Gelatin mask for dry hair recipe. Gelatin mask: useful properties, composition and use for hair beauty. Benefits of gelatin hair mask

Gelatin contains collagen, which is so beneficial for hair beauty.

The effect of using a gelatin mask

Beautiful curls consist of: shine, density, splendor, health. If the hair is very dry, lifeless, dull, constantly shiny and covered with dandruff, this means that something needs to be done with it. As a rule, hair loss and split ends join these problems. The best way out is to provide the strands with useful elements. Such a solution would be a mask made on the basis of gelatin. With its help, half of these problems can be eliminated. Most often, the effect occurs after the first application. The curls become softer, more obedient, begin to shine like a mirror and stop splitting.

This is explained by the presence of collagen in gelatin. Its molecules have the ability to penetrate deep into the hair and restore it. Collagen glues damaged parts of the hair together. So there is a struggle with the section of the tip of the hair.

Healthy strands do not split and shine.

The gelatin mask covers the curls with a film, due to which the effect of lamination is acquired

Shiny hair is sought after by many women. They strive to find the right shampoo and balm, try to lubricate the strands with oils. It has an effect. However, the use of gelatin will significantly speed up the process of adding shine to the hair.

The gelatin mask covers the curls with a film, due to which the effect of lamination is acquired. This feature of collagen allows you to protect hair from the influence of the external environment, such as curling irons or ironing. The ability of this film to retain moisture in the hair itself helps prevent dryness and lifeless strands.

Volume is one of the most important features of beautiful hair. Thanks to the volume, even sparse strands look rich. Women try to achieve this effect with a variety of methods, foams and mousses. They can significantly weight the strands, dry them out, which will contribute to their rapid loss. Thanks to gelatin masks, the hair thickens and creates a general effect of volume.

Thanks to gelatin masks, the hair thickens and creates a general effect of volume.

Such advantages of applying gelatin mask curls gathered a wide range of admirers of such a procedure. Simplicity and unpretentiousness in this hair care has helped women cope with problems. However, it should be understood that the right approach and regularity can help. It is important to know how to properly apply and make such masks.

Features of applying a mask at home

For excellent and fast results, it is important to apply this mask correctly. There are several rules for carrying the mixture:

Gelatin must be properly dissolved so that no lumps form. First you need to dissolve it in cold water, i.e. leave it for half an hour. Then warm up a little in a water bath. You cannot boil it.

If you wish, you can mix a little balm or hair conditioner into the resulting mixture.

Gelatin must be properly dissolved so that no lumps form

Strands before applying the mask should be thoroughly washed and dried.

It is not required to rub the composition into the hair roots. It is carefully distributed along the length of the strands, starting from 2 cm from the roots.

For the best effect, the mixture is applied to the curls, covered with a film or bag. It is important to insulate this building with a towel. You can warm up the covered hair with a hot jet of air from a hair dryer.

To wash off the mask, you need non-hot water. If there are difficulties, stylists are allowed to use shampoo. It should not be aggressive, so as not to wash off the effect from the hair.

For the best effect, the mixture is applied to the curls, covered with a film or bag. It is important to insulate this building with a towel

Ease and ease of use contributes to the frequent conduct of wellness procedures at home. Differences from salon care will not be noticeable.

Preparation of the basic composition of the mask and shampoo with gelatin

For the manufacture of the composition should use high-quality raw materials. If the gelatin is of low quality, it can harm the strands. Be sure to consider the expiration date and the manufacturer. As a rule, the use of instant powdered gelatin as the main ingredient for a mask is not suitable.

To wash off the mask, you need non-hot water. If there are difficulties, stylists allow you to use shampoo

Advice! When choosing a product, focus on white gelatin. It contains the very useful collagen. The product must be in plates. No need to pay attention to the price tag, beauty comes first.

Indeed, such gelatin is much more expensive. However, its quality is many times higher than that of the powder. Therefore, its effect will be stronger.

Crushed plates in the amount of one tablespoon are mixed in water (4 tablespoons). It is better to boil the water first. After pre-soaking for half an hour, it is heated in a water bath for several minutes. The gelatin should swell. It is important not to bring the mixture to a boil, otherwise its properties will disappear. After complete dissolution of this composition, it is cooled to room temperature. The base composition is ready. As a rule, oils and herbs are mixed into it, necessary for specific hair, for example, dry or slow growing. You need to add vitamins E and A and 3 drops of essential oils. It is advised to stir in the balm (3 tablespoons) or hair conditioner.

