Everything about funded pension. NPF: which one to choose? Rating, reviews How to transfer the funded part of a pension to

Russians still have many options when choosing a non-state pension fund. But this must be done consciously and responsibly

Photo: Fotolia/Photobank

November and December are traditionally the most active months, when Russians rush to choose a pension fund to which they can entrust their savings. This year, about 4.7 million people have already applied for pension transfers. But how not to make a mistake when choosing a fund? What should you pay attention to?

The “silent people” are no longer silent

VEB’s assets now amount to about 1.8 trillion rubles pension savings, against 2.4 trillion rubles that have accumulated in the accounts of non-state pension funds. Judging by the speed with which citizens are fleeing the state, the pension piggy bank of the state management company will continue to “thinner.” This year, more than 2.6 million “silent people” have already decided to withdraw their money from VEB.

Future pensioners are not stopped either by the risks of changing the state management company to private funds, or by the loss of profitability. 99% of transfers from VEB to NPFs were ahead of schedule. Last year, due to early transfers, they lost about 27 billion rubles, Nikolai Tsekhomsky, First Deputy Chairman of Vnesheconombank, said in August. In total, citizens took over 240 billion rubles of pension savings from VEB.

But are Russians so wrong when they decide to change the manager of their pension, despite the risks of losing earned income? Market participants attribute the increase in transfers to private non-state pension funds to the activity of intermediary agents, but there are other reasons. In particular, any person who is even more or less knowledgeable about the pension system knows that, unlike pensions from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, savings in a non-state pension fund can be inherited. It is clear that many people prefer, if something happens, to transfer money to relatives rather than donate it to the state.

Another reason: after the Ministry of Finance announced a new concept of the pension system (the system of individual pension capital. Not yet approved), in which citizens must make contributions to their future pension on their own, the question arose of what will happen to the money of the “silent people”. The idea of ​​transforming them into pension points clearly did not find support among the population. After all, what are PFR points and how does it depend on them? actual size future pension, no expert will undertake to explain. In addition, new contributions within the framework of the individual pension capital system, according to the authors of the program, should go to a fund that already contains the savings of a particular citizen. Contributions from those who did not choose a non-state pension fund will go to a randomly selected fund.

It turns out that, in fact, citizens have very little time left to decide on the choice of a non-state pension fund to which to transfer their savings and to which deductions from the individual industrial complex will be received. According to the plan of the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank, the new pension system should start working in 2019. True, whether they will have time to pass the necessary law in time is a big question.

In any case, you need to decide what to do with your future pension as soon as possible.

Selection criteria: profitability and large shareholder are more important than geography and personal connections

To help make right choice, Banki.ru decided to interview those who professionally manage pension money - NPFs and management companies. Market participants were asked to prioritize the following fund selection criteria:

- return on investment;

- size of the fund's assets;

- presence of a major shareholder;

- financial indicators: profit, etc.;

- subjective assessment of the fund’s reliability;

- availability of additional services;

- bonuses from the agent;

- presence/absence of negative information about the fund in the media;

- personal acquaintance with the fund’s management;

- geographical proximity to the place of residence;

- possible loss of investment income.

Market participants also had the opportunity to enter their own criterion, which is not on the list, but for some reason they consider it important. A total of 20 largest pension funds and management companies were surveyed.

And this is what happened. Among the most important criteria that must be taken into account when choosing a fund, more than half of the experts surveyed indicated the return on investment, the possible loss of investment income and the presence of a large shareholder. The last criterion, according to many market participants, is evidence of the fund's reliability.

According to the General Director of NPF VTB Larisa Gorchakovskaya, “if the shareholder is, for example, a large National Bank, this will be an additional guarantee of reliability.” In addition, she points out, the future pensioner needs to clearly understand where and how the fund accepts documents for the payment of pensions. So that later, to apply for a pension, you don’t have to travel across the country to the only office of the selected fund.

