How to beautifully decorate a New Year's table

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 24 minutes


There are only a few weeks left before the main holiday for children and adults, and if you have not yet started preparing for it, now is the time to think about how exactly you will celebrate the New Year.

The festive atmosphere does not appear on its own - you need to add both imagination and your golden hands to it. And to enter next year With luck in your pocket, you should decorate the table on the eve of 2017 in accordance with the “preferences” of its patron.

Symbols of the 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster and the basic rules for decorating the New Year's table

Reigns in the coming year Fire Rooster. And the design of the table (and the house as a whole) should be carried out based on the “specifics” of this symbol.

The key colors in which we select decor for the holiday are all shades of red, orange and gold.

Don't skimp on shiny things - more shine, contrast and brightness!

As for the choice of dishes, here the Rooster is modest and unpretentious.

Dishes can be prepared simple and unpretentious (we use imagination exclusively in their design), and, of course, exclusively natural:

  • Light meals, more cereals and vegetables.
  • Pickles and herbs laid out on a tray.
  • Cut into mini sandwiches.
  • Homemade baked goods.
  • Liqueurs, aromatic wines, berry liqueurs.

You shouldn't anger the Rooster black and gray shades in decor – we exclude them completely.

The ideal option is to decorate the place of celebration rustic style, with embroidered tablecloths, linen napkins and wicker baskets.

However, the choice of style is yours. The main thing is not to forget the basic rules.

DIY decor and decorations for the New Year's table 2017

In the year of the Rooster decorations festive table can become any decorations made from natural elements, handmade.

Particular attention is paid to pine elements, symbolizing longevity.

Holistic compositions will be effective (size - in accordance with the size of the table) from branches, berries, fruits, pine/spruce paws, Christmas balls etc.

Don't forget about ribbons and rain, decorative snow, cones, ears of corn and branches, bells, nuts, candles and candies, toys and other improvised materials.

We place the largest composition, of course, in the center of the table.

You can secure the elements of the compositions with a stapler, wire, or special glue (using a “gun”).

For example…

  • We fix the tinsel around the perimeter of the New Year's table. At the corners of the table we attach bows with unbreakable Christmas balls or bells. We follow the same style in the design!
  • We place themed figurines on the table (tiny snowmen, for example, chickens or roosters, small but bright decorative eggs), add romance with the help of candles.
  • We place cards made of gold cardboard with their names at the “seating” places for guests. Each set of dishes comes with a gift box.
  • We place the main composition in the center of the table. You can create it from spruce paws and cones covered with artificial snow, a pair of thick candles and spruce balls.
  • The “highlight” of the table “from 31st to 1st” is cereals, feathers and, of course, flowers. Therefore, if possible, place a composition or vase with dried flowers, feathers, and ears of wheat. If you cannot find such elements, you can pour the cereal into small bowls and decorate them with fir branches.
  • "Nest". Such a composition must be present on the festive table as a talisman. We replace the grass in the nest with green threads or ribbons, we create the nest itself from ribbons, or we take a ready-made basket without handles and put boiled eggs painted in “gold” or bright red into the nest.
  • It is recommended to place a yellow coin under each plate so that in the year of the Fire Rooster financial stability accompanies you in all areas of life.
  • It's great if you have a samovar! We polish it until it shines, decorate it with a bunch of bagels, and place it on an embroidered napkin.
  • Don't forget about the sweet onion bunches , wheat ears or hot red pepper.

How to design and how to decorate cutlery and dishes on the table in the New Year of the Rooster 2017?

The main rule when decorating a table is to maintain a single style. Remember that a table is not a Christmas tree, and stick to the golden mean.

We choose only real dishes! There should be no plastic on the table. The ideal option is Gzhel porcelain, bright antique sets, wooden bowls and ladles, and clay dishes.

Every little thing should be special and match the unified style, including straws in glasses and skewers.

How to decorate a table?

