How long does it take for an umbilical wound to heal? How long does it take for the navel to heal in newborns: stages and reasons for slow healing. Incorrect use of diapers

After the birth of the baby, the last connection with maternal body The link - the umbilical cord - is cut by the obstetrician. The remaining wound heals within a certain period of time, but there are situations when this process is delayed. Today we will discuss healing time, proper wound care and possible complications in this case.

How long does it take for the navel to heal?

When cutting the umbilical cord, the doctor leaves small piece, approximately 2 cm long. Usually the remainder of the umbilical cord is clamped with a special clamp or clothespin made of plastic or metal.

Today, in most cases, this method is not used; the remaining tissue is processed for healing daily while the mother is in the maternity hospital.

Considering the early discharge practiced recently, further care The mother controls the wound herself, having received instructions from a doctor or visiting nurse.

As a result of treatment with antiseptics and healing solutions, the shoot gradually dries out or dies and falls off. Normally, this occurs within three to five days; a delay of three days is considered normal.

Remaining wound on the navel proper care It heals until the baby is one month old. It is considered normal if the wound bleeds a little, like any living, open wound. The discharge is without an unpleasant odor and not abundant - a few drops.

Did you know? Finnish scientist, Doctor of Science at the University of Helsinki Akki Sinkonen, in the course of his own research, concluded: a woman’s navel can tell about the reproductive potential of its owner, as well as provide information about possible hereditary diseases of a woman.

When you urgently need to see a doctor

When the healing process extends over a longer period than is accepted by norms, and is accompanied by a deterioration in the appearance and condition of the wound, as well as in the baby’s health, you need to go to the doctor.

There is discharge from the navel for a long time

The following symptoms are cause for concern:

These symptoms can lead to a serious infection and serious health complications.

The navel does not heal for more than a month

Prolonged healing of the wound and bleeding can be explained by the close location of the system of blood vessels that supply blood to it. internal organs baby. Careless care actions can lead to damage to the integrity of the navel.

Prolonged healing of such a wound is extremely dangerous for the baby, since the navel is a kind of “gate” for various kinds of microorganisms, for example, Staphylococcus aureus bacillus.

Why doesn't my belly button heal?

When visiting a doctor, the mother should tell in detail how she cared for the wound, since to eliminate the problem you need to know the specific cause of its appearance.

Error when putting on a diaper

An inexperienced woman can catch a wound when changing a diaper, or provoke a problem by wearing it or other clothes incorrectly during this period.

You should always leave a cutout for the wound - with access to oxygen it will heal faster, and the diaper material will float the skin, slowing down the process. Do not allow a diaper or other item of clothing to put pressure on the umbilical area.

Big navel

Each child is individual, some children have a rather thick umbilical cord, and it takes more time to heal. There is no need to sound the alarm if the clothespin has not fallen off on the fifth day, but you need to show the baby to the pediatrician when all the acceptable deadlines have passed.

Improper wound care

Many inexperienced mothers go to extremes when caring:

  • fearing harm, they do not clean the navel well, which is fraught with infections;
  • They do it too “carefully”, thereby causing damage.

What and how to do:

  1. Firstly, after treating with any product, it needs to be given time to dry.
  2. Secondly, the wound must be cleaned, but with soft cotton swabs and very carefully, without picking.
  3. Thirdly, before removing the dried crust, you need to soak it, and not peel it off.
  4. Fourthly, you should not cover the wound with a band-aid: this will create a greenhouse effect and delay the drying of the skin.

How to properly handle the navel: video

Umbilical hernia

This protrusion in the area of ​​the same name most often appears when the baby is crying or screaming. This phenomenon is not scary, it is explained by the fact that the muscle ring around the navel still has immature tissue and cannot properly support the internal organs of the peritoneum.

There is no pathology if the bulge takes on a normal appearance when the child is calm. If this does not happen on its own or when you lightly press your fingers, the baby screams incessantly and experiences pain, then a pinching has occurred. In this case, you need to see a doctor.

Treatment of a newborn hernia at home is as follows:

  • prevent prolonged crying (eliminate its cause);
  • monitor the baby’s nutrition (he should not be disturbed by gases);
  • do massage, gymnastics to strengthen the abdominal muscles and laying on the tummy (after the navel has healed).

Infection and suppuration

Due to infection in the wound, omphalitis (catarrhal, purulent, necrotic), fungus (granulation connective tissue), fistula.

Symptoms indicating diseases:

  • swelling and redness of the umbilical area;
  • protrusion of the navel;
  • purulent discharge;
  • poor appetite;
  • anxiety;
  • weight loss;
  • fever, sudden increase in temperature.

Delay in treatment leads to sepsis and tissue necrosis. At the first symptoms, you need to see a doctor who will prescribe adequate treatment.

Important!Under no circumstances should you squeeze out the pus or put pressure on the wound yourself, as this can cause even more harm.

To avoid infection, you must carefully monitor your own and your child’s hygiene:

  • Wash your hands during any procedures;
  • carefully and carefully treat the wound with antiseptics;
  • all the clothes bed sheets, baby's diapers and nappies should be ironed with a hot iron;
  • water for water procedures a newborn must be boiled.

Prematurity and weak immunity

Premature babies have weaker immunity; their body’s defense system cannot cope with viruses and bacteria that easily penetrate through an open wound. Prolonged healing in this case can be dangerous, so you need to consult a pediatrician.

Premature babies need to be examined as often as possible; only a doctor can prescribe treatment to strengthen the immune system.

What to do: treatment and healing methods for the navel

Not all mothers have medical knowledge and experience in caring for the umbilical area, so when discharged from the maternity hospital, you need to consult a doctor about the correct actions.

How to treat an umbilical wound

Several means are used for processing:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • brilliant green;
  • calendula solution in alcohol;
  • "Chlorophyllipt" solution (1 percent alcohol).

Important!It is preferable to use colorless solutions as they do not stain the area around the navel and possible redness will not go unnoticed.

How to process

Basic processing rules:

  1. Before the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap.
  2. Prepare cotton swabs or a pipette.
  3. Use a pipette to drop a couple of drops of brilliant green or other antiseptic and wait until it dries.
  4. If you are treating with a cotton swab dipped in antiseptic, lightly press the umbilical area with two fingers to open it as much as possible, and gently, with light movements, lubricate the wound.
  5. If there is any ichor discharge, apply a cotton swab soaked in peroxide before the main treatment. After the cotton wool absorbs the bloody discharge, treat.
  6. When a crust forms, do not peel it off. To make it easier to come off, you need to first soak it with hydrogen peroxide, then it will come off easily.

