Elegant lady with amazing. "companion of the graceful woman of the Duchess of Lorian." Lack of a thin waist - lack of a graceful figure

Be in tune with your body. Graceful people know how to control their bodies. They don't stumble or flail their arms. They know how to present themselves and are comfortable in their own bodies. If you want to become an elegant person, you need to learn how to control your body. This is not as easy as it seems - often people invade other people's personal space or sit in an awkward position.

  • You don't have to be an athlete to control or be in tune with your body. However, any physical activity, such as running or climbing, will help you feel comfortable in your own skin.
  • Correct your posture. Graceful people stand and sit upright. Don't slouch even when you're tired or want to rest; Over time, keeping your back straight will become a habit. If the person you're talking to is slouching, don't follow their lead just to imitate their posture. To be graceful, learn to keep your back straight (while walking or sitting) and look forward, not at the ground.

    • Correct posture will help you communicate through body language. Moreover, graceful people are confident because they are proud of who they are. Remember that slouching is typical for closed people.
  • Breathe deeply. This will make you look and feel better, and can also improve your cognitive functions (memory, attention, etc.). Control your breathing and listen to your body as you inhale and exhale. If you are excited or stressed, take deep breaths until you come to your senses.

    • Concentration on breathing and correct technique breathing in/out will help you be in tune with your body. This is necessary if you want to become an elegant person.
  • Develop flexibility. Good flexibility will allow you to have better control of your body. Find time to stretch daily to help you feel relaxed throughout the day. You need to stretch before physical exercise or to relax your neck and back (if you sit at a desk for a long time). Find time to stretch (for example, do it in front of the TV) and you will look more graceful.

    • Yoga will quickly improve your flexibility, even if you only do it for a few hours a week.
  • Dress smartly. Your clothes won't say anything about you, but they will help you look smarter. Wear clothes that are clean, stylish and fit well. It shouldn't be expensive or too flashy.

    • Don't wear clothes that restrict your movement and make you awkward. High heels They look elegant, but cannot be worn for long. Wide pants low-slung ones will force you to shuffle when walking, which is not very graceful. Always wear something that makes you look attractive and confident. Hair should be styled accordingly.
    • Make sure your clothes are ironed and free of stains.
    • Be careful not to accidentally unfasten your clothes.
    • If you want to look elegant, simple will do. black dress. Moreover, clothes in shades of brown, pale pink and gray look elegant.
    • For jewelry, choose a pearl necklace, simple earrings or a silver bracelet. No need to wear voluminous jewelry- they are not graceful.
  • Wear makeup (if you like it). Not all women like to wear makeup, so if you're one of them, don't force yourself. But if you use cosmetics, remember that the makeup should be balanced - if you have heavily lined your eyes, then do not apply flashy shadows. To look elegant, simply apply a little lipstick, blush and eye shadow.

    • Use a foundation that matches your skin color.
    • Remember that too little makeup is always better than too much.
    • If you use concealer or corrector, make sure it matches your skin color.
  • First of all, you need to figure out what elegance is and how can a woman acquire it? The term came to us from the capital of France and translated means “elegant”, “refined”. And achieving such an effect is not so difficult.

    The first thing to remember is that elegance includes not only taste and style in clothing, but also proper upbringing, good behavior, and nobility. That is why the first rules for a girl are.

    Knowledge of basic etiquette rules

    It should be noted here that mere knowledge of the norms will not immediately make a lady elegant. These laws of decency and politeness must be observed. And not only in public, but in those moments when you are alone with yourself.

    Friendliness and good nature, lack of arrogance and pathos

    Yes, yes, it is these character traits that make it possible to distinguish an elegant, wealthy woman from a rich, but uneducated person who believes that communicating with people below her social status is not worthy of her attention.

    The ability to listen and hear the interlocutor

    Showing that the thoughts and opinions of your conversation partner are very important and interesting to you is nothing more than good form.


    But if the interlocutor himself does not mind listening to another person, then the girl must certainly be able to support any topic of discussion and, if possible, surprise the listener with some little-known fact.

    Lady - Queen Letizia

    The second part of the rules of elegance concerns exclusively the appearance of a beautiful person.


    You should not use bright or flashy colors in your makeup. Do natural natural make-up more often.


    Do not spare money on high-quality, branded and. This is very important rule, because even the most sophisticated and elegant outfit can easily be ruined with the help of incorrectly selected details. In a word, dress simply and perhaps even like everyone else, but complement your individual look with your own twist in the form of a sophisticated accessory.

    Basic colors

    Remember - an elegant woman will never wear bright and colorful clothes. You should not choose an outfit that combines. Use noble shades of existing base colors.

    Rational wardrobe

    Do not store unnecessary, broken, torn or old items in your wardrobe. Believe me, you will never use them again. They only take up space in your closet and spoil your image.

    The outfit matches the situation

    Dress strictly for a specific situation and in a style appropriate to the age category. Remember that clothes for work and an outfit for a corporate party are not the same set of things. Don't think that no one will pay attention to your choice of attire. Will convert and form an opinion about you that is far from the elegance to which we strive.

    And the last rule, which needs to be given a special place - no matter how you dress, your outfit should be clean, neat and impeccable always and everywhere.

    I continue to illustrate the text from the book (published in 1896) “Sputnik graceful woman Duchess of Lorient." I haven’t changed the spelling or style, what’s mine here is just a selection of pictures.
    Question. I had the idea to try to republish this book with the pictures I selected and my comments. Do you think it makes sense? Because the first thing publishers are interested in is whether there will be people willing to buy such a book...


    “Conceding, from the point of view of art, the first place to the bodice, we are nevertheless forced to admit that in terms of grace, the skirt is perhaps even more important; because it is the skirt that gives a woman’s gait that flexibility, waviness, grace that has such a strong effect for men, especially skirts with trains, in which all the richness of materials, variety and elegance of decorations are revealed.

    Giovanni Boldini Countess Zichy, 1905

    Depending on the property of matter and the method of arrangement, tren (note: long back panel women's skirt) can be majestic or seductive; but this is provided that it lies well, so that when turning with you, it does not fall in the middle and does not swell on the sides, so that it is supported by a skillfully arranged lining.

    Perfectly smooth trains have their own charm, provided that the material is very good.

    Dress, 1890’s, The Costume Gallery (Florence)

    Slightly soft fabrics sometimes have a highly graceful appearance, especially if the edge is picked up by a ruffle or other trim.

    We are not fans of excessive decoration, and, in our opinion, one of the main rules of elegance is that the decorations should be characterized by a certain simplicity, so as not to interrupt the line, which should remain pure.

    The main thing in a skirt is the ability to give it a beautiful, or noble, or flirty shape, under which the true shape of the body would be felt.

    It is necessary that even in the richest toilets a woman remains a woman, and not be a doll.

    Max Kurzweil 1899 Mujer con un vestido amarillo

    They think that under all our balabolkas, (note: outdated small decoration in the form of a pendant, tassel) They still know how to reproduce the exact shape of a woman’s body.

    Princesse de Broglie by James Jacques Joseph Tissot, 1895

    How cruelly they are mistaken!

    Portrait of Mme Charles Max by Giovanni Boldini, 1896, Musee d’Orsay

    But they need to be deceived, they need to believe in perfect beauty, despite the flaws.
    Since fashion is created for the majority, and not for the chosen ones, we cannot approve of these straight, smooth, very narrow skirts that outline the body.

    If a woman is beautiful, then this is beautiful, and excites everyone’s admiration; but women who are too thin or too plump, whose hips are too convex or too flat, and whose bellies begin to protrude, lose a lot from this fashion, which covers all the imperfections that should be hidden by a skirt.

    One of the first rules of grace is to coordinate toilets with the time of day and the place for which they are intended.

    So, for example, for the morning toilet, for walking, you should never dress up in panniers, poufs or sweatpants.


    These elaborate draperies are suitable only for ceremonial dressings, for visits, for five o'clock or for evenings.

    Just as a woman going out for a bike ride dresses appropriately for this exercise, so a woman going out for a walk should have a suit adapted for walking.

    On the street, a woman takes part in business activities; she is a pedestrian.

    Therefore, for a walk, especially in the morning, you should wear a simple dress, long enough in the front, but slightly tucked in at the back.

    Elegant woman And stylish woman- the concepts are different, but quite compatible. However, one does not interfere with the other. From English elegant can be translated as graceful, refined. But the word “elegant” is based on the Latin verb “eligo” - one of the meanings of which is: to be picky, to be able to choose.

    An elegant woman thinks through her appearance down to the smallest detail. Although, there are no trifles when creating the image of an elegant woman. Every detail, every accessory must have its place and be in harmony with each other.

    Elegance should be natural. Elegance inspires. With an elegant lady, any man becomes gallant. Or at least tries to be so.

    The basis of elegance is simplicity: in manners, in style, in clothing. But such simplicity requires hard work on oneself. You can look glamorous without being elegant. Because elegance is also a moral quality that has nothing to do with clothing.
    An elegant woman will not stain her conscience with dirty deeds. Her soul and thoughts are pure, and she behaves like . Elegance is a way of life.

    Any representative of the fair sex can become elegant. A woman is worthy of admiration at any age. It's never too late to decorate the world with yourself. The main thing is to be in harmony with yourself. A beautiful, elegant woman attracts attention.

    People are not born elegant. They become them.

    Ten steps to become an elegant woman

    1. Please. Elegant people are kind and friendly. They are attentive to the feelings of other people, but they also do not allow themselves to be ridden around. However, it would never even occur to anyone to behave this way with an elegant woman.
    2. An elegant woman treats all people with respect, regardless of their rank or position.
    3. An elegant woman is always well-groomed and smells pleasant. It is difficult to imagine an elegant woman whose body smells. Clean skin and hair, a drop of perfume - and you can go naked. Without women's perfume, any image will be incomplete. The main thing is to choose Right.
    4. The elegant lady has a royal , . She knows how to gracefully get into and out of the car. She has impeccable manners, a pleasant voice and facial expressions. She knows how to present herself and always keeps herself in control.
    5. An elegant lady will not dress like a cheap whore, flaunting her feminine charms. An elegant woman leaves something to the imagination. If the dress has a long slit, then there is no question of deep neckline. And vice versa.
    6. An elegant woman is not only beautiful and manicure. Elegant woman trying to develop . At an elegant lady's high standards and requirements for yourself.
    7. Elegant woman takes care of her health, does fitness, . She watches her figure and never overeats. But also fat woman can be elegant.
    8. Elegant woman thinking about children.
    9. A truly elegant woman knows how to enjoy life. Gray dullness is not about her. An elegant representative of the fair sex radiates optimism. She perceives the whole world with elegance.
    10. Eva's elegant daughter is always neat, neat and beautifully and tastefully dressed. Her outfit matches her age, body type, weather, and moment. A dress or suit for an elegant woman does not have to be super fashionable or super expensive. It should be elegant. An elegant woman knows how to use accessories and has a sense of proportion. An elegant madam cannot look funny. She has found her own style and does not try to imitate anyone.

    Elegant dresses for women

    Elegant goddess will never wear Jewelry With .

    She can tie a neckerchief beautifully.

    Or choose the right jewelry for the neckline of a dress.

    The basic rule when choosing jewelry for a dress is that it should duplicate the shape of the neckline.

    The smaller the O-shaped neckline, the more massive the decoration can be. But short beads with it will also look elegant and feminine.

    Pearls are ideal for a mink coat.

    Laconic Evening Dress will be decorated with diamonds.

    Corals can only be combined with a black, gray or white dress.

    For a dress with an emphasis on the shoulders or with embroidery, drapery, flounces, bows in the throat area, decorations are not needed at all.

    An elegant woman tries to buy a dress not to suit her mood, but one that will better emphasize her figure and in which she will look elegant.

    An elegant dress does not scream, but whispers about high style. The outfit of an elegant lady is simple, and at the same time harmonious in proportions and color palette. The flashy colors of the dress are not suitable for an elegant style. The main emphasis of an elegant dress is on the quality of the fabric and craftsmanship.

    Elegant clothes for women

    The shoes and bag are in harmony in color and complement the entire ensemble.

    An elegant wardrobe cannot be imagined without a hat.