Features of changes in the level of hCG during normal and missed pregnancy. HCG during a frozen pregnancy: how quickly does its level fall, is growth possible? hcg after missed pregnancy

Already in the first days of pregnancy, the body begins active preparation for the successful bearing of a child. One of the factors that ensure the development of the embryo is the hormone hCG (chorionic gonadotropin). It is produced by the shell of the embryo; the amount of this substance grows exponentially during the first trimester. When frozen hCG pregnancy stops its growth.

What is HCG?

HCG is a hormone that is present in the body of every person. The level of this substance in men and non-pregnant women is in the range of 0-5 mU / ml. During the period of bearing a child, the amount of gonadotropin increases rapidly. The level of hormone concentration is checked using a venous blood test.

An active increase in the indicators of chorionic gonadotropin is observed in the first three months of gestation. What indicator is considered acceptable? There are norms for the concentration of hCG in the early stages, which is reflected in the following table:

It is important to study the indicators of gonadotropin in dynamics. If pregnancy is suspected, the test results are compared with normal values.

Why is it necessary to measure hCG during pregnancy?

A blood test for hCG should be routinely taken by every expectant mother who is observed in the antenatal clinic. Controlling the concentration of the hormone is necessary, because gonadotropin performs a number of important functions:

  • stimulates the production of estrogen, progesterone;
  • affects immune system mothers, preventing fetal rejection;
  • affects the activity of the corpus luteum during the first two months of pregnancy;
  • helps to produce testosterone in male babies;
  • participates in the process of accumulation of nutrients for the embryo.

It makes sense to test for the concentration of hCG in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. After the 1st trimester, the level of the hormone becomes lower and stabilizes until the period of childbirth. If a non-developing pregnancy is suspected, the analysis should be taken at any time.

Diagnosis of missed pregnancy

There are a number of signs indicating the probable fading of the fetus. These include:

  • drawing pain in the uterus;
  • bloody issues;
  • low levels of hCG;
  • sudden cessation of toxicosis;

  • disappearance of pain in the mammary glands;
  • basal temperature is below normal (36-37 ° C);
  • cessation of fetal movements (for a period of more than 12 weeks).

To diagnose a non-developing pregnancy, you will need to retake a venous blood test. It is desirable to do this 3 times with an interval of about a week.

Before taking blood, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • the last meal should be at least 7 hours before the procedure;
  • before taking the test, you need to drink water to improve the fluidity of the plasma;
  • The delivery of biomaterial should occur at least a week after ovulation.

To study the material, you must contact one laboratory. If the results of repeated tests also show an underestimated level of hCG, this is a sign of a miscarriage. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor will refer you to an ultrasound of the pelvis, listen to the baby's heartbeat.

The causes of fading can have different etiologies. Pathology is caused by the following factors:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. If future mother there are problems with the thyroid gland, ovaries, this leads to insufficient or excessive production of certain hormones. Hormone therapy is required to save the fetus.
  2. Infectious diseases of the genital organs. Chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus can provoke a stop in the development of a child. Infections such as rubella and herpes also negatively affect the health of the fetus and can cause freezing.
  3. Rhesus conflict. If the mother has a negative Rh factor, and the baby has a positive one, this can cause the fetus to be rejected or die.
  4. Alcohol intake, smoking. Both large and small doses of alcohol and nicotine can cause intrauterine death of the embryo.

Unfavorable environmental conditions, a profession with harmful working conditions are also fraught with fading of pregnancy. To prevent this pathology, it is worth saying “no” bad habits, choose a region of residence and field of activity that is safe for health.

How does the level of hCG change during a missed pregnancy?

HCG during a frozen pregnancy is characterized by a decrease in hormone levels. The pathology is indicated by the following changes:

  • several hCG research show a dynamic decrease in gonadotropin;
  • indicators are 3-9 times lower than normal values.

