Capital pensioners are offered to enroll in hobby groups. Projects of the institution Events for people of retirement age

What do interest clubs represent for older people today? Do they really help retirees start a second life?

In Western cultures and societies, the main categories that determine the value of an individual are his effectiveness and productivity. As you know, citizens after 50 and 60 are not doing well with these qualities. At least that's the general opinion.

There are exception professions, for example, politicians reach their peak after 70, and this is also common knowledge. It is also known that they receive .

But for an ordinary citizen, at pre-retirement age, a period begins when he is not very welcome at work. Management allows itself to treat him negatively and dismissively and no longer expects anything outstanding from him.

And after retiring, a person runs the risk of finding himself in a situation of isolation and separation from real life.

Here, of course, there is the fact that people are simply afraid of aging and death, and because of this they try to stay away from old people, especially the infirm. Of course, not all older people experience the negative impact of ageism and prejudices about aging, but many have a hard time.

Modern states are experiencing a general process of population aging. The proportion of elderly people, over 65, is increasing over time, and old age itself is already perceived by society as a social problem. Adaptation of older people has acquired a social character, and age-related characteristics in this case fade into the background, although they do not lose their importance.

The paradox is that society, considering a person too old to stop working with him, perceives him by default as young enough to solve his own problems on his own.

Received a pension or benefit - and be satisfied, what else do you need from us? We are young people, we have our whole lives ahead of us, but the old people have outlived their time, what can we expect from them? Unless of an inheritance and the status that accompanies it. That is, the life experience, professional skills and knowledge of an aged person are perceived as useless and become unclaimed by society.

An elderly person, of course, perceives this fact as a blatant injustice. Some old people resign themselves, others rebel, and some of the pensioners, the most active and sensible, not wanting to remain in a state of stagnation and isolation, are looking for a way out of the impasse.

What should a pensioner, especially a newly minted one, thrown out of the usual rhythm of life, do in such a situation? First of all, do not fall into despondency, which, as is known, “there is boredom in every activity”, and start looking for something that suits your liking, your interests.

In Russia, by the way, many public initiatives have appeared to attract pensioners to active life.

Eg, in Perm they came up with the “School for Middle-aged Entrepreneurs”, in which older people, having studied the basics of market laws and accounting, began selling goods produced with my own hands, through social networks, special websites and online stores.

For many, this science was easy, especially if the experience of the previous labor activity created the prerequisites for this. And at the same time, it turned out that activities that for many years were considered just a hobby became a source of income. For example, design, handicrafts - embroidery, knitting, etc.

Many pensioners who have retained their strength and do not want to part with their profession are engaged in volunteering, and in this matter society is meeting their needs halfway: volunteer training programs for older people have appeared in many social centers.

From the same series there are various interest clubs. Some of them are the fruit of self-organization, others are created by municipal services.

An example of self-organization is the Moscow club, which was created by pensioners, single and low-income people. At first there were few of them, and they were united by the desire not to lose touch with the cultural life of the capital.

Members of the "Old Moscow" club were able to visit theaters, exhibitions, museums, without which they, having become accustomed to it in Soviet time, no longer felt like Muscovites. It must be said that society readily met them halfway; for example, the Russian Academy of Arts, many Moscow theaters, and other organizations that began to cooperate with the club.

Clubs for older people began to be created in Russian cities at libraries, creativity centers, within social bodies and enterprises.

We have to admit that society is slowly realizing the need for such measures, since it cannot be allowed for a person in his declining years to be left alone, without communication with other people. This is fraught with depression and mental disorders, and interest clubs are a good antidote to these negative phenomena.

All over the world, in developed countries, especially European ones, older people make up too large a percentage of the total population for this to go unnoticed. So, in 1990, on December 4, the UN proclaimed October 1 International Day old people.

Since 1991, this day began to be celebrated in Europe, then in America, and since 1992 - in Russia.

IN European countries The life of pensioners is considered the most prosperous - in and other countries. First of all, various courses for older people, fitness clubs, and hobby establishments began to appear there.

In fact, the first interest clubs appeared in Europe back in the 19th century, and now this idea has been adapted for the elderly. In European cities, events are being held to introduce pensioners to modern technologies, the appropriate infrastructure is being created, and other measures are being taken to prevent older people from closing themselves within the walls of their home.

Not only hobby groups are created, but also psychotherapeutic groups, and various psychological trainings are organized. Western European pensioners actively travel, participate in development centers and other energizing events.

A kind of indicator that the public does not ignore pensioners is, among other things, fashion brands, presenting clothing lines for people of more than advanced age at shows.

A Russian pensioner, finding himself in a new situation, cut off from the work team, suddenly feels empty.

In this situation, it is contraindicated for a person to remain alone. Moreover, you should not give in to sad thoughts about your own uselessness. In fact, old age is a socially beneficial phenomenon; you just need to find a way to apply your rich life experience, skills and professional training.

And most importantly, we need to start communicating with others in new conditions. This is where interest clubs for older people come to the rescue. Work in such clubs is carried out on the following topics:

  • social assistance is provided to older people;
  • support from medical and social services;
  • work is carried out with war veterans;
  • the functioning of educational programs is ensured;
  • Leisure activities are organized in acceptable forms.

Such clubs are created either at the place of work or on a territorial basis.

Often, at a plant, factory or any other organization, clubs are established for former employees who have retired. People who worked together, were friends, and have known each other’s families for a long time gather there. They are interested in meeting, exchanging news, talking about their native enterprise.

A club at a pensioner’s place of residence is a completely different matter. Here people communicate more often because everything is nearby, within walking distance. Often such clubs operate at a library, or at a local community center, or at a social service center.

There are cases when meetings are held in cafes - older people do not neglect gastronomic pleasures.

The club for older people becomes like their new big family, where all members are equal and equally worthy. In this way, clubs compare favorably with the environment among relatives, where old man may feel superfluous, uninteresting and burdensome. This is not the case here.

Work in such a club can be organized in different ways, it all depends on the funds at its disposal. There should not be too many club members, otherwise the atmosphere of intimacy and comfort will be lost.

But you shouldn’t isolate yourself; you need to take care of establishing connections with other clubs and taking part in public events in your city. At the same time, all activities must be planned so that they correspond to the strengths and needs of pensioners.

Here are possible activities that are of interest to older people.

1. Often the club gives the opportunity to engage in some kind of craft or handmade, which is of general interest. This could be handicrafts, cutting and sewing, carpentry, photography or, for example, collecting medicinal herbs.

The results of your work can be sold at exhibitions, auctions, and sales, and at the same time replenish the club’s fund from the proceeds.

2. If the club has an area for growing plants, then there will always be enthusiasts for growing vegetables, flowers, ornamental shrubs and fruit trees. It is useful to place benches and tables on the site so that you can work in moderation and immediately relax, because all gardeners are no longer young.

3. As part of educational programs, you can organize classes, lectures, and courses in different fields of knowledge. Today, many discoveries are taking place, interesting news is coming from the field of technology, science and technology.

4. Elderly people enjoy working out amateur performances, are introduced to different types of art. Therefore, the following can be very popular:

  • drama club or amateur theater;
  • vocal classes or instrumental ensembles, including the popularization of song traditions;
  • painting, sculpture, different types drawing.

5. It is useful for those who are still able to organize recreational excursions into nature, organize preventive and even therapeutic exercises.

Pensioners love dancing very much, and it is worth organizing dance evenings for them more often. It’s especially good to do this in the summer, somewhere in a park, so that there is a spacious place surrounded by benches and good dance music.

Pensioners from all surrounding areas will gather at such a site. Some of them will surprise modern youth with their pompous dance style.

6. For those who like to have fun while sitting, they arrange Board games, but, of course, not gambling. The overwhelming number of pensioners have already taken to solving crossword puzzles, and they also have their own champions.

Older people also like to discuss books and magazines they have read, television series or matches of their favorite teams. If only there was a place to gather and sit in company, listen to the radio, and talk.

7. A seniors' club can provide invaluable assistance to its members by connecting them to the Internet. It is there that you can meet a lot of like-minded people united by common interests and have a wide audience for exchanging information.

Here you can find advice from experts, and the experience of home-grown craftsmen is presented, which they are happy to share. And, of course, you can plunge headlong into social networks.

What is remote work on the Internet and what vacancies are there for retirees? Find out .

8. Every club has holidays and special events. For example, it is customary to celebrate the birthdays of club members and memorable dates; this greatly unites the team.

Often a club for older people has a social support section, because among its members there may be those in need. No one is immune from sudden illness or family tragedy - this is where help is needed.

Club employees take care of older people, provide consultations, and give advice. They must be knowledgeable in social educational work, in psychology, pedagogy and sociology, in medical issues and socio-legal issues.

Interest clubs allow a pensioner to open a new page in his life. Often it is completely different from those already lived, unexpectedly interesting and exciting. As they say in such cases, everyone only lives twice, and clubs for older people can give a second life.

Club "Housewife"

The club unites in its ranks active, sociable, capable of self-care, pensioners and disabled people of the area, who, as a rule, cook delicious food. Those visiting the club exchange various recipes for preparing culinary dishes, subtleties, and then offer the dish to those present to try. Meetings of club members are scheduled on the eve of holidays, religious holidays(by appointment).

The person responsible for the work of the club is an employee of the Center, a social work specialist

Kalinina Irina Viktorovna

We invite everyone!!!

Club "Communication"

The club exists for disabled people of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf (VOG).

Those visiting the club exchange information, hold literary evenings, organize holiday tea parties, and receive advice from area specialists. Communication with club members occurs with the help of a sign language interpreter.

Meetings at the club are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month from 16.00 to 18.00

The head of the Day Care Department is responsible for the work of the club.

Bezuglaya Elena Mikhailovna

Club "Literary Lounge"

Those who attend the club learn poetry, learn to read faces, develop memory and speech, and participate in competitions for holidays. Classes are taught by retired volunteer, teacher N.K. Kolgan.

The work of the circle is carried out: Monday from 10.30-13.00

Chess and checkers club "Strategist"

The most popular club among men. The club's activities are aimed at popularizing the game of checkers, chess and backgammon among the population. Identification of the strongest players to participate in personal, regional, district competitions. Those who visit the club improve their intellectual skills, develop memory and attention.

Meetings are held on the basis of the Center for Development and Technology "Union" By Wednesdays from 15.00 to 20.00 address: Chobotovskaya, 1

Computer courses

The main objective of the courses is to train all pensioners and disabled people in the region to master the basic skills of using a computer and the Internet. In addition, mastering a computer for older people is an additional opportunity for communication. The list of services includes: provision computer equipment, initial training in the basics of computer literacy and subsequent consultations with a specialist supervising the work of the courses. Considering that the group is small, 4 people each, we can say that the specialist works with each of the pensioners almost individually. Course schedule:

Monday 10.00-13.00

Tuesday 09.00-11.00

Wednesday 10.00-13.00

Thursday 15.00-17.00

Friday 14.00-16.00

Course teachers: Barysheva Elena Sergeevna, Melikhov Sergey Vladimirovich, Leonova Tatyana Alekseevna

Circle "Let's dance and sing together"

The activities of the circle are aimed at dancing to maintain good health, developing a sense of musical rhythm, movement coordination, proper breathing, choreographic and musical abilities, as well as identifying talents for participation in music competitions. Those attending the club learn songs and organize performances for holidays. Here you can always sing and dance to your heart’s content and get a tremendous boost of energy.

Circle operating mode:

Monday and Wednesday

Classes in the circle are conducted by: cultural organizer


Vladimir Alexandrovich

Club "Game Library for Adults"

Those attending the club have the opportunity to share interests with friends. Feel physical and psychological satisfaction. Make social contacts, relieve stress, relax. The main task of the circle is to develop interpersonal interaction skills and stimulate cognitive activity. Organization of joint leisure activities for members of the circle.

Meetings in the circle are held 2 times a month (by appointment). Classes are conducted by the leader of the circle

Circle "Craftswoman"

Those attending the club learn handicraft skills, exchange work experience, develop creativity, attention, imagination and fine motor skills hands

The work of the circle is carried out twice a week - Tuesday And Thursday from 15.00-18.00 the leader of the circle conducts classes

Dirina Valeria Viktorovna

In the State Budgetary Institution TCSO "Novo-Peredelkino"Vnukovo branchcircles and clubs conduct their work,such as:

Psychological circle “Music of the Soul”

The activities of the psychological circle are aimed at mastering self-regulation techniques aimed at developing psychological stability, gaining peace of mind and psychological balance.

The purpose of the classes is to help you restore optimal psychological condition and health, restore the body’s internal strength and learn to effectively cope with stress and difficult life situations.

By attending our classes, you will receive:

Improved emotional state

Restoring mental balance

Relieving nervous tension by “unblocking” muscle tension

Increased vitality

Charge positive energy and good mood.

The work of the circle is carried out daily from 11.00 to 14.00

The psychologist responsible for the work of the circle

Dirina Valeria Viktorovna

Creative workshop “Golden bees” started its activities in 2006.

The work of the circle played a significant role in the work of the center, creating unique creative works(dolls, panels, decoration of interior items), interior design of the center, organization of exhibitions and holding festive events lecture activities. Based on the work of the “Golden Bees” circle, a program for the rehabilitation of elderly and disabled people through arts and crafts was developed.

“Golden Bees” are laureates and diploma winners of the exhibitions “Golden Potap”, “Moscow Craftswoman”, “World of Handicrafts”, “Touch the Beautiful with Your Soul”,

"My hobbies".

For many years, “Golden Bees” have been participants and prize-winners of the Moscow festival of applied creativity for people with disabilities “I’m just like you!”, and constantly exhibit works in the Vnukovo cultural center.

In the State Budgetary Institution TCSO “Novo-Peredelkino” branch “Solntsevo” there are clubs and circles, such as:

No. Name of the club/circle Schedule
1. Club"White Rook" Monday Wednesday Friday from 14:00 – 20:00
2. Club"Second wind" Tuesday – 9:00, 11:15 Wednesday – 9:00 Thursday — 9:00, 11:15
3. Circle"Fashionable decor" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday from 14:30 – 18:00
4. Circle"Gatherings" Saturday from 12:00 – 17:00
5. Choir club"Veterans" Thursday from 14:30 – 18:00
6. Dance club"Rhythm of the Soul" Tuesday from 15:30 – 18:00
7. Circle"Games in our yard" Wednesday Saturday from 13:00 – 15:00
8. Club"Fork" First and third Wednesday of the month from 15:00 – 18:00

The activities of clubs and circles are aimed at:

  1. Development of cognitive skills.
  2. Increasing the communicative potential of older people.
  3. Increasing self-esteem in older people.
  4. Opportunity for self-expression and association in interest groups.
  5. Involving older people in an active life in society.
  6. Creation of equal rights and opportunities for all categories of citizens.

Club"White Rook"

At the club you can play checkers and chess. Participation in regional events and regional competitions is also provided. The club regularly organizes chess and checkers tournaments among residents of the area.


  1. Organization of leisure time.
  2. Association of older people based on their interests.
  3. Participation in regional and regional competitions.


  1. Creating conditions conducive to acquiring and improving skills in playing chess and checkers.
  2. Unlocking personal potential.
  3. New social connections.
  4. Intensification of work to further popularize chess and checkers as an all-age and intellectual sport.

Club"Second wind"

The first sports and recreation complex “Voskhod” was opened in Solntsevo, where residents of the Solntsevo area practice swimming and gymnastics


"Second wind"

“To change your life, just one small step is enough - set a clear goal and fill your whole mind with it.” from Reed

Don't forget that:

  1. Age is not a barrier for sports.
  2. Sport is an organization of leisure time.
  3. Sport is health promotion and hardening.
  4. Sport is a positive attitude towards life.
  5. Sport means active longevity.

In club "Second wind" More than 30 people attend every month. Swimming is one of the most effective means to improve health and physical development person, from birth to old age.

Swimming has a positive effect on the development of the human cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Sports and recreation center "Voskhod" has developed special sets of exercises for the elderly, aimed at improving the health of older people. Disabled people and pensioners do gymnastics.

Health can and should be improved without the help of drugs!

Come to us!

Circle "Fashionable decor"


  1. Organization of leisure activities, creation of conditions for the development of the creative potential of the individual.
  2. Pensioners, disabled people and socially vulnerable residents of the area actively attend classes, they have a useful and necessary thing that helps them:

Live! Create! Develop!

Regularly held master classes for branch visitors, as well as members of the circle take an active part in various exhibitions


Main goals:

  1. Solve the communication problem.
  2. Develop communication potential.
  3. Make new friends.

Choir club"Veterans"

Purpose of the circle:

  1. Maintain and develop interest in Russian song, classical and folk music.
  2. Creating conditions for creative communication with the aim of actively realizing vocal abilities.

We would like more accordion players

Sing, dance, dance.

And the accordion player sings verses,

Praise, honor and honor to him!!!

Dance club"Rhythm of the Soul"

Purpose of the circle:

development of creative abilities of older people through the art of dance


  1. Create conditions for the development of creative activity of older people participating in dance activities.
  2. To introduce older people to dance culture and enrich their dance experience.
  3. Increase the self-esteem of older citizens.

Circle"Games in our yard"

We invite everyone to play good old games, such as: Russian lotto and dominoes, not requiring special preparation. And also spend a pleasant time in a cozy atmosphere, make new friends

Goals and objectives of the “Games in our yard” circle:

  1. Creating conditions for communication during gaming activities.
  2. Attraction large quantity elderly people to actively participate in board games.
  3. Increasing the communicative potential of older citizens.


People who are deaf communicate with each other using facial expressions and gestures


  1. Social integration of the hearing impaired.
  2. Expanding access to information.
  3. Socialization.
  4. Equal opportunities.


They say that a lot of events are organized for pensioners. How can I find out about them if I don’t have a computer with Internet access? Don’t call your son every time asking him to look for something interesting for the next week...

N. Sokolovskaya

“Detailed information about leisure activities for older Muscovites can be obtained from the social service center in your area,” assures Vladimir Petrosyan, head of the capital’s Department of Labor and social protection population. — Today, more than 2.5 million pensioners live in the city. Among them there are many active people, but there are also those whom we try in every way to distract from sad thoughts and sitting in front of the TV. It is for them that the city operates the “Better Half of Life” program (for example, it includes clubs in English and even one - Chinese!). Numerous studios have been opened at social service centers where people can develop their talents. There is a traditional festival “Songs of Past Years,” and a review competition among veterans is being prepared, in which over 300 thousand people will take part. Now there is a citywide competition “Super Grandfather”. And I hope that this event will become a Moscow tradition, because it gives older people the opportunity to feel confident in the future.”

As many media outlets report, a new pilot project, Active Longevity, has finally started in Moscow in 2018. It began its work on March 1.

It is from this day that pensioners can officially come to social service centers and enroll in any interest group. Previously it was only possible for schoolchildren. In the first days of March alone, about 30 thousand elderly citizens of the capital signed up for such circles.

I just recently started working, in which everyone can take part. People are involved in public life, which makes them less indifferent, allows them to express their opinions and be active.

Now even pensioners will be able not only or, but also to conduct active image life, visiting hobby groups, finding like-minded people and new friends.

Sobyanin’s program for Moscow pensioners in 2018

Sobyanin’s program for pensioners caused a great stir among both pensioners and the younger generation. The fact is that many Russians of working age are concerned that their parents are forced to remain alone for a long time while their adult children work and take care of their families. Pensioners still full of strength do not know where to apply their strength, how to realize unfulfilled desires, with whom to communicate? The “Active Longevity” project was created to give the older generation the opportunity to live full life, find new friends, fill your leisure time with useful activities and hobbies.

The project involves different areas of activity, so every pensioner will be able to find something special that suits him. For example, the most popular were language clubs, computer classes, singing, dancing, and drawing clubs.

The project is called a pilot because it is just developing. It is planned to assess the desire of pensioners to attend clubs, actively communicate and participate in the project. After this, the most popular destinations will be selected, and those that are not in demand will cease to exist. Therefore, right now we need to be active and show that this project is really needed.

Watch the interview with Vladimir Petrosyan about the pilot project “Active Longevity”:

How to sign up for a circle for retirees of the “Active Longevity” project

Any citizen can enroll in clubs retirement age, registered in Moscow. For women this age is 55 years old, and for men 60. Finally, people who have been embarrassed for years to communicate and develop their talents will find groups of similar people!

To take part in the “Active Longevity” project you need:

  • contact any territorial social service center closest to your place of residence;
  • choose an activity to suit your taste from the list provided;
  • According to the number of applications submitted, interest groups will be formed. Of course, if you have unusual hobby and no one else shows a desire to do the same thing, then the group will not be created;
  • To apply, take your passport, SNILS, .

You can apply throughout 2018.

By following the link, you can find all territorial social service centers. Remember that participation in the project and visiting any clubs based on it is completely free!

What clubs will be available to attend under the “Active Longevity in Moscow” program?

Of course, everyone is very interested and important in what circles they can participate in. At the initiative of the mayor of the capital, all interests are divided into three main areas: sporting events, development of creativity, and leisure activities.

Here you can learn and develop existing skills. It doesn't matter if you become a beginner in any of the activities. Come and they will teach you everything from scratch. There's no need to worry about the fact that you've never played sports or can't sing. If you feel the desire and have been dreaming about this all your life, then now is the time to make your dreams come true.

You will be able to engage in the following activities:

  • Nordic walking;
  • gymnastic exercises, aerobics, yoga;

  • sports programs to improve your body and lose weight;
  • take the “Healthy Lifestyle” course, where health workers will teach you how to eat properly and maintain your health in ideal condition;
  • embroider or knit, sew or cook culinary masterpieces;
  • in creative studios you can learn to dance, sing, draw, and create crafts with your own hands;

  • you will learn to use modern computer programs;
  • you will be able to learn foreign languages.