The profitability shown by the selected NPF, as noted by the majority of market participants we surveyed, must be looked at over a fairly long horizon - at least several years. General Director of NPF Lukoil-Garant Denis Rudomanenko says that, given the duration of the formation process funded pension, clients should definitely look at the accumulated profitability. Find out what results your fund shows during the optimal period for evaluation - at least 8-10 years. "Returns over one or two years are not indicative of the performance of the fund managing your pension," he says.

Profitability of the pension savings portfolio of the largest funds in 2016*

Return on investment, %

Number of clients

Pension savings (thousand rubles, market value)


"Gazfond Pension Savings"

"KIT Finance"


NPF Sberbank


"NPF Elektroenergetiki"




* The ranking includes funds with more than 1 million insured persons.

Select an option pension provision

Until December 31, 2015, citizens born in 1967 and younger must choose a pension option for themselves - leave only insurance part pension and abandon the funded one, or keep both parts of your future pension.

Retirement Options

Insurance part is the basic form of state pension provision. The pension is guaranteed, but its size depends on the situation in the country at the beginning of payments, first of all, on the ratio of the number of working citizens and pensioners and on the situation with the state budget.

Cumulative part- these are funds for mandatory pension savings, which are managed by professional market participants in the interests of the future pensioner.

Combination of savings and insurance parts allows you to create the most reliable pension option. Such a “combined” pension consists of at least two elements - budgetary and market, which helps protect potential payments from risks of various natures.

Components of the future pension of Russians



How is it formed

In monetary terms

In points, the value of which may vary depending on the number of working citizens and pensioners

Where does it come from?

As a result of investment of pension funds by professional managers

From contributions active at the time of payment of employees

What is

Funds recorded in the pensioner’s individual account in rubles

State obligation to distribute funds to future employees

How is it indexed?

Depends on portfolio profitability

Taking into account the current demographic and economic situation. In 2016, by government decision insurance pension will be indexed by 4%, while for 2015 inflation, according to preliminary estimates, will be 12%

Right of inheritance

You can inherit before a pension is assigned

Not inherited under any circumstances

Options for placing the funded part of the pension

How to place your funds?

Features of calculating pension savings funds,

subject to transfer upon applications for early transfer

according to applications submitted by insured persons in 2016

Both the Pension Fund of Russia and the non-state pension fund, which is part of the system of guaranteeing the rights of insured persons in the compulsory pension insurance system, can invest pension savings.

The Pension Fund invests pension savings through the state management company Vnesheconombank and private management companies, one of which a citizen can choose independently.

A change of insurer occurs only when moving from the Russian Pension Fund to a non-state pension fund, from one non-state pension fund to another, as well as from a non-state pension fund to the Russian Pension Fund. When transferring pension savings from one management company to another, there is no change of insurer - the Pension Fund of Russia remains the insurer.

You can exercise the right to change insurers annually. However, investment income is retained only if funds are transferred no more often than once every five years.

You can also change the insurer by early transfer, however, in the event of a negative investment result, this may result in a reduction in pension savings (nominal value of insurance premiums) by the amount of the investment loss. The exception is for insured persons who have submitted an application for early transfer to the year of five-year fixation of pension savings by the current insurer.

Loss of a citizen's pension savings when filing an application for early transfer in 2016

Since what year

you form

pension savings

with your current insurer?

Positive result


Negative result


From 2011 and earlier

Loss of investment income

for 2016

Loss of pension savings equal to the investment loss for 2016

Since 2012

No loss of pension savings

Between 2013 and 2015

Loss of investment income

for 2015-2016

Loss of pension savings in the amount of loss from investment for


Since 2016

Loss of investment income

for 2016

Loss of pension savings

by the amount of loss from investment for 2016

Required documents for application

Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS) Identity document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) Application for choosing a management company


Both the insurance and funded parts of the pension are formed from insurance contributions charged by the employer for its employees.

At the same time, contributions to the insurance part are recorded on an individual personal account with the Pension Fund in the form pension rights, guaranteed by the state, are regularly indexed by the state. But the money itself goes to pay pensions to current pensioners.

