Average pension in Russia - how to live and what to expect? Average pension in Russia by year. Dynamics and prospects Average pension size in the Russian Federation

14100 rubles. This is exactly the average pension for Russians who have retired. This figure is indicated by officials. However, this amount varies depending on several factors. Let's look at what payments Rosstat and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation indicate in their reports for different categories of the population.

Average for Russia

So, the innovations of 2018 raised the average pension in Russia to 14,100 rubles. For comparison, last year this figure was 13,700 rubles.

The amount of payment a citizen will receive is influenced by many factors. To begin with, there are several parts of the pension that are calculated and indexed using different methods.

Eat fixed part of pension, the size of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, and is not adjusted during the year.

Cumulative part pensions(or insurance) is accrued depending on the accumulated pensioners at the time of retirement insurance period.

In order to adjust the amount of pension provision in accordance with changes in the economy, it is revised annually, and a separate Federal Law is issued for its adoption. Take into account:

  • General economic situation (the main thing is the budget).
  • Inflation – both for the current year and the indicator predicted for the near future.
  • Changes in prices for essential goods.

At the moment, the state, due to a lack of budget funds, is trying to switch to a targeted system of assistance.

That is, the amount of payments will increase depending on how much a person needs it.

For example, a person who has a disability that prevents him from providing for himself will receive an increased benefit. But a working pensioner is not. It is believed that he is therefore more financially protected than others. By the way, this is why their pension has not been indexed since 2014, and this situation will not be revised in the near future. The pension system itself will move in this direction.

On years

In 2018, pensions, according to calculations by the Pension Fund and Rosstat, increased by an average of 3.7%. The budget was adopted for the period 2018-2020. Pension benefits are planned to increase in the coming years:

  • 2019 – by 4%.
  • 2020 – by another 4%.

As a result, by 2020 the average pension will reach 14,900 rubles.

But we also need to take into account what the economic situation will be in the country in 3 years. Perhaps the amount itself will increase, but purchasing power, on the contrary, will fall. Therefore, further changes in the pension system will be made in relation to how successful the already adopted 3-year program will be.

Table of the average pension in the Russian Federation from 1999 to 2017 in rubles.

By region

The amount of allowance varies greatly depending on the region of residence. The amount cannot be lower living wage. Otherwise, local authorities must make additional payments from the budget until the established PM is achieved.

Maximum pensions depend on many factors - climatic conditions, differences in products consumed in a given region, etc.

For example, below are the average pension indicators in various regions:

Table of average pension by city.

Average size by profession

The amount of the benefit may vary depending on what the pensioner worked for, what professional skills and abilities he acquired, and what functions he performed. So, there are industry-specific types of financial support, the so-called. social guarantees for citizens with a certain profession. For example, military personnel.

The amount also depends on the citizen’s place of residence. Residents Far North by default they receive increased payments, which is due to difficult living conditions. They are paid an additional payment according to the coefficients established in the region. Capital pensioners they also receive increased pensions, since, in addition to federal ones, there are also local financial support programs.

Special attention The legislator paid attention to length of service. Representatives of some professions may be granted a pension not upon reaching a certain age, but upon accumulated experience. Typically, this applies to those people who have worked for a long time in difficult working conditions:

  • Military personnel and law enforcement officers.
  • Persons working in “harmful” production.
  • Public sector workers – medicine, education, culture, etc.
  • People working in emergency services.
  • Citizens working in civil aviation, as well as astronauts.
  • River workers and navy involved in the fishing industry.

For the listed categories, the possibility of not only early retirement is provided, but also various additional payments, compensations and benefits. They are developed and approved for each profession at both the federal and regional levels.

There are currently no separate measures to increase payments to public sector employees. Former public sector employees can only count on the January stage of increasing their insurance and social pensions, provided that the citizen has accumulated the necessary insurance experience and a minimum number of pension points. Otherwise, indexation will have to wait until April.

Military pension

The average pension for this category of the population is 26,000 rubles. The benefits are higher for officers and those engaged in hazardous activities. This includes test pilots, intelligence officers working in hot spots, etc. The average pension for them is up to 85,000 rubles.

