How to write a New Year's story. Funny stories that happened on New Year's Day. We don't celebrate at all

On the eve of the New Year, we decided to hold round table on the topic of New Year's stories. Everyone who has something to tell about the New Year, Santa Claus, miracles, stories from childhood, desires, wishes, congratulations and everything you want. We look forward to your New Year's stories :-)

Site visitors, be sure to tell us about your story in the comments to this material.

There are three children in our family. Now they are adults and independent. But there is a story that we often remember with joy. When the children were small, my husband and I invited New Year Father Frost and Snow Maiden to congratulate the children and present sweet gifts. Everything was always great and wonderful, but one thing New Year's greetings especially memorable for our family.

Father Frost, after the children have read the poems and shown the drawings, suddenly pulls out from the sleeve of his Father Frost robe a small black curly lump that fits in his palm.. Amazement.. Excitement. Joy.. The children froze, looking at me, Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden with huge eyes.. “Mom..?!! Is this for us??!!” I am amazed and no less surprised. This is a month old poodle puppy..

It turns out that my husband had agreed in advance with Santa Claus, and knowing how the children asked us for a dog, he prepared such a surprise. Actually, I was against having a dog in the house. But, seeing three pairs of amazed, happy, admiring, pleading eyes, I couldn’t resist... I’m sure my husband calculated this too.

The puppy stayed, received the name Phil, became a member and favorite of the whole family and lived, I am sure, 10 years very happily with us, and we with him. Here's a New Year's story.

New Year in people's minds is the beginning of a new life. The first of January will come and I.... It's great that we make wishes when the chimes strike. All we dream about is our potential.

Better yet, before New Year's Eve sit down and write a list of your desires - all, all desires, let them be 30 or 50, or even more. Hide the list in a secluded place and a year later, take a felt-tip pen, take out this list and New Year's Eve cross out everything that has happened this year!

Olga Victorovna. You described the story of the New Year with your family and it is very, very similar to my story :) We also have three children. And just like that, Santa Claus, one day, brought a live puppy as a gift. It was just a gorgeous, enchanting gift for children. And the dog RICKY lived with us for 16 years.

The album on VKontakte is dedicated to her :)

The New Year holiday is famous for its preparation. The New Year holiday is famous for the Japanese and Chinese calendars, mysticism, mystery, and expectations.

Even if you don’t have company and you’re alone in the apartment, make New Year’s Eve your holiday, treat yourself to some goodies, call and congratulate your friends and family with an interesting text or poem (they can be found on the Internet) Write all your wishes on a piece of paper. Light fireworks or sparklers.

And believe on New Year's Eve and that your wishes will come true!

Happy New Year, friends!

Congratulations to everyone related to the site (both the organizers, and the people asking questions and the people answering them!) Happy New Year 2012!

And do something pleasant and useful for yourself and those around you :)! Be it family new Year's Eve or a corporate party, get-togethers with girlfriends or a children's and youth get-together! Buy several (according to the number of those present) postcards, in this case, of course, New Year's, preferably folding ones, so that there is plenty of space for text. Each postcard is inscribed (mom, dad, Vladimir Ivanovich or Tanya Krotova, etc.). And in any order, whether passing on in a circle, or on impulse, or according to some of our own motivations - we write on each card of another person - our wishes to him/her! For some it is a lot and generously, for others it is meager but sincere, for others it is something that they did not dare to say with their own eyes... It’s New Year! All come true! And then, when everyone picks up a postcard with their name, a happy moment will come! How many warm words and feelings will come from what is written for you! So many discoveries and surprises!

By the way, remember or write down on a separate piece of paper what you wished for others! Of course, I would like (for this to turn out to be a pleasant discovery and a topic for reflection) not to write yet - why to do this, but... What you wish for others is your innermost wishes for yourself!

Love, happiness, good luck, health and all the very best for you!

New Year is an opportunity to take stock of something. Lately, people have been complaining that they don’t have enough time to dream, think about their lives, and figure out what’s going wrong. What important things do they not notice or miss in their lives? And now, on New Year’s Eve, it’s time to sum it up, analyze what important things have been done, and praise yourself. You can also dream and think about how to make these dreams come true. Allow yourself to have wild dreams. And most importantly, believe that you can implement them.

And we need to learn this from our children. Look how they dream, make wishes... And it all comes true. Let it be with our help. But it might not have come true... But it did come true.