Contributions to the funded part of a pension live a different, more complex financial life. These are real funds that can be transferred to the management of a company; this company will invest in investment projects and thereby increase the amount over time. Instead of a management company, you can choose a non-state pension fund that works with several management companies, monitors the status of a citizen’s account, and reduces the risk of losses.


All pension savings of citizens generated at this moment will continue to be invested and paid in full, taking into account investment income, when citizens receive the right to retire and apply for it. The changes will affect future deductions. We are talking only about the redistribution of contributions in favor of the insurance part.


If we talk about the advantages of choosing 0 or 6 percent, then it is necessary to clarify:

The insurance part of the pension is more conservative, more guaranteed by the state, since the funds of the insurance part of the pension are annually indexed depending on the level of inflation and taking into account the growth index of the Pension Fund's income per pensioner.

The funded part is more flexible, but less protected by the state. The accumulative part of the pension is credited with investment income, which is received as a result of placing your funds in non-state pension funds or management companies. The 6% tariff is more interesting for insured persons who want to participate in the formation of their pension savings.

There is another advantage in the savings part: these funds can be inherited. In the solidary system, where there are insurance premiums, they are not inherited.

Everyone must decide for themselves what the rate of insurance contributions for the formation of the funded part of a future pension will be. If you don’t want to think about the fate of your pension savings, don’t do anything. Then, starting from the new year, all 16% will go to the insurance portion, and this money will be managed by the state. If you want to manage part of your pension money yourself, if you are sure that you can do it better, write an application to the Russian Pension Fund or a non-state pension fund to which you are willing to entrust your savings.

If you have never submitted an application to choose a management company or to transfer to a non-state pension fund, then in order to maintain the 6 percent tariff, you should submit an application to choose a management company or a non-state pension fund. At the same time, as before, when transferring pension savings to a non-state pension fund, you need to conclude an appropriate agreement on compulsory pension insurance with the selected NPF.

For those who in previous years submitted an application at least once to choose a management company or to transfer to a non-state pension fund, and it was granted, from 2014, 6% of the tariff will continue to be transferred to the funded part of the pension.


In the event of bankruptcy of non-state pension funds, they are obliged to transfer all existing pension savings and customer registers back to Pension Fund within a month. If there are no funds and NPF are not included in the guarantee system - the Bank of Russia reimburses the money for them, but only at the nominal value of insurance premiums (without investment income).


Before signing any papers, it would be good to find out who actually came to you and what kind of documents they are asking you to sign. If a person came to your house without warning and introduced himself as an employee of the Pension Fund, ask him to show his official ID and you will find out that this is a representative non-state pension fund.

If you nevertheless signed the document and only then read it, then accordingly you will look for your pension savings in the non-state pension fund with which you signed the agreement without looking.

I would like to remind you once again that employees of the State Pension Fund do not go door to door, do not conduct any reconciliations or campaigns, and do not sign any documents.


It is generally wrong to talk about freezing pensions. The point is that during 2016 the entire amount of insurance contributions goes to the formation of an insurance pension, and the funded pension is not funded. This procedure for the formation of future pensions has been extended to the next year 2017. At the same time, all pension savings that had already been formed at the end of 2013 do not disappear or disappear anywhere. They are invested and will be paid to citizens when they reach retirement age.


You can find out where your pension savings are located through the personal account of the insured person on the Pension Fund website. In addition, you can obtain such information by personally contacting the client service of the Pension Fund management at your place of residence.


As explained by Natalya Karnozhitskaya, head of the department for organizing and accounting for the investment process of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation branch in the Belgorod region, starting from 2008, the legal successors of a deceased insured person have the right to receive his pension savings.

According to the “Rules for the payment of pension savings by the Pension Fund to the legal successors of deceased insured persons,” there are 2 ways to receive them:

Through the post office;

By transferring funds to a bank account.

When the successor chooses the method of receiving funds through Russian Post, from the amounts to be paid, deductions will be made against the postal fee for making a postal transfer (at established rates). The amount of this deduction is 2% of the payment amount.

