All about age in the modeling business. How the first age modeling agency in Russia, Oldushka, works as a model for women over 50

But these amazing women decided to destroy this stereotype! Meet 10 models who definitely don’t have any complexes about their age and can give many young people a head start!

1. Yasmina Rossi (61 years old)

The woman readily admits that the secret of her youth lies in three simple rules that she tries to follow all her life. First: do what you like and don’t do what you don’t feel like doing. Second: eat right, be sure to eat avocado and fish. Third: natural oils for hair and skin.

2. Jackie O'Shaughnessy (60 years old)

Jackie admits that all her life she was embarrassed by her tall(180 cm) and was worried a lot about this. But only now was she finally able to come to terms with him and, quite by accident, star in a photo shoot, which brought her instant popularity. That’s how important it is to accept your “shortcomings”!

3. Marie Helvin (65 years old)

Marie had a very successful modeling career in the 70s. But now she doesn’t even think about stopping there! Lingerie shows, candid photo shoots - all this at 65 years old! The woman admits that she has no children, and that’s all free time she dedicates herself to skin and body care.

4. Lauren Hutton (73 years old)

A true star who has appeared on the cover of VOGUE more than 25 times. Now Lauren is still invited to designer shows and interesting fashion events, as a model, of course. This is where age is definitely not a hindrance if you do what you love. 🙂

5. Pia Groning (67 years old)

Danish fashion model and actress. Now she collaborates with two modeling agencies, travels a lot and does charity work. Pia is a huge fan. social networks, where she shares photos of her husband and children with fans. The fashion model looks very well-groomed and feminine, the secret is good mood and love!

6. Nick Wooster (57 years old)

The first man on our list! Nick is the fashion director of Neiman Marcus and one of the most stylish men on the planet. He has collaborated with such giants as Calvin Klein and Thom Browne. Now he is still participating in various photo shoots and has no plans to stop!

7. Valerie Payne (74 years old)

She ascended to the star Olympus 2 times in her life. Valerie was very popular in the 60s of the last century. Then she returned to the podium again after 60 years. At the age of 20, she chose a family, giving up her modeling career. However, she later returned to fulfill her old dream. Now Payne is still a regular at fashion shows.

8. Jacqueline Murdoch (82 years old)

In her youth, she was a very successful dancer, but over time she realized that she had always dreamed of becoming a model. It's never too late, right? Now Jacqueline is actively photographing with famous photographers, collaborating with designers and showing that dreams come true, just with a delay. 🙂

9. Gene Woods (77 years old)

Jean was widowed at age 70, and after that fashion became firmly established in her life. She says she is inspired by young people and their wild outfits. Jean has been interested in fashion all her life, but she decided to devote herself entirely to it only in old age. She constantly follows new products and trends, participates in many photo shoots and is even going to act in films. 🙂

10. Iman Mohamed Abdulmajid (62 years old)

The widow of David Bowie, a Somali and American top model, even now continues to work in the fashion industry. She was quite popular in her youth. Now Iman is primarily known as a businesswoman, but for the whole world she remains a famous model with extraordinary beauty and grace.

How do you feel about older models?

Age is not a barrier! 10 most amazing models who are already over 50! updated: April 20, 2019 by: Olya Kina

They come to modeling agencies to make it in the fashion world.

They have someone to follow - Swjournal presents several well-known ones who became famous at a considerable age for models.

One hundred points ahead: Beau Gilbert

Absolute victory in modeling business, confirming the rule that it is never too late to make a dream come true, belongs to Beau Gilbert from the UK (real name: Majorie Gilbert). When Bo turned one hundred years old, she was invited to participate in advertising for the fashion brand Harvey Nichols, and her face appeared in British Vogue.

The appearance of a “fashionable grandmother” on the pages of a fashion publication was not accidental: that year the magazine also celebrated its centenary. Mrs. Gilbert herself never thought about a career as a fashion model; she worked all her life in a field very far from fashion world. She worked for almost half a century at a factory that produced cardboard packaging, starting there as an ordinary worker at the assembly line and years later rising to the status of director.