Decorating the 2017 New Year's table and room with candles

One of the most important attributes of the holiday table is, of course, candles. They always add mystery, romance and celebration. And this year - even more so, because the Fire Rooster requires a “fiery” design.

What kind of candles and how can you put them on the table?

Don't overuse candles! Do not clutter up the table space with them. Candles should only emphasize the “same” atmosphere.

Decorating dishes for the New Year's table 2017 Year of the Rooster

What to treat your guests and household members for the holiday - everyone decides for themselves.

But we must proceed from the fact that the Rooster prefers simple and light dishes. Therefore, do not get carried away with delights and overseas dishes - everything is your own, native, simple and, of course, beautifully decorated. The rooster loves braided buns, bagels with tea from a samovar, pies, fagots of onions/peppers, etc.

How to arrange dishes?

It doesn’t matter what kind of salad you have in the vase, what matters is how it’s decorated. And, as you know, there are no limits to imagination. Therefore, we take ideas from our heads, from the Internet, from magazines, etc.

The main thing is that not a single dish is left without attention.

Whatever you cook, decorate the dishes with love. And, of course, together with the children. More fruits/vegetables, grains and cereals on the table - The Rooster is not a big fan of meat.

And remember, the owner of next year does not require anything from us - he himself brings good luck, love and financial stability.

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The most fabulous and magical holiday, which both adults and children are waiting for - this, of course, New Year. You always prepare for it with inspiration and special trepidation, trying in every possible way to please the symbol of the year, thinking through the decoration of the New Year's table and creating culinary masterpieces.

According to the eastern horoscope, the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2017 is the Fire Rooster. 2017 promises to be bright and memorable. Something very special awaits each of us this year. The rooster is a proud bird, its mood will determine the nature of the events that will happen to us in the New Year. In order for the owner of the year to be satisfied and favor all our endeavors and dreams, we must meet him in the right way. Characterizing the Rooster, we know that he loves to be the center of attention, he needs to be noticed and pleased, that’s when he will be happy and satisfied.

Cooking and decorating

It's not just how you decorate that matters New Year's table, but also what you bet on it.

Note! The rooster will obviously not like it if you decide to treat your guests to poultry meat, in particular chicken.


Preference should be given to beef, pork, and lamb. It is advisable not to serve turkey, duck or quail dishes.

An excellent option would be potato and pork dishes baked in clay pots. The rooster will really like this rustic table setting. You can also prepare a juicy meatloaf with mushrooms and herbs; meat stuffed with cranberries; puff pastry meat with tomatoes and herbs. A good option For the holiday menu, it could be a vegetable stew baked with cheese in the oven.

Main courses can be decorated with flowers cut from vegetables and fruits: tomatoes, cucumbers (salted or fresh), radishes, lemon, olives, apples. The Fiery Rooster will not at all mind seeing an abundance of fresh vegetables and slices on the festive table.

Note! You should avoid serving stuffed chicken eggs; you should not use them to decorate other holiday dishes. Don't be alarmed, you can add eggs to salads, and choose quail eggs for serving dishes.

Don’t go overboard with fried and highly salted foods; dishes should be light, not high in calories and simple. Do not use canned food and pickles; let your table consist of dishes made from fresh vegetables.

Sandwiches and canapés

For snacks, choose sandwiches and canapés with tomato or orange pepper, fish, red caviar and crab sticks, here you are color scheme endure it and please the Cockerel with fresh bread. Be sure to think through the design of sandwiches on the New Year's table; it should be festive.

Canapes usually look elegant anyway, but you need to decide how to serve this festive dish, for example, sometimes canapes are stuck into a bun, loaf or vegetable.

From fish

Fish dishes can be an excellent option for a festive table. Choose what you like best: Asian dishes, Mediterranean or Russian cuisine. If you still prefer Slavic dishes, then jellied or oven-baked fish will come in handy.

