What is needed to marry a foreigner? The process of registering a marriage with a foreign citizen on the territory of Russia. You will be refused in a number of other situations

Correct legislative registration of a marriage union is very important, since it directly determines what rights and responsibilities the spouses will receive.

And if no special issues arise with the procedure for registering a marriage between Russian citizens, then if one of the parties has foreign citizenship, difficulties may arise.

Therefore, it is worth considering in more detail what the specifics are when dealing with a foreigner, what is required for this, and what is the established procedure for carrying out this procedure.

The most important rule when concluding a marriage between a Russian citizen and a foreigner, this is the priority of the legislation of the Russian Federation during this procedure. This requirement must always be met, regardless of what legislative features or customs are accepted in the foreigner’s country.

In particular, the main requirements include:

  1. Personal presence of the parties at the ceremony. For Russia, this rule is mandatory, although in some countries (for example, Spain) the groom can send his representative in his place.
  2. Monogamy. Russian legislation allows marriage for a man or woman with only one partner. In some countries, polygamy is allowed.
  3. . In the Russian Federation, it is the same for both parties and starts at the age of 18, in exceptional cases - at the age of 16. In some other states it can be either lowered or increased.
  4. Official registration. For this, only one body is used - the registry office. All other methods of marriage (including various religious rites) are unacceptable and have no legal force.

The procedure for registering a marriage takes place entirely in accordance with the Family Code of the Russian Federation. The only difference is the list of documents that the foreign participant must provide. Read more about what papers you may need below.

Required documents

Below is a general list of documents that are needed to register a marriage, which includes both standard papers and those that are needed only for foreigners:

Statement of intent to formalize an alliance

It has a standard form, the same for everyone, and is filled out at the registry office. It is worth noting that both future spouses must be present. If one of them cannot bring the application in person, it can be certified by a notary and sent separately.

Passports of both parties

Or other identification documents. As for a foreign citizen, he must also provide a Russian translation of his identification document, certified by an authorized body.

Such a body could be:

  • consulate or embassy of the state he represents;
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • notary.

At the same time, it is important that the translation is carried out precisely on the territory of Russia.

Certificate stating that the foreigner is not in another registered marriage

You can also get it at the embassy or consulate of your state. It can be either in Russian or in a foreign language, but in the latter case you will need a certified translation. Its validity period is 3 months.

Document on the termination of a previous marriage

Required only if the foreign citizen was previously married. This may be a death certificate of a former spouse or, as well as a corresponding court decision.

If this document is not in Russian, a duly certified translation is required.

Receipt for payment of state duty

This fee is charged regardless of who gets married, and its amount is the same in all cases and amounts to 350 rubles.

Certificate of residence of a foreign citizen

And also a document confirming the absence of obstacles to marriage. Their form will depend on the rules and requirements of a particular state, and can also be obtained at a consulate or embassy.

A visa confirming the right of the bride or groom to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation

This requirement applies only to representatives of those countries for which A visa is a prerequisite for entry into Russia. Citizens of a number of other states (for example, Ukraine and Belarus) are not required to provide this document.

It is worth noting that a marriage concluded under Russian law and with the provision of these documents can be recognized in other states (including the one where the foreigner is from). This is due to the fact that these countries have different requirements for this procedure and necessary documents(for example, sometimes permission from the parents of the bride or groom is required).

Therefore, the parties must take this factor into account and take appropriate measures. For example, after registering a union in Russia, they can go to the homeland of one of their spouses and repeat this procedure there.

Marriage procedure

The procedure for formalizing relations between a Russian and a foreigner, in principle, does not differ significantly from the usual procedure. Conventionally, it can be divided into the following stages:

Preparation of necessary documents

Since in most cases a foreigner needs to obtain some additional documents from the embassy or consulate, it is better to apply for them in advance.

Submitting an application

With the documents collected at the first stage, the parties go to the registry office and fill out an application form, which they can receive there. It is worth considering that not every registration authority provides services for registering a marriage with a foreigner - this question already needs to be clarified on the spot.

Waiting within the specified period

As in other cases, the bride and groom are given a minimum period of one month after submitting the application in order to have the opportunity to change their decision or further strengthen their decision.

This period may be extended, since it often depends on the workload of a particular registry office.

After this, the parties only have to appear in person at the registration authority on the appointed day and take part in the marriage registration procedure, as well as receive the documents required in this case.

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There are cases when people from different countries. In this situation, some difficulties may arise in collecting the necessary documentation, and in addition to this, there are a number of nuances that it is advisable to know. According to Russian legislation, foreign citizens have the same legal capacity as a Russian citizen. A foreigner has the right to enter into a marriage and to dissolve it. This article will touch on all important aspects of this issue.

Any marriage begins with an appropriate decision and requires filing necessary documents to the registry office. The package of documents if the parties to the marriage are people with different citizenships is slightly different. Regardless of citizenship, both parties will need to prepare a certain set of documentation. The algorithm for submitting documents depends on the country in which further registration will be carried out. The list of documents may differ based on the requirements of a particular state. But their main list is given below:

  • passport (sometimes it is enough to provide only a foreign passport);
  • certificate confirming absence from this moment marital relations(can be obtained from the registry office, but there may be difficulties with issuing it, since formally such a form does not exist in Russian legislation) or a divorce certificate;
  • birth registration certificate;
  • document confirming citizenship. This document was previously issued simultaneously with the birth registration certificate. In another case, this document certificate can be obtained from the Office of the Federal Migration Service, the passport office or from the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy;
  • visa (special invitation from the bride or groom). It is registered with the OVIR authorities or at the place of stay.

This list of documents will need to be presented to various authorities: at customs, at the embassy, ​​at the registry office.

Additional documents that may be needed in this situation are:

  • certificate of no criminal record;
  • a certificate confirming the absence of marital relations at a given time, or other possible obstacles;
  • certificate of legal capacity to formalize marriage relations. In the Russian Federation, this certificate is not issued because there is no form to fill out. It is issued in the state where the registration will be carried out, since its form depends on the country. A notarized extract from the Family Code, Articles 12-14 of the RF IC, indicating the conditions for marriage, is also acceptable. This certificate can be issued in free form at the registry office;
  • information about family composition. Issued by the Housing Office;
  • data from place of residence;
  • if one of the parties has minor children and after registration they are expected to leave the country - a certificate of registration of the fact of the child’s birth and permission to leave, written in writing, from the second parent;
  • health certificate;
  • vaccination certificate (if required).

All of the above documentation (both basic and additional), except those issued by the consular department, must be legalized or obtain an apostille. The latter is necessary if the foreigner comes from a country that has ratified the Hague Convention. This implies the presence of an apostille and translation into the language of the state in which the registration will be carried out. All necessary documentation should be prepared in Russia, since translation is not always possible elsewhere.

List of documents required to register a marriage for a foreigner with a Russian citizen:

  • passport;
  • a certificate authorizing the absence of a current marital relationship;
  • a document certifying the financial status (necessary to confirm the financial ability to support the groom or bride of a citizen of the Russian Federation). It is mandatory, especially for issuing a visa.

Collecting and processing all necessary certificates will take about three months. The above package of documents will help you prepare a residence permit in the future without any problems.

Registration of marriage in the country of the future spouse

To register a marriage outside your native state, it is mandatory to prepare all the necessary documentation in accordance with the requests of the country where registration is intended.

Registration of marriage relations between a citizen and a non-citizen of Russia on the territory of another country is carried out in the following cases:

  • mutual, free-will consent to register the bride and groom. Personal confirmation is required on the day of registration;
  • reaching the marriageable age of the spouses (18 years). An exception is the pregnancy of the bride, as well as the birth of a child (then under such circumstances - from 16 years of age);
  • the absence of circumstances that may prevent marriage.

If all conditions are met, then the marriage is registered in accordance with the legislative norms of the state where registration is carried out.

The nuances of marrying a foreigner

In addition to the need to collect certain documentation, there are a number of aspects that you need to know in this situation:

  • all documents of a citizen of the Russian Federation must be aposted and translated into the appropriate language;
  • all information should be prepared in strict accordance with the legislation of the foreign state;
  • documentation has a limited period of validity. For example, the validity period of a certificate of absence of previous marital relations is up to three months, and a certificate of quitrent legal capacity is up to six months.

The nuances of registering a marriage with a non-citizen of the Russian Federation within the territorial boundaries of his country:

  • he has the right to be recognized in the territory Russian Federation in case of compliance with the conditions of Russian legislation;
  • when concluding an exclusively religious (church) marriage - this form has no legal basis for recognition in Russia;
  • There is no legal basis for recognition in Russia of a marriage containing polygamy.
  • In any case, there are times when such a marriage is not recognized due to incommensurate legal provisions.

At proper preparation documentation, as well as similar legislation of countries, your marriage with a citizen of a foreign state will have legal force and, subsequently, can be recognized in Russia.


The conclusion of a marriage union between a resident of the Russian Federation and a citizen of another country is a procedure that requires compliance with certain conditions. It is worth taking a closer look at this process.

To conclude an international marriage agreement in which one party is a citizen of the countries of the former republics Soviet Union, you can contact any civil registry office in your city. If one party to the future marriage is a representative of a country that is not a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States, then it must be registered in the central office of the registry office of the region or city federal significance. You can clarify the requirements and conditions that are mandatory for successful registration of an international marriage by contacting the government consulate.

Mandatory requirements for concluding an international marriage

Some facts:

In the Russian Federation, based on statistics for 2020, every 10 people enter into an international marriage. Divorce statistics are disappointing - 80-85% of marriages with foreigners break up for various reasons: deportation, visa revocation, physical abuse. , is on our website.

The conclusion of an international marriage, however, as well as an ordinary one, is impossible if both parties do not meet certain requirements of the legislation of our state. These include the following:

  • both persons must be of legal age;
  • neither should they have family ties with each other;
  • if any party is absent from the marriage registration procedure, it is additionally necessary to provide a written statement of the party’s consent to register the union;
  • Also, marriage registration is impossible without providing the required package of documents and a written application.

It is best to contact the civil registry office in advance and find out what documents a foreign citizen needs for the registry office. Thirty days will be enough for the application submitted by the future husband and wife to be considered. During this period, registry office employees check all provided data for authenticity and render a verdict on the submitted application.

Need to know: When submitting an application to the registry office, you must provide a receipt for payment of the state fee in the amount of 350 rubles - Art. 333.26.1.1. Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

How to fill out an application

The application must be filled out in form F-7, approved by the government of the Russian Federation in 1998, and contain the following information about both parties to the future marriage:

  • last name, first name and patronymic;
  • age;
  • date of birth;
  • Place of Birth;
  • citizenship;
  • nationality;
  • passport details;
  • information about a document confirming the fact of termination of the previous marriage agreement (if there was one).

Sample of filling out the application form for conclusion -

Required package of documents

Along with the completed application for marriage registration, you must also provide the required set of documents:

  • passports of both parties of the future marriage together with their notarized copies;
  • a certificate confirming the fact of dissolution of the previous marriage (if there was one).

Additional documents for marriage with a person who is not a citizen of the Commonwealth of Independent States:

  1. A notarized translated copy of the passport.
  2. A certificate confirming the fact that there is no valid marriage agreement concluded in the foreign citizen’s home state.
  3. A document officially allowing a foreign citizen to be on the territory of the Russian Federation (not required for representatives of states with which Russia has a so-called “visa-free” regime). They may be:
  • resident card;
  • a certificate confirming the presence of guest registration in our state.

In what cases can the registry office refuse to register an international marriage?

In certain situations, registry office employees may refuse to register an international marriage for a couple. These include the following:

  1. The foreign citizen has a valid marriage union in his home country.
  2. If there are family ties between the parties to the marriage (adoption, brothers and sisters up to the third generation, father and daughter or mother and son).
  3. In case of incapacity status of one of the spouses.
  4. If one party to the marriage has not reached the age of majority.
  5. Failure to comply with the requirements of monogamy - if in the husband’s native state it is possible to have more than one wife, and he has a woman with whom he is married, in this case he does not have the right to marry a Russian woman.

Thus, it can be understood that the documents provided for marriage with a foreigner in Russia differ significantly from the usual ones. To fulfill the requirements, you need to know, you need to submit an application to the central civil registry office for the region, etc. Therefore, in order to avoid delays and other force majeure situations, it is strongly recommended to collect documents and prepare them in advance.

If you have questions about paperwork with foreign citizen, ask our lawyers

International families are being formed more and more often, despite the fact that registering a marriage with a foreign citizen in Russia is carried out according to a more complex scheme than when concluding a union between Russians. This procedure requires additional paperwork that must meet special requirements.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, marriage with a foreign citizen is concluded according to Russian laws. According to them, registration is allowed if one of the spouses is a foreigner or has no citizenship. For this purpose, they contact the registry office and submit the required package of papers.

For a foreigner, it is important that a marriage entered into in Russia meets the requirements imposed by the legislation of his country: age or consent of the authorities. These conditions do not apply to persons who are Russian citizens. Only Russian legislation applies to stateless persons.

If the future spouse is a citizen of two or more states, then he independently chooses the laws of which country he is guided by when entering into marriage. In the Russian Federation, only unions between one man and one woman are recognized. Even if the laws in the homeland of your future husband allow you to marry several times, you will not be able to get a second Russian wife. If such a marriage occurs, it is not recognized in Russia.

When conducting a ceremony in which one of the couple does not speak Russian, an interpreter is invited. Divorce with a foreign citizen occurs according to the legislation of the Russian Federation. It is done in two ways: through the court or the registry office.

Obstacles to starting a family

There is a list of conditions under which the creation of a family union is excluded.

  • With a person who is in a registered relationship. There are a number of countries in which polygamous marriages are the norm. In such cases, citizens of these states are checked especially carefully.
  • With close relatives in the direct line. Within a family, a brother and sister with one common parent also cannot create families.
  • Between adoptive parents and adopted persons.
  • The registry office does not register a marriage if one of the future spouses is declared incompetent due to mental disorders.

Russians try to circumvent these laws and get married on the territory of other countries where this is not prohibited, but in this case the union is not recognized in their homeland.

What documents are submitted by the Civil Registry Office?

The list of papers submitted to the registry office by foreigners differs from the standard one.

Example of filling out a form

  • Completed application in the prescribed form F-7. It can be downloaded from websites in advance or received on site when submitting papers. When one of the spouses cannot appear at the registry office, he has the right to submit a separate application, notarized in advance. .
  • Passports of future spouses. Foreigners provide documents valid abroad. If the entries in the passport are made in a language other than Russian, it must be translated, notarized and copies attached. Documents with a photograph do not undergo additional legalization.
  • Foreigners attach documents from the embassy or government agency of the country of citizenship stating that they are legally allowed to marry.
  • A foreign citizen needs papers confirming the legality of his stay in the Russian Federation: a visa or residence permit. This rule does not apply to immigrants from Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus or other countries with a visa-free regime.
  • If the future husband or wife has already had a marriage behind them, attach documents stating that the previous union broke up or was terminated.

In addition to the package of papers, a fee of 350 rubles is paid. When paying, check the receipt carefully. If there are errors in the payment purpose or details, the receipt will not be accepted. Each registry office has its own data.

All submitted papers are enclosed in Russian. In this regard, the situation is simple in countries where this language is one of the official languages. In other circumstances, documents with an apostille and a notarized translation are attached.

If the laws of the country of citizenship of a foreign spouse require special permits to formalize the relationship, but there are none, the registry office employee explains to the couple that such a union may not be recognized. If the future husband and wife insist on marriage, then it is registered, but in the record of the act it is noted that the couple is familiar with the features and procedure for creating a union.

Legalization of papers

Papers and certificates drawn up in other countries are preliminarily legalized in the Russian Federation. The legalization procedure allows these documents to be recognized as valid on Russian territory. If a foreigner comes from a country that has signed the Hague Convention, then an apostille is affixed to the papers. For documents from states not participating in the convention, a complex procedure is provided for certification by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the territory of these countries.

A simplified procedure for submitting papers provided from Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and other countries that have signed the Minsk Convention. Certificates from these countries do not have an apostille; it is enough to translate them into Russian and notarize them.

The Baltic states have not signed the convention, but legalization of papers is not provided for them either.


The law allows marriages to be registered at diplomatic missions and consulates of the countries of citizenship of the foreign spouse. Such unions are recognized by the Russian side if the conditions are met.

  • With mutual recognition of marriages concluded in Russian consulates and representative offices.
  • The married couple are citizens of the country that appointed the ambassador or consul.

Not every civil registry office is authorized to register marriages with foreigners. Citizens of the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine and other states of the former union can submit documents almost anywhere. Foreigners from the Baltic states and non-CIS countries register their relations with certain civil registry offices.

Legalization of the certificate at home

The marriage procedure itself is not enough for the family to be recognized in the foreigner’s homeland. To obtain the status of a full-fledged wife or husband, in a number of countries they undergo an additional check to ensure that the created family is fictitious. To do this, you need documents, the list of which differs in different states. If necessary, they are apostilled, translated and notarized.

The married couple undergoes regular interviews. The specifics of this process depend on applicable laws. A simple procedure is provided, for example, on the territory of Ukraine or Belarus.