It is important to apply the product to the entire length of the strand. However, the roots should not be weighed down.

It is not necessary to rub the composition into the skin. It is important to apply this tool to the entire length of the strand. However, the roots should not be weighed down. To distribute the composition, especially for owners of long strands, you can use a comb with infrequent teeth. You can remove excess amount of funds with a towel.

Advice! Hair must be thoroughly washed before use, excess fat will interfere with the penetration of collagen into the hair. In addition, when applying the mask, it is important to rub it into the tip of the hair.

The basic foundation can be used both individually and in combination with other components that are important for the health of a woman's curls. Most often used:


Egg yolk;

Lemon juice;

Burdock, almond, rosemary and other oils;

sea ​​salt;



Mineral water and other ingredients.

Shampoo with the addition of gelatin is very popular.

Women often prepare shampoo for washing their hair with gelatin. It can be done with the use of water or a decoction of the above herbs. Store the product for no more than seven days in the cold in a tightly sealed container. For the manufacture of gelatinous shampoo, a decoction or water is taken in the amount of a third of a glass. Three tablespoons of gelatin and 50 ml of any shampoo are dissolved in it according to a known method. It is better to use a quality product for the safety of the strands. The resulting product is applied for ten minutes on the hair. After that, they are thoroughly washed.

Recipes for effective masks

There are many options for masks. They have one base. Other ingredients may vary in their properties and preferences.

A product with the addition of yolk is suitable for different types of hair. You need to take 3 tbsp. l. gelatin, dissolve it according to the indicated scheme in 3 tbsp. l. water. In the resulting mixture, drive 1 raw yolk and 3 tbsp. l. balm. The last component must also be of excellent quality. This composition should be applied for thirty to forty minutes.

A mask with gelatin, mustard and Iranian or Indian henna powder helps to increase the rate of hair growth. To prepare it, you should take 1 tbsp. l. gelatin and three to four tbsp. l. boiled warm water. Add the yolk and 3 tablespoons of hair balm to the swollen uncooled gelatin. Masters advise to beat the yolk before stirring. After the composition is completely dissolved, you can mix in a teaspoon of mustard and the same amount of henna. Colorless henna is useful for fair-haired girls, but brunettes can use natural henna to give a red tint to the strands. This mask also stays on the hair for thirty to forty minutes.

A mask with gelatin, mustard and Iranian or Indian henna powder helps to increase the rate of hair growth.

Honey gelatin-herbal mask is used to nourish curls. Various essential oils (6 drops) mixed with base oils (1 tablespoon) are added to the composition of such a mask, depending on the desired effect or a specific problem. The basis of such a mask is taken two tablespoons of gelatin powder and the same amount of chopped grass. An infusion is made from this herb based on one glass of boiling water. Grass insist for half an hour. Then the resulting infusion should be filtered and cooled. After that, gelatin is insisted in it. Hair balm and honey are mixed into the resulting composition in the amount of 50 ml and 1 tablespoon, respectively. The oils are mixed together separately from the gelatin mixture, and then stirred into it. To improve the healing effect, you can combine the composition with aloe juice.

Advice! Before squeezing the juice from aloe leaves, they can be kept for about a week in the cold. It is better to use a plant that is more than three years old.

After preparation, the mixture is applied to the strands according to the previously described principle for at least half an hour.

To accelerate the growth of curls, in addition to the basic composition of the gelatin mask, castor oil or wheat and pumpkin oils are used.

The base oils used for this mask vary in their properties:

To strengthen the structure of weakened hair and protect it from falling out, cedar or forest oils are used, walnut, burdock;

To accelerate the growth of curls, castor oil or wheat and pumpkin oils are used;

To eliminate dandruff, you need to use poppy seed oil, castor or cedar;

To reduce oily hair, it is important to use sesame oil or an extract from jojoba and avocado;

Coconut, almond, soy, avocado, and wheat oils can be used to give a healthy glow.

As essential oils are used:

Lavender and lemon for normal hair;

Eucalyptus, pine, sage and ginger for oily hair;

Chamomile and ylang-ylang for dry hair;

Tea tree and rosemary to eliminate dandruff.

Gelatin is a simple and affordable component for homemade masks. In the vast majority of cases, a gelatin hair mask gives an incredible effect (before and after photos you will see below). The fact is that the natural component covers each hair with a thin elastic film, because of this, the curls become shiny, more voluminous, obedient in styling.

