Discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy. Brown discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy

For more than six months now, the baby who “settled” there six months ago has been living and developing safely in his mother’s tummy. Without any special complications, mommy entered the 7th month, which means the third trimester of pregnancy has begun: the last stage and meeting with such a dearly beloved baby.

The baby is already practically formed, and now his organs and systems are being actively improved. The baby gradually gains weight and grows, his movements become more and more noticeable: either the baby will push from the inside with his hand, or he will rest with his foot. If at the beginning of the third trimester movements are frequent, then as the period increases the baby has less and less space in the uterus, movements become less frequent, but stronger, sometimes even painful.

Over the previous period, the uterus has significantly increased in size - the mother’s tummy has become rounded and proudly protrudes forward; as the pregnancy increases, the woman feels more and more clumsy and helpless, and by the end of pregnancy she often cannot tie her shoelaces without outside help.

On later Pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of training contractions, the so-called Braxton-Hicks contractions, through which the uterus “warms up” in preparation for the upcoming birth.

An increase in urination is also considered normal for this period: the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder, “forcing” it to empty itself more often. At the same time, a significant size of the abdomen provokes frequent pain in the lower back and back; phenomena such as swelling and varicose veins veins

From now on, mom should take care: rest more often while lying down with her legs elevated on a pillow, regularly spend time in the fresh air, taking long 2-hour walks. It is very important to continue to monitor your weight: normally, the increase should not exceed 300 g per week.

Nausea in the third trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester, like the first, is considered a rather difficult and dangerous period of pregnancy, so a woman needs to carefully listen to her feelings and pay close attention to any changes in her condition. After all, if in the first trimester nausea, as one of the “components” of toxicosis, is considered normal, then nausea in the second trimester of pregnancy may indicate a serious complication - gestosis. Preeclampsia in the second half of pregnancy poses a sufficient threat to the development of the fetus and to the health of the mother; other signs indicating it, in addition to nausea, may be a sharp jump in weight, significant swelling, and increased blood pressure.

In addition, nausea in the third trimester of pregnancy may indicate problems with liver function, possible poisoning (some women even share memories of how nausea in their case was a consequence of iron poisoning).

But, at the same time, experts reassure, nausea does not necessarily signal any serious problems, but can only be caused by changes in the size of the uterus, which now pushes the stomach upward, occupying most of the abdominal cavity.

Be that as it may, it is advisable to immediately and without hesitation consult a doctor: finding out whether such a condition poses a threat is possible only with specialized intervention.

Discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the nature of the discharge may either remain the same or change somewhat - both in the absence of blood in the discharge, abdominal pain, and qualitative changes in the discharge are considered normal. So, discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy can be thick, liquid and even watery, the main thing is that it does not mix with bad smell, the discharge was not curdled or foamy and was not accompanied by itching or burning. The appearance of yellow or greenish discharge, as well as discharge with unpleasant smell against the background of discomfort indicates the addition of an infection. It is necessary to establish what pathogen caused such qualitative changes during an examination by a doctor, who will prescribe adequate treatment.

A more dangerous situation is considered to be one in which the discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy takes on the character of bleeding. In this case, most likely, we will talk about low placentation, when the placenta fits too tightly to the uterine os or extends onto the cervix; scarlet blood with this diagnosis can be separated after physical effort or sexual intercourse.

In addition, bleeding can be caused by premature placental abruption: external bleeding is then similar to menstrual bleeding, accompanied by unpleasant and even painful sensations in the abdomen. If even blood clots appear in the discharge, and, moreover, if their appearance is accompanied by pain, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible. medical care. After all, it is quite possible that the situation poses a certain danger; bed rest may be required, and in some cases, hospitalization. In addition, if the placenta does not take over on its own in the future correct position, the birth will be carried out by caesarean section. In the worst case, with poor indicators, there may even be a need to stimulate premature birth.

If the pregnancy is not accompanied by such complications and everything goes on as usual, then a few days before giving birth the mother will still encounter changes regarding discharge. So, at some point in the last stages, thick mucous discharge, colored in pink color. This is a mucus plug, the release of which indicates the immediate proximity of the onset of labor: when the mucous plug comes out, you should be prepared for labor contractions to begin any day now.

Ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy

Ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy is a mandatory routine examination, usually performed at 32-34 weeks. The task of the latter, actually “prenatal” ultrasound examination- assessment of the development of the baby’s organs and systems, as well as determination of readiness maternal body for the upcoming birth. So, during an ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy, the doctor assesses the size of the fetus and confirms the date of birth, determines the correspondence of fetal development to the scheduled date of delivery.

