Pension increase by what percentage? New rules for indexing pensions. Pensions for military pensioners

In 2017, the issue of indexation of old-age pensions arose most acutely in connection with latest changes working pensioners


Indexation of old-age pensions in 2017 in Russia: the latest news now. How and when are pension payments indexed?

Pension indexation carried out by the state annually:

  • Pension benefits will increase on February 1 on insurance coverage.
  • April 1 increase state pension payments And social pensions.

The increase in the size of pension payments to Russian citizens depends from the inflation rate, which is determined based on the results of the previous year and established by the Government.

Depending on the growth of income of the Pension Fund itself and according to the economic situation in the country, the law provides for the possibility of holding additional indexing insurance pension by increasing value of the pension coefficient And fixed payment amount (clause 7 art. 16 Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ).

Indexation of old-age pensions in 2017 in Russia: the latest news now. Pension indexation percentage in 2017

Until 2016, in accordance with the law, pensions were increased at the level of price increases over the previous year. By the same principle in 2016, taking into account inflation at the end of 2015, pension benefits should have increased by 12.9%. However, due to the difficult financial situation in the country, the Government made a number of decisions:

  • From January 1, 2016 to January 1, 2017, the operation of certain legislative provisions establishing the procedure for the annual increase in pension payments to citizens based on the price growth index and based on the income of the Pension Fund was suspended.
  • Indexation of insurance and social pensions carried out only for a fixed size 4% , which is significantly lower than the level of real inflation in 2015.
  • Old-age insurance pensions are indexed only for non-working pensioners .
  • Additional increase in insurance payments on April 1 not carried out.

However, already in 2017 the usual indexing order was returned, thus insurance pensions and social payments are indexed in full.

Indexation of old-age pensions in 2017 in Russia: the latest news now. Increase in insurance (labor) pensions

Changing the size of insurance pensions towards their increase in accordance with the law dated December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “About insurance pensions” occurs through an annual (February 1) increase in the value of the pension coefficient (IPC) and the size of the fixed payment.

In 2017, there was an increase in insurance pensions by an amount equal to the level of price growth in the past 20176 - 5.4% (according to Rosstat).

Thus, from February 1, 2017the cost of IPC has risen to78,28 , fixed payment amount - up to4,805.11 rubles. As a result of indexation, the average size of insurance pensions increased:

  • old age- about 400 rubles;
  • on disability- about 160 rubles;
  • on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner- for 315 rubles.

Additionally, on April 1, 2017, the cost was increased pension point and a fixed payment of 0.38%, which, coupled with February indexation will be 5.8%. At the same time, now the SIPC is 78.58 rubles, and the value of the PV is 4823.37 rubles. This amount of insurance pension components will remain until until February 1, 2018.

Indexation of old-age pensions in 2017 in Russia: the latest news now. Increasing state pension provision

The procedure for increasing the amount of pension benefits according to state provision, including social, provided Federal law dated December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On state pension provision in Russian Federation» . Legislatively introduced restrictions on increasing pension payments in 2016 also affected these benefits, as a result from April 1, 2016:

  • the size of social pensions, indexed by 4%, increased on average to 8,562 rubles;
  • monthly cash payments(EDV) for recipients of state pension benefits increased by 7%.

At the same time, an increase in social benefits was planned for April this year. pension provision by 2.6%, but it was actually carried out by only 1.5%- this is due to the declining growth rate living wage pensioner. EDV was indexed on February 1 by 5.4%.

Indexation of old-age pensions in 2017 in Russia: the latest news now. Will there be a second indexation in 2017?

Back in 2016, there was a question about the possibility of re-indexing pensions, which was discussed for a very long time, and in May 2016, during his visit to Crimea Dmitry Medvedev noted that in the budget for an additional increase in pension payments no money. When deciding to carry out partial indexation in 2016, the Government legislatively provided for an additional increase in insurance pension payments, but taking into account the current economic and social situation in the country based on the results of the first half of the year current year. Thus, carried out on August 23, 2016, the fate of pre-indexation of pension payments was decided: instead of increasing pensions to the level of inflation of the previous year (12.9%), it was decided to one-time payment in January 2017 an amount that partially compensates for indexation, equal to 5 thousand rubles.

Already in 2017, they planned indexation according to the level of actual inflation (5.4%), which was determined by Rosstat in the first half of January. However, earlier YES. Medvedev reported that indexing “will be 5.8%”, after which the Pension Fund budget included the value of the pension coefficient as of April 1 at 78.58 rubles, which would amount to an increase in pensions by the previously assumed 1.054 times.

