Documents for assigning a pension when working part-time. Is part-time work experience included in the length of service? How will part-time work affect your pension?

Therefore, the employee was paid correctly. Questions often arise about remuneration when combining positions if these duties are performed on weekends and non-working days. holidays. Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not guarantee an increased additional payment for combined work when working on weekends. Consequently, in the absence of relevant local regulations or a written agreement between the employee and the employer, increased payment will be made only for the main position. Written registration of conditions The period during which the employee will perform additional work, its content and volume are established by the employer with the written consent of the employee. Combination requires written consent between the employee and the employer and is usually formalized in an additional agreement to the concluded employment contract for the main job.

Consultation: does combination affect the assignment of early pension?

More details” The events are still fresh in memory when A. Lukashenko’s main competitors for the post of President of the Republic of Belarus were marched straight to the cemetery or to prison. At the Pyeongchang Olympics it hasn’t come to this yet, but the Belarusian gold medal contender was unceremoniously “pushed” away from the gold medal.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko commented on the judging of the Belarusian freestyle skier Anton Kushnir at the Olympics in Pyeongchang: the main competitor was thrown out of the final. The head of state announced this to journalists on February 18, 2018, BELTA correspondent reports.


Read more" 360 thousand residents of the city of Grodno will become hostages of the next chemical “bomb” of delayed action. Let us remember that according to general rules chemical plants of the same type as in Grodno should be located 20-30 km away.

from major cities.

Combining positions and how this affects retirement

This misconception is what causes people to fall into their snare! Read more" In Belarus, it looks like they will start to “breed” and “shoot” entrepreneurs. Why not? Fish, bulls and even ostriches are bred.

It is obvious that this decree is a forced and temporary measure, and not a path to business liberalization. We urgently need to put 500 thousand unemployed people somewhere. The path has been found - those who cannot find work will be registered as entrepreneurs, then the decree will be canceled or the working conditions will be changed, the business will become impossible and it will be closed, and bankrupt and unsuccessful entrepreneurs will remain in debt to the state. More details" Another “privatization” by the authorities did not happen very successfully other people's property.

The “enemy” did not get the “squeezed out” brewery in Grodno, at least in the form in which it was confiscated to the state. This is how everything should have looked according to plan... There are many questions with this brewery.

The impact of part-time work on the amount of pension payments

At the same time, men who have at least half of the required special experience(at least 6 years 3 months) and at least 25 years of work experience, pensions are assigned with a reduction in the generally established retirement age(60 years old) for 1 year for every 2 years 6 months of work according to List No. 2. For example, if he has 10 years of experience according to List No. 2, a man has the right to early retirement upon reaching 56 years of age.

V.V. Kovalkov, deputy head of the main department pension provision and social insurance of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus Materials on the topic: Consultation, Pension legislation Comments (0) When buying an apartment, it is advisable to conduct a psychological and psychiatric examination of the seller. Chairman of the State Forensic Examination Committee Andrei Shved spoke about this on the air of Internet television “SB”.

How to apply for a preferential pension when combining?


Sometimes combining professions can create problems with calculating preferential length of service for early retirement. Thus, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation did not include more than two years of work in the pensioner’s preferential length of service, because during the specified period an additional payment was made to him for combining professions.

Pension Fund specialists established that before retirement, this citizen performed work with a combination of professions and was paid a corresponding additional payment in the amount of 30 percent of the tariff rate. At the same time, paragraph 5 of the clarification of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated May 22, 1996.
No. 5 “On the procedure for applying the Lists of Production...” stipulates that the right to a pension in connection with special working conditions is granted to employees who are constantly engaged in performing work provided for by the Lists for a full working day; Full-time work means performing work under working conditions provided for in the Lists for at least 80 percent of the working time.
It was logical to build a new enterprise at a decent distance from the regional center. But who cares about the fate of 360 thousand people who will daily breathe air mixed with waste from chemical production, and in the event of an emergency, they may even be buried in the cemetery, which is located not far from the Grodno Azot enterprise itself.
Read more" The confrontation between those in power and ordinary Belarusian people is gaining momentum. The government is becoming more and more like a monkey with a grenade.

A new “original” way of “fighting” total unemployment in Belarus was “invented” by government minds in Belarus. If anyone thinks that this will be the creation of new industries and highly skilled jobs, then they are very mistaken.

All unemployed people will be forced... to imitate employment and self-employment, and economic repression will begin to be taken against people who have lost their jobs.

How does combining jobs affect retirement?

Additional payment for combining professions (positions) refers to compensation payments for work in conditions deviating from the normal Part 2 of Art. 135, art. 149 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In accordance with Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, wages are remuneration for work, as well as compensation and incentive payments.