Pike perch, sturgeon, trout – there are a lot of options for a tasty and festive dish. If you serve the fish whole, cut its back, insert a piece of lemon into the cuts, garnish with mayonnaise, add herbs and vegetable shapes. It will turn out very tasty.


The rooster will like seafood and shrimp salads, rice and rolls. In vegetable salads, give preference to tomatoes, sweet peppers, and fresh cucumbers. Any salad and cold appetizers can be themed in the shape of a Christmas tree or Santa Claus, most importantly, more greenery. Dill, parsley, and lettuce will make the table juicy green and bright; the host of the coming year will really like it.

Desserts and sweet table

Here you have the right to come up with whatever you want, the main thing is not to make very complex desserts, or desserts that contain alcohol. The Rooster will like everything else. For children, you can bake cookies or muffins with berries and nuts. In addition, you can make fortune cookies nice wishes on coming year will be pleasant to your family, everyone will appreciate such a surprise with a smile and will look forward to the fulfillment of the prediction.

Gingerbread in the shape of a Christmas tree, house, cockerel, etc. would be appropriate; they can be both a gift and a treat. Such delicious gift made with your own hands will be the most pleasant surprise for guests.

Fantasize and delight your family and friends.


Do not choose very strong alcohol; it is better to celebrate the New Year with a glass of wine or champagne. Ideal choice Cocktails can become colorful and bright, like a rooster’s tail. For those who do not drink alcohol, Rooster offers natural juices and fruit drinks; drinks in red and yellow colors will especially decorate the table.


To please the Rooster, set the table in this year's colors. Preference should be given to shades of red, yellow and gold. But don't decorate the table too brightly. Choose a tablecloth light shades and from natural fabrics. The dishes on your table can be with golden patterns or bright colors; the symbol of the eastern horoscope will like this, but it is desirable that it be from natural materials: glass, wood, clay.

The Fire Rooster simply loves classics and simplicity; there is no need to invent something original. Choose napkins that match the tablecloth; if you have napkins made of natural linen, be sure to use them to beautifully set the festive table; the Rooster will be pleasantly surprised. Glasses can be decorated with natural waxed cord or pieces of burlap. Cutlery can be decorated with fir branches and tied with natural threads or gold cord. Naturalness in everything - the Rooster will really like this. Decorate your home and holiday table in a rustic style. If you have stored wooden Toys or candlesticks, wicker or clay vases, all these decorative elements will harmoniously complement the festive interior. In the center of the table place a dish with sprouted grains and a bowl with clean water, this will show how you are waiting for the owner of next year and are glad to meet him. Instead of sparklers, it is better to decorate the table big amount candles of red or gold colors, they will add warmth and comfort to the New Year's atmosphere.

The long-awaited New Year holiday should be the most memorable. Try to please the Fire Rooster and appease him with your welcome for the whole year, because otherwise he can show all the hot temper of his character.

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The festive table for the New Year should not only be rich in all kinds of original dishes, sweets and delicacies. Also, the New Year's table simply must be beautifully cleaned and decorated. After all, as they say, “how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it,” and everyone wants to spend this time in beauty and splendor.

Therefore, real housewives, long before the arrival of the long-awaited holiday, are looking for stylish and elegant ideas for setting the New Year's table. We've put together some great options for you, how to decorate a table for New Year 2017.

New Year 2017 - the year of the Red Fire Rooster: how to please the sign

The Red Rooster is a very serious, reasonable bird and, even if it is hot-tempered, moves away very quickly. The Rooster loves everything natural, natural and simple. Therefore, New Year's dishes should be as simple as possible, but, of course, you shouldn't go to extremes either. All food should be light, it is better to place pickles and herbs on large dishes, and use slices on small sandwiches.

The Rooster also “respects” baked goods extremely, but they must be portioned. There must be a cocktail on the table (which means “cock tail” in English). Invigorating drinks are also welcome - wine, liqueur, liqueur and tincture. It is advisable to put some sprouted grain on the table.