If the payment method is chosen “by transferring funds to a bank account,” then the assignee must submit to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, along with all documents, a copy of the savings book or information about the existence of an account with bank details. When paid through a credit institution, pension savings are paid to the successor in full (without deduction of delivery costs).

I note that before the expiration of 6 months from the date of death of the insured person, legal successors have the right to change the method of receiving pension savings. To do this, you need to submit an application to the territorial office of the Pension Fund.

The pension reform has made us think about how to save for retirement. I found out that in addition to non-state pension funds, you can transfer your funded pension to a private management company. Part of this has already been written, has anything changed over the past three years?

A number of questions also arose:

  1. Is it possible to withdraw money from the Pension Fund now or is it too late? Where is it better to invest if you don’t want to leave money in the Pension Fund: in a non-state pension fund or in a management company? How to choose a reliable and profitable company for pension transfer and what indicators to pay attention to? How to choose a suitable investment strategy for management companies and mutual funds for investments?
  2. What are the risks of transferring a pension? Who, besides the DIA, guarantees the safety of money in the event of bankruptcy of a non-state pension fund or management company? Where are the savings themselves stored?
  3. What tax benefits and deductions are available for those who decide to transfer their pension? Is it possible to get a deduction if the employer transfers a pension to a non-state pension fund or a management company?
  4. What is the transfer procedure? What forms and applications need to be filled out and where to submit them?

First, figure out what’s wrong with your funded pension

Deductions for the funded part did not always exist and not for everyone. If you were born before 1966, you either have no pension savings at all, or they are small because they were formed from 2002 to 2004.

Where is the best place to invest?

The state wants us to choose who will manage our pension savings. The organization to which we give the right to work with our pension is called the compulsory pension insurance insurer. The insurer can be the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund.

Pension Fund and state management company. If you do nothing and don’t transfer anything anywhere, the Russian Pension Fund becomes the insurer. He will direct your funds to the state management company Vnesheconombank (VEB), to the “Extended” investment portfolio. Those who choose this option are called “silent people.” You don’t have to be “silent” and choose VEB Management Company through an application.

If you decide not to leave money in a state management company, you have two options: a private management company or a non-state pension fund.

Private management company. In this case, the insurer will still be the Pension Fund of Russia, but it will send pension savings to the management company that you choose from the proposed list.

Non-state pension fund (NPF). He also gives your money to management companies, but not just one, but several. The fund will choose these management companies itself.

Nobody knows which option will ultimately be the best. I chose a non-state pension fund because I don’t want to trust my future pension to just one management company. I hope that professional investors from non-state pension funds will distribute money between management companies and their investment portfolios better than me.

Customer focus. Check whether the management company’s website opens, whether the necessary information is posted there: profitability, term of work, investment strategies, and whether it’s easy for you to find all this.

Also important is the willingness of company employees to help potential clients in all matters related to compulsory pension insurance. Check whether the free hotline works, whether it is easy to get through, whether the operator has information about profitability, and whether he can tell you how to apply to switch to them.

Investment portfolios. Some management companies offer to choose another investment portfolio. This is an investment strategy: a portfolio involves the purchase of predetermined securities. In this case, look at the yield for each portfolio separately. You are right when you compare them with mutual funds: the essence is similar. In the same management company, you can choose different strategies for investing pension money: aggressive or conservative type of management. For those for whom profit is more important than reliability, the first type of portfolio is suitable, and vice versa.

For example, VEB Management Company has two portfolios: “Extended Portfolio” and “Investment Portfolio of Government Securities” (GS). An expanded portfolio is an aggressive strategy, and government securities is a conservative one. “Molchunov” was placed in the extended one, and you can remain in VEB, but choose a conservative portfolio.

To understand what a specific investment portfolio is, find the investment declaration for it on the management company’s website. In it, the management company tells what assets it will buy with money from this portfolio.

What guarantees are there for the safety of a funded pension?

Previously, VEB Management Company invested the money of “silent people” only in government securities, and non-state pension funds and private management companies - in bonds, shares and currency. Therefore, transferring a pension meant increasing risk. Now the “silent people” have been assigned to an expanded portfolio, which also involves investments in foreign currency, Russian and international bonds.