The level of hCG during a missed pregnancy decreases every day after the embryo freezes. Depending on the period, the indicators will differ from the norm by a certain number of times:

A decrease in hCG can also signal the development of an embryo outside the uterine cavity. In 26% of cases, a decrease in hCG was observed with the viability of the child.

Is it possible to increase hCG after the death of the fetus?

In medical practice, there are cases when the hormone levels do not fall, and sometimes even continue to increase.

The reasons for this situation are:

  1. The fetal membranes continue to function, although the embryo is already dead. The chorion can produce the hormone for several days after the death of the embryo, then the concentration of gonadotropin decreases.
  2. Anembryony, characterized by the absence of an embryo in the presence of a fetal egg. In this case, hCG is produced precisely by the fetal egg, and the increase in the hormone is insignificant. Anembryony is often accompanied by toxicosis and other indirect signs of pregnancy. Ultrasound imaging is required to make an accurate diagnosis. About 15% of pregnant women had to experience a similar condition.
  3. tubal pregnancy. In a situation where the embryo did not descend into the uterine cavity and remained in the fallopian tube, hCG also rises. At the same time, the concentration of gonadotropin does not correspond to normal indicators: the increase in the substance per week is only doubled.

With a non-developing pregnancy, an artificial interruption is indicated. After this procedure, the level of hCG should gradually return to normal, which will take about a month.

If the hormone level is higher than normal a few weeks after the abortion, the reasons lie in:

  • preservation of the elements of the fetal egg;
  • multiple pregnancy (one embryo was removed and the other remained);
  • incorrectly determined gestational age.

An increase in the concentration of gonadotropin may not be associated with bearing a child. This situation is possible when taking hormonal drugs or the presence of hCG-producing tumors.

Fading pregnancy, or stopping the development of the fetus, occurs most often in the first trimester. The embryo dies in the womb, but its rejection is not carried out immediately, therefore, the pathology is usually diagnosed before the miscarriage occurs. The level of hCG during a missed pregnancy (ZB) drops, sometimes there are abnormal changes in its values. Monitoring the content of gonadotropin in the urine and blood allows timely detection of pathology.

After the formation of the zygote in the fallopian tube, its crushing begins. Then the chorion is formed - the embryonic membrane. This structure produces a special protein hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin. One of the functions of hCG is to maintain the life of the corpus luteum. It produces a large number of progesterone until the placenta begins to cope with this task itself.

The chorion develops rapidly. The initial stages of pregnancy are characterized by a doubling of the content of hCG in the blood every two days. If the fetus freezes, the embryonic membrane does not grow and loses its functions, stops producing gonadotropin.

Both genetic anomalies and other factors that violate normal flow pregnancy. Pathology has characteristic external manifestations, but an accurate diagnosis can only be made after laboratory tests.

Causes of fading

Among the main factors that cause fetal fading, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Influence of hormones - lack of progesterone, increased secretion of androgens.
  • mutations in the genome. With some chromosomal rearrangements, the inheritance of a mutant parental gene, the embryo becomes unviable.
  • Infections in the mother - STIs (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis), herpes, rubella, toxoplasmosis, influenza.
  • antiphospholipid syndrome. This is an autoimmune condition caused by antibodies to blood phospholipids. Blood clots form in the uterus, the embryo loses access to nutrition and oxygen.
  • abortion. After numerous scrapings, the endometrium becomes defective, does not provide the embryonic egg with normal conditions for development, pregnancy is not able to persist
  • Harmful addictions - alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction. Metabolites of alcohol and drugs have a teratogenic effect on the fetus, causing its death or developmental anomalies.

Pregnancy fading often occurs after IVF (in vitro fertilization). This is usually due to the same reasons for which artificial insemination was needed.

