How to make a tree from beads. Basics of beaded tree weaving for beginners. Orange tree from beads: how to weave

Since the most ancient times.

The decorative qualities of beads have attracted craftsmen at all times in all countries. Since the times of the Sarmatians and Scythians, beads have served as a material for decorating clothes and shoes. Also made from beads beautiful jewelry on the neck and arms.

For the appearance of beads in our lives, we must thank the Phoenician merchants, who accidentally discovered a method for obtaining glass. Once upon a time, in ancient times, they transported natural soda mined in Africa across the Mediterranean Sea. One day they stopped to spend the night on a sandy beach, and, making a fire, surrounded it with pieces of soda. And the next morning, while raking out the ash, the merchants discovered a stunningly beautiful ingot, which was hard as stone, transparent and sparkling in the sun. It was in this way that glassmaking was born about six thousand years ago, from which, after some time, the craft of making beads and bugles was separated. The word "Beads" is of Arabic origin - the word "Busra" in Arabic meant artificial pearls (plural - "Beads"). At first, beads were quite large and opaque, but technology has improved with each century, and today's beads delight the eye with brightness, shine in the sun's rays and a huge variety of shapes and colors.
Modern craftswomen use the experience accumulated over thousands of years and, in addition to decorating clothes and shoes and making all kinds of plaits, bracelets and necklaces, they also make stunningly beautiful trees and flowers. Looking at such a beaded fairy tale, it is difficult to believe that all this is the creation of human hands. In this article, MirSovetov will tell you how you can make miniature trees from beads and applied materials.

So, what do we need to make trees from beads: beads of various colors and quality, sequins, beads, wire of different thicknesses, rigid rods, floral tape, plaster for fixing the product, decorative stones, sand, etc. In fact, you shouldn't be so scared. Beading is not a one-day activity, so over time you will be able to acquire everything you need.
In this article, MirSovetov will tell you what techniques you can start with so that the difficulties caused by manufacturing do not discourage your appetite for creativity. Here we will look at two examples that will give impetus to your imagination, and also show the manufacturing process step by step.
So, to begin with, we only need beads, leaf-shaped sequins, and wire. At the final stage, you will only need to select a form for planting the resulting beaded tree.

Making the first tree - cherry blossoms

This tree is the best educational material for those who want to learn how to weave trees and flowers from beads. It is done quite simply, and the result is impressive.
First you need to cut a lot of pieces of wire. The length of each piece is about 25 cm:

Now we string 5 beads onto the wire and twist them into a loop at a distance of about 5-7 cm from the end of the wire. Having retreated 1-1.2 cm, we make another similar loop. And thus we make several loops (necessarily an odd number), leaving a free end of the wire 5-7 cm long:

Next, bend the wire on the central loop:

And twist its ends together:

One branch of future sakura is ready. Now we need to make about 100 such branches - it is with this quantity that the beaded tree will look quite magnificent.
When the branches are ready, we begin assembly. By twisting the branches together, it is necessary to form bundles of 10-12 branches.
Next, we collect the resulting bundles near the solid base. The solid base is ideally a rigid rod - a special metal stick for producing stems in beadwork or used for making artificial flowers. In the absence of such a stick, MirSovetov advises using improvised means - you can take a wooden kebab skewer, you can use a pencil, in general, anything that comes to hand. By securing the resulting bundles of branches by winding, the very shape of the tree is formed.
To make a tree trunk look natural, two main methods are used - wrapping the trunk with floral tape (this is a slightly adhesive corrugated paper in the form of a tape) and winding the barrel with threads. Silk thread will look especially impressive on the trunk.
After this, it comes to planting the bead tree. Need to choose suitable shape, way of decoration. Using plaster, the tree is fixed in shape, and then decorated with any materials you like. Gypsum can be replaced with other materials, for example, plasticine or a specific plastic that hardens over time.
So, the result of the last “gardening” work will be as follows:
In this case, to make a sakura tree, a little green beads were used, which are found in greater concentration at the base of the branches. A glass square plate was used for planting, and artificial decorative stones were used for decoration. The trunk is wrapped in brown silk thread.

