What are the benefits of lemon and honey on the face? Homemade face masks: how to make a face mask from honey and lemon? To saturate the skin with oxygen

On this moment There are many skin care options to prevent the appearance of blackheads, clogged pores, skin whitening, and delay the appearance of the first wrinkles. These can be factory-made drugs or homemade masks.

The second option is gaining more and more recognition, and ingredients such as lemon and honey have long proven themselves in this area. There are enough reasons for this: such care is no less effective, and complete safety during use is also guaranteed, because the ingredients are completely natural.

Beneficial properties of ingredients

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of honey. It is almost impossible to overestimate its benefits in tandem with lemon. They are able to positively influence almost all aspects of the body.

In short, the list of the main useful functions looks like this:

  • improved digestion;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • cleansing the digestive system;
  • removal of excess salt, moisture, which leads to the removal of edema;
  • returns elasticity to vessels;
  • cleaning from toxins and toxins of the liver;
  • obstruction of the output of cholesterol levels beyond the permissible level;
  • increased immunity;
  • acceleration of brain activity;
  • strengthening bones.

This is not the entire list. Enumeration of all the properties of only these two is worthy of a separate article.

It only talks about the combined action of lemon and honey. Some of these properties are characteristic of only one of them. Also, some of this only shows up when shared.

The benefits of exposure to masks and features

The benefits directly depend on the specific recipe and additional ingredients. However, this does not prevent us from highlighting what is inherent in most options on this basis, namely:

  • narrowing of enlarged pores, preventing their reappearance;
  • giving evenness and smoothness to the cover;
  • removal of excess fat;
  • good hydration;
  • nutrition;
  • toning the dermis;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • fight acne.

All this can be achieved even when using only the base without additions. At the same time, there are no guarantees that this will definitely work, because the excipients are just designed to ensure that the main components are fully disclosed.

The need to supplement the composition is often underestimated. But, for example, in order for a mask containing a high amount lemon juice brought benefits, and did not just dry out the epidermis, protective moisturizing elements are needed.

Indications for use

This is a fairly universal mixture, but its properties are best manifested in the fight against blackheads, impurities of the skin, and pores.

In addition, here you can note a good fight against age spots and a significant lightening of freckles. Otherwise, this point depends on the recipe and other ingredients in the composition.

Recipes for the best homemade masks

Many years of experience in using honey and lemon in medicine and cosmetology have led to the fact that you can now find countless different products based on this. But not all of them are able to help most people with the most common issues. To help you make your choice, below is a list of what most people consider to be the most popular options.


The composition will help tighten the oval of the face, smooth out fine wrinkles, and give freshness to the skin. To prepare such a mask, you need to mix a large spoon of honey with the same amount of lemon juice. After this, add 2 teaspoons of salt. The beaten egg white completes the process. Apply no more than 15 minutes.

After that, it is removed in any convenient way. The course lasts 20 days, during which the procedure is repeated every other day. After that, a monthly pause is made. Suitable for all types of dermis. Learn more about protein masks here.

From lemon with honey

The mixture is most suitable for skin whitening. It well eliminates age spots, evens out the overall tone. To do everything right, you need to squeeze the juice out of about ½ of a lemon, mixing it with a large spoon of honey. A tissue napkin impregnated with this composition is applied to the face. It remains for 20-30 minutes, and then washed off with plain warm water. This option may cause irritation for those with a numeral or dry coat. After the procedure, you can try to use a moisturizing balm.

With added oat flakes

With clay

It will help to effectively get rid of blackheads. Lemon juice, squeezed from one half, is mixed with a large spoon of honey. Next, approximately the same amount of clay is added here. Before using such care, it is highly desirable to steam the skin so that the pores are as open as possible. Leave for about 30 minutes. Remove with water. Suitable for oilier skin types. Those with dry skin may experience discomfort after the procedure.

Scrub lemon

It will help cleanse the face, get rid of peeling, make the epidermis softer, tender, smooth. In addition, this mixture can provide powerful nutrition. To prepare it, you need to take the same amount of basic substances, to which finely grated almonds are added, as well as a small amount of mineral water. Application involves facial massage using this composition. After this, you can wash your face with warm tap water. The recipe is suitable for any skin type. The most interesting and useful masks with lemon can be found in.

