The baby was brought from the maternity hospital with the first actions. What a young mother needs to remember in the first days after returning home from the maternity hospital. What clothes for a baby will be comfortable in a car seat?

The first days spent at home with a newborn are of great importance for his future life. It is very important for a baby to feel needed, to feel the love of mom and dad... But how can you make the first “family” days as comfortable as possible for mother and child? Your baby is a real miracle. It smells deliciously of childhood and something familiar and painfully familiar. He is small, small, and his tiny arms and legs are touching. He, quietly snoring, imperceptibly falls asleep in your arms, but wakes up just as quickly. He constantly demands your attention - and you cannot and do not want to refuse it. But is it easy to constantly be near a newborn and devote all your time only to him, when your husband, for example, wants to eat, you need to tidy up the apartment, do endless laundry? diapers-vests...And this means that you need to prepare in advance for your arrival from the maternity hospital. Preparing a dowry You may have heard the advice of grandmothers and mothers that say, “Don’t buy anything for your child in advance - Bad sign! Any experienced mother will tell you that it’s better to forget about this sign. Nobody better than mom doesn’t know what to buy for the baby, what will be useful and what won’t. Those who don’t buy the baby’s dowry in advance often end up in trouble - the mother is at home, has not yet left after giving birth and cannot leave the baby even for a minute. Dad in the store he buys the first things he comes across at crazy prices, and then it turns out that what he bought will be useful in a year. We recommend that before giving birth you buy the following standard set of clothes for a newborn: - an envelope for discharge from the maternity hospital on sheepskin,
- 10-20 thin diapers,
- 10-20 thicker diapers, - 3-4 diaper vests,
- 2-3 “people” for sleeping,
- 2-3 blouses, - 2-3 pairs of rompers,
- 2-3 “bodysuits”,
- 1-2 pairs of socks,
- 2 thin hats and 1-2 warm ones. Domestic companies mark sizes according to height. For a newborn, size 56 is suitable, but you can take 62 - the child will grow to it in just a month. From household items, you will definitely need a sling, a bathtub, special children's scissors, children's cotton swabs, a first aid kit (hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, potassium permanganate, string, chamomile, etc.), powder, baby soap and shampoo. And don’t forget about diapers! Size 1 will suit you, for children from three to six kilograms. Do not buy diapers labeled Newborn. They are suitable for low birth weight babies, and for most babies they are already cramped in the second week of life. A crib and stroller are useful things, but usually the first time a newborn is constantly in your arms and in bed with your mother, especially if you - supporters of breastfeeding. These items will be needed, but not right away. Cleaning the apartment It is believed that the main enemy of a newborn is microbes, so it is necessary to very carefully clean the apartment before the mother and baby arrive from the maternity hospital. It is especially important to do this immediately the day before the mother and newborn return home. It’s funny: the future dad, placing his wife in the hospital for safekeeping before childbirth, immediately cleans the apartment sterilely; a week or two or three passes - not a trace of cleanliness remains. Finally, when the wife gave birth and returned home, the apartment is no longer as clean as it should be. Dear future fathers, grandmothers, and grandfathers! Let's do everything on time. My wife gave birth - we got together and did a thorough cleaning: we vacuumed and knocked out all the carpets, sofas and armchairs (just don't give the carpets for dry cleaning), washed all the floors, wiped off the dust, washed the curtains, cleaned the kitchen, etc. bathroom and toilet. It is very important for a mother to come to a cleanly cleaned apartment - both psychologically and for physiological reasons. Every woman who has given birth wants to feel that she is loved, needed and cared for. On the other hand, after giving birth, a woman does not immediately everything is healing, and in order not to introduce an infection, cleanliness is needed. As for the degree of sterility, a healthy balance is important here. Practice shows that the first cleaning before the mother and newborn arrive from the maternity hospital should be very thorough - using detergents like Domestos, and in the first week you have to clean every day. But cleaning a house where a newborn baby lives has its own specifics. You should wash floors and wipe off dust without aggressive chemicals. In principle, this problem can be solved by using environmentally friendly detergents. However, most pediatricians will advise you to refrain from using any detergents in the first week after the baby is born. Therefore, in the first week or two of your newborn’s stay in the apartment I wash the floor with plain water, ventilate the rooms in which this moment the newborn is not present (so as not to catch a cold), approximately every 30-40 minutes for 10-15 minutes. Meeting from the maternity hospital Many young fathers do not quite understand the specifics of the event. It is very important to realize that the newborn and the young mother, after arriving from the maternity hospital, need, first turn, cleanliness and peace. Therefore, it is best if, upon returning from the maternity hospital, a woman sees a clean, ventilated apartment in which she can relax and comfortably accommodate her child. A meeting from the maternity hospital is not a reason for a stormy feast and receiving guests, because mothers are just you have to arrange your life with the baby. Yes, and the baby may immediately require care and care (for example, he has colic). So, despite the fact that the newborn baby is still immune to sounds and light, there is no need to exhaust the mother. She still has There are a lot of exhausting events, so you need to save your energy. Can I come visit you? Often, having learned about a joyful event, relatives and friends try to come visit to congratulate them on the new addition to the family. Some mothers and fathers perceive this as normal, but others strongly against such visits. When receiving guests, one must proceed from the fact that the child does not yet have a developed immune system. Moreover, he has just begun to “get acquainted” with the bacteria that are in the environment. It follows from this that a newborn does not need contact with guests. However, this is not a reason to close your doors. After all, people bought gifts and come with good things! You can explain your motivation for not receiving guests in the first days after the birth of the baby and postponing visits from guests, say, for a month or a month and a half. Usually people are sympathetic to this position of caring parents. In any case , here it is better to play it safe than to infect your newborn with some kind of infection out of false politeness. Also, when you are planning visits from guests, try to have one or two visits per day. Anything more is tiring for mother and baby. Distribution of responsibilities If the birth went well, and the mother is fine with lactation, the woman often feels a surge of strength after arriving from the maternity hospital. It is enough for everything - prepare cabbage rolls, put the baby to the breast 30 times a day, wash the floors, do exercises, take care of herself, and she also finds work on the Internet and in her free minutes designs websites, writes articles or programs. After a couple of months of such a life, it’s simply hard to believe that at first there was so much strength. The person begins to function in the mode half asleep and slowly going crazy with a screaming baby, a hungry husband and work partners demanding results. Therefore, it is simply necessary to balance the responsibilities of caring for the baby and the home in such a way that the mother does not overwork. In the first month or two, it is necessary to organize the life of a young mother so that she has the opportunity to deal only with herself and the baby - monitor lactation, enjoy spending time with as a child, eat well and take care of yourself. It happens, of course, the other way around. In cases where there was a difficult birth or caesarean section, it takes more time to recover. And if there are also problems with the breast and the baby has colic, the mother generally has a hard time. Works great here Golden Rule life in a family: help and distribution of responsibilities. For example, when a mother is tired of rocking a screaming baby, her father replaces her. Dad bathes the baby. The grandmother or a visiting assistant cleans and cooks. Advice for family and friends: do not expect to be asked to help. Just take on some of the responsibilities - at least for the first time. Health and happiness to you and your baby, and may only peace and tranquility reign in your family!

Your baby was recently born, and now you are being discharged from the hospital. Now there will be no doctors or nurses nearby around the clock. Who can you ask for advice and inquire about your baby’s health? Who will look after the baby and how now?

Upon discharge

In the case of an uncomplicated spontaneous birth, you and your baby will be discharged from the maternity hospital on the 4-5th day, even if the day of discharge falls on the weekend. At caesarean section discharged a little later - within 7 to 10 days. Before discharge, a neonatologist will come to you and tell you how to care for your baby at home. The pediatric nurse will swaddle and dress the baby in discharge clothes or an envelope.

The doctor will provide you with a set of documents - this is a certificate for the registry office, as well as a discharge summary for the baby for transfer to the children's clinic (at your place of residence or a private clinic). This is necessary so that doctors who will monitor the baby in the future know the characteristics of his health at birth, take into account the procedures performed on him and vaccinations (if any).

In the discharge summary it is noted exact time and the method of birth of the baby, Apgar score, course of the early postpartum period, treatment of the umbilical cord and other data. In addition, they will note the result of the general examination and the fact of taking blood for congenital diseases - hypothyroidism and galactosemia.

When you go home, the information about you and your baby will be transferred by telephone to the clinic and the registry office at your place of residence - you will indicate it yourself upon discharge. The next day, even if it is Saturday or Sunday, the pediatrician on duty from the clinic or your local pediatrician will come to your home.

Important note: you are not required to be seen in a clinic at your place of residence - you can choose a private clinic or family doctor and use their services.

Contacts with the children's clinic

There is no need to think that there is something wrong with the baby. Patronage is a system of measures to prevent diseases in children; the doctor comes to see you and notice you in time if problems suddenly arise. The pediatrician can also answer your questions and help with advice - after all, if this is your first baby, you still know little about caring for him.

When the pediatrician arrives, prepare documents - the baby’s discharge summary (third page). If you have questions, write them down on a piece of paper so you don't forget anything.

Specify the address of the children's clinic. The doctor should give you the reception phone number to call a doctor at home, and also provide the opening hours of his office, tell you when the days are for a healthy child and when sick children are admitted.

If this is a doctor at a municipal clinic, he is not obliged to give you his personal cell phone, although he may well do this on his own initiative. If this is a pediatrician from a private clinic, then the possibility of additional telephone consultations and personal home calls cell phone is discussed in the contract that you enter into with the medical institution.

Prepare a place where the doctor will examine the baby. It should be light, warm, and there should be hygiene products at hand. The doctor will completely undress the child, remove and treat the umbilical wound. Be prepared to change or swaddle your baby later.

Doctors usually do not take off their shoes when visiting patients, so to avoid misunderstandings, prepare disposable shoe covers when the pediatrician arrives. Many parents buy a whole set - gloves, shoe covers and disposable spatulas for examining the baby’s oral cavity.

First patronage

Upon arrival, the doctor, after washing his hands and warming them, will carefully examine the baby. He will completely undress him, turn him over onto his back and tummy, while asking you about childbirth and breastfeeding, about your complaints about the health and well-being of the baby, about how often the baby has bowel movements and urination. If possible, save one of the diapers with feces when the pediatrician arrives - this is important diagnostic information.

The doctor will examine the baby’s legs and arms, feel the stitches on the head, then palpate chest and tummy, bring the legs to the stomach and place the baby on the stomach, evaluate his behavior and reflexes.

After the examination, the pediatrician will ask you to treat the umbilical wound in front of him or do it himself to assess the condition of the wound and the degree of its healing. Now is the time to ask accumulated questions, clarify unclear points and seek advice. The doctor will also warn you about the next visits - a visiting nurse or doctor will come to you in turn, 1-2 times a week. If the child requires monitoring for health reasons, then their visits may be more frequent.

If something bothers you

At normal course During the postpartum period, you will be at home for the entire month, and at the end of it you will come to see a pediatrician at the clinic. But if something bothers you, the doctor can refer you to specialists earlier, or you can additionally call him at home by calling the reception desk. If your child has a fever, diarrhea, or shortness of breath, do not hesitate - call ambulance or go for a consultation with a doctor.

After giving birth, women literally count the hours until they are discharged from the hospital and dream of being home as soon as possible. And this is absolutely understandable - family and friends whom we have not seen for so long are waiting for us at home. A shower, our own bed and slippers await us. But at home, not only rest awaits us, but also many new tasks and responsibilities.

Cleaning, washing, cooking, ironing - and this is not the whole list of daily tasks. And it takes so much effort to care for a baby! What if there are also older children in the house?! In fact, there is no need to try to cover everything: therefore, in the first days after returning from the maternity hospital, it is very important for mother and baby to adjust the environment and get plenty of rest.

So, if everything is fine with you and the baby, you will be discharged from the maternity hospital in 3-4 days. During this time, the relatives have probably already managed to do a general cleaning, remove excess carpets, furniture and strong-smelling house plants from the room where the baby will now live, installed a crib and freed up space on the balcony for a stroller.

The first day at home after the maternity hospital brings real panic to new mothers, especially if this was their first birth. What should you do after the maternity hospital, what do you need to know, how to properly care for a newborn, what does a child need after the maternity hospital, and how to plan your own schedule? All these questions simply fall upon young mothers. But inexperience is not a problem. We will tell you what a mother needs after giving birth and how the baby’s first days after the maternity hospital should go.

A few days before discharge

You need to take care of your arrival home even before discharge. Make a list of shopping and things that your husband needs to do before you arrive. Many women believe that their husband will do everything necessary without additional advice. But it is only obvious to you that any nursing mother needs black tea and milk, cottage cheese and boiled turkey, and any child needs a wet cleaning in the room and a crib... But even the most caring man can get confused, forget something or confuse something.

Your first tasks after discharge

After returning home, you just want to lie down and do nothing. Of course, you need to sleep both at night and during the day - fortunately, a newborn does this often and a lot, but there are some things that you can’t evade:

  • Call the children's clinic and report the new resident. You should now be visited by a doctor. Until the doctor arrives, find slippers for him (or buy disposable shoe covers), a notepad or notebook where you will write down information about the child’s care. The pediatrician will examine the baby, give some recommendations on some procedures and introduce the main rules of care;
  • You need to take care of redistributing responsibilities for the next few days. After being discharged from the maternity hospital, the mother needs to rest more. What about cooking, washing and cleaning? Your loved ones will take on these responsibilities. Leave the cleaning and grocery shopping to your husband. Leave the cooking to your mother (let your mother prepare a large pot of soup and cutlets - so you don’t have to think about cooking for at least a couple more days) and laundry;
  • It is important to establish GW. For successful lactation you need to eat well, drink plenty of fluids, be less nervous, get plenty of rest, etc. Eliminate from your diet any foods that may trigger allergies. If your chest becomes empty, drink tea with milk, don’t be nervous and sleep more. There is no need to wash your breasts before each feeding - just take a shower once a day. And feed your baby in a position that is comfortable for you. There are also several simple rules, following which you can breastfeed your baby for a long time and without problems. First of all, this is only if there is a good reason for it. For example, if you need to leave home for several hours, or there is a lump in the chest (), which the child cannot “dissolve”. Secondly, correct attachment, you need to ensure that the child grasps the nipple correctly, otherwise cracks cannot be avoided. And thirdly, alternately changing mammary glands for feeding. That is, for 1 feeding, provided that there is no lack of milk, you need to give one breast, and the next feeding the other.

Microclimate for mother and child

On the first day at home after the maternity hospital, it is worth limiting the visits of relatives - the baby is adapting to the new environment, and unfamiliar faces can only add stress.

Doctors do not recommend walking in the first days of a child’s life - his immunity is weak, he can get sick very easily. Do not overheat your baby - his cotton clothes should be only one layer warmer than your clothes. Prepare a room for the baby. First, ventilate it well. Secondly, do a wet cleaning. The baby needs it (and with soap only once a week. It is advisable to purchase a separate bath for the baby in advance) It is not at all necessary to boil the water for bathing. Dry after bathing umbilical wound. , they should tell you at the maternity hospital. There is no consensus - some doctors are inclined to use hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green, others simply advise boiled water.

As for home clothes, then newborns are usually kept in diapers most of the time, especially during sleep. Since the child cannot yet control his movements, it can be difficult for him to fall asleep, diapers in this case good helpers. But swaddling tightly is harmful (). And during short periods of wakefulness, the child should be dressed in undershirts and rompers. At normal room temperature, the cap should be put on only after swimming.

For 3-6 weeks, women who have given birth will experience postpartum vaginal discharge. But the bleeding should become less intense every day. After the disappearance of postpartum discharge, that is, approximately 2 months after birth, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist. He should examine the cervix, which may have been damaged during childbirth, and also recommend contraception if motherhood is not in the immediate plans.

In the first weeks after giving birth, you may feel emotionally overwhelmed, confused, and unsure of your own actions. Believe me, this will pass with time, you don’t need to focus on your own mistakes, it’s better to find someone who can tell you what’s what.

Schools for pregnant women now provide a special service - a visit from a consultant on lactation and the first days of the baby. By inviting a specialist, you will avoid unnecessary hassle like “am I feeding him (bathing, swaddling) correctly?” Otherwise, do not hesitate to ask all your questions to the pediatric nurse from the clinic, and then to the local pediatrician (they are required to regularly visit newborns).


Now the priority is steamed vegetables and cereals, boiled lean meat. From coffee better first time to abstain. You should not consume carbonated drinks, as well as foods and dishes that lead to bloating. Fruits and fruit juices should be introduced into your diet gradually. Preference should be given to green fruits, as they are usually less likely to cause allergic reactions.

Parents' experiences

Sometimes absolutely natural phenomena cause panic in young mothers and fathers in the first days after the maternity hospital, especially if there is no one to consult with. Situations in which you should not worry:

  1. Heat. In children, thermoregulation does not develop immediately, and if during feeding or crying the mark on the thermometer reaches 38 degrees, then after the baby calms down, it usually drops. Therefore, there is no need to panic if there is no cough or other cold symptoms.
  2. Skin condition. In the first weeks of life, she gets used to the environment, so peeling and redness are possible. You should not get carried away with baths with herbs and potassium permanganate; it is better to ask your pediatrician about a suitable moisturizer.

And finally, you need to do three things: register the child at the registry office, register him in the apartment and arrange maternity payments for yourself.

Let the husband find out what the deadlines are for registering babies (up to a maximum of 3 months) and obtaining assistance (half a year). This can be done before the birth, by preparing the necessary certificates in advance. Remember, a child can be registered with one of the parents without the knowledge and consent of everyone living in the apartment (even a privatized one).

First week at home

You have become a mother! The first week at home is very important for your baby and exciting for you. The baby adapts to the light, the first sounds and touches. Help him in this difficult matter. In today's video we have collected several simple tips, which will help you worry less and enjoy more moments of long-awaited happiness.

Life after childbirth. The first days with the baby. Postpartum depression. Discharging from maternity hospital

How the first days of mother and child begin. What difficulties does a young mother face after the birth of her baby? Postpartum department. Pros and cons of contract delivery services

The birth of a baby is a great joy in the life of any family, and it can hardly be compared with anything. However, no matter how well young parents are prepared for this event, they will still have a huge number of questions, and they will definitely encounter the first obstacles on their way right away after discharge from the hospital .

Organization of everyday life and children's room

By the time you arrive home, all preparations must be completely completed, and the child must immediately be brought to his personal room. And if for some reason this is impossible, provide him with a separate, spacious corner in the room.

The house where your baby will live should always be light and clean. It is recommended to carry out wet cleaning daily. There is no need to try to achieve absolute sterility - this is not very rational. The baby has his own the immune system, and gradually he still must get acquainted with the microflora that surrounds him.

Household microbes and the home environment are unlikely to harm the baby; he knows them from the womb; his mother passed on some of the antibodies to him. But they will train the immune system to fight other microbes.

The room must be regularly ventilated, and in the warm season the window or window must always be open.

Many parents are afraid that their baby will freeze, but no one thinks about the fact that overheating is much more dangerous for a child. If the baby moves intensely when freezing and lets you know about its condition by screaming, then when it overheats, the baby does not show it at all until it becomes completely unwell, and you observe it yourself.

And in general, hardening children with early age has a beneficial effect on health and immunity. The main thing is not to overdo it.

If at your home dry air or central heating is running, it doesn’t hurt to purchase a special humidifier in advance and constantly use it, maintaining the most optimal level of humidity in the room (60%).

What should you do on the first day?

As a rule, discharge occurs in the first half of the day. The maternity hospital issues the appropriate papers: a certificate for obtaining a birth certificate from the registry office and a discharge summary. The discharge summary must be given to the family doctor or local physician, who will come to your home.

As soon as you return from maternity hospital , change the child into household clothes and let him rest and eat, and himself young mother you will need a good rest. Try to limit the number of visitors in the first days until your baby has fully adapted to his new environment.

There is no need to start walking and taking a bath on the first day; the most basic hygiene measures are enough - washing, changing a diaper and washing up. You can put the baby in your bed to share sleep . First, do not forget to provide him with a practical and comfortable place by covering his area with diapers.

At night you will have to get up several times to feed and change the baby. Arrange in advance for a dim night light in close proximity to the bed so that once again do not wake up your loved ones, and also prepare everything you need on the changing table in advance so that you don’t have to look for anything when you wake up at night.

Newborn's second day at home

The second day at home marks the beginning of a new life, and from now on the little man will take up almost all of your time. By the way, it is on this day that a nurse from the children's clinic and a doctor should visit you.

Now they will visit you quite often to find out about the baby’s well-being. They will answer all your questions and give you useful recommendations on the treatment and prevention of various conditions.

It’s better to write down all the questions that concern you in advance, so that when you visit the doctor you don’t forget to ask about everything. Also, prepare shoe covers so that the doctor can walk into the room without taking off his shoes and not leave marks in the apartment.

The doctor will look and listen to the baby, check his reflexes, inquire about the baby’s bowel movements and urination, feedings and sleep. By the way, if your baby is on breastfeeding , the doctor may suggest that you feed the baby in front of him to check whether you are organizing feeding and the process of breastfeeding correctly.

From this day on, you can begin to fully carry out all the procedures required by age.

Child hygiene

So, in the morning, after the baby wakes up, you will need to change the diaper, change clothes and wash the baby. All this seems difficult, but in a week you will be able to do it all without much difficulty.

The first days after discharge from the hospital /

We begin the procedures. We cover the changing table with oilcloth, and on top of it we place a thick, clean diaper or a special absorbent sheet intended for babies. Before placing on the table baby , prepare everything you might need so that you don’t leave him for a minute.

We carefully place the baby on his back and just as carefully unfasten the diaper, remove the diaper from front to back so as not to stain the baby and himself, roll up the used diaper and throw it in a bucket. Then we wash the baby in a basin or under running water using baby soap (preferably hypoallergenic, liquid, without fragrances or dyes).

There are certain differences in washing a boy and a girl:

The boy is being washed away, placing his tummy on his shoulder and holding him with the palm of one hand, his butt is brought to a stream of water and washed with his free hand. Thoroughly wash the genitals and butt to remove feces. Moreover, the skin on the head of the penis is not moved or stretched; it is simply washed under running water.

Then the baby is placed on the changing table and all folds are dried using blotting movements. Afterwards, the anal area and inguinal folds are treated with diaper cream or powder (if this area sweats). There is no need to treat the skin in the groin with oil - it will not allow the skin to breathe, which can lead to diaper rash.

The girl should be washed, resting it on your forearm with your back, its head is placed in the elbow bend. Girls can only be washed under running water to prevent dirt from getting into the genital opening, and this is done only in the direction from the pubis to the butt, but not in the opposite direction.

Rinse your baby's genitals by gently removing dirt from between the labia majora using baby soap(preferably liquid). Then place the girl on her back on the changing table and thoroughly blot (do not rub) all the folds, her ass and labia.

Treat the inguinal folds with diaper cream, and to prevent synechiae, lubricate between the labia with baby oil.

Put a clean diaper on your baby. Remember that in the first months of life, diapers need to be changed every 2-3 hours, even if, in your opinion, they are not yet full (this is important!).

If the baby has relieved himself, then it is impossible to keep him in a soiled diaper for a long time - due to the risk of germs entering, which can lead to serious inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Washing the baby

So, we changed the diaper, but we still have to wash ourselves, clean our ears and nose. These procedures can cause much more difficulties - after all, everything about the baby is tiny. In fact, everything is not so difficult.

The first days after discharge from the hospital /

The child's eyes should be wiped with sterile gauze balls or cotton pads. We wet a cotton pad in warm boiled water, carefully move it in the direction from the outer edge to the inner, and only 1 time. If there is a need to wipe it again, take a new clean disk.

After this, you need to clean your baby's nose. Before starting the procedure, prepare several rolled up cotton swabs - under no circumstances use cotton swabs to clean your ears and nose! The child may twitch, and then you injure his ear or nose.

You will also need a pharmacy sterile saline solution (or, even better, saline drops), a pipette with a rounded tip, and cotton pads to wipe away mucus.

Drop two or three drops of saline solution into the child's nose and wait a couple of minutes until the crusts are completely softened, then soak a cotton swab in boiled water or saline solution and insert its end with a twisting motion into the nostril 1-1.5 cm. Together with the flagellum. remove the crusts.

Now you need to clean the ears, for this you will need boiled water And cotton ball. Moisten the ball in water (not too much) and wipe the beginning of the ear canal and the outer ear. You should not go deep inside the ear canal, especially with chopsticks: this is dangerous due to inflammation and injury.

What can happen to a child in the first days?

In the first days of life, babies may exhibit various physiological conditions that constantly frighten inexperienced parents. This usually concerns stool, skin and body temperature.

The first days after discharge from the hospital /

For the first week and a half, babies' skin may be red. This manifestation is caused by adaptation of the skin baby to the extrauterine environment, due to a sharp transition from the aquatic environment to the air. The subcutaneous vessels expand, which later turns into peeling of the skin - on the palms and soles it can be more abundant, in other parts of the body - finely scaly.

Treat this phenomenon there is no need, and to avoid drying out the skin, just don’t get carried away with baths with manganese and herbal baths.

Starting from the second to fourth week of life, a rash may appear on the baby’s body., which parents mistakenly mistake for an allergy. Allergies are generally not typical at 3-4 months of age; the vast majority of rashes belong to the so-called “three-week period”: a rash that occurs as a result of the destruction of maternal hormones in the baby’s body and the restructuring of the glands to a different rhythm of work.

It does not require treatment at all, as well as baths and other possible measures, but only requires compliance with the rules of basic hygiene. As the name suggests, it goes away in three to four weeks.

In babies under six months of age, fluctuations in body temperature throughout the day are quite likely.- climbs can reach up to 38 degrees. As a rule, this temperature occurs when the child is screaming or crying, when the child is restless, or when actively sucking the breast. This is quite a common occurrence for newborns, since they do not yet have a clear thermoregulation system and are easily hypothermic and overheated.

This condition usually requires only monitoring and monitoring the temperature. But keep in mind that an increase in temperature is normal as long as there is no cough, runny nose, disturbances in general health and all possible manifestations of the disease. Measure the baby's temperature while sleeping: if it is normal, then you can be sure that everything is in order.

There is another factor that frightens parents - it is abnormal consistency and color of stool. Often parents mistake this for diarrhea and urgently give the child various “medicines”. There is no need to do this under any circumstances: if the child is healthy, he is in a cheerful and cheerful mood, he eats well.

This is just the formation of a chair - sometimes this phenomenon is called a “transitional chair”. It can be green, yellow-green mucous, with a sour odor, with water around the diaper, with white lumps and foam. This happens due to the adjustment of the intestines and the active colonization of its microflora, so do not try to interfere with this delicate and completely natural process.

The best thing that can be advised in this case is breast-feeding , it helps regulate and normalize stool.

How to walk with a baby?

Parents often have a number of difficulties with going outside. First

It’s easy to check your baby’s condition. Touch the back of the baby's neck with your fingers: if it is wet and hot, you have overdone the clothes, you need to remove the excess. If you find that the surface of the neck is cold, the baby is freezing, you should immediately go home.

It is better to postpone the walk in case of strong wind, heavy rain, fog and other unfavorable factors. It is possible to sleep in a stroller on an open loggia or balcony.

A newborn child is extremely dependent on his parents and requires care, so in the first days, give him maximum attention, then the process of his adaptation will go smoothly, and the baby will definitely please you with the first successes in his life.

The appearance of the first child in a young family causes not only joy, but also anxiety. After all, young parents do not quite understand how to treat a baby. A newborn is a pure, defenseless little person, not protected from negative energy. Thanks to experienced grandparents, new mothers and fathers will know what actions can protect their baby from harm, what they should be wary of and avoid.

Birth of a baby

A child born on a full moon or a new moon will be healthy and strong. He will not need anything, because the day of the full moon is associated with a full cup, and the day of the new moon with new strength.

If the birth occurred at night and the weather was calm outside, the baby will be calm. If the birth occurred in the morning with the first crow of the roosters, the child will be eccentric.

If the baby was born in sunny weather, then a happy, strong family awaits him. If it rains financially. If it snows, the child will love science. Those born during a sudden change in weather will bring big problems to those around them.

Those born with the first rays of the sun will find it difficult to achieve anything in life. Talented people are born at 9 o'clock in the morning and at three o'clock in the afternoon. But they will be frivolous and flighty in life. Those who were born in the evening will be protected from any dangers. Those born at night are sensible and wise people.

They say that children will be happy if the girl looks like their dad and the boy looks like their mother.

Unusual children

Children who were born wearing a shirt will successful people. “Being born in a shirt” means that the placenta came out with the baby and was glued to him at the moment of birth. Such an event occurs very rarely. After all, as a rule, first a child is born, and then a child’s place comes out. It has long been believed that those born with a shirt on will be able to overcome all difficulties. He will always be accompanied by luck, fortune and success.