Making a red branch from sequins

Here we will consider another wonderful and very easy way making cute trees with your own hands.
This method will require leaf-shaped sequins.
Just like in the first method, first you need to cut wires 20-25 cm long. We will create twigs from these pieces.
So, we string the sequin onto the wire and twist a leg about 1 cm high under it:

We twist the free ends of the wire together until the end. One branch of the future tree is ready. In this work, you also need to make about 100 similar branches (the number varies based on the desired splendor of the tree). To make one tree branch you will need about 10-12 branches of the main branches:

And then according to what is already known: assembling the tree, planting it in containers and decorating.
Fantasy will tell you a lot possible options trees made of beads. MirSovetov gives several ideas.

Here the role of oranges is played by orange beads. Used for planting wicker basket, and for decoration - artificial decorative stones and beads - fallen oranges.
A branch-blank for an orange tree made of beads is made according to the following scheme:


The difficulty in making a birch tree is in the trunk. Ideally, you can find white floral tape. But if difficulties arise with the tape, then you can get by with a medical adhesive plaster. Next, stripes are applied to the trunk using a black felt-tip pen.

Bead weaving is one of the most common modern hobbies. Most often, this technique is used to create beautiful jewelry and weave paintings. But that is not all. A popular trend is flowers and trees made of beads. Small shiny beads make original and almost “living” trees that can decorate any interior or become a wonderful gift. At the same time, weaving a tree with your own hands is not so difficult - just prepare the necessary materials and follow the pattern.

Weaving a fairy tree without a pattern will be quite difficult for beginning craftswomen. There can be a lot in weaving " pitfalls”, which are simply not known to beginners, but can significantly complicate the work. Therefore, it is best to navigate according to the scheme.
You can find the work plan you need on our website. Here are training videos and master classes with step-by-step photos that will help you figure out some difficult aspects of the work.
The diagrams indicate the most complete information about all the necessary materials: the number and quantity of beads (indicated in grams), wire thickness, etc. The progress of the work is also fully disclosed there. The diagram describes in detail the method of making branches, how many of them need to be made for a specific model.

Let's get started

Before you get started, you can check out the photo and video master classes, which explain in detail how to make a decorative tree from small beads. It is better to stock up on all the necessary materials in advance. The variety, color and size of beads depends on how the finished tree should look. You need to make a Christmas tree - small green ones will do, an orange tree - combine small green beads with larger orange beads. In order to make a tree-amulet, you can combine beads with Chinese coins, natural stone or Turkish “eye” stones.

You will also need some wire for the job. It should be stiff enough to hold its shape well, but thin enough to easily string the beads.

For finishing we will need floral paper - it will hide the wire. If it is not possible to purchase one, in some cases ordinary threads are sufficient.

Basic techniques for weaving trees

Despite the fascinating appearance of the finished tree in the photographs, making such a tree is not so difficult even for a beginner. Weaving beaded trees is not so much a difficult task as it requires patience and perseverance. At the core are basic patterns that are familiar even to craftswomen who are just beginning to study this type of creativity.

Weaving trees with beads begins with the most important thing - weaving branches. Depending on the type of wood you choose, the techniques will vary, but in any case they are easy to learn.

Weaving branches using the twisting method

The easiest way to weave twigs is “twisting”. To do this, beads of the desired color are strung on a wire. You should get a regular chain. We step back from the edge of the wire, count 3 beads and twist. We repeat twisting approximately every 5 mm until the ends of the wire with and without leaves are at the same level.

After this, we twist the remaining free wire around the working wire - the result should be a zigzag on the leaves.

To make the tree more magnificent, you can make branches so that the branch is shaped like the letter Y. To do this, twist the loose wire approximately in the middle, collect a chain of beads and continue working.

The result will be a twig with very small leaves. In this way you can make, for example, birch branches.

