the first.

    The amount of child benefits in 2019: Table

    Benefit amount from 01/01/2020 (rubles)

    Benefit amount from 02/01/2020 (rubles)

    One-time allowance for early dates pregnancy 655,49 675,15
    Benefit for pregnancy and childbirth (for employed persons) Average daily earnings for each day of maternity leave.

    Maximum size - 322,191.8

    Minimum - 55,830.6

    One-time allowance for the birth of a child 17 479,73 18 004,12
    One-time allowance for pregnant spouses of conscripts 27 680,97 28 5112,4
    One-time allowance for the transfer of a child to be raised in a family 17,479.73 - healthy child;

    133,559.36 - a disabled child, a child over 7 years old, several children who are brothers or sisters to each other.

    18,004.12 - a healthy child;

    137,566.14 - a disabled child, a child over 7 years old, several children who are brothers or sisters to each other.

    Maternal capital 466 617
    Monthly survivor's allowance for a child of a serviceman 2 386 2 457,6
    Monthly allowance for a child living in the Chernobyl zone 3,380.42 - up to 1.5 years;

    6760.83 - from 1.5 to 3 years

    3,481.83 - up to 1.5 years;

    6 9637.65 - 1.5 to 3 years

    Monthly child care allowance up to 1.5 years (for employed) 40% of the average monthly salary (billing period 2018 and 2019), but not more than 27,984.66

    Minimum size - 4852

    Monthly allowance for the care of a child of a soldier 11 863,27 12 219,17
    "Putin's" allowance The size of the child subsistence minimum in the subject for the 2nd quarter of 2019

    Table of child care benefits from January 1, 2019

    Registration procedure

    • For a child up to one and a half years.

    The allowance is assigned at the place of work of one of the parents or guardian, if the child is adopted. To do this, an appropriate application is submitted to the accounting department, as well as a package of necessary documents. Unemployed citizens provide all information to RUSEN.

    Apply for help within six months from the moment the child is 1.5 years old. Grants are made for the full period of leave spent on care, regardless of the time of application.

    The allowance is transferred according to a schedule similar to the dates of salary transfer. Unemployed parents receive payments within the time limits in force in the social security authorities. Most late deadline wherein - 5th of every month.

    • For a child from 1.5 to 3 years.

    To receive assistance, you must apply no later than 6 months after the birth of a child. The basis for the payment of subsidies is the application of a citizen submitted to the department of social protection.

    • For a child over 3 years old.

    In this case, the allowance is paid for the child up to 7 years old. To do this, you need to contact the social security authorities at the place of residence and write a corresponding application.

    What documents are needed for child monthly allowances

    For a child under 1.5 years old (for working citizens):

    • Birth (adoption) certificate, including for other children (copy).
    • Application for accrual and provision of leave for care.
    • One of the parents is required to provide a certificate stating that he does not receive a similar allowance (from an organization or educational institution).

    For a child under 1.5 years old (for non-working citizens):

    • Work book (copy).
    • Order on granting leave (in case of dismissal during vacation).
    • Information about average income.

    For a child from 1.5 to 3 years (for working citizens):

    • Child's birth certificate.
    • Application for payment.
    • Information about the composition of the family.
    • Certificate in form 2-NDFL on income.
    • Applicant's passport (copy).
    • Work book (copy).

    For a child from 1.5 to 3 years (for non-working citizens):

    • Applicant's passport (copy).
    • Work book (copy).
    • A statement indicating the method of transferring payments.
    • Certificate from the employment service (about the absence of unemployment payments).

    For a child from 3 to 7 years old:

    • Application for the accrual of benefits (indicate the account number).
    • Child's birth certificate ( up to 7 years old).
    • Certificate stating that the child lives with the parents (can be obtained at the place of residence).
    • Copies of parents' passports, marriage certificates.
    • Certificate from the place of work on income ( for the last 3 months).
    • Certificate to confirm that the child is still receiving education.