The presentation of the fetus is determined during an ultrasound examination, which makes it possible to determine the tactics of labor management (breech or breech presentation may be an indication for caesarean section). The purpose of ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy is also to determine the degree of maturity of the placenta and its location, assessing the uteroplacental and fetoplacental blood flow.

As on more early stages, in the third trimester of pregnancy, ultrasound can detect fetal development. Although gross pathologies can be determined during the first and second planned ultrasound, some diseases of the baby, for example, renal hydronephrosis (fluid in the kidneys), appear only towards the end of pregnancy. Having identified this or that pathology, the doctor will be able to decide on further tactics: a premature delivery may be necessary or a decision will be made on surgical intervention immediately after the birth of the child.

Colds in the third trimester of pregnancy

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the risk of catching a cold increases again, and at this stage, colds again pose a fairly serious danger. Although at the beginning of the third trimester the placenta sufficiently provides a barrier to the penetration of viruses and infections, in some cases the placental barrier may not work, allowing pathogens to pass to the baby. Viruses entering the amniotic fluid can be dangerous if they “break through” the weakened placental barrier: the child may swallow toxic water, which can lead to serious complications.

A cold is dangerous in the third trimester of pregnancy and its “ability”, if prolonged, can lead to premature birth. In the late “prenatal” stages, a cold significantly complicates the process of childbirth - a woman’s weakened body copes with childbirth with great difficulty. In addition, colds in the last stages of pregnancy often become an indication for hospitalization - immediately after birth, the baby is isolated from the mother in order to avoid an attack of infection on the infant's defenseless body.

A cold in the third trimester of pregnancy requires mandatory and immediate treatment, which is further complicated by the ban on most medicines. First of all, the patient will need bed rest - under no circumstances should you suffer a cold on your feet. Approved remedies for the treatment of colds are strictly regulated; by and large, only decoctions based on medicinal herbs and their roots are used (for gargling and oral administration), saline solutions (for rinsing the nose and gargling), inhalations using, again, medicinal herbs and with the addition of soda and salt. By the way, the expectant mother should also be careful with herbs; not all of them have an exclusively and guaranteed positive effect. Experts include linden blossom, coltsfoot, plantain, licorice (teas), as well as thermopsis herb, calendula flowers, oregano, chamomile, marshmallow root or herbs (decoctions for expectoration). You can gargle a sore throat with a decoction of chamomile with the addition of soda, and use saline solutions or drops to rinse your nose.

To prevent colds, first of all, you should avoid places with large crowds of people, especially during the “virus rampant” seasons. In addition, it would be a good idea to dress according to weather conditions, avoid drafts, and follow a diet that includes sufficient amounts of vitamins.

Temperature in the third trimester of pregnancy

But it is not always possible for a pregnant woman to endure a cold without an increase in temperature: viral and infectious diseases, as is known, are very often accompanied by a reaction of the body in the form of a temperature syndrome. And in this case, many problems can also arise: heat weakens the placental barrier and makes the baby vulnerable to viruses and infections. Therefore, it is also necessary to “understand” the temperature, but this must be done competently and in accordance with certain rules.

Thus, experts recommend not lowering the temperature to 37.7-38 degrees, and if the temperature rises significantly, use exclusively folk remedies. But we are not talking about rubbing with vinegar or vodka - although such actions can reduce the temperature, they can also harm the baby due to the penetration of toxic substances into the skin and blood. But a safe “helper” in the fight against high fever is a warm drink: warmed milk with honey, linden blossom decoction, tea with raspberries and lemon, dried fruit compote. Warm drinks help you sweat and therefore reduce your temperature by releasing sweat.

It is also not recommended to lie down under a warm blanket or wear woolen socks at elevated temperatures, because this can, on the contrary, increase the temperature even more. As an antipyretic as a last resort - if teas and decoctions do not help - a one-time dose of Paracetamol is allowed. Under no circumstances should you use Aspirin! This drug can provoke uterine bleeding and is toxic to the fetus.

And one more thing: in some cases, a temperature in the third trimester of pregnancy at levels of 37-37.4 degrees can be considered normal. A slightly elevated temperature may be due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and increased level progesterone in the body.

Nutrition in the third trimester of pregnancy

Nutrition in late pregnancy is of great importance for the normal well-being and full development of the child. Now the baby is almost fully formed and is actively gaining weight; the mother’s task is to “provide” him with the nutrients and beneficial substances necessary for this. Thus, nutrition in the third trimester of pregnancy must include a daily intake of protein, the source of which is boiled lean meat and fish. But you should be careful with pregnant fish: some varieties of fish contain enough a large number of mercury, harmful to the baby. The optimal “option” for a woman is cod, salmon, tuna, but it is better to avoid king mackerel. Again, eggs, dairy and fermented milk products will provide your baby with protein and additional calcium.

It is advisable to enrich the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits - a sufficient amount of fiber will prevent constipation, and vitamins and minerals will maintain vitality and the body in good shape. Useful products for pregnant women at any stage, including in the third trimester of pregnancy, are beef, beef liver, pomegranate and tomato juice, which maintain hemoglobin levels and prevent the development of anemia.

It is better to avoid flour products, confectionery products, sweets, and sweet soda for a while - they can provoke additional weight gain, which is undesirable during pregnancy. In addition, you should exclude fatty and spicy foods from your diet: in addition to the fact that such food can cause heartburn, it also retains fluid in the body and the development of edema. To avoid such a situation, you should limit your salt intake, and also carefully maintain a water-drinking balance: the amount of liquid consumed per day should not exceed 1.5 liters, including juices, soups, milk, and fruits.

It is better to take food in fractions, often and in small portions, eating when there is a need for it. Food should be healthy and natural; it is better to avoid fast food and all kinds of semi-finished products. In general, your daily calorie intake should be about 3,000 kcal.

Vitamins in the third trimester of pregnancy

Vitamins in the third trimester of pregnancy are still “relevant” and necessary, both for the mother and for the baby, who is growing by leaps and bounds. Of course, the optimal option is considered to be one in which the expectant mother receives all vitamins and microelements from food - and therefore such attention is also given to the issue of balanced nutrition. But it happens that a woman may be advised to take additional vitamins; in this case, the choice of the most suitable multivitamin complex should be discussed with a doctor. So, what vitamins must be supplied to the body of the expectant mother in the third trimester of pregnancy?

Vitamin A- necessary for the growth and development of the baby’s skin, bones, mucous membrane of the eyes, for the normal functioning of the mother’s liver and immune system, as well as for the prevention of anemia (promotes the absorption of iron);

B vitamins- participates in the creation of the baby’s blood cells and prevents the occurrence of seizures in the mother;

Vitamin C- strengthens the walls of blood vessels, supports the immune system, however, exceeding the dose is not recommended, as this may lead to the development and/or worsening of preeclampsia;

Vitamin E- prepares the baby’s lungs for independent breathing, reduces the threat of premature birth;

Vitamin K- takes part in the regulation of blood clotting, prevents possible bleeding;

Vitamin D- together with calcium, maintains the normal state of bone tissue, required for the development of the child’s bones and teeth.

Sex in the third trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester, actually the final stage of pregnancy, the woman is already looking forward to the moment when the hassle associated with bearing a child and its subsequent birth will be a thing of the past. Since by the end of a woman’s pregnancy, expectant parents have even more “tasks” (by the time of contractions you should be fully “fully armed”, having taken care of the baby’s supplies in advance), intimate pleasures somewhat fade into the background. And the expectant mother’s sexual desire “fades away” somewhat: big belly prevents you from moving normally and turning over in bed, debilitating heartburn makes itself felt from time to time, the pregnant woman becomes increasingly tired and increasingly requires rest.

This means that a man will have to be as attentive and patient as possible to his wife in the situation, partially “pacifying” the desires of the flesh for a while. Thus, the third trimester of pregnancy is considered one of the most important and quite dangerous periods, during which it is advisable to limit sexual activity. This is especially important in the 8th month, when intense physical contact can provoke uterine contractions and cause premature birth.

You should not practice intimate caresses if the baby is in cephalic presentation - there is a danger of injury to the placenta during muscle contractions of the uterus. Sex is also prohibited in the third trimester if the amniotic fluid has already broken, when the child, in the absence of protection from the amniotic sac, is vulnerable to infections.

The doctor will tell the couple how much sex is possible in the third trimester of pregnancy. In general, if the pregnancy is progressing normally and without any serious complications, infrequent lovemaking is still acceptable, the main thing is to choose positions that allow you to avoid pressure on the stomach and excessively deep “male penetration.”

Throughout the entire period of gestation, a woman discharges leucorrhoea from the vaginal canal. Their nature depends on the concentration of hormones in the body and physiological characteristics future mother. Every woman carrying a baby should know what discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester is considered normal and pathological.

Leucorrhoea in the third trimester of pregnancy - normal or pathological?

As already mentioned, discharge from the vaginal passage appears throughout the entire period of gestation. Their nature, abundance and consistency may vary depending on physiological characteristics, exposure to various factors, as well as changes in the level of hormone concentrations.

In the last months of gestation, the female body is actively preparing for childbirth, so the nature of leucorrhoea can change significantly. This is due to the occurrence of new physiological processes. It is at this time that the female body begins to actively produce the hormone estrogen, which affects the condition of the vaginal walls. The leucorrhoea may become too thin and transparent. This is the norm.

Also considered normal are leucorrhoea, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the discharge is completely transparent or acquires a uniform whitish tint;
  • discharged leucorrhoea does not cause discomfort, in particular burning, itching or pain;
  • leucorrhoea has a uniform consistency without clots and other impurities, including blood.

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As practice shows, completely absent vaginal discharge during pregnancy they cannot. It is during pregnancy that the body undergoes significant physiological and hormonal changes, as a result of which mucus is produced more intensely by the genitals. If there is no leucorrhoea or it is very scanty, then to be on the safe side it is better to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist. After a visual examination and tests, the doctor will be able to tell whether this is normal or whether pathological processes are occurring in the body.

What does white discharge mean?

If in the third trimester a woman has whitish vaginal discharge, then this is considered a completely normal and natural phenomenon. They should not cause discomfort or pain, otherwise the body signals an infection or the development of an inflammatory process.

When the concentration of white discharge changes, for example, it acquires a cheesy consistency, we are talking about thrush. This disease is usually accompanied by itching of the external genital organs. There is no need to try to treat the disease on your own, despite the huge number of available pharmacological drugs. Don't forget that you are responsible for the life developing within you.

If the whitish discharge has acquired a pinkish tint, and you notice small inclusions, then this can also be considered normal, especially in the last month of gestation. This is due to the fact that as the uterus enlarges, small capillary vessels may burst. When the discharge acquires a yellowish tint and, even more so, an unpleasant odor, you urgently need to visit a gynecologist, since here we are already talking about the development of infectious processes.

If the abundance of mucous, whitish discharge from the vaginal passage increased in the last month of pregnancy, then this may be a signal that the plug will come out and labor will soon begin.

Watery leucorrhoea in the last trimester

In medical practice, there are cases when, in the last trimester of gestation, the expectant mother experiences watery leucorrhoea from the vaginal canal. In this case, the treating specialists pay close attention to the future woman in labor, since, most likely, there is a leakage amniotic fluid. This condition is considered non-critical, but is classified as a pathology.

A woman may even be hospitalized for observation and elimination of the causes that caused the appearance of such a symptom. It is impossible to make any independent decisions in such a situation, otherwise this may be fraught with the development of complicated consequences for the health of the future baby and his mother.

Let's consider other types of allocations

If in the last months of carrying a baby, the expectant mother has discharge from the vaginal passage that has a yellow or greenish tint, this may indicate that bacteria have entered the body. Only an obstetrician-gynecologist, based on a full-scale examination and the results of smear analysis, will be able to identify the cause of the appearance of such a pathology, determine its nature and prescribe proper treatment.

The first and alarming signal to immediate appeal The appearance of discharge with blood clots or small red spots is considered to be seen by the treating specialist. In the last trimester of gestation this is not considered normal. The doctor may suspect the onset of placental abruption or premature delivery. If you do not contact the antenatal clinic in a timely manner, bleeding may occur, which will lead to fetal death.

All expectant mothers experience mucous discharge during pregnancy. And in most cases this phenomenon not pathological, but natural. However, in some cases, you need to pay attention to vaginal discharge and report it to your doctor. Let's look at different situations by trimester.

1st trimester

Excessive mucous discharge during pregnancy is one of its first signs. Sometimes tests don't show yet positive result, while the woman notices that it is literally “pouring” from her. If the vaginal discharge does not cause discomfort, does not smell and has a calm whitish color - everything is in order, the matter is in hormones, which will soon “calm down” a little.

Another thing is that if brown mucous discharge appears during pregnancy, this situation is no longer normal. And do not listen to those who say that in this way “the fruit is washed.” Especially if an ultrasound has not been performed previously. Since such discharge may be a sign ectopic pregnancy, frozen, as well as a threat or already beginning miscarriage. "Dauce" is blood mixed with mucus.

White mucous discharge during pregnancy, which smells unpleasantly like fish and provokes itching and swelling of the genitals, is a symptom of bacterial vaginosis, a frequent companion of expectant mothers. This is not a sexually transmitted disease, but a violation of the vaginal microflora. It is treated with antimicrobial drugs, but only under the supervision of a doctor, since in the first trimester many medications are contraindicated or can have significant side effects.