Loops. It is performed in exactly the same way as twisting. The difference is mainly in quantity. Let's take 6 beads instead of 3 - you'll get a small loop. You can take more (the quantity depends on the model). In addition, the number of beads can be the same, but in order to make a beaded tree “Wisteria”, you will need to make leaves of different sizes on one branch - from 6 to 14.

Loop weaving method

In order to weave a fairy tree, you can use a pattern similar to “frost”. We put 3 beads on the thread and skip one. We pass one end of the wire through the 2 remaining beads. Then we string 2 beads onto one end of the wire, skip 1, and draw the wire. Exactly the same - at the other end. Then we connect both ends of the wire and secure with 1 bead. You should get 2 “needles”. We repeat the weaving the required number of times, as required by the pattern. You will get twigs from which you can assemble a Christmas tree. A beaded fern will look very original - the branches can be made according to the same pattern.

As you can see by using basic beading techniques, trees can be woven quickly and easily. If beginners have difficulties making their first crafts, photo master classes and educational videos are created to help them.

Collecting a tree

The number of branches for each craft may be different. If in order to make a birch you need to make 49 branches, then for some models you will need more than 100. The exact number is always indicated in the diagram or description.

When all the branches are ready, you can start assembling the craft. To do this, twist 2 branches together, then add the rest one at a time. We wrap each resulting large branch with 2 cm of floral tape. We connect the large branches together and wrap them again with flying tape to make the trunk smoother. Each large branch must also be connected to a solid base. To do this, use a rigid rod; if there is none, you can twist several wires or use any available materials: a wooden skewer or a pencil. We wrap large branches around the base and cover the wire with floral tape. If desired, it can be replaced with threads, and silk ones will look most impressive.
Some craftswomen use gypsum to process the trunk: with its help you can make the tree even more realistic. But using this material requires experience that beginners do not have. To learn all the intricacies of this work, you can watch a master class on making trees from beads with step-by-step photos or a training video.

When the beaded tree is completely ready, all that remains is to “plant” it in a regular pot or any other suitable container and secure it with plaster, plastic or plasticine.
After this, all that remains is to give the tree the necessary shape and decorate it with additional elements: for example, cover the plaster with beads or beautiful stones. That's it - the bead tree is ready. The result is definitely worth the effort. And thanks to the simplicity of the technique, the weaving process itself is very exciting and interesting, and besides, it is possible to quickly build an entire garden of fabulous trees.

How to avoid mistakes at work

Even if you follow the diagram exactly, there is still a chance that you will end up with a tree that is not at all the one you would like to see. If this happens, there is a possibility of quitting your job. It is especially important not to lose spirit for craftswomen who are just starting to learn beadwork.

To make exactly the right tree from beads and not make mistakes, you can look step by step photos on the Internet or video master classes. But no less important right attitude to work.

Experienced craftswomen, authors of courses and training master classes advise setting aside time every day that can be spent only on handicrafts. Attempts to weave crafts in between daily activities or in parallel with watching your favorite movie usually lead to nothing happening. Handicrafts are shelved, and the creation of a tree remains only one of the columns in the plan. Therefore, oddly enough, in a hobby it is also important to follow the system. Every day you can allocate at least a little time - even 10-15 minutes, but this will allow you to distribute the work and not abandon it for lack of free time.
Don't try to weave a beaded tree in one evening. Despite its simplicity, this work is quite monotonous and requires attention. In addition, when working with beads for a long time, your eyes become very tired.

Another common mistake is “wearing out old beads.” A fairly economical strategy, but it does not always guarantee good result. Beads, like any creative material, can lose their appearance over time, and as a result, the work will not look its best.

This is also where the third mistake comes from: “I’ll just try.” This attitude makes you not take your work seriously. Initially, it begins to seem that the craft is just a “draft”, but the next one will definitely be successful. In fact, when the bead tree turns out to be completely different from what we would like, the fighting spirit is lost.

DIY beaded sakura

Finally - small master class: let's make sakura from beads. For work, pink beads are most often used to get cherry blossoms. But this is not an axiom: you can use red beads (the tree will turn out to be autumn), and green. In total you will need about 200 grams. To make the tree more realistic, you can use beads of two shades.