Now it is not clear where the risks are higher: in Vnesheconombank, in other management companies or among clients of non-state pension funds. But for all three categories, the Deposit Insurance Agency guarantees a return on investment in the event of bankruptcy or revocation of a license. Unlike bank deposits, there is no maximum amount for pensions beyond which the guarantee is not valid. But the DIA will not return the accumulated profitability - only the nominal value.

In addition, the provisions of laws, authorities, non-profit organizations, a specialized depository, an independent auditor and an independent actuary work to ensure the safety of pension money.

Federal laws. According to the law, pension savings are budget money and cannot be used as collateral. This money cannot be taken from a non-state pension fund for debts or seized, if these are not debts to those insured in the NPF themselves. Management companies do not have the right to dispose of funds as they wish: the law specifies investment principles and the obligation to insure risks.

The Russian Pension Fund also controls NPFs, and is responsible for the actions of management companies as an insurer.

Non-profit organizations. The funded pension is monitored by the Public Council for Investment of Pension Savings and the Association of Non-State Pension Funds. They arrange inspections, take measures to eliminate violations, collect reports, and develop rules for the activities of non-state pension funds.

Specialized depository stores pension funds and exercises daily control over non-state pension funds. This organization sets up an account for the management company when it purchases securities. There they are stored under accounting and protection, and a special depositary controls each transaction. If it reveals irregularities in the work of a fund or company, it is obliged to notify the Central Bank and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the next business day. Also, a specialized depository controls transfers for payments from pension savings. Therefore, the owners of a non-state pension fund or management company cannot take your money and run away with it.

Investing always involves risks, but the pension savings market is most protected from them.

What benefits and deductions are given for transferring a funded pension?

None. You probably asked about this because you heard about non-state pension programs (NGOs). This is the second pension, we will also write an article about it soon. It is formed in the same way as state pension savings, but you make the contributions, not the employer. The funded pension is part of the compulsory pension insurance system (MPI), and NPO is a voluntary matter.

There are corporate programs for co-financing NGOs - this is when you pay contributions in half with the employer: one half is deducted from your salary, the second is added by the company. This is a voluntary matter of the employer, part of the social package, like VHI.

There is indeed a tax deduction for participation in such programs, but the transfer of a funded pension has nothing to do with it.

How to translate

Pension savings will be transferred to a management company or non-state pension fund the next year after submitting the application.

To transfer money to a non-state pension fund, you will sign several documents:

  1. Agreement on compulsory pension insurance. There will be three copies of the agreement in total, each of which you will sign in at least two places.
  2. Transfer Applications. Usually, just in case, clients are given two statements to sign at once: on the transfer from the Pension Fund to the Non-State Pension Fund and on the transfer from one Non-State Pension Fund to another Non-State Pension Fund.
  3. Consent to the processing of personal data.

When you transfer to a non-state pension fund, you can lose several years of investment income - the money that the pension fund earned from your savings. This occurs when insurers change more than once every five years and is called “early switching.” Without a penalty, money is transferred only in a certain year - this will be an urgent transfer. In 2020, the following can apply for a transfer from the Pension Fund to the Non-State Pension Fund without loss:

  1. those who started working in 2011 or earlier and did not change insurer after 2011. The year of their urgent transition was 2016, and then 2021;
  2. those who changed insurers in 2016. To do this, it was necessary to submit an application for transfer a year earlier, in 2015. Then the next year of urgent transition is 2021.

In all other cases, you will lose some of your profitability. For example, if you changed the fund in 2017, and in 2020 you decide to change it again, you will lose the investment results for four years: from 2017 to 2020. The year of transition without losses in this case is 2022, the application must be written in 2021.

To the management company. You can submit an application in person to the Pension Fund, through the MFC or through the government services portal after full registration on the website. There is no need to conclude an agreement with the management company, since the pension fund remains the insurer, and you are already registered there. You also do not need to contact the management company itself.