2nd trimester

Atypical discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester should not go unnoticed. For some reason, many people believe that only in the first trimester the fetus is affected by negative factors, and in the second and third it is protected by the placenta. The placenta, of course, protects against infections, but they are not always the cause of the discharge... And for the placenta, such tests do not pass without leaving a trace. FPN, fetal hypoxia are the diagnoses that doctors make as a result, and it’s good if there is not much time left before birth...

Mucous discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester may turn out to be... amniotic fluid. Usually, when water leaks, the discharge is quite noticeable. To confirm or exclude leakage of amniotic fluid - a rather dangerous diagnosis for both the mother and the fetus, it is necessary to do an analysis of vaginal discharge, something like a test. This test is sold in pharmacies, but it is better to perform it not independently, but together with a doctor. Using a vaginal tampon, he will take the discharge for analysis and place it in a test tube with a special solution (all these components are available in the pharmacy test). And after a few minutes, the result is assessed by the number of stripes: 1 – rupture of the membranes has not occurred, no water is leaking; 2 – water is leaking.

In case of leakage of amniotic fluid, doctors look at the condition of the pregnant woman, the fetus, and the gestational age. When the membranes rupture, in most cases they become infected, so prolonging the pregnancy for more than 1-2 weeks (at best) will not work. Therefore, in the case of a short pregnancy (14-18 weeks), the woman is offered to terminate the pregnancy. If the period is far beyond 20 weeks, doctors administer antibacterial drugs to the woman, intravenously inject saline solutions, and also a drug that promotes the rapid maturation of the child’s lungs. After which a caesarean section is performed.

Especially mucous transparent discharge during pregnancy in large quantities should be of interest to women with isthmic-cervical insufficiency, when the cervix dilates under fetal pressure already in the second trimester. As a result of even a slight dilatation of the cervix, the membranes can become infected and rupture.

3rd trimester

Mucus discharge that appears during pregnancy in the third trimester, almost at its end, is most likely a mucus plug. The mucus plug protects the uterus from pathogens entering it. Distinctive features: There is usually a lot of mucus released, and streaks of blood can be seen in it. There are not many of them. And this is the norm. If bleeding begins, this is a serious pathology, most likely placental abruption, requiring urgent surgical delivery.

Six months of pregnancy behind you? Congratulations! You have reached the finish line and crossed the last milestone before meeting your baby. This stage in obstetric practice is called the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, which is very important for both the expectant mother and the child. How many weeks is the third trimester? This indicator has an individual value - from 10 to 14 weeks.

What week does the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begin?

Many experts draw the line between the second and third stages of childbearing in different ways. Some believe that the 3rd trimester begins at 25 weeks, others at 26.

How many weeks does the third trimester begin? In most cases, gynecologists begin counting the final stage of pregnancy from the 28th week - according to the calendar, this figure is 6.5 months.

Third trimester of pregnancy: features

The final stage of pregnancy has its own characteristics. This is the most difficult period for women, both physically and psychologically. By the seventh month, the baby in the mother’s belly increases significantly in size - its height reaches 30-35 cm, and its weight is 1000-1200 g. Accordingly, the mother’s belly, due to the enlargement of the uterus, is significantly rounded, which affects the functioning of her body.

In recent months, it becomes difficult for pregnant women to breathe, due to the uterus supporting the stomach and lungs, and they have to take every step with difficulty, which is associated with weight gain and serious stress on the spine. Against this background, mothers may experience heartburn, swelling of the legs and even insomnia.

Tests in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

With the onset of the third stage of pregnancy, mother and child need more careful monitoring than in the early stages. This is due to the fact that in the third trimester a number of complications may arise, the untimely elimination of which can affect the progress of labor.

Before each examination by a gynecologist, pregnant women are prescribed general blood and urine tests to rule out the development of anemia, proteinuria (protein in the urine) and diabetes.

Normally, the hemoglobin level in the blood in the third trimester is 110-140 g/l. You need to be vigilant so that it does not fall below acceptable limit, since this will lead to oxygen starvation baby in mom's tummy. The norm of protein in urine in the 3rd trimester is no more than 0.033 g/l.

Discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester: normal

Heavy vaginal discharge is considered a major problem for women, especially in the third trimester. If in the early stages they only slightly intensified and looked like egg white, then in the later stages the discharge begins to “pour out” and become colored. All these “surprises” of the third trimester are considered normal and should not cause concern.