Let's move on to weaving the twigs of the craft. To make 1 leaf, put 6 beads on a wire and twist. Leave 1 cm, again collect 6 beads. There should be 11 leaf loops in total. We twist the branch starting from the top or bottom, whichever is more convenient.

We make the remaining branches using the same pattern. The more you make, the more magnificent the sakura will turn out. Typically, 70 to 100 small branches are made from beads for a tree.

To make one middle branch, take 3 large pieces and twist them together. There will be 3 middle branches in total.

You can make 2 or 3 lower sakura branches. To do this, twist 5 blanks.

Let's move on to assembling the tree. We take the base - a thick wire, and fasten the upper branches. Wrap with floral tape.

We attach another wire a little lower and attach the middle branches. We wrap the barrel with tape again. We secure the base with the lower branches even lower and wrap it with tape or floral tape.

The tree itself is ready. Now we place it in the mold, bend it slightly, and fill the mold with alabaster. We treat the tree trunk with the same solution. To avoid damaging the leaves, you can cover them with foil. When the solution is completely dry, coat the barrel with paint and then varnish. When the trunk is completely dry, you can remove the foil and straighten the branches beautifully.

Taking into account all the possible mistakes and having read the master class, weaving a tree with your own hands is not so difficult. There are a lot of models of beaded trees - you can weave the usual apple trees, Christmas trees, sakura, etc. Or you can create an unusual tree with your own hands, as if from a fantasy world (for example, the same whispering tree of Euwa). In any case, the principle of weaving will be general, which means that coping with this work will not be difficult. The main thing is to use your imagination and not be afraid to experiment.

Video: Master class on weaving birch beads

Weaving patterns will help you create trees from beads. Birch, sakura and other trees will turn out to be unusually beautiful and picturesque if you follow them and the description of the work.

White-trunk beauty - the beginning of creativity

If you want to make a birch tree, to make it you will need:

  • thickness 0.3; 1 mm;
  • beads of dark, light green, turquoise color;
  • aluminum wire 3 mm thick;
  • tree stand - bowl, pot;
  • brushes, PVA glue;
  • floral tape;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • white acrylic or window paint.

They will tell you how to make trees from beads and weaving patterns. First, pour beads of all colors into a suitable container and mix. When stringing, you will take it in a chaotic manner.

We start with the consciousness of the first branch. In one hand you have a spool of wire 0.3 mm thick, in the other - the first piece of beads. String it onto the tip of the wire, pull it a little further, then take the second bead with the hole. In this way, collect 12 beads. Connect the first to the last, twist the wire under them so that you are left with a “leg” of it 1 cm high.

Step back the same amount and make a second leaf, which is hollow inside and consists of 12 beads. These 5 leaves will be on one side of the branch. Make 3 more leaves that will become the top of the branch, then make 5 more loops. They will be on the other side of the branch.

This is how we start to do it. Weaving patterns are so simple that you can do without them. As a result, you have a branch consisting of five leaves with the left and right side, and 3 leaves are apical.

We assemble the parts into a single whole

Using the same technique, create 49 more branches. Now they need to be grouped in groups of five. To do this, leave the end of the wire free, now just twist these parts of the branches so that each consists of five pieces.

Cut a 10 cm long piece from a 1 mm thick wire, attach it to the free part of the branches, and secure with floral tape. You have 10 large branches, each of which consists of five small ones.

Cover with white paint. When it's dry, brush strokes of black on top. When it dries, start collecting the birch tree.

To do this, cut a piece from aluminum wire, which has a cross-section of 3 mm. Start at the top and use floral tape to attach branches to it. Make a thickening towards the bottom of the trunk. To do this, first wrap a bandage here, and then tape and floral tape.

How to fasten birch and other trees

Place the birch tree in a bowl and secure it. Other beaded trees are decorated in the same way, the weaving patterns of which are so simple that even novice craftswomen can reproduce them.