As for the officers, it all depends on the rank and additional factors (length of service, occupational diseases, etc.):

  • Low-ranking officers (including captains) receive about 23,000 rubles.
  • The average pension of a major is 25,000 rubles.
  • The lieutenant colonel will receive approximately 30,000 rubles.
  • Generals are entitled to the largest amount - up to 50,000 rubles.

A separate pension is paid to law enforcement officers. Thus, a person who worked in the police and did not receive an officer rank during his entire career and did not receive recognition of services to the fatherland can receive about 15,000 rubles.

Important! There is one nuance regarding military personnel and law enforcement officers: they can receive two types of allowance at once:

  • One is paid directly from the budget of the Ministry of Defense or the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Another - upon reaching the time worked, thus receiving a social or labor pension.

The payment amounts, as well as the documents required to receive each type of benefit, will vary.

Civil servants' pension

High-ranking officials can receive up to 80,000 rubles.

Longevity gives the right to increased pension. So, it can be received by a person who has worked in the civil service for at least 16 years. This makes it possible to qualify for a payment of 45% of that monthly salary.

Their average income for the year is calculated without taking into account old-age insurance. Thus, the legislator allows an increase in pension by 3% of monthly income for each year accumulated in excess of the established minimum 16 years of civil servant service. As a result, persons with 20-25 years of service are entitled to an increase in pension by approximately 5,000 rubles.

From 2018, the minimum length of service will gradually rise. For this year it is 16 years, but over the next few years it will grow until it reaches 20. The procedure for calculating allowances will remain unchanged: the size of the pension will depend on the salary, from 45 to 75%.


The average benefit for a miner for 2018 is 12,000 rubles. But the specific amount may vary depending on several factors:

  • What kind of work did the pensioner perform, what material was mined, under what conditions.
  • In which region did the citizen work (according to statistics, the largest pensions go to Kuzbass miners, which is due to the poor ecology of the region).
  • Does the person have any work-related injuries, occupational diseases, etc.

Average salary to receive a pension

During his working life, the employer makes contributions to the Pension Fund for each officially employed employee. Accordingly, the more money was transferred by the time the citizen retired, the greater the payments will be.

The nuance is that the legislator requires the provision of payments, the amounts of which are as close as possible to the subsistence level. It is in relation to this figure that the minimum pension amount is set. Thus, the average pension for Russians (remember, 14,100 rubles) in 2018 is 160% of the subsistence level.

As a result, of course, the current pension for most people is simply not enough for a normal life. In the coming years, the situation, unfortunately, will not change, no matter how hard officials try to convince the population of possible growth payments. The average pension is an indicator that most often does not reflect the real state of things. Therefore, a pensioner must clearly know how the pension is calculated, what benefits he can claim, and exactly what amount of benefits he is entitled to.

On this page we will discuss in detail:

1. How pension indexation will occur in Moscow in January, April and August 2020;

2. What is the cost of living and the urban social standard in the capital;

3. What, accordingly, will be the amount of the minimum pension for different categories of Muscovites;

4. What minimum wage will residents of the Moscow region receive?

How pension indexation will take place in Moscow in 2020

In general, the annual process of increasing pensions in Moscow occurs in the same way as throughout Russia - in three stages.

1 From January 1, the old-age insurance pension for non-working pensioners will be increased. The press service of the Ministry of Labor reports that the increase will be 6.6%. Size pension point will increase to 93 rubles (now it costs 87 rubles 24 kopecks). Details

Let us note that the growth of pensions will be almost twice the official inflation rate in 2019, which is currently predicted by the Central Bank at 3.2 - 3.7%. Why are we focusing your attention on this? Yes, because previously pensions were increased at the rate of inflation. And now, on Putin’s instructions, they are trying to adjust it in such a way that payments increase by an average of 1,000 rubles. To find out how much your pension will increase from January 1, 2020, you need to multiply its current size by 0.066 (6.6%).

