Unified State Exam. Assignments for the economics block. Demographic situation in modern Russia and problems of single-parent families. social studies test (grade 11) on the topic: Assignments for the “Economics” block



A) state 1) economy

B) religion 2) politics

B) education 3) spiritual culture

D) production 4) social relations

Write down the numbers of the selected answers in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of numbers to the answer form (without spaces or other symbols).

At 16 Find signs of social status in the list below and circle the numbers they appear under.

1) profession

3) eye color

4) following fashion requirements

5) respect for parents

6) marital status

Answer _____________

At 17 Find the manifestations of the economic function of the family in the list below and circle the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) teaching children labor skills

2) material support for loved ones

3) distribution domestic work

4) granting hereditary status

5) organization of leisure time

6) family business

Write down the circled numbers in ascending order, and then transfer the resulting sequence of numbers to the answer form (without spaces or other symbols).

Answer _____________

At 18 Find in the list below what relates to the phenomenon of “subculture” and circle the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) belonging to a certain social group

2) a set of norms and values ​​of the criminal layer of society

3) the invariability of the value orientations of its bearer throughout life

4) connection with traditional national culture

5) addressing the most diverse segments of the population

Write down the circled numbers in ascending order, and then transfer the resulting sequence of numbers to the answer form (without spaces or other symbols).

Answer _____________

At 19 Find the social regulation items in the list below and circle the numbers they appear under.

1) economic

2) legal

3) religious

4) moral

5) biological

Write down the circled numbers in ascending order, and then transfer the resulting sequence of numbers to the answer form (without spaces or other symbols).

Answer _____________

IN 20. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

(1) 2,000 housewives under 45 years of age took part in the sociological survey. (2) They were asked various questions about marriage, divorce and raising children. (3) Every third respondent believed that early marriages often end in divorce. (4) In our opinion, such marriages exacerbate the crisis of family values.

A) factual nature

B) the nature of value judgments

AT 21. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

(1) 1503 boys and girls over 18 years old took part in the study. (2) They were asked various questions about marriage, divorce and raising children. (3) Every second respondent argued that early marriages often end in divorce. (4) In our opinion, such marriages destabilize society and exacerbate the crisis of family values.

Determine which provisions of the text are

actual character

nature of value judgments

Under the position number, write down the letter indicating its nature. Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form.

At 22. Read the text below, which contains a number of missing words.

“The presence of significant psychological _______ (1) between men and women in itself is beyond doubt. However, empirical data on this matter, despite the huge number of _______ (2), are insufficient and often contradictory. Perceptions of gender are significantly influenced by common ________(3). Women, in the minds of men, and often women themselves, must first of all successfully fulfill the role traditionally attributed to them_______(4) of “housewife”, “hearth keeper”, etc. Men should engage in professional work, which guarantees them a high social _________(5) and allows them to ensure the standard and quality of life of their families. In fact, the gender-role division ________ (6) has lost its former rigidity, the relationships between men and women in the family and at work have become, in principle, equal.”

Select from the list below the words that need to be filled in the gaps. The words in the list are given in the nominative singular. Keep in mind that there are more words in the list than you need to select.

Select one word after another, mentally filling in each gap with words.

A) research D) communication G) role

B) difference D) doctrine 3) status

B) labor E) stereotype I) group

Please note that the gaps are numbered. The table below shows the pass numbers. Under each number, write down the letter that corresponds to the word you chose.

At 23. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing,

“In society, norms perform a number of important functions. First, they contribute to social _______ (1) (i.e. maintaining cohesion in society). Secondly, they serve as a kind of ________ (2) behavior, a kind of instructions for individuals performing separate roles and social ________ (3). Thirdly, they contribute to _______ (4)

for deviant behavior. Fourthly, they provide ________ (5) to society. Based on the nature of regulation of social behavior, norms are distinguished - expectations and norms-________ (6) ... Norms belonging to the second group are more stringent. Violation of such norms entails the application of serious _______ (7), for example, criminal or administrative.”

Select from the list of words that need to be inserted in place of the spaces. The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Remembering that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the gaps. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap with words.

A) sanction D) ideal G) rule K) development

B) groups D) control H) management

B) integration E) standard I) stability

Please note that the gaps are numbered. The table below shows the pass numbers. Under each number, write down the letter corresponding to the word you chose.

Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form.

Part 3. Level C assignments.

Read the text and complete the tasks

Family structures are falling apart all over the world. Divorce rates are rising in both the developed and underdeveloped world, as is the number of female-headed households.