You can secure the barrel with plasticine or first cut a piece of thick foam plastic of a suitable diameter, place it in a bowl and stick the end of an aluminum wire into it.

To keep the birch or other tree strong, mix 1 part two - alabasters - in a separate bowl. Add enough water to create a solution that looks like runny cottage cheese.

It should be applied to a surface previously moistened with water without delay, since alabaster hardens very quickly. Place the remaining solution in the bowl in which the tree is located to secure the birch in this position.

Once it's dry, cover it with 2-3 coats of white paint. When each of them has dried, make a few strokes of black paint to make the birch look like a real one. Cover the surface of the alabaster in a bowl with paint and decorate it with colored pebbles.

Blooming Japanese cherry tree

Create branches for this tree using your own imagination. There may be bead weaving just like birch. The scheme allows you to make trees (sakura) very beautiful. The number of beads on one swallow can be the same as on a newly created birch tree. But you will need beads that are not green, but Pink colour, take some white too. Mix these small beads, string them also in 12 pieces to create one leaf.

In the same way as in the first sample, fasten the branches in groups of 5, form a trunk using 2-sided tape and floral tape. Deliberately make irregularities on the branches and trunk so that the tree looks natural after the beadwork is completed.

Trees (sakura), the creation scheme of which is so simple, must be secured in a container. A mixture of alabaster with water and PVA glue will help with this. To make the tree appear to be growing, place moss around it. It is enough just to moisturize it sometimes, and this natural material will be green for a long time, and the sakura above it will look even more beautiful.

Leaf samples: diagrams

Trees from beads are made using almost the same technology. Weaving patterns for very beginners will be presented below.

As you can see in the photo, first you need to string 5 beads onto a thin wire. Then bend it, push it into the penultimate, fourth bead, then into the third, second, first. After this, string 5 more beads onto the same wire, having previously bent it at an angle of 45°, and again thread the end of the wire through four of them.

Having collected 3 fragments in this way, each of which contains five beads, make two more below. Each of them will already consist of 7 beads with holes. The sample will make it easier to weave with beads. The scheme for creating branch leaves for which can be exactly the same is also very interesting to do.

Symbol of wealth

The leaves on it may be the same as in the photo. In the central diagram, the leaf consists of seven sticks, each of which has 10 beads strung on it. You can make a sheet of 22 pieces of wire, as can be seen in the last diagram.

When the branches are ready, tie several coins with holes drilled in them. You can cut out rings from gold-colored paper, glue them in pairs and also secure them to the branches using rope or thin ribbons.


If you wish, use more in a simple way and make not only money trees, but also other trees from beads. Bonsai weaving patterns are also simple.

Cut 45 cm long pieces from wire 0.3-0.4 mm thick. Each of them will soon turn into a branch. Take a little more than 200 g of beads in green shades, as well as yellow color, mix them in a container.

Place enough beads on the first wire to cover it by 15 cm. Take a wooden sushi stick and wrap a piece of beaded wire around it. Insert one end of the wire through the resulting rings, and the other end of the wire in the other direction, tighten.

In the same way, arrange 2 more branches, twist them together, as shown in the photo. Using floral tape, connect 3-4 branches. Then take 4 such blanks and secure them with tape.

All that remains is to connect the branches and, observing the asymmetry, secure the bonsai in the container. This is how trees are made from beads, the weaving patterns of which are simple and understandable.

The name of the popular souvenir comes from the Latin name for a figuratively grown tree. Other common names for this composition are European tree or tree of happiness. So, we will start making wood from beads. According to the Feng Shui tradition, the optimal shape for the crown is a ball or cone. The trunk can be anything - straight or curved. The best example of conical trees are Christmas trees, and such a topiary will make a wonderful gift for New Year's holidays. A tree with a spherical crown can be anything, it all depends on your imagination. Another possible shape for the tree of happiness is a heart. It is obtained from two trees intertwined with each other.

In any craft, quality preparation is half the battle. Therefore, first of all, we get ready for joyful work and prepare the necessary parts and tools.

