How are retirement points calculated? How is the future pension formed and calculated. How pension points are calculated for work experience in the USSR

Since January 2015, another conversion of pension rights has taken place, now in pension points. For the first time after the Soviet period, the conversion of pension rights in Russia was made in 2002 - into pension capital.

From January 1, 2015, on the basis of laws No. 400-FZ and No. 424-FZ of December 28, 2013, which entered into force, the insurance and funded parts of the old-age pension became independent pensions.

We remind you that funded pension is formed and accrued according to the old principle (it still remains relevant only for citizens born in 1967 and younger), and insurance pension it is precisely calculated according to the new formula - on the basis of pension points accumulated by a citizen during his working life.

SPS = PV × PC 1 + IPK × SPK × PC 2,

where SPS is the insurance pension.

PV - fixed payment.

PC 1 - premium factor for increasing the fixed payment at a later retirement.

IPC - individual pension coefficient.

SPC - the value of the pension coefficient at the time of registration of the pension.

PC 2 - premium coefficient for increasing the individual pension coefficient if a citizen continues to work, despite the onset of retirement age or other conditions for the emergence of the right to an insurance pension.

To understand how the old-age pension is calculated under the new formula, let's look at what its main components are and how its main components are calculated: a fixed payment (the former base part) and an individual pension coefficient, as well as who will be eligible for premium coefficients.

So, we got acquainted with the general concepts regarding how to calculate a future pension. Now let's cover this topic in more detail.

Fixed part of the insurance pension

To calculate the old-age pension, you should be aware of the existence of a fixed payment (hereinafter referred to as PV) to the insurance pension established by Art. 16 of the Federal Law "On insurance pensions" No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013. In 2019, the payment amounted to 5,334.19 rubles. This is a guaranteed minimum by the state for every Russian citizen of retirement age. Twice a year, the PV is indexed: on February 1, taking into account the growth in consumer prices, and on April 1, at the expense of the Pension Fund's income for the previous period. April Fool's compensation is prescribed in the legislation as possible, and the possibility is determined by the Russian government.

Fixed payment to the insurance pension for various categories of citizens, northern pension

Gr-not eligible for ATP

Number of dependents

PV size (rub.) 1

Under 80 years of age and without a disability

Those who have reached the age of 80 or disabled people of the 1st group

Under the age of 80 and without a disability, worked for Far North at least 15 years, insurance experience of at least 20 and 25 years for women and men, respectively

Those who have reached the age of 80 or people with disabilities of group 1 have worked in the Far North for at least 15 years, insurance experience of at least 20 and 25 years for women and men, respectively

Under 80 years of age and without disabilities, worked in the Far North for at least 20 years, insurance experience of at least 20 and 25 years for women and men, respectively

Those who have reached the age of 80 or disabled people of the 1st group, have worked in the Far North for at least 20 years, insurance experience of at least 20 and 25 years for women and men, respectively

Work experience in agriculture for at least 30 years, not engaged in activities with mandatory pension insurance, live in rural areas 2

1 Amounts rounded to hundredths of a ruble

Individual pension coefficient - the basis of the insurance pension

The individual pension coefficient (hereinafter referred to as IPC) is an innovation in the practice of calculating pensions. He became a key component in the formula for secure old age. You can even say - the basis of the foundations for a citizen who wants to independently provide for himself after retirement and live with dignity at the same time. The higher the pensioner's IPC, the more likely it is to achieve this goal.

IPC is determined at the time of applying for an old-age pension and consists of the sum of annual pension coefficients (hereinafter referred to as APC) or pension points accrued to a citizen annually in the process of official labor activity with a “white” salary. That is, for those years when employers transferred insurance premiums to the future pensioner.

The new pension legislation also determined other periods for which pension points will be accrued to citizens, and provided for the coefficients for increasing the IPC and EF - for a later registration of the implementation of the pension right.

How is the pension calculated in 2018-2019, are there any differences from the calculation in 2017

Now the formula for calculating the annual pension coefficient looks like this:

GPC = SSP / SSM × 10

3 quantities are involved in the calculation of the CHP:

Don't know your rights?

  1. The amount of insurance pension contributions from the annual income of a citizen (SSP).
  2. The amount of insurance premiums in the amount of 16% of the maximum taxable salary, annually established by decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation (SSM).
  3. Multiplier 10. It was introduced for the convenience of calculating pension points. Also, 10 is the maximum number of annual pension points that can be accrued to a citizen in the billing year.

But future pensioners will be able to receive 10 points for the billing year only starting from 2021. And only those who do not participate in the formation of their funded pension.

Maximum values ​​of the pension coefficient by years

Year of the old-age pension

The maximum value of the IPC with contributions to the funded pension

The maximum value of the IPC without contributions to the funded pension

1 When calculating pension coefficients, the values ​​are rounded to three decimal places.

When calculating the old-age pension, the pension points for all the years when the employee's mandatory pension fund received insurance contributions from employers are summed up and an individual pension coefficient is displayed. The longer a citizen worked and the higher his salary was, the higher his IPC will be. Accordingly, the higher the IPC of a citizen, the higher his pension income.