However, Majorie has always been partial to fashion - from her youth she was distinguished by her sense of taste and style. She did not have the opportunity to purchase expensive clothes, but this did not stop her from always looking sophisticated. At the same time, beauty was and remains its own internal necessity. “I always dressed up for myself, not for men,” says Beau. Having received an offer for a fashion photo shoot, the woman was delighted. Now the world's first 100-year-old model lives in a nursing home. Her husband and only daughter, Stephanie, had died, and she had previously only been visited by her son-in-law, Peter. Now, Bo Gilbert has a huge following all over the world - in fact, her ability to hold herself in front of the camera and present herself, as well as her courage and openness to new experiences, are unconditionally admired.

From stage to podium:Jacqueline Murdoch

Became a model in 2012 at age 82

The story of Jacqueline Murdoch is reminiscent of the fairy tale about Cinderella: the heroine of this true story was simply walking in the park when a young man she didn’t know approached her and asked permission to photograph her. Why not, Jacqueline thought and agreed.

This decision became her ticket to the world of big fashion - the mysterious stranger turned out to be Ari Seth Cohen, a photographer and famous fashion blogger. Jacqueline Murdoch received an offer to become the face of the Lanvin brand and gained worldwide fame. However, there is one detail that brings a certain intrigue: at the time of the fateful meeting, Jacqueline was 82 years old!

Looking at the photographs of Jacqueline Murdoch, you are surprised at how graceful she looks and how easily she carries herself at an age when her peers cannot always move independently even around their own apartment. This grace is not only natural gifts, but also the result of many years of constant work on herself: Jacqueline was a dancer at the famous New York Apollo Theater for a long time.

Once upon a time, her parents were against her choice: her father, a successful restaurateur, believed that the profession of a dancer was not suitable for a girl from a good family. Jacqueline announced her desire to perform on stage to her mother and father at the age of five, but they considered it a childish whim and, out of harm’s way, sent her to study piano. But the girl’s intentions turned out to be much more serious, and at the age of 15 she began her career as a dancer. The start was successful, and already at 17 Zhkalin performed in the troupe of the Apollo Theater. After 40 years, she decided to leave show business and worked as a secretary at New York University. But it turned out that it’s never too late to return – albeit in a completely different role.

Jackie O'Shaughnessy: main role

Became a model in 2012 at age 60

The stories of Jackie O'Shaughnessy and Jacqueline Murdoch are somewhat similar: in both cases, everything was decided by a chance meeting. But if Jacqueline met a mysterious stranger in the park, then Jackie talked in a restaurant with a woman whom she had once glimpsed on the street.

This woman was Marsha Brady, the fashion director of American Apparel. Marsha invited her new friend to star in an advertising campaign for the brand. The photo shoot turned out to be quite frank, but Jackie, with her impeccable figure, looked impeccable in bold images.

The irony is that Jackie already tried her hand at modeling when she was only 13 years old. But the agency turned the girl away: she was told that she had to lose at least 4 kilos and do plastic surgery nose Jackie was not ready for such sacrifices, so she went to study to become a lawyer, and then played in films - there was no shortage of roles, but she always remained in the background, if not in the third place. Now the actress, who starred mainly in episodic roles, finally got her leading role, becoming a successful, sought-after model.

First family, then career: Yasmina Rossi

For Yasmina, family has always played the main role in her life; for this reason, a beautiful woman with model parameters began to think about the fashion business only when her children became adults and independent, and she herself had two grandchildren.

Not giving a damn about the fact that she was already “twice 20 years old” for a long time, Yasmina decided to conquer the modeling world, and this choice was not only decisive, it brought her good luck. Having signed an advertising contract with the Marks & Spencer chain, Yasmina became famous in Europe and the USA when she was already over 50.

Now the whole world is surprised by Yasmina’s figure - she is distinguished by her excellent parameters - 86-61-93. But Yasmina’s specialty is her long, completely gray locks, and the woman always reacts to calls to dye them with a categorical refusal.

Yasmina was born in Corsica, then lived in France for a long time, and at the age of 45 she moved to the USA, where she became famous in the fashion world. She tried herself as a model before, when she was in her early 30s, but then she had other priorities, so everything was limited to occasional filming and part-time jobs. Real fame came to her at 57, and today she is in much more demand than many young models.