There are often cases when “colored” discharge in the 3rd trimester acquires a milky white color mixed with mucus or becomes yellowish. This is all a consequence of the hormonal boom and the pressure of the uterus on the bladder. This is also how the body can react to unsuitable hygiene products. Gynecologists recommend changing panty liners or intimate gels when such symptoms appear - if they are the cause, the problem will be solved quickly.

Dangerous discharge signaling a problem:

  • If your discharge turns bright yellow or green in the third trimester, this could be a sign of infection. Yellow and thick discharge may indicate the release of a mucus plug, which indicates that labor is approaching (most often this happens in the last weeks).
  • Orange discharge is also considered a sign of the development of a sexually transmitted infection. Moreover, it is not necessary that this infection is “fresh” - at the last stage, old and untreated diseases may “wake up”. Vaginal discharge often turns orange due to the use of hormonal medications that support pregnancy. But in any case, with such a symptom, you need to consult a doctor.
  • Pink liquid discharge - this may be leaking amniotic fluid. Today, leakage can be determined using special tests sold in pharmacies, but you should not postpone an unscheduled visit to the doctor, since this problem must be eliminated urgently.
  • Brown or bloody issues- this is a signal of a serious problem that has dangerous consequences. They may appear as a result of placental abruption or the threat of premature birth.

Sex in the third trimester of pregnancy

The permissibility of sex in the last stages of pregnancy is a highly controversial issue. And although there are no categorical medical contraindications to intimacy for expectant mothers, in the third trimester it is worth adequately weighing all the pros and cons before deciding on sexual contact.

If there are no pathologies or threat of premature birth, and the spouses have mutual sexual desire, then making love can and should be done. But for this it is necessary to choose the most comfortable positions that allow you to avoid putting pressure on the stomach and provide comfort for the expectant mother and her baby.

Nutrition in the third trimester of pregnancy

Nutrition in the third trimester also has its own characteristics - it should be light, but nutritious, so that both the mother and her baby have enough strength and energy for childbirth. In the last stages of pregnancy, it is recommended to give preference to a “vegetarian” diet rather than an animal-protein diet. Extreme attention should be paid to the drinking regime - daily fluid intake should not exceed 0.8-1 liters, including soups, teas and juices.

Sample menu for the third trimester:

  1. Breakfast: porridge (for example, buckwheat) with milk or cottage cheese (no more than 100 g), warm tea
  2. First snack: yogurt or kefir, berries and fruits
  3. First lunch: vegetable broth soup, juice
  4. Second lunch: boiled meat and vegetable salad
  5. Second snack: dried fruits, nuts
  6. Dinner: vegetable stew, milkshake
  7. Third snack (before bed): kefir or apple
Do not forget! The maximum weight gain per week in the third trimester should not exceed 300-500 g. Therefore, arrange fasting days (not a full hunger strike, of course) at least once a week with the consumption of certain foods. Apples or fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt) are suitable for unloading.

Third trimester of pregnancy and childbirth

Once the baby reaches 37 weeks' gestation, labor can begin at any time. In obstetric practice they are called “urgent”, but not because the process proceeds quickly, but because it began on time.

Signs of the first stage of labor are: regular cramping pain in the abdomen, release of the mucus plug and leakage of amniotic fluid, and the baby becoming quiet. All these signs at the beginning birth process They may appear all at once, or they may appear separately. In any case, having noticed one of the symptoms, you should start getting ready for the maternity hospital.

If labor signs in the third trimester appeared before the 37th week, then this is a reason to urgently seek help from a doctor to eliminate the risk of premature birth.

Third trimester of pregnancy: what you need to know

The main sign of the third trimester of pregnancy is considered to be false contractions, which occur as the uterus prepares for childbirth. They are painless, but often frighten women, especially those who become mothers for the first time. If the uterus becomes toned and the tummy becomes very hard, but this feeling goes away within 1-3 minutes, then there is no reason to worry - this is training the body before an important birth stage.

Also, at the end of the third trimester (from about the 36th week), the baby in the mother’s tummy begins to calm down. Many mothers begin to worry about this, wondering why they active baby started pushing less often. The reason for this lies in the fact that by the ninth month the fetus reaches large sizes and he simply feels cramped - so he tries to move less, gaining strength before the difficult birth process.

3rd trimester of pregnancy: do's and don'ts

The last stage of pregnancy for a woman is the most crucial, since any careless action can provoke premature birth, as a result of which the child will be born prematurely.

Therefore, from the 30th week, gynecologists categorically prohibit:

  1. travel and fly on airplanes
  2. go to the bathhouse
  3. take any medications without prescription
  4. “speed up” the birth process through physical activity
  5. overeat
  6. sit in one position for a long time
The important “tasks” of a late pregnant woman are:
  1. attending special courses in psychological preparation for childbirth
  2. good nutrition
  3. daily walks, at least 2-3 hours
  4. implementation of the complex physical exercise to improve blood supply and strengthen the vaginal muscles
  5. complete calm
And although it is very difficult, especially for first-time women, to get rid of anxiety and excitement in the third trimester, this time can be devoted to shopping - shopping for a child perfectly relaxes and calms the expectant mother, who is worried about the baby and is afraid to give birth.

While expecting a baby, a woman secretes secretions from her vagina. Different periods of an interesting situation are characterized by their own indicators of the norm of color, smell and consistency of the rejected substance.

Discharge during pregnancy is a kind of indicator that shows how correctly the pregnancy is going and whether there are any deviations from the norm. If the expectant mother knows what the secretion should be different dates gestation, she can promptly respond to problems and contact a gynecologist to correct the situation.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, under the influence of the hormone progesterone, discharge from pregnant women is characterized by increased viscosity, quite abundant, transparent or whitish in color.

In the second trimester, the nature of the discharge is influenced by the hormone estrogen. Under its influence during this period, normal secretion looks like raw egg white. There is noticeably more of it.

Normally, the discharge does not cause irritation or itching of the external genitalia. They must have a uniform structure.

From the cervical canal they look like mucus. And there is more of it. At any stage of pregnancy, the secretion should have no odor.

Discharge in pregnant women at different times

At any stage of pregnancy, in the normal state of the body, mucus with the following characteristics is secreted from the vagina:

  • transparent, colorless;
  • abundant;
  • white.

In this case, the secretion should not foam, have an unpleasant odor, or cause itching.

First trimester

During this period of bearing a child, the substance discharged from the vagina is viscous, thick, viscous. When the secretion begins to be released abundantly, it becomes one of the first signs of pregnancy.

In the first month, during fetal implantation, small patches of blood may appear in the mucus. This should not be a cause for concern unless it is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

After the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterus until the 12th week, the secretion becomes quite scarce and does not bother the pregnant woman.

Second trimester

In the second trimester, there is much more mucus. The consistency is comparable to the white of a raw egg. As the fetus develops, the volume of secretions increases. A slightly sour smell of secretion is considered normal.

Third trimester

During this period, light or white secretion, moderate or abundant, is acceptable. In each case, the volume of discharge depends on the physiology of the expectant mother.

A yellowish tint to the discharge may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. This must be reported to your doctor immediately. And in some cases, this color of secretion indicates slight urinary incontinence, which is quite acceptable in the third trimester.

In later stages, the mucus may contain blood clots, which signal the removal of the plug and the approaching meeting with the baby.

Characteristics of the main types of discharge

If you are able to correctly assess the color of discharge while waiting for a child, you can promptly notice the appearance of dangerous pathologies or harmless ones. allergic reactions. In any case, a prompt response to the signals that the body gives will allow you to get rid of the problem faster and without complications.


Thick, numerous ones from the vagina are the constant companions of the expectant mother almost from conception to childbirth. If they don't irritate your skin or have a repulsive odor, then everything is fine.

But if the leucorrhoea has a cheesy consistency, a nasty smell, and is accompanied by itching, burning and frequent painful urges to urinate, then we are talking about thrush.

This disease regularly darkens the lives of women, especially during pregnancy. Such an ailment must be treated, and the doctor will tell you how to do this.


A yellow tint of mucus discharge in a pregnant woman may indicate:

  1. Uncontrollable leakage of urine. This is a common occurrence during pregnancy.
  2. Viscous secretion richly yellow color- this is pus that is formed due to staphylococcus or E. coli that has entered the vagina. Such dangerous bacteria must be combated with the help of treatment prescribed by the doctor.
  3. Yellow secretion often indicates inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovaries. In this case, high fever and pain in the lower abdomen are added to the mucus.
  4. Sometimes a yellowish secretion combined with itching indicates an allergy to tight, synthetic underwear, washing powder or fragrances in panty liners.

Whatever the reason, it must be found out in order to eliminate the irritant or get rid of the disease.


In most cases, they indicate sexually transmitted infections. This suspicion is confirmed by the bubbling nature of the secretion, as well as the presence of films with a fishy odor. In addition, the expectant mother suffers from itching and burning in the external genital area. In such a situation, a woman needs urgent treatment, which must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

A more harmless disease, but requiring treatment, “candidiasis” can also be accompanied by secretion with a greenish tint.


