Types of wood for toys, what to choose? With my own hands. Wooden toys as a way to earn money What type of wood are toys made from?

Wooden toys with bright details and figures are a good alternative to plastic and rubber toys. Wooden toys help a child get acquainted with the world around him, absorb new information like a sponge, and spend interesting and educational time with his parents. Toys from the Tomik factory offer a wide selection of original models that are suitable for both boys and girls of any age: soft-sounding noisemakers, pyramids with bright colored rings, play sets and even creativity kits, and much more.

Wooden Toys for the youngest and older children, they broaden their horizons, develop logical thinking, improve the child’s memory and attentiveness. Many of our toys can be played by a child independently, while others (for example, dominoes) are suitable for playing with adults or friends, which contributes to the child’s socialization.

What kind of wood are the Tomik educational wooden toys made from?

Children's wooden toys from the Tomik factory are made of Siberian wood, coated with paint water based using special technology, soaked in natural elixir oil and coated with wax for smoothness and shine.

For parents who care about the health of their children, it is important what kind of wood wooden toys for children are made from. Tomik makes toys from natural Siberian coniferous wood. We care about our little customers and use only natural materials. Reasonable prices will allow you to please your children as often as possible.

Create and develop with Tomik!

Even those people whose own grandchildren have grown up remember their toys. Something has been erased from memory, but the entertainment of childhood is invisibly present nearby. Therefore, many parents try to make wooden toys with their own hands so that they are original, develop creativity and bring joy.

Wooden toys are the best

It is the tree that parents choose most often to create fun for children. Past generations have left many interesting ideas for craftsmen, and now these ideas are increasingly being brought to life, as industrial toys of dubious origin made of plastic and rubber attract parents less and less. Wooden toys are also on the shelves of children's stores, but they are quite expensive. So why not try making wooden toys for children with your own hands.

This is, of course, a labor-intensive task, but the result will be impressive: happy child, pride in a talented dad, a new original toy.

To create children's fun, you will need minimal skills - the ability to operate woodworking tools and have a little knowledge of wood species. Imagination and the desire to make a surprise will also help.

Why this folk skill has been so actively revived recently is explained by the fact that wood is an environmentally friendly, completely harmless material, and objects made from it are durable and attractive.

Necessary materials for work

If parents decide to make more than one toy, then it is better to purchase high-quality tools for making them. Of course, they will cost more, but working with them will be much easier and faster. But the process itself will not be expensive.

Before you start making wooden toys with your own hands, you need to stock up on the necessary amount of material, which includes not only wood, but also varnish, paint, and glue. For children's toys, varnish should be selected that does not contain harmful substances and heavy metals.

The toy, first of all, must be safe and not cause harm to the child. Therefore, the wood needs to be processed perfectly. As a material, experts advise using types of trees such as linden, alder, aspen or poplar - they can be processed much easier than, for example, oak or birch. If the varieties are hard, it will take more time and effort to process them. In order to make wooden toys with your own hands, you can use the wood that is available. It is not advisable to use coniferous trees, as they can form sharp, dangerous splinters that cause wounds.

Required Tools

Tools for work play an important role, so you need to be careful when purchasing them. During the work process you will definitely need:

  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • several hacksaws;
  • Sander;
  • bit;
  • chisel;
  • devices for taking measurements;
  • glue and varnishes for wood;
  • burning machine.

Each master, deciding to create wooden toys with his own hands, has his own secrets, skills and methods, so the number of tools and the set itself are usually selected individually. The presence of some kind of device also depends on the complexity of the work. The more complex the manufactured item, the more skills and equipment will be needed. It may even be necessary to have the skills of a turner and milling machine.

Where is the best place to buy raw materials?

Having thought about what kind of toy you need to make, you should prepare the material. If you have the opportunity to take wood from your own plot, this is the best solution, but many people have to purchase raw materials in specialized stores. There is an excellent opportunity to buy illiquid goods - it is always available in a store or warehouse, where you can choose trimmings and remaining substandard wood. Plywood can also be used for work.

Beginning of work

When all the materials and tools are prepared for the work, the idea has been formed, it’s time to start implementing it. To make the work easier, you need a sketch of the future toy. Each detail must be drawn separately, and the scale must be 1:1.

