Concert program dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. Script for the concert “Defender of the Fatherland Day” material Script for the concert program on February 23

Scenario of the concert “Defender of the Fatherland Day”

Date: 02/22/2019

Venue: structural unit No. 2

Time: 11.30 hours

Participants: college students

Spectators: college students 1st - 3rd year, teachers.

At the entrance of the studio. Council distributes postcards to male faculty and staff

Screen: screensaver 1 “Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!”


leading: Good afternoon, dear teachers!

leading: Good afternoon, dear students!

leading: We are pleased to welcome everyone to this room.

Leading : Today, one of the main public holidays- Defender of the Fatherland Day. This day is traditionally considered professional holiday military personnel. However, this is not quite true.

Leading: After all, the real name of the holiday is Defender of the Fatherland Day. And this is every man in our country, regardless of his profession and age. Is it possible to imagine our life without real men - kind, wise and brave.

leading: Director of the Bor Provincial College Alexey Pavlovich Volkov is invited to the stage for a welcoming speech.

Fanfares sound No. 2

(Words by A.P. Volkov)

Screensaver No. 2 appears on the screen

Reader 1 : No matter how great the homeland is,
remember where you were born and grew up,
how the native river flowed, meandering
past gentle, quiet birches.

Reader 2 : We are faithful people of the people's power,
Our will is firm and our steps are firm.
We have a Russian title - it’s worthy,
And we are always proud of this in life!

Reader 3: You gave birth to me Russia.
You gave birth to my life.
And I swear to you Fatherland.
Always ready to serve you.

Reader 4: Ready to serve you for happiness.
Ready to serve you like a son.
So that you don't know bad weather.
And every day was happy.

Screen saver 1

Leading: February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day. Each of us in our family has worn, is wearing, or is preparing to wear shoulder straps. By celebrating this holiday and being proud of it, we express our respect to the heroes of the country, the defenders of our Motherland at all times.

leading : our guys, after graduation, will go to fulfill their military duty in the ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and in the future will become real defenders of the Fatherland.

Embakhtov's song “Youth in Boots”

(On the screen there is a video clip of the Russian army)

On the screen are photos of male workers to the words of the presenter

Leading: Bor Provincial College is proud of its male team, because it brought together real men, experienced teachers and masters of their craft.

Leading: We are glad that the image of a defender is associated with every man working in our college. Many of them completed military service and faithfully serve the common cause, protecting and enhancing professional achievements, passing on professional experience to our students.

Presenter 1

Let there be new achievements
Victory, true friends,
And the course is on achievements!
Happy February 23rd!

Always be proud of your work
And surround your loved ones with care,
Strive to achieve your goal
And be the first in what you love!

Presenter 2

We always want to be on top,
And winning in everything is easy, impromptu!
At every latitude and longitude -
Only new plans! New horizons!

Sounds No. 3 Bravo “Love, girls”
(Bazurina Anastasia with the song “Love, girls”)

On the video screen "_______"

Leading: Three girls under the window were daydreaming in the evening...

Screensaver No. 3 appears on the screen

1st Maiden: I wish I could get married soon, I'm really tired of girls!
2nd Maiden: I wouldn’t marry just anyone!
3rd Maiden: I would marry a businessman, Like a stone wall! Mom would love a son-in-law, but where can I get one like that?
1st Maiden: Well, I would probably marry a sailor! And while he was swimming in the sea, I would live without knowing grief!
2nd Maiden: There are no sailors these days, It’s just a rarity! I wish I could marry the military - strong, extraordinary! I would be happy with a guy as strong as a rock.
3rd Maiden: We, girls, were daydreaming... All the guys were crushing, They could lie on the sofa, but just play with tanks!
Leading: Oh, these young people, all of you can’t bear to get married! May I get into the conversation? I know where the guys are! Not one, not two, not three...
Girls (in unison): Where is this?! Speak!!!
Leading (points to the men sitting in the hall): Look here: The guys are here! Not warriors - so what? Everyone is stately and good-looking! One person per sister...
1st Maiden (runs up to one of the men): Chur, I'll take it!
2nd Maiden (runs up to another): I liked this one!
Zya Maiden (to the third): This one smiled at me!

Students of secondary school in the village of Yablonovy Gai

The girls prepared a concert program for the male population...



Scenario dedicated to Defenders of the Fatherland Day

"To you, with love"

1 “Adults and Children” - choir

Young man: Good evening, lady(looks at the girl)ladies and princesses,...and especially...
Young woman: Especially…? Knights, gentlemen, gentlemen MEN!!!

Young man: Children's art school and creative team of a secondary school in the village. Apple Guy a festive concert dedicated to...and

Young woman: (interrupting him, in a low voice)Pasha, do you remember what day it is today? Have you forgotten yet from joy?

Young man: (dissatisfied, in a low voice)Do not interrupt! ...I'm already worried! ...So there you go!

(important) There are many holidays in the world:

Teacher's Day, Christmas,

And what about today, answer, -

What kind of celebration are we having?

Young woman:

In the new millennium

There are many reasons for this:

February again, twenty-third-

Day of all real men!

Young man:

Today is such a wonderful day, a day when the beautiful half of humanity forgets about their small, trivial problems and turns all their attention to us: strong, smart and brave!

Young woman: Pasha, isn’t it time for you to introduce me to the audience?(edifying)

Young man: I ask you not to give orders, after all, today is my day.

Young woman: That's why I love February 23 - it's because after it March 8 will definitely come! So can you imagine it or not?

Young man: Well, today’s evening is hosted by the inimitable………..! Loud applause!... And I will command the parade: ………….., in person!(The girl is unhappy, he takes her arm, in a low voice)Darling, don’t be offended, today is my day after all!

2 “Aty – Baty” - Soloists and choir(in the auditorium)

Girl (marching)

One-two! One-two!

Daring head.

One-two, one-two,

I'll be scared as hell!

One-two! One-two,

Young and old know this,

In the Russian army, a soldier -

The most valiant soldier!

Young man: Yes, I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it... Well, how do you feel in the role of a soldier?

Young woman: And what? Cool!... I would definitely join the army if I was drafted!

Young man: Of course, it’s easy to talk when it doesn’t concern you!

Young woman: Are you implying that we should serve in the army, not you?(indignantly)

Young man: No, that’s just me, figuratively...

Young woman: Come on, let's talk about this topic

Young man: And for the first time,…………. will perform on stage! Meet!

3 “Oh you, Grunya” - Soloist

Young man: (announces the next number from behind the scenes)

4 “The Rainbow Is Shining” - Ensemble

Young woman:

We congratulate all men

Happy such a wonderful day to men!-

Rich life pictures,

Happy, difficult, long roads!

Young man: Alina, when did you first fall in love? And to whom?

Young woman: Oh, it was so long ago, I don’t even remember...

Young man: Apparently you have been living in this world for a long time! (with malice)...

Young woman: But what’s not in you, that’s for sure!

Young man: (sighs) And now the young participant of our concert Eryashkina Daria will sing about her first love

5 “Simple Song” - soloist

Girl: Still, the word "woman" is much nobler than the word "man"

Young man: Why so? Sounds quite the same.

Young woman: Listen...The word “woman” coquettishly caresses the ear with the soft French “w” and no less gentle English “w”.

Young man: (thoughtfully) So what? There is also a little French in our words.

Young woman: Yes Yes? - “mu-u-zhchina” - This word is hopelessly spoiled by the first two letters “mu-u-u”. Whatever one may say, it doesn’t put you in a serious mood.
Young man: And you don’t need to call us with the corrupted word “man.” Just call him: honey, bunny, cat.

Young woman: Fine. Persuaded. Galina Tyusina, a graduate of the Children's Art School, dedicates her room to all the sweethearts, bunnies and cats sitting in this room!

6 “Angel” - Soloist and choir

Young woman: Dear men, I decided today to tell you only warm words, congratulations and give smiles on behalf of the entire female half. After all, you protect us - all those who need your strength and support.

Young man: Yes, yes, behind our backs you feel calm and confident in the future.
Young woman: And no matter what they write and talk about today and no matter what criticism our Armed Forces are subjected to, we must admit that we still cannot imagine our life without the Army

7 “A soldier is walking through the city” - Boys and young men (dance of girls and girls)

Young man: May all defenders of the Fatherland
Today they celebrate in full,
Let all humanity be proud,
Let the whole country be proud
Young woman:

That young guys are brave
We are ready to defend the country!
We wish you joy and glory!

And never lose heart!

Young woman: Don’t talk about the merits of men, but without us, the fair half, you, to put it mildly..., I don’t want to offend anyone, ...but without us you are nothing!