We all come from childhood. But we forget about this. We forbid ourselves to be children. We stop believing in "Santa Claus". And we don’t even suspect that we can be our own wizards...

I wish everyone to become children at least for a while, to dream, to wish, to sincerely love and accept everyone, no matter what they are. Believe me, all your thoughts and desires will come true, the main thing is to want it correctly.

Love, happiness, good luck to you in the new year!

Good morning, day or evening to those who are reading these lines now! On the eve of the New Year, a rare person is in a gloomy mood, because, as mentioned above, we all come from childhood, and in childhood we were more inclined to believe in miracles and hope that with the advent of the New Year something completely extraordinary will happen and fabulous. Over time, life experience brings a certain amount of skepticism to the perception of the environment, but the ability to enjoy life always remains in those who want to preserve this ability in themselves. My parents gave me such joy - to believe in a miracle and know that it is possible to create it and with my own hands. When my brother and I woke up on the morning of January 1, we always had sweets in our slippers, and gifts wrapped in bright wrappers under the tree, and every time, even as we got older, we still fell asleep on New Year's Eve with some impatience and a feeling that the next morning something unexpected and pleasant is sure to happen. Isn't this a miracle?

I would like to wish all visitors to the site, its administration and the psychologists working on it to wish for themselves something that they have long wanted to accomplish. And let it not necessarily be on New Year’s Eve, but at any moment in life, because everything we want with FAITH in the implementation of our plans, without any fears or worries, will definitely happen! Believing in your own strengths is what I would like to wish to everyone! Happy New Year to you, dear friends!

Night from December 31 to January 1 is inherently something magical and is something special for every person. For some, this is an opportunity to sum up the results of the year, for others, the onset of changes, for others, it’s just a sad evening, because they are left alone with themselves at a time when everyone around is having fun... But all these people on this wonderful evening are often worried only their dreams, plans and whether all this is destined to come true. Unfortunately, not everyone manages to accomplish their plans, and not because they tried poorly or made little effort, there is just a little trick.

Our psyche perceives all our wishes and programs that we put into it without a particle of “not”. How do you and I often formulate our wishes??? For example: “I don’t want to live in poverty this year,” or you can simply wish “I want to have prosperity,” and so on. Another small nuance - do not say your wishes in long phrases, then they may not be heard and will lose the meaning that you wanted to put into them. If you find it difficult to express your wishes or dreams using words, then make a small collage of the fulfillment of your desires. Find pictures of what you would like this year. Glue them on a piece of paper (just be careful what you glue and whether this is really your desire) and next to each desire write the date of its fulfillment. Then you can put your work in the nightstand and, as it were, forget about it, periodically remembering and looking at your collage. You will see, by the end of the year, half of your desires will be fulfilled, even if at first it seemed like an impossible dream.

Lastly, I would like to share a New Year’s story. Once my sister advised me to hang money on the Christmas tree, explaining that if my husband and I did this, we would have money all year round. My husband, like those people about whom they say Thomas is an unbeliever, to check the untruthfulness of these words, he decorated the Christmas tree with Soviet coins to the maximum (he is a collector) and also put in counterfeit money. Naturally, after the New Year, everything was forgotten. I began to notice that his friends began to bring Soviet coins to our house, not just 1-2 pieces, but in half-liter jars, and the money appeared and disappeared. As soon as we started looking for the reason for such drastic changes, we immediately remembered the New Year’s test, which turned out to be true. From that moment on, we have a tradition at home, every New Year, when decorating the Christmas tree, hanging a “wish toy” only in this moment We approach this with understanding and caution.

P.S. May your dreams come true, have a nice New Year.

This happened on the eve of New Year 2000. The whole family (myself, my husband and two children) were planning to go to our friends in another city for the New Year holiday. While we were getting ready, we left late. And suddenly, halfway through the journey, our car broke down; it was already about nine o’clock in the evening. All the cars passing by were in a hurry and no one stopped to help. We called our friends to come and help us. At this time we went into a cafe along the road to warm up (it was a cold winter night).

We waited for a very long time, so much so that the cafe was about to close. And then our friends (a married couple) came in, all chilled, and said that four kilometers before the cafe, their car also broke down and they bravely walked towards us. We had to go out onto the cold, deserted road, light a fire, and take Olivier out of the trunk. But the owners of the roadside cafe took pity on us and invited us to their home for New Year's table. We celebrated the New Year in a large, noisy, unfamiliar, but friendly company. We really remember this New Year’s Eve, we remember it with pleasure.

