Private kindergarten: what to look for when choosing. How to choose the ideal kindergarten for your child? Classification of kindergartens by focus - what they are like

Now it is becoming relevant for many of us theme of choice kindergarten . Everyone wants only the best for their baby. But there are many kindergartens, but there is almost no information about them. How to choose kindergarten? And so, at active mother one of our chats the idea was born - to collect reviews and opinions for kindergartens and teachers.

Mothers who already send their children to kindergarten or have definitely made their choice shared their experiences. The survey was conducted anonymously, without indicating the personal data of the survey participants. More than 200 mothers took part in the survey.

Unfortunately, some mothers did not indicate the number of their kindergarten, so we could not include their voices in the rating of kindergartens. But don’t worry, your opinion and recommendations were taken into account in calculating the main criteria for choosing a kindergarten, and are also included in the sections of the article: tips on preparing a child for kindergarten and choosing the right kindergarten.

And this is what we got:

Sections of the article:

  1. The main criteria for choosing a kindergarten
  2. Tips for choosing the right kindergarten
  3. Rating of kindergartens
  4. Recommendations for preparing your child for kindergarten

In this article we will talk about the criteria for choosing a kindergarten and give advice from experienced mothers on what to look for.

Main selection criteria

The top 5 criteria for choosing a kindergarten were as follows (mothers were asked to mark 3 main criteria):

1st place: Convenient location kindergarten is important for 82.9% of responding mothers

2nd place: Yes teacher which they like – noted by 66.7% of mothers

3rd place: Good impression 48.6% of respondents indicated from visiting the institution

4th place: The building is in good repair, children's playgrounds are equipped, on the territory order– these qualities were noted as the most important by 46.7% of mothers

5th place: Sadik advise friends who take their children there: 42.9% of mothers

Parents' opinions - how to find a good kindergarten

Tip 1: The most important thing in a kindergarten is the teacher and his attitude towards children

The main thing is the teacher. If he plays with the children, is engaged, is attentive, knows how to interest, distract in a given situation, then the child will feel calmer and more interested.”

“The main thing is that the teacher finds an approach to the child and then everything will be fine”

“Good educators WITH PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION who love children and work”

“Go not to the kindergarten... but to the teacher”

“Whatever kindergarten you choose, remember that teachers and parents must be one team”

“The main thing is good educators who have found an approach to the child and are on the same page with the parents.”

“Establish positive relationships with teachers, because they are raising your children. Respect the work of the teacher and understand that it is not easy. And also understand that the state does not provide enough money for the comfort of your child, so you will have to chip in for something yourself.”

“At least one of the teachers in your group must have higher education»

“First of all, the educators to whom the child will be assigned. Everything else is secondary"

“The most important thing is a teacher who will sometimes spend more time with your child than you!”

“You walk with your own children in the garden, sometimes walk, watch how you get out of the garden.”

“Collect information about teachers and teaching assistants”

“It’s better not to send it to the garden at all. There is an opportunity, let it be at home. Providing him with communication with peers, walks, visiting various interesting places and events together is the best thing parents can do. Parents need to raise their child, and not entrust such an important issue to other people's aunts (even very good ones). If you still decide to send it to a kindergarten, when choosing a kindergarten, take a walk nearby, see what happens on walks, how the children and teachers behave.”

“Ask the mothers in the yard how they like kindergarten”

“Talk to the mothers who take their children to kindergarten, they will tell you everything”

“Talk to mothers who pick up their children in the evening”

“Razmaulyayets with fathers, because the water of your dzhetak near the fishpond.”

"Read reviews"

“Don’t be shy and talk in the evening with parents who pick up their children from kindergarten. It is best to choose older children, because... the probability that the teacher is from senior group V next year will be recruiting a younger group. I don’t recommend sending children to the nursery at all, because... adaptation occurs twice, because in the nursery and in younger group There are different teachers working. And remember that adaptation in children does not take 2-3 weeks or even a month, but half a year, or even the whole year. It is advisable for children to take Wednesday off and leave them at home.”