2 Pension increases are planned for the spring state provision, including social ones. From April 1, 2020 they will increase by 7%. As a result, the average social pension will increase from 9.7 to 10.3 thousand rubles. You can find out more about social pensions

3 In August 2020 they will increase insurance pensions for retired Muscovites who worked in 2019. The maximum increase will be the same as before – the cash equivalent of three pension points.

Now let us recall the two types of minimum pension in Moscow.

Minimum pension in Moscow in 2020

The minimum income level for a pensioner in the capital, as already mentioned, is of two types:

1. for those who have been registered in Moscow for less than 10 years, this is the size of the Pensioner’s Subsistence Minimum (PMP).
2. for those who have been registered in the capital for more than 10 years - this is the value of the City Social Standard (CSS).

Let's start with the first number.

Supplement to pension up to the Subsistence Minimum

As is known, older people in Russia cannot receive a pension below the average annual Pensioner’s Subsistence Minimum (PMP) in their territory of residence. If the accrued pension is less than this level, then the Regional Social Supplement (RSD) to the pension is additionally paid from the budget. Thus, the pensioner’s income is raised to the value of the PMP.

Let us remind you, by the way, that the rules for providing this very social supplement have changed significantly in 2019. Now the process takes place in 3 stages.

1. First, the size of the increase, which is obtained through indexation, is calculated.
2. Then the pension is increased by a social supplement to the subsistence level (PL).
3. And then the indexation amount is added to the PMP.

For the same reason, it is now difficult to talk about the exact amount of the minimum pension in a particular city. It is slightly higher than the cost of living, but it’s different for everyone – by the indexation amount. However, in this publication we will assume that minimum pension conditionally equal to the cost of living of a pensioner in his region.

In 2019, the cost of living for a pensioner in the city of Moscow was set at 12,115 rubles. This means that we can assume that the minimum pension in 2019 in Moscow, taking into account the Regional Social Supplement, was 12,115 rubles.

For 2020, the Pensioner's Living Minimum in Moscow was decided to increase by 3.7% or 463 rubles. The decision on this has already been made by deputies of the Moscow Duma.

In 2020, the cost of living for a Moscow pensioner is set at 12,578 rubles. Accordingly, this figure can be conditionally considered the minimum pension in MSC this year.

But this “minimum wage” is established for those pensioners - Muscovites who have been registered at their place of stay / place of residence in Moscow for a total of less than 10 years.

For Moscow old-timers, a different minimum pension applies. It is adjusted to the City Social Standard of Minimum Income.

Supplement to pension up to the amount of the City Social Standard

First, let's quickly clarify...

What is the City Social Standard in Moscow?

The City Social Standard is the minimum monthly income of a pensioner who has been registered in Moscow for at least 10 years. It was introduced by the Decree of the Moscow Government of November 1, 2011. If the pension of a Muscovite with 10 years of experience is less than the GSS, then he is awarded a special payment from the budget up to the amount of the GSS.

That is, this is approximately the same as the Living Minimum for pensioners registered in the capital for less than 10 years. Only he is taller!

Who is entitled to additional payment?

An additional payment to the pension up to the value of the City Social Standard (GSS) is established for non-working pensioners and certain categories of working pensioners and disabled people registered at their place of residence in Moscow and having a duration of such registration of at least 10 years in total (including the time of residence in the territory annexed to Moscow) .

In 2019, the size of the City Social Standard was 17,500 rubles. Accordingly, the minimum pension was the same for those who lived in the capital for more than 10 years.

It could be assumed that this value would be increased by January 2020, but Mayor Sobyanin decided not to wait until the New Year.

Already from September 1, 2019, the size of the State Social Insurance Fund was increased to 19,500 rubles. Thus, the minimum pension for non-working pensioners with more than 10 years of residence in Moscow is now 19,500 rubles.

Once again, from January 2020, it will no longer be raised, which means the minimum wage for old-time Muscovites will remain at the level of 19,500 rubles.

What about working pensioners?

