What happens to a woman who works in a male team. How a woman can adapt to a male team: detailed instructions A woman works in a male team

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
The Gemini woman is restless and active, she is able to take on several diverse tasks. However, enthusiasm may not last long, or a talkative colleague will distract you from an important task.

The Gemini woman is ambitious in her work; her colleagues appreciate her sociability and friendliness. But, despite this, the work book is often covered with entries about new places and types of activity. Why is this happening?

According to the horoscope, the Gemini sign determines natures that are fickle, changeable, but at the same time active and hardworking. To this description should be added the desire to learn new things, the ability to quickly assimilate information and apply the acquired knowledge in practice. The qualities are positive, but they lead to the fact that existing work quickly becomes boring.

Gemini is most often looking for new vacancies if the existing position is:

  • Associated with dull, monotonous work;
  • Excludes communication with people;
  • Does not imply further growth;
  • It does not imply freedom of action, but strict adherence to instructions and strict control.

The ideal job for Gemini women is not so much about making money, but about the opportunity to develop and realize endless ideas.

Business acumen is facilitated by the ability to quickly make decisions, comprehensively study and think about the upcoming task, competently express thoughts out loud and on paper, and think critically. To be able to realize such talents received from birth, you should initially choose correct gender activities.

Gemini at work

A woman whose horoscope sign is Gemini will not sit in her office all the time. Looking at the monitor and tapping on the keys without a break for tea and communication is not her thing.

Those who have known such a colleague recently may think that she is a frivolous, frivolous and eccentric person. Perhaps this is why managers do not risk entrusting Gemini with serious tasks right away. But over time, it becomes clear that this is not a chatterbox and a slacker, but an active and serious woman. She, like no one else, is capable of making responsible decisions and dealing with the rubble in business.

On her side is:

  • Feminine flair
  • Enthusiasm,
  • The desire to do better than what is
  • Determination.

Such a colleague is indispensable during brainstorming sessions, when, under limited time, it is necessary to come up with several options for resolving a complex situation. But you shouldn’t invite her to develop and develop a complex project from scratch. It is better to involve Gemini in doses, at the most difficult stages. Then you will be able to achieve greater productivity.

What professions are suitable for Geminis?

The Gemini woman needs to decide who to work for, taking into account her dual nature. One minute she’s thinking hard about the task at hand, and the next she’s chatting nicely with a colleague near the cooler. Gemini will ardently defend his personal opinion and vision, but, having acted in his own way, he will immediately redo the result.

It may seem that it is difficult for her in a team, but without constant communication, female nature cannot stand it. Therefore, you should choose a creative profession that involves a certain amount of freedom, the responsibility to make decisions and share the fruits of your labors. The following directions are suitable:

  • Journalism,
  • Literature,
  • Travel blogging,
  • Culture and art,
  • Management and administration,
  • Design.

The feminine charms and professional skills of the “twin” are indispensable during negotiations and mediation.

Commercial activity is not taboo, but there is a risk of stooping to dubious means to achieve the goal.

Gemini career

Managers should not be alarmed if the date of birth reveals a Gemini in a subordinate. Taking into account his character, you can get a valuable employee who is ready to throw himself into the breach and grow professionally.

Work for Gemini women is a common activity. Interest guarantees the fastest solution to a large volume of problems. When management manages to discern the ambition, efficiency, learning ability and determination of an employee, her career can take off sharply.

Features such as:

  • Impermanence
  • The desire to change the type of activity,
  • Harsh criticism
  • Desire to go beyond established boundaries
  • Impulsiveness and lack of restraint if the situation is too tense.

But in contrast to this, such remarkable qualities stand out as:

  • The ability to persuade and defend one’s theory and point of view;
  • Subtle intuition;
  • Seeing the nuances and smallest details that are significant when making a decision;
  • Autonomy and independence.