You need to approach decoration with imagination. In the Year of the Rooster, it is better to use a rustic table setting style - linen tablecloths and napkins, dry bouquets and vegetable or fruit arrangements as decor. The rooster will like small braided buns, a bunch of bagels on a samovar, bundles of red peppers or onions, neatly twisted bundles of straw, various ears of wheat, etc.

The dishes on the New Year's table must be real. Cannot be used in the year of the Rooster plastic plates and cups. If you have Gzhel porcelain, this is what you need to put on the table. In general, bright dishes (blue-green colors are especially welcome), painted wooden spoons, bowls, and ladles are suitable. Pottery will also fit perfectly here.

Warm and elegant New Year's table setting in red colors

If you want to celebrate the New Year in a beautiful and cozy environment, the red color in details will suit you perfectly. And, since the owner of 2017 will be the Red Fire Rooster, in order to win the favor of this important animal, we need to properly decorate the table for the New Year and the use of red in table settings will help us with this.

A very simple and, at the same time, elegant serving option - a couple of Christmas tree branches with red decorations in the very center of the table, fruits, nuts and cones; several red candles, red napkins and white dishes (or, conversely, white napkins, but red dishes); along the perimeter of the table you can “seat” snowmen in red caps; Every guest will be pleased to find a small red Christmas tree on their plate with wishes for a happy year.

Decorating the New Year's table with candles

Decorative candles have always been and remain a mandatory attribute New Year's Eve. The dancing flames of candles help you tune in to the festive atmosphere, forget about all the troubles and accept with a pure soul all the good things that await you in the coming year.

You can purchase ready-made New Year's candles in the form of snowmen, stars, Christmas trees and Santa Clauses. Or you can buy regular stand candles and decorate them with New Year-themed drawings, snowflakes and patterns. You can also use New Year's candlesticks for regular candles, and you don't have to buy them in a store - an ordinary small saucer decorated with a spruce branch, pine cones, Christmas tree decorations and tangerines is perfect.

New Year's table: festive atmosphere in detail

Of course, the festive table for the New Year should not look like christmas tree. But he must be smart. It is enough to focus on some details to create an atmosphere of the present. winter holiday, which both adults and children look forward to all year long. Special New Year's socks or mittens for cutlery, themed, are perfect for these purposes. original rings for napkins, decorative New Year's candles, tinsel and Christmas tree decorations.

Don't forget to involve children in the process of decorating the table. Every child will enjoy this enjoyable activity and will help them spend the last hours interestingly before the New Year.

Basic serving rules:

  • The tablecloth is not the main attribute of the celebration, so it should not be the center of attention, but it must be clean and ironed; 20 to 40 cm of fabric can hang down along the edges.
  • Serving, as a rule, begins with plates, then cutlery is laid out, and only then crystal or glass.
  • Napkins should contrast with the tablecloth; cloth napkins are placed on a snack plate; paper napkins It’s better to hide them in a corner under part of the plate or put them in a special napkin holder.
  • Knives and spoons are placed on the right, forks on the left. All cutlery lies on the table with the convex side down. Place glasses and glasses on the right side of the plates.
  • It is extremely important to adhere to one style when setting your New Year's table.

Proper preparation for the New Year is the key to its success. have a wonderful holiday. That’s why it’s worth thinking through a lot of nuances in advance: the right outfit, the right hairstyle, a list of dishes and decorations for the 2017 New Year’s table.

Basic information

Initially, it is worth talking about the fact that the symbol of 2017 is the Fire Rooster, which, according to Eastern beliefs, personifies home prosperity, comfort and masculine strength. That is why it is worth decorating your New Year's table with rich and original delicacies and hearty dishes. Also, the New Year's table simply must be beautifully decorated, because as you celebrate the New Year, so it will pass.

How to please the Rooster?

The Fire Rooster is a domestic bird, but still serious and hot-tempered. The Rooster likes everything natural, natural and as simple as possible. In light of such information, it is worth taking care that the festive dishes on the New Year's table are as simple and unpretentious as possible. True, you shouldn’t go to extremes either. First of all, the food should be light: use pickles, sliced ​​fruit and home-cooked meat.

The rooster also really loves homemade cakes, though portioned. That is why you can bake some kind of donuts or pies with interesting fillings. The main thing is that such pastries will be homemade and prepared on December 31st. Be sure to prepare cocktails or other invigorating drinks for all guests. As a mandatory element on the table there should be grain in a bag or in a small pot.

Use your imagination when decorating the New Year's table. For example, since a rooster is considered a poultry, it is worth using a rustic style to decorate the interior for the New Year 2017. Linen napkins, bouquets of dried flowers and spikelets of grain, rough-shaped candles and wooden dishes are suitable. The rooster will also like baked braids - a braided flour sweet. You can also use a bunch of bagels, bunches of garlic or onions, as well as bunches of spikelets for decoration.

Under no circumstances use artificial tableware on the holiday table - only high-quality materials are acceptable. Most of all, products made from Gzhel porcelain will be held in high esteem in 2017. Otherwise, you can put any brightly colored pottery, wooden spoons and glass ladles.

Table setting in red colors

If you want the decoration of your festive table for the New Year to correspond to the spirit of 2017, you should pay attention to the color red. Using this shade in detail will help you achieve the desired effect. The Fiery Red Rooster will really like it if you use reddish motifs when setting the table and decorating the entire room.

A couple of fir branches, which should be placed in a vase in the center of the table, will look very simple and at the same time elegant. As decoration, you can use small images of a rooster in red and gold New Year's tinsel. You can also place a dish with nuts, fruits and pine cones nearby. As an addition - red candles, red plain napkins and white dishes. By the way, you can decorate the table in a different style - white tablecloth, white napkins and red dishes. As a nice gift, you can put a small fir branch on a plate for each guest, on which a miniature congratulations on the New Year 2017 will be attached.

Decorating the holiday table with candles

Candles are a mandatory attribute of New Year's Eve this year. And it doesn’t matter what they will be: simple and plain or colored and carved. In the light of the flames from the candles, the entire atmosphere of New Year's Eve will be perceived as truly fabulous and a little mystical. In the pleasant twilight and the light of the lights from the garlands, guests will be able to relax and have a heart-to-heart talk about the problems and experiences that have accumulated over the year.

You can decorate the table with very unusual candles. Now such an element can be bought in the form of a snowman, Santa Claus or a Christmas tree. You can also put simple candles in elegant candlesticks, which you don’t have to buy in a specialty store. Simply glue the bottom of the candlestick onto a small saucer, which you can then decorate spruce branches, pine cones, miniature toys and tinsel.

New Year's atmosphere in detail

Of course, the New Year's table should be elegant and very beautiful, but you shouldn't overdo it and make it look like the Christmas tree itself. You just need to place the right emphasis on additional details, on which the very New Year’s mood of all the guests gathered at the table will depend. For this you can use Christmas decorations, tinsel, New Year's decorative candles, original napkins with rings for them and miniature red mittens for cutlery.

By the way, if you want to give great mood while preparing for the festive feast, all family members should involve them in creating New Year's magic throughout the house.

The main rules for setting the New Year's table

Before you responsibly begin decorating the table for the New Year of the Rooster before guests arrive, you should remember a few simple rules for serving it correctly.

1. The tablecloth is the main attribute of the entire celebration, so it should not attract much attention to itself. It is enough to iron it well and lay it so that the corners of the tablecloth hang 40 cm from the table.

2. Initially, you should place plates and cutlery on the table and only then proceed to serving glass and crystal items.

3. Napkins should always be a contrasting shade with the tablecloth. If the napkin is fabric, then it is placed on the plate itself in a special ring, and if it is paper, it is placed under the plate. Otherwise, you can use a special napkin holder.