When changing Vnesheconombank to another management company, there will be no penalty for early transition, because the insurer does not change.

What should you do

Is it worth translating? Find out how much you have in retirement savings. Estimate the investment period - this is the period that remains for you until retirement. Please note that savings have not yet increased at the expense of the employer, and the profitability of non-state pension funds and private management companies is higher than the state one over long periods, 5-10 years. Then it will become clear to you whether it is too late or not to transfer savings now.

Decide what is best for you: a non-state pension fund or another management company within the Pension Fund of Russia.

If you decide to change the management company. Find out the profitability of your potential company, whether it offers investment portfolios, and what is their difference. To do this, explore the site, talk to the hotline. As a result, it will become clear whether it is worth contacting them.

If you decide to switch to a non-state pension fund. Find out from the pension fund in which year an urgent transfer is possible. There they will tell you the amount of possible losses in case of early withdrawal.

If the urgent transition is just at next year, choose a fund and call them. If next year it is impossible to switch to a non-state pension fund without losses, you can change the management company for now and wait until the period for an urgent transfer begins. Remember that you need to write an application for transfer in the previous year. For example, if you find out that the urgent transition will take place in 2021, you enter into an agreement in 2020. Then from January to March 2021 it will come into force and the profitability will remain the same.

Every officially employed person dreams of a comfortable old age, for whom the employer makes monthly contributions to the Pension Fund. insurance amounts. The total amount of such contributions is 22%, and six of them, until recently, were accumulated in the citizen’s personal account.

You can manage these funds yourself (for example, make a payment or transfer them to heirs). Whereas the bulk of insurance premiums is under state control– current pensions are paid from this general fund.

Since 2014, the funded or personal part of pension funds has been reduced, according to a government decision, to zero percent.

That is, employers will no longer make contributions taking into account the amounts intended for the personal accounts of the company’s employees. You will only be able to retain the usual 6% if you transfer these funds. If you do not complete the transfer, the savings part will be abandoned by default (as initially decided by state authorities) - all the money will be in the insurance part, uncontrolled.

The funded parts of pension funds are frozen by the state for 2016 as well.

Citizens still have time to accept correct solution– choose where exactly to invest your money.

After the funds are transferred, they will become a real deposit, generating profit in the form of interest. The higher the income of the financial organization in which the investments were made, the faster the size of the former funded part will increase.

We remind you that the reform will only affect persons born in 1967.

Where is the best place to transfer?

Leave it in the state pension fund

If the money remains in the state pension fund, from the end of 2016 it will be automatically credited to the general insurance part. This is the so-called default enrollment.

Advantages - no need to translate.


  • the funds will not work - no interest rates are provided for them;
  • Only those conducted annually in accordance with the coefficient established by the government will be taken into account;
  • there are no guarantees of receiving your funds by the time of retirement;
    These savings cannot be inherited.

Transfer to a non-state PF

If the money is transferred by the recipient (future pensioner) to a non-state pension fund, it will turn into investments and begin to generate income.


  • the increase reaches 8-14%, depending on the rating and profitability of the fund - the investor not only covers inflation, but also receives real profit;
  • the funds can be registered as an inheritance without any problems.


  • there is a possibility of dissolution of non-state PFs;
  • the fund may be downgraded in the rating system, and, therefore, a decrease in income for its investors.

Refuse the savings part

If you completely refuse, the insurance part when applying for pensions will be calculated taking into account 22%, which will increase the number of points.


  • payments will increase due to additional payments taken into account by PF employees when
  • registration of a pension;
  • funds will be indexed.


  • there will be no additional annual profit, since the funds will not be considered an investment (interest on the fund’s income is not accrued);
  • funds cannot be inherited.

Rating table for non-state pension funds

You can choose a non-state PF based on the entire list of such organizations compiled by the state PF and posted on its website. Funds that have been consistently in the top ten for a long time deserve special trust..

This position is eloquent evidence of stability and reliability.

Of course, no specialist will give a 100% guarantee in this case.