Did you know? There is a scientific explanation for the clear leadership of athletes originally from Africa over Europeans. The fact is that the navel is the center of gravity of our body, and since Africans have longer legs, the center of gravity is located on average 3 cm higher than that of Europeans. This structural feature gives black athletes a clear advantage over white athletes in speed and endurance.

Is it possible to bathe a child if the navel has not yet healed?

Pediatricians have different opinions on the possibility of bathing with an unhealed navel: some doctors are against bathing, others do not see this as a problem if the procedure is carried out correctly.

The following rules remain general:

  • the baby should have his own bath;
  • water for bathing must be boiled;
  • It is recommended to add herbal decoctions, traditionally chamomile, string, calendula, St. John's wort;
  • You can add a solution of potassium permanganate, but very weakly concentrated, as it dries out delicate skin. It is better to dilute the solution in a separate container so that the manganese grains are completely dissolved and do not cause a burn.

With clothespin

If you have a clothespin, it is advisable to ensure that the navel does not get wet. If you want to play it safe, you can use wet wipes instead of a full bath.

Without clothespin

After bathing, you need to thoroughly dry the umbilical area and the wound itself. Then treat with an antiseptic and wait for it to dry. Air baths speed up the process, while in a humid environment it slows down and increases the risk of the growth of harmful bacteria.

In conclusion: the health of a newborn largely depends on his personal hygiene and the hygiene of his parents.

It is important to ventilate the room for constant access of oxygen, follow the nursing mother’s own diet, select the appropriate nutrition for the artificial baby and monitor the cleanliness of his dishes. It is equally important to undergo routine examinations with a pediatrician on time, which allows you to identify possible problems at an early stage.

At the birth of a child, the umbilical cord is cut off and clamped closer to the tummy with a clothespin. The doctor familiarizes the mother with the rules for caring for the wound while still in the maternity hospital: in the first days of the newborn’s life, he treats the wound himself, thereby equipping the mother with the necessary information, showing and explaining how long it will take for the newborn’s navel to heal.

In the next 4-10 days, the tail with the clothespin should fall off at the place of pinching. Sometimes this takes longer. An open wound remains, which requires further careful care.

After the umbilical cord has fallen off, the wound must be dried immediately. A regular air bath will help. If the navel is clean and dry, no treatment is required.

If the clothespin dries out and heals, but does not fall off for more than 10 days, increase the number of air baths throughout the day, they will speed up the drying of the wound.

3 stages of healing

The umbilical cord heals in stages. Knowledge about the stages of navel healing in a newborn will help you get acquainted with how the navel heals in a newborn and not panic in vain:

The clothespin is sterile and made of safe material

During the first 5-10 days, the umbilical cord is a knot or tail, pinched with a clothespin. During this period, it dries out on its own and falls off.

2 During the first 3 weeks, the wound may bleed slightly, but this should not frighten parents. An umbilical wound, like any other, takes time to heal.

3 During the period from 3 to 4 weeks of life, the baby’s umbilical cord is completely healed.

Caring for a newborn at home

When the clothespin falls off, new mothers wonder: when does the umbilical wound heal? By maintaining proper hygiene, the umbilical wound heals quickly - after 3-4 weeks there won't be a trace left.

It is important to observe hygiene standards and provide proper care during the first month of the child’s life, since there is a risk of infection in the wound, and this will lead to complications during healing.

Wound treatment: what and how to treat it

The following medications will help avoid infection:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. A 3% solution will get rid of ichor and speed up healing.
  2. Chlorhexidine– odorless and colorless antiseptic, safe for use.
  3. Zelenka– an excellent disinfectant if used in small quantities. Usage large quantity the drug may cause burns. In addition, if redness appears on the area of ​​skin treated with Zelenka, it will be impossible to see due to the bright color of this drug.
  4. Potassium permangantsovka. Low concentration solution – good remedy in the fight against infection and bacteria, but do not allow the crystals to get on the baby’s delicate skin around the navel.

In order not to injure the child’s skin and protect it from drying out or burning, brilliant green should be applied carefully and only to the wound.

Treat your newborn's navel in the morning and evening, and be sure to keep your hands clean. It is better to use a cotton pad.

It is soaked in hydrogen peroxide and the edges of the umbilical cord are treated, thus soaking the crust. You need to wait until the treated area stops hissing.

In order for the solution to reach all areas of the wound, the procedure can be repeated, first spreading the wound slightly with your fingers.

Excess peroxide and dried crusts must be removed with a dry disc.

The next step is treatment with brilliant green, Chlorhexidine or potassium permanganate. But this can only be done after the wound has dried. One drop of disinfectant will be enough.

There is no need to try to remove all the crusts at once. Pressing and rubbing the wound will only make it worse. Also, do not use brilliant green or potassium permanganate to treat a large area around the navel - this can lead to a burn.

After the procedure, the area is sealed with adhesive tape. This is done until the umbilical cord begins to tighten.

Titrova E.I., pediatrician, doctor of the highest category, Children's City Hospital No. 1, Rostov-on-Don

There are several rules, the implementation of which will determine how quickly your child’s belly button will heal.

Firstly, do not be afraid to touch the wound when treating it. The navel is a gateway to infection and needs to be treated well.

Secondly, if there is discharge (bloody or purulent) from the navel for a long time, you should consult a doctor, since self-treatment may be unsafe.


Some experts say that you should not bathe your baby until the umbilical cord falls off. Instead, you can use a wipe with a napkin. But if the child is not bathed for several weeks, new problems may appear. That's why, to prevent water from getting on the umbilical cord, a patch is placed on it.

There is no need to apply the patch when the umbilical cord begins to tighten and the wound stops bleeding. But it will be necessary to add a decoction of herbs to the water, for example, a string or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You can find out how to properly bathe a child for the first time and what herbs to use here.

Air baths

The ability to “breathe” the umbilical cord will help it dry out and tighten much faster, don't fester. The duration of air baths directly determines how long it takes for a newborn’s navel to heal.

Air baths will not only help the navel heal quickly, but will also harden the child and strengthen his immunity

Air baths after bathing are very important. It’s also good to do them between swaddling or changing a diaper.

The diaper should not come into contact with the umbilical cord area, rub, or block air access. To do this, you can use special diapers with a slit for the navel.