If a pathology is detected in the first months of the term, it is sometimes carried out medical interruption frozen pregnancy. For more later dates an undeveloped fetus is removed from the uterus by scraping (cleansing). Such an operation does not pose a threat to the health of a woman. reproductive function is soon restored, and a new pregnancy can be planned in six months. Sometimes complications occur after interruption - placental polyp, adhesions in the uterus, endometrial hyperplasia. The sooner you pay attention to alarming symptoms and visit a gynecologist, the less likely it is to have dangerous consequences.

Signs of fetal freezing

You can suspect the fading of pregnancy by the following symptoms:

  • drawing or spasmodic pain in the abdomen;
  • blood vaginal discharge different profusion;
  • persistent increase in body temperature;
  • disappearance of toxicosis;
  • reduction in breast size.

The second strip on the pharmacy test will be weakly colored or not appear at all. This is due to a decrease in the secretion of hCG. In the second trimester, when fetal movements are already noticeable, the main sign of fading is the cessation of movement.

At what timeframes are ST risks high?

The threat of pregnancy fading exists at any time. The most dangerous is the first trimester. According to statistics, fetal fading often occurs before 8 weeks. This is due to the fact that a woman, not yet aware of her condition, continues to lead a habitual lifestyle, take medicines, smoke, lift weights, etc. In the early stages of development, when the laying of the nervous system and internal organs, the embryo is especially vulnerable.

Indications for the determination of chorionic gonadotropin

An analysis for hCG is included in the complex of perinatal first screening, which also includes ultrasound. This examination is not mandatory, but is recommended for all expectant mothers. It is necessary to take an analysis for gonadotropin if there are signs of pregnancy fading, and also when during ultrasound no heartbeat detected. An analysis for hCG is recommended if there is a history of abortion, miscarriage, frozen or ectopic pregnancy. The risk of fetal pathologies is increased in patients older than 35 years. They need to pass the whole complex of laboratory tests.

HCG analysis

HCG is determined in the blood and urine. Pharmacy tests are designed to study urine. In the urine, the content of chorionic gonadotropin is lowered, therefore, for greater accuracy of the results, venous blood is examined. HCG consists of two amino acid chains, its alpha chain is the same as other gonadotropins, and its beta chain is unique. It is the concentration of beta-hCG that is determined for the diagnosis of ST.

A one-time analysis is not enough to make a diagnosis of a miscarriage. Blood is taken for research 2 or 3 times with an interval of several days to track the dynamics of the hCG level.

What can affect the results of the analysis?

If a fetal fading is suspected, it is often necessary to urgently do a hormonal analysis, so it is not always possible to specially prepare for the delivery of biomaterial. It is advisable to take blood for analysis in the morning on an empty stomach. If this is not possible, it is necessary that at least 4 hours pass between the meal and the sampling of the material. Despite the fact that nutrition and drinking regimen have little effect on the results of a blood test, it is recommended to limit the use of fatty foods. You should also reduce physical activity.

Erroneous suspicions of fetal fading after a hormonal study arise if the gestational age was incorrectly determined. Therefore, the study is carried out in combination with ultrasound. It is important to give your doctor accurate information about your menstrual cycle, timing of ovulation. The first screening and repeat tests for hCG should be done in the same laboratory. Because different clinics use their own methods and reagents, which affects the final indicators.

HCG values ​​​​when the fetus fades

The level of hCG during a missed pregnancy in the early stages does not double every day, as it should be normal. In most patients, there is a negative trend, the hormone content decreases. An increase in the concentration of hCG is also possible, but the increase in the level of the hormone is not as active as with the healthy development of the embryo.

Normal concentrations of chorionic hormone are presented in the table:

A weekHCG indicator, honey / ml
1-2 25-155
2-3 100–4870
3-4 1115–31500
4-5 2565–82300
5-6 23100–151000
6-7 27300–23400
7-11 20900–291000
11-16 6140–103000
16-21 4730–80100
21-39 2600–78100

There are no exact figures for the concentration of gonadotropin during fetal fading. It all depends on the characteristics of the flow of metabolic processes in the body of a woman. For some, with pathology, the value of the parameter is 3 times less than the norm, for others, 9 or even 10 times. The decrease in the index during repeated studies can be intense or insignificant. Only a specialist can decipher the results of the analysis.