During pregnancy, it often indicates:

  1. For cervical erosion. The disease is not dangerous for the child, but after childbirth you should not delay the treatment of such an illness, because it can develop into cancer.
  2. Ectopic pregnancy. To exclude pathology, you need to do an ultrasound.
  3. Detachment ovum which leads to miscarriage. In this situation, immediate medical attention is required.

If an expectant mother notices a secretion of this color, she should immediately tell the gynecologist about it.


Bloody discharge during pregnancy often indicates:

  1. About the sensitivity of the internal genital organs to mechanical damage resulting from sexual intercourse, examination by a doctor or transvaginal ultrasound. In this case, secretion should be limited to a small amount of blood, pass quickly and not be accompanied by nagging pain.
  2. Frozen pregnancy. In this case, blood clots are released. Unfortunately, this dangerous condition is irreversible. The child can no longer be saved, and the woman needs urgent hospitalization and medical care.
  3. Threat of miscarriage. In half of the cases, if you seek medical help in a timely manner, the child can be saved.
  4. Hydatidiform drift. With this pathology, the placenta grows excessively and interferes with the baby’s development.

Bleeding during pregnancy is not just a cause for concern. This is a signal to immediately consult a doctor. And the sooner the expectant mother reacts to the current situation, the greater the chance of the child being born on time.

Additional criteria for evaluating discharge

In addition to the color of the secretion, its smell, consistency and intensity can tell a lot. You just need to learn to understand what the body is communicating.


Discharge that is odorless or has a slightly sour aroma is considered normal. The sharp, repulsive aroma of discharge should alert the expectant mother. If the secretion smells like fish, sulfur, rot or pus, you should urgently tell your doctor about it in order to establish and eliminate the cause of the stench.

Usually the smell is accompanied by itching, irritation in the perineum, and the urge to frequent and painful urination. The color of the secretion becomes yellow, green or white, reminiscent of cottage cheese.

A sharp, overly sour aroma, uncharacteristic of a healthy body, may indicate thrush, STDs, vaginosis and other unpleasant pathologies.

If such symptoms appear, you should not look for answers on forums; you need to go to a gynecologist, who will make the correct diagnosis based on the tests taken and prescribe adequate treatment.


It is customary to distinguish three types of intensity of vaginal discharge during pregnancy:

  1. Few in number. If the nature of the discharge is liquid or the viscosity resembles raw egg white, then it is considered normal, regardless of color.
  2. Average. Talking about normal course pregnancy with clear or whitish secretion.
  3. Abundant. If there is a lot of secretion in volume, then only colorless secretion is considered normal (starting from the second trimester). After 36 weeks, numerous yellowish discharge is the discharge of amniotic fluid. If this happens at home, you need to immediately go to the maternity hospital and call an ambulance.


The liquid consistency of the discharge characterizes a normal pregnancy (from the second trimester until birth).

A thick, viscous secretion accompanies the expectant mother for several weeks immediately after conception.

The appearance of pasty mucous discharge may be a sign of pathology. In this case, you need to pay attention to the presence accompanying symptoms such as itching or bad odor. They are the norm after recent intimacy. And yellowish mucous discharge in the later stages indicates the passage of the plug and the approaching birth.

Reasons for deviations

If unusual symptoms appear normal pregnancy discharge means that there is some kind of pathology in the body. The reasons for the appearance of deviations during gestation are:

  1. Decreased immunity. If during pregnancy there is a discharge that resembles cottage cheese, or a secretion with a green/yellow tint and a repulsive odor, this may be a manifestation of candidiasis, STDs, pyelonephritis and other fungal or infectious diseases.
  2. Allergy. Unusual discharge appears as a reaction to underwear, pads, products for intimate hygiene. It is enough to remove the irritant and the specific secretion will stop bothering you.
  3. Diseases that occurred in a latent form became more active during pregnancy under the influence of hormones. For example, fibroids, polyps, erosion.
  4. Threat of miscarriage. This is evidenced by bloody discharge with clots.

In most cases, problems during pregnancy can be avoided if you approach giving life to a future person with all seriousness.

Before conceiving a child, you must visit a gynecologist and have a test. necessary tests so that during pregnancy some diseases do not become an unpleasant surprise.

Harbingers of the birth of a baby

A couple of weeks before delivery, the uterus is rebuilt, the cervix begins to lengthen and prepare for dilation. On the eve of childbirth, the plug begins to come off, and sometimes amniotic fluid leaks.

In liquid, dirty yellow mucus, the presence of blood is acceptable. The color of the exiting plug should be red or red-brown, but not scarlet.

If the expectant mother notices that the plug or water has broken, she should immediately go to the maternity hospital. This means that meeting the baby is very close.