Law on co-financing. State co-financing of pensions. State support for the formation of pension savings

To increase your funded pension, take advantage of all the benefits of the State Co-financing Program for the formation of pension savings.

*The state doubles your voluntary contributions to the funded pension for 10 years from the year following the year of payment of the first contributions under the Program.

For example, if during the year you transferred 12,000 rubles to your funded pension, then by May 15 next year the state will add another 12,000 rubles to your contributions.

Thus, annually your pension account can be replenished by 24,000 rubles, which will be invested along with other pension savings.

The program is valid for 10 years for insured persons who, before December 31, 2014, submitted an application to join the Program and made the first payment before January 31, 2015.

Get a tax deduction

Do not forget that by paying voluntary contributions to the co-financing program, you receive the right to a social tax deduction. You can apply for it through your employer or tax office.

Get a tax deduction

In the employer's accounting department

If you pay additional contributions through your employer, that is, they are deducted automatically from your salary, you can apply for a tax deduction through your accounting department. To do this, you do not need to wait until the end of the calendar year, as was previously the case; it is enough to write a corresponding application to the accounting department at your place of work.

IN tax office

You can apply for a social tax deduction at the tax office at your place of residence. To do this you will need the following documents:

    Completed tax return in form 3-NDFL.

    Certificate of income for the reporting tax period in form 2-NDFL.

    A copy of the taxpayer's TIN and a copy of the passport.

    Application for a social tax deduction in any form.

    Payment details.

After registering the funds in the individual personal account with the Pension Fund, the funds will be transferred to the “FUTURE” fund.

Pay the fee

Let us remind you that the state co-finances voluntary contributions for 10 years from the moment you pay the first contribution. You can also stop transferring additional funds to your funded pension at any time, while the funds already accumulated are preserved. You can also resume payment of contributions at any time (within 10 years from the first payment).

Pay the fee:

On one's own

You can pay a voluntary contribution to the Pension Fund yourself at any bank. Payment details can be obtained on the PFR website or at the territorial PFR office at your place of residence. To fill out a payment order you will need:

    SNILS number (insurance number of an individual personal account, which is indicated in the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance),

    TIN and Payer Address (not required)

Through the employer

Your employer may deduct your voluntary contributions from your salary. You choose the amount of contributions and the frequency of their payment yourself and can change them at any time. Contact your company's HR department for a sample application for withholding contributions, fill it out, and your employer will begin transferring your additional contributions to the Pension Fund.

The state program for co-financing pensions allowed its participants to increase pension savings. The concept of the state program is to double citizens’ personal contributions to funded pensions using budget funds.

What methods of receiving payments under the co-financing program are there? How are they carried out? What is the procedure for obtaining them? We will answer these questions in this article.

Features of the formation of pension savings when co-financing pensions

In order to interest citizens in creating their own pensions, the state doubles their voluntary payments under the co-financing program. That is, if the insured person voluntarily contributes from 2,000 rubles to 12,000 rubles during the year, he receives the same amount into his account from the budget.

Citizens who have already received the right to a pension, but have not applied for it, have benefits. Their contribution increases 4 times. For example, when a citizen makes a contribution of 2,000 rubles, the state will transfer 6,000 rubles to the account. Thus, over the course of a year, pension savings will increase by 8,000 rubles.

The program validity period is 10 years from the date of payment of the first installment. You can register for it until December 31, 2014. Since 2015, it is no longer possible to join this program.

When can I receive co-financing money?

Funded pension, as well as other options pension provision, is issued only upon the occurrence of an insured event. For savings provision, the most common reason for receiving funds is the achievement of retirement age.

Earn a pension ahead of schedule is possible only in cases prescribed by law. For example, when working on Far North or in harmful conditions. Early payments are also provided:

  • for women with 3 children or more;
  • some categories of disabled people;
  • unemployed people of pre-retirement age, etc.

A complete list of reasons for taking a well-deserved retirement ahead of schedule is indicated in Art. 30-32 Federal Law“On insurance pensions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ.

