How is the minimum pension calculated? What is the minimum pension in Russia. What is taken into account when calculating

In recent decades, there has been a trend around the world to improve the quality of life of retirees. In Western Europe you can see respectable-looking older people.

Often these are tourists who decide to visit other countries. They walk in pairs along the streets and embankments and look quite happy with life. In our country, unfortunately, the image of grandmothers with string bags, briskly jumping on a bus to travel through the whole city for cheap potatoes, is relevant.

The concept of “old-age labor pension” does not exist.

The amount of cash charges depends on many factors. The procedure is described in the law “On State Pension Provision in Russia”, adopted in 2015. The minimum pension that every citizen can count on is called. It is equal to the subsistence level and varies in each region. The smallest payments at the beginning of 2017 in the Republic of Mordovia (6,483 rubles)

The unfavorable economic situation has a negative impact on the least protected segments of the population. In Russia, many entrepreneurs issue pensions to their employees, which means they do not contribute money to the pension fund. There is also a high percentage of people working informally, and the projected inflation rate is 10%.

These factors lead to forced measures: pensions are not increased, various benefits are cancelled.

Problem cash payments pensioners are in dire need in our country.

Over the past few years, the government has made several major strides towards improving the quality of life of older citizens. The dynamics of pension increases are significant.

Of course, we should not forget about inflation. But even if we take it into account, over the past ten years the increase in cash payments has been significant. Let's look at the table:

Year Minimum pension, rubles Minimum pension, dollars
2006 2726 103,7
2007 3115 126,8
2008 4198 148,8
2009 4581 152,9
2010 4780 155,0
2011 4938 156,8
2012 5564 181,1
2013 6131 186,5
2014 6462 139,2
2015 7161 118,05
2016 7951 122,3
2016 8500 142

The table presents average statistical data for the country and for the year.

In these statistics, in addition to data on the minimum pension (in recent years it equal to the cost of living in each region), figures are also given in dollars. The data is presented relative to the dollar exchange rate for each individual year.

Thus, one can see that, despite the constant increase in payments in rubles to elderly citizens, these same figures begin to fall after the jump in 2006-2013.

Compared to the indicators of Western countries, Russian pensions began to decrease.

How does the labor pension differ depending on the region?

If his work experience does not allow him to receive an insurance pension (now you need to have 7 years to receive it) length of service), then the citizen will receive a social pension.

Its size is strictly regulated by law and cannot be lower living wage each individual subject of the Federation. If the amount of the required accruals is less, then a social supplement is made from the Federal budget.

According to data at the beginning of 2017, the minimum social pension will be for residents of the Republic of Mordovia (6,483 rubles). The maximum payments will be in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (21,076 rubles). The difference is quite significant.

The national average is about 8000-8500 rubles. In Moscow you can count on 13,198 rubles of the minimum pension, and in St. Petersburg 9,932.60 rubles. The bulk of pensioners who do not have what they need will receive from 7,000 to 8,500 rubles, depending on the region.

How can the size of the labor pension be increased?

Until relatively recently in Russia there was a principle in force according to which, the working population provided for the elderly. Due to the rapidly deteriorating demographic situation(previously there were about 10 workers per pensioner, now only 2), the government carried out a reform.

Now every worker earns his own living in a dignified old age. This system is called a system of conditional savings accounts.

It is necessary to understand that now the pension amount will consist of the following parts:

  • basic;

The state guarantees basic and insurance payments to every pensioner. In this case, the basic part remains unchanged. On average, its amount will be about 2,500 rubles.

The insurance part depends on the length of service and the date of retirement. To increase the size of the insurance portion, it is better to think about your pension as early as possible. Here are the factors influencing its size:

  1. Your amount. Only the official part of it is taken into account. Consequently, receiving a salary “in envelopes” may turn out to be very unprofitable in the long term.
  2. Yours. The longer you work (officially, of course), the more points will be added to the pension fund.
  3. Retirement age. If you continue to work after reaching the minimum retirement age, then you will be awarded a bonus. Note that by working an extra 10 years, you will more than double your pension.

