What length of service is continuous? In what cases is work experience interrupted? When the length of service is interrupted after dismissal at the initiative of the employer

The concept of "Continuous" seniority"(NTS) arose in the last century, and was defined in the Labor Code Soviet Union. In those days, continuous work, especially in the same team, made it possible to receive additional bonuses from the state and an additional coefficient to the standard pension.

After the 2006 reform, the concept of NTS is used, but there is no strict legal definition of “continuous work experience” in the legislation of the Russian Federation, the state does not take it into account, and benefits from the state or all-Russian social funds for continuity of total length of service are not provided.

Insurance, general and continuous experience

Currently (at the beginning of 2018) in Russia, only the insurance experience (SPS) is taken into account, which is divided into two subcategories: general and special. The concept of “continuous insurance period” is not used, because the insurance period is calculated by simply summing up the periods of contributions, and the intervals interrupting them are ignored.

The word “insurance” is often left out of conversations and confusion arises between the terms. The ATP includes only those periods when contributions were paid to the Pension Fund, and some others specified in the law. The years and months during which deductions were made are summed up and a final figure is obtained. insurance period. The pension is calculated based on this figure. Continuous experience It doesn't matter for retirement.

Years in which the person worked, but deductions in Pension Fund were not made, are not included in the insurance period, and are not used to calculate pensions and benefits. The concept of “general length of service” without the word “insurance” has lost its former meaning, as well as the concept of “continuous service”, which is now used in a different sense than before.

NTS until 2006

Until 2006, the concept of continuous work experience was used for calculations and was taken into account as it was interpreted by the resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers of 1973. Continuity labor activity influenced the size of the pension, and was taken into account in some other calculations of social benefits. The length of service was considered continuous, even if a person changed his place of work, moving from one enterprise to another, but the period of his unemployment was no longer than that specified in the law.

In 2006, the Constitutional Court of Russia recognized the standard from the times of the USSR as not corresponding to new realities and the current Constitution, and canceled its application.

NTS after 2006

The concept of global (general) continuous work experience no longer exists; only time worked in one organization is taken into account. The period from the beginning of employment in the organization is considered as the beginning of continuous service, and is used only for accounting at the last place of work. The fact of continuity of service no longer affects the amount of the pension and the amount of sick leave pay, but it is taken into account, for example, when calculating the next vacation.

By internal regulations of the enterprise, management can determine additional benefits and bonuses for employees based on the continuity of their work. These standards are not mandatory by law, and are part of the incentive system for maintaining loyalty of a particular enterprise.

The abolished term NTS was not written down in the current letter of the law and is not interpreted, but it has been preserved as a concept and is used in some industries and certain regions of the country, based on the “spirit of the law” and by-law commentary explanations to the Labor Legislation.

How to calculate continuous service

NTS is a period of time worked without significant breaks. Typically, one month is considered an insignificant break. Continuous length of service is calculated to calculate salary bonuses and length of service for certain categories of employees.

Any length of service is expressed in whole years, months and days. The day of hiring and the day of dismissal from work is considered one day. The number of months greater than 12 is converted to a year and added to the number of years; the number of days greater than 30 is converted to months and added to the number of months. The result will look something like this: NTS = 5 years, 8 months, 12 days.

A special case is the calculation of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. For the period of employment until 2001, an increasing percentage is applied at the rate of 1% for each confirmed year of experience. Practice shows that when calculating the NTS, the “Soviet-style” methodology is used and short breaks in work are ignored.

Exceptions to the rules

Labor laws provide several exceptions for calculating NTS. Exceptions relate to the duration of breaks in work and the conditions of continuity of service when changing enterprises. Continuous work experience is maintained in the following cases:

Exception for the Far North

For the regions of the far north, salary supplements are applied as compensation for difficult climatic conditions. The amount of the bonus depends on the total time worked by the person in these conditions. For the calculation, the entire length of service of the employee in a difficult climate is taken into account, regardless of the enterprises where he worked. The list of regions in which this standard for taking into account continuity of service is in force is determined by the Government of Russia:

  • the south of the Far East and Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  • Irkutsk;
  • Arkhangelskaya;
  • Chitinskaya;


  • Karelia;
  • Komi;
  • Buryatia;
  • Tuva;

For those working in these regions, continuous work experience after dismissal is maintained if no more than two months have passed since the termination of the employment contract with one enterprise and employment at another.