According to Maxim Topilin, a meeting may be held in April additional indexing to a total of 5.8%.

Indexation of old-age pensions in 2017 in Russia: the latest news now. Problems of indexing pensions for working citizens

Until 2016, pension payments were indexed to all pensioners, regardless of whether they continued labor activity. Since this year, the procedure for increasing state and social pensions has remained the same, which cannot be said about insurance payments.

An important feature of the indexation of insurance pensions in 2016 was that its payment applies to insurance benefits only non-working pensioners (Art. 26.1 law “About insurance pensions”). At the same time, the legislation provides for the conditions under which a pensioner will again be able to receive an increased pension:

  • the recipient of the pension benefit must resign or cease other activities , generating income;
  • from the 2nd quarter of 2016, the benefit increases in an undeclared form, that is, apply to Pension Fund now it is no longer necessary, the calculation will take place based on employer reports.

After the dismissal of a pensioner, the amount of his old-age pension will be increased using all indexations that he missed. At the same time, he will be able to receive the increased payment in the month following the month in which the pension authority became aware of the pensioner’s termination of work.

Receiving an indexed pension payment does not prohibit its recipient to get a job again, while the amount of payments will not be reduced.

At the same time, working pensioners also received a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles, which should serve as compensation for lost pension income in 2016 for both non-working and workers' recipients old age pensions.

Indexation of old-age pensions in 2017 in Russia: the latest news now. Cancellation of pensions for working pensioners in 2017

For quite some time now the Government has been talking about reduction of rights of working pensioners, linking this to their total monthly income (pension + salary). Therefore, back in 2015, a bill was created, according to which, if the annual income was more than 1 million rubles, the payment of pensions would be cancelled.

It was never adopted, but the issue of other restrictions regarding working pensioners is already being quite vigorously discussed. Based on the results of meetings held in the Government at the beginning of 2016, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation prepared a plan for the next change in the pension system in a crisis, some of the points of which contains sentences:

  • Cancel the payment of pensions to working pensioners, or at least its fixed part.
  • Stop pension payments to workers in harmful and hazardous industries who continue to work under the same conditions in which they were given the right to receive early retirement.

The measures proposed by the Ministry of Finance were discussed at the ministerial level, and whether they will be accepted for implementation is not yet known, but they already have a number of negative reviews. To implement such a plan, it is necessary to properly calculate everything and predict the possible consequences of its application.

However, in 2017, pension payments to working citizens will not be cancelled.

Indexation of old-age pensions in 2017 in Russia: the latest news now. Latest news and changes

Recently, citizens have become increasingly concerned and are discussing issues related to the future indexation of pensions.

  • Dmitry Medvedev has already announced that in 2017 the government plans to return the legislative provision that concerns the indexation of pensions to last year’s inflation level, and to carry out an increase in the required amount (inflation for 2016 is planned to be 5,4% ).
  • Taking into account the cancellation of the increase in insurance pensions for working pensioners in 2016, they are concerned about the question of Will their pension be indexed in 2017?. However, for such citizens the decision to cancel pension indexation was extended until 2019.

Indexation of old-age pensions in 2017 in Russia: the latest news now. Conclusion

The relevance of the problem of indexation of pensions of Russian citizens continues to persist and forces the Government to think about finding possible solutions. Given the imbalance pension system, as well as the economic situation in the country, assessing the effectiveness of the pension reforms, the state continues to consider options that make it possible to change the current crisis situation in pension provision.

The ministries are developing and discussing a plan for further changes to the pension system in order to save pension funds. In 2017, the issue of indexation of old-age pensions arose most acutely in connection with latest changes in pension legislation in the previous year - abolition of annual indexation working pensioners, low percentage its increase (only 4% with inflation of 12.9%) for those who are no longer working, and replacement with the planned second indexation a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles, which was paid only in January 2017.

The increase in the size of pension payments is carried out by the state in order to compensate their recipients for the decrease in the purchasing power of benefits due to inflation. Its size for 2016 was determined as 5.4% - this value is included in the increase in pensions in February.

Indexation – increasing the size of the insurance part labor pension for old age and the amount of labor pension for disability and labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner (including fixed base size the insurance part of the labor pension for old age, disability and loss of a breadwinner), the funded part of the labor pension for old age, social pension, as well as a one-time cash payment.

