Planning for life in retirement. A fulfilling life in retirement It’s a small world A decent life in retirement

Lyubov Levina

Business for rusty dummies: a decent life in retirement


In gratitude to Mikhail Dashkiev, Pyotr Osipov and the first graduates of Business Youth.

At the very beginning I would like to express my gratitude to:

My husband Gennady Borisovich for his patience, forbearance, material and technical support. For courageously enduring the volcano of my unconventional ideas for many years. I don’t know if anyone else has a husband as kind, attentive and supportive of an eccentric woman in everything as I am. I owe everything that I have achieved in our lives to him.

Evgenia Valentinovna Larina, the head of the Vremena editorial office, and Tatyana Mikhailovna Minedzhyan, the chief editor, for believing in me, moral support, and for encouraging me to further work in this direction. It was they who found in the sea of ​​newspaper information a note about my “Computer Primer for Rusty Dummies.” Invited to cooperate. And with them light hand I'm writing my fifth book.

Pavlov Vadim Vyacheslavovich, Deputy Minister of Economic Development Ulyanovsk region. It was he who invited the unknown founders of Business Youth to Ulyanovsk in 2011. It was on his advice that I created an autonomous non-profit association for the adaptation of older people in modern society, DELOSTARRU “Club of Business Old Women”.

Elena Mikhailovna Shporkina, Nadezhda Deryabina, Tatyana Nikolaevna Akimova for their interesting work in the Public Chamber and the Volga Region NGO Alliance “Silver Age”.

Tatyana Nikolaevna Perfilyeva and Lyudmila Georgievna Rafalskaya, with whom we founded the “Club of Business Old Women”.

Natalya Sergeevna Guden - director and Olga Anatolyevna Shagurova - head teacher of the Children's Art School named after. Balakirev for all possible support in organizing the educational process of the general aesthetic department for adults.

Tatyana Viktorovna Shishkova is the only one of the five editions of the “Club of Business Old Women” who has made her business on the Internet.

Nina Mikhailovna Davydova for wisdom and support in Hard time, for advice on the text of the book.

Ivan Kuyanov and Nikolai Dolinov, “fellow students” from the first edition of “Business Youth” - for their support during their studies, professional assistance and business advice.

My daughters Svetlana and Lyudmila, eldest granddaughters Tatyana and Polina for routine technical assistance.

Alexey Danilov and Sergey Gorshkov for quick computer assistance. It is they who, at my first request, immediately fix it, repair the computer, restore lost files, clean full disks, and systematically eliminate gaps in knowledge.

Alexander Nikolaevich Gunidin, my former student, for saving me from many rash steps, for teaching me how to count money, for calling a spade a spade,

Mikhail Dashkiev and Peter Osipov for accepting me into their club. It is thanks to them that my worldview on some things has turned so upside down that for the fifth year now I have been living a full-fledged creative life, and not vegetating on a bench at the entrance. I have, albeit tiny from their point of view, additional income. I have many friends all over the country. And even though I have not reached the level of earnings that the participants of “Business Youth” have, I have much more than just money.


The dentist turned off his machine and allowed him to close his mouth. The filling placed in a paid clinic turned out wonderful. Only I couldn’t close my mouth when I heard how much it cost. No, I had enough money for it, just half my pension.

We've arrived. Now you will have to limit yourself to the already established level of comfort and well-being. The financial airbag from the budget salary turned out to be as thick as a handkerchief. But I also want to go to a good hairdresser, a massage therapist, to a sanatorium, to the sea with my grandchildren, and, in the end, a decent fur coat. What to do?

This is the preface to the book that I came up with four years ago, when I was taking the Business Youth (BM) course. And I’m only finishing it now, because it looks like the crisis that they tirelessly scare us with has once again sailed to our shores.

This book continues the series “for rusty dummies.” She was preceded by:

1. “A computer primer for rusty dummies.”

2. “The Internet is for rusty dummies.”

3. “A pill for sclerosis. Brain training for rusty kettles."

4. “The brain is the cure for all diseases.”

I am writing it for those who were unable to make big money in the nineties. For those whose lives passed under the bright banner on the path to communism. These are not pompous words or mockery, this is the truth of life half a century ago. To you, my compatriots by time of residence, I am writing this book to somehow help you to swim in modern society.