Before assembling the toy, all parts must be thoroughly cleaned and polished. When making children's wooden toys with your own hands, you should immediately decide how all the parts will be connected to each other. The fastening must be reliable and durable. Most often, glue is used for these purposes, secured with wooden dowels.

If nails are used, then it is necessary to first mark the place where the holes will appear in the wooden parts, then drill them very carefully so that the wooden surface does not crack.

If the craft has wheels that rotate, it is most convenient to use nails for upholstery, and to ensure that they are securely fastened, it is better to use metal pins in parallel - preferably with threads. In this case, the wheels will be firmly fixed and will not fall off during the game.

During the work you may encounter some difficulties. Wood will not be easy to process if it has not been dried first, so it is better to wait a little until the wood is completely dry.

Usually the parts in homemade toys are small in size, some are very small, and therefore extreme caution is required. The smaller and thinner the part, the more likely it is to crack. But over time, the experience gained will help you cope with this problem.

Final stages

When the toy is completely assembled and ready, you can make it a little more beautiful. If you paint a wooden toy, while maintaining both the texture and natural color of the wood, it is guaranteed to attract the child’s attention. For this purpose, the burning method is used. When buying varnishes and paints, it is better to consult with the seller which ones are safer.

To decorate wooden toys with your own hands, you can borrow several ideas from photos on the Internet that make it possible to decorate your own work in an original way. For decoration, use cutouts from magazines and postcards or draw some details yourself, and then glue them firmly.

If you don’t have any special skills in creating wooden toys, you can start practicing with the most simple crafts. These can be cubes and pyramids with themed designs or letters and numbers, which are used as educational games for young children. Then, having gained experience, you can begin to make more complex crafts - animals, people, cars, ships, airplanes.

Children grow up, and they want to have toys of more complex designs. Therefore, parents will have to improve in order to know how to make wooden toys with their own hands, more functional and unusual.

Welcome to the online toy store!!!

We present toys made from environmentally friendly and natural materials; we have toys for both the smallest babies and older children.

The store's catalog mainly contains wooden toys, including folk toys beloved from childhood; there are also felt ones, which are unusual and very interesting!

You can buy wooden toys and toys made of wool, which are designed for creativity and the development of logical skills, toys for role playing games and for organizing theatrical performances in the family circle!

See also review articles: MDI toys World of wooden toys. , Melissa&Doug (Melissa and Doug), wooden furniture for dolls BINO, Germany, wooden dolls, wooden dolls based on the cartoon Shamakhan Queen.

Friends suggested the address of an interesting online store that sells simple wooden toys (the so-called “primitives”) - toys in a real folk spirit, made of solid wood, painted or untreated. Store website - izbuka.ru/. There is a selection of a wide variety of wooden toys - including for the youngest children and older children, there are also soft toys and Walfdorf dolls. I haven’t ordered anything there yet, but I like a lot. I have some of these toys (bought at different time in different places), I really love these toys - they... real.

Simple toys

We create and sell simple and high-quality toys, as well as various pleasant trifles for children's rooms.

Made by hands

Almost all of our toys are handmade and produced in limited editions. Dolls, cars, houses, cubes... they are created especially for our store in private workshops by people who love toys just like us. We know where, how and what our toys are made of. Moreover, we are directly involved in their creation.

Wood and natural textiles

Our wooden toys are made from a variety of wood species - pine, birch, oak, alder, beech, linden and treated with edible linseed oil, beeswax or German Biofa glaze. Stuffed Toys and textiles for children's rooms are sewn especially for us in the Baltics from locally produced wool, flax and cotton. Felt toys are made by craftswomen from Kyrgyzstan.

Our toys can be chewed, sucked, chewed on, sniffed and licked. You can sleep with them. And finally, you can (and should!) just play them.

We cooperate with children's development centers, eco-shops, parent culture clubs, Waldorf studios and kindergartens.

  • We offer wholesale discounts on our products
  • We make toys and educational materials for children's centers to order
  • We advise parents on the selection of toys and conduct presentations of toys
  • We participate in fairs

Wooden toys - folk, handmade

Here I publish photos of only part of the assortment; there are many more interesting wooden toys in stores.

manufacturer: Izbuka Completely handmade, 100% solid alder. The house is not treated with anything. When treated with oil, pay attention, the wood will darken and will be close in color to cherry! We leave it to the discretion of the new owners. Dimensions HxWxD - 54x36x22 cm. The house is made in the Waldorf style - slightly asymmetrical, there are no sharp corners and dangerous parts, all screws are hidden. The furniture is cut from solid pieces of wood - table, bench, chest of drawers (drawers pull out), shelving, table with two chairs, bed. If desired, you can add this set to your taste. An excellent gift for a girl or boy aged 2-4 years. Very suitable as a first playhouse, fits perfectly into the calm interior of a nursery, very cozy home. Standard wooden dolls will fit perfectly as residents. The price of a village house made of alder without furniture is 3,800 rubles. Delivery within Moscow is free. A set of doll furniture without a house is 1000 rubles.

manufacturer: Lukomorye, Yaroslavl Small iron made of oak. 100x70x70 mm.

Poultry yard manufacturer: Lukomorye, Yaroslavl Chickens, ducks, goose - a large friendly bird family + chicken coop. Chicken coop size 230*170*130mm. Materials - pine, oak (chicken coop roof).

Stove with a cat manufacturer: Lukomorye, Yaroslavl A simple and ingenious toy. Russian stove. How many children today have seen a Russian stove in real life? Our stove is small, but everything is true - the damper, the cast iron and even the cat on the stove. You can put the stove in a toy house, you can act out Russian folk tales with it, you can come up with something else. Pine, acrylic paints.

Oak with an owl manufacturer: Lukomorye, Yaroslavl Toys made of pine in the “trees” series - simple puzzles and pyramids. These are also excellent decorations for performances on the table and story games. The average size of the toy is 140 * 140 * 35 mm. I held this toy in my hands (I left as a gift) - I really liked it!

Spruce with birds, wooden toys manufacturer: Lukomorye, Yaroslavl Toys made of pine in the “trees” series - simple puzzles and pyramids. The average size of the toy is 140*140*35 mm.

Animals in the Forest - wooden figurines manufacturer: Lukomorye, Yaroslavl A play set with the telling title “Animals in the Forest” made by the Yaroslavl family workshop Lukomorye. The set includes 5 trees: 3 volumetric puzzles - oak, apple tree, linden, pyramid spruce and pyramid spruce with birds + various animals for painting. You can paint them with your child using any colors. What’s valuable is that the animals have cute faces drawn. You can play with pyramids and puzzles separately or use them in staged games and fairy tales on the table. Material: pine, birch.

manufacturer: Private workshop, Moscow region. Construction set of machines. A set of three machines (by topic: construction equipment, cars, military), which can be inserted into a special suitcase frame and secured with a wooden bolt (fine motor skills, again). An absolutely amazing gift. The cars themselves are voluminous, smooth, and beautiful. But in this version they are also convenient to carry with you. Hang three similar sets on the wall and get an original hanging garage puzzle. Who will find a house for each car faster?

manufacturer: Izbuka This is an example of our unique development for children's centers, kindergartens and child psychologists and speech pathologists. However, this set will also be appropriate at home. Mobile set for the theater on the table - playing Russian folk tales. The decorations are voluminous (about 50cm wide), but can be easily disassembled and stored flat in the box. All decorations are made of pine and are strung on rods according to the pyramid principle (that is, the process of assembling decorations is also an independent game). One basic decoration is assumed - a tower (a key element of almost all fairy tales), trees, and then there are additions to the set - for example, instead of a spruce, a Russian stove is installed, etc. Sets of figures for acting out fairy tales are made of different types of wood and are also interchangeable. The decoration details are painted with natural German Biofa paint. The “playing a fairy tale” set is made individually, to order, taking into account specific wishes for the characters. The cost varies from 3000r. up to 4000 rubles. We consulted with Montessori teachers who extremely highly appreciated the capabilities of this game. By acting out a fairy tale in clear and cozy settings that are comfortable for children’s hands, with beautiful, characteristic characters, children quickly learn the internal logic of the fairy tale, develop coherent speech, memory, and the simplest mathematical representations. It is difficult to overestimate the value of this material in working with children with attention and concentration problems. The set is produced with an advance payment of 50% within 1 week. Please call for more detailed information.

cat pyramid manufacturer: Private workshop, Moscow region description: Large sets - 250 X 130 X 18 mm, alder material. 12-15 parts, cost 500 rubles. Small sets - 130 X 130 X 18 mm, alder material. 6-8 children, lei, cost 400 rub.