The size of the increase is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation based on the level of growth in prices for goods and services for the corresponding period. Social pensions are indexed annually from April 1, taking into account the growth rate of the cost of living of a pensioner in the Russian Federation over the past year. The indexation coefficient of social pensions is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

All types of pensions paid by the Pension Fund, including labor ones, are annually indexed by year in accordance with the law in connection with rising prices and average monthly wages in the Russian Federation. Therefore, pensions will also be indexed in 2019. Follow our website for the latest news on the issue of pension indexation.

How much will pensions be indexed in 2019?

From January 1 to 7,05% pensions will be indexed. On average, the payment amount will increase by 1000 rubles, to 15.4 thousand rubles. Indexation will only affect non-working pensioners. According to the Russian Pension Fund, there are about 40 million people.

Social pensions (disability, survivors and others) are indexed Happy April, 1 of the current year, taking into account the growth rate of the living wage of a pensioner in the Russian Federation over the past year.

In addition, from 2019, pensioners who have lived in villages for at least 30 years will receive an increase in their pension in the amount of 2,400 rubles. According to the Ministry of Labor and social protection, an increase of 945-950 thousand people is expected. According to the head of the department, Maxim Topilin, only those pensioners who have worked in agriculture and are currently unemployed can count on an additional 2,400 rubles.

In 2019, pensions of military pensioners will be indexed by 6%. From October 1, after indexation, military pay will increase by 4.3%. In addition, military pensions will be additionally indexed by 2.3%. According to First Deputy Minister of Finance Leonid Gornin, from October 1, 2019, the average military pension in Russia will be 26,200 rubles per month.

How will pensions be increased in Russia from January 1, 2019?

Pensions for investigators and prosecutors will be increased by 30%

The State Duma adopted a law increasing pensions for prosecutors and Investigative Committee employees. In 2018, 2.5 billion rubles will be spent from the budget for these purposes; in 2019 and 2020 - 3.1 billion rubles each, and pensions themselves will increase by 30%

The average insurance pension in 2019 will be 12,892 rubles.

Note: This means that for an ordinary person the pension will be 10-12 tr.

Pensions for non-working pensioners will be indexed from January 1, 2018 to 3,7% , Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin told reporters following a meeting of the Russian Government.

The minister recalled that insurance pensions for non-working pensioners are indexed annually from February 1 to inflation for the previous year, and until recently, inflation for 2017 was predicted at 3.7%.

“Due to the fact that our forecast has changed - inflation will be 3.2% this year, the Government has decided to index pensions by 3.7% from January 1 next year,” said Maxim Topilin. – That is, to do it earlier in order to ensure the growth of real pensions in next year».

The minister also said that indexation of social pensions is planned at the level 4,1 % from April 1, 2018, this is a forecast value, since the indexation of social pensions is carried out taking into account the growth rate of the cost of living of a pensioner in the Russian Federation for the previous year.

From August 1, as usual, working pensioners will have their pensions adjusted taking into account insurance premiums for the previous year, but still by no more than three pension points (approximately 200 rubles - thank you for your generous care!).

Russia is recognized as one of the worst countries for retirees

Russia entered the top five worst countries in the world for retirees, ranking 40th out of 43. Only Brazil, Greece and India were worse.

According to "", which is compiled annually by Natixis Global Asset Management, the leaders were Norway (86%), Switzerland (84%) and Iceland (82%). In Russia, the index fell from 46% to 45% over the year.

The index measures the comfort level of retirement in a given country. The calculations use four key parameters: financial situation, material well-being, quality of life and health. Each of these parameters can be rated on a scale from 0% to 100%.

Labor pension indexation table by year

Type of pension2010201120122013201420152016201720182019
Insurance pension6,3% 8,8% 10,65% 10,12% 8,31% 11,4% 4% 5.8% 3.7% 7.05%
Social pensions12,51% 10,27% 14,1% 1,81% 17,1% 10,3% 4% 1.5% 2.9% 2.0%

What is an Insurance Pension?

Insurance pension is a monthly cash payment to compensate citizens for wages or other income that they received during their working career, as well as compensation for income that disabled family members of the insured person lost due to his death:

  • Old age insurance pension
  • Disability insurance pension

The insurance pension is accompanied by a fixed payment in a fixed amount, which depends on the type of insurance pension. The payment amount is annually indexed to the inflation rate for the previous year.