There are no exceptions for co-financing savings. Citizens can return funds only upon receipt of the right to a pension. In most women it appears at 55 years old, in men - at 60 years old.

Ways to receive funds

The legislation approves three methods of paying voluntary pension savings, including funds from co-financing:

  • lifetime pension;
  • urgent payment;
  • one-time payment.

The lifelong pension is paid until death. To determine the monthly amount, pension savings are divided by the expected payment period. In 2017 it is 20 years (240 months).

An urgent payment differs from a lifetime pension in that the pensioner independently sets the deadline for receiving the funds. This period cannot be less than 10 years. Usually, with an urgent payment, the monthly amount is slightly higher.

A one-time payment is provided for citizens whose pension savings are low. Persons whose funded pension is less than 5% of the insurance amount can receive the entire amount at once.

According to the Pension Fund of Russia, at the end of 2016 the average amounts of payments are:

  • old age insurance pension - 13,172 rubles;
  • cumulative - 802 rubles;
  • urgent payment - 1,052 rubles;
  • lump sum payment - 10,184 rubles.

Procedure for registering pension savings payments

You need to receive your funded pension at the place where the funds are placed. If savings are transferred to a non-state pension fund, you should contact the territorial branch or the main organization of the fund. When placing funds through a management company, a payment application is sent to the Pension Fund.

Often applicants do not know where their pension funds are located. You can find out information at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence. To do this, a request is generated about the status of the individual account. You can submit your appeal in person, online or by mail.

On the official websites of insurers and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you can find all the information about the place of application and the required package of papers. Usually, along with an application for payment of a pension, the fund requests:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • certificate from place of residence;
  • work book;
  • Bank details.

Depending on the circumstances, other documents may be required. For example, certificates about the amount of funds maternity capital, in the event that it was aimed at forming pension savings.

After receiving the application, the fund’s specialists determine the option for issuing pension funds. The decision to grant a pension is made within 10 days from the date of submission of all documents. A one-time payment is issued within 30 days.

Issuance of pension savings to heirs

Unlike an insurance pension, the funded part can be inherited. The owner of a savings account can at any time choose the persons who receive the right to pension savings after his death. If the choice is not made, the funded pension is inherited in the order of priority of legal successors.

At the legislative level, several years ago it was decided to create a program for co-financing pensions. This became an incentive for many citizens to accumulate funds and subsequently contribute to a personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. However, recently there has been virtually no news about this innovation. Nevertheless, pensioners continue to be interested in the possibility of joining this project.

Regulations on co-financing of benefits

The program for co-financing pensions was initiated in 2008, and the main goal here was to encourage the working population to make monthly transfers to Pension Fund. Accordingly, a certain percentage was offered for contributions, the amounts of which remained in the person’s individual account. As a result of such savings, at the time of retirement, a citizen would be able to ensure a comfortable old age.

However, according to a number of expert observations, it turned out that starting from 2016, money from wages was collected for transfer to the Russian Pension Fund, but did not reach it. Government officials comment on this situation as a lack of budget funds. In other words, pension savings “patch up” the country’s economy. How true this is is still unclear.

State program to support pensions

State co-financing of pensions is designed for a period of 5 years. Later, this period was extended due to high demand from the population. These measures were supposed to double citizens' contributions by receiving money from the federal budget. Moreover, if a working person complied with a number of conditions, then the amount of savings could quadruple.

At the same time, in addition to the increased benefits, future pensioners had the right to receive a deduction from those funds that were transferred to the Pension Fund. An additional advantage of participating in a social project was the possibility of inheriting contributions. It is noteworthy that all payments were made voluntarily, and the amount was regulated independently, but subject to minimal restrictions.

For your information: the motivation was that an individual could deposit a minimum of 2,000 rubles and a maximum of 12,000 rubles into a personal account every year. At the end of 12 months, this money doubled.

Thus, by making transfers to a personal account every year, a citizen could allocate 1,000 rubles from his salary and, 12 months later, receive 24,000 rubles. Of course, everyone had the opportunity to increase the amounts to any limit, but joint financing was allowed only in relation to the maximum limit.