The difficult economic situation and constantly changing inflation indicators do not allow us to make a long-term forecast in this area.

  • Profitability level. Indicators for the entire period of the fund’s activity are taken into account, and not just for the last year. If the rating does not contain information on this item, this means only one thing - the leaders of the organization are hiding the true state of affairs from the public. Such a “wake-up call” should alert a potential investor.
  • Reliability is determined by more than twenty-five parameters. The analysis is carried out for each quarter separately and for the year as a whole. After which the experts assign a certain class to the fund (a total of five classes are taken into account in the rating table).

A high class is marked with the letter “A”, a very high class is marked with “A+”, and an exceptionally high class with “A++”.

In the table compiled by Expert RA, it looks like this (the information is current for the first quarter of 2016):

The most impressive results are from the leader of the rating – the European Pension Fund. The fund's accumulation in 2015 amounted to 57.7 billion rubles. From 2009 to 2014, all of his clients' investments doubled.

And “Surgutneftegaz” received a high rating of reliability thanks to an impressive reserve of 15,349,000 rubles. This is one of the richest funds in the country.

Specialists also considered MNPF Big to be reliable in all respects. The fund has been operating since 1995, and its client base numbers more than 500,000 people. The organization has always fulfilled its obligations to investors even in the event of an unfavorable economic situation.

The second list of the rating is distinguished by a rather conservative financial policy, which increases its reliability in the eyes of experts. Client funds are invested by the Defense Industrial Fund exclusively in securities, bonds and shares.

Another fund with stable indicators of reliability and profitability is in fourth place. This organization participates in the state program of co-financing pensions. Experts have classified the Education and Science NPF as one of the most reliable non-state funds.

The dynamics of rating assignment can be found on the agency’s website (the table is constantly changing depending on the analysis performed).

Since the beginning of 2007, the pension system in the country has been undergoing major changes. They touched upon the opportunity for future retirees to create a base for accumulating contributions. For them, it is necessary to take care in advance about the possibility of transferring contributions from the funded part of the pension to non-state pension funds, management companies, as well as the timing of such a decision, transfer amounts, etc.


Citizens of Russia who carry out labor activity legally have the right to pension contributions. They are given the opportunity to choose where to store their savings (in the Pension Fund or a non-state pension fund).

By law, the employer must transfer the pension to the Pension Fund account. At the same time, the transfer amount is 22% (most of it goes to create the insurance segment). The employee can manage six percent of the total amount of contributions independently. He has the right to leave this amount as part of the insurance pension (that is, all his pension contributions become insurance) or make a transfer to a non-state pension fund and receive dividends on them.

How a pension is formed in Russia, see the picture:

Under legal regulation there is a deadline within which such a choice must be made. Based on legal regulations, if future pensioner did not choose how to manage your pension before January 1, 2016, then all of it will be considered insurance.

From April 1, 2018, procedures began to be carried out to index such a funded pension and convert it into an insurance one. Also, since the beginning of 2018, transferred funds to the Pension Fund are no longer divided into two parts. In other words, the entire amount goes to the insurance part. The Central Bank will become the regulatory body for innovations in legislation.

And here is the opinion of the opposition and ordinary people about where the frozen pension savings of Russians went:

Options for transferring pension accruals

For those individuals who approached the issue of forming their future pension with maximum responsibility and transferred the funded part to the NPF account, other options for managing funds have been identified.

In the case in which a citizen wants to retain the right to dispose of the savings portion and receive interest on it, he transfers the funds to a non-state pension fund. The company for which such a citizen works sends contributions in full to the Pension Fund account. The latter, in turn, divides the amount into insurance and savings (6% is sent to a non-state pension fund).

Where can I transfer my pension?

Where to transfer the funded part of a pension is a difficult task for pensioners. The solution to the question “where is the best place to transfer your pension” is to use two main ways to obtain additional income from pension savings.

The first selection method is considered the most popular. These are contributions to a non-state pension fund. They were created as part of the work of a banking organization and are considered one of its divisions.