From honey and cinnamon

Inflammatory processes can be quickly eliminated with a mixture of equal amounts of honey and cinnamon, mixed with a couple of drops of lemon juice and olive oil. This combination will not only reduce the amount of inflammation or completely eliminate them, but also give a preventive effect. Apply the mask for a third of an hour, after which it is washed off cold water.

To get the best effect, it is worth keeping care for three months, applying the product to the face every week. Olive oil compensates for the risk of dry skin due to lemon juice, so application is possible for everyone, regardless of the type of cover.

With yeast

Combination dermis is best suited for a composition of a base mixed with yeast and milk. has a universal effect: provides good nutrition, moisturizes, saturates with useful trace elements, and also smoothes fine wrinkles, tightens the oval of the face. Recipe: two small spoons of lemon juice mixed with half big amount honey Then about 3-5 grams of yeast in powder form is added. The process is completed with two large spoons of warm milk. The product stays on the face for no more than a third of an hour. Rinse off with warm water.


If we talk about the face area along with the neck, then the option with sour cream is suitable here. provides good hydration, cleansing, and also evens out the tone of the epidermis, bringing it to a normal state if there are signs of severe fatigue. To prepare this product, you need to beat the egg yolk with a couple of large spoons of low-fat sour cream. After this, a small amount of juice is added here.

It lasts about 15 minutes. The main focus of this recipe is oily skin. For dry coating, it is recommended to use sour cream with a fat content of more than 25.

Fresh cucumber with lemon

They can also be an excellent nourishing and whitening agent. To obtain it, you need to mix an equal amount of lemon juice with cucumber juice. A mask in the form of gauze soaked in this composition is applied to the face. You need to keep it on your face for about 10 minutes. After this, it is advisable to wash it off with special thermal water. This option is not suitable for those with dry sleep, because there are no moisturizing components. You can find out more cucumber masks.

With peroxide

Similar to previous version A mixture of peroxide, yeast with lemon, apple cider vinegar and honey has an effect. However, it also adds effective narrowing por. Half a packet of yeast is mixed with about 20 milliliters of honey and 15 milliliters of lemon juice.

Add a tablespoon of peroxide and a teaspoon of vinegar here. This composition stays on the face for about half an hour. The mask is suitable for all skin types, but those with dry epidermis should be careful. Also interesting recipes for masks with hydrogen peroxide can be found in.

You need to be bolder and experiment with other options. The characteristics of the body can lead to very different reactions to these or other decisions.

After using non-moisturizing masks, those with dry skin must use a moisturizing balm.

How to cook properly

Most of the nuances and subtleties of preparing home care relate to specific options and are prescribed immediately in the recipe. But there are general provisions inherent in any method. This includes:

  1. Using only high-quality, fresh products. This seems elementary, but due to greed, many people forget about it just before they start cooking. After all, “do not let good things go to waste.”
  2. You only need to prepare it once, just before the procedure. If you leave supplies for later, the ingredients will quickly lose all the beneficial aspects. And sometimes they become completely harmful.
  3. Heating honey is contraindicated. It loses its usefulness.

Rules for applying masks and how often you can do them

Among general rules When applying masks, one can highlight the use of massage line techniques during application. It can increase the effectiveness of therapy by almost 50 percent.

All masks must be applied along massage lines to avoid stretching the skin.

Also, before use, be sure to wash your face and then steam your skin. This will allow all the beneficial substances to penetrate deeper, and therefore have a better effect. The frequency of use depends entirely on the recipe. Usually this item is prescribed immediately along with the prescription.


Due to the fact that all components are natural and there are completely no harmful chemicals, home care has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

Contraindications may vary. You should always carefully read all the nuances of the recipe.


