Requirements for a labor veteran of federal significance. Obtaining the title of veteran of labor. If the certificate "veteran of labor" is lost

In 2020, according to information from the PFR, citizens of retirement age who have such a title will receive a monthly pension supplement in the amount of 300 to 600 rubles.

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In the publication, we will consider how to get the title of Veteran of Labor in Moscow in 2020, the features and preferences of the status, the specifics of registration and the list of required documents.

Concept definition

The title of "Veteran of Labor" and the features of its assignment are prescribed in the law "On Veterans". To obtain the status, it is required to have an official work experience of 25 and 20 years, respectively, for men and women.

Also, some persons have the right to apply if they have awards and medals of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or have been awarded personal thanks from the president.

The title of labor veteran for outstanding achievements in the labor field can be received by citizens of the Russian Federation who have been awarded a similar award, as well as people who began official employment before reaching adulthood during the period when the Great Patriotic War began.

A citizen has the right to obtain the title only if there is a confirmed seniority. Moreover, the citizen must be in retirement age and receive awards, orders and medals.

Employees of the responsible organization may refuse to process in a situation where the applicant has an outstanding conviction for a crime or facts of dismissal of a citizen due to violation of labor discipline are found.

Also, a refusal is issued if there are fixed reprimands or penalties at the workplace. The final decision is made by the territorial institutions of social protection. An application form for obtaining the status of "Veteran of Labor" is possible.

Labor veterans receive not only increased pension but also for allowances, which may be provided in the form of benefits at the state or regional level, material compensation or special social services.

Who can apply for the status

In 2020, the following categories can apply for assignment:

  • possessing insignia due to special merits to the motherland;
  • having a work experience of 25 years for men and 20 years for women, in hazardous enterprises or with difficult working conditions for health;
  • with diplomas and orders presented personally by the President of the Russian Federation;
  • having orders of heroes of the USSR or Russia;
  • men who began their work experience before the start of the Second World War, and having a work experience of 40 years, men and 35 years, women.

Legislative framework

The main regulatory act regulating the procedure, rules and requirements for citizens to obtain the title of Veteran of Labor is the Federal Law of 12.01.1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans”. The assignment of the title in Moscow is regulated by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated June 27, 2006 No. 443-PP.

According to the norms, veterans of labor, as well as other preferential categories of veterans and pensioners, have the right to apply for benefits, allowances, compensations, and social services.

Registration procedure

To apply for the title of Veteran of Labor, a pensioner must complete the following steps:

  • prepare a package of required papers;
  • write and send an application with attached copies of documents to a local institution social protection citizens at the address of permanent registration;
  • obtaining a certificate with an assigned title or refusal to issue.

To obtain the status of a Labor Veteran, you need to apply to the pension fund or to the social protection authority, depending on the region of application. Registration of privileges - is performed when a special card is issued.

Note that in 2020, the assignment of the title in Moscow is carried out without reference to the amount of the applicant's personal income.

Citizens who received the title after 2016 and have official employment with a monthly income of more than 20 thousand rubles are deprived of the right to receive certain benefits, 50% for electricity and home telephone payments, funds for prosthetics and free travel in public transport. They receive a monthly social allowance of 280 rubles. In Moscow, the amount of monthly assistance is 500 rubles.

Citizens who receive the title of Veteran of Labor in Moscow this year can apply for indexation of payments in the amount of 4%. The amount of indexation is approved at the level of individual regions and is determined by the budget of the region. These nuances must be taken into account when applying for a title.

The decision regarding the award of the title is made by the Department of Social Security within 10 days from the date of application. In the case of a positive decision, the citizen is issued an appropriate certificate.

Photo: sample application for the issuance of a Labor Veteran's certificate

In case of refusal, you can contact the USZN and receive a written notice with a clear reason for the refusal, after which the refusal can be challenged in court.

List of required documents

To confer a title in Moscow this year, you will need to bring the following list of documents:

  • identity card or passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • card of a person of retirement age;
  • work book with certification from the last place of employment;
  • evidence of special and outstanding merit in a specific position at the enterprise where the citizen worked or continues to work;
  • as additional documents, you may need a certificate of family composition, a bank account number for transferring benefits.

Photo: necessary actions for issuing a labor veteran certificate

Benefits and Benefits

A citizen who has been awarded the title can apply for federal and local benefits within Moscow and the region:

  • free travel of all kinds public transport which performs passenger transportation within the locality (this does not include taxis and fixed-route taxis, since they are classified as private vehicles and transportation);
  • compensation from the budget of 50% of the cost of housing and communal services;
  • the right to receive leave on demand (the right is granted to citizens who continue to work at the official place of employment);
  • compensation of financial expenses spent on the repair or manufacture of prostheses for teeth. These services are compensated only in the case of an order in municipal medical institutions. Services of private medical clinics and prosthetics using ceramic products, cermets and prostheses using precious metals are not included in the preferential category;
  • free use of medical services in municipal medical institutions (in some cases, services are provided free of charge in medical clinics that have official agreements with the state to provide services for citizens with the title of labor veteran);
  • exemption from payment of land tax payment to the budget;
  • unscheduled holding and connection of home telephone communications;
  • social pensions and monthly allowances;
  • compensation of 50% of the cost of railway tickets;
  • 50% discount on water and suburban transport during the validity of seasonal tariffs (01.09 — 15.05).

There are also special benefits at the federal level:

  • allocation of living space at the expense of the state, if a citizen stood in line as needing to improve the quality of living conditions before 2005;
  • property tax exemption in case of purchase of certain categories of real estate or vehicles.

Medical and travel benefits various types transport allow citizens with the title of labor veteran to receive services at a decent level and travel with significant discounts on the ticket price.

In this article we will tell you what the title of "veteran of labor" is, what it gives a citizen, and how you can get it.

Who are labor veterans

The honorary title of labor veteran was introduced relatively recently. Earlier, in the USSR, there was a medal "Veteran of Labour", the award of which did not give its owner special benefits or rights to any cash payments.

Today legal status and the general procedure for receiving the “veteran of labor” award (or rather, the title) are enshrined in Art. 7 federal law dated January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans". Veterans of labor are understood to be citizens who have been awarded for conscientious and long-term work, and who have a “Veteran of Labor” certificate.

Assigning the title of "veteran of labor" is not only honorable, but also of practical importance, since a veteran's certificate allows you to count on some cash payments and benefits.

Labor veteran: experience and other conditions for obtaining the title

The right to receive the title is granted to citizens who have certain awards and seniority (taken into account when assigning a pension) of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women. It can also be taken into account in the "veteran" length of service and length of service for the appointment of an appropriate pension (in calendar terms).

The right to receive the title of "veteran of labor" without awards is granted to citizens who began working at a minor age during the Second World War, whose work experience is at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women. Such citizens were not required to receive any additional awards or distinctions.

It is worth dwelling in more detail on what awards a citizen should have in order to be awarded the status of “veteran of labor”. In 2019, paragraph 1 of Art. 7 of the Law "On Veterans", according to which, the awards taken into account for conferring the title can be both state and departmental. State are Soviet and Russian orders, medals, honorary titles, certificates of honor and thanks from the President of the Russian Federation. Departmental insignia include insignia for labor merit and long-term work (at least 15 years) in a particular industry or field of activity - they are established by the relevant federal ministries and government agencies. For example, veterans of pedagogical work, in addition to the required length of service, must have the Insignia of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - since December 2016, only this departmental award gives teachers the right to receive the title (order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated September 29, 2016 No. 1223).

Such conditions are provided by the law "On Veterans" No. 5-FZ, at the same time, paragraph 4 of Art. 7 of the same law allows the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to determine the requirements and procedure for conferring the title by their regulations. Regional social protection authorities establish what requirements (criteria) a citizen meets. Accordingly, you can become a so-called. "federal" labor veteran or "regional". Are there any differences between the regional and federal status of a veteran, we will consider further.

A labor veteran of Russia and a veteran of the region: what's the difference?

The regions have the right to independently determine measures of social support for citizens - labor veterans (Article 22 of Law No. 5-FZ). Therefore, along with the federal law "On Veterans", each region of Russia has its own laws on labor veterans. The federal law does not establish such concepts as “veteran of labor of the region”, “veteran of labor of the Russian Federation”, etc., but there are differences between them, and they are manifested in the benefits provided to the veteran.

Thus, a labor veteran of federal significance, who received his title and the corresponding benefits in one region, will lose the right to them, having moved to a new place of residence in another subject of the country, where its own law on social support is in force. But at the same time, he will be able to use the "veteran" benefits that apply in this new region.

A citizen who received the title of veteran in accordance with the criteria approved by regional, and not federal legislation (for example, “veteran of labor of the region”), when moving to another region, will be able to claim the benefits existing there only if he goes through the procedure for obtaining a “veteran” again certificates, but already in accordance with the requirements of the local law at the new place of residence. At the same time, there is no guarantee that the title will be received, because the requirements in each subject can vary significantly.

Labor veteran: benefits in 2019

You can find out what benefits veterans can expect from regional regulations. As a rule, veterans' benefits are expressed in the provision of certain social services without payment or on preferential terms, as well as in the form of monthly cash payments. For example, a labor veteran in Moscow can count on: free travel in public transport (except for taxis), commuter trains, a 50% discount on housing and communal services and housing costs, compensation for local telephone services in the amount of 190 rubles per month, free manufacturing and repair of dentures (only the cost of precious metals and cermets is not compensated). In 2018, non-working labor veterans of Moscow are provided with sanatorium and resort vouchers free of charge (if there are medical indications) and the cost of travel to the place of treatment and back by rail is compensated. In addition, payments to labor veterans in the capital include a monthly payment of 1,000 rubles. (Law of the City of Moscow dated November 3, 2004 No. 70 as amended on December 14, 2016).

Veterans of labor living in the Moscow region have benefits similar to Muscovites in many respects, they are also entitled to receive free medical care in regional medical institutions. While continuing to work, a labor veteran of the Moscow Region can count on the provision of annual basic paid leave at a convenient time for him, and has the right to take up to 35 days a year of leave without pay (regional law of March 23, 2006 No. 07/10/2018).

In some regions, veterans may be eligible for tax credits. For example, in Bashkiria, veterans of war and labor are exempt from paying transport tax in respect of a number of vehicles (Republican Law No. 365-z dated November 27, 2002, as amended on October 30, 2014).

How to get the title of "veteran of labor"

For registration of the title, one should apply to the social security authorities (located at the place of residence of the person). It is they who accept applications and related documents from citizens who wish to receive the title of “veteran of labor” for their labor merits. How many documents you have to collect to confirm your right depends on the specific regional rules that establish the procedure for registration. As a rule, before applying for a “veteran of labor”, you will need to provide:

    Russian passport,

    several photographs of a certain format,

    documents confirming the required length of service and giving the right to the “veteran” title of the award,

    if instead of a citizen, his representative applies to social security, you will need a power of attorney and a passport of this person.

Further, the assignment of a labor veteran depends on a special commission. The time during which the commission considers documents and makes a decision may vary in each subject, since this procedure is regulated by regional regulations on labor veterans.

If the decision of the commission is positive, the citizen is awarded an honorary title and a certificate is issued confirming the rights of a labor veteran.

By law, a labor veteran of federal significance (hereinafter VT FZ), due to the performance of conscientious and long-term work, may receive various preferential allowances and compensation from the state. But it is important to know and understand the procedure for forming and obtaining the appropriate title, which will be discussed in our material today.

How to get a?

In order to obtain the status of VT FZ, it is necessary to meet several conditions, namely:

  • work activity with early age(under 18 years old) during the Great Patriotic War;
  • persons who received awards, namely medals and orders for labor activity in the USSR, the Russian Federation;
  • categories of persons who were awarded badges of distinction for active work;
  • work experience of more than 40 years for males and 35 years for females.

A citizen who has been awarded one of the listed statuses in combination with the specified period of service has the right to receive the title of VT FZ. However, the formation of benefits differs between the regions of the country, therefore, in order to assign the appropriate title, it is necessary to contact the social support authority at the place of residence, which received additional functionality after the adoption of Federal Law No. 122 (hereinafter FZ-122).

It is important to confirm the awarded title with documentation upon receipt of the VT FZ!

How to apply?

The next stage is the registration of the title of VT FZ, which includes several steps, namely:

  • Step 1. Appeal to a social organization. In each region of the country, the appointment of the status of the VT FZ is regulated by local social authorities according to the Federal Law-122 of 08/22/2004. You can study the bill in full at the link:
  • Step 2 Submission of an application. The application form is provided in two versions: paper, electronic. A sample application can be found on the website of public services (if registered on or in the social security department at the place of residence.
  • Step 3 Preparation of a list of documents. In addition to the application, it is important to prepare the following list of documents:
    • "Award" document, which confirms the right to the corresponding title of the VT FZ.
    • Passport data.
    • Employment book or other papers confirming the work experience.
    • Two 3 x 4 photos.
    • SNILS.
    • Pensioner's ID.

When submitting documentation, it is important to have both originals and copies of all required documents.

If it is not possible to apply personally with the specified list of papers, this can be done by the principal, who must have a notarized power of attorney or a certified copy with him.

  • Step 4 Documentation review. The full package of documentation is considered within 30 days.

Terms may vary depending on the specific location of the subject of the Russian Federation!

Within the specified period, a commission is appointed, which decides on the appointment or refusal to award the title of VT FZ. After that, the social worker is obliged to inform the applicant of the decision within 5 days by means of a notification, to which, in case of refusal, the entire package of documentation is attached.

  • Step 5. Issuance of a certificate. With a positive decision, the applicant is required to issue a certificate that confirms the status of the VT FZ.

This document must be issued within 3 days after a positive decision is made. It is necessary to obtain a certificate in the same social body where all documents were previously submitted. After receiving this document, a citizen has the right to use additional benefits intended for the VT FZ.

The certificate can be obtained before the appointment of pension payments, but the benefits can only be applied after the official assignment of pension payments!

Loss of identity

If the document is lost, then you need to do the following:

  1. Visiting the social security authorities where the certificate was issued.
  2. Explanation of the reason why the above document was lost.
  3. Filling out an application.
  4. Providing the following documents: two photos 3×4; passport and its certified copy.

A new document is issued within 3 days after submission of documentation. In this case, penalties are not applied in this case.

Cash payments and benefits

VT FZ is entitled to monetary compensation for:

  • paying utility bills;
  • medical support;
  • vacation no more than 30 days if continued labor activity;
  • refusal of benefits in the field of transport, purchase of medicines, sanatorium treatment - is of a declarative nature (not provided in all regions of the country).

Social supplements are also provided for by the VT FZ, which do not receive monthly deductions at the subsistence level.

Since 2016, changes have been made to the draft law to replenish the amount of pension contributions among the VT FZ. It was planned to increase the average indicators by 10-15%. But in practice, this innovation did not bring desired results due to the difficult economic situation in the country.

List of benefits

The entire list of preferential tariffs for the VT FZ is recorded in Article 22 of the Federal Law-5. The main benefits include the following:

  • tax: no need to pay property tax; pension payments and supplements are not taxed; 20% refund Money when buying a home.
  • Transport: free use of public transport throughout the country; payment of 50% of the fare for water, rail transport.
  • Utilities: compensation of 50% of the amount of utility bills for water, gas, electricity, garbage collection, operation of television or radio antennas.
  • Medical: free production and repair of dentures in state dentistry (the benefit applies only to the service, but not to the material); free medical care in
    public clinics and hospitals; complete treatment in healthcare facilities.
  • workers: vacation can be chosen at any convenient time; upon dismissal, the employer is obliged to pay compensation to the VT FZ; vacation once a year at your own expense.

In 2013, adjustments were made to the Federal Law-5, the essence of which is as follows - measures of social benefits are established by the subjects of the country. Hence, complete list preferential rates can be clarified at the place of residence.

Difference from regional

In addition to the title of VT FZ, the status is also distinguished regional veteran. But what is the difference between them? Let's figure it out right now:

Main similarities:

  • preferential tariffs for housing and communal payments are the same - 50% compensation;
  • payment of 50% of the fare for water, rail transport (not in all regions);

Basic differences:

  • Benefits for dental prosthetics, free travel are allowed only by the VT FZ;
  • the number of federal benefits is greater than that of regional ones;
  • budget: payments to the VT FZ are made from the federal budget, and to regional ones - from the budgetary funds of a particular subject of the country;
  • federal benefits are adjusted only by the authorities of the country, and local benefits are set by each subject independently;
  • regional veterans cannot receive assistance from the federal budget, and VT FZ - from the regional;
  • federal benefits can be used throughout the country, and regional - only at the place of actual residence.

The main rules and conditions for obtaining the status of the VT FZ are enshrined in Federal Law No. 5 " About veterans"(hereinafter FZ-5), which entered into force in 1995, namely on January 12. It is in this Federal Law-5 that the following important aspects are fixed:

  • categories of veterans;
  • adjustment of social protection of veterans;
  • list of preferential tariffs and monetary compensations.

You can read the Veterans Act in full here.

In addition to the main Federal Law-5, it is worth highlighting the following bills:

  • Decrees of the President, namely: No. 1270 of September 25, 1999; No. 442 dated March 2, 1994; No. 1341 dated December 30, 1995;
  • Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 360-X of 07/03/1979.

At the local level, subjects have the right to develop their own regulatory framework for the social security of the VT FZ. To obtain data on the developed standards, you must go to the official page of the Administration of a particular subject of the Russian Federation.

IN short video, we invite you to get acquainted with the opinion of social experts. defense on how to get the title of labor veteran.

Getting the title of VT FZ is not as easy as it seems at first glance, especially after the change in legislation from July 1, 2016, as a result of which the period of service was increased to 25 and 20 years (men and women, respectively). Therefore, it is important to know and understand all the nuances of obtaining and registering the status of the VT FZ, which is discussed in detail in our material.

When a person begins to be interested in the issue of awarding veteranship, he may hear the definitions - "regional" and "federal" labor veteran. What is the difference and is there really one?

What the law says

In 1995, the veteran rank for workers was officially designated for the first time by the adoption of Federal Law No. 5. Up to this point, employees were encouraged by letters of appreciation, even awarded a medal with a similar name. However, there were regalia, but they did not give any privileges to citizens. The situation changed after the entry into force. The law called workers a privileged category of Russians, and clearly established benefits in the sphere of housing and communal services, medicine, transport, and so on. The honorary title was awarded to the majority of pensioners, since to obtain a certificate it was enough to earn a pension, and work conscientiously, achieving professional success.

FZ-5 has been operating for more than 20 years. During this period, the provisions of the law regarding labor veterans have changed significantly.

Today's laws:

  • dictate specific conditions for the duration of the working period;
  • introduce a mandatory requirement for the presence of a higher order;
  • limit the list of departmental incentives accepted for consideration;
  • transfer powers to determine the list and scope of benefits to the subjects of the Federation.

In addition, regional, regional governments have the right to establish other criteria that do not coincide with the recommendations of the Federal Law for applicants for an honorary title. In view of this possibility (according to paragraph 4 of article 7 of the Federal Law-5), subjects of the Russian Federation appeared on the territory of Russia, which introduced titles of regional significance.

Distinctive features of veteran ranks

There is no legislative concept of a “federal” labor veteran. The definition came into use rather to understand the essence of the action of the title.

The fact is that Article 22 of the 5-FZ, indicating the governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as legislators in terms of veteran preferences, classified honored workers as regional beneficiaries. Article 10 of the law says that preferences for labor veterans-pensioners are financed from the budgets of the regions.

Territorial, republican and regional administrations provide for a variety of privileges for beneficiary citizens. Exemptions that are in force in one city may not work in the settlements of the neighboring region.

How is it different from regional?

First of all, the difference is manifested in the criteria for candidates.

Who is a veteran of federal labor, and who is regional, depends on what conditions the applicant met during the title award procedure.

Article 7 of the Federal Law-5 indicates the requirements for the title of all-Russian significance. A specific numerical expression is indicated - a woman needs to work for 20 years, for men the bar is higher - 25 years (as an option - length of service). At the same time, a prerequisite is that the applicant has the appropriate awards. Without claims to awards, only children of war are evaluated, but the duration of the required length of service increases - 35-40 years.

If old man meets these requirements, he is awarded the all-Russian veteran status.

Other requirements are often put forward for candidates for regional-level regalia:

  1. Work experience is 35-45 years, and a certain part of the time the applicant must work in the territory of the region or territory, the administration of which will carry out the award procedure.
  2. may not be required at all or may take into account municipal, regional diplomas, letters.

Some subjects of Russia do not provide for discrepancies in the requirements for applicants. Their own legislative acts approve norms identical to FZ-5 (for example, Moscow).

An interesting question is the validity of a veteran's certificate issued to a citizen. A document received in accordance with the terms of the legislation of the Russian Federation has an all-Russian status. When moving, the beneficiary does not need to go through the title registration procedure again. The document is unlimited, valid throughout Russia. A citizen will only need to contact the department of social protection at a new place of residence, so that the beneficiary is entered in the register and the preferences are re-registered.

A certificate with the name of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (for example, “Veteran of Labor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”) confirms the preferential rights of a worker exclusively in the region. If a person moves to another area, the document will not have any power.

As for privileges, most regions equalize federal and regional veterans of labor, the only difference is noticed in monthly payments- Title bonuses.

EDV can:

  • to be absent altogether;
  • depend on the income of the recipient;
  • vary due to the meaning of the title.

Sometimes another gradation option is offered. For example, in Ulyanovsk region labor veterans of federal and regional significance have a difference in the number and type of benefits provided. Compensation of 50% of the cost of housing and communal services is provided for both categories of veteran workers. And take advantage free travel on city routes and dental prosthetics with a 100% discount, only beneficiary veterans, whose status is recognized as all-Russian (subject to the refusal of the EDV), will be able to.

Tax breaks by status value are not differentiated. If the taxpayer has a veteran certificate, he has the right to claim concessions when paying contributions for real estate, a car, a land plot.

To use the proposed concessions, payments to veteran workers begin after they reach the generally established retirement age.