Exception for doctors and teachers

The second exception applies to doctors and teachers. Their continuous work experience is considered based on the fact of employment in the industry, regardless of how many and which schools the teacher has changed, in which hospitals or clinics the doctor has worked, even if they are transferred from one place of work to another within the framework of their specialty.

For example, continuous medical experience is maintained if the physician between the previous and new employment did not exceed the established period of one month.

Exception for foreigners and when working abroad

Foreigners from states with which the Russian Federation has concluded agreements, citizens of Russia working abroad, receive the right to a break from work equal to 2 months.

Exception for forced inability to work

When an enterprise is restructured, a laid-off employee gets three months to find a new job.

In case of a work-related injury, the healing time is not taken into account, and after rehabilitation, three months are provided for employment without loss of non-technical skills.

Exceptions for family reasons

Continuity of experience is maintained:

  • When a spouse is transferred to another place of work with relocation, which means forced dismissal.
  • When a child with HIV is reinstated to work after coming of age.
  • Pregnant women upon dismissal at the initiative of the administration.

Exceptions for working pensioners

For working pensioners, the NTS is retained upon returning to their previous job, without taking into account the duration of the break.

In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there are such concepts as general and continuous work experience. Many Russians tend to think that this is very important. Others do not attach any importance to it. But is this really so? What are the conditions for its preservation? How to calculate this indicator? What does continuity of experience affect?

Experience: definition

Work experience is the period of time during which a citizen works or carries out various types of activities. This concept applies to cases of official employment or business activities. This indicator is directly related to the calculation of pensions, is required to receive various compensations and guarantees provided by the Government, and is calculated in the manner established by law. The work book is a document confirming the existence of work experience.

Work experience is divided into several types:

  • General, including all years of work of a citizen.
  • Special, intended for persons occupying certain positions.
  • Continuous.

The concept of “continuous work experience”

This term is now used relatively rarely. The fact is that it arose back in the Soviet era, when it was necessary to receive a pension, sick leave payments, and in general played a significant role in the life of a citizen, specifically continuous service. The Labor Code defines this concept. Continuous service is the duration of work for the same employer.

Why is the internship interrupted?

IN modern world Not every citizen can work at one enterprise, so continuous work experience is interrupted. Under various circumstances, employees of organizations often stop working. In this regard, labor legislation identifies several factors that influence continuity of service:

  • Dismissal (continuous work experience is interrupted when changing the type of activity, when the period between termination of the contract and placement in a new place of work was more than three weeks).
  • Absence from work due to illness (cases that do not comply with the objectives of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and social insurance).
  • Informal employment (when a citizen starts working in private organizations).

All changes associated with a change in the type of activity of citizens must be recorded in the work book. The relatively frequent interruption of service does not have the best effect on the amount of pension benefits.

Dismissal at the initiative of the employee

Dismissal, initiated by the employee himself, is one of the most common reasons for termination of employment. This raises the question: is continuous work experience maintained upon dismissal?

Continuity of service can be maintained. Moreover, all citizens without exception have this opportunity. However, it is often quite difficult to use. According to the Labor Code, continuous work experience is maintained if, after dismissal on one’s own initiative (in the absence of other compelling reasons for this), no more than three weeks pass before starting work at a new enterprise. If there are compelling reasons why the citizen was forced to resign, this period is extended to thirty days. For example, such reasons could be moving to another area or a spouse.

In practice, there are quite often cases when citizens first find a new enterprise, and only after that they terminate their employment relationship with their previous employer. In this regard, the length of service remains continuous. But dismissal is sometimes a necessary measure.

Dismissal under article

Such cases are relatively rare, but do occur in practice. Is continuous service maintained in this case? The Labor Code states that upon dismissal due to any specific violation, continuity of service is lost. A completely logical solution for employers in situations where employees of organizations violate labor regulations is dismissal. In this case, workers can only adjust their actions in a timely manner in order to avoid termination of the employment relationship under the article.