The second method involves transferring the right to use royalties to a management company. It carries out financial management of its clients' deposits (trust management) in accordance with its charter.

The differences between the two methods are related to the conclusion of an agreement on compulsory pension insurance for clients. In non-state funds it is considered mandatory for signing. The level of profitability will also differ depending on where to invest your savings.

What are the advantages of NPFs over Pension Funds, we will tell you in the picture:

Determining a place to invest savings

An example of management companies is Vnesheconombank. The task of the organization is to work on investing invested pension savings. Clients can invest funds only in assets with low level risk.

After transferring your savings, you can choose the investment method, the conditions for their implementation, and create your own investment portfolio:

  1. Creating a basic portfolio. This includes low-risk government securities and bonds of domestic organizations.
  2. Expanded view (mortgage-backed securities and bonds of foreign organizations are added).

The return on investments in Vnesheconombank is considered a relative value and depends on the growth Money on his account.

We presented the options for investment portfolios of VEB Management Company in the form of a picture:

The activities of non-state pension funds are structured along a different path. To transfer the savings portion, you should carefully study the selected NPF, assess the risks of investments, and its profitability. The translation procedure is as follows:

  • selection of a non-state pension fund, analysis of its advantages and possible risks.
  • conclusion of an agreement on compulsory pension insurance.
  • Transfer of data to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the transfer of funds to an account with a non-state pension fund.

When choosing a non-state pension fund, it is worth studying what type of fund it is related to. Highlight:

  1. Captive funds, which promote corporate programs within an organization. These are the Transneft and Neftegarant funds. They have a large reserve of savings.
  2. Corporate foundations work to serve the programs of their parent firms. The level of savings is growing annually (Norilsk Nickel).
  3. Universal funds work with both individuals and companies. These include, for example, “Kit-Finance”.
  4. Funds belonging to the territorial type operate with the support of the local administration (Khanty-Mansiysk Non-State Pension Fund).

Rating of non-state pension funds

In order not to become a deceived investor and not be left with nothing after retirement, you should choose a non-state pension fund with extreme caution. Assessing its performance involves analyzing the main indicators of its performance. These include the degree of reliability, financial reputation, stability and riskiness of deposits, and return on investment. The result will be a decision on which pension fund the citizen should go to.

  1. "Gazfond". It has been operating since 1994. The founders are the companies PJSC Gazprom, Gazprombank, Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy LLC, Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg LLC, Gazprom Transgaz Saratov LLC. Acts as a co-founder of the union of pension market participants on a professional basis. Has an A++ rating according to Expert RA. It is considered the largest fund with the maximum return on deposits and the amount of its own reserves.
  2. NPF "Sberbank". Founded in 1995. The management company is PJSC Sberbank of Russia. It is distinguished by its reliability and positive customer reviews. It has its own reserves to cover losses of pension savings investors.
  3. Lukoil-Garant showed in 2018 good results for work. Serves about 14% of clients in the country annually. The amount of savings is about 250 billion rubles. A++ reliability rating assigned.
  4. Promagrofond was founded in 1994, and since 2016 it has become part of Gazfond. The amount of savings is about 8 billion rubles. Actively attracts clients and ensures the maximum degree of reliability of their funded part of their pension.

Also, companies with lower ratings (B+, C+) do not perform well in the market. But this indicator reflects the main shortcomings of such organizations, for example, a low reliability indicator, minimal profitability in a given reporting year, etc.

How to find out where the funded part of the pension is located?

All citizens of the Russian Federation receive information about the status of their personal account. It reflects data on the amount of the insurance part and the savings part. To find out where the deductions are, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Contact the territorial branch of the Pension Fund for clarification. This is considered the fastest and most reliable way, since this organization contains all the information on pension contributions.
  2. If it is not possible to submit an application to the Pension Fund, you should contact the accounting department of the organization in which you work.
  3. Follow the links to the government services website. In the database, when entering SNILS data, information is provided about where pension contributions are located.
  4. The last way is to contact the banking institution where you have Pension Fund a cooperation agreement has been concluded.