Family values ​​are threatened not by government programs that interfere with the formation of families (although there are such programs), or by media programs that denigrate the family (although there are such programs); they are threatened by the economic system itself. This system simply does not allow families to exist in the old way, with the father providing most of the earnings and the mother doing most of the work of raising the children. The middle class family with one breadwinner is no more.

Social relations are not determined by economics - there can be many possibilities at the same time - but whatever these relations are, they must be compatible with economic reality. Traditional family relationships they are not. As a consequence, the family as an institution is in the process of change and is under pressure. The point here is not about “character formation,” but about stubborn economic egoism or, more precisely, an unwillingness to subordinate one’s own interests to the interests of the family. Economic reality has forced us to reconsider the basic issues of family organization.

2. The interaction of what spheres of society’s life does the author reveal using the example of a family? What, in the author's opinion, is the nature of this interaction?

3. Why is the traditional patriarchal family becoming a thing of the past? Based on the source text and using social science knowledge, indicate three reasons.

4. Which type of family is more consistent with the realities of post-industrial society? Drawing on knowledge from the social science course, indicate two of its characteristics.

C2. List any three features that characterize education as a social institution.

C3. Illustrate with three examples the differences in the governance systems of parliamentary and presidential republics.

C4. At a meeting between the Russian government and representatives of trade unions and entrepreneurs, opposing opinions about economic policy were expressed. Trade unions insisted on increasing the share of firms' profits allocated to social needs. Entrepreneurs proposed increasing investment in real production. Offer two arguments to support the position of each group of participants.

From 5. Read the text and complete the tasks for it

Science is usually called a systematic idea of ​​the world, reproducing its essential aspects in an abstract logical form and based on scientific research data.

Science, being a part of culture, is a system of knowledge and a type of spiritual production.

As a type of spiritual production, science includes specific human activities to increase existing knowledge and obtain new knowledge. The result of this activity is a system of scientific knowledge that together forms a scientific picture of the world.

The scientific picture of the world is formed under the influence of two models of the development of scientific knowledge. According to the first model - evolutionary - science is a special type of “social memory of humanity”. According to the second model, revolutionary science periodically experiences a radical change in the prevailing ideas in it.

The term “science” is also used to designate certain branches of scientific knowledge. Initially, branches of science were formed in accordance with those aspects of reality that were involved in the process of cognition. In modern science, new areas of knowledge arise in connection with the advancement of certain theoretical or practical problems. The problematic nature of the development of modern science has led to the emergence of interdisciplinary and complex research conducted through several different disciplines by a special scientific community.

IN modern society science is the most important social institution, deeply penetrating into all spheres of public life. Science turns into a direct productive force of society and becomes a mass activity.

(I.V. Bezborodova, M.B. Bulanova, etc.)

1. Indicate any three of the definitions of science given in the text.

3 Based on your knowledge of the course, indicate any three social problems that are the subject of interdisciplinary research and the sciences that study these problems.

Optional task

Choose one of the statements below and express your thoughts (your point of view, attitude; regarding the problem raised.

When completing the task, you should use the relevant concepts of the social science course and, based on the knowledge acquired in the social science course, as well as the facts of social life and your own life experience, provide the necessary arguments to substantiate your position.

1 “Man is a being who rushes towards the future and is aware that he is projecting himself into the future” (J.P. Sartre).

2 “It is easy to preach morality, but it is difficult to justify it” (A. Schopenhauer).

3 “The lack of a sense of national dignity is as disgusting as the other extreme - nationalism.” (I.N. Shevelev)

4 “People exist for each other” (Marcus Aurelius)

5 “One is born as an individual, one becomes an individual, one defends individuality” (A.G. Asmolov)

6. “The formation of the achieved status is carried out through each individual’s own talent, choice or activity.” (M. Young).

7. “Marginality is the result of a conflict with social norms” (A. Fargeau).

8. “Everyone wants to be the exception to the rule, and there is no exception to this rule” (M. Forbes)

9 “The mass is a multitude of people without special merits.” (H. Ortega y Gaset).

10. Man does what he is and becomes what he does.” (R.Muzil)


Part 1 Level A.



Part 2. Level B.






social statuses

social structure



Part 3. Level C.

C1 Text

The answer indicates the following manifestations of a crisis in family relationships:

Rising number of divorces;

Increase in the number of single-parent families.

2). The answer names the spheres of society:

Social relations;


The nature of their connection is shown: social relations are not determined by the economy, but must be compatible with it.

3). Answer:

The answer may include the following reasons for this phenomenon:

The current economic system in many cases makes it insufficient

to maintain the family's standard of living, the earnings of one father;

The values ​​of personal achievements are strengthened to the detriment of family solidarity,

Women strive to expand the range of their social roles, to go beyond

roles of mother, wife, housewife

(other wording of the answer is allowed without distorting its meaning)

4) Answer:

The answer names the type of family: partnership (democratic).