Liquidation of the enterprise

Russian labor legislation deals with cases of continuation of seniority and in situations where there are very rarely cases where liquidation is associated with bankruptcy. Citizens can count on maintaining continuous service. However, the law provides for some conditions and restrictions.

Typically, citizens are given 3 months to find a new employer. Continuous work experience is maintained if the dismissed employee during this period found new job. Otherwise, the period of service is interrupted, and given period cannot be extended.


Continuous work experience is maintained if a woman goes on maternity leave. But is continuity maintained if future mom going on maternity leave? There are two completely opposite opinions on this matter.

Russian labor legislation does not contain information regarding maternity leave and continuous service. In essence, the length of service is maintained, since the woman remains employed, the nature of the work performed changes. On maternity leave, a woman only does family matters, but not the performance of work duties. However, lawyers tend to believe that the length of service in this situation is not interrupted.


If a citizen cannot perform certain types of work due to health reasons, is continuous work experience maintained? The Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains an article in this regard, which takes into account the special state of health of the citizen. If an employee suffers from serious illnesses that simply do not allow him to perform certain types of activities, he can count on maintaining continuous service. How?

When leaving your previous job, you are given a period of three months to find a new employer. Also during this period, the citizen has every right return to your previous employer. At the same time, the experience is preserved. However, in practice, such cases are extremely rare, since returning to perform previous work duties will take the employee even more time (due to health reasons). In most cases, workers refuse further employment altogether.

Other Important Features

Russians who live and work in the Far North or in similar natural conditions have certain privileges when taking into account their work experience. This also applies foreign citizens who work under contract in harsh climatic conditions, if a social support agreement has been concluded with their country. These categories of workers have every right to maintain continuous work experience, as in the situations mentioned above. The maximum time allotted for searching for a new job is two months. This period is relatively short, but, as practice shows, in many cases it is quite sufficient.

Continuous work experience is maintained if the citizen is a military personnel. So, for example, if a citizen served for 25 years and then retired, he can get a new job while maintaining his seniority. The state provides this privilege in full.

Family circumstances are also taken into account. If a citizen is caring for an HIV-infected person minor child, and for this reason I am forced to leave workplace, continuity of service is also maintained. When a child reaches adulthood, the citizen is obliged to begin working again.

Another case in which a citizen can count on continuity of service is a change of place of work while maintaining the same type of activity and profession.

How is continuous work experience calculated?

The dates of conclusion and termination of employment contracts should be taken from the work book. There are various programs that can automatically calculate seniority. You can also contact the company’s accounting department for help. The counting starts from the very first entry. Thus, it is possible to calculate the total length of service, which includes all jobs and positions held. Continuity is affected by the above cases. Even one such violation interrupts the period of service. The result of the calculation is a number in the form of the number of years and calendar months.

The work book never contains data on continuous experience. The fact is that this term actually does not exist in the Labor Code. Therefore, now no one distinguishes between continuous and total work experience.

Why is it needed?

So, we figured out how to calculate continuous work experience. In the end, the question arises: “What does it mean now, since this term was relevant in the Soviet era?” As practice shows, this factor has practically no significance.

For Russians, total work experience is much more important, since it is this that affects the size future pension. The main thing is that the employment must be official. The total length of service is also accrued to citizens conducting entrepreneurial activities.

Continuous experience is a kind of relic of the past. But sometimes employers pay attention to him. A potential employer, after a detailed study of your work record, may ask why you left your previous organization. However, this factor affects the amount of disability benefits.

Some Russians are inclined to believe that in the near future, continuous service will again be of great importance and will affect the size of the pension and will make it possible to receive various subsidies and social benefits. In reality, this is far from true, since this information is not officially confirmed.

