Baby Carlson and Winnie the Pooh. Who is cooler - Winnie the Pooh or Carlson? Kid and Carlson

Odazda Carlson, who lives on the roof, flew in to visit Winnie the Pooh. You ask: how can this be? And I will answer: very simple. The fact is that they are both book characters, and when the book is on the shelf, its characters can freely visit their neighbors on the shelf. That's exactly why you need to carefully arrange the books so that bad characters do not meet. Can you imagine what, for example, Karabas Barabas and Barmaley can do if they act together? Be careful with books.

Once, when breakfast had long ended and dinner did not even think of starting, Winnie the Pooh sat on the threshold of his house and lightly refreshed himself.
- May I land? came a voice from somewhere above.
- Chevo? Pooh didn't understand.
- Chevo chevo, let's land!
“And who are you that I should give you something?” Pooh was indignant.
- No time to explain, I'll collapse now - said the voice - That's it! Emergency landing!
And on the ground next to Winnie the Pooh, a fat little man with a propeller behind his back plopped down.
- Phew! Barely lasted! - the little man exclaimed - The food was over - he deftly snatched a spoon from Winnie the Pooh's paws, scooped up honey from a pot and put it in his mouth.
- Yes, you ... you ... Who are you anyway! Pooh gasped in indignation.
- Oh yes! - the little man jumped up and took a picture pose - Let me introduce myself. Carlson Who Lives on the Roof! - And scooped up another spoonful of honey.
Pooh jumped up indignantly and wanted to show the impudent man whose honey was in the forest, but, sensing in the stranger the kindred spirit of the eater of sweets, he changed his anger to mercy and, in turn, introduced himself:
- Pooh, Winnie the Pooh. How did you get into our forest?
- Yes, I explored new places where you can fool around properly - Carlson casually replied - And what, besides honey, do you have any sweets here?
- Well, why, there is also condensed milk, berries ...
- And that's it? Eh, darkness! But what about pies, donuts, sweets, cakes. Finally jam.
- No, jam happens, only rarely. What are cakes?
- You don't even know that? The village is uneducated.
- I'm not a village, I'm a forest.
- One is not better than the other. However, I feel like I'll have to take care of your education. You wait a bit, I am now - and Carlson disappeared behind the trees.
Pooh waited, waited, waited. And waited and waited. When his patience (and honey) almost ran out, Carlson appeared in front of the house. In his hands were two boxes and a large
plastic bag
- Here, this is a cake - Carlson said opening the box - it's delicious.
Winnie the Pooh held in his paws something large, round, decorated with cream flowers and smelling of vanilla.
- Come on, fly in - Carlson encouraged him and bit off a big piece from his cake.
Pooh carefully bit off a piece and felt an amazing taste. Then he bit off again and again and again and very quickly gnawed a large hole in the cake.
When the cakes were finished and the newly-made friends were up to their ears in cream, Carlson said:
- Now you can have some fun - he looked around in search of entertainment - Well, who will we bring down, cursing or just pinning?
- How is it? asked Pooh.
- Bringing down and smoking is best when you need to educate a housewife - said Carlson. - And pinning is just fun.
- Then let's pin - decided Pooh.
- I propose to play ghosts - Carlson said - Do you have sheets?
From the sheets, Carlson built two ghost costumes simply by making holes for the eyes.
- I'll be a mysterious ghost with a motor - said Carlson - And you'll just run around and hoot like ghosts.
And they practiced hooting and howling ghostly. Carlson showed how a ghost with a motor mysteriously flies, Pooh learned to swing his paws under the sheet to make the ghost scarier. Finally, Carlson was satisfied with the result.
- It remains only to wait for the night - he said - real ghosts appear only at night.

At last the evening came.
- It's time - said Carlson.
- It would be necessary to eat - said Pooh - Only I ran out of honey.
- Calmness, only calmness - Carlson proclaimed - you are dealing with Carlson who lives on the roof. I have everything provided. There are sweets.
It turned out that the package that Carlson brought was filled with sweets. Carlson gave Pooh a whole handful of little things wrapped in colored paper. Inside there were very tasty sweets and Pooh thoroughly refreshed himself. And friends went to play pranks.

Piglet was returning from the guests. True, this time he did not get balloons, but he still had a wonderful time. The evening was just beautiful, the sun was setting and Piglet was enjoying the coolness of the evening. Suddenly, someone white, shapeless and very scary appeared ahead.
- Oh! - Said Piglet - Oh-oh-oh! Weeeeee!! - the pig squealed and faster than its own screech rushed away from this terrible one. He ran into his house, dived into the bed under the covers and hid, listening to see if this scary and white one had appeared.
- Like I do it! Fun exclaimed Carlson getting out from under the sheets - Did you see how he ran? Probably set a record.
- Yes, great - said Pooh - I did not know that Piglet runs so fast. You have to scare him from time to time, otherwise you send for honey and you wait for it ...
- Well, let's move on - Carlson said cheerfully.

Donkey Eeyore thought about his life and did not find anything good. He examined it from one side and the other, the view was no better. Suddenly he saw something white flying through the air and buzzing, and another white one breaking through his favorite thistle bushes and cursing indistinctly.
- Well, ghosts - Eeyore said sadly - This was to be expected, the day did not work out in the morning.
U-U-U!!! A-A-A!! GO-GO-GO!!
- Rrr! - growled the ghost approaching Eeyore. For some reason, the donkey was not afraid, but it became interesting what it was like to be a ghost?
But the ghosts did not think to attack. The one that flew made several circles in the air, sank to the ground and froze as if in indecision. The one that was on the ground approached the partner and also stopped.
- Well, I don’t play like that - Carlson said from under the sheet - He is not at all afraid.
- This is Eeyore - said ghost Pooh. He always only whines, but it turns out how brave he is.
- Let's get out of here - said the ghost-Carlson - let's look where it's more fun - and both ghosts left.
- What an unfair world - said Eeyore sadly - even the ghosts do not want to talk to me.

Tigra had successfully practiced jumping and was now walking towards Kenga, expecting that she would give him a large mug of his beloved for dinner. fish oil. Suddenly (again, this is “suddenly”, you can’t get rid of him in any way) He saw that someone white was flying at him and buzzing at the same time, and another white one was approaching along the ground and waving something like paws. And Tigger ran! But white did not lag behind. Then Tigger jumped with all his might and hung on the tree.
- No, well, you saw how he jumped! Carlson said delightedly.
- Yes, Tigger has always been distinguished by jumping ability - said Pooh - And today he probably broke his record.
- Let's go further - Carlson said decisively.

Winnie the Pooh went up to the hollow in which the Owl lived and read the sign: "I ask you to pull and wait for an answer." Pooh pulled the string on the bell and the string remained in his paw.
Then Pooh read another sign: "I ask you to knock if they don't greet you." Pooh turned around and started pounding on the door with his back paw.
- Owl! Open!
The door creaked open and Owl appeared on the threshold.
Y-Y-Y!! BE-BE-BE!! EHE-HE-HE!! Two ghosts were approaching the Owl by land and air. The owl examined them carefully.
- Pooh, why are you wearing a sheet and why are you screaming like crazy? - She asked in bewilderment - And who is it flying in a sheet and in yellow boots? It does not exist in our forest.
- O-O-O ... - the ghost-Pooh fell silent in bewilderment - Owl, how do you know that this is Pooh?
- Winnie the Pooh, if you weren't such an impenetrable dumbass, you would know that owls see perfectly at night and I see your paws under the sheet and I see yellow shoes on the one who is now flying around my house. Can you introduce us?
- This is Carlson. who lives on the roof. He is my guest.
- Well, of course, what else can you expect from Pooh! And now, young people, I would advise you to go home and go to bed, already too late time to disturb the venerable owl.
- Indeed, let's go home - Carlson said sadly - something has become boring and uninteresting. Yes, and later.
And friends went to Winnie the Pooh's house.