Where should contributions be transferred?

If a person decided to join the program for state co-financing of pension payments and did so before January 2015, then the following procedure will apply to him:

  • deductions are indexed annually;
  • the participation period is 10 years from the date of sending the application and payment of the first amount;
  • The funded part may be held by a non-state pension fund or pension fund of Russia.

Accordingly, funds are credited according to the details specified in the agreement.

In a situation where a citizen sent an application to participate in the project after the specified period, contributions are deducted from wages to the funded part exclusively to the account of the Pension Fund. However, there is no annual indexing.

How to become a participant in the program

Participants in the program are required to voluntarily confirm each year their desire to make payments in the subsequent period to increase their own pension.

The application is sent to the manager at the place of work in any form. The main requirement is the presence of a clear amount of deductions or a percentage of wages. This money must be transferred to a funded pension, and the state is obliged to double the funds received at the end of the reporting period.

It is noteworthy that such contributions can be made by the employer for his employee. At the same time, the citizen does not lose money, and the numbers on his personal account grow. This option seemed more acceptable than small mandatory payments.

Attention: the situation regarding co-financing of pensions has changed somewhat - now people do not have the opportunity to become participants in the program.

Moreover, at the state level, a debt has arisen regarding obligations undertaken to existing participants. Therefore, the only reminder of the action of the social project are annual notifications from the Russian Pension Fund about the voluntary need to confirm the desire for the next year.

Methods of receiving payments

It is reasonable for citizens to be interested in how to receive payments from pension co-financing. At the legislative level, the rule is that a person receives funds in the form of a one-time benefit or as fractional parts throughout his life. Such legal provisions are regulated.

For 2020, payments are made in a one-time format, provided that the total period of employment is no more than 9 years. In this case, the number of accumulated points should not exceed 14 units. It is noteworthy that the calculation of the lifetime benefit is based on statistical data - 20.5 years.

Please note: if a program participant has a funded portion of their pensions formed in a state fund, then it is possible to submit an application for withdrawal of funds through the official portal of the Russian Pension Fund or the MFC.

An additional opportunity is provided through a personal appeal to the department or with the help of a person authorized by a power of attorney.

If the savings are in a non-state pension fund, the pensioner must visit the representative’s office with a corresponding application.

Possibility to exit the program

The period for pension co-financing (from the latest news) is set at 10 years. Program participants have the authority to perform the following actions within this period:

  • cancel participation;
  • renew;
  • suspend the transfer of contributions.

For any manipulations, you should visit the Russian Pension Fund at the address of registration or residence. However, withdrawal of an application for participation does not mean that previously paid funds will be immediately returned. Payments can only be received after retirement. Only having legal grounds can a citizen submit an application.

Principles of the project

The procedure and rules of the program for co-financing pension payments are established in the current one. For citizens, the current edition with amendments dated November 4, 14, which has legal force since January 1, 2015, is relevant.

It should be understood that if the annual amount of payments is less than two thousand rubles, then such contributions will not affect participation, i.e. the state will not increase the contributions received.

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Advantages of participating in joint financing of contributions

In accordance with changes in pension co-financing, experts highlight the positive and negative aspects of participation in the program.

  1. Opportunity to increase the funded part of your pension several times. Moreover, in a number of situations, an increase of four times is possible. Thus, when a person retires, he can guarantee himself a comfortable old age.
  2. Carrying out a tax deduction from those funds that have already been received by the Russian Pension Fund.

Negative factors:

  1. Existing restrictions on annual payments do not allow exceeding the limit of twelve thousand rubles. It doesn’t matter if a person contributes 20,000 rubles. or 50,000, since only an amount of 12,000 rubles is eligible for support.
  2. Participation prohibited after January '15. However, there remains hope that this issue will be regulated at the state level, and the remaining population will be able to take advantage of this opportunity.
On a note: future pensioner from a social project can also show concern for relatives, because in the event of his death, the heirs will be able to receive payments for him.

Receiving money for a co-financing project

Pension savings, doubled by the state, are assigned and paid together with insurance benefits for long service or in the presence of a disability group. To receive finance as an urgent deduction or a one-time payment, you must contact the Russian Pension Fund. In this case, the condition should be taken into account - the volume of savings must be at least 5% of the insurance portion.

After a citizen has the right to receive state benefits, the person can submit an application to the department.

The application can be submitted as follows:

  • the pensioner personally applies to the division of the MFC or Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • sends a registered letter with notification and an inventory of the contents to the institution;
  • fills out a special form in your personal account on the official portal of the authority;
  • Additionally, you can issue a power of attorney to an authorized person.

List of documents for receiving payments

The submitted application must be accompanied by official documents certifying the existence of the right:

  • document confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • pension certificate (green card);
  • papers indicating the right to establish an insurance pension - work book, contracts, availability disabled citizens in care and more.

In a situation where the insurance benefit has already been assigned and paid, a person does not need to collect these documents, since they are already included in the case.

The period for consideration of the application directly depends on the chosen option for transferring savings:

  • urgently - 10 days;
  • at a time - up to 30 calendar days.

If department employees make a positive verdict on the assignment of benefits, then deductions begin within 60 days from the date specified in the decision.

Is it possible to bequeath funds?

In the event of death of the insured person before the appointment of the funded part labor pension comes into force . This legal act establishes the procedure when collected funds can be transferred by right of inheritance.

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, an individual has the right to make a will. The text must indicate the shares for each successor in relation to pension savings. If you do not take such actions, then the following procedure comes into force:

  • priority heirs are close relatives, including guardians and adopted persons;
  • second stage legal successors.

In this case, a funded pension is assigned to relatives in a situation where the death occurred under the following circumstances:

  • until benefits are assigned or recalculated;
  • after making a decision to urgently withdraw funds;
  • if it was decided to withdraw the accumulated contributions in a lump sum, but this could not be done due to the death of the pensioner.

If a person has chosen the unlimited option of transferring benefits, then the heirs cannot claim it.

To receive an inheritance, the successors of the testator must apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or Non-State Pension Fund as part of an open case, i.e. no later than 6 months from the date of death of the pensioner.

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The main task of the state is to provide its citizens with everything necessary for the implementation and conduct of full life in the country. It also makes sure that residents do not need material support either. For this reason, every year there are more and more pension programs, the main task of which is to provide additional material security to citizens.

One of such programs is co-financing. It is a very convenient way to earn additional income, in which there is no need to work and engage in work activities. We will describe in detail what this pension co-financing program is in 2019 in this article.

The main purpose of co-financing is to encourage citizens to think about their future pension, and by taking part in it, ensure a guaranteed carefree old age.

This program began its operation and came into force back in 2008. At that time, its essence was that any person could take part, regardless of whether he performed labor activity or not, and whether he was retired or still working, did not matter.

The main task of each participant in the program was to make contributions. And the most important thing is that the amounts could be very insignificant, and even meager. The only condition was that the depositor’s paid amount for the year must be at least 2,000 rubles, no less. But this procedure had to be carried out for 10 years.

At the end of the specified period of time, the state paid an absolutely identical amount that was contributed during this period to each participant in the program. In this case, the annual amount is 12,000 rubles.

Important! If a participant does not apply to the organization to receive his legal payments for four years, then the previously accrued amount increases and increases 4 times. But there is a limit, and this amount cannot be more than 48,000 rubles.

Who can take part in the co-financing program?

The group of people who can take part in this program can be divided into three specific groups, namely:

  1. Those citizens who would like to increase their future pension payments.
  2. Those employers who decided to take care of their employees and voluntarily agreed to help them.
  3. The state that is the funder of the pension.

Despite the fact that the program was adopted in 2008, it ceased to operate in 2014. However, in 2015 they decided to resume it again, and to test it, they found voluntary participants who would like to take part in it.

The main condition was at first:

  1. Apply for participation in the program.
  2. Make a minimum contribution to the program.

Good to know! If one of the conditions is not met, the citizen did not have the right to participate in co-financing, and his candidacy was no longer considered.

As previously mentioned in the article, anyone could take part. The main and only condition was that he was required to make at least minimal contributions to this program.

Period of the program and procedure for transferring additional contributions

Regardless of what the program is, it has its own certain period time in which it is valid. And co-financing also has its own deadlines. The program itself began in 2008, and all applications for participation were distributed over 5 years, that is, applications were accepted only until 2013.

However, according to previously made changes, the work was extended, and it was possible to participate until the end of 2015, but subject to filing an application and making the first minimum contribution. Over the past period of time, a huge number of people took part in the program, namely more than 15 million citizens.

The program itself is designed for a period of 10 years. This means that each participant must make annual co-financing contributions during this period of time. In this case, the amount deposited to him will be increased upon receipt of payments. Also in some cases it can increase four times.

Regarding how to receive payments:

  1. These accruals are paid only after the completion of the 10-year period, and earlier due date they cannot be paid.
  2. If you do not want to receive the accrual immediately, you can wait four years and your amount will increase 4 times.
  3. The accruals can be paid as an addition to the existing pension or as a separate additional income.

How to receive payments under the co-financing program?

To receive these payments, special rules have been established. According to the recently adopted law, it is impossible to withdraw funds at any time, since these funds form a small part of future pension payments.

Receiving this money directly depends on the age of the participant. Based on the resolution of the current year, according to which the retirement age will increase over 5 years, and it will increase by 1 year annually. But fortunately, it does not apply, and now the participant must reach retirement age, namely for women it is 55 years old, and for men it is 60 years old.

How to exit the pension co-financing program?

Various situations happen in life, and situations often occur when circumstances force you to stop doing something. For example, to participate in co-financing you need to constantly invest money, but this moment you can't afford it even though you've been a member for a long time. For this reason, many people wonder what to do to get out of it. The answer is quite simple - stop making contributions.

News and changes in the pension co-financing program in 2019

According to latest news, in 2019, the government decided to divide the funded part of pension payments, which are included in co-financing. Now it has become impossible to receive all the accumulated funds at once. They will be divided and paid either over a lifetime or over a ten-year period.

It was also decided to accept co-financing on a mandatory basis. When you are employed, a certain amount will be automatically withdrawn from your salary for these contributions, which is a very convenient system, since every citizen will be guaranteed pension payments in the future.


This program is a comfortable form of accumulating funds for the payment of a future pension, which guarantees old-age payments to every working person.

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Ensuring a comfortable old age largely depends on when and how the potential pension recipient takes care of options for accumulating it. A guaranteed way to increase the amount of your future benefit is to participate in government programs specifically designed to support the older part of the population.

What is co-financing

Assistance to the older part of the population, expressed in the form of cash accruals and providing for an increase in the volume of future payments due to the state doubling or quadrupling the voluntary additional insurance contributions (hereinafter referred to as ASP), paid by a citizen towards the insurance benefit, is called a pension co-financing program (hereinafter referred to as PO) . At the time of implementation, 3 parties could take part in it:

  • Future pensioner.
  • His employer – participation in the program is not required. An employee has the right to contribute funds, both through a representative of the organization that hired him, and independently.
  • State.

Legal regulation

State co-financing of pensions is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Regulatory acts:

  • the federal law Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law of the Russian Federation) dated April 30, 2008 No. 56-FZ;
  • Clause 1, Article 13 – establishes a fixed amount of additional insurance premium.
  • Art. 13 – describes special conditions for software co-financing.
  • Art. 14 – regulates the order of movement Money: transfer of contributions from the federal budget to the accounts of the Pension Fund - subsequent transfer of funds to management companies and/or non-state pension funds (hereinafter - NPF);
  • Clause 6, art. 7 Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2013 No. 424-FZ - provides for the payment of software to legal successors in the event of the death of the recipient.

The project is based on the principle of a citizen transferring additional insurance contributions (hereinafter - DSV) to form the funded part of the insurance benefit and directly proportional to its increase at public expense. The program works like this:

  1. The insured person transfers DSV to the Pension Fund of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Pension Fund) to the account of the funded part of his old-age insurance benefit.
  2. The state doubles this amount, and if certain conditions are met, quadruples it.

Participation in the program is carried out on a voluntary basis upon the personal application of the applicant. Conditions:

  • Before December 31, 2014, it was necessary to submit an application to join the program.
  • Make your first payment before 01/31/2015.
  • Pay DSA in accordance with the rules of the state co-financing program for at least 1 year. For example, citizen Ivanova transferred 12,000 rubles for 2015. She is 54 and plans to retire in 2016. After registering for an old-age insurance benefit, in addition to it, she will receive her DSV (12,000 rubles) and state co-financing in the amount of 12,000 rubles, because she has fulfilled the minimum requirements of the program.
  • A person receiving any other type of software and submitting a statement of intent to participate in the project will increase his accumulative pension capital, but his voluntary insurance premiums will not double;
  • State-co-financed payments can be received after applying for old-age insurance benefits.

Amount of contributions

The minimum amount of insurance contributions that a future recipient of benefits must transfer to the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund is 2,000 rubles per year, the maximum is 12,000 rubles. The state doubles it and transfers it to an individual pension account. Amounts transferred to the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund to the account of future DSVs that are below or above the limits provided for by the program are not co-financed. Examples:

  1. Citizen Petrova transferred 17,000 rubles. for the past year to the account of the insurance part of your pension. The state will make an additional payment of 12,000 rubles. The following will be credited to Petrova’s account: RUB 17,000. (from personal savings) + 12,000 rub. (state co-financing according to the upper threshold of DSA provided for by the program) = 29,000 rub.
  2. Citizen Vasiliev contributed 2,500 rubles to the account of his future insurance pension. The state will double this amount. Vasiliev will receive: 2,500 rubles. + 5,000 rub. = 7,500 rub.
  3. A citizen of Nikolaev transferred 1,800 rubles. to the account of a future insurance pension and then refused to participate in the program. When she retires, she will receive only her 1,800 rubles.

The state co-financing program provides 2 options for increasing the daily allowance. Nuances:

  • contributions of a program participant who contributed from 2 thousand to 12 thousand rubles for 1 year are doubled;
  • a fourfold increase in own funds transferred to the future benefit account in the same range (RUB 2,000–12,000) is provided for persons who have reached retirement age but have not received an insurance or any other pension.

Duration of the program

Co-financing program for insurance pension benefits Russian government developed in 2008. It was calculated for 5 years. You could submit an application to join the program from 10/01/2008 to 12/31/2014, and make the first payment until 01/31/2015. At the moment, registration for participation in the project is not available, but due to its popularity, its renewal is not excluded . In 2013, the program was extended for another 5 years and will continue to operate for participating participants for 10 years - until 2025.

Benefits for those participating in the program

The pension co-financing program provides benefits for participants. Here is their list:

  • the state forms the amount of the future pensioner’s benefit together with him;
  • a program participant has the right to receive a 13% tax deduction, but not more than 12,000 rubles, which can be applied for:
  • when submitting a corresponding application to an accounting employee at the place of work - if insurance premiums were paid through the employer;
  • by contacting a representative of the territorial branch of the federal tax inspectorate with a set of required documents - papers should be submitted based on the results of the last 1, 2 or 3 years.
  • receipt by a participant of the program of passive investment income, subject to effective management of personal savings, including material resources received from the state;
  • possibility of transferring insurance benefits by inheritance.

Special conditions

When the right to assign old-age pension payments arises, a citizen who does not apply for them is entitled to an increase in the listed DSA by 4 times. The maximum amount of co-financing in this case will be 48,000 rubles. There is also a limitation - the benefit applies only to non-working pensioners; employed persons are not entitled to a four-fold state increase.