IPK = GPC 2015 + GPC 2016 +…GPK 2030

where CPC 2015 is the number of pension points earned by a citizen in 2015, CPC 2016 - in 2016, etc.

Calculation of the individual coefficient: which years are better to take

Let's try to calculate the pension yourself. As mentioned above, the annual pension coefficient is equal to the ratio of insurance pension contributions from a citizen's income for the year to the maximum insurance pension contributions established by the state in the billing year, multiplied by 10. For clarity, we will give examples. But first, let us recall that the total amount of pension insurance contributions deducted by the employer per employee is equal to 22% of his salary. Of them:

  • 6% go to the so-called solidarity part of the Pension Fund, from which a fixed payment (basic part) of the insurance pension is paid to current pensioners;
  • 16% are intended for the formation of the employee's insurance pension or, at his request, 10% of them go to the insurance, and 6% - to the funded part.

An example of calculating the GIC with a deduction for an insurance pension of 16% of income

The salary of a citizen in 2018 is 20,000 rubles. per month. The amount of insurance premiums paid by the employer in Pension Fund, will be equal to: 20,000 rubles. × 12 months × 16% = 38,400 rubles.

In 2019, the maximum contributory salary is 796,000 rubles. The amount of the maximum insurance premiums from the employee's income is 127,360 rubles.

GPC = 38,400 / 127,360 × 10 = 3.015

The annual pension coefficient of a citizen in 2019 will be 3.015 pension points.

An example of calculating the GIC with a deduction for an insurance pension of 10% of income

For clarity, let's take a citizen with the same salary for 2019. His employer contributes only 10% to the insurance pension, and the remaining 6% goes to the funded pension. The amount of pension contributions to the insurance pension of a citizen for the year will be: 20,000 rubles. × 12 months × 10% = 24,000 rubles.

GPC = 24,000 / 127,360 × 10 = 1.884

The annual pension coefficient of a citizen in 2019 will be 1.884 pension points.

Since the amount of future pensions directly depends on the value of the CPC, the examples show that the formula for calculating pension points campaigns for refusing to participate in the formation of funded pensions.

Additional pension points: how to check the correctness of accrual

In addition to the pension points accrued to a working citizen for the payment of insurance pension contributions by his employer, when calculating the IPC, other periods are taken into account during which pension contributions were not paid to the citizen. For each full calendar year, the GPC is charged under the following circumstances.

  1. Care of one of the parents for a child under 1.5 years old (no more than 6 years in total):
    - for the 1st - GIC = 1.8;
    - for the 2nd - GIC = 3.6;
    - for the 3rd or 4th - GIC = 5.4.
  2. Care for a disabled child, for a disabled person of group I, for a person over 80 years old - GPC = 1.8.
  3. Service in the army by conscription - GIC = 1.8.

Point value

The cost of 1 pension point in 2019 is 87.24 rubles. It will increase every year:

  • February 1, according to the inflation rate for the past year.
  • April 1, according to a formula that includes such values ​​as the amount of income to the PFR budget in the form of insurance premiums and federal transfers.

Premium odds

Despite the fact that in Russia retirement age comes much earlier than in most other countries of the world, Russian legislators did not take the path of raising the age limit for the entitlement to an old-age pension. But they have built tools into the pension calculation formula that encourage people to voluntarily retire later.

If a citizen, having reached retirement age and the onset of pension rights, does not encroach on receiving funds from the Pension Fund, that is, does not draw up an insurance pension, but continues to work, the legislation provides for a coefficient for increasing a fixed payment to an insurance pension (in our PC 1 formula) and an increase coefficient individual pension coefficient (PC 2).

Indicators of premium coefficients for full months of voluntary deferral of pension receipt

Number of months

IPC increase factor

EF increase factor

120 or more

Based on the above indicators, it is easy to calculate that if a citizen does not draw up an insurance pension within 10 years after the entitlement to it, then the PV will increase by 2.11, the IPC - by 2.32 times. And the insurance old-age pension, respectively, will grow by almost 2.5 times.

Converting to points of "old" pension rights

Citizens who reached retirement age in 2015 or who will reach it a few years later are worried about what will happen to their pension rights, which until now have been measured in rubles, and not in points. The same question worries people who already receive an old-age pension - after all, its further indexation will take place on the basis of pension points, which they do not seem to have.

The new pension legislation provided for a formula according to which pension rights formed before January 1, 2015 will also be converted into points:


MF - insurance part labor pension as of December 31, 2014, excluding the basic and accumulative parts.

SPC is the value of the pension point at the time of retirement.