Thus, the total amount due to the employee must not be lower than the minimum wage, taking into account payment for both the main job and for part-time work. From January 1, 2013 minimum size remuneration is set in the amount of 5205 rubles.

per month (Federal Law of December 3, 2012 No. 232-FZ). For example, an employee received a monthly salary less than the minimum wage. However, with the additional payment for combining professions (positions), the payment amount exceeded this limit. Supreme Court Republic of Khakassia in the appeal ruling dated September 6, 2012
Concluding employment contracts for part-time work is allowed with an unlimited number of employers, unless otherwise provided by federal law. Part-time work can be performed by an employee both at the place of his main job and with other employers. The employment contract must indicate that the work is part-time work. Features of regulation of part-time work for certain categories of workers (teaching, medical and pharmaceutical workers, cultural workers), in addition to the features established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws, can be established in the manner determined by the Government Russian Federation, taking into account the opinion of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations. Thus, by resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2003.

How does part-time work affect retirement?

He considered that, by virtue of Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, he has the right to demand from the employer an additional payment for combining positions in the amount of 30 percent of the tariff rate. However, the court found that in accordance with the order with which the employee was familiarized, his workplace was determined to be a boiler room. The witness in court stated that he, as the fireman’s immediate superior, assigned him work in the garage, but the fireman was not given any additional payment for the work performed. The court decided that since there is no evidence in the case that the employer entrusted the fireman with additional work in the garage, set him the period, content, volume of work and agreed with him on the amount of additional payment for the combination, then there is no financial liability of the employer to the fireman in the form of additional payment for labor ( appeal ruling of the Magadan Regional Court dated September 25, 2012 No. 33-985/12).

How does working a job affect your retirement?

How does an entry in the work book about part-time work affect the calculation of length of service and the amount of pension? Is such a recording necessary? The rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period for establishing labor pensions, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2002 N 555, include periods of work and (or) other activities: performed on the territory of the Russian Federation by persons insured in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on compulsory pension insurance; performed by insured persons outside the Russian Federation, in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation or international treaties of the Russian Federation, or in the case of payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund on a voluntary basis; other periods. These periods are confirmed by information from individual (personalized) accounting in the state pension insurance system.

How does internal part-time work affect retirement?

The specified Rules do not provide for the inclusion in the length of service of periods when the work was performed part-time (part-time), as well as the summation of working time (shares of rates) in the case of performing the corresponding types of work part-time. This also corresponds to the norms labor legislation about the impossibility of working according to Lists No. 1 and No. 2 at the same time at the main place of work and part-time due to the requirements of the Labor Code. Namely, Part 5 of Art. 282 and Art. 283, part-time work is not allowed hard work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, if the main work is associated with the same conditions.

If the name of the position or educational institution does not coincide with that indicated in the list, then early retirement will not be possible. Be sure to check the entries in your work book with the positions and institutions indicated in the lists. If there are discrepancies in the current period, the HR department can make corrections. If inaccuracies arise in more early period, then all conflicts that arise are resolved by going to court. Registration procedure early retirement teaching staff Preferential pension for teachers is issued in general procedure, therefore, it is necessary to submit documents in advance, at least a month before the due date for retirement. To assign a payment, you must contact the Pension Fund authorities with an application. Before submitting an application, it is advisable to study all regulations that were in force during the period included in the teaching experience.

Rules for registering and calculating preferential pensions for teachers based on length of service

Its size depends on the ratio of funded and insurance pensions.

A prerequisite for granting an early pension is the presence of an individual pension coefficient (pension points).
In 2016, its value was no less than 9, in 2017 – 11.4; in 2018 - 13.8 and so on, with a subsequent annual increase of 2.4 until reaching 30 in 2025.

All calculations are carried out by PF employees. Therefore, for all clarifications, you should contact the Pension Fund authorities at your place of residence.

On the official website of the Pension Fund there is a pension calculator with which you can calculate the approximate size of the future teacher's pension.

In addition to the principal amount future pensioner may receive additional benefits.

To do this, they take into account the presence of an academic degree, work at Far North or in approximate conditions.

Part-time and combination of teaching staff


But in addition to this, a teacher can also work in a college and teach 12 hours a week.

If there is a need and the teacher is ready to work more, then he has the right to work in his main place for 36 hours a week and in an additional place for 20 hours or more.


In any case, this is the right of a teaching worker and it cannot be limited.

After all, the law does not contain any restrictions on working hours. How is a part-time employment contract drawn up with a teacher? When documenting an agreement between a teacher and an employer, there are two main options.


They should be considered in more detail:

  • When performing duties in one organization, there is no need to draw up a separate agreement.

It is enough to simply draw up an additional agreement.

The impact of part-time work on the amount of pension payments

Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003.

N 225). But when working on two work books, you need to understand that by such actions you yourself are creating many problems for yourself before retirement, including with calculating the length of service for assigning a pension.

This means that you will have to choose which work book to give for a pension.

For the rest of your labor activity you will have to collect certificates from places of work or from archives and bring them to the Pension Fund.

Preferential pension for teachers based on length of service

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Long service pension for teachers when working part-time

This document will consolidate the change and implementation by the teacher of several functional responsibilities;

  • When a teacher works in two or more organizations, an agreement must be drawn up with each employer.

The basic conditions and procedure for registration remain the same.
In this case, it is necessary to describe in detail the employee’s duties and the duration of the working day.

After all, the duration in one place should not contradict the duration in another.

Part-time employment contract with a teaching employee - sample The employment agreement should include several key sections.

These are the rights and obligations of the parties, the functions of the employee and the payment procedure.
For example, the employer is obliged to provide the employee decent conditions labor.
And the employee is obliged to perform his functions and not violate the provisions of labor legislation, as well as internal standards.

Can a teacher work part-time?

Structure) application to the court in case of denial of a long-service pension teacher July 06, 2015, 21:04, question No. 895887 4 answers

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Pension calculator Calculate your future pension See also

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Law No. 165-FZ, relations under compulsory social insurance arise with the insurer (employer) for all types of compulsory social insurance from the moment of concluding an employment contract with the employee.

Consequently, the employer’s obligation to pay insurance premiums for employees, including pension insurance, arises for the employer from the moment of concluding an employment contract with the employees. Clause 1 of Art. eleven Federal Law No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" it is stipulated that all periods of work are counted in the insurance period.

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The concept of the term “part-time work” is disclosed in Article 282 of the Labor Code.

This is the performance by an employee of other regular paid work under the terms of an employment contract in his free time from his main job, which can be performed both at the place of his main job and with other employers.

In case of part-time work, a limitation on the duration of working hours is provided - no more than four hours a day or half of the standard working time for the accounting period established for the corresponding category of workers.

The rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early retirement, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2002 No. 516, stipulate that the length of service giving the right to early retirement includes periods of corresponding work performed continuously during a full working day.

    Who has the right to retire on preferential terms?

  • The procedure for registering early pensions for teaching staff
  • Documents for obtaining a teacher's pension
  • Periods taken into account in the length of service
  • Procedure for calculating early pension
  • Procedure for assigning a preferential pension
  • Changes in 2018

Employees of the pedagogical sphere carry out their activities in special working conditions.

Therefore, a number of state privileges are provided for them.

The state guarantees teachers the opportunity to retire earlier than most working citizens.

In order to receive a teacher's long-service pension, a number of requirements must be met. What are the conditions for calculating early pensions for teachers, who has the right to early rest and what nuances should be taken into account, we will consider in this article.

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The influence of part-time work on size pension payments

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Question from A.N. (Saint Petersburg):
I am registered and work officially in my specialty at the enterprise, but part-time I provide services for several more. Payment for work and all social contributions at all enterprises are made officially and on time. Will working part-time affect the size? future pension?
When calculating and calculating your pension, all your earnings and contributions will be taken into account. The pension will be calculated according to the following principle: until 2002, only one salary received at the enterprise of your choice will be considered for calculations; after this year, the pension will be calculated taking into account all available contributions received to your personal account in the Pension Fund. But at the same time, there are legal restrictions on the amount of insurance premiums - deductions should not exceed 56,800 rubles. in year. This limit will be considered individually for each employer.


  • Is part-time work taken into account when calculating a pension - Is part-time work taken into account when calculating it. Further

0 replies. Vladimir Viewed 402 times. Asked 2014-02-11 14:53:11 +0400 in the topic “Pensions and social protection»

  • 1 answer. Moscow Viewed 145 times. Asked 2011-04-17 10:48:26 +0400 in the subject “Labor Law”
  • 1 answer. Moscow Viewed 318 times. Asked 2013-06-15 09:51:44 +0400 in the subject "and social protection"
  • 0 replies. Moscow Viewed 42 times. Asked 2013-02-27 21:04:15 +0400 in the subject “Labor Law”
  • 1 answer. Moscow Viewed 302 times. Asked 2013-08-03 09:45:03 +0400 in the topic “Pensions and social protection”
  • The salary at my main job is small, so I’ve been working part-time in different organizations for about 20 years.

Problems of qualifying unlawful behavior are always debatable and actively discussed in the context of the development of civil society. Does part-time work experience affect the size of the pension? At my main job, the salary is small, so I’ve been working part-time for about 20 years in different organizations.
Yes, it's quite possible. Pension legislation does not provide for such a limitation when choosing a salary option for a pension, such as earnings from only one place of work. Therefore, in addition to a certificate for any 60 consecutive months for the main job for the period before January 1, 2002, you can take certificates for part-time work for the same period (including for a smaller number of months).