A reduced content of hCG is also observed with other anomalies - ectopic pregnancy, anembryos. Therefore, it is important to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Production of hCG hormone in anembryonic

Pathological pregnancy is also anembryony - a condition in which an empty fertilized egg without a germ. Signs and course of anembryonic pregnancy are no different from normal. A woman has a delay in menstruation, toxicosis begins, her breasts increase. Pharmacy test gives positive result. This is due to the fact that a fetal egg, even without an embryo, produces gonadotropin.

The value of hCG in the blood increases slowly with anembryony, but the pathology is diagnosed only by ultrasound. Measurement of the level of gonadotropin is also carried out after the termination of pregnancy in order to check whether ingrown chorionic villi remain in the uterus. Anembryony is often confused with hydatidiform mole, but the origin of the pathologies is different. In hydatidiform mole, excessive cell division of the trophoblast (outer germ layer) occurs. In fact, it is a tumor process. Recently, the occurrence of such complications has become more frequent. The level of hCG with cystic drift is always increased, reaching 100,000 mU / ml. The ultrasound image shows several empty bubbles.

It should be understood that it is impossible to save a frozen fetus in any way, it must be removed from the uterus. HCG concentration after spontaneous miscarriage or artificial termination of a missed pregnancy on early term may persist for several weeks, and may fall very sharply. In the absence of any complications after the recovery period, you can plan a new pregnancy.

The development of a child in the female body causes changes in the hormonal background, blood composition, physiological and mental changes. The shell of the embryo secretes human chorionic gonadotropin.

Fetal fading as a cause of a decrease in hCG

An analysis of the dynamics of hCG may indicate that the level of the hormone is no longer rising or decreasing. The reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • development of the embryo in the fallopian tube;
  • fading or delay in the development of the child;
  • threatened miscarriage;
  • intrauterine death of the embryo.

The most common reason for a decrease in hCG levels is the fading of fetal development.

Causes of fading

The frequency of miscarriage due to fetal fading reaches from 10 to 20%. The most dangerous period is up to 14 weeks (1 trimester). Reliable reasons for the freezing of the embryo have not been identified, but this process is indirectly affected by:

  • hormonal disorders - if there is a lack of progesterone in the body of the expectant mother, the intrauterine development of the child may stop. Dangerous for the fetus is an excess of androgens, which is usually accompanied by diseases of the ovaries (sclerocystosis, polycystic) and the thyroid gland. It is desirable for women with hormonal disorders to resort to therapy that allows them to preserve the fetus;
  • genetic disorders - there is a theory according to which the mother's body gets rid of non-viable embryos. According to statistics, 20% of women lose children without even knowing about the fact of fertilization of the egg. A woman can simply fix a slight delay in menstruation, and then she begins to have heavy and slightly more painful periods. With severe pain and prolonged heavy bleeding, it is better to consult a doctor;

  • infectious diseases - if the body temperature is above 38 ° C, it is difficult for the body to cope with the retention of the embryo. The presence in a woman's body of infections such as chlamydia, herpes, rubella, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus can lead to fetal fading and miscarriage;
  • Rh-conflict of the blood of the mother and father of the child - if the Rh factor of the mother and child does not match, the body rejects the fetus as a foreign element. This situation can be corrected if you turn to a gynecologist in a timely manner and carry out hormonal therapy to protect the embryo.

Other adverse factors also affect the course of pregnancy. These include:

  • exposure to toxic substances or X-rays during work;
  • the impact of unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • abuse of alcohol, smoking, drugs.

For timely treatment to the hospital, you should familiarize yourself with the signs of fetal fading.