The amount of points received will either make up the citizen’s individual pension coefficient if he is already a recipient of an insurance pension or retires, for example, in 2019, or will be added together with subsequent annual pension coefficients to withdraw the IPC.

How pension is calculated examples

Let's go back to the new pension formula:

SPS = PV × PC 1 + IPC × SPC × PC 2

Now we know how its components are calculated, and we can find out the approximate size of the future pension.

Example 1: Retirement upon Retirement Age

Citizen Ivanova reaches retirement age in 2017. In 2015, her pension rights were converted to 70 pension points. For 2015-2017, Ivanova will earn another 5 points.

Citizen Ivanova twice for 1 year was on leave to care for a child up to a year and a half. For the first child, she received 1.8 pension points, for the second - 3.6.

By adding up all the pension points, we get the IPK of citizen Ivanova by the time the right to receive an insurance pension comes in - 80.4 points.

Let's pretend that minimum size fixed payment (PV) to the insurance pension in 2017 will be 5,000 rubles, and the cost of a pension point (SPK) will be 100 rubles. Citizen Ivanova has no grounds for applying bonus coefficients, so the formula for calculating her pension looks like this:


We consider the old-age insurance pension of citizen Ivanova:

5 000 rub. + 80.4 × 100 rubles. = 13,040 rubles.

Example 2. Coming to a well-deserved rest after the emergence of the right to an insurance pension

Let's try to calculate the monthly income of a pensioner from the distant future. Consider a conditionally ideal calculation option decent pension according to the new formula. After all, as the legislators assure us, all their efforts and reforms are aimed at achieving a decent standard of living for a Russian pensioner. So, let's dream according to the new formula.

Citizen Petrov began his career in 2015 at the age of 17. After serving for a year, he was drafted into the army and served for two years. Behind military service he was awarded 3.6 pension points.

Citizen Ivanov received a correspondence higher education and worked without interruption insurance experience before the retirement age and 5 years after the entitlement to the insurance pension arises. In total, over 48 years of insurance experience, he earned 400 pension points. Together with the "military" points, his IQ was 403.6 points.

Suppose that by the time citizen Petrov retires in 2063, taking into account all possible indexations, the PV will be 20,000 rubles. But citizen Petrov worked for 20 years in the Far North, so his PV is increased by 30% and amounts to 26,000 rubles.

Petrov's premium coefficients for 5 years of voluntary pension deferral are: for a fixed payment - 1.27, for an individual pension coefficient - 1.34.

Let the cost of a pension point in 2063 be equal to 600 rubles.

We consider the old-age pension of citizen Petrov, taking into account bonus coefficients:

26 000 rub. × 1.27 + 403.6 × 600 rubles. × 1.34 = 324,527.42 rubles.

Of course, it is difficult to imagine what will happen to the ruble by 2063, but today it looks more than worthy.

It must be said that the above calculation of the old-age pension according to the new formula is approximate. Not only in the second example, but also in the first. If you want to get a more accurate result - register on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia. The PFR already has all the information about the currently formed pension rights of officially working or working citizens, namely the number of years and months of insurance experience and the number of pension points already earned. This information can be viewed in the personal account of the insured person. Enter into the pension calculator additional information about your current place of work and salary, about other periods for which pension points are accrued. Click the "Calculate" button - and find out the size of your pension. Plan a well-deserved rest based on the result, if it suits you. Or, if possible, take steps to increase your future pension. Now you know how it can be done.

Is it possible to count on a preferential pension now? If yes, how to calculate it

Does the new pension reform Preferential pension provision worries those who worked in hazardous industries, in the field of education, medicine, etc. Yes, to date, preferential pensions have been preserved.

It is quite natural that such citizens are also interested in how to calculate a preferential pension. Let's say right away that there are no special differences in the calculation preferential pension you should not look for the usual calculation from the calculation, because the same formula is taken as the basis, its size is directly dependent on the amount of accumulated points that have been taken into account since 2015. Contributions to the compulsory pension insurance system are transferred to those, while using the formula :

IPO/NPO x 10

IPO - the amount of individual pension contributions for the year,

NPO - the standard amount of pension contributions for the year.

However, it will be much easier not to engage in independent calculations, but to go to the PFR website and use the pension calculator available there.

The concept of pension points arose due to the renewal of the system for the formation of old-age security. Preparations for the 2019 reform began in 2013 with the introduction of the Law on Insurance Pensions, which changed the rules and formula for calculating contributions.

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What are points and why are they needed?

In 2015, a new formula was introduced to calculate the insurance part of the pension. According to the amended rules, a citizen receives payments upon accumulating a certain level of service, as well as if a certain number of pension points for a pension (IPC) is earned. To date, the number is 13.8, and by 2025 a minimum threshold of 30 units is planned.

After the old-age grant is assigned, the IPC is converted into monetary currency. The price of a point is determined every year after indexation by the state. Additionally, a fixed amount is added to the payments.