When seniority is retained: results

So, we have figured out how to calculate continuous work experience. As mentioned above, the amount of benefits paid in connection with a citizen’s incapacity for work depends directly on the continuity of service. At the request of the employee, continuity can be maintained in the following cases:

  • An employee on his own initiative after achieving retirement age re-employed.
  • A disabled citizen is paid unemployment benefits (to prevent interruption of work experience, it is necessary to get on the waiting list at the employment service).
  • No more than three weeks have passed since the termination of the employment relationship with the previous employer (it is best to find a new organization in advance).

Within two months after termination of the contract at the previous place of work, length of service can be maintained in situations where:

  • The employee is re-employed on his own initiative (the dismissal was a forced measure, for example, when moving).
  • The citizen has reached retirement age and is working again.
  • The citizen resigned from an organization located abroad or in the territory Far North.

Within three months after dismissal, seniority can be maintained in the following situations:

  • The employment relationship with the employee was terminated due to staff reduction or liquidation of the organization.
  • The reason for dismissal is a discrepancy between the position held or the work obligations being fulfilled.

Often employers refuse to maintain continuity of seniority. In this case, the employee has the right to challenge this decision in court.

The legislative framework

From the mid-70s until 2006, in the Soviet Union, and then in Russia, there was a law according to which work experience was calculated. According to this law, continuity of service was maintained if the employee was re-employed within a month in a new job. In 2007, the law was changed and the period was reduced to three weeks. Also in 2007, the amount of temporary unemployment benefits changed. Currently the allowance is:

  • 100% of earnings if the experience is over eight years;
  • 80% of earnings if the experience is from five to eight years;
  • 60% of earnings if the experience is less than five years.

So, we found out why continuous work experience is needed. The total length of service is important for retirement. The amount of compensation payments for unemployment and in connection with loss of ability to work depends on this indicator. It is relatively difficult to calculate, but it is possible, since there are automated programs for this. Maintaining this type of experience is not as important as practice shows. In modern Russian labor legislation, the importance of this factor is reduced to a minimum. It was much more important during the years of Soviet power. In addition, the pension system has been undergoing various changes recently. The size of the pension will be affected by the so-called accrued points. Analysts predict that continuity of seniority will likely not be important in the future.

The period of continuous work activity with one employer or with several is taken into account, if, when moving from one enterprise to another, the duration of the break did not exceed the established ones labor legislation meanings. And medical workers This type of experience includes not only the working period, but also the educational period along with internship.

Currently, the calculation period includes the last two years during which the employee worked continuously.

And since 2007, the concept of “work experience” has been replaced by the wording “”, since insurance is a mandatory condition for official employment, during which the employer pays for all employees insurance premiums to the Federal Insurance Fund.

When is continuity maintained?

According to the general rules in force since September 1983, continuity of service when leaving the workplace at one’s own request was maintained for 21 days. This calculation applies if the employment contract is terminated without good reason exclusively.

Despite the fact that this norm infringes on the constitutional rights of citizens, it is still applied by the Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

IN general rules The calculation of length of service also includes cases where a break can take a longer period and the length of service is still counted as continuous.

The break can be up to, but not exceed, two months:

  • Upon expiration of the employment contract for persons who worked in the harsh conditions of the Far North or in regions equivalent to it in terms of climatic characteristics.
  • Upon release from work in various organizations or at enterprises located abroad.
  • When moving from other countries of persons with whom the Russian Federation has concluded agreements on social guarantees (security). The countdown starts from the moment of dismissal at the previous place of work in another state.

The break can reach, but not exceed three months:

  • Upon termination of employment contracts with employees due to the reorganization of organizations and enterprises, as well as a reduction in their workforce.
  • When returning to work or looking for a new job after a long period of temporary incapacity, including those caused by disability. The period of a three-month break in these cases is counted from the moment of restoration of working capacity and documentary recording of this fact.
  • Upon dismissal on the basis of or in connection with identified obstacles that prevent further employment in this workplace.
  • When teachers are laid off primary classes due to the reduction in the number of children enrolled in school.
  • When entering work or study after service in armed forces Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as state security agencies. The three-month period begins from the date of termination of service.

There are also preferential categories of employees for whom the break period is calculated according to different principles.