If non-working pensioners who have lived in Moscow for more than 10 years can qualify for regional social supplement towards pension up to 19,559 rubles. Then their working neighbors, who have had Moscow registration for more than 10 years, receive monthly compensation payment towards retirement. As you can see, the name of the additional payment/payment is different, but the meaning remains virtually unchanged. All the same, pension benefits for both non-working and working people are adjusted to the level of the City Social Standard in the amount of 19,500 rubles.

True, there are a number of restrictions for working pensioners. For example, to receive these payments, the average salary over the last six months must not exceed 20 thousand rubles, etc.

Monthly city cash payment in Moscow

Muscovites have many different social benefits for different categories of citizens: war veterans, disabled people, families with children, etc. But there is one that, in our opinion, also needs to be mentioned in this publication. Although it is not directly related to the size of the minimum pension. This is the City Monthly Cash Payment(EDGV).

Some citizens may receive it before retirement age and old-age pensioners living in Moscow who do not receive payments as federal beneficiaries.


*) The size indicated is in 2019.

Let's pay attention to Labor Veterans, because there are quite a lot of them throughout the country. So, Moscow Labor Veterans have the right to an additional 1,000 rubles per month. But under one condition: their cash income for 12 months must not exceed 1 million 800 thousand rubles.

Minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2020

Elderly people in Russia, as mentioned above, cannot receive a pension below the average annual subsistence level for a pensioner in their territory of residence.

For example, in 2016, the cost of living for a pensioner in the Moscow region was set at 8,950 rubles. As usual, it was increased by some amount every year. For clarity, we even reduced its dimensions to different years to the table:

Change in the cost of living of a pensioner in the Moscow Region




It would be logical to expect that in 2020 its size will also increase at least a little. But it was not there.

The cost of living for a pensioner in the Moscow region for 2020 was again set at 9,908 rubles. This is what the deputies of the Moscow Regional Duma decided (Law of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2019 N 173/2019-OZ).

As a result, the level of subsistence level for a pensioner in the territory of the Moscow Region, and, accordingly, the conditional amount of the minimum pension in the Moscow region for 2020 is equal to 9 thousand 908 rubles.

What about in other cities?

The living wage for a pensioner, which allows one to approximately determine the minimum pension amount, is established annually in each region of Russia. Moscow and the Moscow Region have already been discussed above, but here, for example, is its size in some other constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The minimum old-age pension is the basic income that should be paid to an elderly person who has retired. How much it? Considering that pension legislation in our country is quite confusing, the answer to this question is not easy to find. Let's figure it out.

What is the minimum pension

In the current Russian legislation there is no official concept of “minimum pension amount”. But the concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, approved by Decree of the Government of Russia dated November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r, provides that the lower level of old-age pension is established similar to the cost of living of a pensioner in the region of his residence. Taking this into account, the size of the minimum old-age pension in 2020 will be considered the minimum subsistence level.

The cost of living for a pensioner is established separately throughout Russia and separately in each subject of the Russian Federation. They will differ for residents of different regions: even in Moscow and St. Petersburg old-age pensions are different.

Who gets this minimum?

Recipients of the minimum pension in Russia are citizens who have seniority, insufficient to receive a full labor pension, those who have not earned .

What is the minimum if you have experience?

To receive an old-age pension, you must reach a certain age, have at least a minimum work experience and the required number of points. In 2020 these parameters are:

  • 65 years - for men and 60 - for women (from 2019 the age has been increased);
  • experience - 10 years;
  • IPK -18.6 points.

When calculating length of service, only the time of official employment during which payments to the Pension Fund took place is taken into account.

The size of the pension directly depends on the length of service and the number of points accumulated. If they are minimal, then the size of the pension is minimal and depends on the pensioner’s subsistence level.

Minimum pension in Russia in 2020: table by region

The cost of living for a pensioner in the Russian Federation as a whole from 01/01/2020 is 9,311 rubles per month.

In Moscow in 2019, it was 17,500 rubles for unemployed elderly people who had lived in the capital for at least 10 years (taking into account the application of the Moscow city standard). For other Moscow pensioners, the minimum wage is calculated at the regional level and last year was 12,115 rubles per month.