“I think it’s important to find out from local mothers about the kindergarten”

“To be closer to home, in the morning the child doesn’t really want to get up early”

“Do not choose a kindergarten that is located far from home or place of work, because I really feel sorry for the children who have to get up very early, and even worse go to public transport, and even in the dark in winter"

“First of all, the mother (parents) themselves need to psychologically tune in and “let” the child go to kindergarten. Don’t worry, because children feel and understand everything perfectly, they absorb everything like sponges: our mood, our state, and our emotions.”

“The ability to mentally prepare a child for kindergarten, and to hold her own with a gun. The child feels everything"

“A mother’s readiness to separate from her child”

“Make a decision and not give in to doubts. Believe me, everything bad disappears from memory very quickly!”

“The adequacy of the manager and her deputies is important”

“In my opinion, a lot depends on the manager! Talk to her first.”

“Be sure to go in person, see and talk with the manager”

“A competent manager whose children and her employees come first, and not her position!”

“The ability of management to listen to parents and help in the right situation.”

“Child’s readiness, weaning off diapers”

“It is also important to prepare the child before kindergarten; Mom’s school helped us a lot. The child already knew, saw and imagined what a garden was. We also read fairy tales about kindergarten and played kindergarten with the child.”

“To better understand whether it is worth taking a child to the proposed kindergarten, you can take him for developmental activities there, if there is one there. Then an opinion will be formed and it will be easier for the child to adapt in the future.”

“Availability of clubs, swimming pool”

“The presence of adaptation groups (school for mothers, etc.), feasible “homework”, learning the Belarusian language”

“Find out if there is a music director and physical education teacher”

"Culture and diet"

“Also, in the garden they should not be forced to eat if the child does not want to go outside in any weather (except for rain and -15)”

"Good food"

“Number of children in groups, integrated groups with special children”

“No excessive extortion of money”

“Feedback with the child is important. Communicate with your baby. Talking child will always tell you about the good and the bad.”

Continue reading in the following articles.

Whether a child will go to kindergarten or not is a question that each parent must decide individually. To answer this, you need to seriously think about what this will give to my child, will it benefit him and will it not harm him? To understand this, you need to learn about all the advantages and “ pitfalls» modern preschool education.

What does kindergarten give a child?

There is an opinion that if a child did not go to kindergarten, then he will not be able to learn to find mutual language with peers and in the future he will have problems with communication and communication skills. In fact, if a child comes into contact with children while walking on the playground or visiting sections, then this already provides the necessary basis and he should not have problems with communication skills. The main thing is to take your little one out into the world more often, and don’t sit at home. And in kindergarten, despite all the opportunities for communication, the baby runs the risk of running into aggression from peers, which can negatively affect the delicate child’s psyche and really create problems.

And you shouldn’t think that this kind of “school of life” is completely harmless; it’s good if the child can cope with the stress that has fallen on him, but what if not?

With constant conflicts in kindergarten, the child may withdraw into himself. In this case, it is important that the teacher resolve the problem in a timely manner, otherwise there is a risk that the child will develop self-doubt and fear of communication itself. In addition, there are cases of gross incompetence of the educators themselves. If a child is systematically subjected to unfair reproaches from adult staff, then he may develop the idea that this is normal behavior, and that power gives the right to humiliate people weaker than oneself.

Many parents believe that they will not be able to develop their child and prepare him for school as they will in kindergarten. But no one will be able to convey new information to the child the way parents would do, and he will not listen to anyone as much as his relatives. And most importantly, in case of difficulties with studying the material, mom and dad will always help, and the baby will not be afraid to learn new things, he will be confident in his abilities and strive forward. With the right parental approach to education and development, a child can achieve much greater success than in kindergarten. Read literature on education, take an interest in teaching methods, and the result will not take long to arrive.

Another argument in favor of kindergarten – if a child does not go to kindergarten, he will not learn discipline and self-organization. In reality, everything is not so simple. After all, at home it is also possible, and in fact it is even necessary, to introduce a daily routine. Organize your child’s day so that everyone is comfortable, diversify it with all sorts of activities and games, give him interesting tasks, let him be a little independent.

If your child attends kindergarten, carefully monitor his behavior. You should be wary if your baby begins to withdraw into himself, becomes indifferent to previously loved games, cries before going to kindergarten, gets nervous for no apparent reason, and periodically comes in with bruises and scratches. Talk to your child, discuss this issue with the teacher, if there is a problem, then it must be solved.