Does part-time work count towards seniority?

Is it really only 1 year? In my estimation, it turns out to be 10 years for a man and 5 years for a woman. The fact is that to calculate the second pension (civilian), you really need a salary certificate for 60 months (5 years) in a row. Apparently you made a mistake when you wrote that they require a certificate for the last 60 months.


They require a certificate for 5 consecutive years from the period before 01/01/2000. They have the rest of the data in our personal accounts, if employers transferred our contributions.

Is part-time work reflected in the pension fund?

The amount of the calculated pension (upon reaching it) is influenced by the amount of insurance payments for periods of work after January 1, 2002, while insurance premiums from different places of work are summed up. As for supporting documents (if the need for confirmation arises), the main document in the Russian Federation confirming the period of work under an employment contract is the work book.

Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation determines that the employer at the main place of work has the right to enter information into the work book about part-time work, if the employee wishes. If information about part-time work was not entered into the book, then written employment contracts drawn up in accordance with the law may be accepted to confirm these periods of work.

Anya, with the emergence of some specific data, a certificate of part-time employment is probably no longer necessary. Why is it likely? Because again the data is incomplete.

All the same notorious nuances. The fact is that the periods taken into account when establishing a pension for long service are not included in the insurance period again. When the “military” pension was calculated, most likely the year in which there was a part-time job was used.

(you need to see “that” accrual). This means that when calculating a “civilian” pension, this year will not be applied at all and taking into account part-time work, in particular. But it turned out that the general seniority after leaving the military service 4 years, and the fifth before the army. What is important here is how many “civilian” years there were BEFORE service.

Does part-time work affect the size of your pension?

Already in the Stone Age, skins and stones had not only practical [. ] At this time in our country there are administrative and legal norms that regulate the stay of foreign citizens and stateless persons. These norms [. ] Counterfeiting of medicines has always been a problem that has deeply penetrated the field of healthcare, economics, and also directly affects [.

] The impact of part-time work on the amount of pension payments Sergonov Vasily Petrovich General lawyer, 21 years of experience. Veskin Oleg Nikolaevich Versina Natalya Alekseevna Lawyer for labor law and consumer protection, 15 years of experience.

The influence of part-time work on the size of the pension

  • Does part-time work experience affect the size of the pension?
  • Does part-time work experience affect the size of the pension?
  • Answers to questions about insurance experience and retirement
  • Who gets big pensions and how to earn a decent salary in old age
  • The impact of part-time work on the amount of pension payments
  • Inclusion in part-time work experience

How is pension calculated for part-time workers? Therefore, when calculating and accruing your pension, all your earnings and contributions will be taken into account, including part-time work, and this will be reflected in the amount of your pension. Last news, analytics The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that in 2015 the Russian Federation faced a major sports scandal.

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) [.
Legal center "ZASCHITA" order a call back 24/7, 7 days a week Our experienced lawyers advise you, helping you solve the most complex issues Get free legal advice now Solving problems in such areas as: You can ask your questions to a lawyer, get free legal advice or make an appointment with a lawyer by phone: Question from A.N. (St. Petersburg): I am registered and work officially in my specialty at the enterprise, but part-time I provide services for several more. Payment for work and all social contributions at all enterprises are made officially and on time.
Will working part-time affect the size of your future pension? Answer: When calculating and calculating your pension, all your earnings and contributions will be taken into account.
DO NOT CONFUSE these 5 years. To better understand: In calculating an old-age pension (not for the military), 2 main factors are used - salary and length of service (for us, ordinary pensioners, 5 years of experience is not enough, not to mention social services). For military personnel who worked and in civilian life, the concept of insurance experience is somewhat different: it is enough to have 5 years of insurance experience in total, both before and after service. But the salary is needed for 5 years in a row. Moreover, until the year two thousand. Should I provide information about the salary for the missing year of part-time work or get pre-army salary? A certificate of post-army salary is not needed. Information about the insurance period is needed. They have data for four post-army years. need to take care of one pre-army year.! But, if there is a salary certificate for 5 pre-army civilian years, then it (this certificate) will be information about the required five years of service.
According to the law, work as a part-time worker is included in the total length of service. The periods included in the total length of service for calculating a pension are listed in paragraph 3 of Article 30 of Federal Law No. 173 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”. If the employer transferred contributions according to the approved tariffs and made all reports for this employee to the Pension Fund (provided individual information on the approved form), then this period should be included in the length of service for calculating the pension. The employee has the right to check information “on his own” Pension Fund by applying with your passport and SNILS. Actually, this period (when the employee worked only at this place of work) actually becomes the main one, but, apparently, this was not documented.