Signs of fading pregnancy

Conditions to watch out for:

  • disappearance of toxicosis - for up to 10 weeks, a sudden cessation of nausea, drowsiness, odor intolerance can be attributed to indirect symptoms of pregnancy fading;
  • cessation of pain in the mammary glands;
  • a decrease in basal temperature to 36–37 ° C - this symptom also indicates the probable death of the child, as well as a lack of progesterone or a threatening abortion for other reasons. In some cases, the child can be saved by contacting a gynecologist in a timely manner;

  • the reaction of the pregnancy test has become weaker on the level of the hormone in the urine during the first weeks of the 1st trimester, or the test shows a negative result;
  • a significant slowdown or cessation of hCG growth;
  • cessation of fetal movements in the 2nd or 3rd trimester;
  • pain of a pulling, aching character in the lower abdomen, discharge mixed with blood.

The presence of one or more signs is a reason to go to the hospital for examination. The most reliable sign of pregnancy fading is the absence of the baby's heartbeat according to the results of ultrasound 1.5 months after conception. The analysis of hCG during a missed pregnancy in the early stages is the only available diagnostic method.

The level of decrease in hCG when freezing

Women who notice deviations in the level of hCG during pregnancy from the norm are wondering: how quickly does the level of hCG fall when pregnancy fades? There are basic provisions about changing the level of the hormone, knowing which a woman can suspect intrauterine fetal fading:

  • when passing several tests in a row at intervals of 2-3 days, the dynamics of the decline in hCG will be observed. The rate of change of the indicator in the direction of decrease depends on the individual characteristics of the organism;
  • the hCG indicator will be 3–9 times lower than the norm for the corresponding gestational age;

  • a high level of the hormone is observed until the frozen embryo is removed from the uterine cavity. The fetal membranes of a dead embryo can continue the synthesis of HCH in very small amounts. Abnormal production of the hormone is noticeable when taking the test several times in a row;
  • the level of hCG concentration in the blood will decrease every day after the death of the fetus.

An approximate drop in the level of the hormone during fetal freezing has been empirically revealed for different terms pregnancy:

According to research results, when the hormone level dropped, in 27% of cases the fetus in the uterine cavity was alive, and in 14% of cases it was recorded.

As well as the level of hCG during pregnancy, with a fading pregnancy, it may slightly increase. An error in diagnosis is possible with late ovulation, which led to an error in determining the date of conception.

These indicators indicate a high, but not absolute, certainty of the freezing of the embryo with an inappropriate growth rate of hCG. Therefore, it is recommended to further verify the diagnosis by ultrasound.


If the diagnosis is reliable, and the pregnancy cannot be maintained, it is important for a woman to understand that, in this way, the body has stopped the development of a potentially unviable child. With a frozen pregnancy, hCG is the main indicator of the health of the child.

This does not mean that the situation can repeat itself. It is important to tune in to the positive, to take measures so that the tragedy does not happen again in the future. To prepare for bearing a child, you must:

  • conduct a complete examination of the couple for the presence of infections;
  • get vaccinated against rubella, hepatitis, influenza 3 months before the planned pregnancy;
  • conduct a hormonal examination and designate the tactics of hormonal therapy (supportive) from the very moment of conception;
  • a woman should take folic acid 3-4 months before conception;
  • lead healthy lifestyle life;
  • constantly monitor the level of hCG and upon the onset of pregnancy for prompt adjustment of the maintenance therapy.

Frozen pregnancy - termination fetal development and his death (up to 28 weeks, more often up to 13 weeks of pregnancy). This is how every fourth or fifth pregnancy ends, but statistics are little consolation for women who lose a long-awaited pregnancy. Having survived two missed pregnancies, the architect Oksana Ivashchenko faced the fact that it is not customary to discuss the situation of a missed pregnancy even with relatives - and translated and adapted an English brochure to our realities, which was released to help families faced with pregnancy loss.

Why pregnancy freezes

The causes of a missed pregnancy are still not exactly known. In the early stages, as a rule, this occurs due to serious genetic disorders in the embryo - in 70% of cases. It can also be triggered by infectious diseases, trauma, etc.