At the beginning of the millennium we were forty years old or so. Those who were smarter, or with the appropriate education, or connections, or information, or simply entrepreneurial talent, organized their own business. I have no doubt that the majority did this within the framework of the laws of that time and their material super-well-being was achieved through very hard work. I know such people. Believe me, for many at that time it was a huge risk; it required knowledge, courage and efficiency.

Well, honestly, admit that not every one of us was able to overcome ourselves and stand with a bucket of potatoes at the nearest store to sell them.

I managed to do this once, I sold one and a half buckets for half the price. My ears were burning, my heart was pounding, my hands were shaking, and in general I was ready to fall through the ground. The concept that trading was a shame was so firmly ingrained in me, it was ugh!

Of course, if it is a matter of life and death, if the children are hungry, any mother will sell anything.

Who are you, my peers?

These are pieces of chapters from my previous books

Despite your age, you are an energetic, resilient person who wants to learn not for the sake of the process itself, but for the benefit of yourself. He has lived an interesting, eventful life, accomplished both as a person, and as a specialist, and as a parent, and as a person who already has grandchildren.

And at the same time, he managed to take a lot from the vicissitudes of fate. These are mainly women who do not want to put up with age. They look at the essence of things adequately.

You and I are the custodians of the experience of the last millennium. We are the first generation modern history, who lived in two eras and states without leaving his place of registration. We, who survived the nineties not only ourselves, but also managed to raise children, support our husbands, and feed our family while men were recovering from a social blow. This was already the case at the beginning of the century before last. That's what we got.

Not everyone was able to create their own business and earn a lot of money. But everything somehow settled down. The children are adults, the grandchildren are grown. It's time to take care of yourself. And in order not to sit on the necks of children and grandchildren, you need to find an opportunity to earn a little money to supplement your pension. Because we are used to relying only on ourselves and not expecting mercy from anyone.

Perhaps for the first time in the history of mankind there is such a gigantic gap between fathers and children due to technological progress. Literally life in different millennia. Yes, the previous generation is covered by the wave of the next one. This is the law of nature. We are still here. And our task is to live with dignity in the third age for our own benefit, without straining our loved ones.

With you, the retired quietest librarian, the kindest nurse, the timid teacher. primary classes, the most gentle solfeggio teacher, non-conflict developer, quiet white-collar office worker, reserved mathematician, affectionate teacher kindergarten, I share my experience and hard-earned experiences in an attempt to somehow improve my well-being.

As Petya Osipov said: “Lyubov Timofeevna, you will NEVER teach you how to trade.” I think you, dear reader, most likely do too. Of course, if we are talking about a large, clear business. But we can even talk about an increase in pension.

A year ago, at a seminar at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, one professor either proudly or bitterly said that their students were dollar millionaires.

There is a lot of truth in this. They earn it on the Internet.

Now the computer Klondike has arrived in the sense of the information market. Five years ago it was compared to the nineties.

The trouble with our generation is that we have poor command of Internet technologies. But you can learn this! Of course, not for a million dollars, but for the equivalent of another pension - easily!

How I came to the realization that I need to learn how to earn money

Everyone at the BM courses was young. And only two people at the “extreme” points. I was the oldest. I was fifty-nine years old then, and the youngest, Mashenka Dolinova, was ten. The rest ranged from seventeen to twenty-seven. Everyone treated us with kindness and compassion, they were touched and praised. Masha had decent results in sprouts trading orange trees. Dad got her twenty at once sites and configured direct to the first page guaranteed display. My results were much more modest. I had one website selling bath brooms, and I immediately abandoned wholesale business.

Two-thirds of Russians agree that the life of a working pensioner is more interesting than the life of a non-working one: they “have more communication”, “more income - they receive both a pension and a salary.” 11% consider the life of a pensioner who does not need to work more fulfilling: he “has more free time and is not dependent on the employer,” “he is calm and not tired.” In the opinion of 23% of Russians, in retirement and with little income you can live a rich life; 69% are sure that a rich life requires good income.

download data

FOMnibus is a representative survey of the population aged 18 years and older. The survey involved 1,500 respondents - residents of 104 urban and rural settlements in 53 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Face-to-face interviews took place at the respondents’ place of residence. The statistical error does not exceed 3.6%.