Before you start, you should stock up on:

  1. A sketch of the future tree - topiary;
  2. Beads;
  3. Wire, the diameter of which allows you to put beads on it.

You will also need tools for cutting and twisting wire - metal scissors and pliers, a base for our tree - a large and stable stone, a floral sponge, a base made of polyurethane foam - everything that matches your artistic design, threads and glue for decorating the trunk and branches, if this is intended.

The most important component, without which you cannot achieve success, is patience, because making wood is not difficult work, but it is long and painstaking.

The size of the topiary can be any: from a small figurine intended to decorate a table to a tree that spans the entire height of the room, it all depends only on your desire and patience. But you should start mastering the art of making topiary from beads with small figures. You can look for inspiration in photographs of works experienced craftsmen, while walking in a park or greenhouse, on paintings.

Popular topiaries are birch trees or sakura. But most often it is not a copy of any real tree, but is a fantasy plant. The most popular crown shape is balls. This souvenir is given for good luck. And happiness is often associated with abundance, with heaven and magic. Therefore, when creating topiary, you can use flowers, fruits, figures of butterflies, and birds, woven from beads or made using other techniques.

The main thing is not to overdo it and not make the tree look tacky. Therefore, you should start with a sketch.

Draw your future tree, think about the number of branches, leaves on the branches, and the frequency of placement of the figures. This data will be required to calculate the quantity necessary materials. The general principles of making topiary are given in our master class.

Bead topiary: master class (video)

Branches of the tree of happiness: weaving techniques

A common technique for making coral topiary branches is to create loops by passing a thread or wire through several beads and returning it back through the same beads. Then the two ends that came out of the last bead diverge in different directions and are used to create the next loops. This method is convenient for making, for example, spruce paws. An alternative technique is to string several beads, push them into the center of the wire, then bend and twist the wire.

To make flowers that can be used to decorate topiary, the technique of French circular weaving or arching is used. Its essence is that at the beginning of the wire they twist a loop, string the beads of the first row, then make a loop from the other end of the wire, string the second row, close it by turning the wire around the wire on which the first row is strung. In this way, the required number of rows is collected, and then the initial small loop is untwisted and a flower is formed by passing the freed end of the wire through several beads of the last row.

The “tree of happiness” topiary is considered a kind of talisman. Many people believe that this tree attracts prosperity and positive emotions into the home.

Other techniques that can be used when making topiary:

  • Knotting technique (for large beads and seed beads);
  • Dense oblique weaving– for large leaves;
  • American tourniquet - for fruits.

Forming branches

You can use individual beads, or you can use pre-prepared groups of several beads, leaves or flowers. By forming long loops from blanks of spruce paws, flowers or leaves, we form branches. The free ends of the loops are twisted, creating branches of the future tree.

The most common technique is to twist the pieces in pairs, then combine pairs, then pairs of such combined pairs, and so on until branches of the desired length are formed.

The frequency of arrangement of prepared leaves or flowers can be any and depend on your plan. The structure of the branches obtained by repeatedly twisting already twisted blanks is very beautiful, it resembles trees growing on the bare rocks of the northern mountains and twisted by the wind, or the trunks of Japanese dwarf bonsai trees. There is no need to decorate them with threads.

The branches can be made differently: making two or three turns just to secure the leaf or flower, leaving straight parallel ends. Then, folding several leaves or flowers, tightly wrap the free ends of the wire with a thread coated with glue. Don't forget to leave the ends of the wire that you will use to connect the branches to the trunk.

Making topiary from beads with your own hands: the final stage

Now that the crown and trunk of the topiary are ready, let's move on to the base. It should provide the tree with stability.

For the base you can use:

  1. Flat stone;
  2. Floral sponge;
  3. Polyurethane foam;
  4. Plaster or alabaster.

To get a tree with its roots wrapped around a stone, take a stone slightly smaller than the diameter of the crown, and use the remaining wire coming out of the trunk to wrap it on four or six sides. This method is well suited for a trunk that is not intertwined with threads.

You can plant a tree in a tub, fixing it in a floral sponge, polyurethane foam or alabaster. The surface of the “soil” should be decorated with beads, threads or fragments of fabric.

Caring for a beaded tree is not difficult - you just need to periodically clean it from dust.

Making topiary from beads with your own hands (video)

A finished topiary can be a wonderful decoration for an apartment, or serve as a wonderful gift. to a loved one. You can make simple topiary with your children; this activity will bring the whole family together. We hope our MK will help you with this. And happiness... do beautiful thing with your own hands and give it to a loved one or, conversely, receiving such a gift from him is happiness. So the tree fulfills its task perfectly.

Beaded topiary (photo)

Tree beading: basics, step-by-step master classes.

Women have been decorating themselves and their homes since time immemorial. Of course, in those days, women were limited in resources, but over time, the art of decorating the house with their own hands developed more and more.

Later, with the advent of glass, a new type of needlework appeared - beadwork. Using threads and multi-colored beads, craftswomen made all kinds of jewelry (earrings, pendants, bracelets, hair ornaments), and did not forget about their home, because comfort in the home is the main task of women.

Today, one of the most popular trends in beadwork is beaded trees. They are absolutely different sizes, from mini sakura on keychains to two-meter beauties. Beginning craftswomen ask themselves: do they weave only sakura trees, or can they weave other trees as well?

Indeed, sakura are by far the most popular, but this is due to the great love for the east among our craftswomen. In fact, any tree or shrub can be woven from beads; birches, mountain ash and flowering garden trees look especially beautiful.

How to weave beautiful trees from beads? Master classes and patterns for weaving trees from beads

Beading trees is a relatively easy direction in this type of needlework. Even a beginning young needlewoman can master this technique. Everyone knows that children love to make things with their own hands, but if the technique is labor-intensive and complex, girls quickly lose interest.

Weaving trees from beads is popular both in children's creative circles and for adult craftswomen. It's exciting and beautiful handicraft, with which you can create amazing decorations for your home, office, or even as a gift.

How to make a birch tree from beads? Master Class

The Russian birch tree does not leave indifferent both the Slavs themselves and admirers of Russian nature around the world. We have prepared a step-by-step master class on weaving birch trees. To work, you will need green beads of three to four shades.

The more contrasting the colors, the richer and brighter the foliage will be. You will also need wire measuring 0.3, 1 and 3 mm, thread for winding, PVA glue, alabaster, acrylic paints and two brushes (wide and thin).

We take the thinnest wire, cut off a piece of about 40 cm. String 7 beads, step back 5-7 cm from the edge and twist the loop. The colors of the beads are strung in a chaotic order. In total, wind 9 loops on one thread, the distance between the loops is about 1 cm. Fold it in half, one loop remains in the center, twist the rest together into one branch.

You need to weave 15 such branches, and using the same technology, but with 11 loops, 57 pieces. The smaller ones will go to the top, the rest will be evenly distributed throughout the tree.

Let's move on to the next step. From branches with 9 loops we form 5 large branches, 3 thin ones in each. We also repeat with the remaining branches. To the branches that are longer we wrap 1 mm wire with threads. Set aside and return to the top. From the short ones we connect two trunks, in one of 3 branches, in the second with 2. We wind 3 mm wire to each and wrap it with thread.

The next step is to form the crown of the tree. One top will consist of 3 branches and 12 long branches are tied to it. The second of 2 branches, and 7 long branches are tied to it.

We connect the trunk so that the thicker top is 1 - 2 cm higher. Wrap it with construction tape. We leave small ends of the wire at the bottom and bend them in different directions like roots for stability.

Choosing a shape for the base. Cover with a bag, pour in diluted alabaster and lower the birch tree. We fix it so that while drying it does not bend to one side. We wait about 10-12 hours until it dries completely.

We hide the beads in foil so as not to stain them with paint. We prime the trunk and base with PVA glue. We wait a few hours and move on to painting. We cover the trunk with white paint in two layers. We wait until it dries completely and move on to decorating the bark. Using black paint we draw stripes like on a real birch tree. Again, wait for it to dry and decorate the base to your liking. Remove the foil and straighten the branches.