Impact on pension

The calculation principle of the new system is that the number of accumulated rights for seniority transferred to the IPC. The amount of the benefit depends on their total amount. To determine the unit, the amount of contributions is divided by the rate consisting of the tariff and the maximum wage.

For example, if a citizen earns 570,000 rubles a year. then in insurance part get 10 points. It is noteworthy that every year wages and coefficients are updated. Thus, in ´25, a complete transition to the new system is planned, respectively, these indicators will increase several times. However, only those who were able to accumulate more than 30 points will be able to receive combined payments. In 2015, the IPC was equal to 6.6 points, but every year the level rises by at least 2.4.


Previously, the Pension Fund did not take into account points, and in order to receive a subsidy, two conditions had to be met:

  • reach the age - for the female population of 55 years, for the male - 60;
  • the presence of a working period, which previously varied from 5 to 25 years.

Accordingly, the income level of the future pensioner depends on these indicators. In the periods from 01-14 years. insurance premiums also had a significant impact on the amount of benefits, as a rule, their volume varied from 14 to 16% of the salary.

For information: IPK, what is it? The system implies a combined coefficient indicating the work experience of a person, as well as the field of activity. The indicator consists of their working period, wages and insurance premiums.

Since January 2015, pension points have been included in the calculation system for calculating subsidies. In order to receive payments in full, you must work a certain number of years with wages above the minimum wage.

What does the number of PB mean

Despite the increase in the insurance part of the benefit in relation to inflation in 2017, in 2018 there was an increase in subsidies by 3.7%. Of course, this was also influenced by the accumulated units.

What does it depend on

The number of pension points in 2019 is in direct proportion to the volume Money included in the PF of Russia. In turn, the IPC affects insurance premiums, since the amount is calculated by multiplying the individual pension coefficient by its price in the current period.

In 2019, the maximum limit is 8.26 if there is no funded allowance, and 5.16 if it is. In case of a shortfall of the minimum level, payments are made as a basic subsidy. Thus, the IPC depends on the level of "white wages", the amount of other earnings and seniority.

Maximum and minimum quantity

The Government of the Russian Federation has developed a minimum and maximum limit. For 2018, the maximum annual score was 8.7. If the average coefficient exceeds the level, then the benefit will be limited to this threshold.

To approve the amount of the subsidy payment, the total IPC is the time for all confirmed labor activity for the current year, i.e. at least 13.8. If less is accumulated, then the insurance part will be denied, and the person will receive a minimum subsidy.

counting method

The formula for calculating the individual pension coefficient consists of the volume of values ​​for two periods of time - before 2015 and after it. In accordance with Federal Law No., accumulation is carried out in different ways:

  1. Until January 15th. It is necessary to divide the value taken into account on 12/31/14 by the SEC from 01/01/15, i.e. 64.1 p. The amount received is added to the accumulated funds taken into account for labor activity.
  2. After 1.01.15. Two sums are added to the individual coefficient:
    • annual deductions to the Pension Fund of Russia;
    • non-work time included in the total length of service.

To calculate the amount of deductions, the formula is used: individual subsidy indicator \u003d (SV: SV) x 10.

Note: in order to determine the amount of subsidies for insurance premiums, you should add the first and second values, and then multiply by the SIC. Round the total to the nearest 0.000.

Citizens can independently calculate subsidy coefficients and the level of compensatory subsidies.


The size of the IPC is set annually at the government level. The cost depends on the average rates of price growth in the country. For example, in '17, 1 individual pension coefficient cost 78.58 rubles, while in '15 its amount was determined at 64.1 rubles.

Transfer to rubles

To convert pension points into rubles, the number of individual PCs should be multiplied by the average coefficient in the state. It is noteworthy that during the transition period in connection with the new reform, it will systematically increase.

For 2018

Today, one piece is equal to 81.49 rubles. From January 2019, the amount of accrual of pension points will increase. Accordingly, the price of the IPC and the fixed amount of the insurance benefit will increase in proportion to the inflation rate.

Table by years

The table shows the requirements for receiving deductions for old age.

Year of retirement Required working time, years Minimum IPC threshold for receiving an insurance subsidy Maximum threshold per year
Tariff 0% to the funded part Tariff 6% to the funded part
2015 6 6,6 7,39 4,62
2016 7 9 7,83 4,89
2017 8 11,4 8,26 5,16
2018 9 13,8 8,7 5,43
2019 10 16,2 9,13 5,71
2020 11 18,6 9,57 5,98
2021 12 21 10 6,25
2022 13 23,4
2023 14 25,8
2024 15 28,2
2025 30

Formula and calculation procedure

To determine the cost of a subsidy point, experts take into account changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation in connection with the Federal Law No. adopted on 12/28/13, as well as updates from 01/01/15. At the same time, the planned reform is not taken into account in 2019.