We list the known causes of missed pregnancy.

Genetic: the fetus does not develop normally and cannot survive.

Hormonal: Women with irregular menstrual cycles may have difficulty conceiving and are more likely to have a miscarriage.

Immunological: vascular problems can lead to miscarriage, especially if the blood has increased clotting; some system and chronic diseases, in particular, causing a violation of blood clotting.

Infections: mild infections (for example, SARS) do not affect pregnancy, but a strong increase in body temperature and some types of infections (for example,) can lead to miscarriage.

Surgical: previous pelvic surgery increases the risk.

Anatomical: late miscarriages can be caused by a weak cervix. Miscarriages occur if the uterus is irregular in shape or formed in it.

Why didn't I feel any symptoms of a missed pregnancy?

There are no clear signs of a missed pregnancy. Sudden changes in well-being, such as the sudden disappearance of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting), a decrease in hypersensitivity in the mammary glands, a decrease (below 37 degrees) or spotting, may be a reason to see a doctor. But you can establish a missed pregnancy only with the help of blood test for hCG(human chorionic gonadotropin, with a frozen pregnancy, hCG will not increase or will not correspond to the gestational age) and ultrasound(the absence of a fetal heartbeat or anembryony is determined - an empty fetal egg).

Could I have prevented a miscarriage?

No. It is very important to understand that the chances that your actions led to a pregnancy fading are negligible. Doctors cannot always name the exact cause of a missed pregnancy, and this uncertainty is sometimes difficult to come to terms with, but they can rely on statistics: even if you have experienced several missed pregnancies in a row, you have every chance that the next pregnancy will end with a healthy baby.

When can I plan my next pregnancy after a missed pregnancy?

The best time to plan your next pregnancy is when you and your partner are ready - physically and emotionally. Recovery takes time, any loss is important to accept and survive. It is important to allow yourself to grieve so that one day, when the feelings recede, wake up with the thought: “Yes, I am ready to try again. I believe that everything will work out, even if it didn’t work out before, even if I have to make more than one attempt, the time will come and I meeting your child.

You may want to get pregnant as soon as possible, or the very thought of a new pregnancy may cause fear - any reaction is natural and there is no "norm" here. Women and their partners often have mixed feelings about their next pregnancy: hope mixed with fear, excitement mixed with worry.

If you or your partner are experiencing intense fear and anxiety about your next pregnancy, please see a neonatal psychologist who can help you deal with these feelings and prepare.

What are the chances that a missed pregnancy will recur?

If this is the first and only case, then you have the same chances of repeating a missed pregnancy as those women with whom this has never happened. If the missed pregnancy recurs, then there is a possibility that there may be other reasons besides genetic ones, and you will be assigned an additional examination.

What is my partner experiencing?

Your partner is also experiencing loss and worries about you. You can help each other and eventually become even closer. But sometimes the experience can shake even the strongest relationships. Your partner may not know how to react, may not understand how best to support and comfort you, he may experience his own feelings, which are not always similar to yours.

At the moment when people need each other most, they may say or do hurtful things because of their own grief or confusion. A man sometimes tries very hard to "control himself" in this situation, but this can be read by you as indifference and a desire to "return to normal life" as soon as possible. This is wrong. People do not always understand how to properly support each other, especially in difficult times. If you can, please openly share your feelings with the man. If you know what you need, gently but directly tell him about it. And do not forget that your man, no matter how strong he may be, also needs your support these days.

How can I tell family and friends about a missed pregnancy?

Discussing a miscarriage with your parents and friends can be difficult. Those close to you can sincerely worry about you and still not find the right words. They may not really know how best to support you, but that certainly doesn't mean that they don't love you enough or are indifferent to your loss. The first reaction is most often followed by a second, calm, honest and very warm.