Fairy tale, Fantasy, Waiting for Miracle and Magic... Strange, but for some reason only before New Year's holidays Our doors open before them, holidays pass... and people again put on impenetrable masks of rationalism, pragmatism and other “isms”. Meanwhile, it is very useful to remember how in childhood we really believed and expected this miracle. We believed in Santa Claus, in the gifts that someone carefully wrapped for us under the Christmas tree. And we made our simple wishes with hope, expecting that on this very night all your dreams would come true. Miracles happen to those who believe in them - and not only in holidays they can happen. You just need to want something very badly and this is called magic in a simple word- intention.

Be rays of sun, warmth and light for the people around you - remember - the law of conservation of energy - everything that we give into this world (both good and bad) does not disappear anywhere, but is preserved and grows in what surrounds us , and will surround. Therefore, it is so important to maintain a positive attitude in thoughts and actions - because in this way we pave the way for ourselves to real happiness. Therefore, the Miracle is, first of all, contained in ourselves - we are our own wizards, but for some reason we refuse to believe in our own strengths and capabilities, depriving ourselves of the opportunity to be the real Creator of our destiny.

Who is reading this article now - already happy man, because you chose the path of awareness and work on yourself, and you probably have a lot of desires - some larger, others smaller. So where to start? Formulate your intention precisely - it must be said out loud and in a positive form. A clearly formulated desire already gives an impetus and awakens our internal resources for its fulfillment. And here it’s a matter of time and the strength of your intention.

Good luck and may your wishes come true!

For me, the New Year is now more of a vacation, during which you can relax, but at the same time you can engage in self-development and get a lot done at work that was not done over the past year.

For me, the New Year is a very dynamic holiday of the person himself, his environment: family, friends!

My story and New Year's anniversary!

“In 2011, a friend, of course, had an anniversary on January 31. His children and grandchildren live nearby, some in the near abroad, and some far away. And of course, the children and grandchildren all came to congratulate the hero of the day. Only one grandson from far abroad called and said that due to educational obligations, he would not be able to come. Our hero of the day was sad about this - his first and most beloved grandson, apparently he really wanted to see and hug him. But the holiday went on as usual with toasts and congratulations to the hero of the day and farewell to the old year! the bell rings in the apartment, the grandson's parents invite everyone to meet the guests, everyone gets up from the table... And on the threshold we see two Santa Clauses bringing big box! - Everyone thought it was a TV! One Santa Claus loudly congratulates the hero of the day, the second on the New Year! - Silence! And here the hero of the day somehow says with bitterness and annoyance: *Why do I need this TV, I have three of them, why did you spend money....* We are all silent, and the hero of the day is offendedly about to leave for the table - apparently he remembered about his grandson again! And suddenly the box starts to move and grumble something....!!! Everyone froze, the hero of the day turned around in surprise and wary...

Frosts open the box and who do you think came out of it.....!! Of course, Beloved Grandson! How much joy and delight our Anniversary and all the guests had! - *This is how the granddaughters all echoed the voice of the hero of the day*! The grandson made a fuss, handed over everything in advance and was released - apparently he also wanted to see and hug his grandfather. And he even came up with an unusual way to congratulate!

We spent the entire New Year celebration in a fabulously cheerful mood! And we still constantly remember this unusual meeting in 2011!

I believed in miracles before, and after this incident I believe even more!

Dear Residents of Planet Earth! Believe in miracles and they will definitely come true, especially on New Year’s Eve! I wish everyone health and prosperity and make wishes!

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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website“overheard” the most touching New Year’s stories told by truly happy people.

  • We have New Year's tradition. At the end of December, absolutely all residents of our entrance decorate their staircases. Garlands, toys, tinsel, there are even several Christmas trees. Holiday mood weeks in advance guaranteed. One day is designated when the competition will be held for the best design. They appoint Santa Claus and assistants and go to all the apartments. Children recite poems, and at the end everyone is celebrating right on the staircase, where the table is set and music is playing. I'm bragging!
  • At the age of 6, my nephew stopped believing in Santa Claus. We are standing with him at the window on the eve of the New Year. I tell him: “Shout “Grandfather Frost!” - he will appear.” Meanwhile, the wife hides the gifts under the tree. The nephew shouted, and - what would you think! - along Ostankinskaya street on a sleigh drawn by a troika, Santa Claus rushed by. The nephew’s eyes sparkled, his face looked as if he had received his most cherished dream. Who would show me my face...
  • While removing the wallpaper in the room, we discovered a wall painting underneath: Santa Claus and a Christmas tree with a red star on the top. Judging by the inscription on Grandfather's cap, the first residents of this apartment celebrated the new year, 1976 with bare walls and global renovation plans. Let's draw a Snow Maiden to join Santa Claus and Let's sign 2017! After all, everything is more fun with a granddaughter! Perhaps, in 40–50 years, someone will also come across such a greeting from the past and get a boost of New Year’s spirit, despite the bad weather outside the window.
  • It was the best New Year of my life! I dressed up as Santa Claus and congratulated people on the street. Adults and children sang, danced, recited poems, receiving sweets and tangerines as gifts from me. It was incredibly nice give people a small New Year's miracle!
  • As a child, every New Year I believed my dad that the whole city would set off fireworks after the chimes in my honor. I waved my hand out the window and felt like a queen. My dad is great.
  • On New Year's Eve, when I was 7-8 years old, my mother went out onto the terrace, returned from there with gifts and said that Santa Claus had come on a sleigh and told her to give her a gift. Without hesitation, I ran there to look at him, but I only saw what seemed to me like a sleigh with lights driving away and one of them waving at me. The charge of mood was unreal: after all, I saw Santa Claus at least a little. Later, the parents said that they asked neighbors 2 houses away to play along with them. But still, thanks to them for this New Year’s mood!

Because they know: tens of millions of people will follow the “unpredictable” story about how four friends decided to go to the bathhouse on New Year’s Eve. “The irony of fate...” for some is a fairy tale, for others a comedy, for others a crime detective story with a happy ending. And for some it was true! Miracles really do happen on New Year's Eve, and after going through trials and pain, you can find love, save the doomed, and stay alive. Our stories are about real people, our readers whose lives changed overnight. New Year's Eve.

Fell, woke up and... got married

This story happened to Kursk resident Galina Sotnikova 10 years ago, on the eve of New Year, 1999. “I was returning by train to Kursk from Vladivostok, where I was visiting relatives,” says Galina.

She got the top seat in the compartment, but her fellow travelers were cool: a young married couple and a tall, handsome brunette, Sergei. He treated everyone to his mother’s pies, sang songs with a guitar and told jokes tirelessly. And then he gallantly invited Galina to occupy his bottom bunk, while he settled on her top one.

At night, Galina had a wonderful dream: she seemed to be swimming with dolphins in butterfly style. Then suddenly a shark swam up to her and bit her on the leg. She screamed from wild pain and woke up... Sergei stood on her leg and groaned, holding his hand, from which blood was dripping. "What's wrong with you?" - Galina asked with horror. “Yes, it fell off the shelf unsuccessfully. I think I broke my arm."

“As it turned out, not only Sergei was injured: my leg was damaged, which my fellow traveler stepped on while falling,” recalls Galina.

“We’ll be discharged in a month,” the doctor at the hospital to which they were both taken from the train reassured the young people. And so it turned out that random fellow travelers had to spend not only the New Year, but also Christmas and the old New Year in the hospital. She and Sergei returned home together again. Since Galina’s leg was still in a cast, Sergei carried her in his arms. She still wears it like that - 8 years after the wedding, which happily ended their New Year's traumas.

Elena Baybakova, AiF-Kursk


I put a gift under the tree for my beloved for the New Year!

- What is she?

- And she’s still looking for him: the taiga is big!

Salute against prudence

There was nothing unusual in the meeting between my mother and now stepfather - a short conversation in a grocery supermarket did not foreshadow continuation.

Although Uncle Yura (that’s my stepfather’s name) found an excuse to take my mother home. This is where it turned out that they live “window to window”, park their cars in the same parking lot, and even have common friends. And from the very next day, flowers appeared on my mother’s car every morning, gifts appeared under the door... Romantic, but impractical, my mother thought, and of the two options for marriage - for love or for convenience - she chose the second. After some time, a package from Uncle Yura appeared at the door of our apartment - an album with romantic personal photographs, as if the story of their short but vibrant relationship. This was already something more, not just a gift. But there was no one to be nostalgic - my mother moved.

The next day, December 31, on a dark morning, at six o’clock, Uncle Yura called. I immediately admitted that there was no mother. And Uncle Yura, in a doomed, sad, very sad voice, asked to come to the window. “Be with me” was drawn in the snow in huge, neat letters. A moment later the fireworks began, which I will never forget. I looked at the flickering lights of the miracle fireworks fading before my eyes and cried. My hysteria forced my mother to agree to at least talk with Uncle Yura. It cannot be said that he convinced my mother, that with his words and gifts he inspired her with love. He just helped a little to free my mother’s heart from the influences of the mind. And she did right choice- I preferred option No. 1.

Ekaterina S i v k o v a, Perm

Well, Vanya, you got it right!

This happened 30 years ago on New Year's Day. Vanya served as an officer in a military unit among the dense Yaroslavl forests, I was a student at a Moscow university. Ivan and I were friends for two years, and I was waiting for a marriage proposal. But he was restrained in his feelings. On December 31, I was going to come to his unit. Early in the morning on the day of departure, a telegram arrived: “Don’t come.” I thought all day, not finding a place for myself, but still I went. I barely made it to the gate of the unit. Since no one met me, I walked four kilometers from the bus through the forest, shaking with fear. The sentry at the gate stunned me with the very first phrase: “But there is no lieutenant in the unit, he is on leave.” I roared out loud. They gave me tea and took me in a gas car to the bus station, but I could only leave in the morning. With my hat on one side and makeup smeared on my face from tears, I fell asleep on the bench. Woke me up... Vanya.

"What are you doing here?! - he exclaimed. - I lost a whole day looking for you around Moscow! I returned to the unit, and you left there too!”

It turned out that Vanya decided to surprise me with his arrival. It was a success! We celebrated New Year at the station. But it was the brightest holiday of my life. And soon after that we got married.

Valentina Egorova, Moscow region.


Announcement at the Christmas tree market: “Buyer, remember: who has a house faux Christmas tree, the fake Santa Claus will come with fake gifts!”

The elevator made enemies into spouses

Next door neighbors Maxim and Marina from Barnaul hated each other for a long time. Either Maxim’s dog, without waiting for the owner to finish rummaging through the mailbox, will pee under Marina’s door, or the guy’s bag of garbage will rip and it will fly straight into new ones. suede boots neighbors... But one New Year's Eve changed everything.

This happened five years ago, on December 31, half an hour before the chimes struck. Maxim and Marina, returning (separately, of course) home with full packages of holiday provisions, stepped into the elevator. Somewhere between the 4th and 5th floors he was suddenly shaken, the lights flickered and then went out completely... A panicky “we’re stuck!” came out from both at the same time.

Marina’s girlfriends were about to arrive at Marina’s, but the table had not yet been set; Friends were due to arrive for Maxim any minute to go celebrate the holiday in night club. But by the time I managed to shout to someone, contact the elevator operator, and achieve release, four and a half hours had passed. One of the neighbors even tried to run to the elevator operators in the neighboring house, but they were not there. So the enemies had to celebrate the most vile New Year in a cold elevator.

During this time, they managed: first, to sort things out and express their accumulated complaints to each other, then to get acquainted and, finally, to fall in love with each other without memory. They left the elevator to the muttering of the master, “I’m so tired of you all,” and the applause of those gathered.

Two months after New Year's Eve in the elevator, the young people submitted an application to the registry office and have been happily married for almost 5 years, although they now live in St. Petersburg. And every New Year is a double holiday for them!

Tatyana Furs, AiF-Altai

Send us your New Year's story!

New Year in every family is the most main holiday. Share stories that happened to you the day before or during the celebration itself, and we will publish them on our website!

A story from a star

“Mom, this is my bride!”

Nadezhda Babkina, singer:

Usually, I, like most of my colleagues, celebrate every New Year at work. But a couple of years ago I finally decided to spend New Year’s Eve like a human being - at home. The fact that I could have fun with my family and friends, that I could gorge myself on homemade Olivier salad and watch TV - this was already something incredible for me. But the main surprise that New Year's Eve was ahead of me. Half an hour after the chimes, Danil’s son called me and said: “Mom, urgently go outside, I have to tell you something important.” I, being incredibly intrigued and excited, immediately ran out to my son on the street. “Mom, meet me, this is my bride Tanya!” - he blurted out. I never expected such a turn. In general, I remembered that New Year for the rest of my life.

Where are you going to celebrate the New Year (in%)?

  • Homes - 77
  • Away - 13
  • In a restaurant, club - 2
  • At the dacha - 2
  • Rest in the house - 1
  • I won't celebrate - 2
  • Difficult to answer - 5

The VTsIOM survey was conducted on December 6-7, 2008, surveying 1,600 people in 140 localities in 42 regions, territories and republics of Russia

A duck burned, a bottle of champagne broke, or a gift was lost to a loved one? Believe me, such New Year’s misfortunes have not overtaken you alone. We have worse stories.


Marketer, 24

I somehow lost my wallet on New Year’s Eve. Thank God, I managed to buy gifts for my closest ones. True, I came to visit without champagne and tangerines. Of course, I was very upset. There was not only money there, but also important cards. After the New Year I started to restore it. But then I got it new job. Therefore, everything is interconnected here. You lose something and gain something.

Social worker, 22

On New Year's Eve, my sister and I got out of the elevator on the first floor, and some inadequate guy greeted us with a firecracker. Imagine, he launched a firecracker straight into our elevator. It’s good that no one was hit, we ran out, but the fire alarm went off, and the dispatchers were on alert. It took another hour to figure out who was right and who was wrong.

Economist, 28

And my daughter ran after Santa Claus and got lost in the crowd! There was a New Year's concert in our area: songs and dances. Then Grandfather Frost started walking around and handing out candy, she reached out to him, I turned away for a minute, I turned around - neither her nor grandfather. Of course I was hysterical! They searched for her for half an hour. As a result, they found her backstage, the artists were treating her to candy.

Student, 20

My friends and I were driving through the forest to our dacha and got lost. We zigzagged there for an hour, the navigators refused to work. We also came across some suspicious men. They were already tipsy and knocked on our windows and ran after the car. We felt uneasy. As a result, we went to some field and opened champagne there. Then, by some miracle, we got out.

Engineer, 31

And they brought me a Doberman puppy from Germany especially for my beloved. I was traveling with him on the train, I was carrying him in a special container, he fell asleep, I couldn’t even hear him. And since, besides him, I also had a bunch of bags, I hesitated at my station and left him in the carriage! It’s good that I came to my senses in time, when the train left, I turned to the controller, and he managed to contact the depot so that the driver was informed about the loss. No one had time to pick up the puppy yet, but they found him in time. True, I arrived to the girl an hour after the start of the holiday. But she was very pleased.

My boyfriend and I were going to visit friends. They were holding something like a small masquerade. Everyone had to wear suits and masks. The trick was that couples would not know what their significant other would wear. But the young man and I decided not to bother. He told me he was going to be wearing a Batman costume and I was just going to wear a red sexy dress and a mask. He would definitely recognize me. And so it happened. When we arrived at the party, he recognized me instantly. I couldn’t spot him in the crowd for a long time, but then I noticed him! She ran up from behind and pinched her butt. And when he turned around, it turned out that it was a completely different man! My boyfriend, meanwhile, stood aside and watched this. It turned out that there were several Batmans at the party...

Borzova Olga, 4th grade

New Year... Oh, this holiday, everyone loves it: adults, children, and even animals! Everyone receives gifts, has fun, dances around the decorated Christmas tree. And the most important character at this holiday is Santa Claus. Everyone loves him and is waiting for him. But these are only adults and children, but the forest dwellers are sad, they know that Santa Claus will not come to them and give them gifts, and they will not decorate the Christmas tree. Therefore, many people sleep, and many simply look at the stars, imagining that they are garlands on a festive tree.

But I believe that one day Santa Claus will come to them and give everyone what they dream of. He will decorate the Christmas tree with it, and the forest dwellers will dance all night. This will be the best and most fun party in the world!

Fedorov Artem, 4th grade

Tishka the bear cub never celebrated the New Year, because for the winter all bears go to bed until spring. In the fall, he asked his friends to be sure to wake him up so that they could celebrate the forest celebration together.

On New Year's Eve, the squirrel Mila, the hare Pooh, the badger Plyukha gathered at Tishka's den, and they began to wake up the bear cub. With great difficulty, but still they managed to do it. Tishka reluctantly woke up and was surprised by the winter snowy forest, cold weather and clean frosty air. His friends urged him on, telling him in detail how many important things he needed to do before the holiday.