The following signs can be named:

Joint decision-making that affects the interests of family members;

More equal distribution of family responsibilities.

C2. Answer:

(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)

Features such as the presence of

Role system (student, teacher);

Sets of institutions (institute, school);

Regulatory rules (law on education, university charter);

Important social functions (socialization of youth).

C3. Answer:

The answer may include examples:

In a presidential republic, the president receives powers directly from

voters; in a parliamentary republic, the president is usually elected by the legislature;

In a presidential republic, members of the government are appointed by the president, in a parliamentary republic - by the leader of the party of the parliamentary majority;

In presidential republics, the president is free to choose candidates for government posts; in parliamentary republics, only deputies of the party with the majority of seats in the legislative assembly receive appointments to the government.

(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)

C4. Answer:

The answer may include the following arguments in support of the trade unions' opinion:

1) it is necessary to increase the level of income of the population to solve the problems of fighting poverty;

2) growth in consumer demand will contribute to increased production volumes;

3) social assistance to low-income groups of the population is the most important function

states in a market economy.

The answer may include the following arguments to support the opinion of entrepreneurs:

1) the possibility of updating equipment and introducing new technologies;

2) the possibility of improving the production structure;

3) support for domestic manufacturers;

4) increasing the standard of living of the population is possible only on the basis of economic growth.

Other, valid arguments can also be given.

(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)

From 5. Text: Science is usually called...

1) The following definitions of science can be given:

1) “a theoretical, systematized idea of ​​the world...”

2) “system of knowledge and type of spiritual production”;

3) “specific human activity to increase existing knowledge and obtain new knowledge.”

4) “certain branches of scientific knowledge”

2). The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) a statement of the essence of changes in the system of sciences: from a clear sectoral structure to a complex, interdisciplinary one;

2) indication of the reason: transition to a problem-based approach in choosing the subject of research

3) The following problems may be indicated, for example:

The problem of the social essence of man (studies psychology, sociology, social anthropology, philosophy, pedagogy, etc.)

The process of socialization of the individual (studies pedagogy, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, political science, jurisprudence, etc.)

Environmental problems (study biology, geography, social anthropology, economics, political science, etc.).

Other problems may be indicated.

4) For example, the following examples can be given:

1) dynamically developing science requires an influx of qualified personnel, i.e. The education sector is actively developing;

2) changes in social realities in connection with the achievements of science, incl. application of cybernetic models;

3) there is a change in the economic structure of society, incl. employment structures.

Other examples may be given.

4. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

Determine which provisions of the text are:

A) factual nature

B) the nature of value judgments.

5. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

Determine which provisions of the text are:

A) factual nature

B) the nature of value judgments.

7. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

The words in the list are given in the nominative case, singular. Each word (phrase) can be used only once. Choose one word after another sequentially. Mentally filling in each gap with words. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

(L. Turow)

9. Read the text and complete tasks 1 – 4.


1. Find the characteristics of a patriarchal (traditional) family in the list below. Write down the numbers in ascending order as your answer.

1) cohabitation of several generations

2) decision-making by all family members

3) economic independence of women

4) organization of everyday life as the main economic function

5) strict division of male and female responsibilities

6) joint production activities.

Answer: _________________________________________

2. Find the manifestations of the economic function of the family in the list below and write down the numbers in ascending order in your answer.

1) teaching children labor skills

2) material support for loved ones

3) distribution of household labor

4) granting hereditary status

5) organization of leisure time

6) family entrepreneurship.

Answer: _______________________________________________

3. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

(1) The study involved 1,720 young people over 18 years of age. (2) They were asked various questions about marriage, divorce and raising children. (3) Every second respondent stated that early marriages often end in divorce. (4) In our opinion, such marriages destabilize society and exacerbate the crisis of family values.

Determine which provisions of the text are:

A) factual nature

B) the nature of value judgments.

4. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

(1) Estimated resident population Russian Federation as of April 1, 2005 amounted to 143.3 million people and since the beginning of the year decreased by 224.2 thousand people. (2) In the first quarter of 2005 in Russia there was a decrease in the number of births and an increase in the number of deaths. (3) According to sociologists, the trend towards population decline will remain unchanged in the coming years. (4) However, a number of experts believe that as a result of the implementation of a well-thought-out demographic policy, the unfavorable situation can be corrected within three to four years.

Determine which provisions of the text are:

A) factual nature

B) the nature of value judgments.

5. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

(1) 2000 housewives under 45 years old took part in the sociological survey. (2) They were asked various questions about marriage, divorce and raising children. (3) Every third respondent believed that early marriages often end in divorce. (4) In our opinion, such marriages exacerbate the crisis of family values.

Determine which provisions of the text are:

A) factual nature

B) the nature of value judgments.

6. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

“A family is a small _______________(2) based on _____________(1) and/or consanguinity, the members of which are united by living together and running a household, an emotional connection, and mutual ______________(3) in relation to each other. Also called a family is a social __________(4), i.e. a stable form of relationships between people, within the framework of which the main part of their Everyday life: sexual relations, childbirth and primary ___________(5), a significant part of household care, educational and health care, especially in relation to children and the elderly. These relations are regulated on the basis certain standards and __________(6).”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case, singular. Each word (phrase) can be used only once. Choose one word after another sequentially. Mentally filling in each gap with words. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

A) value B) marriage C) socialization D) team

D) duty E) institute G) parent H) group

7. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

“The presence of significant psychological ___________(1) between men and women in itself does not raise any doubts. However, empirical data on this matter, despite the huge number of _____________(2), is insufficient and often contradictory. Perceptions of gender are significantly influenced by common ______________(3). Women, in the minds of men, and often women themselves, must first of all successfully perform the traditionally assigned _________ (4) “housewife”, “hearth keeper”, etc. Men should engage in professional work, which guarantees them a high social _________________(5) and allows us to ensure the level and quality of life of these families. In fact, the gender-role division _____________(6) has lost its former rigidity, the relationships between men and women in the family and at work have become, in principle, equal.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case, singular. Each word (phrase) can be used only once. Choose one word after another sequentially. Mentally filling in each gap with words. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

A) research B) difference C) labor D) communication

E) teaching E) stereotype G) role H) status

8. Read the text and complete tasks 1 – 4.

Family structures are falling apart all over the world. Divorce rates are rising in both the developed and underdeveloped world, as is the number of female-headed households.

Family values ​​are threatened not by government programs that interfere with the formation of families (although there are such programs) or by media programs that denigrate the family (although there are such programs); they are threatened by the economic system itself. This system simply does not allow families to exist in the old way, with the father providing most of the earnings and the mother doing most of the work of raising the children. The middle class family with one breadwinner is no more.

Social relations are not determined by economics - there can be many opportunities at the same time - but whatever these relations are, they must be compatible with economic activity. Traditional family relationships are not like that. As a consequence, the family as an institution is in the process of change and is under pressure. The point here is not about “character formation,” but about stubborn economic egoism or, more precisely, an unwillingness to subordinate one’s own interests to the interests of the family. Economic reality has forced us to reconsider the basic issues of family organization.

(L. Turow)

2. The interaction of which spheres of society’s life does the author reveal using the example of a family? What, in the author's opinion, is the nature of this interaction?

3. Why is the traditional patriarchal family becoming a thing of the past? Based on the source text and using social science knowledge, indicate three reasons.

4. Which type of family is more consistent with the realities of post-industrial society? Drawing on knowledge from the social science course, indicate two of its characteristics.

9. Read the text and complete tasks 1 – 4.

“Increased labor migration is introducing new aspects into international relations. The English nation more or less successfully assimilated the influx of refugees from Europe during the Second World War, among whom were Jews, anti-fascist Germans, Poles, etc. But currently in England there are many Indian and West Indian immigrants, people with dark skin who find themselves in an environment of racial prejudice and become a new discriminated minority. In Germany there are many migrant workers from Italy, Turkey, and Yugoslavia. On the one hand, these migrations lead to discrimination and interethnic hostility. On the other hand, in the process of overcoming disunity and prejudices, a more internationalistic, broad mutual understanding is forged, the features of international solidarity are expanded, the isolation of national borders in the field of national stereotypes and autostereotypes (i.e., current, established cliches about the qualities of ourselves and other peoples) is undermined.”

1. What problems does the text talk about? Name what area of ​​public life the problems raised by the author relate to.

2. Name two modern trends that exist in the field of national relations.

3. Based on the text and knowledge of the social science course, give two examples of each of the trends in the field of national relations in modern society.

4. Based on the text and knowledge of the social science course, explain the reasons for the existence of racial and national prejudices. Give any three reasons.

10. Sociologists distinguish between patriarchal (traditional) and partner (democratic) family types. List three criteria by which these types of families can be compared. Use an example to specify one of the criteria.

11. In ancient times, the family initially concentrated all the basic functions of ensuring human life. Gradually it began to share its functions with other institutions of society. List three such functions. Name the social institutions that began to implement them.

