Law on raising the retirement age. Latest news about retirement age in Russia What's new about retirement age this year

Also changes military personnel and security forces will not be affected, whose pension is paid not from Pension Fund, but directly from the federal budget (the budget of the relevant power ministries and departments). Rumors about this in connection with the adoption of the new law are also not substantiated, but in the future it is not excluded for the retirement of military personnel and security forces.

Parliamentary hearings on pension reform

On August 21, 2018, parliamentary and public hearings on pension reform were held in the State Duma for 4 hours, in which they took part more than 600 people- these are members of the Government, State Duma deputies, heads of factions and specialized committees, as well as representatives of the expert community and public organizations.

Purpose of the event these hearings - it is better to work out amendments to the bill so that it is possible to pass a quality law on changes to pension legislation.

Based on the results of the discussion on August 21, a special working group to finalize the bill, which was headed by Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Olga Timofeeva. The working group analyzed all the proposals submitted, summarized them and, if necessary, conducted additional consultations with the Government. It was reported that the working group will continue to deal with issues related to changes in pension legislation in the future.

Vladimir Putin on raising the retirement age from 2019

On August 29, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed citizens with a statement in which he formulated your opinion on the pension reform planned by the Government. The President noted that a decision to change the pension system must be made, since in the future “the state will not have enough funds to index pensions,” and in the future, “regular payment of pensions may become a problem, as it was already in the 90s.” .

As a softening of the reform Vladimir Putin proposed his adjustments to the draft law. It is worth noting that all of them were worked out, formalized in the form of amendments and submitted for consideration by Parliament. On September 26, 2018, they were unanimously approved by the State Duma and adopted in the second reading of the bill. The following measures were proposed:

  1. Reducing the retirement age for women from 63 to 60 years old(i.e. an increase relative to the old law by only 5 years, not 8).
  2. For citizens who were supposed to apply for a pension in the first two years of the new law (i.e. 2019-2020), it is proposed to reduce the standard age by 6 months relative to the values ​​​​proposed by the bill. The table of retirement age values ​​in this case will look like this:

    New retirement table from 2019

    YearRetirement age
    2019 60,5 55,5
    2020 61,5 56,5
    2021 63 58
    2022 64 59
    2023 65 60
  3. Early retirement:
    • a woman with three children will be able to receive payments 3 years ahead of schedule;
    • if there are four children, then 4 years earlier;
    • for women with 5 or more children, the age will be kept at 50 years.
  4. Early retirement if available. In such cases, payments can be made 2 years earlier established retirement age.

The President also noted the need to preserve all federal benefits for persons of pre-retirement age during the transition period (this benefits on real estate and land taxes), the need to develop a program for advanced training of pre-retirees, mandatory medical examinations and the development of measures to encourage employers to retain older employees at work.

When will the law on raising the retirement age be finally adopted?

The law in its final form was adopted and already signed by the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin on October 3, 2018, i.e. less than 4 months after the bill was introduced into the State Duma.

When considering the law in the first reading its concept, an assessment of its main provisions, compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, etc. were presented. After it was adopted in the first reading, the deputies continued to work on it, making their comments in the form of amendments, which the deputies voted for when discussing the law in the second reading. When considering the bill in the third reading no amendments are being made - the document was considered in its final version, all technical deficiencies at this stage have already been eliminated.

After this, the bill adopted by the State Duma was sent for approval by the Federation Council, after which it was signed by the President (10/03/2018). The law will come into force within the time frame established by the text of the law itself - from 01/01/2019.

There are enough discussions around the topic of retirement age in Russia. Many are afraid of the implementation of the bills, many are categorically against it. However, the Government has come to the conclusion that there will still be changes and the current situation in the country simply requires an increase in the retirement age. Although, in addition to age, a number of changes are expected that will affect both payments and insurance premium and working conditions.

Retirement age in Russia 2018

Starting this year, changes to the retirement age in Russia have already begun.

Yes, first of all, the increase will affect civilian and municipal workers.

On January 1, 2017, a law came into force according to which the retirement age increases by half a year every year. The time frame for the bill is set from 2017 to 2032. During this period, the retirement age of civil servants will increase by 5 years.

Accordingly, for men the increase will occur from 60 years to 65, and for women - from 55 years to 63.

However, if for men these changes occur in 2027, then women at 63 will retire no earlier than 2032.

The project affected all employees of state and municipal institutions.

Raising the retirement age in 2018: latest news

Disagreements on the topic of pension reform are growing. Many are committed to radical changes, but the demographic characteristics of the country are not taken into account. Politicians are trying to bring the retirement age in the Russian Federation to the level of retirement in other countries. If in the same America, Germany, France, employees retire at 65-70 years old, then in Russia such high standards are not advisable.

Many people are not only unable to work within these limits, but do not even live to see 60 years of age.

Therefore, we should take a guide from the President of the Russian Federation, who assessed the situation in common sense and remained of the opinion that retirement for women should be at 55 years old, and for men at 60 years old.

However, whether the retirement age will be raised this year remains an open question. All solutions proposed by officials have not yet received a positive assessment at the top of the country. But, according to the latest data, in 2018 women born in 1963 and men born in 1958 should retire.

Retirement age for women in 2018

The increase in the retirement age in 2018 for women did not go unnoticed either. Yes, women who work and hold government positions will retire this year at the age of 56.

As for the general increase in age, politicians stand their ground and plan to raise the figure to 63.

This is explained by the fact that there are obvious facts of gender inequality. If the average life expectancy for women is more than 75 years, then for men the figure barely reaches 65-67 years. Based on this, the Government plans to equalize the retirement age of women with men.

Will the retirement age for women be raised? - Yes, but the growth is planned to be gradual, over six months to a year, in order to develop seniority and IPC.

Retirement age of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018

The pension issue in the Ministry of Internal Affairs has become acute. Back in 2015, politicians said that it would be advisable to increase the retirement age for Ministry of Internal Affairs employees by 10 years at once.

However, the topic of retirement for those who visited “hot spots” remained unchanged. Their right to retire early remained intact.

The increase in the retirement limit concerned those who deal with paperwork in the authorities and served in the rear.

The Ministry of Finance believed that the length of service should be increased by 25 years at once.

The changes did not affect the calculation of pensions. It was supposed to increase the terms that would give the right to receive increased pension.

It is still unknown whether the retirement age will be increased. However, in 2018, the government put forward a bill to increase the length of service to 30 years. According to the amendments, reaching this limit is scheduled for 2025.

Retirement age for military personnel in 2018

Law enforcement agencies have developed new project amendments, which provide for an increase in the limits of working capacity. What retirement age military personnel should expect in 2018 will be known by the end of the year. But the government decided to increase it from 20 to 25 years.

The decision on the amendments was then postponed until the presidential elections in the Russian Federation. At the moment, the project is still under development. It is already known that increases in length of service will bypass those who have contracts for 20 years. The rest will have to serve for the good of their homeland for another 5 years in order to receive a pension.

Discussions on the topic of increasing the length of service for the military took place back in 2013. Then, officials proposed to increase minimum terms service up to 30 years. The decision was immediately reversed.

Since 2019, Russia has been implementing a gradual increase in the retirement age from the previous 55 and 60 years up to 60 and 65. The question of changing the retirement age one way or another discussed earlier, but they resorted to specific actions. The corresponding bill was developed and submitted to the Duma on behalf of Prime Minister D. Medvedev. The entire procedure for reviewing, amending, discussing and approving the law took less than 4 months.

  • provision of social and tax benefits upon reaching the “old” retirement age, that is, in fact;
  • softening of the standard (instead of the initially proposed 63 years, they approved promotion to 60 years);
  • changing the order of indexation of pensions from annual and much more.

Law on raising the retirement age

A bill to increase the retirement age was submitted to the State Duma by order of Prime Minister D. Medvedev June 16, 2018. The text of the draft provided for a retirement age already starting from January 1, 2019 It was proposed to set the age of 63 years for the female population and 65 for the male population as new generally established standards. It was with this content that the State Duma deputies adopted the bill in the first reading.

During further discussion, the document received about 300 amendments. Some of the amendments were introduced by the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin, in particular, on reducing the retirement age for women from 63 to 60 years.

  • On September 26, the bill was adopted taking into account the amendments of the President and United Russia.
  • The entire voluminous block of amendments from other factions of the State Duma and trade unions was rejected.

Already on September 27, the third reading took place in the State Duma, where the final content of the document was approved. On October 3, the law was approved by the Federation Council and signed by the President on the same day. Thus, it took less than 4 months.

The law on raising the retirement age was given the number No. 350-FZ dated October 3, 2018. Please note that in addition to changing the pension age, the document contains a number of other changes:

  • adjustment of the procedure for pension indexation in the period from 2019 to 2024;
  • consolidation in legislation of the concept of measures to support pre-retirees;
  • introduction of additional grounds for early retirement: employees with long work experience (), .
  • the introduction of a new type of supplement to pensions - and so on.

Reasons for pension reform

The issue of changing the retirement age was occasionally addressed in one way or another by the Government. Additionally, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recommended an increase in 2017 to set the stage for further growth.

The main reasons for carrying out the pension age reform were the following:

  1. Unfavorable demographic situation in the country, in particular due to the low birth rate in the 90s. Russia has a solidary pension system, which means that current pensioners receive payments through transfers from current employees. Due to the fact that the number of the working population is decreasing annually, and the number of pensioners is increasing, there is a need for additional transfers from the federal budget to the Pension Fund budget for pension payments.
  2. Pension Fund budget deficit. The problems here are due to the fact that a significant part of Russians work without official registration, that is, without paying contributions to the Pension Fund.
  3. Outdated pension age values. D. Medvedev, justifying the need for reform, noted that the old standards were established at a time when citizens began working at the age of 14.
  4. Increased life expectancy. It was reported that according to Rosstat forecasts, this figure reaches 72.9 years. However, no one noted then that this figure was determined in relation to those born in 2017, and not for those who fall first under pension changes.
  5. the retirement age has been raised a long time ago. By that time, the Russian Federation remained one of the few countries that had not yet raised the pension age.

Quite a lot of reasons were cited pushing the Government to such a decision. However, the bill on raising the retirement age still caused a huge resonance. All this contributed to a subsequent decline in the level of public confidence in the Government, the President and Parliament.

What changes does the law on raising the retirement age provide for?

One of the basic changes adopted within the framework was an increase in the age standard at which a citizen can apply for an old-age insurance pension. The following has been approved promotion scheme:

  • Retirement age is increasing for 5 years. Accordingly, the new standards are now 65 years for men and 60 for women.
  • The increase will occur in stages - in increments one year per year(tables by year of birth can be viewed).
  • The law comes into force on January 1, 2019, so the stage of transitional provisions ends on December 31, 2022. That is, from January 1, 2023, all Russians will receive a pension in accordance with the final standards - at 65/60 years old.

The standards were changed not only for the general case, but for a number of beneficiaries entitled to:

  1. and in areas equivalent to it, the retirement age was increased from 55/50 to 60/55 years(also for 5 years). The increase will follow the same pattern as for the general case (at a rate of one year per year).
  2. For and creative workers, a deferment period was introduced after completing special work experience, after which they can apply for a pension. Now payments can only be made 5 years after completing the required experience. The duration of this deferment is also set in stages, increasing annually from 1 year to 5 years.
  3. Now you can also apply for 5 years later - at 70 and 65 years old. The transition to new standards is also gradual during 2019-2023.

Nothing has changed in the conditions for granting pensions to law enforcement officers, military personnel, workers in hazardous and hazardous industries, as well as citizens entitled to preferential pension for social reasons. For civil servants, the retirement age was increased in 2017, and according to the new law, the increase scheme for them was only slightly adjusted.

A table with retirement age values ​​for all preferential categories of citizens is presented in the article on.

Measures to soften the reform

To mitigate the consequences of such a high-profile decision, the law provided for the following measures:

  1. The initially proposed age was reduced from 63 to 60 years.
  2. In 2019-2020 it will be possible to apply for a pension 6 months earlier than the increase graph suggests. That is, in 2019 at 55.5/60.5 and in 2020 at 56.5/61.5.
  3. The concept of “pre-retirement age” was introduced, established 5 years before retirement, including on preferential terms. For pre-retirees we have provided:
    • preservation of social benefits previously provided only upon reaching retirement age;
    • retraining and advanced training programs;
    • maintaining the old terms of appointment (at 60/65 years);
    • introduction of criminal liability of the employer in case of unjustified dismissal or refusal to employ a pre-retirement worker;
    • increased unemployment benefits and many other measures.
  4. New categories of beneficiaries entitled to receive a pension early have been approved:
    • who gave birth and raised 3 and 4 children (for mothers with 5 children, benefits were already in effect previously);
    • citizens with long work experience - and.

Simultaneously with the above changes, the annual pension indexation scheme was adjusted. In the period from 2019 to 2024, the insurance pension will be indexed from January 1, not February. At the same time, instead of the usual increase in accordance with last year’s inflation, pensions will be increased during this period.

On June 7, 2018, answering a question about raising the retirement age in Russia within the framework of "", the country's president said that he was extremely cautious about this issue. However, he noted that he had instructed the government to take a number of measures aimed at improving the standard of living and increasing the income of Russian pensioners.

Vladimir Putin on raising the retirement age

On June 14, 2018, the Russian Prime Minister gave a clearer answer to the question of whether the retirement age would be raised. According to him, the government proposes to raise the retirement age in Russia up to 65 years for men And 63 years - for women. On this moment The standard age for retirement in the Russian Federation is 60 and 55 years, respectively.

Briefly about raising the retirement age

The draft law on raising the retirement age has been submitted by the government for consideration and will come into force after approval by State Duma deputies and members of the Federation Council.


The bill provides for a step-by-step transition to a higher retirement age. It is planned to begin moving in this direction in 2019; the retirement age will be raised to the desired levels in a few years. Men will retire by age 65 in 2028, and women to 63 years old - in 2034.

According to the Prime Minister Russian Federation, such measures are associated with an increase in life expectancy and will help stabilize the situation in the labor market, increase payments to pensioners and “move Russia forward in terms of social and economic development.”

Who will be affected by raising the retirement age?

Most of all, Russians are interested in the question of which year of birth is eligible for raising the retirement age. According to the latest news from the government, the first to feel pension reform, women will become 1964 and men 1959 birth. Under the old retirement system, they had to complete labor activity in 2019, but due to the start of the reform, they will retire only by 2020.

Pervomaiskaya truth"

Women born in 1971 will be the first to retire at age 63. Men born in 1963 will be the first to retire at age 65. Increasing the retirement age won't touch:

  • women raising a disabled child under eight years of age,
  • women who have given birth to five or more children,
  • visually impaired people of the 1st group,
  • other categories of citizens receiving insurance pensions for social reasons.

Destination age social pensions for those who have not completed the required work experience, will be raised to 68 years for women (from the current 60 years) and to 70 years for men (from 65 years). The retirement age for early retirement workers will be increased by 8 years, including teachers, medical workers and creative workers.

Russian lawyer"

The initiative will also affect men and women working for Far North and in places whose living conditions are as close as possible to this region. Men falling under this category will retire at age 60, and women at age 58. The exception will be people working in difficult conditions.

The current increase in the retirement age will not affect military personnel However, as the head of the Russian Ministry of Finance stated, this figure will also be adjusted in the near future, and negotiations are underway with the defense department.

Pros and cons of raising

Due to the demographic hole of the 1990s, the number of pensioners in Russia is growing, while the number of workers, on the contrary, is decreasing. It is difficult for working Russians to provide this a large number of pensioners. This is what it is reason for low pensions in the country. An increase in the retirement age will lead to an increase in the number of employees paying taxes to the Pension Fund, and, as a result, an increase in the total amount of payments to current pensioners by approximately for 1000 rubles in year.

The reform will lead to the establishment balance in the pension system country, the economy as a whole and stabilization of the situation in the labor market, where there is currently record low unemployment and there may soon be a catastrophic shortage of personnel.

In addition, raising the retirement age may affect quality of work production, because people mature age more experience and dexterity. Most successful companies in the world are run by people over 45 years of age. Increasing the retirement age may have a positive effect psychological effect: at 60, people will not feel old, will not drop out of social life and will remain active, which prevents the risk of developing senile dementia.

However, this reform also has flaws. Places at enterprises will be occupied by older people, and it will be much more difficult for young professionals to get a job. In addition, not all employers are willing to hire employees over 50. However, many people, upon reaching retirement age, “fade away”, lose the desire to work and just want to live for themselves and for their family.

Reaction to raising the retirement age

After long and heated discussions, the government chose raising the retirement age as the only correct method of regulating the situation on the labor market. Despite this, Russians spoke out strongly against such a measure. Numerous petitions against raising the retirement age have appeared on the Internet.

If you believe a sociological survey by the Romir holding, raising the retirement age is supported only by 8% of Russians, and the majority of those who voted were young people between 18 and 24 years old. Outraged by raising the retirement age 92% of Russians.

24 today"

Nevertheless, Russian government officials consider this decision quite successful. So, according to the head of the Accounts Chamber, this measure is very beneficial for Russians, as it will help increase pensions and prevent unnecessary burden on the working population.

Kudrin was also supported by State Duma deputy from Tatarstan Airat Farrakhov, who believes that raising the retirement age will increase pensions and reduce the Pension Fund’s dependence on transfers from the federal budget.

State Duma deputy from the Irkutsk region Mikhail Shchapov, on the contrary, spoke sharply about the latest news from the government, stating that negative consequences. Shchapov recalled that in 2016, only 43% men. Today, in half of the regions of Russia, the average life expectancy of men is less than 63 years old. Thus, most Russians simply won't live long enough until the new retirement age.

Easing pension reform

On August 29, 2018, Vladimir Putin held a meeting on the topic of raising the retirement age. The reason was public outrage at the measures taken: Russians recall the leader’s promise not to allow this extreme measure in matters of pension legislation.

The President addressed the reasons for making a specific “unpopular” decision. The problem arose back in the 90s and is due to the demographic characteristics of Russia. There are no other ways to provide pensioners with decent payments - the system must remain independent from external factors, which is impossible, for example, with additional funding oil industry.

Given the inevitability of raising the retirement age, Putin announced a number of “mitigating” changes to the reform:

  1. Women will retire 5 years later, rather than 8;
  2. Guarantees and support for the interests of employees of pre-retirement age;
  3. The benefits of early retirement remain;
  4. Reducing length of service for early termination of employment;
  5. Benefits for people of pre-retirement age.

VAT increase

In addition to raising the retirement age, Dmitry Medvedev announced VAT increase to 20%. This measure is necessary to create some kind of fund from which funds can be taken to finance national goals.

VAT increase from January 1, 2019 will affect all categories of taxpayers, except beneficiaries. Value added tax will not be raised for the following categories of goods:

  • food,
  • childen's goods,
  • medical goods,
  • zero rates for domestic interregional air transportation.

Such measures, according to the head of the Ministry of Finance, will lead to GDP growth and the general increase in living standards in the country, however, many economic experts argue that an increase in VAT will certainly lead to rising prices for all types of goods, except those mentioned above.