In calculating the insurance part of the subsidy, the following formula is used:

SP \u003d (FVxK) + (the number of individual PCs x SIPC x K), where

  • FV - the fixed amount of contributions to the insurance pension (in 17 = 4982.9 rubles);
  • SP - insurance subsidy;
  • IPK - the number of points;
  • SIPC - price of 1 IPK;
  • K - increasing values.

Changes in the calculation rules are related to the upcoming reform and apply only to labor benefits.

How to find out your retirement points

On the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you can also use the online calculator - The essence of the application is to explain the rules for the formation of deductions for receiving benefits.

Note: the calculator is not allowed to be used for calculation by persons liable for military service and representatives of law enforcement agencies if there is no insurance benefit.

To obtain information about pension points for still working people, you should contact the support service of the Pension Fund of Russia. As a result of the request, the client may receive the following information:

  • account information;
  • the results of investing accumulated funds.

The fund will send the information to mailing address within ten working days from the date of application.

Another way to obtain information is the state website To use the features of the site, you must go through the registration procedure. Then visit your personal account, and select the "Catalogue of services" tab, go to the "PF of Russia" section. After filling in the appropriate fields, all information about the size of an individual PC will be available to the user online.

How much do you need to receive a pension?

In order to establish an old-age allowance for the PF of Russia for a working person, an insured citizen should have the required number of points on his personal account. For 2018, this figure was 13.8.

According to the changes, the minimum annual limit today is 2.4 points, valid until ´25. After that, the minimum will be 30 units, including all periods of a person's life.

How much do you need to earn to get a good benefit

The maximum limit that an insured person can accumulate in 12 months is 8.26, in 2018 this figure was 8.7. It is noteworthy that in order to achieve the upper bar, a working person should work with an official salary of at least 3 minimum wages.

The amount of IPC of the insured person

There are limits on the accumulation of the number of points that can be earned in 12 months. Therefore, persons born in 1967 and later are required to decide how the allowance will be formed:

  • only from insured funds in the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • complex of insured and funded contributions.

The first option involves the transfer of all deductions by the employer to the insured part. The second method allows you to equally divide between the two types of contributions.

In accordance with Federal Law No. (see Appendix No. 4), the maximum threshold for the value of an individual PC will change in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Note: from ´21, a working person will be able to accumulate every 12 months no more than 10 points when choosing the first method of accrual and no more than 6.25, preferring the second method.

Maximum IPC threshold by years

In 2018, the IPC pension coefficient was frozen. Thus, all insured citizens who are registered in the OPS system make transfers as insurance premiums. The restriction is valid until 12/31/20.

At the same time, you should remember the maximum allowable savings that you can accumulate. The full calculation is given in the tabular section.

Year Formation of insurance allowance Formation of a comprehensive benefit (insurance + savings)
2015 7,39 4,62
2016 7,83 4,89
2017 8,26 5,16
2018 8,7 5,43
2019 9,13 5,71
2020 9,57 5,98
2021 and beyond 10 6,25

The price of one unit in rubles for 2019

The government, while reforming the PF system in Russia, has developed an algorithm for converting workers' rights into indicators that have been in effect since 2015. Every year the price tag increases and users naturally become interested in how much a pension point will cost in 2019:

  • from February 1, 2015 = 71 rubles 41 kopecks;
  • from February 1, 2016 = 74 rubles 27 kop.;
  • from February 1, 2017 = 78 rubles 28 kopecks;
  • from April 1, 2017 = 78 rubles 58 kop.

In January of this year, at the direction of the Government of the Russian Federation, there was an increase in insurance benefits by 3.7%, despite the inflation rate in 2017 of 2.5%. Thus, the pension coefficient in 2018 amounted to 81 rubles. 49 kopecks, however, this figure is lower than the planned volume of 81.96 rubles.

For your information: the price of one point is determined in the amendments by the Government of the Russian Federation according to the method fixed in Federal Law No. and must be increased annually.

Answers to questions that concern everyone

According to T. Golikova, the Government of the Russian Federation is considering the possibility of waiving pension points, including for working pensioners. However, the timing of the decision is not yet known. There is a possibility of considering this issue in the forthcoming reform, which has already been submitted for the second reading to the State Duma.

Despite such a likely development of the situation, today the system of accumulation of subsidized points is still in operation, in connection with this, citizens have accumulated many questions.

How many points can you earn in a year?

Due to the renewal of the system, the maximum value of the subsidy coefficient is 10 points. But this value changes annually.

What to do if there are not enough points for pension and methods of increasing?

In a situation where a citizen cannot collect the required number of units, the state will pay a social subsidy. This right belongs to the female population under the age of 65 and the male population from 65 years of age. Deductions are made every month, regardless of the accumulated points and the time of work.