For example, women who were fired from work can resume working without losing their continuous work experience, provided they return to work before their child reaches a certain age:

  • up to 14 years for (adoptive parents or guardians);
  • up to 16 years of age for persons raising a child with a disability.

Also, the length of service will be maintained regardless of the break if:

  • The dismissal occurred at will, but for a good reason (for example,).
  • The dismissal was due to old age.
  • The citizen was engaged in advanced training, underwent practical training while studying at higher or secondary specialized educational institutions (including postgraduate studies and residency).

When is continuity of service interrupted?

The legislation also provides for cases or conditions when the length of service cannot be considered continuous and is therefore interrupted.

If the employee’s employment contract is terminated under the article, that is, for malicious violations of labor discipline specified in the resolution of the plenum Supreme Court No. 2, adopted in March 2004. This includes repeated evasion of official duties, gross violations of discipline, management and team, immoral behavior, and so on.

In the listed cases, termination of an employment contract is a method of disciplinary action and punishment (according to Article 81 of the Labor Code).

Until March 2004, interruption of service also resulted from repeated dismissal within one year (at one's own request). But this circumstance can no longer automatically interrupt the length of service! All citizens engaged in working activities should remember this and demand that HR department employees correctly recalculate their length of service if such a mistake was made.

How to calculate?

It is quite difficult to independently determine the period of continuous work activity, since even one missed day will lead to errors in the calculation.

It should also be taken into account that there are certain periods, which are not labor activities in their essence, but are also included in the length of service. For example, this applies to service in the armed forces or internal affairs bodies (according to Federal Law number 255).

When making calculations, HR employees are guided by several regulations:

  • Article 423 of the Labor Code;
  • presidential order number 508;
  • Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR number 252, which is often called
  • Rules for calculating work experience.

To independently determine the continuous period of work (approximately enough in some cases!), you must:

  1. write down the dates of admission and dismissal for each workplace from the work book;
  2. then subtract the dates of subsequent employment from the dates of dismissal;
  3. if the results obtained do not exceed three weeks, the period can be taken into account in the total continuous experience (in this case, periods with a break are excluded more than three weeks).

When assigning old-age benefits, the full time of work is taken into account. If there is no such period, then the citizen may be left without general security. Therefore, you should know how continuous length of service is formed for early retirement.

The need for continuous work experience

The total service life means the totality of labor or other socially useful activities carried out before 01/01/2002. This time is taken into account when assigning and analyzing a person’s rights to pension contributions as of 01/01/2002.

Insurance experience is the accounting of the period for determining the amount of insurance benefits based on the duration of work or other service within which contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation were paid. In addition, other activities may be included during this period.

The pension fund takes into account only documented work activity. As a rule, such papers are a book and contract agreements, where the service life appears. Registration of benefits is allowed if the service life is at least 20 years for women and 25 years for men. If performance indicators are lower, then the amount of subsidies is reduced in volume.

What kind of service life is considered continuous?

The term of continuous service for pensions is not enshrined in the current Russian laws, therefore, represents the time within which service was carried out in a certain position. Nevertheless, this concept has an impact on the formation of pension increases and the receipt of additional benefits. However, it does not play a major role in calculating future security, but only acts as a premium.

How to save and interrupt conditions

In a number of situations, a citizen has the right to retain the period of work, even if at that time he was in the “dismissed” status. Accordingly, a certain period between employment has specific boundaries.

Maintaining continuous service for retirement is possible under the following circumstances:

  1. The father or mother of a child with HIV positive status may leave the workplace. In order to preserve the period of employment, the activity should be returned to the time the child entered adulthood.
  2. In a situation where the term of service was restored by a citizen who registered the right to a well-deserved rest. This is relevant for military personnel, people employed in law enforcement agencies, as well as in a number of other areas. In this case, it does not matter after what period the renewal occurred, continuous service will be maintained.

In all other cases, the periods when the worker was officially registered in the organization are considered permanent service. When leaving one company and moving to another, the length of service remains with the person. The rule applies if unemployment does not exceed legal provisions.

If this period is exceeded, the Pension Fund has the right to refuse to transfer payments and subsidies to a person. But this does not affect the amount of security formed on the basis of insurance premiums. Thus, in the new bill of 2019, the concept of long-term work activity loses its original essence. In view of this, it is used only in a number of settlement transactions, for example, when determining the level of wages for a number of employees.

Please note: continuous work allows you to receive salary bonuses and additional time for paid leave.

When continuity is maintained

In addition to the main period of service, it is allowed to accrue a pension for continuous service for the following periods:

  • conscription service in the Russian army;
  • activities in the police department and other law enforcement agencies;
  • maternity leave;
  • time allotted to look after a child until he turns 1.5 years old;
  • officially established unemployment with supporting documents from the Employment Center;
  • supervision of incapacitated citizens, including those over 80 years of age;
  • a period of time spent in places not so distant;
  • annual paid vacation;
  • on sick leave if you have official work;
  • employment on a public-social basis;
  • period of transfer of voluntary pension contributions;
  • conducting individual entrepreneurial activities.
Please note: after entry into force pension reform in 2002, the situation changed radically. Today, the number of years of work and the amount of remuneration is taken into account for citizens born before 1963 and who stopped working before the reform.

To establish continuous work experience for a pension as a determination of the right to receive insurance benefits, within the framework of service or other work that occurred before the entry into force of the Federal Law, work periods are taken into account. The pension is assigned in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation at the time of business. In this case, the calculation can be made on the basis of the rules for calculating the corresponding service life, including the grace period, at the choice of the citizen.

It is noteworthy that the learning process can be included in the TS, subject to the following conditions:

  • studies took place without interruption from work;
  • training ended before 01/01/92 for persons employed in the medical and teaching fields;
  • internship.

Reasons for interruption

Russian laws stipulate situations when the length of service is interrupted. Such cases relate to the termination of contractual relations with the employer, namely:

  1. Regular refusal to fulfill assumed obligations specified in the contract or organization regulations.
  2. Absenteeism and absence from work for more than three hours, as well as coming to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  3. Impossibility of fulfilling obligations due to the entry into force of an agreement on the deprivation of a person’s freedom, involvement in community service, etc.
  4. Proven fact of theft at the enterprise of goods and materials, as well as loss of trust from the management of the organization.
  5. Committing an immoral offense incompatible with the position.
  6. Availability of disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the company's Charter.
  7. Proven guilt of an employee, providing for dismissal under an article or on the initiative of the director.

Calculation of continuous duration of work according to a work book

Workers naturally have a question about how much continuous service is needed for retirement. In this case, it is important to make a calculation.

The process involves recording actual work equal to 12 months. The calculation procedure was established on December 28, 2013.

Note: the concept of permanent work, adopted in the Soviet Union, was abolished due to a violation of constitutional rights on freedom of labor (Article No. 37).

To carry out the calculation on your own, you need to have on hand a work book and other documentation indicating your service. Such documents include contracts, certificates from archives, and more. After the documents have been collected, you can begin to calculate:

  • counting the number of years worked, which are then summed up;
  • the result should be a figure with years and months;
  • additionally add periods that can be included in the vehicle.

(Total number of years of continuous experience * 1.5% - price of one point): (100*12) = coefficient.

It is noteworthy that this amount can be higher than 0.85 points. For example, to have a coefficient of 0.75, you must work as a miner until the age of 55.

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What does continuous work experience affect?

The continuous work experience for pension contributions does not stop in the presence of unemployment of 30 days between dismissal and new employment. However, even in such a situation, there are exceptions to the rule in the Legislation of the Russian Federation.

Impact on pension size

In the history of the pension system, 2015 became a turning point in the assignment of payments, since the length of service no longer affects the amount of security. In 2019, insurance premiums are formed, paid by the employer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

To obtain the right to retire, you must have worked for at least 5 years; however, since 2016, the period has been increased to 6 years. At the same time, by 2025 it is planned to increase the retirement age, in connection with which individuals will accumulate a duration of 15 years. If the work is not enough, then the person has the right to apply only for social benefits, i.e., the minimum subsistence level.

However, the volume pension provision will also be summed up in two parts - insurance and savings. When calculating benefits from 01/01/2015, calculations are made in favor of the prevailing amount, even if the person took a well-deserved rest before 2015.

The portal of the Ministry of Labor and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation provides the opportunity to independently calculate using a calculator. Using the application, you can independently determine (approximately) future benefits based on the following indicators:

  • age category;
  • overtime overtime;
  • coefficients;
  • other individual factors.
Please note: continuous activity does not affect the amount of payments for temporary incapacity (sick leave).

Taking into account continuous service when calculating benefits

To take into account the service life, the following time periods are accepted:

  • being on maternity leave or caring for a bedridden patient (only one of the options is included);
  • Individual entrepreneurs, persons conducting legal or notary practice.

It is noteworthy that the length of service for the second category is included subject to deductions made to the Russian Pension Fund. Based on this, the duration of work will be calculated by paid months, and not by years.

Persons living in foreign countries also have the right to receive a pension, but only the details carried out in the country will be taken into account. If a person was able to receive a long-service benefit, then the amount of the insured portion will be taken into account only on the basis of the civilian period of service.

Documentary evidence of activity is required only when working before 04/01/1996; the remaining periods are independently monitored by employees of the Russian Pension Fund using information from SNILS. It is noteworthy that the length of service is calculated in months, and the incomplete period will be calculated at the full rate if the volume of tax deductions reaches the minimum threshold.

November 20, 2018, 19:51 Jan 29, 2019 20:06

Work experience (TS) is the period of duration of a person’s official work activity. As of 2018, 22% is deducted from every “white” or official salary of a Russian. Thus, a certain amount accumulates and upon crossing the retirement age line, the working person will receive a pension.

TC is time spent on work or useful social activities. The size of the pension directly depends on it. Previously, in order to receive a pension, it was necessary to officially work for at least 5 years. Now the Russian government has decided that by 2024 this time should increase to 15 years. Thus, from 2014 to 2024, +1 year will be added to the minimum length of service.

Note! The size of the working period of activity indirectly affects the amount of the pension. There are also sites that provide online calculators through which you can calculate the size of your pension.

What is continuous service?

The first mentions of continuous transport were recorded at the legislative level back in the days of the USSR. Some facts:

  • In April 1973, an important statement was issued that applies in the territory Russian Federation to this day: continuous TC will be accrued exclusively for official employment with the presence of a work book.
  • In case of dismissal, change of institution or enterprise, an interruption occurs.
  • The amount that will be paid to the employee during the period of incapacity, that is, while on sick leave, also has a direct dependence on the permanent length of service.


What are the differences between the species?

Continuous and general are different things and should not be confused. Total experience- this is the total number of years that were spent in labor activity at any enterprise with an official structure through a work book.

Important! At the legislative level, there are no breaks between work activities at different enterprises while maintaining continuous length of service.

Thus, even if the employee was fired, and after a couple of days got a job, his work experience is considered interrupted. There are also exceptions in the form of forced absence from work, for example, illness or significant circumstances incompatible with work. Also, maternity leave is not a reason to break continuity.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Definition of continuity

What length of service is considered continuous? If a person works at one enterprise, in one company or in one institution without changing jobs, then his service is uninterrupted. Also, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates at the legislative level that every resident of the Russian Federation can work two or more jobs. If a citizen quits one of his jobs and remains working in another, then there will be no interruption. Thus, if a person has been working at least one job for a long time, this will be a continuous working period.

Worth knowing! A promotion or change of position within a company or institution does not interrupt the continuity of service. Therefore, if an employee is going to be appointed to someone higher in position, then he should not be afraid of this due to the termination of continuity.

When is service considered interrupted?

For the length of service to be considered interrupted, a person needs to quit one job and spend more than a month looking for and getting another job.

What kind of break in work does not interrupt the length of service? Each citizen of the Russian Federation is given 30 days to look for a new job from the moment of dismissal so that their work experience is not considered interrupted. There are some exceptions made for a certain number of people. According to them, the length of service can be considered uninterrupted for 2 or even 3 months after dismissal from the previous job. So, 2 months are given:

  • for workers of the Far North;
  • for those who worked in Russian organizations that are located abroad;
  • for workers of foreign enterprises with which the Russian Federation has an agreement on social security.
  • the employee was laid off, the enterprise was liquidated or reorganized;
  • the person has become temporarily disabled;
  • the employee was unable to work due to his health condition, as a result of which he was fired;
  • A primary school teacher lost his job because the number of students fell.

What are the acceptable standards for maintaining seniority?

Russian legislation establishes that:

  • There is no interruption if a citizen finds and gets a new job within a month after dismissal.
  • If a person, of his own free will, without an explicable reason, stops showing up at work for a certain period of time, his work experience will be considered interrupted.
  • If the employee warned and explained the reason for absence on a certain day, then continuity is maintained. This also includes the situation with maternity leave or sick leave.

Work book of the employee

How to calculate the time of continuous service according to the laws of 2018

To calculate the amount of accrual that will be paid in case of maternity leave or sick leave, you just need to pick up your work book. For a faster and more accurate calculation of length of service, you can use a calculator or an Internet program that is designed for such operations. To calculate, you need to subtract the date of employment from the date of dismissal.

In this way, the number of years, months and days spent in labor is calculated. If the break between the first and second work is less than a month, you need to carry out the same operation with the second term. After that, add to the first and get the total number of hours worked. When making calculations, you need to rely on the fact that there are 30 days in a month, and 12 months in a year.

Sick leave in 2018

An employee leaving on sick leave

A break in work such as sick leave does not interrupt your work experience. For the calculation of hospital benefits, only the insurance period can mean anything.

Note! At the time of going on sick leave, the person will be paid the funds that were paid into the insurance fund. Money can be transferred there only during official employment through a work book. At the same time, the number of months when working at an enterprise does not play a big role.

What threatens continuity during dismissal?

If a person quits of his own free will, then continuity is maintained for a certain period. At the legislative level, more precisely, in Article 17 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is established that this period is 3 weeks. That is, the employee has the opportunity to get a new job to maintain his seniority for 21 days.

Important! 3 weeks are given only in case of unjust cause for dismissal. If an employee leaves his workplace due to reasons that are incompatible with this particular workplace or for another valid reason, he may have time to search in the amount of 30 calendar days.

It is also necessary to mention the fact that if a person changes jobs more than once in a year, then continuity cannot be maintained. Therefore, after changing jobs, a person will be required to work there for more than 12 months to maintain his seniority, otherwise it will be interrupted.

Does continuous service have an impact on pension payments?

Back in 2007 Russian government found that continuous service does not in any way affect the amount of the pension. The situation is similar to sick leave. For the amount pension payments may be affected solely by insurance work activities.

Important! All that affects the amount of the pension is the employee’s salary. During his life he works, 22% is deducted from each monthly salary. They go to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Thus, the greater the employee's salary during his working life, the more he will receive in payments upon reaching retirement age.

It is also worth understanding that much of the pension amount depends on the employer. Man with big amount continuous years of work will receive higher wages, that is, the number with 22% will be higher. It can be decided that continuity professional activity indirectly affects the size of the pension. However, 22% is paid by the employer from the “white” salary. To do this, he must have an employee’s labor card, as well as a fixed salary in the contract. If an employee receives a so-called gray salary, then the employer can contribute at least 5% to the Pension Fund. As a result, upon reaching retirement age, a person will receive extremely small pension payments.

The impact of insured work on pensions

What depends on continuous work activity?

So, almost the only thing that is influenced by continuous work experience is the amount of salary. If an employee has worked in a certain organization, for example, for six months, then he is due a salary increase.

Also, if an employee has maintained continuity while moving between different businesses or organizations, his salary will be significantly higher than that of a person who does not have such a privilege.

Again, you can remember Article 17 Federal Law. According to this document, continuous work experience can be used to calculate payments during temporary disability. But, as mentioned above, to determine the amount of payments at the time of 2018, most often it is not the continuous period of work that is used, but the insurance period.