Interesting video with the process of preparing a mask with honey and lemon


  1. A mixture of honey and lemon has a wide range of positive properties, both for the whole body and individually for the skin of the face.
  2. Many years of experience in using honey and lemon in cosmetology allows you to choose among a significant number of effective products for different purposes.
  3. Proper preparation is not difficult. However, following all the rules leads to an almost guaranteed result.
  4. Application features should also be taken into account in order to obtain good result or avoid unpleasant moments.
  5. The naturalness of the compositions ensures the complete absence of any serious contraindications.
50 07/28/2019 5 min.

The number of different face creams on the market exceeds all imaginable proportions.

But it’s not always the case that such purchased formulations prove to be effective in their healing properties. better products traditional medicine. For example, masks containing honey and lemon have long established themselves as reliable and effective products that saturate the skin with beneficial microelements.

Beneficial features

Always before applying something to your face, you need to find out the approximate composition of the product, its positive properties and effects. Masks containing these two components are useful for several reasons:

  • honey contains a lot of useful microelements, including B vitamins, zinc, sodium, potassium, which, when they come into contact with the skin, literally transform it;
  • this component cleanses and tones the skin, while having a positive effect on smoothing out wrinkles;
  • honey also has a positive effect on the process of treating acne, eliminating even the most serious rashes;
  • lemon juice improves skin tone and tightens pores, preventing the formation of blackheads and pimples;
  • Another positive property of juice is its effective relief from vitamin deficiency.

For acne

Read how to properly use starch face masks instead of Botox.

According to scientists, honey contains about 400 useful minerals and vitamins, due to which its application to the skin of the face can literally result in healing results.

This mixture quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, while saturating the skin with beneficial microelements. As a result, deep wrinkles on the face no longer appear, and the skin itself becomes elastic and pleasant to the touch.

A quick solution to many problems - . Read how a face mask made from colorless henna helps fight acne.

Home Recipes

To increase the effectiveness of such compositions, adherents of traditional medicine call for the use of other components. As a result, the list of benefits increases, making the skin even more radiant.

The main property of lemon juice is the elimination of serious skin imperfections. This component not only destroys acne and age spots, but is also able to effectively fight freckles.

Find a recipe for a tightening face mask with egg yolk. And it will help to cope with blackheads.

The magic of citrus

Which compositions based on honey and lemon have received especially many positive reviews:

  1. With the addition of egg yolk. The composition containing lemon juice and egg yolk has a lot of positive reviews. To prepare, mix a spoonful of juice with two tablespoons of liquid honey and egg yolk. Next, you can add a teaspoon of olive oil to the ingredients. The composition is applied for 20 minutes, and when used 1-2 times a week, it can tighten the skin and eliminate wrinkles, even the deepest ones.
  2. With soda. This composition is ideal for combating acne, pimples and age spots. To prepare it, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of soda, half the amount of lemon juice and about 30 grams of honey. To the components add two spoons of regular, boiled water. After mixing the ingredients until smooth, they can be applied to the face for 20 minutes. It is better to use the product once a week or less, as there is a high risk of an allergic reaction.
  3. With oatmeal. 20 gr. oatmeal mixed with two tablespoons of honey, a spoonful of lemon juice and 20 ml. kefir The components are mixed and the composition is applied to the face for 20 minutes. This product helps get rid of excessive dry skin. Has a peeling effect, further tightening pores. You can use it 2-3 times a week.
  4. With green tea. If the previous composition was ideal for combating dry skin, then this one helps get rid of oily sheen. To create it, you need to mix a spoonful of honey, the same amount of lemon juice and 10 grams. used green tea leaves. Next, a little water is added to the components, and the ingredients are applied to the face for 10-15 minutes. There is no trace of oily shine left after the third use.

A product based on lemon juice and honey may cause an allergic reaction. That is why, if a girl feels a burning sensation, it is recommended to immediately wash off the components.

In fact, there are even too many recipes with a combination of these components. So, to eliminate oily shine, you can use a protein-based composition. To do this, beat 1 white until foamy, add a spoonful of lemon juice, honey and lime juice. Apply the components for 10-15 minutes, rinsing them off with warm water.

Clean and fresh, day after day

Not only for headaches - luxurious. Find out about the safety and effectiveness of a face mask with dimexide.

Features of application

To make masks more effective without causing damage to your skin, it is important to know some tricks.

