9 weeks and my belly is big. Embryo development by days and weeks. Sensations in a woman's body

9 obstetric week pregnancy is approximately 7 weeks from conception. It is still impossible to determine the exact duration of pregnancy, because ovulation in each woman can occur in different days cycle. If a woman is pregnant for the first time and is 9 weeks pregnant, she still does not quite understand what is happening to her body, how it is changing and whether everything is okay with the baby.

At the 9th week of pregnancy, the uterus is actively growing, occupying the entire pelvic area. From its current size until birth, it will increase almost 500 times, but for now it can be compared to a small grapefruit. In some women, the belly is still practically invisible at 9 weeks of pregnancy, while in others some outlines can already be seen. This depends on the size of the uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid and the size of the fetus itself. If the expectant mother has not yet contacted the antenatal clinic, now is the time to do so. It is very important to be observed by a gynecologist in order to identify all existing chronic diseases. You may need additional consultations with specialized specialists - ENT, dentist, ophthalmologist and others.

The size of the fruit at this stage can be compared with the parameters of an average grape, approximately 1 inch. Weight, as a rule, is about 28 g, however, due to the active formation of legs and arms, the baby will very soon begin to grow and gain weight. The baby's face becomes visible more clearly, the genitals are almost formed, but it is still difficult to determine the sex of the child. Closer to the 20th week of pregnancy, it will become clear exactly who lives in mom’s tummy. Being in the 9th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother wants to know with great interest what is happening with her baby.

The mother can see what the baby looks like in the first trimester of pregnancy, and 9 weeks is still the first trimester, in the image of an ultrasound machine. An ultrasound scan at 9 weeks of pregnancy is possible and even necessary. This procedure in many cases makes it possible to identify visible defects in the development of the fetus, determine multiple pregnancies, and so on.

The picture below shows the 9th week of pregnancy and a photo of the fetus.

Visible on ultrasound amniotic sac, inside which there is an embryo. Since the baby can already swim in amniotic fluid, then in this picture he turned his back to the anterior wall of the uterus. The placenta delivers useful and nutritious substances to the baby. The skeletal system is strengthened, and the child can already slightly bend his small elbows. The head is rounded, but still pressed to the chest. The development of the brain occurs, in which by this time 2 hemispheres have already been formed.

9th week of pregnancy. First actions

The beginning of the 3rd month of pregnancy is the 9th week. A decent period during which the active phase of formation of the main organs, circulatory and motor systems of the embryo occurs.

If you are in the 9th week of pregnancy and have not yet registered with the antenatal clinic, then you need to do this now, at least in order to be sure of the good health of your baby. The attending doctor who will be caring for your pregnancy will prescribe the necessary tests. This includes a general urine and blood test for HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B. The gynecologist will take a smear to determine the flora in the vagina, and you will be tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia.

It is very important to get tested for cytomegalovirus, rubella, and toxoplasmosis. These seemingly harmless infections for a healthy person can become a serious obstacle to the normal development of the baby. A pregnant woman should avoid contact with sick people, even if it is a common cold.

Feelings in the 9th week of pregnancy

Specialist obstetricians and gynecologists know that the 9th week of pregnancy, like the entire 1st trimester, is a very important and turning point when it is necessary to know exactly what is happening to a woman during this period and what sensations are characteristic and what is the reason for visiting a doctor.

The weight of a woman in labor changes, mostly women gain weight, but with intense toxicosis, a reverse reaction can occur - a decrease in body weight. After the unpleasant symptoms pass, the weight begins to increase again.

The amount of blood increases and adipose tissue accumulates. Thus, the mother’s body prepares to feed the baby with milk.

Sometimes a pregnant woman may experience symptoms of anemia due to uneven growth of red blood cells with increasing blood volumes. In this case, the woman is prescribed additional iron intake in food. These may be vitamin-mineral complexes, or may be approved products with sufficient iron content. It is strictly forbidden to cause anemia, since this disease can lead not only to increased fatigue and weakness of the woman, but also to the death of the fetus.
Some pregnant women may experience dry skin and hair in the 9th week of the 1st trimester. This is due to the fact that the child needs a large amount of water, and therefore the mother should drink more liquid and eat juicy fruits.
Since the baby is in dire need of calcium during its development, it is important for a pregnant woman to take care of sensitive teeth, which will lack this mineral.

Main signs of the 9th week of pregnancy

At the 9th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother already feels more confident and calm. The pregnancy period for a woman is not only pleasant with expectations of the appearance of the future baby - what it will be like, who it will look like, what color of eyes and hair it will have. Besides everything, this is also a very responsible and difficult period. The 9th week of pregnancy brings new sensations to the expectant mother.

There are several main signs of pregnancy at this stage:

  • For some women, the first toxicosis has already passed, for others it is just beginning. The expectant mother may suffer from dizziness, morning sickness and even vomiting, and sensitivity to various odors increases. Appetite may completely disappear;
  • the mammary glands increase in size, the nipples become sensitive to any touch. Now is the time to think about a new comfortable bra. It is desirable that it have wide straps, comfortable cups made of natural fabric;
  • viscous and transparent discharge at 9 weeks of pregnancy is acceptable;
  • a woman may feel a slight heaviness in the lower abdomen.

Fetal development at 9 weeks of pregnancy

At the 9th week of pregnancy, the development of the embryo continues actively, it looks more and more like a little person:

  1. At the 9th week of pregnancy, the coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus is about 2.3 mm.
  2. The weight of the embryo is approximately 5 g.
  3. The part of the brain that is responsible for coordinating movement, the cerebellum, begins to form.
  4. The organ that produces hormones, the pituitary gland, is fully formed.
  5. The lymphatic system is actively developing.
  6. It is still impossible to determine the sex of the baby, but the genitals are already developing. In boys, germ cells are laid down, which will later develop into sperm, and in girls, the ovaries “populate” big amount first eggs.
  7. The umbilical cord is formed between the mother's placenta and the fetal body. These are 3 vessels - 1 large, delivering to the fetus oxygenated blood, and 2 small ones that remove oxygen-free blood and metabolic products.
  8. are starting to take shape internal organs– liver and kidneys. After some time, they will already be functioning, but for now they begin to produce the first blood of the unborn baby.
  9. With the help of ultra-sensitive modern equipment, the first brain impulses of the fetus can be detected. The baby's first reflexes begin to appear.
  10. During this period, the formation of the nose (nasal fossa and folds), lips, tongue, and ears occurs.
  11. The baby's upper limbs (arms) continue to lengthen. Between the fingers, which still look like small tubercles, grooves begin to appear. You can see thumb. Toe plates form on the baby’s lower extremities (legs). The baby makes the first movements with his arms and legs.

Chorionic presentation in the 9th week of pregnancy

Chorion in medical terms represents the placenta in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and is responsible for the production of hormones. In simple words The placenta is a child's place that is connected to the fetus by the umbilical cord and, thus, the child is connected with maternal body. The state of presentation is determined using an ultrasound machine. This is when the baby's place is located less than 6 centimeters from the internal os of the uterus. This undesirable position of the chorion can provoke the following consequences:

  • miscarriage or C-section during childbirth;
  • placental abruption and severe bleeding. This condition is extremely dangerous for the life of a pregnant woman and a child, who may experience hypoxia and die.

A number of preventive measures will help to avoid the unpleasant state of chorion presentation in the 9th week of pregnancy:

  1. You should visit your doctor regularly and frequently to be examined and rule out this disease. Previously performed curettages and abortions can provoke presentation. Uterine fibroids and polyps can also cause this disease. Women over 35 years of age and older are at risk.
  2. Healthy lifestyle. Compliance with precautions will prevent the disease and avoid it. Doctors recommend that women at risk avoid sexual contact with their husbands and undergo regular ultrasound examinations.

Diet of a woman at 9 weeks of pregnancy

The 9th week of pregnancy is characterized by active growth of the baby. The formation of internal organs, blood and skeletal systems occurs. The fetus receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements from the mother. Therefore, in order for a woman’s body not to become depleted, she definitely needs to eat well and properly, eating foods rich in B vitamins, vitamin E, multicarotene, vitamin C. It is also important that a woman’s diet contains foods containing calcium, magnesium and especially folic acid. There are several recommendations for the diet of the expectant mother at 9 weeks of pregnancy:

  1. One of the main rules is not to overeat, eat small portions 4-5 times a day.
  2. The expectant mother's breakfast should be complete. This could be milk porridge, muesli with milk, durum wheat bread, fruit, weak tea with lemon.
  3. Lunch may consist of light first courses, a vegetable salad with a side dish, a fish or meat dish, fruit or herbal tea.
  4. A good afternoon snack could be fruit, yogurt, juice, a sandwich with lean meat or hard cheese.
  5. Dinner should be light, low-fat dishes - boiled meat or steamed fish with vegetables. Also a great dinner would be some milk product– kefir or yogurt with a bun, homemade cottage cheese with fruit.
  6. Expectant mothers are not recommended to eat fatty meats, spicy pizza, raw eggs, sausages, boiled and smoked sausages, smoked fish, and all spicy and fried foods.
  7. Under no circumstances should you eat stale or expired products; this can lead to food poisoning, which is very dangerous for the expectant mother.
  8. All fruits and vegetables that you plan to eat raw must be thoroughly washed with running water.
  9. It is not advisable to introduce exotic fruits into your diet that you have not tried before pregnancy. They may cause an allergic reaction.
  10. Be careful with seafood. They can only be present in your diet if you are completely confident in their quality.
  11. Don't overuse coffee. Drink this drink only in the first half of the day, adding milk to it.
  12. Eliminate sugary carbonated drinks from your diet, and release gases from mineral water.
  13. Practice good hygiene and always wash your hands before preparing food and before eating it.
  14. Limit your consumption of sugar, flour and confectionery products. This can lead to rapid weight gain not only for the mother, but also for the baby.
  15. Try to slightly under-salt your dishes and avoid saltiness. They cause thirst, which leads to large fluid intake, which in turn can cause swelling. But you shouldn’t completely give up salt.
  16. Today in pharmacies there are many multivitamins and dietary supplements for pregnant women. Do not take them without first consulting your gynecologist. All vitamin supplements can not only be beneficial, but also harmful.

  1. Many women are afraid to have sex during pregnancy. Intimate life on early stages is not prohibited, but only in the absence of contraindications, which may include blood or brown discharge, increased tone uterus and other threats of abortion. In any case, the expectant mother needs to consult with her gynecologist in order to exclude all contraindications and not deprive herself of an intimate life due to far-fetched fears.
  2. Pregnancy causes slight vaginal discharge. It is normal if the color of the discharge is white or yellowish, but there will be no pain. In the case when the discharge Brown If your stomach or lower back hurts, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  3. By the beginning of the 9th week, the baby’s kidneys complete their formation and begin to function. This circumstance puts a strain on the kidneys of a pregnant woman. In this case, it is necessary to regularly measure blood pressure, limit fluid intake at night and salt.
  4. Do not deny yourself walks, but alcohol should be excluded completely. Avoid stress that negatively affects the development and health of the child.
  5. Protect your baby from exposure to tobacco smoke. The fact is that this poison blocks the access of oxygen to the child, thereby causing an increased heartbeat of the small organism. Smoking and being a passive smoker is prohibited, as this can provoke not only a decrease in the child’s body weight, but also sudden infant death syndrome.
  6. If at week 9 you are still experiencing recurring headaches caused by high or low blood pressure, hormonal changes or stress, then special compresses will help get rid of them, which will help you avoid taking medicines. Apply a cold or warm compress to your head to help relieve pain. In addition, a cool shower also helps dilate blood vessels.
  7. While you are in an “interesting” position, you should forget about intense physical activity. But you shouldn’t overdo it; by doing intense training, you can provoke ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.
  8. It is recommended to use the most useful component for pregnant women - Vitamin E. Thanks to this vitamin, the body of a pregnant woman is cleansed and the immune system is strengthened. And in the 9th week of pregnancy, vitamin E takes part in the formation of the placenta, the organ responsible for delivering nutrients from mother to baby.

9th week of pregnancy. Video

The beginning of the third month is considered to be the 9th obstetric week of pregnancy. Hormonal changes are in full swing in a woman’s body, and the fetus is rapidly developing and growing. Its nutrition is already carried out through the placenta, and not through the wall of the uterus. In the third month, the risk of miscarriage decreases significantly.

What happens at week 9

What happens at 9 weeks of pregnancy? During this period, the pregnant woman’s body is actively preparing for the upcoming period of gestation, as well as for childbirth and feeding. The pelvic bones gradually expand, the mammary glands enlarge, which is associated with the growth of the milk ducts, and the breasts become more sensitive and even painful to touch. This is due to the onset of prolactin production.

A close connection is established between the baby and mother. Scientists have found that the fetus can send signals about which nutrients and microelements it lacks. This explains the unusual cravings and taste desires of pregnant women.

The volume of amniotic fluid in which the baby floats is approximately 100 ml at this stage.