In Western countries, it is very popular to transfer money to non-state pension funds. In our country they are also gaining popularity. Those who do not want to rely only on the state can invest money in non-state Pension Funds. Having started such investments in at a young age(for example, from 30 years old, 300-400 rubles monthly), you can ensure a comfortable old age.

Every conscientious citizen worries about his future. The sooner you think about how to provide yourself a decent pension, the more effective your actions will be. The main advice for increasing cash payments in old age is mandatory official employment. Various pension funds can also help. But there are no guarantees that the laws will not change, or that the fund will not go bankrupt. Therefore, now and at all times, the only guarantee of a comfortable old age will be your own source of income.

According to Russian legislation, pension provision unemployed citizen receiving a pension through the Pension Fund cannot be less than the regional subsistence minimum for a pensioner (PMP). Due to climatic conditions and differences in the standard of living of the population, this value is established for each region separately and is being revised annually from January 1. In 2019, its sizes vary from 7811 rubles. (Tambov region) up to 19,000 rubles. (Chukchi Autonomous Okrug) - see. It is noteworthy that the size of the minimum pension in Russia with an increase in the minimum wage (minimum wage).

If the pension amount is less than the PMS, it is provided in the form of the difference between the PMS and the amount of accrued pension provision. The surcharge can be financed from the regional or federal budget. Unfortunately, Working pensioners are not entitled to social supplement, since their income also takes into account wages in addition to pensions.

February 20, 2019 V. Putin in his address to the Federal Assembly instructed to review the methodology for indexing pensions, not exceeding the living wage of a pensioner. Previously, indexing concerned only base size pensions, which is why the size of the social supplement decreased, but the amount actually paid to the pensioner did not change. The President proposed indexing pensions above the subsistence level, that is, bring the pension amount to the PMP, and then index it by the appropriate coefficient. You can read more about the President's instructions.

Until the end of 2019, each region has its own methodology for calculating PMP. However, from 2020, unifying calculations will be introduced. In connection with these changes, in some regions, the size of the PMP in 2020 (and therefore the size of the minimum pension) may either increase or decrease. But pensioners should not worry about this: according to the law, the amount of the already accrued pension, taking into account the social supplement they can't downgrade.

What is considered the minimum pension in Russia?

Social supplement to pensions for non-working pensioners in 2019

If the amount of income (material security) of a pensioner is less than the minimum monthly wage in the region, he is assigned a social supplement. It was introduced in 2010 with the aim of increasing material well-being low-income pensioners. Only pensioners who meet the following set of conditions can count on additional payment:

  • the pensioner does not work after receiving his pension;
  • lives on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • has a total income less than the amount of PMP.

Depending on whether or not the size of the regional PMS exceeds the value of the pensioner’s subsistence minimum established for the country as a whole (in 2019 it is 8,846 rubles), the pensioner may be set one of two social supplements towards retirement:

  • federal- if the PMP in the region is less than the federal one (paid through the Pension Fund);
  • regional- if the established regional PMP is greater than the federal one (paid by the Social Security authorities).

It happens that after the announced indexation of pensions, pensioners do not notice any increase. As a rule, social surcharge is to blame for this:

The fact is that during the year only the pension size itself is indexed, and the PMP level for establishing the minimum pension does not change throughout the year. In this regard, after the next indexation, pensioners continue to receive a pension in the amount of the regional PMP (in this case, the amount of the social supplement simply decreases). However, on behalf of V. Putin, this injustice was eliminated, and now pensions are indexed.

It should be noted that the social supplement to the pension is established only on an application basis. This is usually done immediately at the time of registration of the pension after calculating its size. However, in practice, sometimes the pension is less than the PMP! In this case, the pensioner you need to apply yourself with a corresponding application to the Pension Fund of Russia or Social Security at the place of residence.

Table - Minimum pension in Russia in 2019 from January 1 by region

Minimum pension in Russia in 2019 for non-working pensioners will correspond to the minimum subsistence level of a pensioner, effective from 01/01/2019 and calculated on the basis of the consumer basket for food and non-food products.

The amounts for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation differ significantly; they are shown in the table.

No.Name of the subject of the Russian FederationSize of PMP in the subject, rub.
Central Federal District
1 Belgorod region8016
2 Bryansk region8523
3 Vladimir region8523
4 Voronezh region8750
5 Ivanovo region8576
6 Kaluga region8708
7 Kostroma region8630
8 Kursk region8600
9 Lipetsk region8620
10 Oryol Region8730
11 Ryazan Oblast8568
12 Smolensk region8825
13 Tambov Region7811
14 Tver region8846
15 Tula region8658
16 Yaroslavl region8163
17 Moscow12115
18 Moscow region9908
Northwestern Federal District
19 Republic of Karelia8846
20 Komi Republic10742
21 Arhangelsk region10258
22 Nenets Autonomous Okrug17956
23 Vologda Region8846
24 Kaliningrad region8846
25 Saint Petersburg8846
26 Leningrad region8846
27 Murmansk region12674
28 Novgorod region8846
29 Pskov region8806
North Caucasus Federal District
30 The Republic of Dagestan8680
31 The Republic of Ingushetia8846
32 Kabardino-Balkarian Republic8846
33 Karachay-Cherkess Republic8846
34 Republic North Ossetia-Alanya8455
35 Chechen Republic8735
36 Stavropol region8297
Southern Federal District
37 Republic of Adygea8138
38 Republic of Kalmykia8081
39 Krasnodar region8657
40 Astrakhan region8352
41 Volgograd region8569
42 Rostov region8488
43 Republic of Crimea8370
44 Sevastopol8842
Volga Federal District
45 Republic of Bashkortostan8645
46 Mari El Republic8191
47 The Republic of Mordovia8522
48 Republic of Tatarstan8232
49 Udmurt republic8502
50 Chuvash Republic7953
51 Kirov region8474
52 Nizhny Novgorod Region8102
53 Orenburg region8252
54 Penza region8404
55 Perm region8539
56 Samara Region8413
57 Saratov region8278
58 Ulyanovsk region8474
Ural Federal District
59 Kurgan region8750
60 Sverdlovsk region8846
61 Tyumen region8846
62 Chelyabinsk region8691
63 Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra12176
64 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug13425
Siberian Federal District
65 Altai Republic8712
66 The Republic of Buryatia8846
67 Tyva Republic8846
68 The Republic of Khakassia8782
69 Altai region8669
70 Krasnoyarsk region8846
71 Irkutsk region8841
72 Kemerovo region8387
73 Novosibirsk region8814
74 Omsk region8480
75 Tomsk region8795
76 Transbaikal region8846
Far Eastern Federal District
77 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)13951
78 Primorsky Krai9988
79 Khabarovsk region10895
80 Amur region8846
81 Kamchatka Krai16543
82 Magadan Region15460
83 Sakhalin region12333
84 Jewish Autonomous Region9166
85 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug19000
86 Baikonur8846

Note: On average, the country's PMS in 2019 was set at 8846 rub. according to paragraph 5 of Art. 8 of the Federal Budget Law of December 5, 2017 No. 362-FZ.

Minimum pension in Russia from January 1, 2019

In January 2019, the minimum wage was increased to 11,280 rubles. In this regard, there were many expectations about raising pensions. However, they were all unfounded - from January 1, minimum pensions in Russia increased for another reason.

The minimum pension is related only to the pensioner’s subsistence level (PLS), but not to the PM for working population. Increasing the minimum wage does not affect the size pension payments, since this value sets the minimum level of income only for working population.

Let us remind you that pensions can be increased only in 3 cases:
  1. Due to indexing by the coefficient established by the Government:
    • insurance (labor) pensions - from January 1, 2019 increased by 7.05%;
    • government, including social pensions- from April 1, 2019 they were increased by 2.0%.
  2. Due to recalculation according to pension legislation:
    • for working pensioners - they increase annually from August 1 on a non-declaration basis (in accordance with the insurance contributions made);
    • at any time at the request of the pension recipient, if there are grounds.
  3. By increasing the regional PMP, which is carried out annually from January 1 (in this case, other things being equal, the amount of social supplement for non-working pensioners, whose pension is less than the minimum subsistence level established in the region, increases).

Thus, from January 1, 2019, pensions were increased only due to, and not due to an increase in the minimum wage. As a result, pensioners received This amount of additional payment is determined relative to the average size of the insurance pension in the Russian Federation (RUB 14,414 at the end of 2018). Accordingly, those who receive the minimum pension have not experienced a significant increase in payments since 01/01/2019.

In 2019, the increase in pension payments will be felt by several groups of the population:

  • Insurance pensions for non-working citizens will be indexed. The growth of payments in the case of a particular person depends on two factors: the amount of earnings during the period of employment, as well as length of service. On average, in 2019 pensions will increase by 1 thousand rubles.
  • From April 1, 2019, state and social pensions are expected to increase by 2%. The indexation rate for social payments provided by the Pension Fund is 4.3%.
  • Payments for working pensioners will increase in August. The size of the increase is individual: contributions sent by the employer to the Pension Fund are decisive. But the minimum amount of the premium has been determined - from three points (with the cost of one point being 87 rubles. 24 kopecks). Consequently, pensioners employed in the economy can count on an incentive of 244.47 rubles.

Pension indexation in 2016 - 2019

After the record indexation of 2015, when payments increased by 11.4%, the increase in pensions occurred at a low pace:

  • In 2016, for the first time, it was decided not to index pensions for working citizens. In February, only unemployed pensioners experienced a 4% increase in payments.
  • In 2017, the increase occurred twice: in February, the fixed payment to unemployed citizens was indexed by 5.8%, and in April it increased by 0.38%. insurance pension for both working and non-working pensioners.
  • In 2018, payments for non-working pensioners were increased by 3.7% - this is the lowest figure in previous years. The moratorium on indexation of payments for working pensioners continued to apply.
  • In 2019, the indexation rate is 7.05% and is thus twice the inflation rate. Social payments from the Pension Fund will increase by 4.3%, and state and social pensions by 2%.

In 2016-2019 Russian pensioners received minimal bonuses: the government explains this by systemic problems in the economy, which emerged due to the collapse of oil prices and the introduction of international sanctions. The lack of funds in the treasury affected the amount of payments. In ruble equivalent their size was:

Average pension in Russia by year

Average pension, rub

The state associates a further increase in payments with an increase in the retirement age and, consequently, a decreasing burden on the state budget. Thus, already in April 2019, the second, after January, indexation will be carried out taking into account income from the reform. And in subsequent years, pensions in Russia are planned to be indexed higher than inflation - by an average of 1,000 rubles. in year.

Average pension in 2019

The average pension in Russia 2019 according to Rosstat was 14116 rubles Within pension reform In 2019, the government decided to increase pension payments, including for working pensioners. The new pension amount will be calculated using the increased coefficient. To compensate for spending from the state budget on increasing pension payments, the government decided to raise the retirement age.

Average pension January-March 2019
Average size of assigned pensions, rub.Real size of assigned pensions, %Real size of assigned pensions, %

Average amount of assigned pensions as a percentage of the average amount of accrued wages

to resp. period of the previous yearcorresponding period of the previous yearto previous yearby December of the previous yearby December of the previous year
January14102 100,8 104,1 104,1 33,4
February14116 100,6 99,7 103,8 32,8
March14129 100,6 99,8 103,5 31,4

Average pension in Russia in 2019 by region

To visually reflect the situation in the country regarding pension payments, see the table indicating average pension by age by region, in comparison with the cost of living per pensioner (PM) for a given region.