Young man: One might think, how can you manage without us? Yes, all your conversations, all your thoughts are only about us, your loved ones!

8 “Valenki” - Soloist

Young woman: Kindergarten kindergarten“Alyonushka” brought a whole bouquet of wild flowers for all the men in this hall! Oh!

Young man: And where did she find them in the cold February?! …Miracles! ...Meet: Nastya Seliverstova!

9 “Bell” - the youngest soloist

Young woman: Yes, we give all the best to men! When we are in love, our soul blooms like a flower! This is how we are - refined natures! Not like you - sometimes you can be so callous and indifferent!

Young man: No need to generalize, dear! We can be tender and romantic too! For example, yesterday I heard such heartfelt songs about love, about a blossoming soul, and, you know, I even shed a tear.

Young woman: Wow: he shed tears!

Young man: True, these songs are in Ukrainian, but they are too beautiful! Shall we go and listen?

Young woman: Let's go listen!

10 “Oh, the clear water said” - Trio

Youth ( announces from behind the scenes)

11 “Quick Soul” - Duet

Young woman: While some girls weave wreaths and tell fortunes on the water, others waste no time. They have their own art: they bang on spoons!

Young man: And how they knock!...

12 “Village Spoons” - Junior Ensemble Young woman:
Men, life without you is empty,
There are sad examples of this.
All our beauty is for you,
We do not lose faith in love.
Lipstick for you,
We are ruining our hair by curling it.
And in high heels
We hurry to those we love.

13 "Bad Date" - Ensemble

Young man: I just heard that “songbirds” – the Yablonovogai warblers – will never disappear in our area!

Young woman: That's right, every girl we have is a singer!

Young man: On the stage of Uchevatova Lada with the song: “The nightingale is singing”!

14 “The Nightingale Sings” - soloist

Young woman (announces backstage)

15 “Shores” - Ensemble

Young woman: In a wonderful name Man
Have the courage to become
The ability to think and dream,
Be inspired for no reason
And let the words intertwine
About that one and only beloved
Whom nature named
A wonderful name - MAN

16 “Mom Doesn’t Order” - Duet

17 “You’re a drag, Vasya” - junior group

Young man: Well, why did they bother only Vasya, huh? I don't understand! There are so many wonderful guys around!

Young woman: That's it! What did they find in him? He has nothing on his mind except computer games!

Young man: We should pay attention to Zakhar Giyasov! A purposeful young man: he plays the piano, sings songs, and is even interested in English!

Young woman: So I say: the girls will miss the guy, they definitely will!

18 “Go down Moses” - soloist and choir

Young woman: You know, I'm sure a man is not capable of creating beauty on his own.

Young man: I agree, not a single artist or poet can do without the Muse, which often has a physical form. That is why He needs Her so much.
Young woman: We wish, dear men, that your muse never leaves you.

Young man: And we want Him to always be next to the woman - the only one, loving and unique!

19 “My Heart Will Go On” - soloist

Young man: (announces from backstage)

20 “Sky” – soloist

Young woman: Happy Defender of the Fatherland
Congratulations, my dear,
And even though life is changeable,
Only you are always with me,
I wish you such strength
To conquer peaks,
Be the master of your destiny
And make all your dreams come true!

21 “When you believe” - Duet

Young man: If you believe, then everything you dream of will come true. This is what Daria and Alena sang for you in their wonderful song.

Young woman: It is impossible to live without faith at all. Without faith you cannot love, you cannot trust and you cannot wait. But thousands of girls and wives are waiting for the return of their boys, friends and husbands.

Young man: They are waiting from hikes, business trips,

They're waiting from the army, from some parties,

And we are glad that always and everywhere,

You are in our destiny.

22 “100 days before the order” - 11th grade

Young man: This wonderful evening has come to an end.

Young woman: Our large and friendly children's team tried to express all their love in songs, dances and jokes.

Young man: We are glad that smiles and tears always sparkle on your faces in this hall. And how great it is that adults and children understand and love each other. And it will always be like this!

Young woman:

I wish you happiness with all my heart
On this holiday I am your big one,
I wish you joy and strength,
May the Lord always protect
Young man: From the enemy and troubles,
I wish you victories in life,
Let February 23
Together: Everyone will remember forever

23 "Valentines" - choir

(A solemn march sounds. The leading girls come on stage)

1st presenter. Good evening, dear viewers!
2nd presenter. Hello, our loved ones!
1st presenter. Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day.
2nd presenter. We congratulate all employees of the Russian army, soldiers, officers, everyone who has already given their duty to the army, and who continues to serve.
1st presenter. We appreciate your courage and reliability, we respect you for protecting us from adversity, being our support and support.
2nd presenter. Our gift for you is a festive concert “For the Glory of the Fatherland!”
1st presenter. Today I would like to congratulate our defenders in a special way.
2nd presenter. As a sign of respect, please accept a few lines of a good poem from us.


1. Thank you guys for being here!
What is most important to you? Soldier's honor!
Thank you for protecting the world and sleep,
Yes, ancient cathedrals have a crimson ringing.
Thank you guys for making children happy!
We wish to have only reliable friends!
We sincerely love you and are waiting for you to come home!
Defender of the Fatherland - warrior, hero!

2. Meet! Let the crows speak of doom
And the horses trampled the stubble, -
Things were considered masculine
Chain mail, saddle and spear!
During the military crisis
In the fields in feather grass, in the snow
Men, men, men
The enemy's paths were blocked.

3. I don’t believe ridiculous rumors -
men now say
In the presence of the strong they become numb,
They sit in the presence of women.
There is no mention of chivalry!
In my opinion, this is a lie!
Men, men, men,
you remember your title!
1st presenter. Thank you very much to the readers for these wonderful lines.
2nd presenter. And on this lyrical note I would like to give the floor officials our settlement.
1st presenter. We invite you to the stage for a congratulatory speech...
1st presenter. Thank you very much for this wonderful speech.
2nd presenter. Both poems and congratulatory words, so little time has passed and so many good things have already happened...
1st presenter. And now there will be even more, another gift to our defenders from……………………………………………………….., welcome!!!

1st presenter. Defender of the Fatherland is not just words, it is the defender of everything that is dear to you and me. The Fatherland is spreading rivers, high mountains, a nurturing land...
2nd presenter. The Fatherland is our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, mothers, fathers and of course children! Speaking of children, they also came today to congratulate the defenders on their professional holiday. They have been preparing for a long time, but they are very worried. Please support them.
1st presenter. Meet the junior cast of the Brigantine theater group.

1d.Can he play football?
Maybe I should read a book,
Can you warm up the soup for me?
Maybe watch a cartoon

2d. He can play checkers,
Maybe even wash the cups,
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures

3d.Can he take me for a ride?
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
Together. Always a hero for me
Most best DAD my!

1m. So far I have toys:
Tanks, pistols, cannons,
Tin soldiers
Armored train, machine guns.
And when the time comes,
So that I can serve in peace,
I'm with the guys in the game
I train in the yard.
2m. We play “Zarnitsa” there -
They drew a boundary for me,
I'm on duty! Watch out!
Once you trust me, I can do it!
And the parents are in the window
They look after me with concern.
Don't worry about your son,
I am the future man!

2nd presenter.
Your native land can do anything: feed you warm bread, give you spring water to drink, surprise you with its beauty. And she just can’t protect herself.
1st presenter.
Defense of the Fatherland is the duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water, and admire its beauty. It is for you, our dear defenders, that the next musical gift is given.


1st presenter. Today I would like to congratulate not only the men, but also the women who serve in the ranks of the Russian Army on this holiday. In all, absolutely all troops you can meet women in uniform. These include signalmen, instructors, nurses, and doctors. On Military Day, we can congratulate women who are not serving in the Russian army.
2nd presenter. Oh, well, explain.
1st presenter. I'm talking about mothers and wives who are waiting for the service of their sons and husbands to end; They are waiting for their relatives to return home - they write letters to them, worry, worry about them. The homeland calls the officer to distant lands, and his wife goes after him, because without female love soldiers can't.
2nd presenter. Yes, you're absolutely right. Just about women's love and fidelity - a song that will be performed by ………………………….


1st presenter (she has a thick notebook in her hands). My boyfriend recently returned from the army. He was an excellent student in both combat and combat training. I always took notes carefully in class. He has an answer to every question in his notebook. Ask me anything, I’ll find you an answer right away.
2nd presenter. Fine. What is a soldier?
1st presenter. A man without a passport.
2nd presenter. And the soldier in the gas mask?
1st presenter. Amphibian Man.
2nd presenter. Running in a gas mask?
1st presenter. Earth in the porthole.
2nd presenter. Obstacle course?
1st presenter. Why can't I fly?!
2nd presenter.. Breakfast.
1st presenter. If you eat yourself, help someone else!
2nd presenter. "Demobilization"?
1st presenter. Return of the Prodigal Son.
2nd presenter. Yes, a highly artistic summary. Please give me a few days.
1st presenter Why?
2nd presenter You know, I have a brother. He will soon go to the army. Let him get acquainted with the sciences in advance.
1st presenter. Well, okay - hold on, and you dear viewers, don’t be bored, now ……………………………………………………………… will perform for you.

1st presenter. We will not talk too much about military service and will not touch on everything tragic that is associated with the war, because today is a holiday.
2nd presenter. Both in peacetime and in days of war, soldiers always had a minute or two to sing, because it is impossible to live without a song.
1st presenter. And now, especially for the defenders of the Fatherland, the Russian Soul choir will sing.
2nd presenter. Songs are good, but I wanted to dance on a quiet evening at the front.
1st presenter. If you want to dance, there will be dancing for you!

1st presenter: Dear men! On this holiday, accept the most best wishes Congratulations from all the organizers and participants of the concert.
2nd presenter: Men! You are our support and support! So always be persistent in life, strong in spirit and kind!

1. On a wonderful men's holiday,
2.On the day of strength and glory of the country,
1.We wish you great happiness,
2. Sons of Great Russia!
1.Thank you for your attention!
2.Before new meeting! Goodbye!

Scenario festive concert for Defender of the Fatherland Day
Prepared by: teacher of history and social studies Ekaterina Ivanovna Eremeeva
Name of educational organization: State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Mari El “Kazan Boarding School” 1 Presenter.
Good afternoon dear friends!
It was not in vain that you were gathered in this hall -
Defenders of the Fatherland Day
Humanity celebrates again!
2 Presenter.
Centuries pass, years flash by...
They always defended their native country!
And from the earliest times it has been like this:
Forget about everything as the enemy approaches!
The peasant, the worker gave up their work,
When Russia was waiting for their protection!
1 Presenter.
About the exploits of the fallen, the victories of the living
You will hear from older people,
About how they fought in Afghanistan, Chechnya,
How did we survive this crazy war?

How worthy were they of the title of fighter,
The young men will tell you this until the end.
Defenders of our beautiful country,
You are dear to us and we desperately need you!
2 Presenter.
And on this beautiful and joyful day
We are not too lazy to wish you a thousand times:
Let there be prosperity on your table!
Let peace strengthen on our land!
Song "Soldiers of Russia"
He will wear a soldier's uniform today
You see him off, and the tears flow like a river
He waves his hand at you, handsome and proud
You write letters to him, he will return home
A soldier leaves to serve his homeland
The soldier leaves to protect the peace
Your soldier serves to live peacefully
Under a clear sky, you and I could
Time will quickly fly by and fate will give you
The long-awaited meeting, everything is ahead of you
But today your soldier protects your home
Serves the Motherland faithfully, just wait for him
A considerable burden falls on the soldiers' shoulders
But Russian soldiers serve faithfully
May it be peaceful for them, every day, every evening
And let the soldiers know that they are loved and waited
1 Presenter:
Today we have all gathered here for a special occasion, the holiday is approaching - February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day!
2 Presenter:
In all centuries, the heroism and courage of Russian soldiers, the power and glory of weapons have been an integral part of the greatness of the Russian state. For several decades now, we have been faithful to the tradition of widely and popularly celebrating the Defender of the Fatherland holiday and celebrating it with special solemnity and warmth.
1 Presenter:
February 23 is the day of Russian military glory, which Russian troops earned on the battlefields. Initially, this day had a high meaning - to love and defend your Motherland and, if necessary, be able to defend it, and Russian soldiers had to defend their native land more than once, and the Russian soldier always fulfilled his duty with honor.
2 Presenter: And now we invite you to remember the story have a wonderful holiday in honor of the heroic defenders.
Festive report dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Slide 2.
Defender of the Fatherland Day. Today is a holiday of all those who defended, are defending and are ready to defend the Fatherland.
We stand at the post, platoon and squadron,
Immortal as fire, calm as granite.
We are the army of the country, we are the army of the people,
Our history preserves a great feat.
Slide 3.
Today marks one of the days of military glory of Russia - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This date was set Federal law“On the days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia”, adopted by the State Duma and signed by the President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin on March 13, 1995.
Slide 4.
It was generally accepted that on February 23, 1918, the Red Guard units won their first victories near Pskov and Narva over the regular troops of the Kaiser’s Germany. These first victories became the “birthday of the Red Army.”
Slide 5.
Since 1946, the holiday began to be called Soviet Army Day and Navy. In 1922, this date was officially declared Red Army Day. Later, February 23 was celebrated annually in the USSR as a national holiday - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.
Slide 6.
After the breakup Soviet Union the date was renamed Defender of the Fatherland Day. For some people, the holiday of February 23 remains the day of men who serve in the army or in any law enforcement agencies.
Slide 7.
However, the majority of citizens of Russia and countries former USSR tend to view Defender of the Fatherland Day not so much as the anniversary of the victory or the Birthday of the Red Army, but as the Day of real men, Defenders, in the broadest sense of the word.
Slide 8.
Among the holiday traditions that have been preserved today in the former Soviet republics are honoring veterans, laying flowers at memorial sites, holding festive concerts and events, and organizing fireworks displays in many cities.

Slide 9.
This holiday represents everything that women value in men: courage, strength, care and responsibility.
Slide 10.
Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday primarily for the military. But at the same time, this is a holiday for all men, those who are ready at any moment to get into formation in order to defend their loved ones, their loved ones and their homeland with arms in their hands. And since protecting the weak has always been an activity for real men, Defender of the Fatherland Day has long been firmly associated in our minds as a men’s holiday. Slide 11.
This holiday, from the moment it appeared in our calendar, remains unchanged in its content and the level of popular love for it, but at the same time Defender of the Fatherland Day also has a very interesting story. Suffice it to say that during its existence it was renamed several times and arose under rather interesting circumstances.
Slide 12.
What was the name of the holiday of all men in different years our history:
1919 -1946 Day of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army
1946-1992 (to May 7) Day of the Soviet Army and Navy
1993 – 1994 Russian Army Day
1995 – 2012 Defender of the Fatherland Day
Since 2002 – Defender of the Fatherland Day is a public holiday
Slide 13.
We praise those who did not cry
From my pain,
But I didn’t hide my tears
On the graves of friends
Those who were men
Not in words
I didn't celebrate the coward
Sitting in the bushes
Those best
Sons of humanity
Those who guard the Fatherland!
Slide 14.
Even if service and work are not always easy,
We wish you to live, love, work,
And if a lucky star smiles on you,
Then you can rise to the rank of general.
Congratulations on your holiday -
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!
Slide 15.
February is the harshest month of the year! Maybe that's why the biggest and most severe men's holiday appeared in February?! By protecting our Motherland, they protect us - all those who need their strength and support.
Slide 16.
Video clip - congratulations for men on February 23.
Minute of silence
1 Presenter: For some people, the holiday of February 23 remains the day of men who serve in the army or in any law enforcement agencies, the day of defenders in the broadest sense of the word. There, however, the majority of citizens of Russia and the countries of the former USSR tend to consider Defender of the Fatherland Day as the anniversary of the great Victory or the birthday of the Red Army.
2 Presenter: The war took the Russian people by surprise more than once, but they steadfastly endured all the hardships and hardships of a terrible time.
1 Presenter: There is not a single family in Russia that has not been affected by the war. For many, this is the greatest feat of the people in the entire world history, and at the same time, this is a tragedy that under no circumstances should be repeated.
2 Presenter: A minute of silence is announced!
Poems by students
1 student
The holiday of all our warriors -
That's what this day means!
Day of Defenders of the Brave
And just all the guys.
2 student
Every boy can become a soldier
Fly across the sky, sail across the sea,
Guard the border with a machine gun,
To protect your homeland.
3 student
Defenders of the Fatherland
On this day we will glorify
You are our asset
And we won't leave you.
4 student
Live in peace with your surroundings,
With comfort and love in your heart.
Let no one ever attack
Protect the life of your door!
5 student
Our army is dear
Guards the peace of the country,
So that we grow up without knowing troubles,
So that there is no war.
6 student
Praise be to the defenders of the Fatherland!
There is no more reliable shield for the Motherland.
Let's wish them luck
And carry out combat missions!
Song "My Army".
Orderly rows under a clear sky, -
These are our glorious regiments.
I am with you tankers and artillerymen,
Pilots, gunners and sailors.
My Army is strong and strong.
My army is brave, brave.
My Army is proud and proud.
This song is about my Army.
Our Army is the strongest.
Our army is the bravest.
Our Army is the proudest.

You were furious and fearless,
And the earth burned under you.
You fought bravely, and the enemy's banners
They fell under the walls of the Kremlin.
Our Army is strong and strong.
Our army is brave, brave.
Our Army is proud and proud.
This song is about my Army.
Our Army is the strongest.
Our army is the bravest.
Our Army is the proudest.
And the holy protector of children, CHILDREN!
You have become a secret dream
My dear Army.
I'll grow up and become a military man!
I will be strong, brave, proud.
Chorus: after the first verse
Poems by students
7 student
Let today in your name,
Twenty third of February
All words of congratulations sound,
As night approaches, fireworks go off.
8 student
You are a man, even if not a warrior,
Today worthy of congratulations:
You will stand up to defend the Fatherland
In times of need, you can’t escape from trouble.
9 student
Dear army -
Defender of the country
With weapons and courage
Keeps us from war.
10 student
February 23 is Russian Army Day!
The guns are firing upward, everyone is treated to fireworks.
They send gratitude from the whole country to the soldiers,
That we live without war, peacefully and calmly.
11 student
February Defender of the Fatherland Day
Frosty, like character, like steel.
Men's day of strength, wisdom and honor,
This is the kind of holiday February gives us!
1 Presenter: February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day, but you shouldn’t think that this is exclusively a military holiday! After all, this is a holiday for everyone who stood in defense of the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War who is protecting us now. This is a holiday for boys who in the future will be ready to stand up for the honor of their Motherland. And in general, this is a holiday for everyone who is not afraid to stand up for themselves, for their family and loved ones.
Video clip "Soldier".
2 Presenter:
To everyone who served
And who will serve,
We want to offer this concert!
So, greet the concert participants with your applause.
Number 1: Song “I want to be like you.”
Number 2: Poem “February 23rd Holiday”
Today is a holiday for soldiers.
There are lines in a row on the square.
The soldiers are standing on the parade ground,
An overcoat with a cap suits them.
Native country, mother land
Our warrior is called to protect.
On a troubled day and in a difficult hour
They are ready to close us down.
They don't need trembling knees,
After all, they have the country behind them.
And each of the soldiers is a hero.
He entered into an unequal battle with the enemy.
No one made a mistake, no one wilted,
I want to be like them.
Today is a holiday for soldiers,
The awards on the chest shine.
And the country remembers everyone,
To whom were the orders presented?
Number 3: Sketch “Father and Son”
2 Presenter:
You know that the life of a soldier is not easy, but he performs the most important task - protecting the peace and tranquility of ordinary citizens, his country! Since ancient times, the Russian land has been famous for its warriors and famous commanders. A wise people came up with a proverb: “The bad soldier is the one who does not dream of becoming a general.”
Number 4: Song “Future Soldier”
Russia is a huge country
Its army is brave and strong
Brave boys grow up
And they will come to her aid in time
We'll just grow up a little
We will join the Russian army
We will serve valiantly
And we will cherish our Motherland
The boy is a future soldier
And there is no turning back for him
The boy is a future hero
And I always stand up for my friends
Chorus: same
1 Presenter.
On a wonderful men's holiday,
On the day of strength and glory of the country,
We wish you strong happiness,
Sons of Great Russia!
Number 5: Ditties
Number 6: Song “War”
Number 7: Dance “Apple”.
1 Presenter.
The February wind stirred the pages, putting things in order in the calendar. Then he suddenly decided to stop at the date February 23. A long time ago the holiday was established... What can I say, the tradition is strong Congratulations to the boys again - we wish them peace and goodness. Events and faces change, And someone receives a new rank, But we girls want to be proud of the Reliability of the country's defenders.
Number 8: The song “Russian Guy” is playing
Hello, my dear sun,
I am writing to you from the battlefield.
A crow is circling above me here,
But I'm in no hurry to die.
We'll take a walk with you again,
Let's dance under the night sky.
After serving, I'll come home,
And you will tell your girlfriends:

The Russian guy doesn't run from bullets,
The Russian guy doesn’t moan in pain,
The Russian guy doesn't burn in fire,
The Russian guy doesn't drown in water.
Maybe not soon, but back at the table
Our whole family will gather.
Let's sing about love with a guitar
And we will hug without shedding tears.
The rocket went into the sky again,
I'm far from home now.
I want you to wait for me.
I will return to you, just believe!
Number 9: Sketch “How to Avoid the Army.”
Number 10: Noise orchestra
Number 11: Sketch “The Army is a Family.”
Number 12: Song “Defenders of the Fatherland”
1 Presenter:
Victory over the enemies was given to our soldiers through numerous sacrifices and suffering. They gave their lives, going to death and defending their people, their Fatherland!
Low bow to them for this, for that great love, without which it is impossible to sacrifice life for the sake of other people, without which it is impossible to be a real soldier, a warrior.
2 Presenter: Congratulations to all real men on the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. And I wish that every man could give birth to a healthy son under a peaceful sky in love, in harmony to build cozy home, and in joy plant a whole garden next to it. And so that you never have to take up arms to protect your family and your home. Peace of love and happiness to you.

Presenters' exit:
1 presenter: Hello dear friends and distinguished guests!

2 presenter: We are glad to welcome you on this holiday - February 23!
There is such a day on the calendar
It is marked with a red date.
A wonderful holiday in February,
Warrior's Day. Russian soldier

1 presenter: This holiday had different years different names. Today we call February 23 – Defender of the Fatherland Day.

2 presenter: This day is a tribute to our respect to all generations of the heroic Russian army.

1 presenter: The whole country congratulates the defenders today and honors the memory of the heroes of past years.

2 presenter: This is truly a men's day!
Today, all representatives of the stronger sex, from boys to gray-haired veterans, hear words of congratulations and receive gifts.

1 presenter: on stage for a festive greeting

2 presenter: And on behalf of all the women present in the hall, we join in the congratulations, and we dedicate today’s festive concert to our courageous, valiant, so different and so dear men. Congratulations join...

Concert number

1 presenter: Meet the dance group

Concert number:

1 presenter: We wish men a peaceful sky, so that you use your determination, strength, and intelligence in peaceful conditions.

Concert number:

2 presenter: May success always accompany you in business, may your beloved women wait at home. What else is needed for happiness? The warmth of simple human relationships, reliable support in the form of a family and a successful career.
1 presenter: joins in congratulations...

Concert number

1 presenter: Dear men, please accept a musical gift from the youngest artists of today’s festive concert and greet with applause…. with the song: “Butterfly”

Concert number

2nd presenter: hurries to the stage with musical gifts...

Concert number:
Concert number:

1 presenter: on this holiday, Lyudmila Chernetskaya gives you a cheerful mood

Concert number:

Concert number: “I will become a star” -
Presenter 2: Ah. All my life I also dreamed of becoming a star. And here I am on stage as the host of the festive concert. I'm so happy…

Presenter 1: I’m also very glad that your dream came true. And just in time I remembered one popular expression: every man is a boy at heart, and every boy dreams of becoming a warrior

2 presenter: but which of the boys is a warrior, let him first grow up, mature and defend the fatherland

1 presenter: I think that you need to prepare to serve the fatherland from childhood.
This holiday of military valor
What protects us from troubles
Let me tell you boys,
About how much we love you.

2 presenter: We welcome boys and young men, school students - future defenders of the Fatherland, the time will come and they will join the ranks of valiant warriors.
Now we invite to the stage (distinguished guests)_________________________________________________________________________________________

Presentation, congratulations “Conscript Day”

1 presenter: Defend your home boldly
At enemies, drawing a sword,

1 presenter: On this day we congratulate
The male half of humanity
We dedicate poems and songs
To your defenders of the fatherland.

2 presenter: Dear men - You are our support in life,
And behind a strong man's shoulder.
No adversity is scary,
We don't care about failure.
The next musical gift is for you. Meet

Concert number:

1 presenter: Don’t try to fight your feelings,
Let love and passion boil in you!
You will always remain men,
After all, this is your strength, your power.

Concert number:

2 presenter: unfortunately our holiday concert is coming to

1 presenter: and on behalf of all the women sitting in this room we want to once again congratulate you, dear men

2nd presenter: Happy Army Day!

1 presenter: From the holidays of warriors,

2nd presenter: Happy Brothers Day,
Fathers and husbands
Their aspirations
Glory worthy
1 presenter: Peace is saved on the planet of people.

2 presenter: our men are the best for a reason
Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated in only one country in the world and its name is Russia
Concert number:

The curtain closes

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