But you shouldn’t think that you shouldn’t send your child to kindergarten under any circumstances. Kindergarten is different from kindergarten, when making the right choice educational institution, kindergarten can become a second home for a child and will bring exceptional benefit and joy. And if you decide to send your child to kindergarten, you need to approach the choice very responsibly.

A good kindergarten should have free access to information about the work of the kindergarten, its staff, schedule, and nutrition; the menu should take into account the characteristics of a particular child; small groups, no more than 12 people. Be sure to talk with the teacher, let him tell you about his method of teaching children, you can attend one lesson. Talk to the parents of your classmates to see if they are happy and if their child is willing to go to this kindergarten.

You can also consider not only public kindergartens, but also private or home kindergartens, the latter listed “as child care centers.” Choose the most suitable option specifically for your child.

So, the example of North Carolina. I think it’s clear that a kindergarten that meets the minimum requirements gets 1 star. On the one hand, it’s not enough, but in fact it’s already good - after all, it’s a kind of verification and assessment. To get additional stars, you need to earn points on many components over the past year: staff education, the availability of paid leave or other additional payments from them, the process of teaching children, the standards and approaches used, not to mention the required number of teachers, toys and free space. areas for games and recreation. Here are just some of the points that are taken into account when assigning the so-called rating of the “environment” or atmosphere in a kindergarten:

  • The ratio of the number of staff and children in the institution;
  • Is the room large enough for children and is everything organized safely?
  • Condition and availability of materials for games;
  • Compliance with the rules for changing diapers/clothes, washing hands;
  • Relationships between teachers and children, etc.
These are just a few requirements from a large list, so it’s easy to imagine that in a 5-star kindergarten the waiting lists for free places can drag on for years, although the price there is clearly very high. At the same time, 3 stars is already very good result. If you consider that a kindergarten must post its scores for each item in a prominent place, then it is very easy to figure out why one institution has a little less and another has a little more.

In my opinion, such an assessment is a completely reasonable decision - at least from the point of view of parents. They have the opportunity to immediately imagine what they are paying for. For example, in Canada, kindergartens are very expensive. Prices vary greatly, starting from 500 Canadian dollars, ending (I’m afraid to even guess) 1500 per month. Imagine, when you need to pay such an amount in a month, then at least you want to be confident in this institution. Moreover, if we are talking about a home kindergarten, where a mother, having her own children, takes in other kids and looks after them. It is not always possible to determine by eye why one kindergarten costs twice as much as another, so the presence of an official system for assigning stars according to specific and publicly available requirements attracted me.

I don’t know how good this system really is, but we can definitely say that the quality of care for children in kindergarten does not always depend on the number of stars, so it’s definitely impossible to rely only on points. What thoughts do you have on this matter?

Related articles: Children

Lara Mama 22.04 13:53

My sister went to kindergarten screaming. All the neighboring houses heard her screaming! She didn’t like it, it was terrible! Now she says that the nanny called her a “microelement.” Now she understands that this is not some kind of swearing, but a statement of fact. She is short (now she is 30 and 1m49cm :)). The memories are bad. But she sent her daughter to kindergarten. Only not at 1.5 years, when she was given away, but at almost three.
There are always “two sides of the coin.” I think that you need to communicate with the teacher. Ask about your child, talk about his individual characteristics. We brought my niece to the teacher and said: “The child needs an eye and an eye. She can run away from the playground. Be careful, please.”
I think that a kindergarten is needed. In general, it has a positive impact. But a lot depends on the teachers.
Good luck to all!!!

Rinatka Akhmetova 22.04 13:54

I went to kindergarten for about a year, and then I flatly refused. She said that I would sit at home alone, but I wouldn’t go there. And she was sitting! While my father came home from work (he worked shifts), I sat alone at home under the table, but did not go to kindergarten! I don’t remember what I didn’t like there...
Of course, all kindergartens are different. One woman from Australia sent me a description of their kindergarten and what they give to children there in terms of education and skills acquisition, so we read it with the whole family more than once. My Yulia can’t do even a fraction of that more youngest child already knows how to do it there! I'll ask permission and maybe publish an excerpt later. This is how I understand kindergarten! The child doesn’t want to leave it, can you imagine...
But our teachers are hungry, they went there out of desperation, because there are few of them from God after all...
Children are often shouted at, forced to sit on potties for an hour, etc. horror movies. Often, children of educators are simply afraid; they put pressure on them psychologically, ruining their personality and leveling everyone with the same brush.
Of course, there are a lot of good things, and most importantly, communication and teamwork. This is very necessary in life.
I’m also trying to solve the problem of how to give good development, love and at the same time team for the child. Until I came to the idea of ​​creating a kindergarten myself
And in Moscow you have a lot of all kinds of commercial, elite, etc. kindergartens. Where for 5 people there is one teacher who knows English and all known techniques, etc... Maybe look for something like a development center? Or is it crazy expensive?
We have one such kindergarten in Omsk. There is a day group and classes (they call themselves Montessori). There is a queue for several years ahead and crazy pay.
No, why not business!? People are willing to pay for education, for good attitude to your child. There is demand and no supply. Something is wrong... the market doesn't allow it.
And what also holds me back somewhat from going to kindergarten is that most of the kindergarten children I know have very frequent acute respiratory infections. Well, practically only they will discharge you to kindergarten, again on sick leave. I wouldn't want to ruin the child's health. Although there is an opinion that a child should be exposed to all sorts of infections, this trains the immune system. But my heart just can't agree with this...

Few of us can afford the luxury of raising a child at home until school. As a rule, not a year and a half, then three years after giving birth, the mother goes to work. The question remains to be resolved: who will take care of the child, raise and develop him. Three options are usually considered: grandparents, nanny or kindergarten. Moreover, most of us, due to certain circumstances, choose a kindergarten. Let's look at how to choose a good kindergarten for a child?

Advantages of kindergarten

Of course, the main advantage of kindergarten is that it gives the child the opportunity to communicate with peers. Playing with children of their own age lays the foundations for interaction with people, develops the ability to act together and understand other people. At the same time, no matter how good a kindergarten is, it can never replace a child’s family. Sometimes parents send their child to kindergarten just to be temporarily freed from caring for him. But the child will certainly feel and understand this sooner or later, and then the benefits of his stay in the kindergarten will be minimized. You shouldn’t send your baby to kindergarten just so he can learn to wash himself, eat, dress and undress, etc. He can learn these skills at home.

When should you send your child to kindergarten?

It is believed that until the age of three, a child does not feel the need to communicate with peers and is very attached to his mother. Therefore, if a baby is sent to a nursery before the age of 3, he will react sharply to separation from his mother, cry and be sad.
The period of life up to three years is called infancy. When it ends, most children experience a crisis - a kind of transition period. At this time, the baby urgently needs your warmth and attention in order to get through this difficult period as painlessly as possible. In addition, if all the children in the group are three years old and all have an age crisis, the situation there will obviously be conflictual. In many Western European countries, children begin to go to kindergarten (where it is considered part of primary school and it is mandatory to attend it) from the age of four.

When is it not advisable to send your child to kindergarten?

  • Immediately after the birth of the second child, otherwise the older baby will perceive this as a betrayal, expulsion.
  • It is undesirable for the first trip to kindergarten to coincide with serious changes in the child’s life: moving to a new apartment, parents’ divorce, and even rearranging furniture and a new pet.
    It is important that the baby has a feeling of stability and security.

How to choose a kindergarten for your child

In general, preschool educational institutions can be divided into several groups:

  • Municipal.
  • Departmental.
  • Private (commercial).
  • Domestic (family).

Depending on the type of kindergarten, the curriculum, the number of children in the group, the quality of food and toys, and even the psychological atmosphere vary.

Municipal (district) kindergartens

This kindergarten is familiar to all of us. This is where your moms and dads took you as a child. A lot depends on the manager.

Whatever district kindergarten your child goes to, program classes must include:

  • acquaintance with the surrounding world (with objects of the immediate environment, nature, life phenomena);
  • games (role-playing, active, didactic);
  • speech development (replenishment of vocabulary, learning correct pronunciation, syllable agreement, oral storytelling);
  • acquaintance with fiction(retelling what you read, reading, memorizing);
  • training in the basics of fine arts (drawing, modeling, appliqué);
  • familiarity with elementary mathematical concepts (quantity, magnitude, geometric figures, orientation in space and time);
  • musical activities (listening to music, singing, musical-rhythmic movements);
  • physical education classes.

In many district kindergartens, in addition to compulsory classes, at the request of parents, they organize additional paid ones, for example: teaching a foreign language, choreography, swimming. When you choose activities for your baby. Do not overdo it. Too much is not always good. Any activity should bring joy. Adequately assess your baby's abilities. And remember: you can refuse paid services, even if all parents choose them.

Advantages of a municipal kindergarten

  • Low cost, which is established by law. There are categories of beneficiaries, for example single mothers, mothers of many children and so on.
  • Close to home.

Disadvantages of municipal kindergarten

  • Groups are overcrowded (25–30 people), poor quality of care and supervision, uniformity in activities.
  • Standard food.

Departmental kindergartens

Such kindergartens are controlled directly by the Department of Education. Their programs and procedures are determined by the enterprises and organizations in whose department the kindergarten is located. These kindergartens are more expensive, but children of company employees are given discounts. There are few departmental gardens now, and their number is declining.

Advantages of a departmental kindergarten

  • Relatively small (compared to municipal) number of children in the group.
  • Better living conditions for children (compared to municipal kindergartens).
  • Thoughtful menu.

Disadvantages of a departmental kindergarten

  • Quite a high payment (up to several thousand).
  • Sometimes there are difficulties with enrolling children from outside.

Private kindergartens

If there are no financial difficulties in the family, this is an ideal option. Private gardens are owned by one or more private individuals. Accordingly, their level depends on the organizational characteristics of those to whom they belong.
Some of the private kindergartens are created on the basis of public ones, that is, they are located in the same building, but provide a larger range of services. Others occupy a separate building and work with children according to their own program. Such gardens are usually open until eight or nine in the evening or around the clock.
Private kindergartens have a very intensive and rich development program. They are well provided with games and toys, and visual aids.
Children can be taken for a walk to the nearest forested area. Control over the work of non-state preschool educational institutions is carried out through licensing, accreditation, certification of programs and certification of teachers.

Advantages of a private kindergarten

  • A small number of children in the group - from 5 to 12 people.
  • Children adapt to kindergarten more easily.
  • A variety of delicious food (fruits, juices, salads).
  • Individual approach to children.
  • Each group has several teachers.
  • The development of children is monitored by speech therapists, psychologists, pediatricians, and subject teachers.
  • Parents have the right to influence the educational process - for example, through boards of trustees, they can inspect the kitchen, demand a report on financial activities, and even be present in classes.
  • For many, private kindergartens operate on the “kindergarten-school” system.
  • There is online video surveillance - installed video cameras record not only the image, but also the sound with an Internet connection. Such systems enable parents to observe in real time the life of their child and the behavior of the teacher. In addition, such tracking increases the safety of the child’s presence in kindergarten.

Disadvantages of a private kindergarten

  • There is only one drawback - its cost.

Home (family) kindergarten

Typically, the owners of such a kindergarten set it up in their apartment or rent a room in which they set up a bedroom and a playroom. They invite a teacher, a nanny, a cook, and for older children, teachers foreign language, music and drawing.

Advantages of home kindergarten

  • Maximum care and attention, no injuries, conditions close to home.
  • A small number of children from 3 to 5 people in a group.
  • Individual approach.

Disadvantages of home kindergarten

  • Very high pay.
  • Possible problems related to lack of equipment or premises.

Main criteria for selecting a kindergarten

  1. First, pay attention to where the kindergarten is located. A separate building is preferable to the first floor of a residential building. It is undesirable if the area where children walk goes directly onto the street and not into the yard.
  2. Note whether the area around the kindergarten is clean, whether it is fenced with a fence with a lockable gate, or whether everyone can safely move around the territory, including “dog walkers.”
  3. Please note that there is security in the kindergarten.
  4. Is there enough greenery on the territory, are there swings, slides, and ladders for climbing?
  5. Observe children walking: do their teachers shout at them, do they organize games, do they restrict motor activity children.
  6. Pay attention to whether there is a separate bedroom in the room, and whether there is a gym in the kindergarten.
  7. See if the group has enough toys and if they are of good quality, and if the teachers have modern ones at their disposal. didactic materials and tutorials.
  8. Get to know the staff (doctor, teacher, nanny), look at the environment in which your child will be.

Adaptation and habituation of a child to kindergarten

Getting used to kindergarten is a complex, painful process for both the baby and his parents. Be patient and courageous! Don't be tempted to leave your beloved child at home for a day or even a week. This will only prolong the adaptation period and will not solve the problem. If a child cries, screams, or does not want to go to the group, you must be absolutely calm, no matter how difficult it is for you.

Child - good psychologist, so he should see your smile and think that nothing bad is happening. Most often, a child cries because any changes in his life are “a little stress”; the baby must go through and overcome a new stage in his life on his own. During the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten, parents must ensure that the child spends a happy and comfortable time at home, nutritious food, routine, and walks in the fresh air. Remember, a kind and favorable atmosphere at home, your attention, is the key to a child’s successful adaptation. When you bring your child to kindergarten, be adamant and very soon you simply will not recognize your baby. He will become more independent, reasonable, will “bring” new games and funny words from kindergarten, and will make new friends.

If your child doesn’t immediately like it in a particular kindergarten, draw conclusions. A child, unlike adults, often immediately senses the general mood of a particular group. But keep in mind that if a child has the initial attitude “I don’t want to go to kindergarten,” he will reject any kindergarten, even the best one...

One mother enrolled her daughter in kindergarten, and began, of course, with an institution that was considered exemplary in the area. There is, they say, active development, swimming, and delicious food... The manager did not greet the visitors very warmly. Nothing seems surprising - the head of the kindergarten is, as a rule, a busy person. But the tone was not very hospitable... And most importantly, while walking along the corridor while waiting, the girl looked into the group and saw the following picture: the children were sitting decorously on chairs along the walls, with their hands on their knees. This is during the most active period of the day! The child openly grimaced, and when they were nevertheless invited into the office and began to hint that they couldn’t just get into this institution, the three-year-old girl, without unnecessary diplomacy, said: “Mom, let’s go to another kindergarten!” And she pulled mom towards the door. (Please note - we won’t go home at all, but will look for another kindergarten!)

As a result, the girl “chose” an ordinary ordinary kindergarten, unremarkable, but on her first visit, mother and daughter saw a different picture: the teacher brings lunch to the group, and then two children walk proudly in white caps and aprons: one carries bread on a tray, and the other - napkins. And one more thing: while, as usual, they were waiting for an audience with the manager (who, in the most friendly tone, asked them to wait a little), not a single educational voice was heard from the group in any raised tones. Both mother and daughter liked the fact that children in this kindergarten are raised quite actively, without suppressing their personalities. By the way, the kindergarten, in general, did not disappoint their expectations.

Decide what is important to you

For some adults, a good kindergarten is one where, in addition to general development, they will give a three-year-old child a bunch of additional subjects, load him to the limit (for a lot of money from the parents), and as a result, sometimes it turns out that the child will not receive any general development. He will get tired. And as a result, he will fall out of love with kindergarten, classes, and communication.

Others find the most attractive garden closer to home. Many people make a choice based on the external and internal “decoration” of the kindergarten - they say, are there carpets, are there a lot of toys, have renovations been done...

Well, you have the right to use any criteria. But remember: it is not you who will go to kindergarten, but the child. So maybe being close to home is worth it in some ways (if you don't have a car). After all small child It is difficult at first to travel a long distance on foot or by public transport. But in everything else, take a closer look at the general mood of the team, at the spirit that hovers in this garden.

Meet the head of the kindergarten

A lot in the kindergarten depends on the manager (more precisely, on the manager, since the overwhelming majority of women work in this position). Your child will feel good in a kindergarten that is led by a director who equally combines the qualities of a teacher and an administrator. Let me warn you right away: a balanced combination of these qualities is quite rare, and there is often a clear bias in one direction or another.

Here is one option: at the head of the kindergarten - wonderful teacher, loves children, respects teachers. But at the same time, she completely lacks any administrative skills. And therefore it is difficult for her to control the recruitment and quality of their work in the field. In one of these kindergartens, the head of the school captivated me at first sight: young, friendly, with a second education - child psychologist, loves children and, as they say, feels... But upon closer acquaintance with the kindergarten, the parents discovered that in the group their child had a frankly mediocre teacher and an alcoholic nanny. No matter how sad it was, I had to part with the kindergarten.

Second option: manager - born administrator(this is exactly the same indicative institution that we talked about above). The staff is well-trained, the selection of personnel is strict, the supplies and maintenance of the kindergarten are at the highest level (and you also need to be able to organize this...) But at the same time, there is a rather cool attitude towards both children and teachers. That is why the teachers themselves, with all their professionalism, often took it out on the children (and to avoid any complaints in their work, they simply forced the children to sit on chairs - if you don’t want your mistakes pointed out to you, it’s better not to do anything...) As a result, communication with the children was exemplary - the demonstrative provision was quite formal, which was clearly not beneficial for the children. And the kindergarten actually attracted parents more, and only for the time being.

Third option - lucky combination administrator and teacher. This is the kindergarten that was chosen by a three-year-old girl whom her mother “placed” in childcare facility. Yes, here the manager most likely did not strive to make her garden an exemplary one, but most likely because she understood that this would not benefit the children and staff. But you can avoid unnecessary checks and allow educators not to formalize work with children, but, on the contrary, to make it active and close to the children themselves. On the other hand, the organization of work in the kindergarten did not suffer: there were no drunken nannies, no teachers yelling at the children; Children's theaters periodically came to the kindergarten and were organized throughout the year various holidays, V New Year- an indispensable Christmas tree... This was not all over the top, but it was felt that the work in the kindergarten was organized primarily with love for children.

What to do if, upon admission to kindergarten, you are actively asked to pay some kind of bribe

This is often formalized with the words: “Well, how can you help our kindergarten?” Usually a list of expensive purchases is offered that parents need to make in order for their offspring to enter kindergarten. Many parents agree to this - they say, there is nothing to do... And others ask - to pay or not to pay? There is only one answer - don’t pay if you get a job in an ordinary municipal kindergarten, which simply must take you for free, if, moreover, it is still your “turn” for this.

Remember the famous “law of bribery” - where they extorted money from you once, they will extort you twice or three times, and why not? You paid once, and then prove that these were your many years of savings and you don’t have that kind of money anymore!

In general, in any case, when you are offered to pay, ask - for what? If you hope that after your bribe the child will be treated better in the kindergarten, then most likely all the children there entered the kindergarten on the same grounds, and your child will not be an exception...

Of course, we are again talking about a very ordinary kindergarten. If you yourself decide to place your child in a private or specialized paid kindergarten, admission fees are initially agreed upon. But this is no longer a bribe, but the cost of the place. There this fee is of a completely different nature, and you make the decision about this fee yourself. At least you know what you are paying for, and at the same time you also have the right to demand the provision of paid services. And in the case of unauthorized “help to the kindergarten” from the parents’ pockets, what can you demand?

It is clear that our municipal gardens are in a very poor condition, and sometimes they are forced to take such measures. But helping the kindergarten may well not only be financial!

In many kindergartens, parents glue and wash the windows themselves, and, whenever possible, bring flowers from home, food for birds and fish; Dads fix cabinets and children's furniture. And one mother frankly had no time to glue windows, but having a computer and a printer at home, she typed and printed out the documentation necessary for the kindergarten (since in the kindergarten itself there was no trace of such “luxury”)... Such help is quite natural, especially if it do not force them with threats to take it out on the child.

Meet the teachers

So, if you have chosen a kindergarten at the director level, get to know those who work in the group that your child will attend.

Yes, at the level of salary that a regular kindergarten worker now receives, somehow one cannot even dare to demand special zeal in work - although, to the credit of the teachers, it must be said that most of them are still fanatics of their work in a good way. Although there are also outright psychological sadists who are ready to work for practically nothing, but as compensation they have the opportunity to suppress people subordinate to them - even small ones.

When getting to know teachers, not only evaluate their character and desire to work with children, but also try not to cause tension in them. After all, the key to a child’s successful visit to kindergarten is contact between parents and educators, the ability and desire to cooperate mutually.

Naritsyn Nikolay Nikolaevich, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst