A fairy tale about how Masha learned to distinguish good people from bad ones and what came of it. Fairy tale "Magic crystal Fairy tale magic crystal

Jeanne, dear, thank you very much for your feedback and your opinion!

Having proposed this method and asked to discuss it, I wanted to hear opinions. It seemed to me that this is a very important detail that we always overlooked. But after all, I can be wrong and not see some pitfalls. Therefore, I ask you to tell me your vision of this and opinion. Jeanne, thank you again!

The day before yesterday, I nevertheless tried to conduct such a meditation on my own and this is what came out of it:
For some reason, the system presented itself to me in the form of a dark metal ball. But when I started to fill it with Light and Love, it turned out to be no longer metallic (something like a dark elastic matter)… And it reacted to the filling — it seemed to breathe. Replenished with Light, it seemed to me that she was inhaling, then exhaling, this happened several times. And then it began to rotate around its axis and for some reason counterclockwise. This went on for some time. Then I came out of meditation.

But then I suddenly realized that I forgot about one important detail. I forgot to thank her. After all, we can even thank the system for all the experiences that we experienced while living in it. Indeed, in order to receive experiences, we went into incarnation and chose this particular place (in this system), which means that she also took part in our evolution and this deserves gratitude, even if these experiences were painful for us ... After all, there are no bad and good experiences - these are just experiments, everything else is our reaction to them ...

Why did I come up with this idea?

In every message we read that all people are under the influence of the system (except the awakened ones and those who control this system). The system tightly keeps everyone in invisible chains, not allowing them to wake up. But if you illuminate it from within, then everyone inside will also react to this impulse. After all, everything affects everything. The system controls all people - but, having changed, the system will bring a change in the consciousness of the people it controls. And perhaps it will be a larger awakening of the people. I guess so.
But gratitude is very important! One should not be angry at the system for centuries of prison, otherwise these feelings will again roll us back into low vibrations - the result will be in direct proportion to the opposite, but to see the best that was in all this, i.e. experience is priceless. And he is to be thanked for!

And, of course, during this powerful meditation, call for help all the Angels and Archangels, the Ascended Masters and Masters, the Father of the Absolute! Ask them to protect you and help in the process of this meditation.

If you find this meditation useful, then let's do it together. I believe that this will enhance the effect and there will be a massive awakening! After all, this is exactly what is needed in order for people with a developed spiritual consciousness to be at the helm of the government and for the ships of our Galactic Brothers to appear above our sky! And consequently, the Ascension process will accelerate!


My name is Kiryanova Ksenia, I am 13 years old. I live in Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region. Study in high school No. 56 in 8A class.

I have been attending music school for 3 years now. I play the piano. In my free time I read fiction I write stories and fairy tales.

I would like to present one of my fairy tales to your attention.

Fairy tale "Masha and the magic crystal"

There lived a girl. Her name was Masha. Once Masha went into the forest, looking, an old, elderly grandmother was walking towards her. The girl, of course, was frightened, but she still went to meet this grandmother.

Masha was very afraid because this grandmother was terribly scary. Her hair was tousled, her face was full of warts, and her ears were protruding, like those of Cheburashka. In fact, she looked terrible. Masha tried to stay away from her, but the grandmother came closer and closer.

Finally, they caught up with Masha, and the grandmother asked: “Girl, what are you doing in the forest alone?”. And the girl says: "I'm lost and I can't find my way back." And the grandmother replies: “I will help you. I will give you a magic crystal, it will help you remember the way home. You go ahead and look at the crystal more often. If it turns red, then you are on the wrong path, and if it turns blue, you are on the right track. But remember, do not put the crystal in your pocket, because it is slippery and can fall out of it. Understood?" - asked the grandmother. "Clear!" - answered Masha.

And she went. Masha walks, walks, looks, a beautiful, singing doll lies on the ground ahead. Masha liked her immediately. The girl wanted to take this doll, and she decided to put the crystal in her pocket, but she remembered what her grandmother had told her. Then Masha thought: “What can happen? I'll put it down for a while." She took the doll and put the crystal in her pocket. But as she leaned over, the crystal fell out and rolled into the bushes. And Masha goes, plays with a doll and did not even notice that the crystal fell out.

Masha has reached three roads and does not know where to go next. I remembered about the crystal, put my hand in my pocket, but there was no crystal. The girl began to cry. But then she thought: I will choose the brightest path and went along the first path.

He goes further, sees a large lake, no boats, no logs. Masha began to think about how to get to the other side. I thought, thought, sees my grandmother sitting on a stump, which gave her a crystal. The girl approached her and asked: “Grandma, don’t you know how to cross to the other side?”, And the grandmother says: “The crystal will show you the way.”

Masha replies: “Yes, I lost the crystal,” and grandmother says: “Now I will try to drink the lake, and as soon as I drink it, you run. As soon as you reach the middle, you will throw this stick into the hole, and it will turn into a boat. You sit in it and shout to me that you are ready. I will throw out the water, and the wave will carry you to the other shore.

Masha took the stick, and the grandmother drank the water. The girl ran and threw a stick on the ground, it turned into a boat. Masha got into the boat and shouted to her grandmother that she was ready. The old woman puffed out her cheeks, then how burst! Water filled the lake, and Masha was carried to the other side to mom and dad. The girl was very glad that she returned home. And the doll remained in her memory. Here the fairy tale ends.

The work was sent by Tkachenko Svetlana Gennadievna,
teacher of literature, secondary school No. 56, Novokuznetsk

In one beautiful, snowy country ... in a village that was at the foot of the mountains, there lived a brother and sister. One fine day, when the sun shone brighter than usual, the young man had a birthday. The sister decided to please him and went to the forest. After all, she heard that near the river, despite the snow, people saw flowers. She wanted to please her brother an unusual gift. But it so happened that she got lost, a snowstorm arose. The road the girl was walking on was completely covered with snow. People found the poor thing at the very last moment. The brother was very excited, because despite the fact that the girl was saved, she became seriously ill. His little sister couldn't even get out of bed. Every day she was getting worse, she was dying, like a flower ... which fades gradually, does not leave this world immediately, but only one petal at a time. On the day when the girl became very ill, so much so that she could not speak, a witch knocked on the door to the orphans. The brother did not really want to let her in, but, after thinking, he nevertheless decided to do it. The old woman entered the house and, as soon as she looked at the dying girl, she immediately said that only a magic crystal that was kept by the Snow Queen in the palace could save her. The boy was worried, and without thinking twice, decided to go to the castle, despite the warnings. All the people in the area knew that there was a belief that the Snow Queen was cruel and terrible. But the older brother wanted to save his little sister, having gathered all his will into a fist, he went to the castle, standing on the top of one of the mountains. He had to walk for a long time through a blizzard and deep snowdrifts, but he did not give up, because the witch warned that his dear sister would not live for more than a week. Finally, a castle appeared before him. He was all ice. To the surprise of the young man, there were no terrible, bloodthirsty creatures around. Only a long ice bridge and a howling wind met him at the threshold of the Snow Queen. Alert, the young man approached the door, then went inside. For a long time he wandered through the labyrinths, until, finally, he came out into a huge throne room. Looking around, he noticed several statues made of ice, like everything around. But then he felt a piercing gaze on him. On the throne, right in front of him, sat the Snow Queen herself. Her face was calm, her silver hair fell neatly from her shoulders, it was so long that it flowed to the very bottom of the dress, which hugged her in blue folds. graceful figure. The queen's eyes, pale blue and clear, looked at the young man. Coming closer, the guy swallowed a lump in his throat and called out to the Snow Queen. The young man told her his story and that he was ready to sacrifice everything to get a magic crystal, because the only way he could save his sister. The queen chuckled and told him that if he guessed her riddle, she would show the young man where what he was looking for was. The riddle was this: the Snow Queen asked to name the coldest place in the whole world. The guy thought for a long time and, finally, deciding to answer, he climbed a couple of steps leading to the throne. He said that the coldest place in the world is the heart snow queen. After all, he had heard legends about her cruel atrocities since childhood. To which she laughed out loud, then sighed sadly and quietly, after adding that since he was so sure of this, she would give him the opportunity to check the correctness of her words. Then her body began to melt, and in a second on the throne where she sat, there was only water and some kind of shiny, small pebble. The young man went up the steps and took the stone in his hands. He was very beautiful and warm, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, he radiated kindness. The boy pursed his lips - he realized that he had found a magic crystal ... Then an unknown force carried him straight home. The older brother was standing in front of his sister's bed. The young man wasted no time putting a stone on the girl's heart, and the crystal cured her. When she woke up, he squeezed her hand. The girl told her brother that it was snowing outside the window. Then he let go of her wrist and walked out onto the porch. Raising his head to the sky, he promised that he would never judge by appearance and rumors, because who knows, maybe this person’s heart will turn out to be a magic crystal. The Snow Queen's castle was melting, and her throne was also melting. Near the steps leading to it, where the water had accumulated, flowers were visible, they spread their leaves and lifted the buds up, they reached for the sun. A few days later, spring came to the village. All the people came out of their houses and with smiles on their faces discussed the miracle that had happened. After all, winter has not left these parts for a long time. Apparently the reason that she finally retreated was a magic crystal - the heart of a girl who agreed to give her soul, promising nature that she would keep the magic stone from evil spells. The one who agreed to live alone in the castle and protect people from the curse. One hundred years have passed since that day, the sinister, dark magic has disappeared. Melted just like the Snow Queen.

On a Sunday summer day, in a small town, not far from the old rock, across the river. One of the houses was preparing for the holiday. Little Wesen was exactly ten years old. The boy had been waiting for this day for so long. He dreamed about it for almost a year. The very first boy was congratulated by the sun, it gently touched the child and as if whispered “congratulations” with gentle and warm lips. A moment later, the door of his room swung open, and his parents, brothers and sisters came in to Wesen. They hugged and kissed the boy, wished him all the best and the best, and then gave gifts.

Wesen sat on his bed, confused and happy. Around him were the most dear and beloved people, and in his hands he held everything he could dream of: a wooden sword, like a real courageous, noble knight, and a kite decorated with bright ribbons, and new shoes, and an hourglass. The boy did not believe his own happiness. He once again looked around at all the gifts, and then suddenly began to cry.

What's happened? asked the frustrated mother. - You don't like toys?

No, Wesen replied, these are the best gifts in the world that I could only dream of. But why did you give me all of them at once! Now I have nothing to dream about, and I don’t know what to wish for my next birthday!

How funny you are! - said elder sister hugging a boy. - You have a whole year until your next birthday, and during this time you will have time to come up with new gifts.

The relatives hugged the boy again, once again congratulated him on the holiday and went about their business. Mom ran to the kitchen to prepare food for a festive dinner, dad and older brother went to rearrange the furniture so that the living room was spacious, younger brother and the sisters began to decorate the house. And Wesen was still admiring his gifts.

When you are busy with a pleasant business, time flies unnoticed. The morning turned into noon, and guests began to come to the house. Wesen dressed up in the most beautiful suit and put on new shoes. Uncles and aunts gave the boy new shirts, trousers, a caftan and many others. useful gifts. Neighborhood guys - a big beetle, caramel on a stick, a set of coals, a kitten and a few other necessary gifts.

And when all the guests sat down at the table, and some of them even started to have dinner, there was a knock on the door. Wesen ran to open it. On the threshold stood his old great-grandmother. At her age, it was difficult to walk quickly, so she was a little late. The boy was very pleased that even his great-grandmother came to congratulate him. He hugged the old woman tightly, and then took her by the hand and dragged her to the table.

After a hearty dinner, the guests wanted to have some fun. Dad took out his pipe, and everyone began to dance to a cheerful tune. Children and adults danced with joyful laughter, who was in what much. Wesen did not know how to dance well yet, but he really wanted to have fun, so he just jumped on the spot and clapped his hands. Only an old great-grandmother sat in the corner of the room in a wicker chair and, smiling, looked at everyone. Then she met the eyes of the birthday boy, and beckoned him to her.

Sit next to me,” she said to her great-grandson. I want to give you one unusual gift.

Is it true? - the boy was surprised, he did not expect that his great-grandmother would give him a gift, and even an unusual one. - And what is this gift?

The old woman took out of her pocket a small brown suede bag, tied with a string, on the ends of which small bells were sewn. When Wesen took the gift in his hands, he thought that he should give him some strange rattle.

Open, - the old woman said smiling.

Here, great! the boy exclaimed, when he took out a very beautiful crystal pendant, resembling a large drop, from an untied bag.

A gray string was tied to the crystal. Wesen put on a present and, bowing his head, began to examine.

It's not just a decoration, - said the old woman. “Take a stone in your hands and think of some good person.

How about mom? the boy asked.

Of course you can, - the old woman smiled. Now, look what color your present is.

What happened to him? Wesen wondered as the stone went from transparent to red like a ruby. He even warmed up.

All right, - whispered great-grandmother. “He will always behave like this when you think of good people or a good event awaits you.

Amazing! the boy rejoiced. So he's magical?

Now think of someone bad,” the old woman suggested.

Wesen could not think of a suitable person for a long time, and so he began to mentally wander through the nearby streets, going over the neighbors in his mind. And so he finally made his way to the very last house on the edge of the street, in which a very angry, greedy and quarrelsome old woman lived. And at the same moment, the boy felt the crystal turn to ice. And when Wesen looked at it, the stone was as green as a ruby.

He will always be like this if you meet bad man or you will be in danger,” the old woman explained.

Thanks a lot! the boy rejoiced. – Where did you get it from?

Your grandfather gave it to me when we got married, - said great-grandmother. – And this crystal was presented to him by a kind sorceress who saved him from a terrible misfortune.

Wesen looked at the serious face of the old woman. At first it seemed to him that this was a joke, because sorceresses do not really exist. The boy waited for his great-grandmother to laugh, but she still remained serious. And the crystal at that time again became warm and reddened, which meant that his great-grandmother good man and will not deceive his great-grandson.

Time flew by like an arrow, and now, ten years later, the twentieth anniversary of Wesen was celebrated in the same house. The children have become quite adults, the parents have noticeably aged. Only the great-grandmother could no longer come to her beloved great-grandson. But Wesen always wore her gift around his neck, and not a single day passed that he did not remember the old woman with gratitude. So today the young man looked at all his relatives, friends and felt warm on his chest. All these ten years, the talisman has faithfully served its owner. The crystal always prompted with whom it is worth being friends, and from whom to stay away, warned of an impending disaster or, conversely, of a happy event. Wesen treasured his talisman immensely, and it seemed to him that he would never part with it.

Youth does not allow you to sit still, it often makes young people leave their parental home in search of their own happiness. The time has come for Wesen to get ready for the road. He said goodbye to his relatives and, in the company of true friends, went to distant lands.

Wesen's journey lasted for many years. Wherever he has been. As a young man, he ended up in hot countries, saw many miracles, endured many difficulties, disappointments, lost friends, but gained expensive worldly experience.

When Wesen decided to go to the North End of the World, he was already a grown man who was not afraid of either frost or long road. Years of wandering endowed the traveler with wisdom and a desire to find his destiny. Having finally arrived in a distant and cold land, Wesen was greatly surprised by the cordiality and warmth of the northern inhabitants. He learned from them to rejoice in the little things and to share his joy with loved ones. The inhabitants of the snowy region treated all people equally, for them there were no differences in nationality, faith and appearance. Having lived in the northern region for many years, Wesen realized that all people are equal before nature, which gave birth, feeds, waters and heals its offspring. And no matter how strong a person is, he will not be able to conquer his fate.

Feeling the weight of his years, the traveler wanted to return to native home. But parting with the wise and kind people, he wanted to leave them a part of his soul, to brighten up the long, dark, winter night. Then Wesen took off his crystal medallion and threw it high into the sky. Having reached the clouds, the crystal crumbled into many sparks and shone with multi-colored lights.

Three girls lived in a small quiet town: Marina, Katya and Sonya. They went to the same school and in the same class. The girls were best friends, always and everywhere went together. But one day an extraordinary, unforeseen incident happened to them ...
The city in which they lived was surrounded by forests. On the right, the forest is rare, but very beautiful, and on the left, it is dense and very scary. There was a house on the outskirts, the grandfather-forester lived in it. He was given the nickname Forester. This old man is small, thin, with a beard to his knees, he doesn’t look scary at all, but if you look into his eyes, he’s trembling. They said that this Forester was a shaman or some kind of sorcerer, because he knew how to predict not only the weather. But these were only rumors, although they were still afraid to go to him. Once in the town there was no snow at all in winter, and all the inhabitants were in a bad mood: soon New Year. They loved the snowy winter.
In the morning, Katya was going to school, looked out the window at the gray dusty road, at the bare trees. A terrible thought came by itself: “Is it really not going to be winter?!”. At this time, Sonya had already left the house and saw a dirty, ugly street. She was frightened and thought: “Is it really not going to snow?!”. And Marina lived near the forest. She looked at the beautiful forest, but it does not beckon with beauty as before, but frightens with darkness. She turned around and saw: the terrible forest shone and shimmered, sparkled in the sun, snow glistened on the tops of pines and fir trees, and the crunch of someone's steps was heard from the thicket. Marina ran to school. She told her friends about what she saw and suggested:
- Katya, Sonya, maybe we should go to the Forester?
- Are you completely out of your mind? Katya exclaimed. - How to pounce on us and ...
- Don't continue, - Marina interrupted her, - you're right, it's very risky!
- But you have to try! What is winter without snow?! And you look at the forests, something is wrong with them! Don't you see?! Something needs to be done about this! Sonya continued.
- Aren't you scared?
- It's scary, but if we leave everything like that, then my conscience will simply torment me, - the girl answered confidently.
- You're right, but aren't you afraid, Katya? Marina asked.
"It's scary," Katya said timidly.
- Okay, we need to go, - Sonya confidently went forward, followed by Katya and Marina.
There were gray clouds in the sky, the road, the trees were also gray. The girls were approaching the Forester's house, fear flickering in their eyes. They came closer, an old man ran out to meet them:
- Who you are!? Why did you come here!?
“We came to find out what happened to the city,” Sonya said in a trembling voice.
- I won't tell you anything! Go away! And don't come back! shouted the old man.
No, we're just not leaving! Katya answered him.
- We must find out what happened to the city! Marina picked it up.
- And why is all this happening! Katya finished.
- Ah, so it is!? the old man got angry. The girls stepped back. - Come in, - the Forester suddenly continued amiably and opened the door, letting the girls go forward. They entered the house and saw various magic crystals on the shelves.
So you are a sorcerer? Katya asked calmly.
- No, I'm not a sorcerer, I'm a wizard, - the Forest Warden answered with a very kind smile, - if you want to know what happened in the city, then you must confess to me, are you ready to save him?
- I'm ready, - Marina said confidently, but with fear in her eyes.
“And we,” Katya and Sonya picked up in unison.
- Then listen. Once upon a time, very, very long ago, when the terrible forest was the only beautiful corner in this valley, there was a house in the thicket in the clearing. A girl lived in it. She had a mirror with four crystals, each crystal representing a season. Blue crystal - winter, green - spring, red - summer, yellow - autumn. Once the evil witch Anna stole all the crystals. And in our valley the weather disappeared, darkness covered the whole earth every day. But at that time, my team and I were able to defeat the sorceress and return the crystals. Now the same thing happened. You need to defeat the sorceress and return the crystals to their place.
- And where do we need to go?
- In a bad forest! You must find that girl, she will tell you where to look for the witch. But remember: for everything about everything you are given five days. And one more thing: in a scary forest, you must be very careful and think only about how to return the crystals and defeat the sorceress! – the Forester warned and showed the way to the forest.
The girls ended up in the forest knee-deep in a snowdrift. There is a lot of snow, but it is warm, it is even hot in thin jackets. They took off their jackets and started playing snowballs, building a snowman and just swimming in the snow. Finally, the girls got tired and sat down under a big Christmas tree. And suddenly a cell phone rang in the pocket of someone's jacket. It turned out that this is Katya's phone, it contains a reminder: "January 31, 16:50 to go to the art school."
- Girls! Katya exclaimed.
- What's happened? Sonya asked.
- Today is January 31st! We've been here for two days! Katya screamed.
- How!? It just can't be! We, we just couldn't be here for two whole days, personally it seemed to me that only two hours had passed! Marina was surprised.
- Remember what the Forester warned about! This forest does not want us to continue on our way. And he will do everything to stop us, so we should only think about how to find the sorceress and return the crystals! Sonya argued.
- You're right, we need to go, - Marina supported her.
“Then go ahead, we only have three days left!” Katya said.
The girls walked into the woods. They had been walking for several hours and were very tired. Suddenly, a hare jumped out from behind the snowy bushes and spoke in a human voice:
- Hey hello! Who are you?
- I am Sonya, this is Marina and Katya. And we are looking for a girl who lives in the thicket of the forest, - answered Sonya.
- Where are you from, people? Stop, stop, why do you need Anastasia?! the hare asked rudely.
- We are looking for her to learn more about the sorceress Anna and the crystals, - Marina answered.
- And so you are the lifeguards. The Forester told me a lot about you that you would come and save the valley! Forgive me for being rude, let me introduce myself - Yurokov, but you can call me Yurok, - the hare changed his anger to mercy. - Very glad to meet you. Maybe you can help find Anastasia?
- Yes, of course, if it's not difficult for you! Katya asked kindly.
- Well, let's go! - the hare called them and galloped forward. They walked all day, the girls told him a story about crystals and a witch. It began to get dark, the path narrowed, the branches blocked the entire road, as if deliberately interfering with them, but the girls did not even think of stopping. Finally, we came to a small but very beautiful hut. A girl came out to meet them.
- Hi, Yurok! Hello girls! You are the so-called rescuers. I'm Anastasia, and you?
- I am Marina.
- I'm Sonya.
- I'm Katya.
- Come in, go to bed on any bed you like. The morning is wiser than the evening. Good night!
The girls entered the house and immediately fell asleep from fatigue. The night was calm and quiet. Anastasia woke them up in the morning:
- Girls, wake up! It's time for you to go, the darkness is near.
The girls jumped up, began to dress, having breakfast, they set off, Anastasia gave them a mirror and said:
- You must be very careful! When you defeat the sorceress, insert the crystals at sunset into the mirror and then the valley and the whole Earth will be saved. If you do not have time, then the whole Earth will perish. Here's a magic clock for you, they will tell you how much is left before sunset. Farewell.
She clapped her hands, and they were in a clear clearing. Trees in the distance behind. Gray and naked. It was getting colder. They walked and walked and finally saw the road, it was made of ice.
“Now skates and warm clothes,” Katya said dreamily. And at the same moment, fur coats and skates appeared on the girls.
- So the magic began ... - Sonya added timidly, and they drove on. The girls approached the sorceress, fear flickered in their eyes. Here on the horizon in the fog the outlines of the castle appeared.
“So that’s where she’s hiding,” Marina said in a trembling voice. They drove up to the castle, and the skates suddenly disappeared.
The girls stood in front of the steps that led into the mist. It felt like they were leading nowhere. Katya looked at her watch: there was an hour left before sunset.
- We must hurry...
The girls climbed into the fog, taking a step, they saw a tall castle. Already standing in front of the door, Sonya could not stand it:
- I can't! I'm very scared, let's go back!
- No! We must finish everything! - Marina exclaimed confidently and opened the door.
They entered the castle, before them lay the red carpet, at the very end stood the ice throne. Anna was sitting on the throne, next to her was a pedestal on which lay four crystals of bright color.
- Come here! Anna ordered. The girls approached the witch.
- What would you like?
- We want to take the crystals! Sonya replied.
- What?! No! I won't give them to you!
We'll still take them! – confidently said Marina.
- Never! Don't you dare yell at me, little girl! - Anna exclaimed and launched a stream of ice fire into Marina. Marina fell on the transparent floor of the hall.
- No! Katya screamed. - How can you!
We will still defeat you and save everyone! Sonya exclaimed.
- You me? How funny! You little girls can't beat me! Anna laughed.
The girls embraced and said to each other:
- I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry for everything!
The stream of fire did not hit them, as if someone was protecting them.
- Our friendship will help defeat the evil Anna.
They joined hands and focused all their energy on Anna. She fell on the throne. But the sorceress quickly got up and turned her power on them. The girls, holding hands, reflected it. Ice rays hit the sorceress right in the heart, she froze from her own malice. Katya looked at her watch, there was a minute left before sunset:
- Hurry, there's a minute left! Katya exclaimed.
Sonya ran up to the crystals, grabbed them and went to Katya. The blue crystal slipped out of her hands, but Marina managed to catch it. They ran up to Katya:
- How much is left?!
- Twenty seconds. First crystal, second, third, fourth... Five seconds left. Head for the sunset!
The last rays of the sun filled the crystals, and the whole planet, every corner of it, acquired its own colors, its own season.
- We made it! the girls exclaimed in unison.
And suddenly the castle disappeared. In its place, a new forest grew up, which united all the forests. The girls returned home. No one even noticed that they were gone. Only girlfriends and their fabulous friends knew that the world was saved! Winter has begun in the town. Before the New Year were the last moments.