If a person is predicted to have a shortage of indicators in the account, and it is impossible to wait for the required age, then it will not work to apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to make a contribution, as in a financial institution. However, at the government level, they developed a system for the accumulation of social units, which consist of the following indicators:

  • service in the armed state forces;
  • caring for children under the age of 1.5 years;
  • caring for a child with a disability or an elderly person at the age of 80.

The State Duma understands that the transition time is important for determining population groups for accounting for benefits. However, in order to accumulate the required number of indicators, it is proposed to work officially with a white salary.

Buying opportunity

If there are not enough units on a personal account in the Russian Pension Fund, it is allowed to purchase the missing indicators in the Russian Pension Fund. To do this, the client applies to the territorial division and makes an insurance contribution from personal savings.

For your information: most individual entrepreneurs, notaries and lawyers in private practice pay their own contributions. But as a result, unable to reach the maximum threshold.

Thus, if today we take care of savings for old age, then most people will not have enough time to collect the minimum threshold of units. Therefore, citizens have two options - to work until the specified age or open deposits in banks.

What is the unit on the account of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in monetary terms?

Every year, units are converted into rubles and a maximum limit is set at the state level. For example, in previous years these figures were as follows:

  • 2015 - 64.1 rubles;
  • 2016 - 74.27 rubles;
  • 2017 - 78.58 rubles;
  • 2018 - $81.49

Counting the units that can be obtained for labor activity in Soviet time every citizen faces difficulties. However, at the governmental level, a decision was made to take into account the rights from previous years.

The counting scheme looks like this:

  1. All salary deductions transferred before 2002 to the Pension Fund of Russia are converted into banknotes. The formula is the old scheme, in which time of work and wages were taken into account. The final figure is indexed by 10%. For working people before 1991, an additional 1% is added;
  2. Contributions transferred to the Russian Pension Fund from 2002-2014 are summed up and multiplied by the indexation index. Thus, a capital paid out in old age is obtained. Then, the figure is divided by 228 and by the cost of a unit, fixed in 2015. It is noteworthy that before this date the cost is equal to 64.1 rubles.

It follows from this that it is difficult to translate the labor of a Soviet person into units on an independent basis. However, getting indicative data is realistic.

November 14, 2018, 19:21 Jan 29, 2019 19:45

Pension point is a relatively new concept in the system pension provision. In order to roughly imagine what benefits citizens will receive in retirement, it is necessary to thoroughly understand it.

What it is

People retiring at this time began their labor activity during the existence of the USSR. Then, however, as before 2015, this required the fulfillment of two conditions:

  • fulfillment of a certain age;
  • having the required work experience.

Since 1990, three laws have been adopted for the purpose pension payments. During the period of validity of each law, the calculation is made in its own way. From 2001 to 2014, the amount of the pension depended directly on the number of insurance contributions transferred to the Pension Fund.

Since 2015, certain circumstances are required to enter a well-deserved rest:

  • age, 60 and 55 years for men and women (early exit is possible);
  • insurance experience;
  • pension points.

The last two factors will gradually increase until 2025. There are also rumors about an increase in the retirement age for all older people. IN this moment The innovation affected only civil servants.

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If the concepts of age and seniority do not raise any questions, then not everyone has yet figured out pension points. This is an individual pension coefficient, IPC, which is accrued annually in the course of official employment.

Its size depends on the amount of contributions paid to the Pension Fund by the employer. Therefore, the higher the salary of a person, the large quantity he earns points.

Upon retirement, points for the entire period of insurance activity are summed up and then multiplied by the rate of one point. The latter is established by the Government every year.

Conclusion: in order to now have a legal opportunity to receive an old-age insurance pension, it is necessary to work out a length of service with a salary at which the number of contributions paid would be equal to the amount established by law.

How much is one point worth in 2019

The size of the IPC is strictly regulated by law and increases every year.

In 2015, when the pension coefficient was just introduced, its cost was 64 rubles 10 kopecks. Over the past three years, it has been indexed several times, and as a result, at this time it is 81 rubles 49 kopecks.

Initially, 6 years of insurance experience were required for retirement, and the IPC was 6.6. According to legislative acts, the value of these indicators will be systematically increased until 2025.

From 2015 to 2020, regardless of which pension option was chosen, all insurance contributions of citizens are directed only to the insurance part of the pension. Therefore, the maximum number of points for the time being will be the same for both options.

The maximum salary in the current period, intended for calculating the pension coefficient, is 1,021,000 rubles.

Therefore, there is also a limit on the maximum number of pension points in 2019, which is 8.7. Even if a citizen earns several million, they will not be able to accrue more.

How are accrued

The IPC is directly dependent on the amount of money contributed to the Pension Fund. The amount of the insurance part of the pension benefit depends on it. And its size is calculated by multiplying the number of points scored by their value in the current year.

The pension coefficient is influenced by the presence of the value of the official salary and seniority.