Methods of paying voluntary contributions

There are 2 ways to pay DSA into the account of a future insurance pension. Procedure for transferring funds:

  1. Through your employer. The employee should contact the accounting department of the employing company with an application for voluntary entry into the insurance benefit co-financing program, indicating the specific amount of the monthly contribution or percentage of earnings. The participant has the right to change the amount of DSA subsequently by notifying the accounting department. A new application will need to be made.
  2. Independently through the bank. A citizen should contact an employee of a credit institution and transfer money to his personal account opened with the Pension Fund. Details for paying for DSA through the bank can be obtained from its branch, the local Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, or online through the official website of the fund.

It is possible to pay DSA either in equal monthly transfers or in a one-time money transfer. If you decide to make additional insurance contributions to the Pension Fund yourself through a banking organization, keep all copies of payment receipts and orders. You will need them when reconciling the amounts of financial contributions with the Pension Fund and to receive a tax deduction.

How to get money for pensioners

Funds co-financed by the state are assigned jointly with the old-age or disability insurance pension in the form of a funded benefit. After the rights to assign the software arise, you can apply for its registration and assignment to an employee of the authorized organization.

The pension capital placed on the personal account of a participant in the compulsory insurance system with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is paid out together with investment income - additional savings, including state co-financing of pensions. Options for receiving funds:

  • One-time transfer. Additional savings are transferred to the recipient at a time, provided that on the date of appointment their size does not exceed 5% of the volume of the entire insurance pension, including the total amount of the funded part of it and the fixed payment.
  • Urgent translation. The duration of such accruals is determined by the recipient pensioner, but cannot be less than a 10-year period.
  • In the form of a funded pension. Its size, as a rule, is lower than that of the urgent payment, because it is calculated based on the expected accrual period - for 2019. It is 246 months. Transfers will be for life.

Where to contact

You can apply for the due insurance software along with accumulated funds, including co-financing, by contacting an employee of one of the authorized authorities:

  • local branch of the Pension Fund;
  • multifunctional center (hereinafter referred to as MFC);
  • by sending it by registered mail with notification;
  • remotely – on the government services portal or the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • through your legal representative.

Application processing time

Documents and an application submitted by a person for the appointment of insurance benefits and funded payments are considered within a certain period. It directly depends on the method of transferring software:

  • for urgent payments – up to 10 working days;
  • for a one-time transfer – up to 1 month;
  • when assigning an insurance pension and a joint payment to it - up to 10 working days, the Pension Fund will begin to accrue benefits within 2 months from the date of the positive decision.

List of required documents

To apply for a pension benefit and accrue savings payments, you will need to provide a package of relevant documents:

  • a completed application - the form can be found on the website of the authorized organization via the Internet or at the information stand by contacting there through the local branch;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • individual personal account insurance number (hereinafter referred to as SNILS);
  • papers proving the right to establish pension payments - work book and/or a copy thereof, documents confirming work experience, salary, certificates of dependents, etc.

Is it possible to exit the program of state co-financing of pension savings?

The participant can withdraw from the state co-financing program for pension savings. There is no need to prepare or submit any statements and/or other documents for this. The draft does not provide for the concept of termination of the contract. The participant should stop making additional insurance contributions - the state co-financing program will automatically cease to operate.

Succession of deposits in the event of death of the insured person

In unforeseen circumstances - in the event of the death of the insured person - his legal successors have the right to assign payment of pension savings. A citizen can determine the list of heirs in advance, draw up a will, indicating the shares in which his benefit will be distributed among future potential recipients. If a pension will has not been drawn up, the legal successors are considered:

  • Primary relatives:
  • children, including adopted children;
  • parents;
  • adoptive parents.
  • Secondary relatives:
  • brothers, sisters;
  • grandmothers, grandfathers;
  • grandchildren.

Secondary relatives have the right to claim inheritance of the deceased’s pension in the absence of primary ones. The funded pension of the deceased is assigned to his successors in 3 cases - if the death of the pensioner occurs:

  • before assigning software or recalculating it;
  • after making an urgent payment;
  • after assigning a lump sum transfer that was not transferred and/or received by the pensioner.

Pension calculator