IN modern world There are many ways to help a woman get pregnant, carry and give birth to a healthy baby. Children come to us in different ways and in different time. All we can do is want to meet our child and do everything in our power to achieve this. For some it only takes a step, for others it takes a long way, but for those who want to become parents, the child will definitely appear.

Fading pregnancy, or stopping the development of the fetus, occurs most often in the first trimester. The embryo dies in the womb, but its rejection is not carried out immediately, therefore, the pathology is usually diagnosed before the miscarriage occurs. The level of hCG during a missed pregnancy (ZB) drops, sometimes there are abnormal changes in its values. Monitoring the content of gonadotropin in the urine and blood allows timely detection of pathology.

After the formation of the zygote in the fallopian tube, its crushing begins. Then the chorion is formed - the embryonic membrane. This structure produces a special protein hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin. One of the functions of hCG is to maintain the life of the corpus luteum. It produces a large amount of progesterone until the placenta begins to cope with this task itself.

The chorion develops rapidly. The initial stages of pregnancy are characterized by a doubling of the content of hCG in the blood every two days. If the fetus freezes, the embryonic membrane does not grow and loses its functions, stops producing gonadotropin.

Both genetic anomalies and other factors that disrupt the normal course of pregnancy can provoke a stop in embryonic development. Pathology has characteristic external manifestations, but an accurate diagnosis can only be made after laboratory tests.

Causes of fading

Among the main factors that cause fetal fading, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Influence of hormones - lack of progesterone, increased secretion of androgens.
  • mutations in the genome. With some chromosomal rearrangements, the inheritance of a mutant parental gene, the embryo becomes unviable.
  • Infections in the mother - STIs (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis), herpes, rubella, toxoplasmosis, influenza.
  • antiphospholipid syndrome. This is an autoimmune condition caused by antibodies to blood phospholipids. Blood clots form in the uterus, the embryo loses access to nutrition and oxygen.
  • abortion. After numerous scrapings, the endometrium becomes defective, does not provide the embryonic egg with normal conditions for development, pregnancy is not able to persist
  • Harmful addictions - alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction. Metabolites of alcohol and drugs have a teratogenic effect on the fetus, causing its death or developmental anomalies.

Pregnancy fading often occurs after IVF (in vitro fertilization). This is usually due to the same reasons for which artificial insemination was needed.

If a pathology is detected in the first months of the term, a medical termination of a missed pregnancy is sometimes carried out. At a later date, the non-developing fetus is removed from the uterus by scraping (cleansing). Such an operation does not pose a threat to the health of a woman. Reproductive function is soon restored, and a new pregnancy can be planned in six months. Sometimes complications occur after interruption - placental polyp, adhesions in the uterus, endometrial hyperplasia. The sooner you pay attention to alarming symptoms and visit a gynecologist, the less likely it is to have dangerous consequences.

Signs of fetal freezing

You can suspect the fading of pregnancy by the following symptoms:

  • drawing or spasmodic pain in the abdomen,
  • bloody vaginal discharge of different profusion,
  • persistent increase in body temperature,
  • disappearance of toxicosis,
  • reduction in breast size.

The second strip on the pharmacy test will be weakly colored or not appear at all. This is due to a decrease in the secretion of hCG. In the second trimester, when fetal movements are already noticeable, the main sign of fading is the cessation of movement.

At what timeframes are ST risks high?

The threat of pregnancy fading exists at any time. The most dangerous is the first trimester. According to statistics, fetal fading often occurs before 8 weeks. This is due to the fact that a woman, not yet aware of her condition, continues to lead a habitual lifestyle, take medicines, smoke, lift weights, etc. In the early stages of development, when the laying of the nervous system and internal organs takes place, the embryo is especially vulnerable.

Indications for the determination of chorionic gonadotropin

An analysis for hCG is included in the complex of perinatal first screening, which also includes ultrasound. This examination is not mandatory, but is recommended for all expectant mothers. It is necessary to take an analysis for gonadotropin if there are signs of pregnancy fading, and also when a heartbeat is not detected during an ultrasound examination. An analysis for hCG is recommended if there is a history of abortion, miscarriage, frozen or ectopic pregnancy. The risk of fetal pathologies is increased in patients older than 35 years. They need to pass the whole complex of laboratory tests.

HCG analysis

HCG is determined in the blood and urine. Pharmacy tests are designed to study urine. In the urine, the content of chorionic gonadotropin is lowered, therefore, for greater accuracy of the results, venous blood is examined. HCG consists of two amino acid chains, its alpha chain is the same as other gonadotropins, and its beta chain is unique. It is the concentration of beta-hCG that is determined for the diagnosis of ST.

A one-time analysis is not enough to make a diagnosis of a miscarriage. Blood is taken for research 2 or 3 times with an interval of several days to track the dynamics of the hCG level.

What can affect the results of the analysis?

If a fetal fading is suspected, it is often necessary to urgently do a hormonal analysis, so it is not always possible to specially prepare for the delivery of biomaterial. It is advisable to take blood for analysis in the morning on an empty stomach. If this is not possible, it is necessary that at least 4 hours pass between the meal and the sampling of the material. Despite the fact that diet and drinking regimen have little effect on the results of a blood test, it is recommended to limit the intake of fatty foods the day before the material is taken. You should also reduce physical activity.

Erroneous suspicions of fetal fading after a hormonal study arise if the gestational age was incorrectly determined. Therefore, the study is carried out in combination with ultrasound. It is important to tell the doctor reliable information about your menstrual cycle, the timing of ovulation. The first screening and repeat tests for hCG should be done in the same laboratory. Because different clinics use their own methods and reagents, which affects the final indicators.

HCG values ​​​​when the fetus fades

The level of hCG during a missed pregnancy in the early stages does not double every day, as it should be normal. In most patients, there is a negative trend, the hormone content decreases. An increase in the concentration of hCG is also possible, but the increase in the level of the hormone is not as active as with the healthy development of the embryo.

Normal concentrations of chorionic hormone are presented in the table:

Entries 1 to 10 out of 10 entries

There are no exact figures for the concentration of gonadotropin during fetal fading. It all depends on the characteristics of the flow of metabolic processes in the body of a woman. For some, with pathology, the value of the parameter is 3 times less than the norm, for others, 9 or even 10 times. The decrease in the index during repeated studies can be intense or insignificant. Only a specialist can decipher the results of the analysis.

A reduced content of hCG is also observed with other anomalies - ectopic pregnancy, anembryony. Therefore, it is important to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Production of hCG hormone in anembryonic

Pathological pregnancy is also anembryony - a condition in which an empty fetal egg develops without an embryo. Signs and course of anembryonic pregnancy are no different from normal. A woman has a delay in menstruation, toxicosis begins, her breasts increase.
Pharmacy test gives a positive result. This is due to the fact that a fetal egg, even without an embryo, produces gonadotropin.

The value of hCG in the blood increases slowly with anembryony, but the pathology is diagnosed only by ultrasound. Measurement of the level of gonadotropin is also carried out after the termination of pregnancy in order to check whether ingrown chorionic villi remain in the uterus. Anembryony is often confused with hydatidiform mole, but the origin of the pathologies is different. In hydatidiform mole, excessive cell division of the trophoblast (outer germ layer) occurs. In fact, it is a tumor process. Recently, the occurrence of such complications has become more frequent. The level of hCG with cystic drift is always increased, reaching 100,000 mU / ml. The ultrasound image shows several empty bubbles.

It should be understood that it is impossible to save a frozen fetus in any way, it must be removed from the uterus. The concentration of hCG after a spontaneous miscarriage or artificial termination of a missed pregnancy at an early stage can persist for several weeks, and can fall very sharply. In the absence of any complications after the recovery period, you can plan a new pregnancy.