Indexation of pensions in 2016 will be carried out in two stages. From February 1, pensions will be indexed to a target of 4%, and not to the value of real inflation, as in 2015. For the average pensioner in the country, this will give an increase in pension in the amount of 490 rubles. Additional indexation of pensions will be carried out (possibly) in the fall of 2016. The implementation of additional, autumn indexation will depend on the situation in the country's economy as well as on the level of inflation at the end of 2015 (according to experts, it will be 12-12.5%).

As a result of indexation, insurance pensions will be indexed directly, as well as a fixed payment to the insurance pension. From February 1, 2016, the fixed payment to the insurance pension is set at 4,558.93 rubles.

The cost of one pension point (coefficient) from February 1, 2016 will be 74 rubles 27 kopecks.

Until January 1, 2015 for appointment old age labor pension 5 years was enough insurance period. The introduction of new requirements provides for a long transition period. The required length of insurance coverage will increase gradually. So, if in 2015 it was required to have 6 years of experience, then in 2016 it was already 7 years, and so on until in 2024 the required experience reaches 15 years.

To retire in 2015, you needed to have 6.6 points, in 2016 - 9, and then the number of points will increase annually by 2.4 until it reaches 30 by 2024. The higher the salary, the more contributions to the Pension Fund. the employer does, the more points you can earn. A person who officially receives only 1 point per year.

What is social pension?

Social pension is assigned disabled citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation. Who is entitled to a state pension?

  • The social disability pension is established:
    - Disabled people of groups I, II and III, including those disabled since childhood;
    - For disabled children.
  • The social pension in case of loss of a breadwinner is established:
    Children under the age of 18, as well as older than this age, studying full-time in the main educational programs in organizations that carry out educational activities, until they complete such training, but no longer than until they reach the age of 23, those who have lost one or both parents, and the children of a deceased single mother.
  • The old-age social pension is established:
    - Citizens from among the indigenous peoples of the North who have reached the age of 55 and 50 years (men and women, respectively), permanently residing in the areas inhabited by the indigenous peoples of the North on the day of the pension;
    - Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached 65 and 60 years of age (men and women, respectively) and foreign citizens and stateless persons who have been permanently residing in the Russian Federation for at least 15 years and have reached the specified age

There will always be a minimum level of pension provision for Russians. If the amount of the pension, together with other payments due to a non-working pensioner, is below the subsistence level, then a social supplement will be established for him.

Since 2015, indexation of insurance pensions has been carried out through indexation. Since 2017, its cost has increased from 74 rubles. 27 kopecks to 78 rubles. 58 kopecks.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2016

Pensions in 2016 will be indexed by 4% from February 1. But this measure will not affect working pensioners - the draft budget for 2016 does not provide for the indexation of their pensions. Neither the insurance pension itself nor the fixed payment to the insurance pension will be indexed. This measure, according to the government, will allow the federal treasury to save 87.14 billion rubles.

The corresponding bill numbered 911767-6 “On the suspension of the provisions of certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation, amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the specifics of increasing the insurance pension, fixed payment to the insurance pension and social pensions” was adopted by the State Duma in the first reading on November 13, 2015. If this legislation is finally passed, the rules currently in effect will be suspended until January 1, 2017.

According to the explanatory note to the bill, “working pensioners have a source to cover inflationary costs in the form of wages.” Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev spoke no less unequivocally on this matter: “If a person still works, then we can conclude that he has not completely lost his labor function, and, therefore, he meets some of his additional needs for work account."

To quickly identify working pensioners, the bill provides for changes according to which employers will be required to submit monthly simplified reports to the Pension Fund starting from 2016, containing the full names and names of their employees.

It is not clear from the text of the bill how much the pension will be paid to the person who quits, taking into account all adjustments and indexations that occurred during the period of the pensioner’s work or that took place only after the termination of work. It is assumed that these “shortcomings” will be corrected by the second reading.

Moreover, the bill stipulates the duration of a person’s work; to identify him as a worker – 6 months. It is not indicated whether it is 6 months in a row or not. As a result of this approach, a person may stop working at the beginning of July, and six months later he will still be considered working, which is hardly fair.

Well, the most important injustice inherent in the bill is that when leaving work, even next year, even in two or three years, even in five, the citizen’s pension will become the same as it would have been if the citizen had not worked at all for all these years.