In addition to participating in clubs, everyone will be able to take part in competitions, festivals, shows, and concerts. These will include both local regional performances and participation in citywide and regional events. For example, you will take part in the festivals “Supergrandmother”, “Supergrandfather”, the dance marathon “” and the like.

Where will the classes be held?

Clubs for elderly and disabled citizens

When a person retires, his lifestyle changes, and the first thing he faces is narrow circle communication. Older people often experience loneliness. This applies to both people living alone and those living in a family. For elderly and elderly people, maintaining normal, full communication means not succumbing to loneliness and, therefore, postponing old age. In order to help older people overcome loneliness and isolation, provide an opportunity to communicate, and help establish new social connections. The main goal of senior citizens' clubs is to provide an opportunity to have a pleasant and interesting time free time, satisfying various cultural and educational needs, as well as awakening new interests, facilitating the establishment of friendly relations. Seniors' clubs offer help, advice, recreation and entertainment.

The activities of the clubs are aimed at:

Development of cognitive skills

Increasing self-esteem in older people

Opportunity for self-expression and association in interest groups

Involving older people in an active life in society

Creating equal rights and opportunities for older people

Humanization of society itself.

Currently, the Center already has 8 interest clubs, aimed not only at elderly citizens and disabled people served at home, but also at elderly residents of the city of Lermontov who are not wards of the State Budgetary Institution of Educational Institution “Lermontovsky CCSON”.

Computer club for seniors "Navigator"

Learning a computer from scratch will allow you to go from a beginner to a competent user, expanding your circle of communication and interests to a virtual scale. Club classes are held in individual and group form.

Computer technology is already an integral part of modern life. For a retired person, these are also new communication opportunities, a source of information and entertainment. For some, this is an opportunity to return to work that requires PC skills. Or the opportunity to work remotely via the Internet.

Communication with children and grandchildren, with relatives in other cities or countries - all these are new opportunities that after some time will become familiar in everyday life.

Computer courses consist of a two-level training system. The first level - for beginners - helps to master text and simple graphic editors, understand computer settings, use shortcuts on the desktop, independently create and save files, use programs for viewing photos and work with removable memory media. The second level of training includes working with Internet resources: working with various browsers, searching for information, downloading files, online communication;

Club "School of Active Longevity"

Club goal- improving the health of elderly citizens and disabled people using the complex modern techniques physical education classes, elements of breathing exercises, physiotherapeutic procedures and other methods.

The main objectives of the club:

Propaganda healthy image life;

Prevention of diseases in elderly citizens and disabled people by means physical culture and sports;

Formation motor activity to overcome physical and psychological barriers among older citizens and people with disabilities;

Adaptation to working and living conditions;

Integration of older citizens and people with disabilities in society.

Club "Golden Age"

- created for cultural leisure of the branch’s clients; with the participation of its members, celebrations related to public holidays, congratulations to birthday people and anniversaries; The social and cultural orientation of the club’s activities helps maintain interest in life, spiritual and physical self-improvement and strengthening social connections elderly people.The club's program includes visits to museums, exhibitions, concerts and events dedicated to significant and memorable dates. Club meetings at the Center are held once a month.

Club "Ivushka" - The club unites lovers of Russian songs. The goal is to maintain and develop interest in Russian song and historyits creation, communication between club members,participation in concert programs, organization of leisure.Classes at the club are devoted to learning new songs and preparing for performances at festive events.The club's events are educational in nature and solve the problem of communication, dedicated to the promotion of folk songs to various segments of the population.Club members conduct weekly rehearsals and are repeated participants in city and regional festivals of artistic creativity for people with disabilities

Club "Elegy" - a creative team uniting lovers of solo and choral singing. Target - develop an interest in classical and folk music, learn to understand and listen to music. Club events are educational And aesthetic character,are dedicated to getting to know the biography and work of composers

Club "Orthodox hour" unites believers in need of communication, psychological and moral support. The purpose of the club is communication, creating balance in the souls of people towards others, studying the history of the development of Christianity.

Club events are educational in nature. Classes are held with the invitation of Father Alexander Temple "St. George the Victorious". Conversations are in the form of questions and answers. The topics are varied - from the celebration of Easter, Christmas, the revival of Orthodoxy, conversations on topics of concern to veterans.

Club "Literary living room"»