Baby doll bed, wood.

The puzzle is big - Ship (wood). manufacturer: Izbuka New episode Insert puzzles for the little ones. Large square puzzles are made of solid alder and painted with German Biofa glaze, which is completely safe and does not hide the structure of the wood. The puzzle pieces can be easily removed and put back into place. Even one year old baby It will be a pleasure to disassemble this convenient bright puzzle, and children one and a half to two years old will be able to assemble it with a little help from an adult. The puzzle pieces are large enough to not pose a danger to children, they are pleasant to manipulate and easy to hold in their hands. Size: 18x18cm.

Wooden tractor. Manufacturer: IzbukaNew series of large rolling machines made of solid beech. At the client's request, a hook for a rope is screwed into the front. These machines are suitable both for rope rides (they are quite heavy and stable), and as the first rolling toys for crawling babies. Size: H x L - 9.5 x 20.5 cm.

manufacturer: Lukomorye, Yaroslavl description: Tiny mouse on wheels.

The Dolphin plane is made of birch, it is durable and comfortable for children's hands. The wings of the airplane are “thick”, with rounded edges. Size: 14 cm X 17 cm. Drevosvet, Ukraine

manufacturer: Drevosvet, Ukraine Toys produced by the Ukrainian creative workshop Drevosvet are “three pillars”: hand polishing, making the toys surprisingly smooth and pleasant to the touch; recognizable streamlined shapes without sharp corners; a variety of wood species, which allows craftsmen to fully express the character and energy contained in the form of the toy and its purpose. The toys are coated in a natural way - “polishing” with edible linseed oil of the highest standard; this ritual takes its roots from ancient times. Drevosvet uses certified linseed oil when “polishing” toys. This method helps to create a protective layer. Set for children's kitchenette and story games with dolls. Material: birch. Plate diameter 13 cm.

Sword Valdor Manufacturer: Drevosvet, Ukraine An excellent pine sword for a little knight (ideal for boys 3-4 years old). The sword is very light and absolutely safe. Toys produced by the Ukrainian creative workshop Drevosvet are “three pillars”: hand polishing, due to which the toys are surprisingly smooth and pleasant to the touch; recognizable streamlined shapes without sharp corners; a variety of wood species, which allows craftsmen to fully express the character and energy contained in the form of the toy and its purpose. 37 cm in length.

Natural pyramid manufacturer: Drevosvet, Ukraine description: This pyramid can be safely addressed to children: small, light, unusually attractive, carrying the warmth and energy of a living forest. In the manufacture of the pyramid, branches of 6-8 types of wood were used - namely, branches, and not just wood. Therefore, each ring retains the bark and its own special pattern of rings on the cut. The pyramid is unique in its simplicity and originality. It is impossible to create two identical pyramids. What is important is that the pyramid is convenient to take with you on the road, it is very compact. The core of the pyramid is blunt and safe. Toys produced by the Ukrainian creative workshop Drevosvet are “three pillars”: hand polishing, which makes the toys surprisingly smooth and pleasant to the touch; recognizable streamlined shapes without sharp corners; a variety of wood species, which allows craftsmen to fully express the character and energy contained in the form of the toy and its purpose. A simple, light, smooth and absolutely safe rattle. Material: mixed wood species. Size: 15cm x 8cm.

Manufacturer: Drevosvet, Ukraine A wooden boat will become a baby’s water travel companion. It is made for water.

Horse on a stick manufacturer: Drevosvet, Ukraine A sweet toy from the “for all times” category. Children aged 3 years and older will certainly be happy with it. The horse is made of birch and coated with linseed oil; you can braid ribbons into its mane. And at the base of the stick there are two small wheels, thanks to which the horse can be rolled along the floor, and not kept suspended all the time. Size: 85x12 cm

Wooden horse - a horse with a saddle. Manufacturer: Tree Tales, Yaroslavl Wonderful hand-painted horse on wheels made by the Yaroslavl workshop "Tree Tales". Size: 16x16cm

manufacturer: Tree Tales, Yaroslavl description: A fairy-tale set in the Fantasy style will captivate children over 5 years old who are well familiar with the plots with the game fairy tales about brave warriors and beautiful princesses. Give figurines to children to play with younger age not recommended, as the wood may split if thrown on the floor. The height of the figures is approximately 10cm.

Lacing Teremok manufacturer: Fairy Tales of the Tree, Yaroslavl description: Stringing toys on a string requires great dexterity from small fingers. The toy develops fine motor skills, eye, speech, knowledge about the world. By playing with your child, you will remind him of the plots of folk tales and teach him to retell fairy tales himself, which is very important for the development of the child’s speech and thinking. These beautiful toys made of wood in Russia in the city of Yaroslavl in the small workshop of the artist M.Yu. Machine. The design of the toys is both traditional for Russian wooden toys and unusual, and all toys are produced in very small quantities. Each toy is made from a single piece of birch and hand-painted with water-based paints and varnish. The paints are not washed off with water and are very durable. All wooden toys "Tales of the Tree" are recognized as safe for children.

manufacturer: S, kazki wood, Yaroslavl description: Play set made of larch "Three Bears".

Brooches - apples, felt. Manufacturer: Private workshop, Riga, Latvia Brooches - apples made of felt. Author's work, Riga. Delicious! Decorated with Swarovski crystals. The decoration is very compact and flat, it will look good on children's clothes. - large knitted cardigan or coat. Size: 6x5 cm.

Berry pie. Manufacturer: Private workshop, Riga, LatviaFelt cake brooches. Author's work, Riga. Delicious! Decorated with Swarovski crystals. You just don’t need to eat them, but rather wear them, for example, on a woolen coat or bag. In general, this decoration is more for adults than for children (in size) and is an excellent gift for those with a sweet tooth :)))Size: 8.5x6 cm.

Mom doll, felt toy. Manufacturer: Private workshop, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Live and work in Kyrgyzstan the best masters on felt. Take a closer look at how wonderful the faces of these dolls are - alive, warm. Each mother has her own baby, each skirt is hollow inside, there are no legs, so you can play with it, or you can just put it on and admire it. A wonderful gift for a young mother, by the way. Doll height: 18cm.

Walfdorf doll. Manufacturer: Private workshop, Riga, Latvia Spring girl Leia, who loves beautiful hairstyles. Leia is wearing beads, elegant dress, stockings and shoes. Our dolls are handmade in the Waldorf style. Composition: cotton jersey, filling - 100% purified sheep wool (origin - Lithuania). Boys have curly wool hair. The dolls can be gently washed with a sponge and baby soap. The doll's height is 32 cm.

Felt farm. Manufacturer: Private workshop, Moscow region. A soft felt box hides a whole wealth - all the pets and the farmer (12 figures in total). The animal figurines are hand-sewn, they are very cute and cozy. The felt truss is practically weightless, it is simply irreplaceable on long trips and travels. This set will be of interest to both very little ones from 1.5 years old and preschool children. These wonderful toys are sewn by hand in very small batches in the private Russian workshop "Whale and Cat" according to the sketches and technologies of Kyrgyz artists. Box size: 20x17 cm. Size of figures: up to 10 cm in length and up to 4 cm in height (animals).

Felt handbag. Manufacturer: Private workshop, Moscow region. Bright handbag made of wool felt with small surprise pockets. A finger toy is hidden in each pocket. This unusual bag is hand-sewn in the private Russian workshop "Whale and Cat" according to the sketches and technologies of Kyrgyz artists. Attention! Finger toys may differ from those shown in the photo. Available different colors handbags (now there are orange and red handbags). Size: 25x18 cm.

Duck, felt. Manufacturer: Private workshop, Moscow region. A felt duck will become a favorite toy on the road, quietly nestling in a mother’s purse or the pocket of a child’s jacket. These funny warm figures are sewn using Kyrgyz technologies in the private Russian workshop “Whale and Cat”. Size : 6x6 cm

Walfdorf doll. Manufacturer: Taisiya Stepina's Workshop, Krasnodar Territory These dolls are sewn for hugging with sleepy hands, to create comfort, safety and the right mood before bed. Splyusha is made according to all the canons of a Waldorf doll, filled with wool with the addition of lavender, the aroma is very delicate and can be felt only if you bury your nose in the doll’s tummy)). The Scops Owl is “swaddled” in delicate cotton velor. The eyes and mouth are embroidered with silk floss threads. Children of all ages will be delighted with this doll. All Splyushas are different, each with its own character and temperament. Someone smiles in their sleep, someone snorts with concentration, but they all invite you to the land of dreams and promise sweet dreams... As a gift, Splyushi will bring with them a small bag of lavender flowers - this mini-sachet can be put in a chest of drawers with children's things .If the doll gets a little dirty (mostly from kissing), it can be easily corrected with wet wipes without additives. And if it’s really time to wash the doll, then we treat it like an expensive woolen product (30 degrees, special product, don’t wring it out, don’t twist it) and be sure (!) to dry it face up. Doll height: 25 cm. The overalls are not removable.

Elephant Jumbo (available in different colors) manufacturer: Private workshop, Riga, Latvia Real chest of drawers elephants! Interior design, but at the same time feel good in a child's palm. Completely handmade. The toys are embroidered using various European techniques. Material - wool felt from Australia. Filling 70% - sheep wool and 30% - viscose. Embroidery - wool, viscose, floss. All elephants are a little different.

manufacturer: Private workshop, Riga, Latvia description: Attention! New summer collection of bears. Author's bears from Riga. Completely handmade, the height of the bear is 18 cm. Embroidered using various European techniques. Material - wool felt from Australia. Filling 70% - sheep wool and 30% - viscose. Embroidery - wool, viscose, floss. Each bear has its own character based on the characteristics of the grasses with which it is embroidered. It is believed that these bears are good to give as a talisman for a child’s birthday. Despite the fact that these bears clearly like to sit on a wooden chest of drawers, you can play with them - all the bears' legs move.

  • PlanToys

Previously, it was in many kindergartens, and orders for production came even from above. Now it’s very difficult for the Bogorodskaya toy. The craftsmen who work in the factory for pennies do not let her die completely. Even with private woodworking orders you can’t go far; they lift your spirits more than the job. Factory workers still remember how one day a new Russian came and asked to make a stupa for his mother-in-law as a gift. With a hint:) The toy is about 350 years old. Then, under the control of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, wood processing began to develop in the nearby village of Bogorodskoye. They carved iconostases, platbands, wooden sculptures and toys. Later, a school of master carvers and a professional artel, the current factory, appeared. A more romantic version talks about a peasant whose children got tired of playing with a wooden doll and abandoned it. The peasant took the doll to the fair, where he was lucky - a merchant saw the toy and ordered a shipment. This is how the residents of Bogorodskoye began to engage in the “toy business.” A wooden toy is made from linden dried for 3-5 years. This soft wood is well suited for cutting:

The product blank is first cut out with an ax or cut out with a hacksaw according to the template:
Then they process it with tools - chisels and special very sharp Bogorodsk knives. Yes, the knives were also local. Once upon a time, while one part of the village was making toys, the second was preparing knives and chisels for their manufacture. Now craftsmen use imported tools or make them themselves, only the name remains:
An experienced worker spends 15-20 minutes cutting one piece. However, the working day of the foreman at the factory is short - until lunch. Then many go home to private work or to fulfill factory orders. We arrived just in time for lunch, and all the craftsmen had already left. I had to show everything to the escort. The norm is to deliver 130-140 items per month. Cuts and abrasions are a common occurrence at work, but people do not lose heart.
They work here. It smells like wood inside:
Further - in other buildings. They are already brick:
After processing, the toy is assembled in parts:
And these are the future Carlsons. Below will be colored:
Although traditionally the toy was not painted, now this rule is sometimes deviated from. It turns out no worse :) They work with gouache, and then cover it with a harmless oil varnish. Previously, things were going well at the factory and several hundred people worked. Now there are fewer and fewer workers, some workshops are even empty. They say that in 12 years the team has shrunk by half and has aged a lot.
However, the toy is still wonderful. Look what cool Carlsons:
Just great. The toy is held in the hands, the ball rotates - Carlson moves his hand and eats jam, the jar of which has not yet been attached to him:
But the spoon has already been given out... And he is happy
There are also toys with characters from other fairy tales. Here the ball is spinning, and the grandmother and grandfather are baking a bun:
There are different moving scenes - a cat catches fish, chickens peck grain. This toy develops imagination and hands. The unpainted toy often depicts the life of a peasant, who is “helped” by animals. However, there are many plots, and what the heroes will do depends on the imagination of the master. There are also mobile ones, like this - the most famous - “Blacksmiths”:
In the museum at the factory there are compositions on fairy-tale themes:
Craftsmen also carve unique things, like this “Northern War” chess set. Peter and Charles XII with their queens:
The factory's big problem is new personnel. After graduating from the local art school, young people either leave or take up private cutting. Otherwise, you won't survive. So workshops are being created at home. Many workers also find it more profitable to work at home and receive a percentage of the factory’s order than to go to work for a ridiculous salary of several thousand. The situation is also spoiled by the “masters” who sell fakes. According to the workers, there are many of them. Their quality is low, and the client can be easily deceived. In addition to toys, the factory’s craftsmen make custom-made carved furniture and wooden wall panels with three-dimensional images of people and animals. There are no problems with raw materials. In the village, traders sell linden from their cars. The prices are affordable - one cubic meter costs several thousand, and it will last for a year of work.
The Bogorodsk toy was not included in the symbols of the Olympics in Sochi, it was not called beautiful at the top, but in fact an empty set of television words like “the pride of the region, with the help of which Russia continues to revive.” It is not given to foreigners at receptions. Today, the times of higher and mass orders are gone. But the toy is alive. The remaining masters are mostly women - fans of their craft. There is a store at the factory. Prices start from several hundred rubles, there is a choice. It will probably be more expensive in Moscow stores. And in general, is it possible to buy this toy in Moscow?

Previously, it was in many kindergartens, and orders for production came even from above. Now it’s very difficult for the Bogorodskaya toy. The craftsmen who work in the factory for pennies do not let her die completely. Even with private woodworking orders you can’t go far; they lift your spirits more than the job. Factory workers still remember how one day a new Russian came and asked to make a stupa for his mother-in-law as a gift. With a hint :)

The toy is about 350 years old. Then, under the control of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, wood processing began to develop in the nearby village of Bogorodskoye. They carved iconostases, platbands, wooden sculptures and toys. Later, a school of master carvers and a professional artel, the current factory, appeared.
A more romantic version talks about a peasant whose children got tired of playing with a wooden doll and abandoned it. The peasant took the doll to the fair, where he was lucky - a merchant saw the toy and ordered a shipment. This is how the residents of Bogorodskoye began to engage in the “toy business.”
A wooden toy is made from linden dried for 3-5 years. This soft wood is well suited for cutting:

The finished product is first cut out with an ax or cut out using a hacksaw according to a template

Then they process it with tools - chisels and special very sharp Bogorodsk knives. Yes, the knives were also local. Once upon a time, while one part of the village was making toys, the second was preparing knives and chisels for their manufacture. Now craftsmen use imported tools or make them themselves, only the name remains

An experienced worker spends 15-20 minutes cutting one piece. However, the working day of the foreman at the factory is short - until lunch. Then many go home to private work or to fulfill factory orders. We arrived just in time for lunch, and all the craftsmen had already left. I had to show everything to the escort. The norm is to deliver 130-140 items per month. Cuts and abrasions are a common occurrence at work, but people do not lose heart.

They work here. It smells like wood inside

After processing, the toy is assembled in parts

And these are the future Carlsons. Below will be colored

Although traditionally the toy was not painted, now this rule is sometimes deviated from. It turns out no worse :)

They work with gouache and then cover it with a harmless oil varnish. Previously, things were going well at the factory and several hundred people worked. Now there are fewer and fewer workers, some workshops are even empty. They say that in 12 years the team has shrunk by half and has aged a lot.

However, the toy is still wonderful. Look how cool the Carlsons are

Just great. The toy is held in the hands, the ball rotates - Carlson moves his hand and eats jam, a jar of which has not yet been assigned to him

But the spoon has already been given out... And he is happy

There are also toys with characters from other fairy tales. Here the ball is spinning, and grandma and grandpa are baking buns

There are different moving scenes - a cat catches fish, chickens peck grain. This toy develops imagination and hands.