As of 01/01/2020, a new minimum living wage for a pensioner in Moscow has been established - 12,578 rubles.

Most big size pensions - for pensioners living in the Chukotka and Nenets Autonomous Okrugs (19,000 and 17,956 rubles, respectively), in Kamchatka (16,543 rubles) and in the Magadan region (15,460 rubles), which is due to high cost food products in these regions.

The northern capital cannot keep up with Moscow and Chukotka - the minimum pension in St. Petersburg is equal to the Russian average and in 2020 is 9,311 rubles. According to PFR forecasts, in 2019 it was planned to increase its size to 9,476 rubles, but this did not happen.

Full list of regions with the cost of living for a pensioner:

Region Whole population Pensioners
Altai region10 050 8681
Amur region12 235 9936
Arhangelsk region14 107 12 712
Astrakhan region10 437 8724
Belgorod region9236 7664
Bryansk region10 615 8823
Vladimir region10 485 8827
Volgograd region9566 7787
Vologda Region11 091 9227
Voronezh region9390 7897
Jewish Autonomous Region15 344,38 14 956,35
Transbaikal region12 473, 32 9984,22
Ivanovo region10 345 8674
Irkutsk region11 567 9365
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic12 431 9565
Kaliningrad region11 392 9361
Kaluga region11 117 9216
Kamchatka Krai20 652 16 405
Karachay-Cherkess Republic9936 8002
Kemerovo region10 339 8337
Kirov region10 330 8453
Kostroma region10 624 8901
Krasnodar region10 989 9080
Krasnoyarsk region12 689 9942
Kurgan region10 222 8507
Kursk region10 018 8327
Leningrad region11 028 9397
Lipetsk region9399 7900
Magadan Region19 740 15 636
Moscow17 679 12 487
Moscow region13 115 9848
Murmansk region16 886 14 040
Nenets Autonomous Okrug19 599 16 031
Nizhny Novgorod Region10 168 8389
Novgorod region10 447 8661
Novosibirsk region11 475 9247
Omsk region10 100 8114
Orenburg region9585 7951
Oryol Region10 215 8491
Penza region9179 7629
Perm region10 556 8703
Primorsky Krai13 276 10 678
Pskov region11 184 9251
Republic of Adygea9368 7681
Altai Republic10 190 8543
Republic of Bashkortostan9992 8148
The Republic of Buryatia11 631 9190
The Republic of Dagestan10 043 7956
The Republic of Ingushetia9884 7769
Republic of Kalmykia9919 7949
Republic of Karelia13 795 11 545
Komi Republic13 791 11 366
Republic of Crimea10 509 8615
Mari El Republic9708 7911
The Republic of Mordovia9181 7592
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)18 161 17 660
Republic North Ossetia- Alanya9414 7618
Republic of Tatarstan9295 7604
Tyva Republic10 778 8536
The Republic of Khakassia11 139 8957
Rostov region10 351 8377
Ryazan Oblast10 123 8416
Samara Region10 659 8505
Saint Petersburg11 465,30 9303,80
Saratov region9339 7742
Sakhalin region15 065 12 082
Sverdlovsk region10 811 8835
Sevastopol11 538 9514
Smolensk region10 810 9000
Stavropol region9250 7560
Tambov Region9879 8450
Tver region10 676,68 8831,91
Tomsk region11 656 9403
Tula region10 621 9131
Tyumen region11 447 9174
Udmurt republic9830 8002
Ulyanovsk region10 159 8340
Khabarovsk region14 417 11 622
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra15 376 12 625
Chelyabinsk region10 276 8510
Chechen Republic10 998 9089
Chuvash Republic9285 7576
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug21 997 16 988
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug16 225 12 772
Yaroslavl region10 573 8611

Amount of social pension for disabled people

Social pension is a benefit for vulnerable categories of citizens. Disabled people, disabled children and disabled dependents due to the loss of a breadwinner are entitled to it.