A simple solution to complex problems - .

Here are just the most important secrets using honey and lemon based formulations:

  • the effectiveness of the composition can be significantly increased if the components are slightly heated, but the temperature should not exceed 80 degrees;
  • It is recommended to mix the components immediately before application, since long-term storage significantly reduces effectiveness;
  • It is also recommended to use only natural, fresh honey, since it contains much more beneficial microelements;
  • It is better to rinse off the product with cool water, which significantly improves skin tone.

Before applying any of the listed masks, your face must be cleansed of makeup. It is also recommended to steam it, as this will expand the pores and have a positive effect on the absorption of beneficial components.

It is also indispensable in the matter of rejuvenation..

Face masks based on honey and lemon are good homemade cosmetics that help restore youth to the skin. In general, honey is the healthiest natural product, which, in combination with lemon, can smooth out wrinkles, eliminate acne and add velvetiness.

What are the benefits of combining honey and lemon?

With the right combination of ingredients to create masks with honey and lemon, you can improve the condition of any skin type, regardless of your age. Among the advantages of such home cosmetics are:

  • effective nutrition of dry skin;
  • moisturizing dehydrated epidermis;
  • accelerated cell regeneration;
  • regulation of local blood circulation;
  • cleansing clogged glands;
  • elimination of pigmentation.

The main thing is to use high-quality ingredients for masks with honey and lemon. Special attention You need to pay attention to the choice of honey - it must be liquid and always natural.

Rules for the preparation and use of masks

In order for a mask based on honey and lemon to be guaranteed to be beneficial, you need to follow the simplest recommendations when making and applying it. The honey should not be candied or it will need to be heated in a water bath to melt it. At the same time, do not overheat the product, otherwise it will lose its beneficial qualities (the maximum permissible temperature is 70 degrees).

Always prepare your face mask mixture before applying it - it should not be stored. Be sure to use non-oxidizing containers - glass or ceramic. Lemon juice reacts with metal bowls or mugs.

Before applying the mask, steam your facial skin and treat with tonic or cleansing lotion. Be sure to make sure that you are not allergic to bee products. Apply a little mixture to the crook of your elbow or wrist for half an hour. If you do not find any unpleasant reactions, do the procedure on your face.

All honey and lemon face masks must be applied correctly - strictly along the massage lines. It is better to avoid the area around the eyes, as the skin here is very sensitive. We recommend washing off all masks with cool water to get an additional tonic effect.

Who are these products not suitable for?

These homemade cosmetics have a number of contraindications and are not suitable for certain categories of people. Masks should not be used by people with disabilities and diseases such as:

  • dilated vessels;
  • allergic reactions to ingredients;
  • the presence of ulcers or herpes;
  • diabetes;
  • open wounds on the skin;
  • heat bodies.

In all other cases, masks can and even should be used if you take care of your own body.

Recipe for fighting rashes and acne

Many women have found themselves in an unpleasant situation when you are planning an event and suddenly problems arise. A face mask based on honey and lemon will help you get rid of them quickly. You will also need fresh orange juice. All ingredients must be mixed in equal quantities and applied to problem areas of the skin. It is convenient to do this with some kind of brush or cotton swab. After the first layer has dried, apply another one on top.

When the top layer of the mask dries, wash with cool water. This cosmetic product is amazingly effective, since the substances present in citrus fruits fruit acids dry the affected areas, and honey does not allow bacteria to multiply.

Fighting pigmentation

To eliminate pigmentation, masks with honey and lemon also help a lot. You just need to heat the honey in a water bath so that it becomes more liquid, and then mix it with sour citrus juice. As a result, you will receive a good whitening mixture, with which you can lighten age spots, moisturize the epidermis and fill it with useful components. The face will gain a healthy glow and light velvety.

Option for oily skin types

If you have oily skin that has an unpleasant shine and gives you some trouble, try the lemon-honey mask for yourself. To prepare it you will need.

A face mask with honey and lemon is effective in combating age spots, comedones, blackheads and other problems. The combination of healthy products enriches the skin with vitamins and other beneficial substances, helping to stop the aging process. The advantage of this homemade cosmetic product is the ease of preparation and the availability of ingredients.

Both lemon and bee product are famous beneficial properties. These components in a cosmetic mask enhance and complement each other’s properties, so the effect of use is visible after several procedures.

What are the benefits of honey for the skin?

Bee product is the richest source of vitamins and minerals. It contains ascorbic acid, B vitamins, as well as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, iodine and other minerals. The rich vitamin and mineral composition is complemented by amino acids, antioxidants, phytoncides and other beneficial substances.

Honey is widely used in the preparation of homemade cosmetics, as it has the following effect on the skin:

  • nourishes epidermal cells;
  • improves blood supply to cells;
  • tightens the facial contour;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • removes inflammatory processes;
  • expands pores;
  • removes waste and toxins.

Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants have a rejuvenating effect, and phytoncides help fight blackheads and inflammatory processes. After honey masks, the epidermis is smoothed out, becoming pleasant and velvety to the touch.

Benefits of lemon for the face

Citrus fruit is a source of ascorbic acid. This is one of the most famous natural antioxidants, which effectively removes toxins and waste from the body and slows down the aging process. Lemon also contains vitamin A and folic acid, which are necessary for beauty, which suppresses inflammatory processes.

The sour fruit contains potassium, vitamin K, and other vitamins and minerals. It has the following effect on the skin:

  • removes age spots;
  • brightens facial skin;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • tightens pores;
  • nourishes cells with vitamins;
  • stimulates the production of collagen and elastin and so on.

Features of using honey mask with lemon

A honey and lemon face mask can be supplemented with other ingredients and used to solve various cosmetic problems. It is recommended to use the product in the following cases:

  • excessively dry skin;
  • unattractive greasy shine;
  • comedones and acne;
  • black dots;
  • wrinkles and sagging;
  • age spots and uneven complexion and so on.

In order for the mask, which contains a beekeeping product and citrus fruit, to bring only benefits, you must follow simple recommendations:

  1. To prepare the mask, use only natural honey. The candied variety is also suitable, but it must first be melted in a water bath. Do not heat the waste product of bees too much - it will lose its beneficial properties.
  2. It is necessary to prepare the mixture for cosmetic purposes before the procedure. It is not recommended to store it.
  3. To prepare the mixture, use only non-oxidizing containers (glass, ceramic), since lemon juice may react with metal.
  4. Before applying the prepared product, your face needs to be steamed and cleansed with lotion or tonic.
  5. You need to make sure there are no allergies. To do this, apply a mixture of lemon and honey to your wrist or elbow and wait 15-20 minutes. If there are no negative reactions, you can begin the procedure.
  6. Apply the mask along massage lines, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  7. The mask should be washed off with cool or even cold water, which additionally tones the skin.
  8. Since lemon can dry out the skin, you should not overuse the mask. One procedure per week will be enough.


Since both honey and lemon are strong allergens, you should discard the product if you have allergic reactions. Even if you have not previously experienced allergies, be very careful when using it for the first time and do an allergy test.

Also, people with diabetes mellitus and for hypersensitive skin.

Recipes for face masks with lemon and honey

Honey and lemon face masks are used for various purposes. Depending on the purpose, in addition to the main components, the mask also contains other ingredients.

Whitening masks

Most often, masks containing lemon are used to lighten the skin and get rid of age spots.

Classic version

To prepare the cosmetic product, you will need 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of beekeeping product. Mix the ingredients. Since the mixture turns out to be quite liquid, it should be applied in an unusual way. Soak gauze or napkin in the lemon-honey mixture and place it on your face, focusing on problem areas.

Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with cool water. To prevent peeling after the procedure, be sure to use a rich cream.

Whitening mask with clay

This mask can be used for normal skin. You need to take:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of blue clay;
  • 0.5 lemon;
  • 1 teaspoon honey.

Mix the juice and clay, and then add the beekeeping product. You need to hold and wash off, as in the previous case.

Mask with honey and lemon for blackheads

Homemade mask It’s just as easy to prepare for blackheads with lemon and honey. You need to follow simple steps:

  1. Brew green tea and let it cool.
  2. Take honey, citrus juice and tea in equal quantities.
  3. Wipe the cleansed face for 15 minutes with a cotton swab dipped in the prepared solution. Re-wet the cotton swab periodically.

For dry skin

If you have dry skin, then the honey-lemon mask must be supplemented with nutritional components, otherwise the citrus fruit will lead to even more peeling. Squeeze the juice from one fruit and add a tablespoon of honey to it (a tablespoon). Also add a yolk and a tablespoon of olive oil to the main ingredients. Mix everything.

Olive oil can be replaced with another type. Apply the mask for 15 minutes on your face and neck, then rinse with cold water.

For oily skin

To get rid of greasy, unattractive shine, take:

  • 1 protein;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 tsp. honey

Beat the egg white until it becomes foamy, so that it is enriched with air. Gently stir in the liquid bee product and the juice squeezed from the sour fruit. Apply the mask for 15 minutes, and then rinse with cold or slightly warm water.

To relieve inflammation

A mask containing the following components will help get rid of acne, comedones and inflammatory processes:

  • 50 ml of kefir;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. bee waste product.

The components mixed until smooth should be applied to problem areas for 20-30 minutes, and then rinsed off with cool water.

The honey-lemon mask is versatile, as it helps get rid of various facial skin problems. Despite its simplicity and accessibility, it is highly effective, but it is worth remembering the contraindications.

Honey is an indispensable remedy in home cosmetology. Thanks to its healing properties, it helps get rid of problems such as age spots, blackheads, acne and much more. Face mask with – effective remedy in the fight for beautiful skin. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Pigment spots appear on the face due to the negative effects of the environment or improper metabolism in the body. Most often you have to fight them with the help foundation, which masks the problem rather than removing it. Cosmetics based on honey and lemon, evens out skin color, brightening dark areas, making pigments almost colorless.

The combination of these two ingredients has a beneficial effect on the upper layers of epithelial tissue, cleanses pores and moisturizes the skin. Therefore, with one procedure you can kill two birds with one stone: lighten age spots and cleanse the skin of blackheads.


Lemon lightens skin pigmentation, but an overly acidic environment can lead to dry skin. To prevent this, the product contains honey, which moisturizes and nourishes the epithelium.


  • 2 tbsp. honey;
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice.


  1. Squeeze lemon juice. You can do this using a juicer or simply squeeze the lemon out of your hands.
  2. If the mask is made to remove age spots, then you can use cold honey. If you want to remove blackheads, then you need to heat it in a water bath. Remember that with strong heating, the bee product loses its properties, so it is enough to heat it to 36-40 C.
  3. Mix honey and lemon in a ceramic or glass bowl. Do not use a metal container as it may oxidize due to the lemon juice.

Indications for use

A honey and lemon mask is suitable for women who want to get rid of dark spots on the face, remaining after sunburn, and pigment spots after pregnancy. It also helps lighten freckles.

Comedones cause a lot of trouble. They appear not due to insufficient hygiene, as many people think, but due to malfunctions of the sebaceous glands. The secretions clog the pores, and when exposed to air, the secreted substance darkens. In this case, the mild scrubbing effect of honey cleanses the skin surface, and lemon tightens pores.

How to apply a mask correctly

The honey-lemon composition should be applied to cleansed skin. You can use any product for this: lotion, gel for washing. Using a sponge, apply the mask in an even layer, avoiding the delicate skin around the eyes. For greater effect, you can cover your face with gauze to prevent the liquid from evaporating and leave for 15 minutes.

If the mask is made to remove blackheads, then you can do a light massage of the skin. Thus, small particles of nectar will remove dead and dead cells, gently cleansing the pores. You can additionally rub problem areas: the wings of the nose, the chin. After using the mask, rinse with warm water and wipe the skin dry with a soft towel.

How often can you make a mask?

Lemon juice is a rather aggressive substance that can cause dry skin. Therefore, you can use this mask once every 2-3 weeks.


You should avoid using the mask if you have an individual intolerance to the substances included in its composition. It is not suitable for dry skin either. If you have inflammatory processes on the face, acne, or youth acne, you should also choose a different mask.