Russian Federation

Central Federal District

Belgorod region

Bryansk region

Vladimir region

Voronezh region

Ivanovo region

Kaluga region

Kostroma region

Kursk region

Lipetsk region

Moscow region

Oryol Region

Ryazan Oblast

Smolensk region

Tambov Region

Tver region

Tula region

Yaroslavl region


Northwestern Federal District

Republic of Karelia

Komi Republic

Arhangelsk region

including: Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Arkhangelsk region without car districts

Vologda Region

Kaliningrad region

Leningrad region

Murmansk region

Novgorod region

Pskov region

Saint Petersburg

Southern Federal District

Republic of Adygea

Republic of Kalmykia

Republic of Crimea

Krasnodar region

Astrakhan region

Volgograd region

Rostov region


North Caucasus Federal District

The Republic of Dagestan

The Republic of Ingushetia

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Republic of North Ossetia - Alania

Chechen Republic

Stavropol region

Volga Federal District

Republic of Bashkortostan

Mari El Republic

The Republic of Mordovia

Republic of Tatarstan

Udmurt republic

Chuvash Republic

Perm region

Kirov region

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Orenburg region

Penza region

Samara Region

Saratov region

Ulyanovsk region

Ural federal district

Kurgan region

It’s not just the salaries that differ between Muscovites and residents of other Russian regions. There are also significant differences in the size of pensions.

How much does the average person get? capital pensioner, and what are last news about pension benefits in general - read below in the material Reconomica .

The average pension size of a Muscovite in 2017

In the Russian capital, not only are salaries and prices high - Moscow pensioners also earn more than pensioners in other cities.

As of 2017, Moscow pensioners on average receive:

    Pensioners by age - 12,400.

    Social benefit - 7500.

    WWII participants - 28,300.

    Disabled due to war trauma - 30,000.

At the same time, the minimum pension in Moscow in 2017, from January 1, is 14,500 rubles, taking into account the city allowance, more about it below.

Minimum pension in Moscow and city social standard 2017

The minimum pension in Moscow is less than 3 five thousandth banknotes.

At the same time, in Moscow there is a minimum level below which a Moscow pensioner should not receive (city social standard). Its size is 14,500 rubles. If the pension does not reach this level, the pensioner is given a supplement from the city budget.

That's quite a lot. Eg, . Thus, a Muscovite receives in retirement 40% of the money for which a Russian has to work (to be even more honest, a third of the country works full time for approximately the same amount of money).

The old-age pension without work experience in Moscow for 2017 is11,561 rubles. The 3 thousand rubles missing to the State Social Insurance Fund will be paid to you by social security. If this amount is still not enough, you can.

ABOUT Both amounts are relevant provided that the citizen has lived in the capital for more than 10 years.

Payments to disability pensioners - what is the difference between groups 1, 2, 3?

Citizens with disabilities have 3 options for calculating pensions:

    Labor- for disabled people who have work experience.

    Social- paid to disabled people who have no work experience.

    State- paid to citizens who became disabled during public service.

The insurance (labor) benefit is the sum of the basic amount (for each disability group - its own) and the “regular” pension, calculated using the formula “the volume of accumulated funds / survival rate”). Also, when calculating, regional coefficients, allowances for accommodation on Far North, presence of dependents and length of service (if it exceeds 20 years, the calculation is carried out at an increased rate).

Social pensions are fixed and determined by the state. Here are the pension amounts depending on the disability group:

    1st group - 11,903 rubles.

    Group 2 - 9919 rubles.

    Group 3 - 4959 rubles.

Survivor's pension

In the event of the death of a citizen on whom other family members financially depend, they are entitled to benefits paid by the state. It could be:

    Insurance pension - if a citizen worked at least 1 day, for which taxes were paid to the Pension Fund.

    State - if the citizen was a military man, an astronaut, or suffered as a result of a man-made or radiation disaster.

    Social - if the citizen has not officially worked a single day.

Benefit paid until the specified age:

    Child, sister, brother and grandson of the deceased - up to the age of 18.

    Child, sister, brother and grandson of the deceased - up to the age of 23, if they are studying full-time. Please note that when receiving a survivor's pension, it is officially impossible!

    All life - if the recipient is disabled (and the disability was registered before the age of 18).

    All life - to spouses, parents, grandparents - starting from the age of 55 for women and 60 for men.

    If the recipient is caring for a brother, sister or grandson of the breadwinner - until they reach the age of 14.

Amount of survivor's pension in 2017 (in rubles):

    Insurance - depends on the work experience of the breadwinner. The pension amount calculated using the standard formula + fixed payment is calculated (in 2017 - 2402.56 rubles). If the benefit is issued for children left without both parents, the payment is doubled.

    State - depends on the type of activity of the breadwinner. If a serviceman dies due to a military injury - 11,068.53 rubles. If a serviceman dies due to illness - 7551.38 rubles.If the breadwinner served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and died as a result of a military injury - 10,117 rubles; as a result of illness - 7633 rubles.

    Social - is 5034 rubles.

Latest news: when can we expect indexation?

Traditionally, the size of pension benefits was indexed every year, increasing approximately by the amount of inflation (the figures were announced by Rosstat). Naturally, in reality this value is not sufficient to cover the real increase in prices. And this is felt especially clearly during a crisis - when prices for everything are rising quickly, and indexation, on the contrary, is slowing down due to the deplorable state of the budget.

In 2016, indexation for pensioners was not carried out in full. As compensation, at the beginning of this year, pensioners received 5,000 rubles in the form of a one-time payment.

In 2017, it is planned to return to the previous format - that is, to the percentage increase in pension benefits. The first stage of indexation has already been carried out: on February 1, insurance pensions were increased by 5.4%, and on April 1 - by another 0.38%. This affected only non-working pensioners.

For those who are still working, this indexing did not work. But an increase is still planned: pensions for working pensioners will be recalculated from August 1, 2017 (in the form of an additional payment for length of service).

Will there be a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners this year?

In January, Russian pensioners received compensation for insufficient indexation of pensions in 2016. They were given a one-time cash payment of 5,000 rubles. The funds have already been transferred back in January.

Information about additional payments for this moment(end of June) - no.

Tell your children how their future pension is formed and what it depends on.

Do you know exactly how pensions are formed in Russia?

In the Russian Federation, there is a system for calculating pensions called joint pensions. Under this scheme, the funds that working citizens transfer to the Pension Fund are spent on payments to those who have already retired.

Let’s clarify a little: 22% of the employee’s salary is deducted, of which 16% goes to the insurance pension. The remaining 6% is called the solidarity tariff. It is spent on paying the fixed part of the benefit, as well as on social benefits.

There are currently two types of pensions in the country:

    Insurance - guaranteed by the state, formed from deductions from other citizens from their salaries.

    Cumulative - formed through contributions from a citizen to a non-state pension fund or management company. NPFs and management companies may be unprofitable, or may even go bankrupt. True, since 2013 there has been a law guaranteeing the payment of savings in the event of a loss. In addition funded pension(unlike insurance) is inherited.

Starting from 2015, the insurance pension consists of two parts - a fixed rate and the insurance pension itself, which is calculated in points. Herself pension calculation formula looks like that:

SP = (IPK x SPK x K) + (K x EF), Where:

    SP - insurance pension;

    IPK - pension points;

    SPK - cost 1 point;

    K - coefficients accrued upon retirement after the age threshold;

    FV - fixed payment.

The PV is a constant value that is revised annually by the state. For 2017 it is 4805.11 rubles.

Now about What does the size of the pension depend on? 3 main factors are taken into account:

    Work experience.

    The size of the salary (of course, only the official one).

    Amount of insurance premiums.

You can check the amount of insurance premiums assessed by your employer online. You can find out information about yourself through the State Services portal. It is recommended to periodically (at least once every 1-2 years) check the data that the Pension Fund has - so that if an error occurs, it may not be corrected immediately. Inaccuracies, by the way, are often found among those who often change their place of work or place of residence.

In addition to the “regular” work experience, points are also given for:

    Child care (up to the age of 1.5 years).

    Army service.

    Caring for the disabled or elderly.

Naturally, all this data must also be documented and provided to the Pension Fund.

What is survival rate? Sounds scary!

The survival rate (or transfer rate) is one of the variables used in the pension calculation formula. Without going into “dry” economic terms, this is the average life expectancy of a pensioner after retirement, multiplied by 12. That is, it shows (according to calculations based on statistical data) how many times a citizen will receive a pension.

This value changes every year. Eg:

When calculating pension benefits, the survival period is used to determine the amount. That's all for this pension savings are divided by the survival period, which gives the average monthly payment. And the higher the survival rate, the less pension a citizen will receive per month.

What has changed during the pension reform? Last news

In recent years, the state has been actively reforming the Pension Fund and the rules for calculating and processing pension benefits. This year was no exception.

The latest important news at the moment:

    The moratorium on increasing pensions for working pensioners was extended into 2017.

    We extended the “freeze” of contributions that were transferred to pension savings (according to compulsory pension insurance).

During the period 2013-2015, transitional provisions were applied. Until 2013, there was a different calculation procedure for labor pensions.

The procedure for calculating the amount of benefits is based on the formula:

RS = (KB + NB)* SK + FC, Where

RS– calculated amount;

KB– the number of points () cumulatively accumulated since 2015;

NB– IPC received for previous periods of time;

SK– the price of one pension coefficient or point on the date of benefit calculation;

Minimum pension

On formation of the benefit amount certain factors influence:

  1. Salary or income as an entrepreneur.
  2. Type of pension provision.
  3. Duration labor activity.
  4. Availability of service in government and/or military structures.
  5. The moment of registration of payments after the right to them arises.
  6. Raising young children.

Minimum amount of insurance pension for old age or the possible minimum amount of payment is assigned if the applicant has minimal insurance transfers and has no length of service. In 2018, such a citizen will receive a pension of - 6107 rubles.

Paid by law cash cannot be less than the size determined by the government for pensioners(PMP). This figure in 2017 for the Russian Federation as a whole is – RUB 8,540. In 2018 - 8,703 rubles.

If the benefit is less than the specified amount, the recipient is entitled to. Its amount is determined by deducting the funds received from the PMP. For example, 8,703 – 6,107 = 2,596 rubles. will be a federally guaranteed surcharge.

The amount of funds paid increases if a citizen works in difficult climatic conditions - this happens allowance for. The latter also increases if the pensioner continues to work and thereby accumulate insurance savings.

Increasing and recalculating pensions

The variable part of the benefit is called fixed. Its size is subject to annual review. For the last calendar periods only an increase was observed. The growth is caused by inflation and the increase in the cost of goods.

Fixed payment also increases due to social orientation:

  • If the applicant is one year old.

    According to Art. 17 of the law, such a person is entitled to a bonus in the amount of the actual payment. That is, if in 2017 the fixed part (FP) is - RUB 4,805.11, an 80-year-old pensioner will be paid - RUB 9,610.22.

  • The applicant contains.

    Based on the specified norm, one such citizen is entitled to an allowance in the amount of 1/3 of the FCH - RUB 1,601.7. The maximum increase is possible for three dependents - RUB 4,805.1. For the fourth and subsequent disabled persons supported by a pensioner, no increase is made.

  • The citizen worked no less 15 years in harsh climatic conditions at general experience for men and women: 25 and 20 years, respectively.

    According to the law, such persons are entitled to a 50% premium. The total amount of the fixed payment will be - RUB 7,207.67.

  • The applicant has the right to receive payments, but continues to work.

    According to the law, for a certain number of full months of continued employment, the PF will be increased by an increasing factor. For example, for 48 months, a coefficient of 1.27 is used for calculation.

    4 805.11 * 1.27 = RUR 6,102.49., to be paid to a pensioner who has worked in excess due date- 4 years.

Recalculation of fixed payment for an individual citizen arises upon the emergence of new circumstances: reaching 80 years of age, moving from a rural area to a city.

A revision of the PF value for all applicants occurs simultaneously as a result of changes in the cost index of consumer goods 1st of February. Additional increase is allowed – .

Indexation of insurance pensions in 2018

To compensate for citizens' expenses due to inflation and rising prices for basic goods and services necessary for life, cash payments to pensioners are increased annually. This procedure is called indexing. According to the law, it is carried out from. In 2018, it was moved to January 1.

In 2018, benefits increased by 3,7% . On average, the pension increased by 300 rubles. compared to 2017. The increase in the indicated amount does not correspond to actual inflation, which was included in the budget indexation by 3.7%, and inflation was 3-3.2%. In this regard, it was decided to carry out indexation a month earlier.

Since 2015, indexation has been carried out only for unemployed persons; for others, the procedure in question has been frozen. The cancellation period is expected to be extended until 2019.

At the moment, an increase for workers is possible only after the termination of their work or entrepreneurial activity. From 2018 the deadline for receiving increased pension reduced three times - to 1 month. If they continue to work after the promotion, the accrued increase will not be cancelled.

Pension increase from January 1, 2019

In 2019, pensions will be indexed. The changes will affect insurance, social and military pensions. Just like last year, the increase will not affect working pensioners.

Pensions for ordinary pensioners will be increased from January 1 by 7.05%. Additionally, the following indicators will be indexed:

  • fixed payment - 5334.19 rubles;
  • individual pension coefficient (IPC) - 87.24 rubles.

April 1, 2019 will be indexed by 3.4% social pensions. Military pension from January 1, 2019, there will be no increase; their indexation is planned for October and will be 6,3% . Working pensioners can count on recalculation of the amount of pensions (maximum amount IPC is equal to 3) August 1, 2019.

Example of the amount of old-age insurance pension

In Alyamkin V.V. in 2015, the right to the benefit in question arose. He continued to work and in 2017 decided to apply for benefits. His average monthly income is 20,000 rubles.

When the Pension Fund contacted it, it turned out that the applicant had accumulated 22.45 points. Of these, 2.93 were accrued as an increase for delaying payment processing. The minimum acceptable length of service for granting benefits is 8 years; in fact, it is 10 years. Cost of one pension point78.58 RUR.

Calculation monthly payment for Alyamkin:

22.45 * 78.28 + 4,805.11 = 6,569.23 rubles. to payoff.

Due to the fact that the amount in question cannot be lower than the pensioner’s subsistence level, the citizen receives additional payments: RUB 1,977.5. The final pension amount is RUB 8,540.

Calculate your pension with help on our website.

The most popular questions and answers regarding the amount of old-age insurance pension

Question: Hello. My name is Anna. How can I find out the amount of my pension in 2017 if I have 7 years of work experience? I am also raising two minor children.

Answer: Hello Anna. You can calculate the amount of your pension by finding out the number of points you have accumulated in pension fund at the place of residence. Self old age benefits occurs upon reaching a certain period of work experience.

In 2017, 8 years of experience is enough to receive insurance payments. Appropriate contributions must be made during this period.

According to Art. 12 Federal Law No. 400 is counted towards such length of service child care time. In your case, one and a half years of experience are provided for one child (a total of 3 years).

That is, thanks to the birth of one child, you have the right to apply for benefits. Otherwise, social benefits are assigned.