Her ideal body allows her to appear in swimsuit advertisements, but Yasmina herself claims that she does not make any supernatural efforts to maintain her shape - her beauty formula consists of regular exercise, healthy eating and a secret homemade scrub.

The secret to beauty is naturalness: Cindy Joseph

Unlike other “age models,” Cindy Joseph’s profession was one of the most important in the fashion and beauty industry - the woman devoted her life to the art of makeup and make-up artist. At the same time, Cindy did not imagine herself in the chair of her clients.

An incident changed everything - the future model's dyed strands of hair grew back, and then, at 49, Cindy decided not to be ashamed of gray hair anymore and simply stopped using hair dye. It was in this image that she attracted agents from one of the largest modeling agencies, Ford Models, who offered her cooperation with famous fashion brands, for example, Dolce & Gabbana, Aveda and Anne Taylor.

Today, Cindy feels very comfortable at her age. She is sure that many people make the mistake of trying to look younger and resorting to tons of makeup or plastic surgery to achieve this.

Paradoxically, Cindy herself, without doing anything to hide her years, looks much younger than she actually is. According to her, main secret beauty is naturalness. It is enough to eat right, choose clothes wisely, take care of your physical shape and do not forget about skin care. Cindy founded her own cosmetics brand, which includes a line of skin care products for mature women that do not promise a rejuvenation effect. Most manufacturers use the opposite concept, but Cindy’s cosmetics have no shortage of fans, which means it would be very reckless to equate beauty with youth.

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Find out who started their modeling career after 50 years old

Women who became models after 50 years © Instagram

Do you think that people only become models? at a young age? But no! Today there are no specific standards of beauty, much less in the modeling business. Both very young children and older women can become models.

Editorial I decided to make a selection beautiful women, whose modeling career began after 50 years. Their shining example proves that it is never too late to make your dream come true and become what you have dreamed of for a long time!

  • Daphne Self. 87-year-old British woman Daphne Self still works in the modeling business and has no plans to leave the profession. Even in her youth, Daphne worked as a model, but fate turned out differently. Only at the age of 68, Daphne was noticed by a modeling agency scout, and the woman’s career found a second life. To this day, the older model takes part in advertising campaigns. Daphne's portfolio includes work with such fashion houses as Dolce&Gabbana and Moschino.

Fresh vacancies for middle-aged women are almost always positions as a salesperson, laborer or cook. If the woman is over 50, then the proposals are completely ridiculous. Not only are the working conditions inhumane, but the salary is, one might say, symbolic. How to live on a minimum when prices are rising every day, and there are no opportunities to earn the necessary funds in a harsh environment? real life?

Studying the latest vacancies for women, it seems that after 50 years of age, living becomes completely free. Otherwise, how to react to a salary of several thousand rubles? However, as they say, those who seek will always find. “a woman after 50” seems like a ridiculous sentence to you? You will change your mind after this article! It's never too late to live healthy and rich!

Working as a model for a woman after 50 years of age: who is it suitable for?

Luxurious female body, face without wrinkles and perfect thin waist, every woman, regardless of status and age, wants to be constantly young. But, while the elixir of youth has not yet been invented, we need to solve something with the need to work at any age with decent conditions labor. It would seem that working as a model for a “woman over 50” is an impossible prospect, a deception, a “money scam.”

Fresh vacancies for women mature age women are always relevant and in demand as web models. You just need to know which agency to contact for advice. Our company offers the opportunity to make up for all the lost time that you spent in your youth raising children and grandchildren, leaving behind all the most best years. All you need is to communicate with people who lack attention in reality.

Virtual communication: what needs to be done?

You need to register on our website, which will not take you much time. Then there is the need to study all the information provided: what is prohibited, recommendations and advice, reviews of models and members, and how wages are calculated.

Cooperating with our company is communication with clients using a web camera. You are at home in a cozy environment, chatting, flirting and earning money from it. What to say, how to look and how much to earn - the choice is always yours. The main thing is to give attention to the person who needs it. Thousands of clients visit video chats to find a soul mate, love or like-minded person. You can become one by receiving money for every minute of communication with a client. You just need to remember three simple rules for success: stick to the schedule, be attractive and improve. Everything else is the task of our professionals.

Reading time 2 minutes

Reading time 2 minutes

The Oldushka modeling agency does not have an office in the traditional sense, but it does have branches in St. Petersburg, Omsk and Chelyabinsk. The founder of Oldushka, photographer Igor Gavar, and I meet in a small coffee shop in Moscow, on Yauzsky Boulevard. To describe how Igor enters the room, the wording “ran in from the cold” is suitable - he really almost runs in, although in this case he is not late for anything: who knows, I was waiting for a lot of men?.. Gavar’s daily routine and a list of everything he needs you need to figure it out “right now”, of course, slightly reminiscent of the life of the heroes of the series How to make in America. Only they launched it together fashion brand in New York, and Igor runs an independent modeling agency alone. He admits that it would, of course, be nice to find a person who could be entrusted with the commercial part - but for now Gavar can cope on his own. At ease. Or involuntarily.

Lingerie brand Petrushka. Photographer Anastasia Lyskovets. Model Tatyana Neklyudova

“Basically, models are put on clothes that they don’t wear in real life,” says Igor. “On the set, the characters live a life they have never lived, trying on an image in which they may not have even imagined themselves before. Sometimes it goes to extremes. We have this Lyudmila Brazhkina in the agency. We met in a supermarket in Maryino. I approached and said that she had a very interesting appearance and asked if she wanted to work with us. Lyudmila immediately agreed. Literally a week later she was “booked” for a shoot by “Afisha”, but her hair had to be tinted purple. I called and said: “So and so, the story is for a very good publication, but there is a nuance - they really ask you to dye your hair.” Answer: “No questions at all.” You will probably be surprised, but our models are really ready for experiments. In a way, it even breaks my own stereotype. I thought the situation would be the opposite. Many who have worked with us tell me that the advantage of older models is how calm and balanced they behave on set, regardless of the circumstances. They work, as they say, for fun.”

From the Turn your skin on project by photographer Sasha Leroy and makeup artist Nika Kislyak. Model Lyudmila Brazhkina

It is somewhat more difficult for Igor to find new faces than for scouts from standard agencies. “What a life I have come to! - Gavar laughs. - No, by God! This is a very specific audience. Not all Russian pensioners are on the Internet yet. So, Instagram is not a big help to me in my search now. I probably found half the models right on the street. The rest were recommended by friends, acquaintances, and photographers. And a very small part came to me themselves. I photographed one woman whom I want to scout for a blog in 1912 in Sokolniki. Then I didn’t have any thoughts about the agency at all, and I didn’t take her contacts. Didn't even ask my last name. Woman with very beautiful face: I spent about forty minutes persuading her to take a photo for a street style project. And she agreed only when her friend, whom I had already photographed, appeared somewhere nearby on the dance floor and said: “Larissa, don’t be afraid, everything is fine, he took pictures of me: a good boy.” And so I began to look for this Larisa Iosifovna through the “Wait for me” program. Seriously. I didn’t know how else I would be able to meet her - I made announcements on social networks, walked around the park with a photo card. Useless! I suspected that “Wait for me” might work in this case, and just recently the program called and Larisa Iosifovna’s son responded.”

Igor admits: the types of models he “scouts” are his personal, subjective choice. “There is no calculation in it,” Gavar assures. “First of all, these are the people whom I myself want to shoot, whom I want to see on the cover of the magazine.” Would he agree to work with the so-called “plus-size”? “If I come across a big woman that makes my eyes light up, then yes, of course. As for height, the agency’s most sought-after model is, in my opinion, five-foot-six. I saw some photos from their youth and pre-retirement period. What happens to them is some kind of cosmos, I cannot explain it. Time is an all-powerful thing; it can distort facial features beyond recognition. Disfigure. And for some, beauty, on the contrary, becomes more obvious over the years. Some people's facial features become sharper and seem more interesting. And so people - for example, this is what they say about our Tatyana Neklyudova - just begin to shine. I can’t explain how, why.”