Master class on weaving a money tree from beads, video

The money tree protects owners from financial failures and attracts new cash flows to the home or office. In order for a tree to work more efficiently, it is worth investing a piece of your energy into it by doing it yourself.

To complete the work you will need gold-colored beads, coins in oriental style, thin wire and wire cutters. The tree can stand on its own roots, or you can place it in a mold like the previous birch tree.

Video: Golden money tree made of beads. Autumn golden tree. Autumn tree

Christmas tree made of beads, step-by-step master class

For the new move, coniferous beauties leave their clearings and penetrate into every home, every office, and even every store. Those who do not decorate their homes are called unloving winter holidays stingy Scrooges.

In recent years, environmentalists have finally conveyed to humanity that the cutting down of coniferous trees is turning into an annual disaster, and it is best to replace natural spruce trees with artificial analogues. We propose to gather at winter evening and weave a winter beauty from beads!

Video: Step-by-step blue spruce master class

Beaded maple, master class, photo

Maple is a beautiful, luxurious tree for a long time, unfairly forgotten by bead weavers. Today, these luxurious trees are rarely seen at exhibitions, but still appear. The technique is more complex than in previous master classes, but by watching the step-by-step master classes you can master this technique.

Video: Beaded maple leaf

Video: Beaded maple. How to assemble a tree from beads

Master class on weaving weeping willow from beads

Weeping willow is a favorite of needlewomen. It has been embroidered on paintings and tapestries, on dishes and souvenirs for many centuries. She is also loved by fans of beadwork and is no less popular than sakura.

In order to weave willow, you will need green beads (as in the case of birch, you can take several shades), wire, thread, alabaster and materials for decoupage.

Video: Master class on weaving weeping willow from beads

Master class on weaving rowan berries in the snow using beads

Winter rowan, how much beauty and tenderness there is in this landscape. Do you want to place a winter beauty in your home? It is not difficult! Just one evening spent weaving beads and a bright rowan will take up residence in your home.

To work, you will need white and dark red beads, copper or dark brown wire, and, as usual, alabaster and material for decoupaging the base of the winter rowan tree.

Video: Master class on weaving rowan berries in the snow

Beaded lilac, master class, video

But with the arrival of spring, the air is filled with the delicate aroma of lilac. But lilac branches are famous not only for their delicate aroma, but also for their elegant clusters of flowers. The beaded embodiment of lilac is as beautiful as the branches created by nature. And it can please the eye all year round!

To create a bouquet of lilacs, you will need beads in a shade from white-pink to deep lilac, green wire, or any other color, but you will also need additional thread for winding.

Video: Beaded lilac

Unusual and beautiful beaded wisteria tree, master class

And in conclusion, a delicate and touching wisteria made of beads. Another tree that is perfect for a girl’s bedroom, will decorate a classic interior and add sophistication to the office.

For the tree you will need beads of 3 colors (pale pink, purple and green), wire, thread for winding and alabaster for the base. Wisteria trees are usually small and delicate, so the work will take very little time. And the result will be amazing!

Video: Wisteria tree made of beads

Galina: having a growing granddaughter is both pleasant and troublesome. After all, she needs to be occupied with something and of course I am against TV. One cloudy day I decided to show my 5-year-old needlewoman how to make beads. The reaction was so interesting - for the first hour I sorted through the beads like treasures. Well, then we started the simplest thing - weaving a twig. And she liked it! Now she loves to visit her grandmother and weave more and more toys, trees and keychains. I recommend it to all grandmothers!

Maryana: Not long ago I was drawn to beadwork, and as it turned out, there is nothing complicated about it. Just a couple of evenings and the first tree was woven. I recommend that beginners buy sets at first, since the number of beads and wire footage are clearly distributed there. And only then, with experience, you can assemble mini sets yourself for unique products.

Video: Beautiful trees made of beads