Its sizes vary depending on the category and are set annually on April 1st. fixed size. From April 1, 2019, social pensions were indexed by 2.9% and in 2020 are:

  • 5180.24 rub. - disabled people of group 2 (except for disabled children);
  • 5180.24 rub. - children under 18 years of age (up to 23 with full-time education) who have lost their breadwinner - one of their parents;
  • RUB 12,432.44 - disabled people of group 1 since childhood, disabled children;
  • RUB 10,360.52 - disabled people of group 2 since childhood;
  • RUB 10,360.52 - disabled people of group 1;
  • 10,360.52 rub. - children under 18 years of age (up to 23, studying full-time) who have lost both parents;
  • RUB 4,403.24 - disabled people of group 3.

If the amount of the social pension is lower than the regional subsistence level of the pensioner, then a social supplement is assigned.

Indexation of social old-age pension in 2020

We have already figured out that the minimum pension in Russia is equal to the subsistence level of a pensioner in a particular region. And it is not indexed like other pensions. But regions have the right to annually review the cost of living (which they do). It grows little by little, and the pension grows with it.

This can hardly be called fair growth. For example, in St. Petersburg, this figure increased by almost 100 rubles from the 1st to the 3rd quarter of 2019 - from 9221.70 to 9303.80 rubles. But, nevertheless, there is movement.

When the pension is increased

Pensions are increased in three cases:

  • during indexing. The coefficient is set by the Russian government at the beginning of each year;
  • due to recalculation. For working pensioners it is carried out annually on August 1, for non-working pensioners - at the request of the pensioner, if there are grounds for recalculation;
  • by increasing the regional cost of living of a pensioner. The increase occurs annually from 01.01.

It follows from this that we expect the next increase after 2020 on 01/01/2021.

Leveling system in action

Despite any reforms being carried out in Russia, a system of equalization in matters of social security is still present. A person who has not worked all his life and has not paid taxes, upon reaching a certain age, has the right to apply for a monthly subsidy from the state in the amount of the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region. And a person who worked all his life but received a small salary will receive almost the same amount - the minimum old-age pension will be similar.

Humanely? Without a doubt. But is it fair?

The priority continues to be the low-income population.

Social pensions are indexed annually, on April 1, 2016 the amount rose to 8,562 rubles. It is worth noting that the legislation does not contain the concept of “minimum pension”. It is customary to compare it with the cost of living, which is different in each region of Russia.

The average pension in Russia in 2017 will be equal to 13,700 rubles (pension with various additional payments and allowances). The positive dynamics continue. The figure increased significantly compared to last year, but still could not exceed the expected amount. Initially it was planned that the average pension would be 13,700 rubles.

It is worth noting that pension growth is like a speed competition. The figure grew almost twice as fast as price inflation for consumer goods.

To consolidate the results, the government will have to index payments, otherwise the achievements will be leveled out.

Living wage in regions of Russia

In the Russian capital, this figure is 10,823 rubles (for pensioners). Each region has its own numbers, and as a result, its own pension benefits. In the Northwestern Federal District, in particular in the Nenets Autonomous District, the cost of living is 15,837 rubles.

The same figure for pensioners in Chechnya is 8,171 rubles; residents of the Rostov region will need 7,869 rubles. In the Republic of Bashkortostan the cost of living is 7,061 rubles, while in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug it is 11,459 rubles.

The minimum in the Siberian District is a little more than 8,000 rubles; in the Far East, the highest figure is for residents of Chukotka, exactly 14,090 rubles.

How to increase the minimum pension?

It is important to understand that if the pension is below the subsistence level, then the person has the right to social. These payments are designed to equalize the pension and the cost of living established in a certain region of the country.

The requirement to receive the minimum pension will gradually increase until 2024, and now it is equal to six years.

How can you increase the minimum pension?

  • Due to indexing;
  • upon reaching eighty years of age;
  • if available (from 1 or more relatives);
  • if you decide to return to active work again.

Story. Time travel

It’s scary to say that back in 1999 the average pension in Russia was 449 rubles, a year later it grew to 700 rubles, and in 2005 this figure was 2,538 rubles. Taking into account inflation, in dollar terms, from the beginning of 2000 to 2012, the size of pensions increased fivefold.

Average pension in Russia over the past 11 years:

Average pension in other countries of the world

As you understand, in different countries your retirement age, your own system of contributions, savings and standard of living:

  1. China. The average pension is 160 USD. An employee's work experience in a state-owned enterprise must be at least fifteen years. It is noteworthy that rural residents are not entitled to pensions.
  2. USA. The average pension is 1700 USD. The amount directly depends on the length of service, but even if a person has never really worked anywhere, he still has the right to receive benefits in the amount of $280.
  3. Poland. The average pension is 440 USD. Separately, it is worth noting that Poles retire at 67 years old. The social insurance system is responsible for most of the payments.
  4. Spain. The average pension is 800 USD. The country is distinguished by low prices for essential goods, and pension payments here can reach 100% of the average salary.
  5. Netherlands. The average pension is 1,400 USD. Source pension payments in Holland the state itself, voluntary pension insurance or professional pension systems can act.
  6. Israel. The average pension is 1,500 USD. There is no pension fund in the country; the social insurance fund is responsible for all payments. He also pays unemployment benefits.
  7. UAE. The average pension is 3,000 USD. The law does not define a retirement age; anyone with 25 years of work experience can retire. The level of education is also important, affecting both the level of salary and the level of pension.

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As people approach retirement age, they increasingly begin to think about what the minimum old-age pension is. The amount of charges may vary greatly. The size of payments is influenced by a whole list of factors. In order to predict in advance what size pension awaits him, a person must carefully study a number of nuances that affect the amount of the amount.


The state strives to support citizens. For this reason, a pension can be assigned not only in connection with reaching retirement age. There are types of payments:

  • old age;
  • for loss of a breadwinner;
  • on disability.

An old-age pension is granted to persons who have reached a certain age. For women, this threshold is 55 years old, and for men – 60. Disability accruals are made to persons who have been recognized as belonging to this category of citizens by a doctor’s opinion. Survivor benefits are provided to minor children or students studying full-time at a higher educational institution.

To receive a labor pension, a person must earn at least 9 labor points and have total experience more than 7 years. The period that must be worked to receive payments increases by 1 year annually. If a person entering retirement in 2016 needs to work for at least 7 years, then for a pensioner in 2025 the period will be increased to 15.

The amount of points awarded depends on the person’s salary. If he works under an employment contract, and the employer promptly transfers taxes for the employee to the Pension Fund, the value of the points received will be greater.

What affects the size

The sphere of pension provision for citizens is constantly undergoing changes. The state is striving to increase the importance of the insurance period and bring the size of the pension in Russia in accordance with the salary that the citizen received. According to the current formula, when calculating a pension, the following are taken into account:

  • the age at which a person applied to the state with a request to grant him a pension;
  • salary amount;
  • the amount of insurance experience;
  • pension option.

The more money a person received as wages, the larger the retirement pension will be. However, if the employee received a “gray” salary and the employer did not make contributions to Pension Fund, the amount of charges will be significantly reduced.

Maximum size

The state does not establish the maximum amount of accruals that a person entering retirement can receive. However, due to the current situation, the state is forced to save. For this reason, it encourages individuals planning to continue labor activity After reaching retirement age, do not apply for a pension. To stimulate citizens, the state is ready to increase the amount of payments. The later a person submits an application for accrual, the larger the monthly payment will be.

Statistics: “Pensions of senior officials of Russia”

Average pension in Russia

Today, the average pension in Russia is about 13,700 rubles. Compared to the amount of wages, the amount of funds received by citizens on well-deserved rest is only 40% of the amount.

The amount of the pension can vary significantly depending on what the payment was for. Citizens receive:

  • 8,562 rubles if they are assigned a social pension;
  • 8,790 rubles for disabled children;
  • 30,700 rubles for injuries or disability received during hostilities.