12. “Domostroy” (XVI century) contains next order: “The wives of their husbands ask about all manners... And whatever the husband punishes, accept with love and listen to with fear, and do according to his punishment.”

What type of family are we talking about in this fragment? Indicate the sign by which you determined this. Name any two other characteristics of this type of family.

13. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Family in modern society.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

14. Choose one of the statements below, reveal its meaning, indicating, if necessary, different aspects of the problem posed by the author (the topic raised). When expressing your thoughts on various aspects of the problem raised (the designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use the knowledge gained from studying the social studies course, relevant concepts, as well as facts of social life, your own life experience.

1) “Children are our main natural resource” (G. Hoover).

2) “Growing up in a really healthy family is the real luck of the luck” (R. Skinner).

3) “Marriage is the first stage of human society” (Cicero).

4) “The family is the basis of communities, a cell of their body. All the shrines that distinguish man from ants and bees are associated with her.” (G.K. Chesterton).

5) “Nationalism is not love for one’s own nation, but hatred of another’s.” (I.N. Shevelev).

6) “My patriotism is not limited to one nation; it is all-embracing, and I am ready to renounce such patriotism, which builds the well-being of one nation on the exploitation of others” (Mahatma Gandhi).

1) teaching children labor skills

2)material support for loved ones

3) distribution of household labor

4) granting hereditary status

5)organization of leisure

6) family entrepreneurship

Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

“The presence of significant psychological __________ (1) between men and women in itself is beyond doubt. However, empirical data on this matter, despite the huge number of __________ (2), is insufficient and often contradictory. Perceptions of gender are significantly influenced by common __________ (3), which portray men as active, aggressive and effective, and women as passive, dependent and emotional. Women, in the minds of men, and often women themselves, must first of all successfully perform the traditionally assigned __________ (4) “housewife”, “hearth keeper”, etc. Men should engage in professional work, which guarantees them a high social __________ (5) and allows them to ensure the level and quality of life of their families. In fact, the sex-role division __________ (6) has lost its former rigidity, the number of exclusively male and exclusively female occupations has sharply decreased, and the relationships between men and women in the family and at work have become, in principle, equal. Co-educational and general work activity men and women, to a certain extent, also neutralizes the traditional differences in their norms of behavior and psychology.”

Select from the list below the words that need to be filled in the gaps. The words in the list are given in the nominative singular. Keep in mind that there are more words in the list than you need to select.

A) research G) role

B) difference H) status

B) labor I) group

D) communication

D) teaching

E) stereotype

The Levada Center, which studies public opinion in the Russian Federation, conducted a sociological survey on the topic: “Which of the following opinions about strikes is closest to you?” (2004 survey, 1600 people). The results obtained are reflected in the diagram.

What conclusion can be drawn based on the data in the diagram?

1) More than half of those surveyed justify the strike as a last resort.

2) 1/5 of respondents think that a strike is a normal means of solving problems.

3) Every third respondent believes that nothing can be achieved by strikes.

4) Every twentieth person surveyed believes that strikes are unacceptable in our country.

Based on social science knowledge and personal experience Model a specific situation that illustrates positive deviant behavior. Give three examples of formal positive sanctions that are possible in this case.

1. Production of consumer goods

2. Consumption of garden-grown vegetables

3. Home performance of Russian romance

4. Adoption of the law on political parties

5. Organization of a referendum on confidence in the president

6. Writing an adventure novel

Match between social fact and the public sphere life to which this fact applies: for each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.

Establish a correspondence between the spheres of society’s life and their components: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Establish a correspondence between the subsystems of society and social situations: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the word missing in the diagram:

Society as a global value (1) is structurally represented by the interconnection and interaction of four (2): economic, political, social and spiritual. Social (3) is the most important system-forming institution of society. It is in the most full form presented in the material sphere, although not reducible to it. Like material production, spiritual production is purposeful. It satisfies certain (4). The product and content of spiritual production is (5). (6) permeates all spheres of human activity. It is in this area that the subject’s ability to be a subject of activity develops.

Presentation prepared by:
Mustafina G.R., history teacher and
social studies
MBOU Urazov Lyceum
MR Uchalinsky district of the Republic of Belarus.

Assignments for the block “ECONOMY”

Working with features of key social science concepts.