Changes in a woman's body

The ninth obstetric week is characterized by weight gain, which can vary from 500 g to several kilograms. This is mainly due to the growth of the uterus, as well as an increase in the volume of blood and lymph fluid in the body, which are necessary to supply the actively growing fetus with nutrition and oxygen.

Also, fat accumulation processes are started in a woman’s body, which are necessary so that the mother can subsequently feed her child. In this regard, the figure begins to change noticeably. Therefore, from the third month, a woman needs to limit her consumption of sweets and starchy foods to avoid gaining excess weight.

Because blood and plasma volume increases during pregnancy, a woman may become anemic. It is due to the fact that the spinal cord does not have time to produce red blood cells so quickly.

Therefore, when identifying low level hemoglobin in the blood, the doctor prescribes the woman special nutrition and special supportive therapy.

In the ninth week, the uterus increases in size even more and becomes like a small melon or a very large grapefruit. But she still has enough space in the pelvis, so her belly is not yet noticeable. Only women with a thin body type with a narrow pelvis may develop a small protruding belly at 9 weeks of pregnancy.

Depending on individual characteristics, a pregnant woman’s skin may lose its attractive appearance or, on the contrary, become more soft and velvety.

A pregnant woman’s body actively produces the hormone relaxin, which relaxes the ligaments and bones of the pelvis. In this regard, a change in gait may be observed in the early stages. And also the action of this hormone can provoke pain in the pelvic area.

Signs of pregnancy at 9 weeks

In the ninth week of pregnancy, the woman’s hormonal levels continue to undergo restructuring.

That is why she has the following symptoms:

  • painful sensations in the abdomen caused by an enlarged uterus and stretching of the ligaments that hold it in place;
  • bloating and;
  • frequent urination;
  • mood swings;
  • irritability and irascibility;
  • fatigue, etc.

And also the 9th obstetric week of pregnancy can manifest itself in a significant increase in mammary glands. This is explained by the fact that the woman’s body is preparing for breastfeeding. Some women's breasts become one size larger, so during this period it is advisable to purchase special creams that prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

It's time to forget about tight bras, because a pregnant woman, so, does not have enough air, and if chest and also tighten, it can cover a pre-fainting state. Therefore, if your breasts have greatly increased in volume, you should change all your underwear to more comfortable ones. In this case, it is preferable to choose bras made from natural fabrics.

The normal temperature of a pregnant woman is considered to be a thermometer reading of up to 37.1-37.2 degrees. If there is an increase in it, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. Taking antipyretic and other medications on your own is dangerous for the unborn baby.

TO external signs pregnancy and changes in the body include:

  • the appearance of a blue venous network on the chest;
  • hyperpigmentation of areolas and nipples;
  • scanty discharge from the mammary glands of a yellowish color. Colostrum usually appears at a later stage, but in rare cases it can be bothersome as early as the 9th week of pregnancy. When releasing colostrum, it is recommended to purchase and wear special breast pads;
  • swelling of the lower extremities and external genitalia.

Woman's feelings

At the 9th week of pregnancy, a woman still has symptoms of toxicosis, which weaken only after 12 weeks. A pregnant woman may experience headaches, fatigue and fatigue, nausea and vomiting during the day, intolerance to odors and certain foods, as well as dizziness. The condition of the hair worsens even more and nail plates. Dry skin may be felt, which is caused by a lack of water in the body, because most of it goes to the proper functioning and development of the fetus.

During a multiple pregnancy, the uterus increases significantly in size; therefore, starting from the ninth week, a woman begins to experience pain in the lower back and back. This is due to the sharp growth of the uterus, pressure on the internal organs and significant stretching of the ligaments in the pelvis.

A woman may be bothered by constant nasal congestion. If, in addition to this symptom, there are no other signs of a cold, then this is a physiological norm, which is called runny nose in pregnant women.

Discharge from the genital tract

Milky and white discharge of normal consistency and without sharp unpleasant odor are a variant of the norm at this stage of pregnancy. Discharge of mucus or leucorrhoea is also not a cause for concern, since it is caused by an increase in the activity of the gonads.

Brown discharge, as well as the appearance of pus in it, requires immediate consultation with a doctor., since these signs may indicate the presence of a dangerous infection in the body or placental abruption. Also, such discharge may indicate that a woman has cervical erosion. This disease does not threaten the baby’s life, but requires consultation with a doctor. Treatment of erosions is carried out after childbirth.


In the ninth week of pregnancy, ultrasound is indicated to identify fetal pathologies and determine the exact period. Scheduled implementation This examination is not required, but the woman can have it if she wishes.

During an ultrasound scan, the doctor can see a significant enlargement of the uterus and the presence of a fetal bladder in it. On screen when zoomed in unborn child looks like a little man, but at this stage a specialist cannot yet determine his gender. The sensor also records the fetal heart rate at 130 beats per minute.

Fetal development at 9 weeks

The size of the fetus at 9 weeks of gestation is approximately 22-33 mm. The size resembles a cherry, and the baby’s weight already reaches 4 g. The fetus is already becoming like a little man, its tail begins to disappear and very soon it will turn into a tailbone, its limbs lengthen, its facial features become more distinct. Fuzz begins to appear on the baby's skin.

Changes in the future baby:

  • Starting from the 9th week of pregnancy, fetal development actively occurs in its brain. The baby's head is still disproportionately large, but the cerebral hemispheres are actively developing in it. This week, the formation of one of its departments occurs - the cerebellum, which will subsequently coordinate the movements of the fetus, as well as the department that is responsible for the production of adrenaline.
  • The eyes on the face are already fully formed, but they are still covered by a thin fold of skin of the eyelid, and you can also see the baby’s lips. The auricles are clearly visible and are at the same level as the eyes. The nose and neck also continue to form.
  • The limbs of the unborn child continue their active development at the 9th week of pregnancy. They lengthen, and the membranes between the fingers disappear. The feet and hands also grow noticeably, and the beginnings of baby teeth appear in the jaw.
  • Surprisingly, at 9 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus can already swallow, and its kidneys produce urine. However, the entire load during this period and before the birth of the child falls on the mother’s kidneys.
  • Boys have already formed testicles, but they are still in abdominal cavity, therefore, it is still impossible to predict the child’s gender using an ultrasound.
  • The formation of nerve and lymph nodes occurs.

This week the fetus is already actively moving, it can move its arms and legs, and also turn over. The placenta is responsible for its nutrition, which supplies the actively growing body with oxygen and nutrients.

Possible problems

In the ninth week of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is quite low, since the fetus is already well established in the uterine wall, and progesterone and hCG in the blood reach high concentrations. These factors help maintain fetal viability. But other problems may arise that characterize the 9th obstetric week of pregnancy, such as dangerous period not only for the unborn child, but also for the woman.

Possible problems during this period include:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • ectopic pregnancy (very rarely detected at this stage);
  • traumatic injury to the uterus;
  • improper attachment of the embryo;
  • complications of fetal development.

Also, a problem at this time may be the occurrence of severe forms of toxicosis with repeated vomiting, loss of weight and hemoglobin levels in the blood. In this case, the woman should consult a doctor to alleviate her condition.

Another problem at this time is stool retention. Constipation occurs from the effects of pregnancy hormones in combination with the hormone relaxin. This unpleasant condition causes many problems and is even fraught with danger. Firstly, strong straining is dangerous for the baby, because it can provoke uterine contractions. Secondly, constipation can cause hemorrhoids.

To prevent this from happening, you need to include in your diet low-fat fermented milk products, vegetables except cabbage, fruits except pears, low-fat meat and fish. You should exclude rice, cocoa, and fresh baked goods, which can cause stool retention. You can eat dried fruits that have a laxative effect, such as prunes. But you shouldn’t get carried away with such a delicacy, because dried fruits are quite high in calories and can contribute to even faster weight gain.

In cases where diet does not help, your doctor will help you cope with stool retention by prescribing a laxative that is approved during pregnancy.

To prevent possible problems, a woman needs to register in a timely manner and undergo all necessary examinations. It is important to limit harmful occupational factors (contact with chemicals and radioactive radiation), avoid X-rays, alcohol and smoking, as well as take any medications.

What to pay attention to

  • If there is no threat of miscarriage, the woman can carry on as usual sex life, but active sex should be avoided, as it can lead to uterine bleeding and placental abruption.
  • The ninth week of pregnancy for the fetus is no less important in its development than the previous ones, so nutrition should be balanced. You should include foods rich in vitamins and microelements. It is worth giving up baked goods, pasta and sweets, as they can cause sudden weight gain. It is recommended to eat 6-7 times a day in small portions, this will help avoid attacks of nausea and vomiting.
  • Heavy lifting should be limited to avoid placental abruption and uterine bleeding.
  • It is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air.
  • Places with large crowds of people and contact with animals should be avoided. These measures are taken to reduce the risk of colds and infectious diseases.
  • It's time to give up tight and uncomfortable clothes and high heels.
  • Physical activity and the intensity of sports in the 9th week of pregnancy should be reduced to 60-80% of the previous level. If there is no threat of miscarriage, there is no need to refuse them.
  • It is advisable for a pregnant woman to do breathing exercises, which will help increase the flow of oxygen to the fetus.

If a woman has not seen a gynecologist before this period, then the 9th week of pregnancy should begin with a visit to the doctor. The expectant mother should definitely register and submit everything necessary tests, since they can identify problems that threaten the pregnancy of the child.

How many months in 9 weeks of pregnancy

Doctors usually count the gestational age not from the moment of conception, but from the first day of the last menstrual cycle(according to the obstetric method). One obstetric month includes 4 weeks, so 9 weeks is the beginning of the 3rd month of pregnancy, or rather 2 months and 1 week of pregnancy. The embryo is approximately 7 weeks old at this stage.

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A gestational age of 9 weeks is 11 obstetric weeks. There is already very little left until the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. This means that the baby is already fully formed, and the risk of losing it is much lower. Some women's tummy gradually begins to round out. And someone is already rushing to an ultrasound, to the so-called screening, in order to quickly find out if everything is okay with the baby and its gender. Is it possible to obtain this information at this time? Find out from this material.

What happens to the fetus at 9 weeks

The baby already looks like a tiny man with a big head and too long arms(at this stage the fetal arms are longer than the legs). Now its size is approximately half the length of its body. And this is understandable, because the brain grows and develops very quickly. The chest is fully formed.

All facial bones are present. The ears are almost in their place. The tongue, palate and nasal passages are formed. The neck is quite strong, the child can turn his head. There is a grasping reflex. The baby feels the taste of amniotic fluid.
The eyes acquire color - the iris is formed.
The child's height is slightly more than 4 cm, and his weight is about 8 grams.

The fetus has very thin skin through which blood vessels are clearly visible. The child is moving with all his might, swimming in the amniotic fluid. Everything that happens to the fetus at 9 embryonic weeks is visible on an ultrasound, but mommy doesn’t feel anything at all yet.

The intestine is already functioning, although some of its loops are still falling out. Other internal organs also grow and develop. The liver plays a big role. It produces blood. By the way, the composition of a child’s blood is prenatal period very different from what will happen after his birth. The fetus has no leukocytes - white blood cells - in its blood, only red ones - erythrocytes.
The kidneys also began their work. Baby urinates in amniotic fluid.
The placenta is actively developing and increasing in size, according to the fetus. It will continue to grow throughout almost the entire pregnancy. The thickness of the placenta corresponds to the obstetric week of pregnancy.

The formation of the genital organs is actively underway, but neither the scrotum of boys nor the labia of girls ultrasound examination not yet visible. By the way, have you ever heard of a bicornuate or saddle-shaped uterus in girls? In children at this embryonic stage, the uterus and vagina are normally divided into 2 halves. But gradually they gain correct form. Although almost all girls are born with a saddle-shaped uterus, this is the norm. But if any developmental disorders occur during this period, the girl will be born with a bicornuate uterus, which will complicate or make it impossible for her to conceive a child and carry the pregnancy to term.

What does a pregnant woman feel and notice?

The belly is growing, and the woman herself can already feel her uterus just above the pubic bone. Another 2-3 weeks, and the doctor at the antenatal clinic will measure it with a centimeter tape at each examination and record the data in the outpatient card of the pregnant woman. The height of the uterine fundus is approximately equal to the number of weeks of pregnancy. But it may be more if the pregnancy is multiple or with a large fetus and polyhydramnios, but at this stage the height of the uterus is approximately equal for everyone.

Often, during self-examination, women notice something like a bump on the uterus rising above the pubis. Some say that this is how the tone of the uterus appears. If a woman has uterine fibroids, then this is attributed to her, because myomatous nodes tend to grow in the first trimester. In fact it's ovum. This is what creates this asymmetry. But this phenomenon is temporary and very soon the uterus will acquire a spherical shape.

A growing belly is good and interesting, but there are some unpleasant moments. These include the appearance of stretch marks - stretch marks. They are usually noticed on the buttocks, thighs and chest. At longer stages of pregnancy, stretch marks also cover the abdomen. This does not affect your health, but it brings little joy. Striae look like bright stripes. Gradually, after childbirth, they will turn pale, however, they will forever remain on the skin in the form of white stripes.

It is sometimes impossible to avoid stretch marks. The risk of their appearance can only be reduced by avoiding excessive overstretching of the skin, which means that the main enemy in this case is subcutaneous fat. You need to try to keep your weight normal.

Creams against stretch marks have low effectiveness. But you can use them, of course. The main thing is to moisturize the skin.

Also, some mothers say that in the first trimester of pregnancy, hair began to actively grow above them. upper lip, others, on the contrary, say that the hairs have disappeared. It's individual.

Feelings of the expectant mother at nine weeks of pregnancy

A feeling that often haunts expectant mothers is hunger. And this is understandable, because part of the nutrients received by the mother goes to replenish the resources not of her body, but of the child. Therefore, doctors advise increasing the amount of food a little and adding another snack. Just not with cookies, sweets and similar low-health products, but with vegetables, cereals, fruits, and fermented milk.

It is better to quench frequent thirst with regular still water. Store-bought juices contain more sugar than vitamins, which means they won’t do much good, but the weight of the expectant mother will quickly increase from such a dessert.

Stomach discomfort occurs less frequently at nine weeks of pregnancy. Toxicosis is gradually receding, appetite is improving, so it’s time to start monitoring your weight.

The chest pain may completely stop. This is fine. It should not be regarded as a sign of fading pregnancy. But the mammary glands remain slightly enlarged throughout the entire period of gestation.

Threat of miscarriage - should I drink Duphaston, cervical condition

This is the main problem of the entire first trimester of pregnancy, which is not over yet. Mild nagging pains that occur only occasionally do not affect the development of pregnancy in any way. But if they become regular and begin to resemble painful menstruation, you should urgently consult a doctor. You should especially hurry if there is bloody discharge from the vagina. Perhaps chorion detachment has begun.

In this case, doctors first make sure with the help of an ultrasound that the pregnancy is progressing, that is, the fetus has not died, and prescribe a hemostatic agent (if necessary), this can be “Tranexam” or “Ditsinon”, as well as a progesterone preparation for oral administration and ( or) vaginally.

The most commonly prescribed progesterone drugs for this moment are "Utrozhestan" and "Duphaston". Doctors at antenatal clinics usually prescribe Duphaston for any suspicion of a threatened miscarriage. However, the most effective means prevention and treatment, and this has been proven by scientific research, is the vaginal use of progesterone. This means that the drug “Utrozhestan” (it can be taken orally or used vaginally) is preferable. In second place are intramuscular injections of progesterone. They are usually done in hospitals. Cheap and effective. And only in third place is oral progesterone.

You should only take progesterone as prescribed by your doctor, as it has many side effects. For example, it negatively affects the mother's liver.

In some situations, at this stage, the woman has stitches on the cervix. This is necessary if isthmic-cervical insufficiency is proven. Usually, at such early stages, the cervix is ​​sutured for women who have a history of miscarriages at long periods due to its weakness. After suturing, progesterone must be prescribed for a long time. By the way, this particular drug helps to reduce the tone of the uterus as much as possible. But “No-shpa” and “Papaverine” have a short-term effect. They cannot be used on a regular basis.

Should I do an ultrasound - the first screening?

At 11-13 obstetric weeks, that is, at 9-11 embryonic weeks, the first screening is carried out - the woman donates blood for PAPP-A and hCG, undergoes an ultrasound. Ultrasound evaluates all organs and systems of the child’s body. Chromosomal pathologies, Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome and others are judged by the presence or absence of the nasal bone and the size of the nuchal zone (NZ). An ultrasound can show some malformations that do not require analysis to confirm, for example, severe pathologies of bone development, absence of the brain, intestinal and rectal abnormalities, fetal hernia, fusion of the lower extremities (mermaid syndrome), etc.

The most informative period for screening is the period when the fetal calf development reaches 45 mm. This happens around 11-13 weeks. But sometimes mothers come for examination at exactly 9 weeks of pregnancy in the embryonic period, and their baby has not yet reached the required 45 mm, so it is better to undergo examination at 10 weeks after conception, that is, at the standard 12 obstetric weeks.

There are mothers who are categorically against screenings during pregnancy, as if the examination may erroneously show that the child has severe developmental defects or genetic abnormalities, but he is absolutely healthy. The woman will have an abortion or cause premature birth so as not to give birth to a “disabled person.”

This is usually the thinking of those who do not quite understand the meaning of screening. The results of blood tests, ultrasound, as well as some of the woman’s data, primarily her age, are processed using a computer program. The result is given which states - high risk or low, the expectant mother has to give birth to a child with certain chromosomal pathologies. And if the risk is high, then doctors suggest undergoing an invasive procedure, taking a piece of the placenta or amniotic fluid for genetic analysis. Sometimes the procedure provokes miscarriages, so it is not performed on all women in a row, only on those who have real risks. And based on the results of this genetic analysis, one can accurately judge whether the child is healthy.

If the child is diagnosed with Down syndrome, Patau syndrome, Edwards syndrome, or severe developmental defects are visible on ultrasound, the mother may be offered to terminate the pregnancy. It is to offer, and not to force, an abortion. Whether to undergo screening or not is up to the woman herself.

Some, mostly deeply religious, expectant mothers do not undergo screening because they are absolutely sure that under no circumstances will they take the life of an unborn child. And that's their right.

Boy or girl?

Since we are on the topic of ultrasound, we cannot omit information about the possibility of determining the sex of a child at nine weeks. At this stage, doctors see the so-called genital tubercle. And only if the baby lies in a position convenient for viewing the genitals. The doctor can guess the gender based on the angle of intersection of two lines (through the genital tubercle and sacrococcygeal region). If this angle is less than 30 degrees, there will be a girl, if more, then there will be a boy.

Week 9, nutrition at the beginning of pregnancy (video):

9 weeks pregnant

Week 9, nutrition at the beginning of pregnancy


Not many doctors know how to measure this angle correctly. In addition, the first screening already takes quite a lot of time from the doctor, and he is unlikely to be involved in gender determination. Although, good specialist with a favorable gender position, it can accurately determine the sex of the baby already at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy.

Since the immunity of expectant mothers decreases, it is not difficult to catch a virus. Of course, it is best not to visit crowded places, wash your hands thoroughly and often, and do not touch your face with them, but this does not always help.

So, if you are already sick, visit your doctor. Better than ENT, if there are symptoms in its part. If the viral nature of the disease is confirmed, you just have to wait... 5-7 days. By this time, antibodies against the virus will begin to be produced and symptoms will subside.