The state strives to improve the lives of citizens who have worked all their lives for the benefit of society. According to statistics, Russia has the best pension provision among the countries of the post-Soviet space. The state is constantly increasing the amount of charges. Every year the Government carries out indexation. Experts say that pensions are growing 2 times faster than the cost of products and services.

Minimum size

When thinking about what the minimum pension is, a citizen must remember that such a concept does not appear in the current legislation. The amount of charges depends on the circumstances.

When calculating old-age pensions, Pension Fund specialists compare the resulting figure with the minimum level established for the republic. If the amount earned by a person during his working period is lower, he will receive additional social benefits. With their help, the pension amount will be brought up to the subsistence level established for pensioners. To receive a social supplement, a person must write an application.

However, it should be remembered that pensioners who did not stop working after reaching retirement age are not entitled to additional payment.

There are other cases in which the state will increase the minimum pension. These include:

  • the person is 80 years old;
  • indexation of pensions is carried out;
  • The pensioner is dependent on 1 or more family members.

All about labor pension

To receive a labor pension, a person must officially work for at least 7 years. In practice, there are often cases when a citizen does not have enough experience. In this case, the labor pension will be replaced by a social one.

Types of surcharges

Additional payments that are accrued to a person if the pension amount is below the subsistence minimum are of 2 types: federal and regional. They vary depending on the budgets from which they are paid. A federal surcharge is assigned if the payment amount is below the minimum established in Russia. If a person’s pension is more than the minimum in the country, but does not reach the level established in the republic, the pensioner will receive an additional payment from the republican budget.

In 2016, the average cost of living in Russia was set at 8,803 rubles. The amount varies significantly by region. Residents of the Kursk region receive the smallest payments. The living wage here is 6,391 rubles. They pay the most in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Here residents can expect that their minimum pension will be 19,000 rubles.

Only a pensioner who has stopped working can receive additional payment from the regional budget. If it continues to work, no funds will be credited.

How to find out the amount of your old age pension

If a person wants to find out how much accrual he is entitled to, he can go to the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and use the calculator. The tool works online. To get started with it, you need to:

  • indicate the average salary;
  • the number of years the person has worked;
  • the period when a citizen is going to submit an application for a pension;
  • time of child care or period of military service.

Please remember that the calculator provides only approximate results. The calculated and actual pension amount may differ. The tool performs calculations on this moment, without taking into account future changes.

Pension point

In 2015, a law came into force according to which the size of the pension is calculated based on the points received. Its size is 64.1 rubles. In the future, this amount will be indexed. The amount of points awarded depends on:

  • the level of contributions to the pension fund paid from wages;
  • length of work experience;
  • caring for a person over 80 years of age;
  • period of parental leave.

The higher the salary, the more points will be awarded. You can earn up to 10 points in 1 year. The highest value is accrued if a person receives the maximum salary from which contributions to the Pension Fund are made.

In order for a person to receive a pension, he must score a minimum number of points. At the start of the innovation, the threshold was fixed at 6.6 points. However, the size is constantly increasing. By 2025, the threshold will be 30 points. If a person cannot collect the required amount, he can only count on social benefits.

Pension in points

What benefits are available to pensioners in addition to monthly payments?

Pensioners are a socially unprotected segment of the population. For this reason, the state provides them with additional benefits and allowances. A person who has reached retirement age can count on:

  • exemption from property tax;
  • compensation for payments for housing and communal services;
  • discounted travel on public transport;
  • receiving free medical care.

The provision of benefits is regulated not only by federal, but also by local legislation. Thus, the list of medical services provided free of charge may vary. In addition, not in all republics a pensioner can receive a discount on travel or use public transport for free. For this reason, the benefits of most benefits are relative.

What to expect in the future

According to the Government, next year the value of pensions should reach the level of inflation. Experts are skeptical about this statement, but government officials are serious.

In January 2017, pensioners will be able to receive a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles. Cash will replace 2 indexation of pensions, which was not carried out in 2016. In addition, 1 indexation will be carried out in February 2017 next year. However, it should be remembered that the amount that citizens receive today will be increased. No additional increases are expected during this period.