Gelatin masks are suitable for any type of hair, they have no contraindications, and the addition of various ingredients makes the procedure very useful.

Gelatin mask - an affordable alternative salon procedures type of lamination. Its essence is simple. After spreading the gelatin-based mixture over the strands, each hair is covered with the thinnest elastic film.

The mask smoothes the hair shafts, prevents keratin scales from bristling, heals split ends. The film gives curls a beautiful natural glow, natural color seems deeper and brighter.

The procedure is also suitable for colored hair, it does not change the composition of the dye and does not affect the texture of the hair.

After several shampoo treatments, the elastic film gradually disappears, to maintain the effect, the procedure must be repeated once a week.

Homemade masks with gelatin are capable of:

  • increase hair volume;
  • give them a lasting shine;
  • facilitate styling;
  • mask small defects like split ends or dull color;
  • weight the strands;
  • restore curls weakened by frequent curling, coloring, blow-drying.

The procedure is suitable for any type of hair: oily, dry, damaged, hypersensitive. An additional effect will be provided by additives that can heal or restore strands, give them a pleasant aroma, enhance shine and color.

Please note that if you only need to restore damaged or painful hair, then you are better off using one of the recipes.

Any ingredients are combined with gelatin, most commonly used:

  • natural vegetable oils;
  • essential and aromatic oils;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • eggs;
  • dry mustard;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • fruit vinegar;
  • milk;
  • neutral or baby shampoo;
  • restorative balm.

The procedure can be done once a week. Masks with gelatin have a cumulative effect, with each session the curls will look more beautiful and shiny. After 2 months, the number of procedures can be reduced.

When preparing masks, certain conditions must be observed that make the procedure as effective and completely safe as possible.

  1. Choose recipes with 3-4 ingredients. Too varied composition makes the mixture less effective, the components can mutually weaken each other.
  2. If the hair is too thick and long, the amount of recommended ingredients is increased by 2-3 times. It is important to adhere to these proportions.
  3. When cooking gelatin should be completely dissolved. If grains remain in the mixture, they will be difficult to wash out of the hair.
  4. To make the mixture more homogeneous, it can be slightly heated in a water bath and mixed thoroughly. Do not put diluted gelatin on the stove, it can burn.
  5. The mass should not be too liquid.. The ideal consistency resembles thin honey, freely flowing from a spoon and easily distributed over the strands. If the mixture is too thin, you can add a little oatmeal or flakes ground in a blender to it.
  6. Facilitate mask rinsing adding 1 teaspoon of conditioner or hair shampoo will help. Neutral detergents do not affect the composition of the preparation.

Principles of applying gelatin hair masks at home

Despite the variety of compositions, gelatin-based masks are applied in the same way. It is better to wash oily hair without treating it with conditioner, dry hair should be thoroughly combed with a brush, removing the remnants of styling products, dust and sebum.

It is convenient to apply the mixture with a flat brush made of synthetic fibers. The composition is evenly distributed over the strands, a small amount is applied to the scalp and roots. Do not forget about the tips, after distributing the main volume, put an additional portion of the product on them.

After applying, put a plastic cap on your head. Alternative options - cut plastic bag, cling film or parchment paper. Over the hair is wrapped thick terry towel. To enhance the effect, the mask can be heated with a hairdryer directly through a towel. The procedure lasts 30-45 minutes.

After removing the compress, the hair is thoroughly washed with warm water.

You can’t use too hot, it will erase the gelatin film, the strands will become dull and tousled.

To enhance shine, hair can be rinsed with cool water, adding a teaspoon of apple or grape vinegar to it, citric acid or natural lemon juice.

The best recipes for gelatin hair masks at home

The choice of recipe depends on the type and condition of the hair. For weakened, dry, strands damaged by frequent curls, a combination of gelatin with vegetable oils, fatty ones respond better to natural esters, sea salt, herbal decoctions.

An excellent effect is given by a mask with a complex of herbal supplements. It restores damaged strands, makes them elastic, alive, beautiful. Herbs give the hair a pleasant delicate aroma and keep the hairstyle fresh for a long time.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon of dried nettle;
  • 1 teaspoon dry mint;
  • 1 teaspoon of chopped pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of gelatin;
  • 1 st. shampoo spoon.

Prepare an herbal decoction by mixing chopped herbs and pouring a glass of boiling water over them. The mixture is infused for 1 hour, after which it must be filtered. Pour in the gelatin big amount decoction. Let it swell, then add the shampoo and the remaining decoction. Stir the mass, let it stand for 10 minutes, then moisten the hair abundantly from roots to ends.