It is not worth treating with antibiotics. They don't protect against viruses. Various tablets for a sore throat can, in the best case, quench the pain a little, but there is no faster cure. In this case, it is better to moisturize your throat more often. Drink water at body temperature (36-38 degrees) or gargle. Moisturizing the laryngeal mucosa helps a lot. And drinking plenty of warm water is also beneficial.

Time will save you from a runny nose. But if the nose is not breathing at all, you can use vasoconstrictor drops. Just remembering that they sometimes provoke an increase in blood pressure. It is better to drip them less frequently and in smaller quantities. No longer than 3 days for sure. If possible, you need to humidify the air at home. Ventilate more often and (or) turn on a humidifier, then drops will not be needed. By the way, without any fears or restrictions, you can use products to moisturize the nasal mucosa. The same "Aquamaris", for example. Or buy regular saline solution at the pharmacy and drop it into your nose with a pipette. In a pinch, a regular one will do. boiled water with a teaspoon of salt diluted in it.

You should not take various immunomodulators. They are practically useless, and for the expectant mother they are also potentially dangerous.

Will this disease affect the child? Hardly. Usually only the influenza virus has consequences, and only if it was severely tolerated by the pregnant woman. With a quick start of treatment, it usually does not have consequences for this period. However, examination and consultation with a doctor, we repeat, are necessary.

The ninth obstetric week of pregnancy means that two full months of the “interesting situation” are left behind. The fetus continues to actively develop in the womb, and the expectant mother begins to gradually get used to her new role. These days it is very important to monitor your health and follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist.

general information

The ninth obstetric week of pregnancy closes the second month of the first trimester. At this time, the placenta is activated and begins to fully perform its protective and nutritional functions. It gradually adapts to the needs of a growing organism.

At this time, the baby’s height from crown to tailbone is only 3 cm, and weight can range from two to five grams. The size of the embryo resembles a grape or olive seed.

Others do not yet notice external changes in a woman’s body. The only thing that can give it away is early toxicosis. Fortunately, it doesn't happen to everyone. The expectant mother already knows exactly what she is carrying under her heart. That is why you should pay special attention to your own health.

Fetal development

The baby already has clear facial features, but it is still impossible to understand what he will look like at birth. Just a few days ago his eyes were shifted to his temples, but now they are beginning to take their usual position. The nose has clearly defined nostrils. The baby already knows how to open and close his mouth.

The proportions of the body are still incorrect: the child has a large head, which is slightly inclined towards the chest. Thin arms and legs begin to gain length, and the membranes between the fingers disappear. At this stage, the rudiments of future nails are laid. The child's back is becoming straighter day by day. A fetus in the ninth week of pregnancy can still boast a short tail. However, over time, as soon as other bones of the skeleton stretch out, it will disappear, and in its place will remain a small tailbone.

Every day, muscles begin to develop more and more intensively, including in the limbs. They allow the child to move his arms and legs freely. There is no hair on the baby’s head and body yet, but the rudiments of follicles are already appearing.

Internal organs of the fetus

The first organ that forms inside the mother's womb is the brain. This is why in the ninth week of pregnancy the baby has a disproportionately large head. In fact, it corresponds to the size of the brain. It is already divided into two hemispheres, covered with the first convolutions and has a cerebellum. The latter gradually begins to fulfill his direct duties. The cerebellum allows the child to control movements and body position.

The baby's heart is already quite well developed and can beat about 120 beats per minute. It saturates the small body with blood. Even at this stage the spinal cords represent a single system. Its direct connection with the brain is not yet perfect.

The ninth obstetric week of pregnancy is the time when the digestive system begins to form. The child's belly gains volume and becomes quite convex. The liver and kidneys are not yet fully developed, but even now the latter can excrete waste products into the amniotic fluid.

The fetal respiratory system is represented by five small bronchi. The pituitary gland is gradually formed, and the adrenal glands actively continue their development. The thyroid gland also makes its presence known. She cannot yet provide the child with hormones, so all her functions are performed by the mother's womb. We can say that physiologically the baby is already formed. Over the next months, his organs will improve. The fetus begins to gain weight and height very quickly after the ninth week of pregnancy ends.

What happens to a woman's body?

Very little time has passed for a woman to notice serious changes in her body. Mood swings are possible during this period. The worldview and vision of oneself and the child gradually changes. For some ladies, the real surprise is the very fact of new life in the womb. Beyond the feeling emotional attachment to the baby, the physical connection becomes stronger. All this usually affects mommy’s taste preferences.

For example, she may suddenly want to chew chalk. If doctors and psychologists are still actively arguing about the reasons for such unusual taste preferences, then the desire for a certain product, even in an unusual combination, is easily explained. A baby in the ninth week of pregnancy is in a stage of active growth. It needs a wide variety of minerals and trace elements. When a deficiency of certain substances is detected in a woman’s body, the baby begins to demand nutrition in such an unusual way. The baby sends signals to the mother's brain, thereby regulating her taste preferences according to your own needs.

TO physical signs Pregnancy at this stage may include a persistent feeling of fatigue, headaches, and drowsiness. There is nothing surprising in this, because now all body systems are working at the limit of their capabilities. They consistently form and begin to serve new life in the womb. Mom can help herself if she follows a clear daily routine. Doctors recommend more rest, but this does not mean that it is time to lie on the couch all day long. A woman in this position should undergo moderate physical activity without sudden movements or effort.

For many, it is associated with the appearance of the first signs of toxicosis. Nausea in the morning hours will now also accompany you. You should only worry if frequent vomiting leads to irritation of the oral mucosa and weight loss. Usually, changing your diet and walking in the fresh air helps ease the symptoms of toxicosis.

The breasts gradually begin to increase in size. This means it's time to update your wardrobe and buy new underwear. It is better to choose seamless options designed specifically for pregnant women. A soft bra can be worn even at night to provide constant support to your breasts. In the ninth week of pregnancy, darkening of the skin around the nipples and the appearance of a venous network is also possible. There is no need to be afraid of such changes. With proper care after delivery, the venous network completely disappears.

Changes in hormonal levels affect the condition of the skin and hair. Once dry locks can become greasy clean skin pimples appear, and the problematic one clears up. By using cosmetics these problems cannot be solved. You just have to wait until your hormones return to normal.

Belly in the ninth week of pregnancy

The belly at this stage is just beginning to increase in volume. The body actively stores fat reserves for normal fetal development. If a woman is a little overweight, she may not even notice the protruding bump on her stomach. However, everything is individual. In some representatives of the fair sex, an oval tummy is clearly visible in the ninth week.