The authorities will index pensions twice in 2016

from February 1, 2016, insurance pensions will be increased by 4% by increasing the cost of one pension coefficient to 74.27 rubles, as well as increasing the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension to 4,558.93 rubles. The department reports that as a result of this, the average size of the insurance pension will increase from February 1 by 293 rubles (the average size of the insurance pension of non-working pensioners will increase by 480 rubles).

Based on the results of the first half of 2016, the cost of one pension coefficient and the size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension will be increased taking into account the situation in the economy and social sphere. From April 1, 2016, social pensions will be increased by 4%. As a result, the average social pension will increase by 333 rubles and after the increase will amount to 8,646 rubles.

Based on the results of the first half of 2016, additional indexation will be carried out.

Pensions in 2017 will be indexed in full. The costs for this will exceed 270 billion rubles. Dmitry Medvedev announced this following a meeting with deputy prime ministers and ministers.

As for the second indexation of 2016 - it will be replaced with a one-time payment to all pensioners - 5 thousand rubles each. The government has been instructed to find 200 billion rubles for these purposes.

Payments will be received by 43 million Russian pensioners with a pension in January 2017. Representatives of the social block of the State Duma and the Federation Council supported the government’s decision, explaining that this payment is “better than nothing.” Experts have calculated that budget savings will amount to 550 billion rubles; pensioners did not receive enough money by this amount. The single payment does not take into account the size of pensions, which vary greatly. Pensioners with low government benefits will benefit from lump sum payments.

Pensioners will receive a one-time payment along with their January 2017 pension

Pensioners will be able to receive a compensation payment in the amount of 5,000 rubles, which replaced the next indexation, along with their pension for January 2017. Moreover, there is no need to specifically contact the Pension Fund to receive this payment. Also, pensioners will not have to write any application to receive it.

Compensation payments are due to pensioners receiving pensions through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and permanently residing in Russia.

Note: The Russian Government has decided to return to regular pension indexation from 2017.

The Pension Fund spoke about the indexation of pensions in 2017

From February 1, 2017, the insurance pension of non-working pensioners, as well as the fixed payment to it, will be increased by the inflation rate for 2016. The forecast inflation rate was 5.8% (see table above). These funds are taken into account in the Pension Fund budget. The size of the fixed payment after indexation will be 4,823.35 rubles per month, the average old-age insurance pension is 12,289.73 rubles. In addition, from February 1, 2017, the size of the monthly cash payment (MCB) received by federal beneficiaries will be indexed by 5.8%.

Increase in 2017 and. It will be equal to 78.58 rubles (in 2016 – 74.27 rubles).

From April 1, 2017, there will be an increase in state pensions, including social pensions, for both working and non-working pensioners by 2.6%. As a result, in 2017 the average social pension will be 8,040 rubles. The average social pension for disabled children and group I disabled children since childhood will be 12,213 rubles.

As before, in 2017 there will be no pensioners in Russia with a monthly income below . All non-working pensioners will receive a social supplement to their pension up to the subsistence level in their region of residence.

In 2017, the issue of indexation of old-age pensions arose most acutely in connection with the latest changes in pension legislation in the previous year - the abolition of annual indexation for working pensioners, a low percentage of its increase (only 4% with inflation of 12.9%) for those who are no longer works, and the replacement of the planned second indexation with a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles, which was paid only in January 2017. The increase in the size of pension payments is carried out by the state in order to compensate their recipients for the decrease in the purchasing power of benefits due to inflation. Its size for 2016 was determined as 5.4% - this value is included in the increase in pensions in February. Indexation of old-age pensions in 2017 in Russia: last news Now.

Latest pension indexation news


By the way, in 2019 and 2020, the old-age pension is planned to be increased by 4% per year.

The authorities promise an indexation of 3.7 percent. The decision to increase this year is made earlier so that pensioners feel the increase.


If you do the calculation, the amount is around 400 rubles.

The social pension is planned to be increased by 3.9% in 2019, and by 3.5% in 2020.
The authorities promised to index pensions in full in 2017, that is, at the inflation rate of 2016.
According to official data from Rosstat, inflation in Russia in 2016 was 5.6 percent.

As a result, in February 2017, the insurance pension was raised by 5.4 percent, and in April by another 0.38 percent.

“For working pensioners, we envisage maintaining the regime that was in effect this year: that is, we do not provide for any indexation for working pensioners,” Siluanov said.