The next morning, having refreshed themselves with the remaining sweets, the couple went to check on those who had been played a joke on yesterday. They were not worried about Eeyore and Owl, but Piglet had to be dragged out of bed, to explain to him that there are no ghosts, that everything seemed to him yesterday because of a too fun evening. In general, barely calmed down.
The tiger hung on the tree, hugging him with all four paws. Carlson had to fly up with a rope, tie it around the Tiger and then, with a joint effort, lower him down.
- It was you who overtrained yesterday - said Pooh authoritatively.
- Yes, probably - Tigger said sadly - Did you notice how high I jumped! he yelled.
- Yes, Tigger, you are our champion - Pooh said encouragingly.
On this Tiger calmed down. And he ran to Kanga to demand his mug of fish oil, because he had not had dinner yesterday.
- Something I lingered with you - said Carlson - I have a Kid there and the housekeeper is not trained.
- Goodbye Carlson - said Pooh - come visit. It's fun with you.

And Carlson flew away to his place in Stockholm, where he played with the Kid and brought down and quarreled the housekeeper.

And in the enchanted forest they remembered for a long time the visit of the best Carlson in the world and made fun of the Tiger and Piglet, but they were not offended. And Winnie the Pooh pasted all the walls in his house with candy wrappers and, looking at them with tenderness, recalled a great delicacy.

And one day Winnie the Pooh went to Oz. But that is another story.

→ Who is cooler - Winnie the Pooh or Carlson?

Everyone wants to be successful. And cool. And our children should also be successful. And even more cool!

How to contribute to this? Correctly educate.

And how to raise children? Forming guidelines. Cartoon characters play a significant role in this process.

For example, Carlson and Winnie the Pooh are popular. Everyone knows that Carlson is better than a dog. And if you compare with Pooh?

The characters seem to be the same. Both love to eat and compete in the heavyweight division. Many boys will become men with these same qualities. But whose character traits can be adopted, and whose better to use as an anti-example. Which of these two is cooler?

Carlson - "a man in his prime." Winnie is a bear. Can strong man deal with a bear? Residents of the Siberian hinterland will answer this question in the affirmative. The Swedish Carlson also has someone to train on. There are enough bears in Sweden: three thousand roam in the forests, and another sixty thousand bears with a human face live in cities and villages. After all, one of the most common male names - Björn - means "bear".

In addition, Carlson is equipped much more seriously than Vinnie - he has a superhero costume with a propeller. This increases maneuverability and elusiveness. Pooh awkwardly flies only on hot-air balloon and walks around completely naked. That is, in the skin. Of course, it allows him to sleep in the snow, but it does not provide any propellers or other bonuses.

In their free time from exploits, cool heroes rest in their lair. The bear lives in a tree. And Carlson is on the roof. Where is it harder for enemies to get to? On the roof. Again, a fact in favor of Carlson, who responsibly approached the choice of a cool home.

Any cool hero has to defeat someone. What about achievements? Pooh's grandiose campaign to expropriate honey from a bee colony has failed. And the initiator of the aggressive actions was left with a spoiled skin. Carlson, even peacefully making a promenade on the roofs of Copenhagen, heroically scares away thieves and saves the property of respectable citizens. At the same time, he shows ingenuity and makes full use of his disguise skills. Not like Vinnie, unsuccessfully trying to pass for a cloud.

Pooh, however, diplomatically resolved the issue of returning Eeyore's tail. This can be counted as an achievement. But how can it be compared with the main victory of Carlson - the taming of the housekeeper Miss Bok ?! Only the coolest heroes can do this!

The conclusion is clear: Carlson is cooler than Winnie the Pooh. It is his qualities that should be cited as an example to children. After all, he successfully combines strength and ingenuity. Winnie has trouble with his brains - his sawdust does not allow solving any more or less serious task. What toughness are we talking about? But Pooh sings songs. This is his calling. Let him be engaged in composing new screams about the cool Carlson, the winner of thieves and housekeepers.

On October 28, International Animation Day is celebrated all over the world - a holiday for everyone who is related to the art of animation. The golden fund of domestic animated films is made up of films that not only children, but also adults like to watch and review.

Winnie the Pooh

The director of the Soviet trilogy about Winnie the Pooh Fyodor Khitruk admitted that for a long time he did not dare to film the story of a funny bear cub, although he was very fond of the book by the English writer A. Milne. "I was afraid to spoil a magnificent work - it was necessary to preserve its naive wisdom," he explained. Only when the author of the Russian translation of fairy tales about Winnie the Pooh, the famous children's writer Boris Zakhoder, helped the director with the script, and the artists Vladimir Zuykov and Eduard Nazarov drew sketches of the future characters, work on the cartoon began.

The first film adaptation of A. Milne's book about Winnie the Pooh belongs to the Walt Disney studio: in the early 60s, several episodes about a funny bear cub and his friends were released. Before starting work on the domestic Winnie the Pooh, Fyodor Khitruk had not seen the Disney version. However, he wanted to move away from the images that were depicted in the book, to create his own, new and original characters. Of course, he succeeded. Everyone who has seen both the Disney version and our version clearly speaks in favor of the latter.

It is curious that initially Winnie the Pooh was very furry, his ears looked a little "chewed", and his eyes were different size. At first, Piglet turned out to be similar to a thick, appetizing sausage. A lot of different bear cubs and piglets were drawn before the characters took on the look we are used to. By the way, in the second and third series, the drawings of the characters were simplified: the black "glasses" on the muzzle of Winnie the Pooh acquired a clear outline, and Piglet's rosy cheeks began to be indicated by one red line.

© Photo: provided by the organizers of the Big Cartoon FestivalSketches of the cartoon characters "Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all." Exhibition "Heroes of Animation" as part of the Great Cartoon Festival /

© Photo: provided by the organizers of the Big Cartoon Festival

Actors of the first magnitude were invited to voice the cartoon about a funny bear cub and his friends. Piglet was voiced by Iya Savina, the donkey Eeyore was voiced by Erast Garin, and Winnie the Pooh was voiced by Evgeny Leonov. By the way, in order to achieve a more comical character of a clubfoot character, the artist's speech was accelerated by about 30%. If you reduce the speed by this value, then you can hear the usual voice of Leonov.

Some episodes, phrases and songs (for example, the famous "Where are we going with Piglet ...") are not in the book and were composed specifically for the cartoon. Subsequently, the writer Boris Zakhoder included these songs as an appendix to the collection Winnie the Pooh and Much More. On the other hand, there is no Christopher Robin in the cartoon. In the first series, his plot role is played by Piglet, in the second - by Rabbit.

Psychologists told which cartoons are good for children to watchNatalya Matushkina, Head of the Coordinating and Analytical Department of the Moscow City Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Expertise of Games and Toys, recommends that when choosing cartoons for children, first of all, pay attention to old classic films.

Initially, they wanted to make a series about Winnie the Pooh throughout the book. A total of nine episodes were planned to be filmed. But it did not work out, only three came out. “When we made three films about Winnie the Pooh, we completely ran out of steam…”, admitted the artist Eduard Nazarov.

The cycle of cartoons about a funny bear has gained immense popularity, and Winnie the Pooh himself has become almost a national hero. Quotes from this animated film have become the common property of Soviet children and adults.

When the West found out that in the Soviet Union they took up the translation, and then the film adaptation of Winnie the Pooh, some artists and cultural figures imagined who knows what. For example, the writer Pamela Travers, author of a book about Mary Poppins, said the following: "God only knows what these Russians turned Winnie the Pooh into. But I know for sure: they dressed him up as a commissar, put a bandolier on him and put him in over the knee boots" ( "Komsomolskaya Pravda", January 16, 1983).

While working on the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh, Fedor Khitruk did not know about the existence of animated films about the funny bear of the Disney studio "Winnie the Bear and his friends." Later, according to Khitruk, Disney director Wolfgang Reiterman liked his version. At the same time, since the Soviet cartoons were created without taking into account the exclusive rights to film adaptation owned by the Disney studio, their screening abroad was impossible.

Kid and Carlson

The Soviet cartoon "Baby and Carlson" directed by Boris Stepantsev, based on the story of the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren and released on television in 1968, was enthusiastically received by both small and adult viewers. Lindgren herself also liked the work of Soviet animators very much. By the way, in the Soviet Union, stories about a funny prankster living on the roof were filmed earlier, so even in Sweden, Carlson is most often portrayed as in Stepantsev's cartoons.

In total, there were two series about Carlson: "Kid and Carlson" (1968) and "Carlson returned" (1970). Soyuzmultfilm was going to make a third one, but the director Boris Stepantsev got carried away with puppet animation, and this idea was never realized. In the archives of the studio, the film is still kept, which was planned to be used for filming the cartoon based on the third part of the trilogy about the Kid and Carlson - "Carlson plays pranks again."

© Film studio "Soyuzmultfilm"

© Film studio "Soyuzmultfilm"

It was not easy to find a suitable actor to voice Carlson, so the charming and "moderately well-fed man in the prime of his life" remained "voiceless" for a long time. Until Vasily Livanov auditioned for the role. The actor was approved on the first try. So the hooligan man who lives on the roof acquired unique intonations that we all remember from childhood. Now it's hard to even imagine that this character can speak differently. The author of the book about Carlson, the writer, during her visit to Soviet Union wanted to personally meet with Livanov, who brilliantly voiced the hero of her book.

The idea to invite Faina Ranevskaya to voice the "housekeeper" Freken Bock belongs to the animator Anatoly Savchenko, who invented and drew the characters of "Carlson". Before her, other actresses auditioned for this role, but none of them fit. But Ranevskaya turned out to be an ideal candidate. True, they say that when the actress saw her character, she was frightened at first, and then even offended by the artist Savchenko. "Am I so scary?!" she kept asking. Ranevskaya was never able to explain that this is not her portrait at all, but just a "cartoon" image.

At the end of the cartoon "Carlson is back" the famous phrase Freken Bock "Darling, dear!" was performed by the film's editor Raisa Frichinskaya, who skillfully imitated the voice of Faina Ranevskaya. The fact is that the actress refused to utter this remark, since the heroine Ranevskaya had already managed to utter it in the film "Spring".

In the Soviet cartoon about Carlson, one can notice a shift in emphasis in relation to the book by the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren. For example, in the book The Kid is described as a spoiled child, loved by both parents and friends (Christer and Gunila). But in the cartoon, he appears to the audience as a lonely boy who has no friends at all and is deprived of parental attention.

The cult animated film "The Hedgehog in the Fog" directed by Yuri Norshtein was filmed based on the fairy tale of the same name by Sergei Kozlov and released by the Soyuzmultfilm studio in 1975. In 1976, the cartoon was awarded first prizes at the All-Union Animated Film Festival in Frunze and at the Film Festival for Children and youth in Tehran. And in 2003, "Hedgehog in the Fog" was recognized as the best cartoon of all times and peoples according to a survey of 140 animators and film critics from different countries.

According to the director of the cartoon, "there is no intrigue in action, there is no dynamics of action. It is likely that in "The Hedgehog in the Fog" there was a happy accident of the coincidence of all elements." The images created in the cartoon have become easily recognizable, quoted, and some authors have acquired a symbolic meaning.

On the eve of Animation Day, RIA Novosti correspondents visited Svetlana Anisimova, who became famous a year ago for cartoons about the city problems of Novosibirsk, created on a home computer. Svetlana spoke about her future cartoons and how she herself relates to her "social" amateur creativity.

Based on the cult cartoon "Hedgehog in the Fog", one of the series of the animated series "Smeshariki" - "Hedgehog in the Nebula" was created. "Hedgehog in the Fog" is also popular across the ocean: in 2009, a parody of this cartoon was used in an episode of the American animated series Family Guy. "Hedgehog in the Fog" is one of the most beloved cartoons of the Japanese director-animator Hayao Miyazaki.

In January 2009, in Kyiv, at the intersection of Zolotovorotskaya, Reytarskaya and Georgievsky lanes, a monument to the Hedgehog was erected. The figure of the Hedgehog is made of wood, screws served as thorns. He is depicted sitting with a bundle on a high stump.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources