Poems about aviation, congratulations on Civil Aviation Day. Aviation holidays. Congratulations on Aviation Day Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day

In civil aviation, son,
You were able to become a first-class pilot.
We congratulate you on your mother,
We wish you happiness on your holiday, loving.

Let the plane fly
And there will always be a corridor in the sky.
Wear your uniform with dignity and pride,
After all, you are a son, a pilot and commander.


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Do not violate flight regulations

Honorable work, friend, you are busy,
In civil aviation, your world.
And the heavens beckon you with romance,
Idol of great heights and speed.

I want to congratulate you on your holiday,
You, your colleagues, the whole team.
So that the frequency of flights can be forced,
Do not violate flight regulations.


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Civil aviation
We send congratulations!
Let the banknotes flow
It's pouring rain on you.
May the skies be transparent
They give you their space!
Let flying make you happy
The beauty of the seas and mountains!
May your guardian angels
They are on duty near you
So that there are trips
Good luck every time!


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Gives the crew a kind look

Civil aviation now
He celebrates his holiday in every possible way.
Congratulations, friend, without loud phrases,
There are many of them in your life.

Let the passengers thank you
You more often, for your work.
The crew gives only a kind look,
So that there is no miscalculation in flights.


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Happy holiday! Civil Aviation!
You always have a plane, a walkie-talkie,

There are flight attendants, pilots, routes,
There are offers to get there in minutes

Quickly to any point on our planet.
You need to pack your suitcase and buy tickets.

And now you soar like a bird above the clouds.
Oh, aviation, don’t part with us!


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With civil aviation,
We have been connected for a long time.
We made flights
Like in a big movie.
Everyone has experienced so much
In the heavenly turns.
May your wishes come true
I congratulate you!!!

Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day

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To serve in Civil Aviation,
From a young age you became my beloved brother.
And you can’t just live without her,
Let the sky be your flight protected.

I wish you to be on every flight,
Calm, strong, brave, neat.
In flight, open the wings of the soul,
So that happiness lasts with pleasant courage.


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Your house, your plane

In civil aviation,
You have found your destiny.
At the height of civilization,
You can't be idle.

I want to congratulate you, friend,
After all, your house is your plane.
Airfields are all around
They always let it take off.


Such a holiday as Civil Aviation Day can rightfully be considered global. Back in 1996, at the international level, this day was included in the calendars of many countries. In Russia, this field of activity dates back to the coming to power of the Soviet regime, namely in 1923. The same year was marked in the history of the country with the opening of an airline running from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod. The so-called “heavenly road” was over four hundred kilometers long. This became the first step towards the formation and expansion of the Russian air fleet, which later bore the name “Dobrolet”. The day of the birth of USSR aviation can be considered February 1923, since it was then that the governing body of control over everything that happened in the sky was created. We celebrate International Civil Aviation Day - December 7th.

We are always proud of civil aviation,
We can't do without flights,
Either on a business trip or on vacation, we are always in a hurry,
And we fly comfortably on airliners.
I congratulate you on Civil Aviation Day,
I wish you great success in your personal life,
May the landing be beautiful and easy,
And in general, may everything in your life go smoothly.

Beautiful looking plane
And at the helm is a brave and courageous pilot,
We carry out all our flights fearlessly,
After all, a reliable crew: flight attendants and pilots.
Today we celebrate Civil Aviation Day,
Congratulations to all brave pilots,
May heaven always greet you with joy,
So that you receive gratitude from us more often.

In December we all celebrate a glorious holiday,
We call all civil aviation workers
Always fearless, faithful sons of heaven,
We are sure that flying is not scary for us.
Let me congratulate you on Civil Aviation Day,
I wish you happiness, joy, goodness,
May luck smile often,
And so that the landing is always easy.

Civil aviation is always at its best
Flights take place throughout the country,
The pilots at the controls are great daredevils,
And the flight attendants! At least paint pictures from them.
We congratulate you on this wonderful holiday,
We wish the crew happiness and good health,
Let the weather always be flying.
May God grant that your life is wonderful.

On civil aviation day, today,
We wish you sunny weather,
May there be no black clouds on the way,
And expects only happiness ahead.
May every day bring you victories,
And good luck, and bright smiles,
May the Lord drive away troubles from you,
And it will warm you with warmth for many years.

On the day of civil aviation I wish,
Fair wind to you on your journey,
And I congratulate you from my heart and soul,
May good luck lie ahead.
Let happiness in life warm you with warmth,
And gives success, and strength, love,
And fills the soul with warmth and goodness,
Bring a smile to the soul again and again.

Today is civil aviation day,
We sincerely congratulate the pilots,
May luck smile on them along the way,
We wish them a fair wind.
May happiness be with you along the way
It goes, brings bright moments,
May the angels always protect you
And all sunrises give clarity of mood.

On the day of civil aviation,
Handshake and applause to all pilots,
We wish you peaceful service and goodness,
Let the earth be a reliable berth.
Happy flights and easy landings,
Great happiness, joy, goodness,
May your path in life be smooth,
May you be lucky in everything, always.

Civil aviation honor and praise,
We can't do without you,
Always take us comfortably from point to point,
May God grant you good health, peace and warmth.
Let the airspace be cloudless,
May sadness forget you forever,
May happiness always smile on you,
May fate be favorable.

Congratulations to all civil aviation pilots,
May great success await you in life,
Let work bring inspiration,
And gives everyone a great mood.
May the landing always be easy,
Let your family wait impatiently at home,
May all your wishes come true
May luck always smile.

To everyone who transports passengers and luggage,
Congratulations are dedicated to our beautiful.
On Civil Aviation Day we toast,
Let us proclaim for those whose work is not at all easy.
Get only pleasure from work,
Let life be as pleasant as jam!

WITH will you survive the ups,
Very long flights
Of the most successful landings,
And everything is in order!

Because for pilots,
Airplanes are the most important
And not beautiful girls,
Their gorgeous walks!

May heaven accept you
Your dear home misses you!
So that both west and east,
Sent congratulations!


B without you, perhaps, it is impossible,
And it’s not even very easy,
But it's just a little worrying
When you fly high.

You'll get us there in no time,
To Nakhodka or Bali,
This is the job of pilots,
Far from family for a long time.

And let your work sometimes not be sweet,
We congratulate you, friends,
Wonderful soft landings,
You can’t do it any other way!

M mechanics, helmsmen, flight attendants,
May your flights be successful and easy,
May heaven protect the crew and passengers,
Let everyone's path be filled with happiness!

Develop working skills
Receive bright impressions,
Personal happiness, health, goodness,
May the heights be favorable to you!


TO everyone flies so much,
What progress has been made?
Let the industry prosper
Conquerors of the skies.

We wish with all our hearts,
Our dear pilot,
Let it be safe
Your every flight.

Good luck! Undoubtedly
She won't interfere
When in the vastness of the sky
Your plane is taking off.


WITH the plane reduces space,
To make meetings faster,
To surf the world space,
By airways quickly!

Who has anything to do with aviation?
Has - congratulations to everyone!
Have a nice trip,
And we wish you a soft landing!

So that force majeure occurs during the flight,
It never happened to you at all
To cope with any situation,
It worked quickly.


WITH Civil Aviation Day,
After all, heaven is available to us,
And there is such a wonderful transport,
What in just two hours?

Us from snow-white Siberia
He will fly comfortably to the south in an instant,
This is the right thing to do!
Happy holiday again, my friend!


A civil aviation
On an important day, hello big;
Everything the boys do
Created with the soul.

You are very helpful
In an easy or difficult hour;
The times have now come...
What would we do without you!

May the fun be with you
And your health protects you;
Everything related to work
It will be as strong as granite.


IN the car took off,
Competing with the whirlwinds,
Like a seed in a watermelon
Citizens are crammed into it.

Airplanes are power
Both countries and nations.
Congratulations to all who serve
In civil aviation!


P I congratulate you on the International Civil Aviation Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you brave and high flights in complete safety and absolute comfort, I wish that every take-off is successful and that the landing is successful, so that the soul never ceases to love the sky and always enjoys conquering the airspace. I wish you a peaceful sky, good health and happiness of immense proportions, like the expanses of heaven.


IN international civil aviation day
Let's raise our glasses,
For those who make our skies blue
In love with both heart and soul.

We wish you wonderful flights,
And a fair breeze on the way,
Soft landings and successful takeoffs,
So that there is no fog or thunderstorm.


R a job full of romance and dreams,
You reach the sun and the stars.
And on this day, applause sounds for you -
On International Civil Aviation Day!

May the sky be welcoming to you,
The landing is soft, not noticeable,
Fair winds across the ocean,
Flights without problems and without air pockets!


AND We wish you successful takeoffs and landings,
So that you land with the ease of a feather!
You are aces in your field, definitely
So today we shout “hurray” to you!

We sincerely wish you good flying weather,
May you have great success in your career,
So that always, at any time of the year,
You have only moved upward in life!


IN Congratulations to all pilots,
On this holiday,
They know the sky like their own,
Guys up and down.

I wish you good weather
Perfect every day
Takeoffs and soft landings,
May they wait for you on earth!


N and a plane flies to the North Pole
And he can deliver to southern countries.
So let aviation grow stronger and stronger
And it surprises everyone, including opponents!

Happy Aviation Day to you! Your ways
Let them be free, bright and calm.
Let the plane fly high,
And it will land as it should, with dignity!


WITH Happy Civil Aviation Day!
You're great at flying a plane.
May it be a holiday with song and dance,
He will come to the house with a big feast!

So that you gain strength
And had a good rest
And tomorrow I'm getting ready to hit the road again
And looked into the blue sky!


P just looking to the sky,
We are following the plane
And we envy: “I wish I could
Soar in the clouds as a pilot,

Cutting through the air, rushing
High above the clouds
Don't be afraid at all
That there is no ground under your feet."

We envy without knowing
What is it like to be a pilot?
But this is not simple,
Very difficult job.

Good luck to everyone in the sky!
The weather is always good for them.
Let their connection not fail
And they bypass all adversity!


T s, our friend, a simple mechanic,
Just fixing the plane
And therefore, my friend,
You are more important than the pilot!

Sometimes it depends on you
What will happen in the skies?
Life of people and planes,
It's in your hands, my friend!

And therefore we wish
So that your hand does not tremble,
We give you congratulations
And good luck forever!


A Viators of the country
We desperately need
So that planes fly
The flights were peaceful!

Congratulations to all civilians,
We wish you many flights,
Please passengers
Loving them, transport them!

Houses of happiness and goodness,
And warmth of soul,
In this little poem
We included congratulations!


WITH Today is a holiday for all pilots, flight attendants
And everyone who has an interest in aviation,
Let all pilots celebrate their holiday
And all planes fly safely.
Congratulations to all aviators today
We wish you all a soft landing
Aviation is important today
It is necessary for everyone and it is needed for everyone
Let them pay you a bag of salaries
In the meantime, congratulations!


WITH Today is the holiday of those in the sky. Today is Civil Aviation Day. Every worker in this industry is a true professional, it cannot be otherwise. Thank you for allowing people to fly. Because we feel comfortable and calm in the sky. Your job is not only the romance of flying, but also a huge responsibility. Clear skies, summer weather and all sorts of blessings!


A civil aviation
International Day.
There will be a way, let it be airy
Light and free.

To everyone involved in this area
I wish you happiness.
Happy day, lords of the sky,
Congratulations to all of you.


N let the plane fail
You, dear pilot.
And the family makes me happy at home,
Happy Aviation Day, cheers.

And let your health not be naughty,
And the sky keeps beckoning, beckoning...
I wish you fewer black holes,
In honor of the holiday, have a feast.

Dear civil aviation workers, industry veterans! I sincerely congratulate you on professional holiday International Civil Aviation Day !
The Russian air fleet, which is designed to transport passengers, mail and cargo, originated in 1923. The first flight was made along the Moscow – Nizhny Novgorod route, and its length was 420 kilometers.
Since then, civil aviation has operated exclusively for peaceful purposes, meeting the needs of the population for safe, regular, efficient and economical international air transport, creating and developing airlines, airports, and navigation equipment.
Russian domestic civil aviation has come a long way, marked by glorious events in aircraft manufacturing, and today is the most high-tech in the Russian transport system. Domestic air carriers already carry more than 110 million passengers. And this list continues to grow.
The state, social and economic role of civil aviation can hardly be overestimated. Our life is simply unthinkable without aviation, which connects people, connects the vast expanse of Russia, countries, continents.
At all times, from the birth of aviation to the present day, the main asset of the industry, its main potential, are people who faithfully serve their people. All workers in this industry, from air traffic controllers and pilots to airport employees, selflessly devote their strength, knowledge, and experience to serving the sky and their country. Courageous, talented and dedicated aviators ensure reliable and regular air transportation and a high standard of passenger service. And the labor successes of aviators rightfully receive national vocation and respect.
Veterans of civil aviation, who many years ago laid air routes and mastered new types of aircraft, deserve special words of gratitude. Their example of an impeccable attitude to business is the best science for young employees who gratefully adopt the best traditions of domestic aviation, carefully preserving and passing them on from one generation to another. Thanks to the efforts of young talented aviators, domestic civil aviation continues to develop today.
Dear colleagues, dear civil aviation workers. From the heart Congratulations on International Civil Aviation Day ! Ensuring the normal functioning of Russians and the socio-economic development of entire regions depend on your uninterrupted work. Therefore, thank you again for connecting your life with aviation, for your conscientious work and loyalty to professional duty! Your professionalism, responsibility and patriotism are a reliable guarantee of the revival and further development of civil aviation.
I wish all generations of workers in the Russian air transport industry good health, inexhaustible vital energy, happiness and love to your families, conquering new heights! I also wish you wonderful flights, clear clear skies, a safe return home, always a soft landing, happy smiles from passengers and your family who meet you after work!

Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day
(in Russia it is celebrated on February 9, in the world - on December 7)


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Civil aviation today has honor and glory:
Mechanics, tankers and flight attendants,
And technicians, and pilots, and warehouse loaders,
Duty officers, receptionists and all dispatchers.
We wish you a peaceful sky, health and prosperity,
Smiles and attention, care and love.
You dedicate yourself to your work without reserve,
So let all your days be filled with joy!


Happy Civil Aviation Day
I'm in a hurry for you in snowy February.
You love the sky, and this cannot be fixed,
You feel comfortable and interesting being together!
You will recognize him by the sun and the wind,
Through the airy multi-colored clouds,
You travel the world with him.
Well, fly! But come back to us again!


Congratulations to Russian aviators!
Prosperity and happiness to you, friends,
So that the heavenly expanses plow,
After all, we can’t do without you.
Let there be as many landings as there are takeoffs,
May the car never let you down,
There will be many bright episodes in life,
May you be lucky in the clouds and on the ground!


We don’t notice the frost on a winter day,
After all, the motor beats fiery in the chest.
We celebrate Civil Aviation Day,
Leaving all sorrows behind.
We have open wings behind us,
There is always a planned route ahead.
We know neither fear nor despondency,
We really appreciate it when they believe in us and wait.
May we have everything: success and joy,
Warm home, health, friendship and love.
We got a wonderful profession,
So let's celebrate this common holiday again!


The coolness of the platform and the rumble of the plane,
Parking lot markings, station lights –
The usual everyday life of any pilot.
So let them be successful!
May the sky greet you with a ray of sunshine,
And your iron friend will be reliable,
Let the earth welcome you with soul and warmth,
And in life there will be no adversity and separation!


Congratulations, aviator!
Today is your holiday.
Without a winged profession
You won't live even a day.
Let work be a joy
Let your dreams come true
Fatigue runs away
Everything will be as you want!

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