If such diapers are not available, you can cut the notch yourself or simply tuck the edge.

Which diapers are best for newborns, read this article.

Liseycheva E.A., pediatrician, City Hospital No. 2, Samara

Sometimes the navel looks like a tall stump. Don’t think that this is a pathology or that it was poorly tied by the obstetricians. This is a skin tubercle, that’s how the child got it.

Over time, its appearance will improve, the resulting fat on the abdomen will allow it to smooth out and a beautiful dimple will form in this place.

How to determine the condition and why healing is delayed

You can understand that the umbilical cord has healed by the following signs:

  • skin color does not differ from the skin;
  • no purulent discharge;
  • body temperature is normal.

When the navel is suppurated, antiseptics are selected individually

There are cases when the navel of newborns heals poorly:

  • purulent discharge or an unpleasant odor is formed;
  • does not stop bleeding;
  • redness and swelling develop around the navel;
  • body temperature rises;
  • The umbilical cord gets wet for a long time.

This is an example of poor healing that warrants a visit to your pediatrician.
Problems with the umbilical wound occur quite often. The reasons for this can be not only improper care, but also:

1Granuloma. The reason is the rapid growth of tissues and capillaries. Therefore, the vessels become entangled, as a result of which the newborn’s navel does not heal well and the wound bleeds. The pediatrician will deal with the problem by cauterizing with a pencil with a silver tip that can kill germs.

2Hernia. Parents are able to detect it on their own, since the umbilical ring in this case increases in size and looks like a bump. No worries. First, you need to consult your doctor. Often, an umbilical hernia can be cured with massage. Read about the causes of umbilical ring weakness here.

Infection. Parents should be alerted to redness around the wound. The following symptoms can confirm that the wound has become infected:

  • touching the tummy causes pain in the child;
  • the wound gets wet all the time;
  • the wound festers and smells bad.

Very large umbilical cord. This one needs more time to heal.

Reztsova E.M., pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences, Kirov State Medical Academy, Kirov

There is no need to be alarmed when yellow or red discharge appears, as well as crusts on the navel. During processing, you need to carefully remove those crusts that have already peeled off.

But if the navel has not yet fallen off, tearing it off yourself is strictly prohibited.

Skin injury. Because of excessive grooming mothers themselves injure the new skin and do not allow it to heal. Don't try to do anything on your own. Consult a doctor, as you will need special medications to fight bacteria, and in case of complications, even surgery is possible.

Weakened immunity. This situation occurs often, especially when the baby is born premature. In this case, special attention should be paid to strengthening the immune system, and also be more attentive to wound treatment issues.

Reviews from parents

Ella, 36 years old, Minsk

Our wound did not heal well and bled for about a month. Sprinkled with Baniocin 2 times a day for 4 days.

The procedure was repeated several times, because as soon as everything dried out, bleeding began again. But over time we managed.

Angela, 22 years old, Moscow

We were saved by Chlorophyllipt. A month before this, they treated it with Peroxide and Zelenka, there was no suppuration, but the bloody crusts did not go away.

After using Chlorophyllipt everything dried up and the condition improved after 4 days.

Karina, 25 years old, Irkutsk

We had purulent discharge from the navel. They treated it with Peroxide: moistened a cotton swab and applied it, holding it until it hissed. Then sprinkled with Baneocin.

We went to see the pediatrician all the time to monitor the condition. A month later the wound was gone.


Despite the many options for child care, how long it takes for a newborn’s navel to heal depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Sometimes this happens without additional funds and without any complications.

And there are cases when the child is provided with proper care, but due to weakened immunity, the umbilical cord does not tighten for a long time. In this case, independent treatment is unacceptable. In case of inflammation, the doctor will prescribe special means, vitamins for infants, and if necessary, ultraviolet irradiation, antibiotics or immunostimulants.

The umbilical wound remains in all newborns after they are born. This is the place where the mother's placenta was connected to the bloodstream of the pregnant child. Immediately after the baby is removed from the womb, the umbilical cord is closed with a special clamp and cut. The flow of blood through the umbilical vessels (one vein and two arteries) stops. As a result, a small section of the umbilical cord of about 2 cm remains, which in the maternity hospital is regularly treated with antiseptic solutions (hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate).

Every day the residue becomes drier and mummifies. But it happens that a newborn’s navel does not heal for too long, which worries parents. How long should it take to heal, what reasons delay its drying and how to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon?


In order to identify the problem and not worry unnecessarily, it is useful for parents to know how long it takes for a newborn’s navel to heal, according to the norm. The timing may differ from the usual indicators by 1–3 days, according to the individual characteristics of the small organism, but nothing more. The healing of the umbilical wound in babies occurs in stages.

  1. From the moment of birth and over the next 3–5 days, the umbilical cord in a newborn is a nodule.
  2. From 3 to 5 days after birth, the umbilical cord completely dries out, falling off on its own.
  3. At 1–3 weeks of life, the baby’s navel will heal like an ordinary, albeit quite deep, wound. It may even bleed slightly at first, which is very frightening for young parents. If the bleeding is minor, there is no need to panic.
  4. At 3–4 weeks of a baby’s life, the umbilical wound heals completely.

Usually in the maternity hospital, a young mother is warned when a newborn’s belly button heals: this happens by the end of the first month of the baby’s life. If given period prolonged, you definitely need to call a doctor who will help find out the reasons this phenomenon and eliminate them, and then prescribe treatment.


There may be several reasons why a newborn’s navel does not heal for a long time. Some of them can be easily corrected with the care and efforts of the parents themselves, but some can only be eliminated with the help of a doctor.

  • Big navel

For each baby, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the condition of the placenta (if it was thick), the size of the navel may differ. If it is large enough in diameter, it will take longer to heal than other children. If this is the true reason that the navel is not healing well, there is nothing to worry about. It will definitely dry out, but this will happen more slowly, because the wound itself is large.

  • Umbilical hernia

If the baby’s belly button not only does not heal, but also protrudes, this is danger sign umbilical hernia. In this case, the child should be shown to a doctor as soon as possible.

  • Poor wound care

All parents are different: some jealously blow away specks of dust from their newborn, others do not particularly care about hygiene. Both options are equally bad. In the first case, the mother cleans the wound too thoroughly, thereby damaging the thin skin again and again. In the second case, dirt or some foreign body may get in. In any case, the wound may bleed, and healing is out of the question. You should definitely consult a doctor for advice. He may have to remove the foreign body from the umbilical wound of the newborn, since such manipulations are strictly prohibited at home.

  • Weakened immunity

Babies may be born too weak when their immune system is not strong enough to be susceptible to various infections and germs. For such an organism it is very difficult to independently cope with the healing of such a serious wound as the umbilical. If the reason that a child’s navel does not heal for too long (in this case it may bleed) is a weak immune system, without medical intervention and medications can't get by here.

  • Suppuration

If the wound becomes infected after contamination, severe suppuration may begin in it, which is usually accompanied by a foul odor and strange discharge. At the same time, drying slows down, the navel remains wet for a long time. In this case, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

There can be many reasons for this phenomenon. Towards the end of the first month of the baby’s life, parents begin to worry about what to do if the newborn’s belly button does not heal, how they can help their baby. If healing of the wound is delayed for more than a month, you should go to the hospital and not take any independent action. This can harm the baby's health and worsen his condition. Only a doctor can determine the true cause of this unpleasant and painful phenomenon and prescribe appropriate treatment. It must be remembered that it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. This also applies to the healing of the umbilical wound in newborns.


In order for a baby’s navel to heal as quickly as possible, parents must initially provide proper care for the wound. This will make life easier for the baby and will prevent long and painful healing of the navel.

  1. For the first 7–10 days, the umbilical wound should be treated with “green paint” (it is preferable to potassium permanganate). It is recommended to do this once a day after bathing before bed.
  2. When a crust forms on the umbilical wound, it is better not to remove it: the risk of damage to the skin is very high. It’s better to let it fall away on its own.
  3. During the healing period of the navel, it is better to bathe babies in a separate baby bath. It is recommended to boil the water for these procedures and then cool it to 36-37°C. It is good to add a solution of potassium permanganate to the bath so that the water turns a faint pink hue.

If a newborn’s umbilical wound does not heal for a very long time (more than a month after birth), this is a signal that something has gone wrong, and it is imperative to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. Any independent actions can only worsen the condition of the child in general and the wounds in particular.

Caring for a baby, especially a newly born one, is not an easy process. It requires parents to have certain skills and knowledge. Let's try to understand when a newborn's navel heals. In addition, you will also have to learn everything about caring for this part of the body in children. Otherwise, you can get a huge number of problems. They will certainly affect your child. This is a very unpleasant outcome. Therefore, it is better to learn about proper care for a newborn’s navel.

In the maternity hospital

Immediately after birth, the baby's umbilical cord is cut - it will no longer be needed to continue living. A large clamp is left at the incision site. It somewhat resembles a clothespin. Serves to prevent bleeding.

The navel will have to be treated to speed up the healing process and also to prevent the wound from rotting. IN maternity hospital This is done by doctors and nurses. Parents know practically nothing about the manipulations being carried out. Instead, they wonder how long it takes for a newborn's belly button to heal. No one will give you an exact answer. They can only say “soon” or “quickly”. Indeed, if you properly care for the baby, the wound will heal as soon as possible.


In general, it is difficult to understand our current issue. After all, if you are wondering how long it takes for a newborn’s belly button to heal, you need to understand that all people are different. And those who have just been born, too. They differ in character and health.

The rate of cell regeneration plays an important role here. It is different for all people. Therefore, for some, wounds and abrasions heal faster, for others - longer. It is necessary to understand this. Depending on this indicator, the answer to the question of how long it takes for the navel to heal in newborns will change.

To be honest, no one can answer you so simply. It is initially unknown how quickly cells are regenerated in a particular child. Therefore, you can only rely on your own assumptions. Children with a quick recovery can be left without a clothespin after 3-4 days, with a long recovery - a week and a half after birth. Everything is individual.

We're going home

Sooner or later you will be discharged from the maternity hospital. By that time, doctors usually give an approximate time frame for the navel to heal in newborns. Yes, it has already been said that everything is individual. But the general framework still applies.

The fact is that usually, after returning from the maternity hospital, the clothespin remains in place of the navel for approximately 3-4 days. And complete healing will take about 10 days on average (including the maternity hospital). This is the period for which young parents are usually guided.

Just remember: this is not entirely correct. After all, it is difficult to answer exactly when the navel heals in newborns. You can't equal everyone. For some it will take longer to heal, for others it will heal faster. This must be remembered. The only thing that is required from parents in this period of time is to properly treat the umbilical wound. If you follow some tips and recommendations given in the maternity hospital, you can speed up the process.

An interesting fact is that even after the child’s clothespin falls off, the wound will have to be treated for some time. And this is far from 2 days. On average - a week. Only then will it be possible to say with confidence that the navel has completely healed. Nothing special is required from parents. So how to care for your baby during healing?

Collecting a first aid kit

The first step is to collect a small first aid kit. It should contain all the products necessary to treat the baby’s umbilical wound. During the period when the navel of a newborn is healing, it is necessary to have:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • brilliant green;
  • cotton swabs and disks.

This will be enough to somehow speed up the healing process. True, sometimes people do without this list.

Now that you have all the necessary components, you will need to learn about the process of caring for the wound. Special attention You will have to pay attention to the navel after the clothespin comes off. Next - a little more about caring for a newborn. The rules for parents are extremely simple.

Navel treatment

How long does it take for a newborn's belly button to heal? It has already been said that everything is individual. If you treat the wound correctly, you can only speed up the healing process. Take the first aid kit you collected earlier - without it you won’t be able to bring your idea to life.

The main component that is required is hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to treat the newborn's navel once a day. While you have the clothespin, gently blot the area with a cotton swab or pad. Then everything is much simpler.

You will have to drip peroxide onto your belly button and wait. As soon as the liquid foams, quickly blot it with a cotton pad. It is advisable to repeat this procedure 2 times.

Subsequent manipulations

When a newborn's belly button heals, it is necessary to provide proper care. After treating the wound with peroxide, you will need to do additional manipulations. Which ones exactly?

Dry your baby's belly button after using hydrogen peroxide. And then treat it with brilliant green. Cotton swabs are ideal for this. Some advise using iodine or potassium permanganate instead of brilliant green. Many doctors indicate that such options are possible, but at home it is best to use the most common brilliant green. It promotes healing much faster than all other components.

How long should I treat the umbilical wound? It's difficult to answer. Everything is individual. After all, the duration of such procedures depends solely on how long it takes for the newborn’s navel to heal. While the peroxide foams after application, you will have to treat the wound. As soon as you notice that this process has stopped, you can rejoice: your navel is 100% healed!


Basically, that's almost all there is to it when it comes to care. It is clear how long it takes for the navel to heal in newborns. You just have to remember a few more simple rules of behavior. They concern bathing the child, as well as swaddling and putting on diapers.

The point is that you need to carry out water procedures with your baby every day. In this case, you have to handle the child very carefully. Especially until the clothespin fell off. Try not to touch her while bathing. And immerse the baby not in ordinary water, but with a solution of potassium permanganate. This will contribute to the rapid healing of the umbilical wound. It is necessary to dry the child after water procedures carefully, using wet movements.


You can swaddle a newborn with a clothespin at the navel. Just not very tight. If you do not know how to do this, you can do without this process altogether.

IN modern world Baby diapers are extremely popular. They also have one peculiarity: you need to put them on the child so that the material does not touch the navel. As long as there is a clothespin, you can simply fold the diaper under it. And after it falls off, you will have to tuck the diaper in before fastening it. The main thing is that the navel is open. A little practice - and you will succeed! This is the only way to avoid wondering how long it takes for a newborn’s belly button to heal.

Doesn't heal

Don't worry if your child's wound hasn't healed for a few days. It was said that on average it takes about 10 days to heal. There is no need to panic if you still have to deal with the wound. It is not dangerous for the child. The main thing is that the wound does not get infected.

Doesn't a newborn's belly button heal? What to do? Just carry out all the above procedures and do not injure the wound. Under no circumstances should you tear off the clothespin yourself - it will fall off on its own when needed.

You will most likely notice some congealed blood on your baby's belly button. You cannot remove it yourself, only dissolve it. It is advisable to do this with hydrogen peroxide. Or while swimming. Particles of congealed blood will fall off on their own.

Now it’s clear when a newborn’s navel heals and how to care for the umbilical wound.

When a baby is born, doctors cut the umbilical cord. The procedure for cutting the umbilical cord and tying it is painless. Bandage it anywhere. Usually the distance to the umbilical ring is 2 cm - at this distance a knot is made with silk thread. Doctors talk with the woman in labor: they explain how the umbilical wound heals in newborns and what proper care for children should be. It is important for mothers (especially first-time mothers) to know what can cause the navel to take a long time to heal.

How long does it take for a newborn's belly button to heal?

Processing of the umbilical cord begins in the maternity hospital. The initial process consists of lubricating the wound with brilliant green and cauterizing the umbilical cord with alcohol. After discharge from the hospital, further care is provided by the parents. In the first days of life, the wound must be cauterized with brilliant green or iodine until the umbilical cord falls off on its own. Day by day, the umbilical wound becomes drier.

How long should a newborn's belly button take to heal? The healing time depends on immunity, the size of the navel, and also how proper the care was. After 21-30 days, the newborn’s navel should heal completely.

How long does it take for a newborn's belly button to fall off? Wound healing occurs in several stages:

  1. from 3 to 5 days the umbilical cord looks like a small nodule;
  2. with proper care, after 5-7 days the umbilical wound is epithelialized;
  3. from a medical point of view, the wound is considered quite deep, so it heals in 1-3 weeks. During this period, moderate bleeding is observed, so there is no point in parents being in a panic - this condition of the navel is considered normal;
  4. Final healing of the umbilical wound in newborns occurs after 3-4 weeks.

Any mother can avoid navel problems in a newborn. There will be effective advice to help her, with the help of which the navel will quickly heal, and complications will be behind.

  • After the baby is born, the wound is wiped with hydrogen peroxide as many times as it takes for it to stop bleeding. The best option Apply a cotton pad soaked in peroxide to the umbilical cord;
  • at the second stage, the formation of a yellow crust can be observed. To avoid the entry of germs, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide;
  • the navel should always be kept clean;
  • It is advisable to treat the wound before bedtime, after bathing. Once a day is enough. It is not advisable to disturb the wound unnecessarily. The exception is the navel big size. It is processed 2-3 times a day;
  • during the healing of the umbilical remnant, the child should be bathed in a baby bath, adding potassium permanganate; the temperature of boiled water is 36-37 degrees;
  • make it a rule to ventilate the room;
  • ensure that the navel is always dry and exclude moisture;
  • The child should not feel inconvenienced by diapers or clothes rubbing. Otherwise, the umbilical wound will be damaged: redness may form.

Poor healing of the navel in newborns

When treating a baby’s umbilical wound according to the rules described above, some complications may arise: severe bleeding, suppuration.

The reasons for poor healing may be the following:

  • The baby has a large navel. Babies' belly buttons may differ from each other. For example, if the placenta was thickened, then the baby's navel is larger. Accordingly, the healing process is delayed. It will dry without fail, but more slowly;
  • There are cases when the wound heals slowly, and on top of that, protrusion of the navel is observed. This alarm signal indicates the manifestation of an umbilical hernia. It is forbidden for the mother to take any action on her own. The child needs to be examined by a pediatrician;
  • Due to suppuration of the wound, there is a possibility of infection. Accompanied unpleasant smell and yellow discharge. The navel is constantly wet.

Not all babies are born healthy and strong. It is possible that a child may be born with a weak immune system, which means he will be exposed to various microbes and infections. For a weakened body, it is difficult for mom and dad to solve such a problem. We'll have to contact the doctors. A competent examination by a pediatrician will provide the correct medication treatment.

The mother's inattention during the treatment of the navel will lead to a long healing time. All parents are different. There are those that blow away dust particles from the baby, and vice versa, hygiene for mothers is not so important. All two cases are bad. Clean parents, carefully cleaning the umbilical wound, can harm the thin skin.

If hygiene is not observed, there is a possibility of dirt being introduced and infection developing. There can be no talk of quick healing. Independent removal of a foreign body is prohibited; you should consult a doctor in a timely manner;

What parents should do if the umbilical wound is bleeding

Despite proper care of the navel, it is quite possible for it to bleed. You can observe it when the crust is accidentally torn off. Usually a few drops of blood are released, but this problem cannot be left unresolved. Severe bleeding indicates the onset of an inflammatory process in the navel vessels.

During treatment, bathing is prohibited; high humidity will take longer for a newborn’s navel to heal, which can cause complications.

Regular wiping with a sponge is acceptable, bypassing the umbilical residue.

To begin treating the wound, you will need hydrogen peroxide. After moistening the cotton swab, you need to carefully remove the ichors. The blood and other fluid that is released must be removed constantly, otherwise an infection will develop. Carefully treating the wound area with a solution of brilliant green is the next step.

Acceptable products for treating the umbilical cord:

  • brilliant green solution is one of the unique means for treating children’s wounds, the main remedy for a weeping navel: it has a disinfecting, drying effect, and prevents the proliferation of microbes;
  • Hydrogen peroxide is an indispensable remedy in the treatment of bleeding of the umbilical remnant, as well as in caring for the navel in general. Do not overfill the umbilical cavity;
  • Potassium permanganate will serve as a replacement for brilliant green. A few grains are added to the bathing water. The following agents are also acceptable: chlorophyllipt, propolis solution in alcohol, streptocide.

Healing a newborn's navel is an important process. Doctors' recommendations should not be ignored. At the slightest deviation from the norms, it’s time for parents to visit the clinic to examine the baby.

During intrauterine development, the baby receives all its nutrients from the placenta through the umbilical cord. Immediately after birth, it is cut, and all the baby’s organs and systems begin to work independently. At the point where the umbilical cord is attached to the baby’s tummy, an umbilical wound remains, which heals over time. It is very important to care for it properly. Let's figure out how to clean the navel, and also consider its main diseases.


After the baby is born, the umbilical cord is clamped with forceps and cut. A small section of it is left and tied, after which a special plastic clip (“clothespin”) is placed on it. The future shape of the baby’s navel depends on exactly how the midwife made the “knot”.

After about 3-5 days, the remainder of the umbilical cord dries out and falls off on its own. In its place an umbilical wound is formed. The average delay is 1-3 weeks. During this period, it bleeds slightly and becomes wet (ichor is released).

What if the belly button doesn’t take longer to heal? A delay of 3-5 days from the norm is not a problem if there are no alarming symptoms: discoloration, heavy bleeding, discharge, and so on. A physiological increase in the healing time of the wound may be associated with the individual characteristics of the baby, such as a wide or deep navel.

Rules of care

In the maternity hospital, the baby’s umbilical wound is cared for by the medical staff; after discharge, this task falls on the mother’s shoulders. You should ask your doctor or nurse about how to clean your belly button during the first month of life.

Care stages:

  1. Bathe your baby in a separate bath in boiled water(36-37 °C). You can add a weak solution of potassium permanganate or an infusion of herbs with antiseptic properties (chamomile, chamomile).
  2. After water procedures, pat dry the baby's skin terry towel. The abdominal area should not be rubbed.
  3. Using clean fingers, gently spread the skin near the navel and drop a little hydrogen peroxide on it. After waiting until the reaction (hissing) stops, blot the remaining product with cotton wool.
  4. Soak a cotton swab in brilliant green and apply it to the umbilical wound.

Manipulations must be carried out carefully: when trying to clean the navel, it is unacceptable to pick, rub, or press on it. If there are yellowish crusts inside, you should pour peroxide on the wound, wait 2-3 minutes, and they will be removed.

Many modern experts believe that the navel does not need to be cleaned with antiseptics. Bathing your baby in boiled water every day is enough.

In any case, it is important to ensure constant access of air to the wound: do not cover it with a diaper and arrange air baths more often.

Until the navel heals, the baby should not be placed on his stomach and massaged.

With improper care, as well as for other reasons, various problems can arise. Most often, young mothers are worried that the navel does not heal for a long time, becomes wet, inflamed, bleeds, bulges, changes its color to red, brown or blue. Let's figure out why this happens.


Omphalitis is an inflammation of the bottom of the umbilical wound and surrounding tissues caused by bacteria. The main prerequisites are improper care and weakened immunity. The navel can become inflamed if it is not cleaned at all, or if it is treated too vigorously.

There are several forms of omphalitis:

  • Catarrhal (simple). Symptoms:
  • the navel gets wet and does not heal for a long time;
  • clear, bloody and serous-purulent discharge;
  • redness of the ring around the navel;

Sometimes the wound darkens and becomes covered with a crust, under which discharge accumulates. A complication of catarrhal omphalitis is fungus - a pale pink proliferation of granulations at the bottom of the navel.

Phlegmonous. Symptoms:

  • copious purulent discharge;
  • protrusion of subcutaneous fat near the navel;
  • redness and hyperthermia of the abdominal skin;
  • increased body temperature and general weakness.

This form of omphalitis is very dangerous: it can lead to the spread of infection throughout the body and necrotic tissue damage.

If the navel becomes red, darkened, bleeds and becomes wet, you should seek medical help. Catarrhal inflammation is treated by treating with hydrogen peroxide and antiseptics 3-4 times a day. Fungus is cauterized with silver nitrate. The phlegmonous form requires the prescription of local and systemic antibiotics.

Sometimes a child needs detoxification and infusion therapy. If tissue necrosis begins, surgery is prescribed.


An umbilical hernia is a protrusion of organs (intestines, omentum) through the umbilical ring. Outwardly, it looks like a tubercle rising above the surface of the abdomen, which appears when the child cries or strains. When pressing on the navel, the finger easily “falls” into the abdominal cavity.

According to statistics, a hernia is found in every fifth newborn. This usually happens during the first month of the baby's life. Its dimensions can vary significantly: from 0.5-1.5 cm to 4-5 cm.

A hernia is formed due to muscle weakness and slow tightening of the umbilical ring. It is believed that the tendency to form it is inherited. An additional factor under the influence of which a hernia forms is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Its causes are prolonged, strained crying, flatulence, and constipation.

For most children, a hernia does not cause any discomfort. But if you find a protrusion in the navel area, you should consult a doctor. Conservative treatment is usually practiced - massage and gluing of a special patch. By the age of 5-6 years, most often the hernia disappears without a trace due to the strengthening of the abdominal muscles. If this does not happen, an operation to suturing the muscular umbilical ring is prescribed.

In very rare cases, a hernia leads to a complication such as strangulation. It can be suspected if the navel suddenly protrudes, turns blue, or appears on it. dark spot, and the baby cries in pain. In such a situation, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Principles of massage

Massage will help cure a small protrusion in the navel area. It is advisable that the course of procedures be carried out by a specialist. But if this is not possible, then you can massage the baby yourself after the umbilical wound has healed.


  1. Stroke the abdomen with your palm around the navel, without touching the liver area.
  2. Bend your index finger right hand, move its second phalanx around the navel 2-5 times.
  3. Place a pad thumb on the navel and lightly press on it, imitating screwing movements 3-5 times.
  4. Tap your stomach with your fingertips.
  5. Place the palms of both hands under the child's lower back. Use your thumbs to move along the oblique muscles and connect them above the navel.

Massage helps to train the abdominal muscles and increase their tone. It must be carried out before meals, with the child lying on his back on a flat surface. Abdominal massage is done only clockwise.


Umbilical fistula is a connection between the umbilical ring and the small intestine or bladder. During the prenatal period, the fetus has choleretic and urinary embryonic ducts. Through the first, nutrition is supplied, and through the second, urine is excreted. Normally, they should close by the time of birth. In some babies, the ducts are partially or completely preserved. This is how fistulas are formed.

A complete fistula of the urinary duct leads to the fact that the navel becomes wet - urine is released through it. At the bottom you can see the red rim of the mucous membrane. An incomplete fistula is characterized by an accumulation of foul-smelling secretions and a change in skin color in the navel area - a pinkish spot may appear on it.

A complete fistula of the choleretic duct is accompanied by partial removal of intestinal contents and visualization of the mucous membrane. An incomplete fistula provokes serous-purulent discharge from the navel.

A fistula can be diagnosed based on examination, ultrasound and radiography. Treatment is only surgical. Without treatment, a fistula can cause omphalitis and peritonitis.

Other problems

What other problems can arise with a baby's navel? The most common situations:

  1. The wound is bleeding, a bruise (dark spot) has appeared - injury occurred due to careless hygienic manipulations, when putting on a diaper or clothes, or when turning over on the stomach. You can clean the wound with peroxide and treat it with an antiseptic. If the navel does not heal and bleeds continuously, you need to consult a doctor.
  2. The navel becomes wet - a foreign body has entered it. It is necessary to visit a pediatric surgeon to have it removed.
  3. The navel is red, but not inflamed - the baby “studied” his body and injured the skin. This often occurs at 6-10 months. Another cause of redness is food or contact allergies. In this case, a rash will be present on other parts of the body.

The navel is one of the most vulnerable areas on a baby’s body in the first month of life. Normally, the wound heals within 1-3 weeks. During this period, it must be cleaned very carefully to prevent infection. If your baby's belly button is inflamed, bleeding, bulging or wet, you should show it to the doctor. In most cases, problems can be solved by massage and proper care.

During pregnancy, the baby is in the womb and is connected to the mother by the umbilical cord.

Through it, the child receives the substances necessary for his growth and development.

The umbilical cord unites three blood vessels: a vein through which blood flows, enriched with oxygen and nutrients, and two arteries through which blood returns from the fetus back to the mother.

Cutting the umbilical cord

When a baby is born, the direct connection with the mother’s body is interrupted. The newborn can now eat, breathe, and remove waste products from the body on his own. Now he is growing, changing and developing as an independent and unique personality.

The cut section of the child's umbilical cord is tied or clamped with a special plastic clamp. After this, the doctor treats the navel with disinfectants, and then the baby’s mother performs this procedure independently.

Approximately 5–15 days after birth, the remainder of the newborn's umbilical cord, together with the clamp, turns into inanimate dry tissue and falls off, and an umbilical wound is formed in this place. Previously, mothers were discharged from the maternity hospital only after this, but, according to new WHO recommendations, now babies are sent home with an umbilical cord stump that has not yet fallen off.

Caring for the navel of a baby with a stump that has not fallen off

Immediately after being discharged from the maternity hospital, young parents have many questions: how to care for the umbilical wound, what needs to be done to heal it, and what not to do.

Try to provide air access to your baby's tummy - this will the best way to dry the umbilical cord. Daily 5-6 minute air baths will be very useful. Under no circumstances should the diaper come into contact with the umbilical cord area - you can place the diaper below the navel, bend the edge of the diaper, or use special disposable diapers with a slit.

The stump should fall off naturally; there is no need to help her with this. Previously, pediatricians advised treating the navel with liquids containing alcohol or brilliant green. But recent medical research in this area has shown that there is no need for such procedures. The drying process can be accelerated only by increasing the duration of direct exposure of the wound to air.

Caring for the navel after the stump falls off

After the umbilical cord has fallen off, the umbilical wound must be dried immediately. Leave the baby for a few minutes with his tummy open, as you are already used to doing.

If the navel is clean and dry, then no special treatment will be required after this. Avoid getting feces or urine on the umbilical cord; be sure to rinse with clean running water and wipe dry with a soft towel. The umbilical wound should always be clean and dry.

In what cases is special care required?

There are cases when, within a few days, transparent bloody or yellowish crusts may form in the navel. In this case, your doctor may recommend that you carefully remove them from the wound so as not to create a favorable environment for the proliferation of microbes.

This can be done using hydrogen peroxide. Take a little liquid into a pipette and drop it onto the crusts that have formed, and then blot with a piece of cotton wool or gauze pad. You can repeat the procedure several times until the crusts come off easily and the wound is completely clean.

With a careful movement, using a cotton swab and hydrogen peroxide, remove them and treat the navel with brilliant green. Most likely, you will not need to re-treat with green paint.

To bathe or not to bathe a baby?

Experts are of the opinion that as long as the newborn still has remnants of the umbilical cord, it is better not to bathe him in a baby bath, since immersion in water will slow down the drying process of the umbilical cord.

During this period, it is quite possible to limit yourself to washing the baby’s arms, legs, chest and other individual parts of the baby’s body with water or wiping them with a damp soft sponge. Proceed to full-fledged “water procedures” only after the umbilical wound has completely healed.

Causes of bleeding from the umbilical wound

There are isolated cases when the umbilical cord wound does not heal and bleeds. There may be several reasons for this:

  • You could accidentally touch her with a diaper or diaper;
  • This could happen if the baby cried for a long time and strained his tummy;
  • If the umbilical cord is too thick, it will heal more slowly and bleed periodically;
  • The cause of umbilical bleeding may be placing the baby on the tummy too early;
  • If you treat the umbilical wound incorrectly and injure it.

What to do if your belly button is bleeding?

The first ambulance in this case will be the already familiar procedure of treating with hydrogen peroxide and then green paint.

But there are points that should definitely alert you:

  • If the wound does not stop bleeding within 5-7 minutes after treatment;
  • If this is not the first time this happens to the baby;
  • If you notice purulent discharge with or without an unpleasant odor;
  • If there is swelling or redness around the umbilical wound;
  • If the navel does not heal for a very long time (more than 1 month);
  • If, while the child is crying, the swelling protrudes and becomes larger;
  • If there is an increase in the baby’s body temperature around the umbilical area;
  • If there is an unpleasant odor coming from the navel or it continues to get wet for 2-3 weeks.