Indexation of pensions in 2017

Why are you leaders? This means that you did not want to accept the regressive scale for personal income tax (since it would hit your pockets), but found a way to save on pensioners.

Right! They are tenacious - they will endure anything. You would give deputies lower salaries and introduce a regressive scale.


There will immediately be a surplus in the budget. According to the Pension Fund, insurance pensions are indexed every year based on the increase in consumer prices over the past year and the cost of the individual pension coefficient (IPC); According to him, the department envisages maintaining previous regime, according to which pensions of working pensioners are not indexed.

This law has been in force in our country since January 2016, despite proposals frequently voiced in Parliament and the Federation Council to repeal this act in relation to pensioners with low salaries.

Indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners in Russia in 2018

Indexation of survivor pensions The Cabinet of Ministers decided to index survivor pensions from April 1, 2017 in full, as required by law.

From April 1, 2017, survivor pensions will be increased, and from February 1, 2017, social payments and the cost of preferential services will be indexed.

How much will pensions increase for families who have lost their breadwinner? The indexation of pensions in the event of the loss of a breadwinner will be 5.4 percent, this figure was announced in the Cabinet of Ministers.

The government promised to index pensions twice in 2017; from February 1, social payments will be increased for all categories of pensioners, and from April 1, survivor pensions will be increased.

Pensions will be increased according to actual inflation; there will be no one-time payments like in 2016.

The increase in pensions will continue as before.

About pension

For several years now pension reform is subject to constant change.

All amendments that were proposed are aimed only at improving the material well-being of pensioners.

Recently, the topic of increasing pension payments has been in the spotlight.

The increase in payments carried out last year could not meet the expectations of pensioners.

In addition, experts argue that the size of these payments could not even cover real inflation. Now everyone is interested in the same question - what pension will pensioners have in 2018? Indexation of old-age pensions in 2018 in Russia: latest news Pensions are divided into three types: 1) Labor. They are paid only to those persons who have seniority, as well as those who worked.

Will there be a second indexation in 2017? Back in 2016, there was the issue of the possibility of re-indexing pensions, which was discussed for a very long time, and in May 2016, during his visit to Crimea, Dmitry Medvedev noted that there was no money in the budget for an additional increase in pension payments.

When deciding to carry out partial indexation in 2016, the Government legislatively provided for an additional increase in insurance pension payments, but taking into account the developing economic and social situation in the country in the first half of this year. Thus, carried out on August 23, 2016, the fate of pre-indexation of pension payments was decided: instead of increasing pensions to the level of inflation of the previous year (12.9%), it was decided to make a one-time payment in January 2017 of an amount partially compensating for indexation, equal to 5 thousand rubles .

What was the indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners in 2017?

Disabled people assigned to the 3rd group 4279.14 4403.24 Disabled people assigned to the 1st group 10068.53 10360.52 Disabled people of the 1st category recognized as such from childhood, as well as minor disabled children 12082.06 12432, 44 Increase in state material payments to the military The procedure for indexing pensions for the military depends on their category: For citizens who served in conscription as sailors, sergeants or foremen In the same order as for social pensions, and by the same coefficient For the Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Border Guard Service and employees of other law enforcement agencies According to Law No. 4468-1 Details: Conscripts can receive a disability pension, the amount of which depends on what caused it (military injury or illness) According to Art.

The value of the pension point will be increased

The pension has gone up. From February 1, it will increase by 5.4%, that is, by the official inflation rate of last year. Moreover, indexation will affect pensioners both for old age and disability, for the loss of a breadwinner, with the exception of working pensioners. In total, 31.4 million people will receive an increase. As a result average pension in 2017 will be 13,620 rubles. However, according to experts, indexation of 5.4% will not cover inflation: the consumer basket of pensioners is becoming more expensive.

Pension in Russia is one of the most pressing topics in recent years. According to the law, it should increase by the inflation rate of the past year. However, in 2016 it was increased by only 4%, although prices rose by 12.9%. The difference is obvious. The government had to abandon full indexation due to lack of funds in the treasury. In addition, the authorities deprived working pensioners of indexation, considering that they already earned good money.

However, the government did not risk leaving elderly Russians completely without compensation. Full indexation was replaced with a one-time payment of five thousand rubles for all pensioners, including workers. According to the Pension Fund, the process of paying these 5 thousand rubles has now been completely completed. As a result, over 43.5 million pensioners received money, and a total of 221.7 billion rubles were spent for these purposes.

Thus, officials somewhat sweetened the pill for pensioners. In addition, they promised that in 2017 indexation would be carried out according to the usual rules - that is, according to the actual inflation of the previous year. And from February 1, the authorities intend to keep their word. According to Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, in order to index pensions for all elderly people by 5.4%, the government will need a total of about 230 billion rubles.

But that's not all the good news to expect in the second month of the year. The cost of one pension point (individual coefficient) will also increase - by 4.1 rubles. From February 1, its price will be fixed at 78.28 rubles. Let us recall that it is in points (depending on length of service, salary and retirement date) that the size of the insurance pension is now calculated.

In addition, on February 1, all social payments will increase - benefits for disabled people, payments to war veterans, benefits for the birth of children, child care benefits up to one and a half years old, benefits for women registered with early dates pregnancy. And here is the size maternity capital will remain the same - 453,026 rubles. Moreover, it will not be indexed until 2020.

Meanwhile, the government plans to carry out a second increase in pensions in April. True, pensions are indexed depending on the income of the Pension Fund for the previous year. Thus, as a result of two indexations, pensions should increase by 5.8%, which, in fact, is more than inflation in 2016.

According to experts, there is enough money in the Pension Fund for indexation. However, it is unlikely to fully cover the price increase. “The fact is that pensioners use a much narrower range of goods. Here, inflation is growing at a faster rate than the economic average. It all depends on which consumer basket to use for calculation,” explains Mikhail Belyaev, chief economist at the Institute of Stock Market and Management, to MK.

It is no coincidence that the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin said that actual size pensions in Russia will decline in the next three years. The Ministry of Labor explains this decrease by the fact that pensions for working pensioners have not been indexed since 2016. However, this is not so bad. After the authorities refused to increase pensions for people who work while already on well-deserved retirement, their number sharply decreased. If previously there were about 14 million working pensioners, then after the government’s decision more than 5 million people quit their jobs in six months. “By saving on indexation for working pensioners, we are losing in consumer demand, forcing people to leave their legal jobs for the “gray zone,” notes Belyaev.

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In 2017, the issue of indexation of old-age pensions arose most acutely in connection with latest changes in the pension legislation in the previous year - the abolition of annual indexation, the low percentage of its increase (only 4% with inflation of 12.9%) for those who are no longer working, and the replacement of the planned second indexation, which was paid only in January 2017.

The increase in the size of pension payments is carried out by the state in order to compensate their recipients for the decrease in the purchasing power of benefits due to inflation. Its size for 2016 was determined as 5.4% - this value is included in the increase in pensions in February.

How and when are pension payments indexed?

Conducted by the state annually:

  • On February 1, pension benefits are increased.
  • On April 1, and increase.

The increase in the size of pension payments to Russian citizens depends from the inflation rate, which is determined based on the results of the previous year and established by the Government.

Depending on the growth of income of the Pension Fund itself and according to the economic situation in the country, the law provides for the possibility of holding additional indexing insurance pension by increasing and (clause 7 of article 16 of law dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ).

Pension indexation percentage in 2017

Until 2016, in accordance with the law, pensions were increased at the level of price increases over the previous year. By the same principle in 2016, taking into account inflation at the end of 2015, pension benefits should have increased by 12.9%. However, due to the difficult financial situation in the country, the Government made a number of decisions:

  • From January 1, 2016 to January 1, 2017, the operation of certain legislative provisions establishing the procedure for the annual increase in pension payments to citizens based on the price growth index and based on the income of the Pension Fund was suspended.
  • Indexation of insurance and social pensions was carried out only for a fixed amount 4% , which is significantly lower than the level of real inflation in 2015.
  • Old age insurance pensions are indexed.
  • Additional increase in insurance payments on April 1 not carried out.

However, already in 2017, the usual indexation procedure was returned, thus, insurance pensions and social benefits were indexed in full.

Increase in insurance (labor) pensions

Changing the amount of insurance pensions towards their increase in accordance with the law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “About insurance pensions” occurs through an annual (February 1) increase in the value of the pension coefficient (IPC) and the size of the fixed payment.

In 2017, there was an increase in insurance pensions by an amount equal to the level of price growth in the past 20176 - 5.4% (according to Rosstat).