Do you think most retirees today live a rich, interesting life or a boring, uninteresting life?


Why do you think, for what reasons do most retirees live boring, uninteresting lives?


Open question. Was asked by those who believe that most pensioners today live a boring, not interesting life, - answered 75% of respondents

Let's imagine two pensioners of the same age, but one of them works and the other does not. Which of them do you think has a more eventful, interesting life - the one who works or the one who does not work?


Why do you think that the life of a working pensioner is more eventful and interesting?


Open question. Was asked by those who believe that the life of a working pensioner is more eventful and interesting, answered 67% of respondents

Why do you think that the life of a non-working pensioner is more eventful and interesting?


Open question. Was asked by those who believe that the life of a non-working pensioner is more eventful and interesting, answered 11% of respondents

Some people believe that it is possible to live a rich and interesting life in retirement even with a modest financial situation. Others believe that you need to have a good financial situation in order to live a rich, interesting life in retirement age. Which point of view is closer to you?


General population 18–30 years old 31–45 years old 46–60 years Over 60 years old
First (it is possible to live a rich life at retirement age even with a modest financial situation) 23 20 23 23 27
Second (you need to have a good financial situation in order to live a rich life in retirement age) 69 73 69 71 61
I find it difficult to answer 8 7 8 6 12

Do you think that upon reaching retirement age, your life will become more eventful, interesting or less eventful and interesting compared to pre-retirement age? Or will nothing change in this regard?


Upon reaching retirement age, some people stop working and retire, while others continue to work. What will you most likely do when you reach retirement age: will you work or stop working?


The question was asked only to women under 55 years of age and men under 60 years of age – 71% of respondents answered

Do you have relatives of retirement age? And if so, do they work or not?


The question was asked only to women under 55 years of age and men under 60 years of age – 71% of respondents answered

Remember the first years of life after retirement of the relative with whom you communicate most often. Do you think that upon reaching retirement age, his (her) life has become more eventful, interesting than a few years before, less eventful, interesting, or nothing has changed in this regard?


The question was asked to women under 55 years of age and men under 60 years of age who have relatives retirement age, answered 63% of respondents

Since reaching retirement age, has your life become more eventful, interesting or less eventful and interesting than a few years before retirement? Or has nothing changed in this regard?


The question was asked to respondents of retirement age - 29% of respondents answered

Please look at the card and tell me which of the following have you done over the past one or two years?


The question was asked to respondents of retirement age - 29% of respondents answered. Card, any number of answers

Go to your summer cottage, work in the garden 11
Look after small children and grandchildren 10
Go out into nature with family and friends 9
Correspond with relatives, friends on the Internet, in social networks 5
Go to the cinema, theaters, museums, exhibitions 5
Travel around Russia 4
Play sports, exercise at home, on the street or in a sports club 3
Go to cafes, restaurants 3
Relax in a sanatorium or recreation center 2
Deal with social issues in your area of ​​residence 2
Participate in the life of the parish religious community 2
Have sex 2
Travel, vacation abroad 2
Attend educational courses, lectures, seminars (including on the Internet) 1
Participate in clubs and interest groups (dancing, singing, handicrafts, etc.) 1
Participate in parent committees at schools, kindergartens, etc. 0
Participate in rallies and protests 0
Didn't do any of the above 7
I find it difficult to answer 1

Have you noticed or not noticed that recently there have been stories on television about the rich, interesting lives some pensioners live?


Do you rather like or dislike these stories?


The question was asked to those who noticed stories about the lives of pensioners - 47% of respondents answered

In gratitude to Mikhail Dashkiev, Pyotr Osipov and the first graduates of Business Youth.

At the very beginning I would like to express my gratitude to:

My husband Gennady Borisovich for his patience, forbearance, material and technical support. For courageously enduring the volcano of my unconventional ideas for many years. I don’t know if anyone else has a husband as kind, attentive and supportive of an eccentric woman in everything as I am. I owe everything that I have achieved in our lives to him.

Evgenia Valentinovna Larina, the head of the Vremena editorial office, and Tatyana Mikhailovna Minedzhyan, the chief editor, for believing in me, moral support, and for encouraging me to further work in this direction. It was they who found in the sea of ​​newspaper information a note about my “Computer Primer for Rusty Dummies.” Invited to cooperate. And with their light hand I am writing the fifth book.