Keep the mask for 40 minutes, rinse with warm water and dry in the open air without using a hair dryer.

2. Essential Blend

Instead of dry herbs, natural essential oils can be used to prepare the mask. They are especially good for dry hair, nourishing and stimulating the roots, giving the strands a spectacular shine.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of gelatin;
  • 1 teaspoon;
  • 2 drops essential oil geraniums;
  • 3 drops of jasmine oil

Pour gelatin 0.5 cups warm boiled water, mix, pour in apple cider vinegar. Leave the mixture for half an hour, and then spread it over freshly washed hair. Keep for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse with cool.

3. Growth and strength

Weak, lifeless, hair prone to falling out can be stimulated by a mask with gelatin and henna. It increases the volume of the strands, strengthens the roots, makes the color more saturated. This procedure is suitable for brunettes and brown-haired women, it is better for dyed blondes to choose a different recipe.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon of gelatin;
  • 1 st. spoon ;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • pinch .

Dissolve gelatin in 0.25 cups of warm water, add beaten egg yolk, henna and mustard. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, distribute along the entire length of the strands with a flat brush. Wash off the mask with warm water after 30 minutes.

Gelatin with added sea ​​salt will provide good volume to too liquid, sluggish, dull curls. Thanks to the added oils, the mixture nourishes the hair, restores its shafts, smoothes keratin scales.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of gelatin;
  • 1 teaspoon;
  • a few drops;
  • 1 teaspoon.

Pour gelatin with 0.5 cups of warm water, let it swell, add oils and salt. Mix the composition and apply on the strands for 40 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water and baby shampoo.

very well suited for normalizing overdried, damaged strands. They restore, nourish, help retain moisture in the curls, give a dazzling shine and make the natural shade deeper.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of gelatin;
  • 0.25 teaspoons of castor oil;
  • 0.25 tsp;
  • 2-3 drops of rose essential oil.

Dilute gelatin in 0.5 cups of warm water, let it swell and pour in the oils. The mixture must be thoroughly stirred so that it becomes as homogeneous as possible. Spread it through your hair. If the strands are very oily, apply the mask, starting from the middle and without touching the roots. Wash off after half an hour, the water should be very warm.

6. Milk recovery

Very mild composition, suitable for quick recovery and nutrition. Closes damaged keratin scales, heals the scalp without adding oil to it.

  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of gelatin;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of liquid honey.

Heat milk and mix it with gelatin. Leave to swell and add honey. Mix the mixture well, with a flat brush, apply it to the curls, giving Special attention tips and roots. After 40 minutes, rinse your head thoroughly with warm water.

An egg mask saturates the strands with lecithin and vitamins, strengthens them, makes them stronger, and prevents brittleness. For oily hair use a whole egg, for dry hair it is better to take one yolk.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of gelatin;
  • 1 egg (or 1 yolk);
  • 1 st. a spoonful of baby shampoo

Soak gelatin in 0.5 cups of warm water for half an hour. In a separate container, beat the egg and pour it into the gelatin mixture along with the shampoo. Mix everything until completely homogeneous and apply to the hair with a flat brush. Rub a small amount of the mixture into the scalp. Wash off the composition after 40 minutes with not too hot water.

8 Tropical Glitter

A mask with coconut oil that nourishes weakened, dry, damaged strands is very useful. After the procedure, the curls exude a delicate aroma, become shiny and very obedient.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of gelatin;
  • 1 st. spoon ;
  • A few drops.

Melt the coconut oil in a water bath and add to the gelatin, previously soaked in 0.5 cups of warm water. Stir the mixture thoroughly, for complete uniformity it can be heated a little more. Add essential oil, stir. Apply a warm mass to the hair, rub into the roots, put an additional layer on the tips. The procedure lasts 35-50 minutes.

mask with lemon juice recommended for oily, dull, unruly strands. It is especially good for natural blondes or girls with dyed, bleached, highlighted hair.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of gelatin;
  • 0.5 lemon;
  • 1.5 st. spoons of baby shampoo

Squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix it with gelatin. Add 3 tablespoons of warm water and shampoo, let the mixture brew. Distribute it over the strands from roots to ends, rub a small portion into the scalp. After 40 minutes, wash off the composition with warm water and rinse with cool water, adding a little citric acid or natural juice to it.

Homemade gelatin masks will help restore even the most neglected hair. One treatment a week will help maintain a spectacular appearance curls, restore their health and vitality.

Reviews on the use of masks based on gelatin are very ambiguous. Some authors enthusiastically claim that this simple tool is a real alternative to salon lamination, others complain about “overloaded”, hard and quickly dirty strands and jelly grains stuck in them. The truth, as usual, lies somewhere in the middle.

Practice shows that a gelatin hair mask at home really helps to solve some problems, but you should not put too much hope on it. Before adding gelatin to all drugs, you need to figure out how and why it works. This rule applies to any means from the arsenal of folk cosmetology.

Gelatin is a substance of animal origin, in fact - hydrolyzed collagen. Collagen, as you know, is a protein that provides elasticity to the skin, hair, ligaments, etc. And hydrolyzed means obtained as a result of the destruction of protein fibers due to chemical or thermal effects.

Gelatin is a natural, harmless product that practically does not cause allergies to anyone. It is no coincidence that the outer shell of many medicines(capsules, tablets) is made from it. When interacting with water, gelatin swells, when heated, it dissolves, and when cooled, it solidifies.

Gelatin envelops the hair, smoothing its scales, leveling the breaks, and forms a protective film over it. Thanks to this, the curls become smoother, and the hairstyle becomes voluminous. Thus, any masks with gelatin have a more or less pronounced lamination effect. They should be used if the strands:

  • naughty, difficult to style;
  • fluff and electrify;
  • devoid of brilliance;
  • comb badly;
  • dry;
  • do not look bulky.

There is evidence that with prolonged and regular use of masks, the structure of the curls also improves, they become stronger and healthier. This can be explained by the presence of amino acids and vitamins in the composition of gelatin.

However, to accelerate hair growth and prevent hair loss, it is better to find another remedy. Fans of gelatin masks would be happy to declare them a panacea for all diseases, including alopecia. But it is unlikely that it can help in this situation, especially since it cannot be applied to the scalp.

Home lamination and its difference from salon

The popularity of gelatin masks is due to an effect similar to the effect of professional lamination. Indeed, after the first application, for many (but not all!) Women, the curls become smooth, heavy, even, shiny and well-groomed. But if penny gelatin were really an alternative to complex lamination compounds, salons would go bankrupt.

  • The result of using gelatin masks is short-lived. 2-3 shampoos are enough to completely wash off the gelatin. Thus, you can enjoy smooth curls for a maximum of 1.5 weeks. Professional lamination lasts longer.
  • Both procedures involve thermal exposure. But with salon lamination, it is necessary so that the active ingredients penetrate the inside of the hair, and with home lamination, it is necessary for uniform dissolution of gelatin, so this similarity should not mislead anyone.
  • You need to understand that both procedures have a predominantly cosmetic, rather than a therapeutic effect: the curls only become healthier outwardly. But gelatin lamination at least does no harm, since it does not contain any "suspicious" chemicals (for example, silicones).
  • If you treat your hair with gelatin too often, unpleasant consequences are possible (stiffness, brittleness, untidy appearance). The same situation is observed in the case of abuse of salon lamination.
  • Gelatin mask is a very budget tool. This is her great advantage.

Precautionary measures

A gelatin-based mask can be harmful if:

  • your curls are long and loose. Gelatin forms a film on top of the hair, which stretches it and adds extra weight. Under their own weight, damaged strands are torn;
  • your hair is oily. Gelatin film, once on the scalp, can disrupt metabolic processes. To avoid this, the mask should not be applied to the roots: it is necessary to deviate from them by 2-3 cm;
  • you apply it more than 2 times a month. During this period, the active substance does not have time to completely wash off the surface of the hair, and, accumulating, leads to their weighting and rapid contamination. An “overdose” of gelatin makes the strands coarse, greasy, heavy and sticky to each other. They may even start to fall out;
  • you are allergic to any of the ingredients of the product (not gelatin).

The subtleties of the manufacture and use of masks

Gelatin is produced in the form of crushed crystals, fine instant powder, plates. IN home cosmetology it is recommended to use the so-called "white", powder.

Dissolve the product according to the instructions on the package.

This is usually done like this:

  • Gelatin is poured with water at room temperature in a ratio of 1:3 (1:4) and left for 15-40 minutes to swell.
  • Then, with constant stirring, it dissolves until smooth and heated in a water bath. You can do this in the microwave at low power. But at the same time, you need to make sure that it does not start to boil! Having boiled over, the substance loses not only its useful properties, but also the ability to form a film.
  • Slightly cooled gelatin is mixed with other components of the mask and used for its intended purpose. Please note that gelatin should not be cooled in the refrigerator, otherwise it will turn into jelly and you will have to reheat it.

Now let's move on to the rules for applying the product:

  • It is better to start a course of gelatin masks in autumn or spring, when it is most relevant.
  • Curls should be washed and dried with a towel. Sometimes the mask is applied to dry hair, but it is more difficult to evenly distribute the composition over them.
  • The consistency of the product should be creamy. For this reason, pure gelatin is rarely used: it is usually mixed with thicker ingredients.
  • The mask is applied along the entire length of the hair, excluding the tips, in order to avoid skin tightening, itching and lipid metabolism disorders.
  • The strands are wrapped in plastic wrap or tucked under a shower cap. It is advisable to warm them up with a hair dryer (directly through polyethylene) for 5 to 10 minutes. This is done so that the gelatin dissolves better and acts faster.
  • After 30-45 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water. Keep in mind that too hot water can completely dissolve the gelatin film. If there were no fatty components in the mask, then you need to wash it off without shampoo. If there were any, it is not forbidden to use a small amount detergent, but - necessarily natural, without aggressive components.
  • Then the strands can be rinsed with warm acidified water to enhance shine.
  • You can not go to bed until the curls are dry, otherwise creases may form on them.
  • The procedure is repeated every 2 weeks. The duration of the course is 10 sessions.

Most often, gelatin is mixed with natural products: honey, kefir, egg, essential and base (to a lesser extent) oils, as well as herbal decoctions. The main thing is that the mask should not be too complex in composition: in this case, some ingredients can neutralize the effect of others.


Home laminating agent, option 1

  • 15 g (1 tbsp.) edible gelatin pour 3 tbsp. spoons of warm water, leave to swell. At this time, wash and lightly dry your hair. Warm the swollen gelatin, stirring, and add a few (5-6) drops of argan oil to it. If you are afraid that the hair will quickly lose its “presentation”, exclude the oil or replace it with a couple of drops of ether. Then add to the mixture 1.5 tbsp. spoons of thick hair mask, which you usually use. You should get a creamy mass. Step back 5 cm from the hair roots and evenly distribute the product along their entire length. Twist the strands into a bun, put them under polyethylene and warm with a towel. If desired, use a hair dryer (it makes the effect more noticeable). After 40 minutes, rinse the curls without shampoo, rinse with cool water and let them dry naturally. The effect of this procedure is not immediately noticeable. But after you do it 3-4 times, the hair will really become more manageable, elastic, shiny and healthy.

Home laminating agent, option 2

  • Dilute gelatin with water in the same ratio. While it swells, mix the protein of 1 chicken egg with 2-3 tbsp. spoons of a purchased hair mask (thick!). Without heating the gelatin, combine it with protein, mask and (optionally) a few drops of essential oil. If individual grains of gelatin do not dissolve, do not worry: this is normal. Mix the mass well and cover the hair thickly and evenly with it, trying to avoid the roots. Take care of the tips: they are usually dry. Wrap the curls with cling film, heat them with a hair dryer for a few minutes. Once they are warm (but not hot; don't use too high a setting!), wrap your head in a thick towel. Over the next 40 minutes, the gelatin will completely melt and begin to act. Wash your hair with warm water without using shampoo and let it dry.

Oily hair mask

  • Suitable for natural blondes and owners of bleached curls; when applied to dark hair may lighten them up a bit. Dilute and heat gelatin (1:3). Squeeze juice from ½ lemon, stir in gelatin and let stand. Add 1.5 tbsp. spoons of mild baby shampoo, stir. Apply the product to the hair, avoiding the roots. Wrap with foil and leave for 30 minutes. Hold the curls longer under warm running water and rinse with cold, with the addition of apple cider vinegar.

Kefir mask for nourishing hair of any type

  • Dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of gelatin 3 tbsp. spoons of milk or kefir. Let swell, heat until dissolved. If desired, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid honey. Spread the warm mixture through your hair, put it under a plastic cap and warm it with a towel. It is not necessary to use a hair dryer (honey already has a warming effect). After 40 minutes, rinse the strands, if necessary - with baby shampoo.

Herbal masks

  • Pour gelatin with hot chamomile infusion (for blonde hair), nettle (for dark ones), sage or mint. Add a couple of drops of essential oil. When the gelatin dissolves, quickly apply the mixture to your hair and insulate it. Wash off after 40 minutes without shampoo.

Gelatin hair masks have an amazing result, which can be compared with hair lamination...

Gelatin hair masks - for shine and volume

Gelatin hair masks have an amazing result, which can be compared with hair lamination. Gelatin covers the hair with a thin nourishing film that saturates the hair with protein and restores its structure. The hairstyle becomes more voluminous, the hair is easy to style, looks healthy and shiny.

But with dry and brittle hair, as well as if they are subjected to frequent perms it should be remembered that some types of gelatin masks dry hair. In this case, they should be used with extreme caution.

How to prepare a gelatin mask:

1. Boil water, cool. Pour 1 tablespoon of gelatin (any from the store) into a bowl, pour three tablespoons of water (attention: not hot!). If your hair is thick and/or long, the amount of gelatin can be tripled. The main thing is to stick to the proportion of 1:3.

2. Mix everything well. If the gelatin sticks to the spoon, don't worry, it will wash off. Now it will be better to cover the bowl with a lid or a plate (so that the gelatin does not freeze) and set aside for 20 minutes.

3. If the gelatin still has not melted, heat it in a water bath - the main thing is that it does not boil at the same time, otherwise all the benefits of the mask will go to naught. But remember: all lumps must dissolve, because if you apply gelatin that has not completely dissolved on your hair, it will be very difficult to comb it out.

4. Let the mask cool, add 0.5 tablespoon of your favorite to it. nourishing mask or balm - this tool will help to easily wash off the mask from the hair.

5. If you want, you can enrich the composition of the mask with other ingredients (mustard, milk, yolk, herbs, and so on), based on your hair type. The final consistency should resemble sparse honey.

How to apply a gelatin mask

All gelatin hair masks are easy to apply. But there is one caveat: do not apply this mask on the scalp, even on the hair roots- so the substance will be washed off more easily, and there will be no itching.

1. Immediately after applying the mask, put on a special cap or a simple bag on your hair.

2. We wrap everything on top with a towel, after which we warm it up with a hairdryer for 10-15 minutes.

3. Well, now we forget about the mask for as long as 45 minutes.

4. The gelatin mask is washed off with plain water - if there are no lumps, then this is done easily thanks to the added balm.

This procedure can be carried out at least once a week. Each time the effect will be more visible: the hair will become healthier, smoother, even, and also much thicker.

If you have a problem with breakage or shedding, gelatin masks will help solve it.

Recipes for masks with gelatin

There are many gelatin masks for any type of hair. Here are some of the recipes. Try it!

Gelatin mask with egg.

Compound: 1 small packet of powdered gelatin, 1 egg yolk (you can use a whole egg if you have oily hair), shampoo.

Gelatin should be poured into a cup, add the yolk and 2-3 tablespoons of balm. Mix everything thoroughly and leave the mass to swell for 30 minutes. Then apply the mask on the hair along the entire length, cover the head with polyethylene, warm with a towel and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse off this mask with cool water and shampoo. Apply 1 time per week.

Gelatin milk mask for dry hair

Dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin in a glass of milk, add a spoonful of honey. Apply the mixture on curls for 1 hour. Hair will gain shine and become obedient.

Mask with gelatin and coconut oil for nourishment and shine

Dissolve a spoonful of gelatin in 0.5 cups hot water. Add a tablespoon of melted coconut oil and a couple of drops of ylang-ylang essential oil. Apply the mask to your hair for 1 hour.

Gelatin mask with lemon for oily, dyed and bleached hair

Add the juice of half a lemon to 1 tablespoon of gelatin. Mix thoroughly, let it brew until it swells. Then add 2-3 teaspoons of shampoo to the resulting mixture and mix. Distribute the mask evenly over the hair and leave for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Gelatin mask with herbal infusion to improve hair structure

In 1 cup of warm herbal infusion based on chamomile, mint and nettle, add 1 tablespoon of gelatin and 2-3 teaspoons of shampoo. Let it brew and swell the mixture for half an hour. Apply the resulting composition to the hair, hold for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Gelatin mask with esters for dry and damaged hair

Dissolve 1 tablespoon of gelatin in a glass of warm water. Add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 3-4 drops of rosemary, geranium, sage or jasmine essential oils of your choice. Mix everything well, beat and let it brew for half an hour. Then apply the mask on washed damp hair for 15-20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and shampoo.