By this time, the uterus should increase significantly. Now you can start changing your wardrobe and buying shoes without heels. The expectant mother should seriously think about her comfort from the very moment she learns about the new situation. As a rule, this happens when the seventh to ninth week of pregnancy comes to an end.

A woman’s feelings at this time can affect her intimate life. You will have to talk to a gynecologist to rule out the possibility of spontaneous abortion. It is because of this danger that many have to refuse sexual intercourse in the first trimester. In the absence of obvious contraindications, a woman’s extraordinary sexuality can be a pleasant surprise. Against the background of the release of hormones, the libido of a pregnant woman often increases, making intimate life richer.

Discharge from the genital tract

Discharge in the ninth week of pregnancy changes. The baby is actively developing inside the womb and the placenta is forming. At this time, traces of blood may appear on your underwear. Having discovered such discharge, there is no reason to worry. This may be a feature of the body, because the signs are normal for given period very vague. For your own peace of mind, you can consult a gynecologist.

In most cases, clear or without a strong odor is considered the norm. A curdled and unpleasant-smelling secretion may indicate thrush. Purulent brown discharge or mixed with blood indicates pathological process in organism. The resumption of menstruation is considered dangerous. Unfortunately, menstruation is a sign that pregnancy has ended. In this case, immediate assistance from a gynecologist is required. This is no longer about preserving the fetus, but about saving a woman’s life.

Painful sensations

Many pregnant women complain of severe pain in the buttocks area. In this case, the discomfort increases when walking, lying on your back or side. Such symptoms indicate compression of the sciatic nerve. The discomfort is usually caused by an increase in pressure on the sciatic nerve. Over time, the discomfort goes away on its own; no specific treatment is required. To reduce pain, doctors recommend that women in this position not sleep on their backs and not make sudden movements while walking.

Discomfort in the lumbar region can be due to several reasons. First of all, due to the peculiarities of innervation, pain is felt not in the abdomen, but in the lumbar area. If discomfort appears after physical activity, you should consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. During pregnancy, a woman's immunity is reduced. The consequence of this is an increased likelihood of developing infections, especially of the urinary system. Pyelonephritis is usually accompanied by aching pain in the lower back and fever. The disease is treated only with antibacterial drugs. Therefore, if such symptoms occur, you should also consult a doctor.

Possible risks and complications

The ninth obstetric week of pregnancy is fraught with two serious dangers for the mother and her child: miscarriage and fetal death. The gradually developing placenta makes the baby dependent on the mother. At this time, you should take your own health and lifestyle seriously. Various infections and diseases can cause irreparable harm to a tiny organism.

In the first trimester, the fetus is still very vulnerable, so any uncharacteristic symptoms should alert you. If your stomach feels tight and you notice droplets of blood on your underwear, you should call a team of medical professionals. These symptoms usually indicate a miscarriage. Timely rendered health care increases the likelihood of fetal survival.

A miscarriage, like a frozen pregnancy, can be triggered by a number of negative factors. These include birth defects caused by infection from the mother or a genetic predisposition to certain ailments. This is why it is so important to plan for conceiving a baby. If you have already encountered such a misfortune, you must try to find out its cause and undergo a course of treatment.

Medical observations, tests and examinations

After confirming the fact of pregnancy, you must register with the antenatal clinic. Then the time for analysis begins. A woman must undergo a blood test to determine her Rh factor and group, to identify sexually transmitted diseases and antibodies to hepatitis. Cal is also donated. After this, the pregnant woman is given time to see specialists (ophthalmologist, cardiologist, dentist) and a therapist. Based on the test results, additional examination may be prescribed.

What else needs to be done before the ninth week of pregnancy ends? What happens in the mother’s womb, how the fetus develops and the placenta is formed - all this needs to be known to a gynecologist. That is why, at the ninth week, the doctor gives the woman a referral for an ultrasound scan. Based on the results of the examination, the specialist makes certain predictions and gives instructions.

Finishing the conversation about the dangers of pregnancy at 9-10 weeks, it is necessary to list the recommendations of doctors for expectant mothers. They are extremely simple and suitable for absolutely everyone.

  1. In the first trimester, it is important for a woman to protect herself from negative emotions and overwork.
  2. To strengthen the body, it is useful to do gymnastics or yoga.
  3. If you find symptoms of a cold, you should not self-medicate. During pregnancy, many drugs are contraindicated.
  4. To avoid varicose veins, you should give preference to comfortable shoes and try to spend less time on your feet.
  5. Carefully monitor your diet; if necessary, you can take a course of vitamins.

The famous psychologist Diana Sanford recommends that pregnant women have five-minute relaxation sessions. At this time, you need to try to relax, put your hands on your stomach, fully concentrate on breathing, think only about the baby. This type of connection with the child helps reduce the mother’s fears and anxieties and cope with everyday stress.

The 9th week of pregnancy is very active for the fetus, it is growing rapidly. We will tell you what changes are happening next.

  1. The fetus becomes more and more like a small person.
  2. The back of the embryo gradually straightens, the tail disappears.
  3. Height can be up to 30 mm, and as for the baby’s weight, it is approximately 3-4 grams.
  4. At 9 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's head is still large compared to the body, this is due to the active development of the brain. The formation of both hemispheres occurs, the formation of the cerebellum, which will subsequently be responsible for movements, and the adrenal gland of the medulla, which is necessary for the production of adrenaline, also develops.
  5. The development of the fetus at the 9th week of pregnancy allows you to see the formed eyes, which begin to gradually become covered with eyelids.
  6. The ears and neck of the embryo become clearly visible.
  7. Small arms and legs are actively growing and enlarging, and the membranes on the palms begin to disappear.
  8. You can already notice how much the feet have enlarged, the rudiments of the first teeth appear, as well as a hair follicle.
  9. During this period, the baby learns to swallow, while moving his arms.
  10. Through the mother’s placenta, the baby receives nutrients and oxygen, and “waste” is returned back to the mother.
  11. The expectant mother begins to gain weight not because of the size of the uterus and the growth of the fetus itself, but due to the greater volume of lymphatic fluid in the blood, which is used to saturate the fetus with all the necessary components.
  12. The amount of circulating blood increases, it increases approximately twice as high as the norm for a pregnant woman.
  13. Fat reserves are formed, which are necessary for the future feeding of the baby with milk.
  14. The ninth week of pregnancy can cause the patient to become anemic. This occurs due to an increase in the volume of plasma and blood cells in the blood.
  15. You should monitor the level of hemoglobin in the blood, it should be at least 37. When it falls, you should definitely add more iron to your diet for the body, take special pills, and monitor your health with a doctor.
  16. If anemia is not prevented in time, it can lead to miscarriage and fetal death, or lead to large blood loss during pregnancy. Therefore, it is very important to take care of blocking this problem in advance.
  17. The fetus at this stage of development requires large quantity water, which can cause mom’s hands and hair to dry out. To do this, you need to consume more fluids, juicy fruits and vegetables.
  18. Also, the fetus requires a large amount of calcium, so it is at the 9th week of pregnancy that you should be careful about the health of your teeth and oral cavity.
  19. If for some reason you have not passed all the necessary tests, then it is extremely important to do so. Tests for rubella, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus. These diseases can seriously harm your baby; if they are not detected in a timely manner, the harmful effects are inevitable.
  20. Try to limit your contact with sick people as much as possible; the immune system is now weakened and it is very easy to catch the disease.

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Tummy size during this period

The 9th week of pregnancy demands from the mother special attention For your health and the well-being of your baby, so that your baby is born healthy, you should follow the basic recommendations.

1. Eat right.In the ninth week of pregnancy, you should eat a varied diet, consume as much as possible healthy products. It is necessary to eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day, this contributes to the full development of the embryo. Also eat more buckwheat, rice, and oatmeal.
2. Consumption of protein and calcium norms.Be sure to include fish, light lean meat, and cottage cheese in your diet.
3. Drink 1.5 liters of pure still water.Do not be afraid of edema, at 9 weeks of pregnancy they are not so scary, but monitoring the water-salt balance is very important, it must be under control.
4. Having sex.There are no prohibitions on having sex, the main thing is to do it in positions that are comfortable for you, and also observe hygiene standards.
For sports mothers who led an active sports life before pregnancy, there are no special restrictions. You can continue training as usual, but slightly reduce the load, monitoring your well-being. If you begin to experience serious discomfort while playing sports, it is better to stop.
6. Do water aerobics and visit the pool.Water aerobics is very useful for pregnant women. This helps keep the body toned and strengthens the back muscles. Even if the mother has not been involved in any sports before, swimming will not create a strong burden for her. Perform breathing exercises to help your child receive the necessary dose of oxygen.
7. Examination and rounds of doctors.If you have not registered yet, then the 9th week of pregnancy is the time to do so. You will be prescribed the necessary tests and medications.
8. Be less overtired.Try to rest more, do not strain your body to the point of exhaustion. If you feel that your pulse has accelerated greatly, then it is better to rest; if shortness of breath appears, stop, sit down, and do not strain your body.
9. Be sure to get shaper stockings.To prevent varicose veins veins, you should definitely start wearing slimming stockings. Also, choose a comfortable bra. Also, to prevent varicose veins, do not stand in one place for a long time, move around.
10. Cut off any bad habits at the root.If for some reason you still have not gotten rid of harmful bad habits, then now is the time.
11. Consume essential vitamins and freshly squeezed juices.Be sure to consult your doctor about taking the necessary vitamins.

During this period you should also take plenty of vitamins.

Changes in the mother's body

What happens in the ninth week in a pregnant woman’s body? Now she feels many changes in herself, and also feels how the fetus is changing.

  1. Frequent urination. The uterus becomes larger and presses on the bladder, so during this period the expectant mother constantly wants to go to the toilet. This situation also occurs because the kidneys are now actively working for two.
  2. There are significant interruptions in appetite. At first you may be very hungry, and then your appetite will disappear completely.
  3. The peak of consumption of strange and incomprehensible dishes to others.
  4. The terrible drowsiness that began at 8 weeks continues to plague me at 9 weeks of pregnancy.
  5. There remains a feeling of fatigue, as well as dizziness, fainting may occur, but this is not something to be afraid of.
  6. The ninth week of pregnancy is characterized by frequent mood swings and increased anxiety. This is due to the large influx of hormones in the first trimester, which creates a lot of chaos. Sudden tears followed by laughter are completely normal behavior.
  7. Fat reserves appear, the weight that will be needed for breastfeeding. Therefore, you will have to start changing your wardrobe. You should select more comfortable clothes and pay attention not to its appearance, but to its functional features.
  8. Avoid tight clothing and synthetic materials that prevent you from breathing and moving freely. The bra should be loose and not restrict movement. Remember that a tight bra will interfere with the normal development of the mammary glands.
  9. At the 9th week of pregnancy, the belly begins to round out a little, but for many pregnant women it remains almost invisible.
  10. The breasts continue to actively grow and fill out. Painful pulling sensations in the chest remain and create discomfort.
  11. Toxicosis may still continue, but at milder stages. Minor nausea, vomiting, insomnia and vivid dreams.
  12. At the 9th week of pregnancy, the heart begins to work much faster and more frequently, resulting in fatigue and possible headaches.
  13. The skin around the nipples begins to darken and expand due to advanced level progesterone and estrogen. To eliminate the feeling of pain, it is necessary to select special supportive bras.
  14. The shape of a pregnant woman's body changes. Also, the expectant mother begins to look at her body differently, she should start doing gymnastics for pregnant women, switch to proper nutrition in order to keep her body in good shape.

Sensations in a woman's body

The sensations in the ninth week of gestation can be very different, but it is during this period that they become pronounced. The woman begins to really feel pregnant, both externally and internally. What remains is an unpleasant toxicosis, a feeling of nausea, headaches, dizziness, as well as constant emotional swings, mood swings from uncontrollable laughter to endless tears. You remain feeling tired, drowsy, and you may lose sleep. Eating habits change, the feeling of a constant year is replaced by a feeling of apathy towards food.

Serious nervousness and aggressiveness appear; it is worth limiting yourself from conflicts and negative situations. Control your pain; during this period there should be no pain in the abdomen or intestines; if it appears, consult a doctor immediately. Pain in the back or sacrum may occur, this is due to compression of the uterus on the sciatic nerve. If this sensation does not go away for a long time, you need to start wearing a bandage.

Such a tiny baby

At the 9th week of pregnancy, the body begins to more or less organize its work and adapt, and the nervous system tries to recover. A pregnant woman's skin becomes clean, and she no longer needs to wash her hair so often. By the end of the 9th week, fatigue begins to disappear and a lot of energy appears.

The growing uterus begins to tighten the ligaments, thereby causing periodic nagging pain in the abdomen and groin area; these sensations should soon disappear. Basically, the woman begins to feel comfortable and gets used to the current state of things.

Discharges from this period

Discharge in the ninth week of pregnancy should be stable in average quantities, odorless, White color, homogeneous, should not contain mucus, pus or blood discharge.

When bloody discharge or changes in the color of the discharge to brown, you should go to the hospital to prevent a miscarriage and also get the necessary treatment. There should also be no spotting accompanied by abdominal pain.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist