Graceful woman. Elegance. Aristocratic simplicity. In my opinion, first of all it is grooming

Be in tune with your body. Graceful people know how to control their bodies. They don't stumble or flail their arms. They know how to present themselves and are comfortable in their own bodies. If you want to become an elegant person, you need to learn how to control your body. This is not as easy as it seems - often people invade other people's personal space or sit in an awkward position.

  • You don't have to be an athlete to control or be in tune with your body. However, any physical activity, such as running or climbing, will help you feel comfortable in your own skin.
  • Correct your posture. Graceful people stand and sit upright. Don't slouch even when you're tired or want to rest; Over time, keeping your back straight will become a habit. If the person you're talking to is slouching, don't follow their lead just to imitate their posture. To be graceful, learn to keep your back straight (while walking or sitting) and look forward, not at the ground.

    • Correct posture will help you communicate through body language. Moreover, graceful people are confident because they are proud of who they are. Remember that slouching is typical for closed people.
  • Breathe deeply. This will make you look and feel better, and can also improve your cognitive functions (memory, attention, etc.). Control your breathing and listen to your body as you inhale and exhale. If you are excited or stressed, take deep breaths until you come to your senses.

    • Concentration on breathing and correct technique breathing in/out will help you be in tune with your body. This is necessary if you want to become an elegant person.
  • Develop flexibility. Good flexibility will allow you to have better control of your body. Find time to stretch daily to help you feel relaxed throughout the day. You need to stretch before physical exercise or to relax your neck and back (if you sit at a desk for a long time). Find time to stretch (for example, do it in front of the TV) and you will look more graceful.

    • Yoga will quickly improve your flexibility, even if you only do it for a few hours a week.
  • Dress smartly. Your clothes won't say anything about you, but they will help you look smarter. Wear clothes that are clean, stylish and fit well. It shouldn't be expensive or too flashy.

    • Don't wear clothes that restrict your movement and make you awkward. High heels They look elegant, but cannot be worn for long. Wide pants low-slung ones will force you to shuffle when walking, which is not very graceful. Always wear something that makes you look attractive and confident. Hair should be styled accordingly.
    • Make sure your clothes are ironed and free of stains.
    • Be careful not to accidentally unfasten your clothes.
    • If you want to look elegant, simple will do. black dress. Moreover, clothes in shades of brown, pale pink and gray look elegant.
    • For jewelry, choose a pearl necklace, simple earrings or a silver bracelet. No need to wear voluminous jewelry- they are not graceful.
  • Wear makeup (if you like it). Not all women like to wear makeup, so if you're one of them, don't force yourself. But if you use cosmetics, remember that the makeup should be balanced - if you have heavily lined your eyes, then do not apply flashy shadows. To look elegant, simply apply a little lipstick, blush and eye shadow.

    • Use a foundation that matches your skin color.
    • Remember that too little makeup is always better than too much.
    • If you use concealer or corrector, make sure it matches your skin color.
  • Elegant woman And stylish woman- the concepts are different, but quite compatible. However, one does not interfere with the other. From English elegant can be translated as graceful, refined. But the word “elegant” is based on the Latin verb “eligo” - one of the meanings of which is: to be picky, to be able to choose.

    An elegant woman thinks through her appearance down to the smallest detail. Although, there are no trifles when creating the image of an elegant woman. Every detail, every accessory must have its place and be in harmony with each other.

    Elegance should be natural. Elegance inspires. With an elegant lady, any man becomes gallant. Or at least tries to be so.

    The basis of elegance is simplicity: in manners, in style, in clothing. But such simplicity requires hard work on yourself. You can look glamorous without being elegant. Because elegance is also a moral quality that has nothing to do with clothing.
    An elegant woman will not stain her conscience with dirty deeds. Her soul and thoughts are pure, and she behaves like . Elegance is a way of life.

    Any representative of the fair sex can become elegant. A woman is worthy of admiration at any age. It's never too late to decorate the world with yourself. The main thing is to be in harmony with yourself. A beautiful, elegant woman attracts attention.

    People are not born elegant. They become them.

    Ten steps to become an elegant woman

    1. Please. Elegant people are kind and friendly. They are attentive to the feelings of other people, but they also do not allow themselves to be ridden around. However, it would never even occur to anyone to behave this way with an elegant woman.
    2. An elegant woman treats all people with respect, regardless of their rank or position.
    3. An elegant woman is always well-groomed and smells pleasant. It is difficult to imagine an elegant woman whose body smells. Clean skin and hair, a drop of perfume - and you can go naked. Without women's perfume, any image will be incomplete. The main thing is to choose Right.
    4. The elegant lady has a royal , . She knows how to gracefully get into and out of the car. She has impeccable manners, a pleasant voice and facial expressions. She knows how to present herself and always keeps herself in control.
    5. An elegant lady will not dress like a cheap whore, flaunting her feminine charms. An elegant woman leaves something to the imagination. If the dress has a long slit, then there is no question of deep neckline. And vice versa.
    6. An elegant woman is not only beautiful and manicure. Elegant woman trying to develop . At an elegant lady's high standards and requirements for yourself.
    7. Elegant woman takes care of her health, does fitness, . She watches her figure and never overeats. But a plump woman can also be elegant.
    8. Elegant woman thinking about children.
    9. A truly elegant woman knows how to enjoy life. Gray dullness is not about her. An elegant representative of the fair sex radiates optimism. She perceives the whole world with elegance.
    10. Eva's elegant daughter is always neat, neat and beautifully and tastefully dressed. Her outfit matches her age, body type, weather, and moment. A dress or suit for an elegant woman does not have to be super fashionable or super expensive. It should be elegant. An elegant woman knows how to use accessories and has a sense of proportion. An elegant madam cannot look funny. She has found her own style and does not try to imitate anyone.

    Elegant dresses for women

    An elegant goddess will never wear jewelry with .

    She can tie a neckerchief beautifully.

    Or choose the right jewelry for the neckline of a dress.

    The basic rule when choosing jewelry for a dress is that it should duplicate the shape of the neckline.

    The smaller the O-shaped neckline, the more massive the decoration can be. But short beads with it will also look elegant and feminine.

    Pearls are ideal for a mink coat.

    Laconic Evening Dress will be decorated with diamonds.

    Corals can only be combined with a black, gray or white dress.

    For a dress with an emphasis on the shoulders or with embroidery, drapery, flounces, bows in the throat area, decorations are not needed at all.

    An elegant woman tries to buy a dress not to suit her mood, but one that will better emphasize her figure and in which she will look elegant.

    An elegant dress does not scream, but whispers about high style. The outfit of an elegant lady is simple, and at the same time harmonious in proportions and color palette. The flashy colors of the dress are not suitable for an elegant style. The main emphasis of an elegant dress is on the quality of the fabric and craftsmanship.

    Elegant clothes for women

    The shoes and bag are in harmony in color and complement the entire ensemble.

    An elegant wardrobe cannot be imagined without a hat.

    Among women There is one common problem that affects everyone sooner or later - the desire to lose weight. Many people talk about slimness and fragility, but only a few manage to get closer to the ideal. They suffer from this fat women, and thin, because this absolutely does not depend on the physique, the reason is in the woman’s attitude towards herself. Slender girls constantly appear in glossy magazines, whose figures are the envy of many.

    Difficult to prove woman that the picture she sees in the magazine is the result not only of active work on herself and genetics, but also of Photoshop. What is a graceful figure? In this article you will find a definition of this concept and will be able to draw certain conclusions for yourself. Becoming slim is quite possible, it is important to just start working on yourself and understand what result you ultimately want to achieve.

    Skin thickness is important

    Surely you have noticed how quite petite women the skin is dense, and various bones and tendons are practically invisible. This effect can be not only due to the percentage of body fat, but also due to the thickness of the skin. If the arms and legs are without visible angles and stripes, the overall figure will be quite inexpressive. Grace is a certain fragility, and if a woman has thick skin, then this does not evoke tender feelings and a desire to protect.

    If you have I'm overweight, then you need to urgently get rid of it in order to look more fragile. However, sometimes highlighting the details of your body is not so easy, especially if it is a genetic predisposition. The bones on the wrist, collarbones and pronounced cheekbones - all this looks very beautiful and elegant. Such a representative of the fair sex looks feminine, and a man perceives her as something especially fragile.

    Lack of a thin waist - lack of a graceful figure

    This problem, which is very difficult to solve, because sometimes the problem is genetics or individual body structure. It happens that a girl or woman is very thin and, it would seem, such a figure looks very elegant and fragile, but it turns out differently if there is no waist or it is poorly defined. It’s a matter of visual perception, because if there are no obvious signs of fullness on the body, but there is no waist, we perceive the body as full and shapeless.

    Such figure is associated with masculinity, so there can be no talk of any grace or fragility. A thin waist is a sign of femininity, it was so many years ago, and now remains an indisputable fact. If possible, choose outfits that highlight your hips, shoulders, and cinch your waist.

    No massiveness

    If women large legs, broad shoulders or big belly- such a figure cannot be graceful a priori. beauty female body is about harmony, so no particular part of the body can stand out. Girls who are actively involved in swimming look quite strong and massive, due to the fact that their shoulders are actively developing, and their whole body looks powerful and courageous.

    If you want to remain feminine, you better choose dancing or aerobics as a sport. You shouldn't build muscle mass because it will make you look bigger and look like men. Much depends on the width of the neck, the size of the arms and legs. In this case, it will be difficult to somehow influence your figure, so it is better to learn to hide your shortcomings and emphasize your strengths.

    Your worst enemy is fatness

    If you want to to look like slim and fragile, you will have to give up junk food and start actively burning calories. is the main enemy of fragility and grace. Try to find for yourself the optimal method of dealing with this problem. It happens that a tall girl looks petite and fragile due to the fact that she has thin waist, small hips and thin limbs.

    However, large and massive Even a representative of the fair sex whose height is 1.50 m can look like this. We must fight obesity, because it is not only ugly, but also harmful. Girls and women who have large bones should especially adhere to this rule. They already have a fairly large body, so every kilogram will visually enlarge their body many times over.

    Smooth lines

    Can't be fragile and a slender woman with sagging sides and pronounced cellulite. Your body should be as harmonious and feminine as possible, which is why it is so important that visually the lines smoothly flow into one another. This means that the silhouette should be clearly visible, each part of the body should be harmoniously combined with the other.

    The hips should blend smoothly into waist, forming a smooth line, without sharp transitions in the form of folds of fat. The same goes for the chest and legs. If you practice frequently gym, there is a high probability that you will pump up large muscles, but this will not make your figure smooth. Better take care of proper nutrition and learn to give your body the right amount of stress.

    How to make your figure become fragile?

    1. Avoid strength training. In order not to build muscle, but to burn fat, start doing aerobics, fitness, or just go for a run in the morning. If men need to create perfect figure requires a load on certain muscle groups, women should do general strengthening of the body and get rid of excess weight.

    2. Keep your back straight. A fairly simple rule, but its effectiveness will soon be noticeable. In fact, stooped women cannot be considered fragile and graceful, because their back looks hunched, and all muscles lose tone, a double chin and belly appear. To prevent this from happening, be sure to watch how you walk, sit and sleep.

    3. Learn to be feminine. The rule sounds simple enough, but in reality the task is quite complex. Femininity is manifested not only in the smoothness of lines, but also in the ability to be graceful and sexy. A lot depends on how you present yourself, so if you follow this rule, your figure will also look fragile and slender. Watch your gait, do not make sudden and sweeping movements, try to be careful and smooth in everything.

    4. Don't wear clothes that are the smallest size. If a voluminous sweater emphasizes the fragility of your arms and shoulders, then clothes that are small on you will ruin your silhouette and cause a lot of inconvenience. All imperfections will be immediately visible, so try to buy things in size or even a little larger.

    Ideal to highlight your fragility dress, which fits the figure. It should sit at the waist and slightly support the chest and hips. Avoid large accessories and jewelry.

    - Return to section table of contents " "

    Elegance is a very multidimensional concept. This includes the cut of clothing, wardrobe style, and demeanor. And also a special state of mind.

    Elegance is charming. Always attracts attention. They admire and admire her. She is always remembered.

    At the same time, not everyone manages to look elegant, and this is not a matter of big money. Elegance does not depend on the degree of ideality of the figure, on the cost or even the style of clothing.

    What is the essence of elegance? What does it characterize?

    Great fashion designers give very interesting and unexpected definitions of elegance. For example, the famous fashion designer Giorgio Armani claims that “Elegance is one of the forms of manifestation of the mind.” In his opinion, only clever woman can look elegant, which is hard to argue with. Yves Saint Laurent believes that the secret of elegance lies in personal, or rather spiritual, qualities: “He is elegant who has an elegant heart...”. And this is the opinion of the great couturiers, according to whose “golden” patterns they create the best in the fashion world! So the question is not even about clothes?

    The etymology of the word “elegance” itself is even more interesting.

    The French word “élégan” translates to “refined, graceful, refined, graceful.” Quite an abstract definition. Sophistication, like sophistication, is perceived very subjectively. After all, each person has his own ideas about grace.

    But from Latin, the word “elegance” is translated as “to choose.” This is something more specific. After all, to look elegant, you need the ability or even talent for a harmonious combination of things. You need to be able to choose and combine all the details of your image correctly.

    In the dictionary of foreign words that became part of the Russian language in 1907 (Pavlenkov F.), you can see the following definition: “Elegance is grace, beauty combined with simplicity.” This definition is even closer to the truth. In an elegant appearance, simplicity masterfully combines with elegance. Luxurious minimalism...aristocratic simplicity is a paradoxical combination, but it most closely characterizes elegance as a concept. This is because elegance is a product of the aristocracy, which every minute had to comply with an endless number of protocols and rules. It is under these conditions that the impeccability of style and manners crystallizes, which evokes admiration and delight among others.

    A much more complex definition of elegance is given by the modern encyclopedia Wikipedia: “Elegance is an ethical and aesthetic category that expresses civilized beauty with a conservative reference to the classics of the 18th–19th centuries. Characterized by noble simplicity, calm, relaxation, rigor and smoothness.”

    As you can see, elegance is not so simple. Simple grace, austere beauty... An incredibly complex concept. And this despite the fact that elegance is not taught anywhere! Perhaps only at a modeling school, which only a few out of millions attend. And in Everyday life A woman has to learn all the “laws” of elegance on her own, starting almost from childhood. In many ways, the presence of this quality is determined by upbringing. And most often, innate qualities and talent help us, women, independently learn to correctly combine colors and shapes, create exquisite images and compositions. Elegance has close family ties with a sense of style and taste, which begins to form in childhood under the influence of activities various types art. Classes in classical music, classical dance and fine arts develop a sense of style and that same sense of taste, without which it is impossible to look elegant.

    True, authentic elegance comes with age and experience. Every time we meet a stylish and elegant woman in one situation or another, we note for ourselves all the advantages and disadvantages of her image, characteristics of behavior and manners. What you especially liked will certainly be remembered. In this way, unnoticed by us, that very “piggy bank” is created, that “eye” that always suggests the most harmonious combination of shades, wardrobe elements and accessories. By creating our own image, each time we gain our own experience, noting mistakes and the most good options. The further we go, the more we master this magical art - the art of elegance.

    Elegance – morning, afternoon and evening

    It is impossible to be elegant only in the evening, and during the day to be tastelessly dressed and look careless. Elegance permeates our lives in everything, in every movement, in the manner of speaking, in the look, in the gait, in the hairstyle... In fact, elegance is a lifestyle. Do you want to be elegant? Then be prepared to work on yourself 24 hours a day!

    If you don't feel elegant, that's fixable. There would be a desire. At first, self-control and discipline will be required. Gradually, elegance will become your favorite habit, and the art of always looking elegant will become your inner essence. That is, in any situation and anywhere you will feel elegant, look elegant and act elegant. One of your main assistants will be the reaction of others.

    Along the path of delight

    An elegant woman always receives a special reaction in her address - to one degree or another, admiration, charm, approval, favor. This makes her different from ordinary women. Elegance represents a higher quality level that everyone strives for, but not everyone reaches this pinnacle.

    An elegant woman is always looked at in a special way! Instantly distinguishing her from the crowd, discovering a surprisingly harmonious image, a person with a developed sense of taste will certainly be enchanted and experience aesthetic pleasure. Elegant beauty immediately attracts you like a magnet. An elegant lady always feels such a peculiar reaction and perceives it as a signal that her sense of style and restraint do not let her down, and her image is still elegant and harmonious. If the lady stops catching enchanted glances on herself, it means that the harmony of the image is lost.

    Elegance to the tips of the nails

    The elegant lady is elegant from head to toe. Every part of her body looks flawless. Grooming is the most important “base” of elegance. Ungroomed hands or unkempt hair instantly ruin the elegance of the entire look. There can be no primary or secondary elements here - absolutely everything is important, every centimeter of your appearance. Only this approach allows you to create that magical aura that will captivate everyone who looks at you. You want to admire an elegant woman without taking your eyes off her! Everything in it is beautiful, everything is thought out and selected with taste and in accordance with a single style. An elegant woman lives in some other dimension, in another world - in a world of perfection and sublime beauty.

    It is on grooming that the main feature of an elegant woman is based - complete self-confidence, which is built not on emotional self-confidence, but on thorough and daily work on oneself. An elegant woman always strives for perfection. She is a perfectionist to the core, a tireless and very demanding person. Such a lady will never allow herself a frivolous choice of clothing, sloppy hairstyle or inappropriate accessories. Elegance is built on the little things.

    Elegant manners

    Being elegant is the natural state of a woman. This is a certain cultural and mental level that does not allow a woman to look sloppy, communicate rudely, be unrestrained and aggressive. “Elegance itself,” this is what they say about a well-mannered person, an intellectual person. The elegant lady is extremely diplomatic. Her opposite is rude, impudent, not neat enough, not stylish enough, and sometimes tasteless clothed woman, challenging everyone and everything, enjoying imaginary victories in endless conflicts, the cause of which itself is itself. Elegance against such an unsightly background looks emphatically feminine and aristocratic, diplomatic and friendly.

    Elegance is a cultural code that permeates your entire life with seemingly unnoticeable little things: your gait in ordinary everyday life, your home wardrobe, the ability to move, your approach to doing household chores, conducting conversations with loved ones, etc. And, most importantly, what are you thinking about! What mood do you go through life with? In turn, your mood is at the mercy of your everyday thoughts. You need to control what your head is doing. An elegant mood is a special mood. “If you want to change your life, change your thoughts” is an old wisdom that is an excellent formula for working on yourself and developing such an important quality characteristic as elegance.

    1. Elegance is the slowness of movements, their precision.
    2. Elegance is courtesy and tact, balanced statements.
    3. Elegance is a sense of proportion in everything.
    4. Elegance is your individuality expressed through classics.
    5. Elegance is a respectable image that inspires confidence.

    An elegant look has several components. As we noted above, elegance is the ability to behave elegantly and present oneself correctly. And, of course, these are elegant clothes.

    One of the most common misconceptions is that an elegant woman's wardrobe consists of very expensive things. This is wrong. Of course, in the arsenal stylish lady Stylish designer items should always be present, but it is not at all necessary that all items be purchased in elite brand boutiques. This is the art of being elegant - the virtuoso ability to dress tastefully and affordably.

    The talent of elegance is manifested in the ability to select individual things in such a way that it is possible to create different ensembles that are appropriate in certain circumstances. Elegance allows you to make purchases on an intuitive level, which will subsequently be harmoniously combined with each other.

    In order to hit the bull’s eye every time when buying a wardrobe, you need to be constantly “in trend” and periodically get acquainted with the latest fashion items and its trends. Which does not mean that you need to dress appropriately last word fashion and update your wardrobe every season. Blind adherence to the canons can make a woman ridiculous and ridiculous.

    Accessories and decorations

    Jewelry plays a vital role in creating an elegant look. Without jewelry, elegance is absolutely unattainable! No matter how amazing the outfit is, without jewelry it will look unfinished. The minimalism and laconic beauty of clothing is emphasized by small but very precise touches - earrings, brooches, rings, necklaces. Jewelry gives the image that very charm that will captivate and turn heads. A brooch is considered one of the most elegant jewelry. Brooch - a real Queen in the kingdom jewelry! For example, the British Queen Elizabeth II literally does not leave her personal apartments without a brooch. This inspired and romantic fashion touch suits only truly elegant ladies.

    Which jewelry do you prefer?
    As already noted, an elegant image is built on aristocratic simplicity, so you should pay attention to jewelry made from natural stones, made in a classic style. The usual gold chains, gold earrings and rings, which are so loved by a wide mass audience, alas, will not add elegance to your appearance. The decoration should be special and stylistically match the classic look. The most important criterion is that the decorations must be of high quality. Today, elegant ladies have a huge arsenal of high-quality jewelry with semiprecious stones: luxurious ambers of various shades, pearls, corals, as well as fantastically beautiful jewelry with various types of enamel coating.

    In addition to academic classics, jewelry in the Art Deco style will be a very elegant touch to your appearance - in the style in which the inimitable Coco Chanel worked, recognized throughout the world as the standard of elegance. This is a special type of jewelry that cannot be confused with any other. Perhaps some art deco jewelry is too chic and luxurious, but in combination with a wardrobe with a distinctly minimalistic cut, they look simply fantastically elegant!

    Jewelry in the Art Nouveau (modern) style is more than appropriate for an elegant look - a real feast of color and floral patterns, smooth lines and stunning picturesqueness. The main feature of jewelry in the Art Nouveau style is the abundance of shapes and images of animals, birds, insects (butterflies, dragonflies, cicadas, spiders). Of course, it is important to use such noticeable decorations in a single copy! If an amazing butterfly brooch appears on the collar of your suit, then there is no need for other types of jewelry.

    Regarding color natural stones, then there are no restrictions here. It all depends on the color palette of your image. These can be juicy scarlet zircons, golden ametrine, soft green jade, and romantic rose quartz. The main thing is to always remain in the wake of aristocratic restraint and not overdo it with an abundance of strokes and nuances. By the way, the British Queen Elizabeth II sets an excellent example of modern elegance. She prefers suits with an extremely minimalist cut, but at the same time skillfully “plays” with shades and uses jewelry very selectively. Probably everyone remembers her dazzling lemon outfits and amazingly beautiful brooches. Aristocratic simplicity! It is impossible to see Queen Elizabeth II “in public” without jewelry, because without it it is impossible to create an elegant image.

    I continue to illustrate the text from the book (published in 1896) “The Companion of the Graceful Woman of the Duchess of Lorient.” I haven’t changed the spelling or style, what’s mine here is just a selection of pictures.
    Question. I had the idea to try to republish this book with the pictures I selected and my comments. Do you think it makes sense? Because the first thing publishers are interested in is whether there will be people willing to buy such a book...


    “Conceding, from the point of view of art, the first place to the bodice, we are nevertheless forced to admit that in terms of grace, the skirt is perhaps even more important; because it is the skirt that gives a woman’s gait that flexibility, waviness, grace that has such a strong effect for men, especially skirts with trains, in which all the richness of materials, variety and elegance of decorations are revealed.

    Giovanni Boldini Countess Zichy, 1905

    Depending on the property of matter and the method of arrangement, tren (note: long back panel women's skirt) can be majestic or seductive; but this is provided that it lies well, so that when turning with you, it does not fall in the middle and does not swell on the sides, so that it is supported by a skillfully arranged lining.

    Perfectly smooth trains have their own charm, provided that the material is very good.

    Dress, 1890’s, The Costume Gallery (Florence)

    Slightly soft fabrics sometimes have a highly graceful appearance, especially if the edge is picked up by a ruffle or other trim.

    We are not fans of excessive decoration, and, in our opinion, one of the main rules of elegance is that the decorations should be characterized by a certain simplicity, so as not to interrupt the line, which should remain pure.

    The main thing in a skirt is the ability to give it a beautiful, or noble, or flirty shape, under which the true shape of the body would be felt.

    It is necessary that even in the richest toilets a woman remains a woman, and not be a doll.

    Max Kurzweil 1899 Mujer con un vestido amarillo

    They think that under all our balabolkas, (note: outdated small decoration in the form of a pendant, tassel) They still know how to reproduce the exact shape of a woman’s body.

    Princesse de Broglie by James Jacques Joseph Tissot, 1895

    How cruelly they are mistaken!

    Portrait of Mme Charles Max by Giovanni Boldini, 1896, Musee d’Orsay

    But they need to be deceived, they need to believe in perfect beauty, despite the flaws.
    Since fashion is created for the majority, and not for the chosen ones, we cannot approve of these straight, smooth, very narrow skirts that outline the body.

    If a woman is beautiful, then this is beautiful, and arouses universal admiration; but women who are too thin or too plump, whose hips are too convex or too flat, and whose bellies begin to protrude, lose a lot from this fashion, which covers all the imperfections that should be hidden by a skirt.

    One of the first rules of grace is to coordinate toilets with the time of day and the place for which they are intended.

    So, for example, for the morning toilet, for walking, you should never dress up in panniers, poufs or sweatpants.


    These elaborate draperies are suitable only for ceremonial dressings, for visits, for five o'clock or for evenings.

    Just as a woman going out for a bike ride dresses appropriately for this exercise, so a woman going out for a walk should have a suit adapted for walking.

    On the street, a woman takes part in business activities; she is a pedestrian.

    Therefore, for a walk, especially in the morning, you should wear a simple dress, long enough in the front, but slightly tucked in at the back.