4. Knives and spoons are laid out with right side, and the forks are on the left. In this case, all cutlery should be placed on the table surface with the convex side down. But glasses, glasses and cups should be located to the right of the plates.

Use similar rules to decorate your holiday table before the New Year 2017, and then the upcoming feast should be as relaxed and fun as possible.

The New Year's table, of course, should be festively set, because original decor is an indispensable attribute of the holiday and distinguishes it from an ordinary dinner. That is why, several weeks before the onset of the magical night, housewives who will receive guests are preoccupied with the question of what to cook and how to serve.

Everyone is interested in what unusual, original and stylish things will help create an unforgettable New Year's mood and festive decoration table. The first thing that comes to mind is to buy beautiful tablecloth and napkins, but the list of decorative items does not end there. Let's figure out what ordinary items will help you create a New Year's atmosphere at the table without much effort or expense.

Don't forget etiquette: forks are on the left, knives and dessert spoons are on the right!

Rules for serving a festive table

First let's discuss general rules that must be observed when setting the table. The sequence of your actions should be as follows:

  • first, the surface of the table is decorated with a tablecloth, the ends of which should hang at least 30 centimeters on each side;
  • Then the plates are laid out, of which there should be as many as the New Year's dishes are provided. The plate for hot dishes is placed first, and on it - dishes for cold dishes and snacks. When laying out the plates, you need to step back from the edge of the table a couple of centimeters;
  • the next stage is cutlery. Forks should be placed on the left side, and knives on the right. Dessert spoons are placed near the knives;
  • Holiday napkins rolled into tubes or folded into triangles are laid out on plates;
  • Drinkware is located on the right side of the plate. Glasses and glasses are placed in the order in which aperitifs, cognac, wine or champagne will be served;
  • salt shakers, pepper shakers, gravy boats and oil dishes are displayed in the central part of the table;
  • decor with flowers or, in our case, New Year's decorations should not interfere with guests eating or reaching food. Therefore, it is worth adhering to the rule: one or two large compositions on different sides of the table or a small decorative element at each guest's plate.

If the party includes a buffet with snacks, then the table is set differently: snacks (meat, fish, cheese, vegetables, sweets) are placed on the surface in groups, plates are stacked, and drinkware and cutlery are laid out at one end of the table. In this case, knives are not provided - a buffet means the presence of portioned dishes that are easy to eat using only a fork.

The coming year will pass under the auspices of God, famous for his prudence, emotionality and easy-going disposition. The New Year totem favors everything natural, natural and unpretentious. Let's talk about what should be on the New Year's table in 2017, and how food should be served.

The main color of the New Year should dominate the festive table

What to include on the New Year's menu?

Do you want to please the Cockerel? When preparing for a feast, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • should be as simple as possible. Let the food be satisfying, but not too fancy. Don't forget to place dishes with herbs, fresh vegetables and pickles on the table. Place a saucer with sprouted wheat among the dishes - the guests, of course, will not encroach on it, but the Cockerel will appreciate this offering;
  • the symbol of the New Year loves convenience, so prepare more portioned dishes, especially sandwiches;
  • the patron of 2017 is not averse to enjoying fresh, aromatic pastries, but it is worth giving preference to buns, pies and pastries rather than cakes or large pies;
  • a mandatory attribute of the New Year's table - bright, it is not without reason that this word came to us from in English. Literally translated, the phrase “cock tail” means “rooster’s tail.” Aperitifs should be colorful, so master the preparation of cocktails like Kir Royal, Bucharest, Margarita or Tequila Sunrise in advance.

Which cookware to choose?

It is very undesirable to place ordinary dishes and simple napkins, even if they are colored. The Cockerel loves everything catchy, bright and beautiful. At the same time, he values ​​natural materials, so it is better to choose dishes in a rustic style, cover the table surface with linen tablecloths, and offer guests homespun napkins. The ideal option is dishes in ethno-style, painted with Gzhel or Khokhloma, bright wooden spoons, clay bowls and ladles.

Special attention should be paid - this time the Cockerel will not be simple, but fiery, so use gold, orange, scarlet or yellow objects in the decor. However, remember that red and yellow should be used in doses, playing with contrasts. For example, use a crisp white linen tablecloth with red napkins, gold knives and forks, and clear pale orange dinnerware.

New Year's decor elements should be as environmentally friendly as possible

If you don't have rustic tableware, feel free to use simple white earthenware plates, but don't forget to get creative with your glasses. For this purpose, a spray can with artificial snow, glitter varnish, beads, bright napkins for decoupage and acrylic and stained glass paints are suitable. A special place should be given to the figurines of the symbol of the year - a salt shaker, pepper shaker or jug ​​in the shape of a rooster will help you attract the attention of the totem.

How to decorate a table for the New Year?

Candles will be an indispensable element of New Year's decor in 2017, because the elements of fire must be given their due. There are several ways to place lights:

  1. Consider a large composition of candles in the central part of the table. The easiest way to do this is to place a wide and shallow vase of water, onto the surface of which you carefully lower many small candles. This fiery panel will illuminate the entire table with a soft glow, symbolizing natural energy and life-giving warmth.
  2. Place candles in a classic New Year's theme on the table by purchasing figurines of snowmen or Christmas trees.
  3. Give the feast the appearance of a medieval dinner by placing 2-3 tall forged candlesticks with long candles on the central part of the table.
  4. Make each guest's place cozy by placing a small jar with a candle inside near his plate.

Don’t be afraid to decorate the table with candles - the fiery abundance will delight the Cockerel!

You can use ordinary stearin candles, because it’s so interesting to gather your family at one table and indulge in creativity! For decoration, you can use anything - beads, beads, fragments of old toys, rain and sparkles will be used. In order for the decor to stick to the surface better, the candle should be lowered into hot water, and then press the beads into the surface. On a fairly wide candle made of small beads, you can put entire congratulatory inscriptions or names of guests.

The glitter can be easily fixed with clear nail polish. Don't forget about - use low jars, orange peels or glass glasses, decorated yourself. By the way, if you are worried that during dancing or games the table may be left unattended and catch fire from a candle flame, buy electric candles. They are, of course, more expensive than usual, but they will last for many years.

If you decide to stick to a rustic style, decorate the table with dried bouquets of herbs and flowers, onion bunches, small ikebana flowers made of wheat and straw interspersed with bright red berries - for example, viburnum or rowan. Don't forget the traditional New Year's decor– small bouquets of spruce paws will help fill the air with the aromas of the forest. In addition, according to Chinese tradition, coniferous trees are identified with longevity.

Bonbonnieres with homemade cookies will definitely delight your guests

On small table you can place one large composition. Take a large clay bowl with low sides, in which randomly arrange tangerines, spruce or pine cones, walnuts and hazelnuts, dried berries, glass beads and Christmas tree decorations.

Small bonbonnieres with gifts placed at the plate for each guest can also serve as decoration. It is quite acceptable to limit yourself to Christmas balls in the same style and a bag of red fabric filled with sweets or homemade cookies - the costs are minimal, and the New Year's mood is guaranteed!

Ideas for setting the New Year's table

Rich table decor using a red tablecloth and napkins
Even drinks prepared for the New Year's table can decorate it!
Serving done in muted brick tones
Decorate the table with store-bought or
Table decor with small Christmas candles
Cute New Year's bonbonniere in the shape of a candy
Serving cutlery tied with a lush bow
Decorating the New Year's table with a bouquet
Laconic decor in red and white colors
Exquisite New Year's buffet
Use cardboard cutouts of Santa Claus and his reindeer
Table decoration with red decorative lanterns
Using artificial berries in room decor
New Year's composition with pineapple, decorating the center of the table