1. Find manifestations of extensiveness in the list below

1) technical innovations in the production process
2) increase in the number of workers involved in production
3) transition to new technologies
4) saving of raw materials and materials
5) increasing the qualifications of workers
6) expansion of production facilities
Answer: 26

2. Find manifestations of intense
economic growth. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) implementation of rationalization proposals
2) use of new technologies
3) expansion of production capacity
4) attracting professional specialists
5) involvement in production of new sources of raw materials
6) increase in working hours
Answer: 124

3. Find consumable items in the list below
state budget. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) tax revenues
2) payments from individuals and legal entities
3) repayment of external debt
4) financing of targeted programs
5) income from state property
6) maintenance of law enforcement agencies
Answer: 346

4. Find signs of a market in the list below
economic system and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) directive pricing
2) freedom of consumer choice
3) economic independence of business entities
4) central planning
5) low level social mobility
6) private property
Answer: 236

5. Find the powers of the Central Bank in the list below
and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) provide support to all other banks
2) control the activities of commercial banks
3) serve enterprises and organizations
4) serve the financial activities of the state
5) serve the population
6) issue banknotes that are national currency
Answer: 1246

Characteristics of social objects based on simulated life situations


1. The mobile market in area Z is divided between five
largest corporations. Other manufacturers on the market are not
presented. Select from the list of characteristics below
of this market and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
regional market
perfect competition
services market
goods market
Answer: 145


2. State Z is experiencing an economic boom. Industry in
Its development is ahead of agriculture. Established by law
the dominance of private property. What signs are characteristic of
of this economic system? Write down the numbers under which they
1) centralized production planning
2) limited government intervention in activities
economic entities
3) distribution of material resources by the government
4) variety of forms of ownership of the means of production
5) freedom of enterprise
6) market pricing
Answer: 2456


3. The state performs a number of functions in economic life
society. Select from the list below examples of legal
regulation of economic activity. Write down the numbers below
by which they are indicated.
creation of science cities and technology parks
provision of government contracts to a number of enterprises
adoption of legislation on banking activities
introduction of fines for violation of antimonopoly legislation
payment of old age pensions
government funding of medical institutions
Answer: 34


4. The state performs a number of functions in the economic life of society.
Select from the list below examples of social security
protection and social guarantee. Write down the numbers under which they
1) issuing licenses to financial organizations
2) establishing a minimum wage
3) payment of unemployment benefits
4) providing assistance to the poor
5) creation of open economic zones
6) implementation of anti-inflationary policy
Answer: 234


5. Cafe “Svetlyachok” specializes in organizing children’s
holidays. Select its constants from the list below
costs. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) payment for rent of premises
2) cost of consumed electricity
3) interest on a loan received from a bank
4) wages of waiters invited for service
5) the cost of food for festive tables
6) the amount of insurance premiums for insurance of the company’s property
Answer: 136

15. Identification of structural elements of social science knowledge.


1. Write down the word missing in the table.
Income on loan capital coming from
borrowers for using other people's money
Cash reward for work


2. Write down the word missing in the table.
Reward for entrepreneurial efforts,
entrepreneurial ability fee
Income received from the use of land as
factor of production


3. Write down the word missing in the table.
Creeping inflation
Inflation, at which the rate of increase in prices for
goods and services do not exceed 10-15% per year
Inflation with a very high rate of price growth,
usually more than 50% per month (within a year
- 130 times)


4. Write down the word missing in the table.
company profit and
depreciation deductions
Bank loans, funds
budgets of different levels, funds
off-budget funds, funds


5. Write down the word missing in the table.
Growth is achieved through quantitative
increasing resource
Growth is achieved through development and
mastering modern achievements
science and technology

21. Selection of a generalizing concept.


1. Find a concept that is general for everyone

under which it is indicated.
1) buildings; 2) structures; 3) equipment; 4) capital;
5) transport; 6) materials.
Answer: 4


2. Find a concept that is general for everyone
of the remaining concepts in the series below, and write down the number
under which it is indicated.
1) land; 2) forests; 3) river water resources; 4) deposits
mineral; 5) water resources of the seas and oceans.
Answer: 1


3. Find a concept that is general for everyone
of the remaining concepts in the series below, and write down the number
under which it is indicated.
1) labor resources; 2) natural resources; 3) means
production; 4) entrepreneurial abilities; 5) factors
Answer: 5


4. Find a concept that is general for everyone
of the remaining concepts in the series below, and write down the number
under which it is indicated.
1) salary; 2) owner’s income; 3) rent;
4) percentage; 5) profit.
Answer: 2


5. Find a concept that is general for everyone
of the remaining concepts in the series below, and write down the number
under which it is indicated.
1) preferred shares; 2) bonds; 3) securities;
4) bills of exchange; 5) ordinary shares.
Answer: 3

27. Definition of an extra concept in a series of homogeneous information.


1. Below are a number of definitions. All of them, with the exception of two,
are types of unemployment.
1) structural; 2) seasonal; 3) cyclic; 4) galloping;
5) creeping; 6) friction.
Find two definitions that “fall out” from the general series, and
Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.
Answer: 45


2. Below are a number of provisions. All of them, with the exception of two,
are forms of savings.
1) opening a savings account in a bank;
2) purchase of securities;
3) acquisition of real estate;
4) distribution;
5) consumption;
6) insurance.

Answer: 45


3. Below are a number of provisions. All of them, with the exception of two,
are the actions of a rational consumer.
1) the desire to reduce production costs; 2) awareness
need for purchase; 3) searching for information about a product or
service; 4) assessment possible options purchases; 5) increase
volumes of products produced; 6) making a purchase decision.
Find two positions that “fall out” from the general series and write down
in the table the numbers under which they are indicated.
Answer: 15


4. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two,
are positive qualities in the context of economic
personality culture.
1) entrepreneurship; 2) responsibility; 3) stinginess,
4) innovation; 5) wastefulness; 6) frugality.

Answer: 35


5. Below are a number of definitions. All of them, with the exception of two,
are forms of state regulation of economic
activities in a market economy.
1) market; 2) administrative; 3) selective;
4) organizational; 5) economic; 6) legislative.
Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write them down
table of numbers under which they are indicated.
Answer: 13

33. Establishing correspondence between two series of social information.


1. Establish a correspondence between a factor of production and
factor income for each item given in the first column,
select the appropriate position from the second column.
entrepreneurial skills
1) rent
2) salary
3) profit


2. Establish a correspondence between taxes and their types: for each
position given in the first column, select the corresponding
position from the second column.
personal income tax
income tax
value added tax
sales tax
property tax
Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding
Answer: 11221


3. Establish a correspondence between characteristics and types
unemployment: for each item given in the first column, match

A) arises in connection with a change of residence
B) disappears or decreases during the economic period
B) occurs during an economic downturn
D) arises in connection with the search better conditions labor and its
D) arises in connection with dismissal
Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding
Answer: 12211


4. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and the type of costs: to
For each position given in the first column, select the corresponding
position from the second column.
A) in the short term do not depend on
how much product does the company produce?
B) represent fixed costs
firm's factors of production
C) are determined by the enterprise independently
D) depend on the firm's output
D) represent the costs of variables.
firm's factors of production
1) constant
2) variables

Answer: 11122


5. Establish a correspondence between the example and the type of costs: to
for each position given in the first column, select
the corresponding position from the second column.
payment of interest on bank loans
raw material costs
material costs
electricity costs
1) constant
2) variables
Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding
Answer: 21222

39. Differentiation in social information of facts, value judgments and theoretical statements.


5.1. Read the text below, each clause of which

(A) Government tax reforms in country Z carried out in
the last two years have been extremely unpopular. (B) One of these reforms
concerned small businesses. (B) Small business is a business carried out in
small forms, based on the entrepreneurial activities of private
entrepreneurs, small firms. (D) As a result of the efforts of various
political forces adopted a law to reduce insurance premiums from small
business. (E) The law provides for a differentiated approach to their

1) factual nature

Answer: 21311


5. 1. Read the text below, each position of which
indicated by a specific letter.
(A) The Ministry of Economic Development of Country Z has decided to
exemption from taxes for two years for entrepreneurs registering for the first time
your own business. (B) The date for entry into force of this decision has been established: after
six months. (B) This decision is correct and timely. (D) Potential
Entrepreneurs still have time to start their own business. (D) One of
functions of taxation - stimulation of economic activity.
Determine which text provisions have
1) factual nature
2) the nature of value judgments
3) the nature of theoretical statements
Answer: 11213


5.3. Read the text below, each clause of which
indicated by a specific letter.
(A) The first companies in the beauty industry appeared in country Z.
twenty years ago. (B) However, technologies of creation, discovery and development
Beauty salons and clinics are still not well lit.
(B) Translation of foreign collections for entrepreneurs and
stakeholders leaves much to be desired. (D) Industry market
beauty is one of the markets in the field of goods and services. (D) Its development is close
associated with the training of qualified entrepreneurs in this
Determine which text provisions have
1) factual nature
2) the nature of value judgments
3) the nature of theoretical statements
Answer: 12232


5.4. Read the text below, each clause of which
indicated by a specific letter.
(A) In the modern business environment, conversations are becoming especially popular
about the image and business reputation of companies. (B) Corporate image and
reputation has become both a subject of study and a type of management
activities. (B) Positive image and stable business reputation
- factors of company success in business. (D) However, the owners and
CEOs of companies for the most part are still not sufficiently aware
the value of business reputation. (D) Taking care of her is the main task of business.
Determine which text provisions have
1) factual nature
2) the nature of value judgments
3) the nature of theoretical statements
Answer: 21322