Pavlov Vadim Vyacheslavovich, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Ulyanovsk Region. It was he who invited the unknown founders of Business Youth to Ulyanovsk in 2011. It was on his advice that I created an autonomous non-profit association for the adaptation of older people in modern society, DELOSTARRU “Club of Business Old Women”.

Elena Mikhailovna Shporkina, Nadezhda Deryabina, Tatyana Nikolaevna Akimova for their interesting work in the Public Chamber and the Volga Region NGO Alliance “Silver Age”.

Tatyana Nikolaevna Perfilyeva and Lyudmila Georgievna Rafalskaya, with whom we founded the “Club of Business Old Women”.

Natalya Sergeevna Guden - director and Olga Anatolyevna Shagurova - head teacher of the Children's Art School named after. Balakirev for all possible support in organizing the educational process of the general aesthetic department for adults.

Tatyana Viktorovna Shishkova is the only one of the five editions of the “Club of Business Old Women” who has made her business on the Internet.

Nina Mikhailovna Davydova for wisdom and support in difficult times, for advice on the text of the book.

Ivan Kuyanov and Nikolai Dolinov, “fellow students” from the first edition of “Business Youth” - for their support during their studies, professional assistance and business advice.

My daughters Svetlana and Lyudmila, eldest granddaughters Tatyana and Polina for routine technical assistance.

Alexey Danilov and Sergey Gorshkov for quick computer assistance. It is they who, at my first request, immediately fix it, repair the computer, restore lost files, clean full disks, and systematically eliminate gaps in knowledge.

Alexander Nikolaevich Gunidin, my former student, for saving me from many rash steps, for teaching me how to count money, for calling a spade a spade,

Mikhail Dashkiev and Peter Osipov for accepting me into their club. It is thanks to them that my worldview on some things has turned so upside down that for the fifth year now I have been living a full-fledged creative life, and not vegetating on a bench at the entrance. I have, albeit tiny from their point of view, additional income. I have many friends all over the country. And even though I have not reached the level of earnings that the participants of “Business Youth” have, I have much more than just money.


The dentist turned off his machine and allowed him to close his mouth. The filling placed in a paid clinic turned out wonderful. Only I couldn’t close my mouth when I heard how much it cost. No, I had enough money for it, just half my pension.

We've arrived. Now you will have to limit yourself to the already established level of comfort and well-being. The financial airbag from the budget salary turned out to be as thick as a handkerchief. But I also want to go to a good hairdresser, a massage therapist, to a sanatorium, to the sea with my grandchildren, and, in the end, a decent fur coat. What to do?

This is the preface to the book that I came up with four years ago, when I was taking the Business Youth (BM) course. And I’m only finishing it now, because it looks like the crisis that they tirelessly scare us with has once again sailed to our shores.

This book continues the series “for rusty dummies.” She was preceded by:

1. “A computer primer for rusty dummies.”

2. “The Internet is for rusty dummies.”

3. “A pill for sclerosis. Brain training for rusty kettles."

4. “The brain is the cure for all diseases.”

I am writing it for those who were unable to make big money in the nineties. For those whose lives passed under the bright banner on the path to communism. These are not pompous words or mockery, this is the truth of life half a century ago. To you, my compatriots by time of residence, I am writing this book to somehow help you to swim in modern society.

At the beginning of the millennium we were forty years old or so. Those who were smarter, or with the appropriate education, or connections, or information, or simply entrepreneurial talent, organized their own business. I have no doubt that the majority did this within the framework of the laws of that time and their material super-well-being was achieved through very hard work. I know such people. Believe me, for many at that time it was a huge risk; it required knowledge, courage and efficiency.

Well, honestly, admit that not every one of us was able to overcome ourselves and stand with a bucket of potatoes at the nearest store to sell them.

I managed to do this once, I sold one and a half buckets for half the price. My ears were burning, my heart was pounding, my hands were shaking, and in general I was ready to fall through the ground. The concept that trading was a shame was so firmly ingrained in me, it was ugh!

Of course, if it is a matter of life and death, if the children are hungry, any mother will sell anything.

Who are you, my peers?

These are pieces of chapters from my previous books

Despite your age, you are an energetic, resilient person who wants to learn not for the sake of the process itself, but for the benefit of yourself. He has lived an interesting, eventful life, accomplished both as a person, and as a specialist, and as a parent, and as a person who already has grandchildren.

And at the same time, he managed to take a lot from the vicissitudes of fate. These are mainly women who do not want to put up with age. They look at the essence of things adequately.

You and I are the custodians of the experience of the last millennium. We are the first generation in modern history to live in two eras and states without leaving our place of registration. We, who survived the nineties not only ourselves, but also managed to raise children, support our husbands, and feed our family while men were recovering from a social blow. This was already the case at the beginning of the century before last. That's what we got.

Not everyone was able to create their own business and earn a lot of money. But everything somehow settled down. The children are adults, the grandchildren are grown. It's time to take care of yourself. And in order not to sit on the necks of children and grandchildren, you need to find an opportunity to earn a little money to supplement your pension. Because we are used to relying only on ourselves and not expecting mercy from anyone.

Perhaps for the first time in the history of mankind there is such a gigantic gap between fathers and children due to technological progress. Literally life in different millennia. Yes, the previous generation is covered by the wave of the next one. This is the law of nature. We are still here. And our task is to live with dignity in the third age for our own benefit, without straining our loved ones.

With you, the retired quietest librarian, the kindest nurse, the timid primary school teacher, the most gentle solfeggio teacher, the non-conflicting developer, the quiet white-collar office worker, the reserved mathematician, the affectionate kindergarten teacher, I share my experience and hard-earned experiences in an attempt to somehow improve your well-being.

Reading time 8 minutes

Most of every person’s life passes in the daily cycle of worries and constant bustle. Some enjoy constant work activity, while others look forward to retirement. For both the former and the latter, life after retirement changes dramatically. Such changes can often cause stress. In this article you can find material on how to live happily in retirement, as well as make this period of life joyful and productive.

How to prepare for retirement

If someone does not know what “retirement” is, then you can explain what it means: to do in peace and quiet only what you want, but only to do this you need to become old enough. © Tove Jansson

Like any important event in life, retirement requires some preparation. First of all, we mean moral attitude. Many perceive the age of 60+ as the end of life, write themselves off in social activities and do not know what to do with themselves during the retirement period.

Therefore, it is extremely important to regard life after retirement not as a decline, but as a long-awaited vacation and additional time to realize your desires. A happy retirement depends solely on your inner attitude. Have you always wanted to go traveling, but didn’t have the time? Or have you dreamed of learning to play the harmonica? Or maybe it's finally time to write your memoirs? Retirement gives every person a huge gift - time. Time for yourself, for family and friends, friends and acquaintances. We need to find a way to rationally use this priceless gift.

If you plan in advance how to spend your life after retirement, then leaving work will not be perceived as painful. Many begin to prepare for the retirement period in advance: they purchase and prepare summer cottages, and decide on a hobby. It depends only on your inner mood what your old age will be like - active and happy, or spent in despondency in front of the TV screen.

How to survive on retirement - the financial side of the issue

IN European countries When a person retires, he often already has money savings that are quite capable of ensuring a comfortable old age. Unfortunately, for pensioners in the CIS countries, the situation is such that if you do not save capital in advance, then it is almost impossible to survive on pension contributions. For modern pensioners, there are two ways out of a comfortable old age:

  1. Help for children and grandchildren. Proper upbringing and love for your children and grandchildren is, in a way, an investment in a comfortable old age and a decent life in retirement. After all, if trusting relationships are built with the younger generation, respect for elders is instilled throughout life, and family traditions, then such upbringing is a guarantee that parents will not be abandoned to the mercy of the pension fund.
  2. Self help. Initially, you need to think about your security in old age even before retirement, setting aside a small capital. But besides this, you need to remember that life after retirement is not the end labor activity person. Modern retirees find an opportunity to earn extra money, for example, by mastering the Internet and doing remote work. The opportunity to earn extra money is available to everyone, you just need to find a suitable business. For avid summer residents, this could be the sale of home-grown products; for those who like to knit and embroider, it could be the sale of clothing self made. A hobby that generates income is the right option, which will not only solve the issue of additional income, but will also take free time pensioner.

A striking example is a pensioner from China, who at the age of 79 conquered the podium for the first time. Wang Deshun is a real star in the fashion world and at 80 years old he is not going to stop there.

It’s not at all about your intelligence or age, even if nature determines them. The fact is that you yourself are able to determine how old you are and what you can do and what you cannot do. Old age is in the head, not in the body. © Wang Deshun

Ideas for additional income for retirees

In Russia there are also examples of pensioners in modeling business. For example, Tatyana Neklyudova, a woman who worked her entire life as an engineer, did not even suspect that at the age of 61 she would become the face of fashionable St. Petersburg brands, and would even advertise Petrushka underwear.

  1. Work of a watchman or concierge
  2. Internet sales
  3. Running your own blog
  4. Vegetable garden or summer cottage (crops for sale)
  5. Sewing clothes or selling knitted products
  6. Writing articles, dissertations and coursework for students
  7. Nanny, organization of home kindergarten
  8. Sale of homemade baked goods
  9. Tutoring
  10. Private transportation (if you have your own transport)
  11. Dog walking
  12. Raising animals or plants for sale
  13. Work as a photographer or videographer (if you have certain skills)
  14. Cleaning, minor household repairs
  15. Mystery shopper
  16. Guide

A fun retirement - ways to spend leisure time in old age

Retirement is much easier for those people who already have favorite hobby Besides work. But what should those who haven’t found an interesting hobby do?

Pensioners abroad

Life after retirement differs for people depending on where they live.

For example, in Turkey there are practically no nursing homes. Old age is held in high esteem among the Turks, so close relatives will never leave old people alone and without a livelihood. Pensioners in Turkey most often spend their leisure time lazily and leisurely - in coffee shops and visiting each other.

In Germany, on the contrary, it is not customary to support elderly parents; this is considered bad manners. Therefore, there are a lot of houses for retirees in Germany.

Switzerland has a high standard of living, so older Swiss people have enough money in their accounts to enjoy life throughout their retirement period. Music, painting, dancing, literature - there is no cultural niche in which Swiss pensioners cannot realize themselves.

For Poles, life after retirement takes on a quiet, peaceful hue; many of them find themselves working on their plots. Payments for utilities in Poland are extremely high, so travel is not possible for them.

But it’s extremely difficult to call retired French people sedentary. In France, retirement time means new life. Traveling around the world, active image life, going out - distinctive features life after retirement among the life-loving French.

Extreme life after retirement

And old age is full of pleasures, if only you know how to use it. © Seneca Lucius Annaeus

It has been proven that active pensioners live much longer than those who prefer to spend their retirement period in prostration in front of the TV. There are even some individuals whose activity is so extreme that even young people admiringly call them crazy pensioners. A calm old age is not about them. Skydiving, surfing, hiking - all this is available even at the age of 60 years.

For example, Yakut pensioner Pyotr Naumov ran a marathon, covering 3850 km. Englishman Leslie Carver, at the age of 72, gathered a company of his peers and made a round-the-world motor rally, during which a documentary film was shot. Pensioners and extreme sports fans want to donate the proceeds from the collection of the film screening to help starving children. But one American distinguished himself by deciding to celebrate his 90th birthday in the air, but not just by jumping with a parachute. He flew while standing on the wing of a small plane. But the undisputed championship in the list of crazy pensioners is won by the British centenarian Doris Long. With the noble goal of raising money for a local hospice, a woman, aged 101, made a descent from a tower in the port of Portsmouth with a height of 94 meters. This courageous descent earned Doris the title of Commander of the Order of the British Empire. Life after retirement became unexpectedly active for Doris. Moreover, the centenarian began to engage in mountaineering at the advanced age of 85 years.

Life in retirement can be even better than before. Since there is time and opportunity to discover unknown resources within yourself, to try to realize yourself in new areas of life. Find the right way to live happily in retirement and spend this period of your life usefully and positively.

"I am 57 years old. A year ago I retired. To be honest, I never thought that retirement would be a tragedy for me. For as long as I can remember, I dreamed that someday there would come a time when I wouldn’t have to rush headlong to work, when I could do what I really wanted, without finding minutes to clean up my apartment and cook a delicious dinner. But everything turned out wrong. I don't know what to do with myself. The first week of my new life was spent getting some sleep and doing a thorough cleaning of the apartment. I stayed with my daughter for another week (she recently moved to another city), and then that was it! I get up in the morning and another empty day begins. I'm not used to watching TV for hours - I can't stand TV series. I don’t need to go to the store; how much does a single woman need? I can easily get by with a packet of kefir and a couple of sandwiches. My health is fine, but it turns out that I buried myself alive. Previously, when I came home from work, I was so tired that I simply did not have time for sad thoughts. And now I constantly think that old age has come. That no one needs me anymore - my daughter has grown up long ago, her mother-in-law, who lives in the same city, is with her grandchildren. My husband died 7 years ago. It happens that for a week I do not utter a single word. New job I can’t find it - who will take me at this age? But before I enjoyed the respect of my colleagues, I was considered good specialist, I was valued by my superiors. What now? So, when I retire, all I can do is wait for death?” Nina Mikhailovna, Moscow region.

Unfortunately, for many people, retirement is not accompanied by joy, but by stress, melancholy and apathy. Thoughts come to mind about impending old age, about the need to give up one’s workplace young people who can already do without them at work. Those who were engaged in active creative activities at work and those who live alone, far from their children and grandchildren, suffer especially greatly from “retirement stress.” For them, retirement sometimes becomes a real tragedy. But I want my stay in pensioner status to be no worse than adolescence or maturity. He talks about how to adapt to your new social status and continue to enjoy life after retirement. psychologist Irina Vasilyeva.

Step by step

As retirement age approaches, a person goes through several stages. The first is the so-called pre-retirement phase. Retirement seems to you in the distant future, but at the same time a feeling of anxiety arises. During this period, many begin to save money, begin to develop summer cottages, where they plan to spend a significant part of their time after retirement, and some begin to look for a hobby. This approach is absolutely correct. After all, after such preparation, people cease to be afraid of leaving work.

The next stage is romantically called “Honeymoon”. It starts immediately after retirement. A person experiences a feeling of euphoria from newfound freedom - there is no longer any need to rush anywhere, you can do what you love. But, unfortunately, after the “honeymoon” there often comes a phase of disappointment, which, as a rule, arises because the picture of retirement life that a person painted in his imagination does not correspond to reality. For example, you were sure that when you retire you will devote yourself to raising your grandchildren, but your children refuse your help. Or you have picked up a hobby, but your health condition does not allow you to do what you love. For many, the phase of disappointment is replaced by a stage of reorientation and stability - a person begins to realize his weaknesses and strengths and select the appropriate activity. But there are people who, despite all their efforts, cannot find themselves.

The main thing is self-confidence

Domestic and foreign psychologists agree (and this is confirmed by numerous studies) that people with average and high self-esteem adapt best to retirement. That is why those who cannot come to terms with their new status first of all need to start treating themselves better. Remember your achievements more often, do not reproach yourself for the mistakes you have made, perceive every small victory (for example, you made a profitable purchase or shared the recipe for a signature pie with your neighbor) as a big success.

You are responsible for your life

Try not to shift responsibility for your life to someone else. Many pensioners believe that those around them are to blame for their bad mood and feeling of uselessness: children who do not want to live with elderly parents, former bosses, who sent a valuable specialist to retire, friends who rarely come to visit. But you yourself must be responsible for your life. And you live first of all for yourself. Many people think there is no need to cook for themselves. Tasty dinner- they say, you can eat semi-finished products, there is no need to clean the apartment - no one comes in anyway, etc. However, all this must be done. Let it be through force first, forcing yourself. But over time, these simple everyday actions will help you cope with sadness and bad mood.

Find something you like

Of course, The best way survive retirement painlessly - find something you like. One of my friends, after retiring, started setting up a flower garden under her own windows. By the way, gardening work made her the most popular person in the entrance. Neighbors, who for many years did not even know my friend’s name, began to communicate with her. She became acquainted with all the residents of the house and made real friendships with some of them.

Another problem that “beginning pensioners” face is the inability to communicate with people “just like that,” not about business. It seems to many that people may perceive such “conversations about nothing” as intrusiveness. It's not like that at all. There are a lot of lonely people. Don’t be shy, if someone doesn’t want to maintain a dialogue with you, this is not a tragedy at all. Many people find help in finding new acquaintances... a dog. Get a four-legged friend. Dog lovers are a special caste; they always have a topic for conversation and company for a walk.