Gelatin mask with henna for hair growth

Dissolve 1 teaspoon of gelatin in 1/4 cup of water. Let it swell for half an hour. In the resulting mass, add 1 teaspoon of colorless henna and a pinch of mustard, you can add 1 egg yolk. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply to the hair along the entire length. Leave on for 30 minutes and wash off with warm water

Gelatin mask with sea salt and oils for hair volume

Dissolve 1 tablespoon of gelatin in half a glass of water and add 1 teaspoon of sea salt, the same amount of castor and burdock oil and 2-3 drops of rosemary or ylang-ylang essential oils of your choice. Allow to swell for 30 minutes, then apply evenly to the hair and wrap it on top with plastic wrap and a terry towel. After half an hour, wash off with warm water and a mild baby shampoo.

Gelatin Shampoo

For this recipe, it is best to take baby shampoo.

Mix 1 tablespoon of shampoo and 1 tsp. gelatin. Leave the mixture to swell for 15-30 minutes. Apply the resulting shampoo to clean, well-combed hair, rub into the hair roots. After 10 minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly with plenty of water. Rinse your hair with conditioner to make combing easier.

Burdock (castor) mask with gelatin

We mix gelatin and warm water (the proportion is the same - one to three). After that, add 0.5 teaspoon of one of these oils.

Mask with almond oil

In the proportion already known to us, we dilute gelatin with water. It would be better for owners of oily hair to add no more than 0.5 teaspoon of almond oil to the mass, for girls with normal hair - 1 spoon, and with dry hair - 1.5 spoons. We warm everything in a water bath and apply to the hair.

Attention: this mask is washed off after 30 minutes, no later!

Masks with juices for hair shine

If you have black or dark hair , you can add carrot juice to the composition of the mask. For blondes apple or lemon juice diluted with water is also recommended.

Calculation: for 1 tablespoon of gelatin you need to take about three tablespoons of juice (which is added instead of water).

We warm this mixture in a water bath, apply as described above.

Can also be used instead of juice fresh milk- regardless of hair color.

Another option is to use still mineral water(but it would be better to enrich such a mask vitamin A or lemon juice).

Hair masks with gelatin contain "building material" for hair, they become stronger, grow faster. In addition, due to its enveloping properties, gelatin protects the hair from damage during styling and makes it thicker.

P.S. Gelatin should be thoroughly washed out of the hair, otherwise they will stick together. Masks are very convenient to use on straight lines. short hair, but with long or curly ones you have to tinker.

This is my favorite mask that I do most often. It is suitable for dry and damaged hair. It will completely wash off after 4 shampoos, so repeat it 1-2 times a week, depending on how often you wash your hair.
It will require:
- 1 tbsp. gelatin
- 1 tbsp. honey
- 3 tablespoons milk
- a few drops of any essential oil, I use lavender
Dissolve gelatin in milk, let it brew for 15-20 minutes, then heat in a water bath. Make sure it doesn't boil. When it is completely dissolved, let it cool down a bit, then add honey and a few drops of oil. Stir properly. The mask is ready.
Gelatin masks should be applied to wet hair, you need to keep them for at least 40 minutes, preferably longer, depending on how much free time you have. The masks are washed off with warm water and shampoo.

2. Gelatin mask for dry and damaged hair

You will need:
- 1 tbsp. gelatin
- 3 tablespoons water
- 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
Stir the ingredients, put on water bath and add 3-5 drops of any essential oil, apply to the hair.

3. Classic gelatin mask

You will need:
- 1 tbsp. gelatin
- 3 tablespoons hot water
- 1/2 tbsp. hair balm (any)
After preparing the mask, as usual, as described above, apply to wet hair, retreating 2 cm from the roots. We leave for 40 min-hour. Rinse and dry in the usual way.

4. Fruit gelatin hair mask

Fruit masks are useful not only for the face! Hair also needs vitamins) Blondes will make such a mask with lemon juice, and brunettes with carrot juice. We mix gelatin and juice, as usual, in a ratio of 1: 3, insist, heat in a water bath and use as a classic mask.

5. Gelatin hair mask with egg

You will need:
- 1 tbsp. gelatin
- 3 tablespoons water
- 1 yolk

6. Gelatin oil mask

This mask is good for dry hair. Oil can be used almond, castor or burdock.
You will need:
- 1 tbsp. gelatin
- 3 tablespoons water
- 1.5 tsp almond oil if you have dry hair, 0.5 if oily, and 1 tsp. - normal
We use it as a classic mask.