Thus, from February 1, 2017 the cost of IPC has risen to 78,28 , fixed payment amount - up to 4,805.11 rubles. As a result of indexation, the average size of insurance pensions increased:

  • - about 400 rubles;
  • - about 160 rubles;
  • - for 315 rubles.

Additionally, on April 1, 2017, the cost of the pension point and fixed payment was increased by 0.38%, which, coupled with the February indexation will be 5.8%. At the same time, now the SIPC is 78.58 rubles, and the value of the PV is 4823.37 rubles. This amount of insurance pension components will remain until until February 1, 2018.

Increasing state pension provision

The procedure for increasing the amount of pension benefits for state security, including social ones, is provided for by Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001 “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”. Legislatively introduced restrictions on increasing pension payments in 2016 also affected these benefits, as a result from April 1, 2016:

  • the size of social pensions, indexed by 4%, increased on average to 8,562 rubles;
  • (EDV) for recipients of state pension benefits increased by 7%.

At the same time, an increase in social pension provision by 2.6% was planned for April of this year, but it was actually carried out by only 1.5%- this is explained by the declining growth rate of the pensioner’s cost of living. EDV was indexed on February 1 by 5.4%.

Will there be a second indexation in 2017?

Back in 2016, there was a question about the possibility of re-indexing pensions, which was discussed for a very long time, and in May 2016, during his visit to Crimea Dmitry Medvedev noted that in the budget for an additional increase in pension payments no money. When deciding to carry out partial indexation in 2016, the Government legislatively provided for an additional increase in insurance pension payments, but taking into account the current economic and social situation in the country based on the results of the first half of the year current year. Thus, carried out on August 23, 2016, the fate of pre-indexation of pension payments was decided: instead of increasing pensions to the level of inflation of the previous year (12.9%), a decision was made on an amount that partially compensated for indexation, equal to 5 thousand rubles.

Already in 2017, they planned indexation according to the level of actual inflation (5.4%), which was determined by Rosstat in the first half of January. However, earlier YES. Medvedev reported that indexing “will be 5.8%”, after which the Pension Fund budget included the value of the pension coefficient as of April 1 at 78.58 rubles, which would amount to an increase in pensions by the previously assumed 1.054 times.

According to Maxim Topilin, a meeting may be held in April additional indexing to a total of 5.8%.

Problems of indexing pensions for working citizens

Until 2016, pension payments were indexed to all pensioners, regardless of whether they continued working. Since this year, the procedure for increasing state and social pensions has remained the same, which cannot be said about insurance payments.

An important feature of the indexation of insurance pensions in 2016 was that its payment applies to insurance benefits only non-working pensioners(Article 26.1 of the law “About insurance pensions”). At the same time, the legislation provides for the conditions under which a pensioner will again be able to receive an increased pension:

  • the recipient of the pension benefit needs income-generating income;
  • from the 2nd quarter of 2016, the benefit increases in an undeclared form, that is, there is no longer any need to submit an application to the pension fund; the calculation will take place on the basis of.

After the dismissal of a pensioner, the amount of his old-age pension will be increased using all indexations that he missed. At the same time, he will be able to receive the increased payment in the month following the month in which the pension authority became aware of the pensioner’s termination of work.

Receiving an indexed pension payment does not prohibit its recipient to get a job again, while the amount of payments will not be reduced.

At the same time, working pensioners also received a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles, which should serve as compensation for lost pension income in 2016 for both non-working people and old-age pensions.

Cancellation of pensions for working pensioners in 2017

For quite some time now the Government has been talking about reduction of rights of working pensioners, linking this to their total monthly income (pension + salary). Therefore, back in 2015, a bill was created, according to which, if the annual income was more than 1 million rubles, the payment of pensions would be cancelled.

It was never adopted, but the issue of other restrictions regarding working pensioners is already being quite vigorously discussed. Based on the results of meetings held in the Government at the beginning of 2016, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation prepared a plan for the next change in the pension system in a crisis, some of the points of which contains sentences:

  • Cancel the payment of pensions to working pensioners, or at least its fixed part.
  • Stop pension payments to workers in hazardous and hazardous industries who continue to work under the same conditions to which they were given the right to receive.

The measures proposed by the Ministry of Finance were discussed at the ministerial level, and whether they will be accepted for implementation is not yet known, but they already have a number of negative reviews. To implement such a plan, it is necessary to properly calculate everything and predict the possible consequences of its application.

However, in 2017, pension payments to working citizens will not be cancelled.