From what year

The concept of an individual pension coefficient was given in the federal law adopted at the end of 2013 “On insurance pensions”. The order of its calculation was also presented there and the formula was given.

How much do you need

In order to old man had the opportunity to retire in 2019, he needs to earn 9 years of insurance experience, accumulate at least 13.8 pension points and reach retirement age.

How to calculate

The individual coefficient for the current year can be independently calculated using the formula:

IPC \u003d StVz: MaxStVz * 10

That is, the pension score is equal to the quotient between the amount of insurance premiums for the year and the maximum amount of insurance premiums for the year, multiplied by 10.


With a salary of 35,000 rubles, the annual salary will be 420,000 rubles.

Insurance premiums for the year were paid 92,400 rubles (since the deductions go only to insurance premiums in the amount of 22 percent, and the accumulative ones are temporarily frozen).

The amount of insurance premiums must be divided by the amount of insurance premiums from the maximum taxable salary:

1 021 000*22%=224 620

Therefore, the number of points for 2019 will be:

92 400: 224 620 * 10 = 4,1

Upon entering a well-deserved rest, all points accumulated over the years of work, as well as points accrued for non-insurance periods, are added up.

Then the amount is multiplied by the value of one point established in the current year and the size of the fixed payment is added. This is how the amount of the insurance pension is calculated.

Recently, the pension system has changed dramatically. Insurance premiums, paid by citizens in the period from 2002 to 2014, are converted into pension points and taken into account when calculating old-age benefits.

The situation is more complicated with the Soviet period. Indeed, in those days, records were kept documented, there were no automated information systems. If a person has lost a certificate of labor activity over the years, it may not be included in the pension calculation.

The duty of citizens to independently provide evidence of official work, women - to confirm the time of childcare with relevant papers, who underwent military service - to back up with facts.

The President of the Russian Federation signed a decree according to which for each full year worked until 1991, the pension capital increases by 1 percent. This means that in 5 years its size will increase by 5 percent, and in 10 years by 10 percent.

The Soviet experience includes not only the time before the collapse Soviet Union, that is, until 1991, but also the post-Soviet time, inclusive, up to 2001.

Therefore, 10 percent of the pension is added for labor activity in the period from 1991 to 2001, even regardless of the availability of documents confirming the length of service.


There are periods in a person's life when he is forced not to work. Some of them are counted in the pension experience, but only if before this time or after it there were periods of official employment.

When calculating a pension, the points for the period of temporary disability are added to the points for labor activity and multiplied by their value.

Additional points values:



Conscripted military service, one year 1,8
Mother's leave to look after the 1st child, one year 1,8
Mother's leave to look after the 2nd child, one year 3,6
Mother's leave to look after the 3rd child, one year 5,4
Mother's leave to look after the 4th child, one year 5,4
Child care for a disabled child, one year 1,8
Caring for a person with a disability of the first group, per year 1,8
Caring for an elderly person (over 80), per year 1,8
Temporary disability, for one year 1,8
Registration with the Central Scientific Center, for one year 1,8

5.4 pension points are due to citizens who transferred 35,000 rubles to the PFR. Therefore, the mother of four children is practically guaranteed an insurance pension, because she is awarded a sufficient number of points, 24.3 out of the 30 required, she will have to earn less than 6.

Additional bonus points can also be attributed, which grow with each postponed year of retirement after reaching retirement years.

For example, if a senior citizen applies for old age benefits after 5 years, then the points will increase by 45 percent, and the fixed payment by 36.

What to do if not enough

Unfortunately, there are senior citizens who have reached the age of retirement, but have not managed to accumulate the necessary insurance experience or pension points. This could happen in the case of informal employment, meager wages or a complete absence of labor activity.

Each person who is a participant in compulsory pension insurance can, from 2015, independently increase the length of service and, accordingly, points (until that time, only the amount of the pension could be increased). For this, it is necessary, in addition to insurance, to pay voluntary contributions to the Pension Fund.

Voluntary payments can be made not only for yourself, but also for other persons, regardless of the presence of family relations. The main thing is that they do not work and do not make insurance contributions, which means they are not entitled to an insurance pension.

An important nuance here is the possibility of paying only half of the experience. If in the current year it is required to have an insurance experience of 9 years for retirement, then with the help of insurance voluntary contributions it is possible to acquire no more than 4 and a half years of experience.

If the retirement age has already arrived, and there are not enough points, you can continue to work without retiring. In this case, on next year the number of required points will not increase, as for other people, but will remain at the same level.

Of course you can agree to social pension, but it can be obtained 5 years later:

The size of the pension benefit depends not only on the state, but also on the citizen himself. If you make voluntary contributions to the Pension Fund during your working life and postpone retirement for several years, you can achieve its increase.

Since January 1, 2015, Russia has introduced new order assignment of pensions. Now pension rights are formed not in rubles, but in points, which makes it possible to more effectively protect the pension rights of citizens, because. the accumulated points are converted into rubles when assigning a pension based on the value of the point at the time of retirement.

The pension point evaluates each calendar year of a citizen's labor activity, taking into account the annual deductions of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The annual pension coefficient is equal to the ratio of the amount of insurance premiums paid by the employer for the formation of the insurance part of the pension at the rate of 16%, to the amount of insurance premiums from the maximum contributory wage paid by the employer at the rate of 16%, multiplied by 10.

The number of points per year is limited. The maximum value of points in 2015 when directing insurance premiums only for the formation of an insurance pension is 7.39.

Here is an example of calculating the annual pension score for 2015.

With a monthly salary of 30,000 rubles. the employee's salary for the year will be 360,000 rubles.

The amount of paid insurance premiums from the annual salary is 360,000 rubles. at the rate of 16% will be 57,600 rubles.

We divide this value by the amount of insurance premiums from the maximum taxable salary paid by the employer at a rate of 16% (established by law, in 2015 it is 711,000 rubles): 711,000 * 16% = 113,760 rubles. and multiply by 10.

The number of points for 2015 will be:

57 600 / 113 760 * 10 = 5,06

At the time of retirement, the points for each year of work are summed up and multiplied by the value of one pension point in the year the insurance pension is awarded. The amount of the fixed payment is added to the amount of the insurance pension received.

When retiring people who have worked in 1992-2002 and earlier, it is logical to understand this process - calculating the amount of pension for these periods. How the pension is calculated according to the Soviet experience and all the features of this process, we will consider further.

People who are currently retiring worked during the Soviet Union (before the collapse of the USSR in 1991). A lot has changed in the period up to now, including when calculating pensions. Periods of labor and social activity for a future pensioner entail the appointment of an increase in pension according to a certain system. An example of the calculation is given later in the article.

All the time of work experience, conditionally, is divided into 4 periods:

  • until 1991;
  • 1991-2001;
  • 2002-2014;
  • 2015 - present.

All information on the accrual of pensions, including for the Soviet experience, is presented in an exhaustive amount in federal law Russia No. 173-FZ. It also provides examples of calculations and a formula according to which all calculations should be carried out.

Starting from 2015, the accrual of pensions will take place according to a certain new system with the accrual of special points. And for 2002-2014, the calculation was carried out according to the number of insurance premiums. In this article, we are more interested in the Soviet and post-Soviet experience, so we will focus on this information, and its general essence is reduced to specific numbers.

In the days of the Soviet Union, all information was documented, therefore, in order to accrue and increase pensions, it is necessary to have such documents, confirming labor and social activities for these periods. This also applies to military service, etc.

According to the legislation, having a work experience in the Soviet era (documented), for all years 1% is charged to the amount of the pension. That is, if a person worked and has a seniority during the Soviet era (until 1991) in the amount of 4 years, his pension supplement will be 4%, if he worked for 17 years, then 17%, etc.

Also, by decree of the President of Russia, it was decided and established that, regardless of the provision of documents or the availability of seniority in principle, for the period from 1991 to 2001, all pensioners will be credited with an additional 10% pension.

The entire Soviet experience is considered labor activity to 2001 inclusive, it falls under the general calculation without division into the Soviet-post-Soviet time.

The pensioner has a work experience of 35 years, 20 of which - in the Soviet and post-Soviet times. It is necessary to calculate the coefficient of the average salary of a pensioner and for the whole country. Regardless of the calculations, if the coefficient exceeds 1.2, then this value is taken, in all other cases - according to the calculation.

In this example, the average salary of a pensioner was 320 rubles, while in the rest of the country the average salary was 210 rubles. The coefficient exceeds the allowable maximum, so it will be equal to 1.2.

0.55 + 0.1 x (35 - 20) = 0.70.

General pension calculated by the formula:

(0.70 (service coefficient) x 1.2 (average salary coefficient)) x 1671 = 1223.17.

If the amount is over 660, 450 rubles are deducted. As a result, the amount becomes 773.17. This number increases by 20% for Soviet and post-Soviet experience to 927.80.

The resulting number is multiplied by the indexation (in this example, at the time of 2014) - 5.6148, and then divided by the number of rubles accrued for 1 pension point under the current system (64.1 rubles at the time of 2015).

As a result, the pension, according to the results of the calculation, will be 81.27 points, which means that the increase in the pension for the Soviet experience will be about 6,300 rubles. The example presented was without taking into account bonuses, interrupted work experience, children born (and corresponding pauses in work experience). Whether this amount is sufficient and whether it is worth fighting for is an individual matter for each person.

Regardless of whether the citizen considers such an increase sufficient or not, it is better to have an idea of ​​​​what the Soviet experience is and what formulas are used to calculate it. But each seniority is unique, so in order not to make mistakes in the calculations, it would be a good idea to contact the Pension Fund, where the employees will explain everything to you in detail.