The badger spotted a fluffy Christmas tree near the river, and the friends went together to get it. The strong bear cub put it on his back forest beauty and brought her to the den. Pooh the hare began to decorate the bear's home, Mila the squirrel was baking a festive cake, and Pluh and Tishka were setting the table. So the festive hour was approaching imperceptibly.

All the animals dreamed of only one thing - to see Santa Claus as soon as possible. When all the work was done, the animals sat comfortably near the Christmas tree and began to hum New Year's songs. From warmth and fatigue, their eyes began to slowly close. Only Tishka struggled with sleep, because he could not sleep through the holiday he dreamed of! The little bear really didn’t want to wake up his friends, and so quietly he took out the gifts that he had prepared in the fall and put them under the tree. Tishka was so busy with this important matter that he did not notice Santa Claus at the door. But Santa Claus did not hesitate, he quietly placed gifts at the entrance.

The holiday has arrived. All the animals woke up and saw a mountain of gifts from Tishka under the tree. The little bear was a little embarrassed, he congratulated everyone on the holiday with all his heart. The animals were very happy and called Tishka the real Santa Claus. The friends also prepared gifts for Tishka, and they happily ran after them. When they returned, they saw that Tishka was sleeping calmly and sucking his paw. The animals unwrapped a gift for Tishka. It was bright and very beautiful warm patchwork quilt. The gift turned out to be very useful. The animals covered the bear with a new fluffy blanket and wished him a Happy New Year. And the bear slept very soundly and in his dream he saw a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, gifts... - real magic!

Elesina Anna, 3rd grade

On the night of December 31 to January 1, a miracle happened. When 0:00 came in one of the houses, all the toys came to life. The toys began to jump, run, explore the house, and, of course, talk. When they got tired of playing in the apartment, they decided to run away. While no one was looking, they carefully climbed out the window. Since the apartment was on the first floor, they managed to escape very easily. At first the toys did not know where to go, but then they decided that they would go wherever their eyes looked. The toys walked and walked and came to a small store. Sweets were sold there. The toys decided to buy candy and give it to their owners. But the toys had no money, they decided to tell everything to the store clerk.

When they told everything to the seller, he took pity on them and gave them candy for free. The toys were very, very happy. They thanked the seller and went home. The toys walked and walked and finally reached the house. They carefully climbed into the house through the same window from which they climbed out. When they were already home, they gave their owners candy. Their owners were very happy with this gift!

Kostetsky Alexander, 3rd grade

One day, on New Year's Eve, all the toys on the Christmas tree came to life. They built their own city and called it Elka-City. But soon Christmas decorations started a war. The balls chose the Silver Ball as their ruler and began to fight with the rest of the toys for power over the city.

The toys removed all the cannons from the tree and built a protective wall of tank-proof garlands. And the balls armed themselves with firecrackers and sparklers, and the battle began. The balls had already begun to win, but golden dragons flew to the toys’ aid from the very top of the tree. The dragons spewed fire and burned the entire army of balls. Only their commander, Silver Ball, remained, and his only choice was to surrender.

And only after that peace came to Elka-City, and all the toys began to rule the city in turn. Nobody wanted to fight anymore, everyone wanted to live in peace and harmony!

Orlov Maxim, 4th grade

“Last year’s snow fell...” (achievements of the outgoing year)

New Year is the most cheerful and long-awaited holiday! All children and adults look forward to it all year long, and I am among them. And the closer December 31st comes, the more often I remember the passing year.

What good happened this year? How much did I get done? What have you achieved? Or maybe, on the contrary, something didn’t work out? Every time you want to forget all the failures and troubles and remember only the good. This is probably not entirely correct?!

So, this year my dream finally came true! I'm a hockey player! I really like playing hockey, but it is a very difficult sport. To achieve good results, I worked very hard, often I didn’t even have time to do my homework because I trained so much. I was tired, nervous, worried, but stubbornly pursued my dream - to become the best defender! And in November, our team “Bulldogs” took 1st place at a prestigious tournament, and I received a medal as the best defender! How happy I was!

This was our first victory and our first gold medals! But I'm not going to stop there! I will achieve even more, I will play in Molodezhka, even if it means working ten times harder!

And this is my most cherished wish, which I will ask you for every New Year, Grandfather Frost!