5.5. Read the text below, each clause of which
indicated by a specific letter.
company communications is currently very relevant. (B) Successful
promotions are determined by a unique creative concept and high
management level. (B) Obtain a qualification in marketing and
management is possible through distance courses. (D) Preparation according to the program
"Master of Business Administration" is designed for two years. (D)
Personnel qualifications are a factor in intensive economic growth.
Determine which text provisions have
1) factual nature
2) the nature of value judgments
3) the nature of theoretical statements
Answer: 22113

45. Definition of terms and concepts appropriate to the proposed context.

Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.
Select from the list of words you want to insert into the
place of passes.
The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Every word can be
used only once.
Select one word after another, mentally filling in
every pass. Please note that there are more words in the list than
You will need to fill in the blanks.


“Competition leads to a constant increase in efficiency _______(A). She forces
manufacturers to avoid losses and reduce ______(B) in order to sell goods at
lower than others, ______(B). It displaces from ______(G) those whose costs
are high, leaving only low-cost producers on it.
Competition occurs when there is an opportunity to choose among producers
goods when there is freedom for new ________(D) to appear on the market. In competition
large and small ______(E) can participate.”
List of terms:
Answer: 526871
1) company
4) consumption
7) seller
2) costs
5) production
8) market
3) resources
6) price
9) buyer


5.2. “High taxes _______(A), taking away from people a significant part of their ______(B),
thereby depriving them of an incentive to work and use resources productively.
They discourage you from working hard and reduce productivity.
______(IN). The one who does not have ________ (D) to keep most of what he earns,
loses _______(D) earn a lot. People leave work, take long periods
vacations, refuse overtime work, retire earlier, become
more selective when applying for a job, and all this reduces _________ (E)
labor and causes a decline in production in the country.”
List of terms:
Answer: 354698
1) taxes
4) labor
7) ability
2) receipts
5) income
8) offer
3) rates
6) opportunity
9) desire


“Products that are expensive to produce in one country may
be produced with low _______(A) in other countries. Residents of each country
benefit from ________(B) in the production of goods that benefit them
produce. As a result of international _________(B) total
production increases. At the same time, _______(D) within the country may
buy cheap goods from large foreign ________(D). Competition on
domestic markets allows you to buy a wide variety of goods from all over
peace according to reasonable ____________ (E).”
List of terms:
Answer: 912785
1) specialization
4) program
7) consumers
2) trade
3) resources
5) price
6) taxes
8) producers 9) costs


“If ____________(A) of a state exceeds its income, there arises
________(B), for the financing of which the state, as
as a rule,
are ___________(B).
Taxpayers will have to pay higher taxes on
payment __________(D) on the national debt. However, a significant part
payments will be received by the residents of the country themselves, since most of it is
industrially developed countries goes to the needs of __________ (D) - subsidies and
other goals directly beneficial to group interests. In addition, budget
shortages almost inevitably reduce the stock of ______(E) (tools, machines,
structures), remaining as a legacy for future generations.”
List of terms: 1) distribution
2) redistribution
3) budget deficit 4) public debt
5) capital
6) consumption
7) interest
8) rent
9) factor income
Answer: 634725


5.5. “In modern economic __________ (A) the role of taxes is extremely large. They
are not only the main channel of the revenue side ______(B), but are also included in all main
links of the financial system, form and mediate the main financial relations in
society. From the thoughtfulness and adequacy of the tax system to the existing economic
conditions, economic principles of the country’s national economy depend on ______(B)
activities of the main parts of the economy, development of entrepreneurial initiative and
meeting the basic needs of the state. The significant role of taxes and the tax system
also determines that these are one of the few real levers _________(D) economic and
social processes that the state has in a market economy. Paying taxes
is _________(D) and does not provide any grounds for the taxpayer to assert rights
for counter-fulfillment of obligations by the state. Does not change the essence of taxation
relations and the fact that the amounts paid to the budget in the form of taxes ultimately
returned ______(E) in one form or another (mostly “intangible”), although this
creates the appearance of reimbursable taxes.”
List of terms:
1) efficiency
2) income
3) budget
4) taxpayers
5) state
6) system
7) right
8) duty
9) regulation
Answer: 631984


52. Literature used:

Unified State Exam 2016. Workshop on social studies: Assignments with short answer/
E.S. Korolkova, E.L. Rutkovskaya. – M.: Publishing house “Exam”, 2016.