The seventh child in the family has magical powers. And it will be very good if in the future he chooses to become a doctor. Such a baby will be able to relieve people from illnesses with one touch.

A difficult birth, when the child walks forward feet first, will pay off in full, because such a baby will be able to treat diseases associated with injuries to the legs and back.

First days at home

It is recommended to celebrate the birth of the baby. In this way, parents and relatives show the spirits that they are enjoying their new life. This ritual protects the baby from illnesses and colds in the future. Guests should sing, dance, and say wishes to the child.

It is believed that if you carry a child up the stairs, not down, he will build a successful career.

After the baby gets home for the first time, he needs to be placed on a product made of natural fur. Then he will live richly.

After birth, the baby was given a silver or gold spoon and allowed to hold it in his mouth. According to legend, such manipulation will bring wealth and prosperity in the future.

During your first bath, it is recommended to color the water with milk. Then the nursing mother will be able to always please the baby with food. This action will also protect you from the evil eye. After bathing, this water should not be used for washing or washing. To attract good luck and wealth during the first bath, honey and a silver spoon were also added to the bath.

Before putting the baby to sleep in the cradle, a cat is put in there.

A pinch of salt and a clove of garlic were hidden in the cradle of a newborn. They hung rowan branches over the cradle in the shape of a cross or stuck a knife into the leg of the cradle. This will protect against evil spirits. Do not move the empty cradle. You can get yourself into trouble.

It is very important to keep an eye on who kisses the newborn after the mother. It must be successful and good man. After all, it will influence the character and life of the child.

You should not bring your child to the mirror too early. He may be frightened by his reflection and will not speak for a long time.


Choosing a name should be taken very seriously. You should not name a newborn by the same name that someone in the family has already been named. After all, one name has one Guardian Angel.

It is better to give the child two names: call the first, and baptize the second and not tell anyone. Thus, no one will be able to influence the child with magic.

It is believed that if you give a name to the child of one of the deceased, he will inherit the character and fate of the deceased.

At the feast after baptism, when making a toast, the contents of the glass should be raised upward with a sharp movement so that the child grows up to be a hero.

Godparents should not have a love relationship with each other. Otherwise, their wedding will not take place.

The child will look like one of the godparents if one of them, during baptism, lowers his gaze into the water in which the child is washed.

If parents are planning a second child, he should be baptized in the shirt of the first-born. This will attract good luck to him, and his siblings will be friendly.

If during baptism it is observed that the little one has clenched fists, then he will be greedy. If the palms are in their normal state, it will be kind.

Signs for good luck, success and health

During the first visit to the child, guests are required to give the newborn money by placing it inside the blouse. This is a ritual for wealth.

It’s worth covering the guy with mom’s skirt, and the baby with dad’s cloak. For success and good luck in the future.

Parents dreaming of curly hair their child can feed him with crusts of bread.

To make the skin perfect and velvety, girls dress up in white before swimming.

Amulets made of corals and red stripes protect the child from evil spirits during the appearance of the first tooth.

When a child loses his first tooth, he is thrown into the fire. Thus, the evil that was sitting inside is destroyed.

In order for a child to grow up healthy, at the time when his teeth are being cut, relatives should give him a silver spoon.

Signs to protect against bad things

You cannot cut your hair, nails or show your child in the mirror until you are one year old, so that in the future the baby will not overlook his happiness and will not be poor.

You cannot bathe your child on Fridays and Sundays.

The mother should breastfeed her baby separately from everyone else. After all, the child may experience insomnia, and the mother may lose milk.

You can't step over the baby. Otherwise, he won't grow tall.

You can’t finish eating your toddler’s bread. It takes away his health.

In order for the child to go on time, you cannot kiss his heels.

In order for teeth to grow in time, you should not kiss cheeks.

In order for a child to speak in time, he is not fed fish.

You can't beat a toddler with a rag. Otherwise in adult life Poverty awaits him.

You can't put a toddler on the table. He will cry constantly.

You can't look at a sleeping child. You can get scared.

Following signs and beliefs is everyone’s business. After all, the truth of such rituals has not been scientifically proven. Such manipulations and beliefs of the ambulance are a tradition carried through many years. And even if this is unreasonable from a scientific point of view, it is effective from the acquired experience of mothers and grandmothers.