In all these cases, you will need to consult a specialist - a pediatrician.


Caring for a baby, especially a newly born one, is not an easy process. It requires parents to have certain skills and knowledge. Let's try to understand when a newborn's navel heals. In addition, you will also have to learn everything about caring for this part of the body in children. Otherwise, you can get a huge number of problems. They will certainly affect your child. This is a very unpleasant outcome. Therefore, it is better to learn about proper care for a newborn’s navel.

In the maternity hospital

Immediately after birth, the baby's umbilical cord is cut - it will no longer be needed to continue living. A large clamp is left at the incision site. It somewhat resembles a clothespin. Serves to prevent bleeding.

The navel will have to be treated to speed up the healing process and also to prevent the wound from rotting. In the maternity hospital, this is done by doctors and nurses. Parents know practically nothing about the manipulations being carried out. Instead, they wonder how long it takes for a newborn's belly button to heal. No one will give you an exact answer. They can only say “soon” or “quickly”. Indeed, if you properly care for the baby, the wound will heal as soon as possible.


In general, it is difficult to understand our current issue. After all, if you are wondering how long it takes for a newborn’s belly button to heal, you need to understand that all people are different. And those who have just been born, too. They differ in character and health.

The rate of cell regeneration plays an important role here. It is different for all people. Therefore, for some, wounds and abrasions heal faster, for others - longer. It is necessary to understand this. Depending on this indicator, the answer to the question of how long it takes for the navel to heal in newborns will change.

To be honest, no one can answer you so simply. It is initially unknown how quickly cells are regenerated in a particular child. Therefore, you can only rely on your own assumptions. Children with a quick recovery can be left without a clothespin after 3-4 days, with a long recovery - a week and a half after birth. Everything is individual.

We're going home

Sooner or later you By that time, doctors usually say the approximate time for the navel to heal in newborns. Yes, it has already been said that everything is individual. But the general framework still applies.

The fact is that usually, after returning from the maternity hospital, the clothespin remains in place of the navel for approximately 3-4 days. And complete healing will take about 10 days on average (including the maternity hospital). This is the period for which young parents are usually guided.

Just remember: this is not entirely correct. After all, it is difficult to answer exactly when the navel heals in newborns. You can't equal everyone. For some it will take longer to heal, for others it will heal faster. This must be remembered. The only thing that is required from parents in this period of time is to properly treat the umbilical wound. If you follow some tips and recommendations given in the maternity hospital, you can speed up the process.

An interesting fact is that even after the child’s clothespin falls off, the wound will have to be treated for some time. And this is far from 2 days. On average - a week. Only then will it be possible to say with confidence that the navel has completely healed. Nothing special is required from parents. So how to care for your baby during healing?

Collecting a first aid kit

The first step is to collect a small first aid kit. It should contain all the products necessary to treat the baby’s umbilical wound. During the period when the navel of a newborn is healing, it is necessary to have:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • brilliant green;
  • cotton swabs and disks.

This will be enough to somehow speed up the healing process. True, sometimes people do without this list.

Now that you have all the necessary components, you will need to learn about the process of caring for the wound. You will have to pay special attention to the navel after the clothespin comes off. Next - a little more about caring for a newborn. The rules for parents are extremely simple.

Navel treatment

How long does it take for a newborn's belly button to heal? It has already been said that everything is individual. If you treat the wound correctly, you can only speed up the healing process. Take the first aid kit you collected earlier - without it you won’t be able to bring your idea to life.

The main component that is required is hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to treat the newborn's navel once a day. While you have the clothespin, gently blot the area with a cotton swab or pad. Then everything is much simpler.

You will have to drip peroxide onto your belly button and wait. As soon as the liquid foams, quickly blot it with a cotton pad. It is advisable to repeat this procedure 2 times.

Subsequent manipulations

When a newborn's belly button heals, it is necessary to provide proper care. After treating the wound with peroxide, you will need to do additional manipulations. Which ones exactly?

Dry your baby's belly button after using hydrogen peroxide. And then treat it with brilliant green. Cotton swabs are ideal for this. Some advise using iodine or potassium permanganate instead of brilliant green. Many doctors indicate that such options are possible, but at home it is best to use the most common brilliant green. It promotes healing much faster than all other components.

How long should I treat the umbilical wound? It's difficult to answer. Everything is individual. After all, the duration of such procedures depends solely on how long it takes for the newborn’s navel to heal. While the peroxide foams after application, you will have to treat the wound. As soon as you notice that this process has stopped, you can rejoice: your navel is 100% healed!


Basically, that's almost all there is to it when it comes to care. It is clear how long it takes for the navel to heal in newborns. You just have to remember a few more simple rules of behavior. They also concern swaddling and putting on diapers.

The point is that you need to carry out water procedures with your baby every day. In this case, you have to handle the child very carefully. Especially until the clothespin fell off. Try not to touch her while bathing. And immerse the baby not in ordinary water, but with a solution of potassium permanganate. This will contribute to the rapid healing of the umbilical wound. It is necessary to dry the child after water procedures carefully, using wet movements.


You can swaddle a newborn with a clothespin at the navel. Just not very tight. If you do not know how to do this, you can do without this process altogether.

In the modern world, baby diapers are very popular. They also have one peculiarity: you need to put them on the child so that the material does not touch the navel. As long as there is a clothespin, you can simply fold the diaper under it. And after it falls off, you will have to tuck the diaper in before fastening it. The main thing is that the navel is open. A little practice - and you will succeed! This is the only way to avoid wondering how long it takes for a newborn’s belly button to heal.

Doesn't heal

Don't worry if your child's wound hasn't healed for a few days. It was said that on average it takes about 10 days to heal. There is no need to panic if you still have to deal with the wound. It is not dangerous for the child. The main thing is that the wound does not get infected.

Doesn't a newborn's belly button heal? What to do? Just carry out all the above procedures and do not injure the wound. Under no circumstances should you tear off the clothespin yourself - it will fall off on its own when needed.

You will most likely notice some congealed blood on your baby's belly button. You cannot remove it yourself, only dissolve it. It is advisable to do this with hydrogen peroxide. Or while swimming. Particles of congealed blood will fall off on their own.

Now it’s clear when a newborn’s navel heals and how to care for the umbilical wound.