If a Gemini woman participates in work on a controversial project, then she firmly believes in the success and correctness of her position. As a result, she will win, even if the failure was obvious to everyone else. Such skills are highly valued by managers at all levels, so a specialist will not sit in one place.

Gemini is the boss

If a woman manages to prove her worth as a valuable employee, she will definitely be promoted to a leadership position. In this case, what should subordinates expect from their boss?

Lady Hurricane, Miss Inconsistency, Lady Changeability - perhaps this is how the team will characterize the boss of Gemini. She will not allow a routine and formal approach to implementation. labor responsibilities, you won’t be able to just get through the workday with her and go home with a clear conscience.

An active and active leader must:

  • Recognizes each employee, collects information important for the profession about him,
  • She will motivate her subordinates to speed up the pace of work, since she herself does not like to sit still,
  • Organizes training sessions and advanced training courses.

But you won’t get a boss-darling. Due to inconstancy and the need to switch quickly, she may be inconsistent in her decisions and orders. The love of bringing everything to perfection almost 100% guarantees that employees will redo their work several times.

A female leader born from May 21 to June 20 reacts sharply to criticism, so a constructive dialogue with indications of her mistakes will not work.

But at the same time, the boss is distinguished by her sensitivity and ability to delve into the problems of the team, and is able to help with advice and support. She intuitively feels people and knows when to slow down and where to speed up without losing quality.

Gemini - submissive

What to expect if a Gemini woman fills a vacant position in your organization or department? It won't be boring, that's for sure.

  • A small hurricane will move at high speed through offices in search of extremely complex work (and it can be safely entrusted to a persistent applicant).
  • An employee with a sharp mind will participate in any discussions, firmly insisting on his own. Cynicism and acrimony will certainly appear if the dispute drags on.
  • Personal conflicts are possible (boss - subordinate), because in the heat of the moment the twin is very unrestrained in his expressions.

It's hard to believe, but you will get an exceptional careerist who, however, does a lot to avoid being promoted. It is a mistake to assume that the order was left unfulfilled due to disrespect. Most likely, the “twin” switched to a task that was more exciting for her. It is useless to fight this: either accept and continue working, or expel from the team.

However, there are many positive aspects:

  • Ability to work independently on a task,
  • A philosophical attitude towards failures and the ability to move on if something fails,
  • Loyalty and dedication to the team,
  • Work more for the idea than for the reward,
  • Ability to unite colleagues.

Proper motivation and constant stimulation of interest are the key to productive and productive activities.

Compatibility of Gemini with work colleagues

The horoscope clearly predicts that working with a “twin” is not difficult. She will quickly get along with everyone on the basis of common interests or simply listen carefully and delve into the problem of her colleague. Friendly relations with all members of the team are a must have for those born from May 21 to June 20.

No matter who the Gemini woman has to work with, she will find the right approach to everyone, will be able to help with advice, instill optimism and share good mood. But impulsiveness sometimes plays a bad joke on her - words spoken in the heat of the moment can hurt an opponent very deeply.

It seems that the “twin” combines an incompatible mixture of qualities. Here there is a manic desire to “finish” the idea to the end, and a sharp loss of interest in the work. Responsiveness, sensitivity, optimism and real rage beat in one vessel if you need to protect your loved one. The latter, by the way, only manifests itself if you try hard (start manipulating, being rude, harshly criticizing).

In general, the Gemini woman is not the most difficult colleague at work. Try to show her a little more attention and understanding, and her “dark” side will never appear.

Working in a male team at first glance may seem like a paradise for many women, especially unmarried ones. However, succumbing to temporary euphoria, you can make mistakes and make yourself an outcast for a long time in the kingdom of the great Y chromosome.

In a male team, you will have to think through your image, manner of communication and goals for this work in advance. Who do you want to be? An equal colleague who will differ from everyone else only in some ways external signs, or remain a woman in at least some matters? Do you want to establish a close relationship with someone or do you value work more and being a professional is more important to you?

You need to know your position very clearly and always adhere to it. Men are inherently direct and understand only this kind of language. To ensure that your colleagues understand your message, you should present yourself without double entendres and always stick to your chosen image, without exception. Let's talk about this in more detail.

9 mistakes women make in men's teams:

1. “Would you like to buy the lady some coffee?”

By default, we will assume that you need a job, not a relationship. Therefore, flirting is unacceptable under any circumstances. Watch your behavior, including at informal events. After all, they are often the source of gossip and can form the wrong opinion about you. Remember that flirting is not always conscious, and your attentions to men, even without a second thought, can be perceived by them incorrectly.

Avoid unnecessary physical contact and do not touch on personal topics when communicating (instead of complimenting a man’s strong arms or toned torso, it is better to limit yourself to a compliment about a tie or, even better, business qualities).

Yulia, 26 years old: “For a year and a half I worked in an all-male team financial director. The company was engaged in the supply of large industrial equipment. In general, not the most feminine job. Since childhood, it has been easier for me to communicate with men than with women. I always find it easy with them mutual language and at work everything worked out very smoothly. When I got a man, things started to get worse. And only he managed to open my eyes to my behavior.

It was quite normal for me to grab a colleague’s arm and, joking and smiling, discuss a work issue. Sometimes I used all sorts feminine tricks, a little coquetry, but not on purpose! This is natural for me, and I did not pursue any goals! My man said that this was how I gave everyone false hopes, loans for something closer, that all men always perceive it this way. And when the team saw my man, everything changed.

I was surprised, I didn’t even think that behavior that was innocent for me could be perceived this way by men.”

Working in a male team

2. “I like working with you more”

When the team is diverse, it is normal that we communicate with some more and with others less. But now the situation is different, there are all of them and there is you. Remember that a man will always be closer to a man, no matter how great a colleague you are. Therefore, try to behave impartially.

Even in the most intense disputes, do not discuss sides, do not accept anyone’s point of view. Let your position always be only the interests of the company. The management will appreciate this and will protect you from unnecessary coalitions. It is unknown who your friend will turn out to be tomorrow and how the enemy will behave. If you are noticed in any intrigues or dishonest behavior, men will not forgive you for this and will stop trusting you.

3. “Well, forgive me, I’m a woman.”

Usually those for whom the male team is a gift from heaven try to show all their feminine qualities and charms. But this position almost always remains unappreciated by men.

Don’t get too carried away with emphasizing the advantages of your body; firstly, it distracts from work, and secondly, it’s unprofessional. You should also not attribute your mistakes to the fact that you are a “woman”, “blonde”, “so forgetful” and in general spring has driven you crazy. Stay on business matters business partner, albeit in a skirt and with makeup.

IN free time also try not to bother the men around you too much with various “female things”: nail polish that greatly irritates many, loud discussions on the phone about sales, people, and so on. There is a time and place for everything.

4. “Thank you, but I can handle it myself.”

“If it’s better for me not to emphasize the fact that I am a woman, then I will behave like a man” - some women adhere to this categorical logic when they join a male team. But it doesn't work, just like any other extreme. You need to find a balance between what you should do on your own (this is written in your job description) and what you can ask a man for help with (moving heavy folders or fixing a lamp).

Working in a male team

Remember that you should only ask for help in matters that you really cannot handle on your own, otherwise it may be perceived as flirting. Bringing coffee or “making some tea” is coquetry, but opening a jammed lock is a completely normal request.

If you do everything yourself, men will perceive you as a competitor. And fighting them on their territory is an option with a low probability of victory. For what?

Andrey, 39 years old: “I work in an advertising agency, for some reason we have always had few women, perhaps in the accounting department, but they are not visible there. One day Alena appeared with us, she was a good designer, received decent orders, but, apparently, in fear that we - men - would take away from her Good work, began to move away from us. She always answered dryly, only to the point. A robot, not a person.

I once watched a picture of her dragging 2 chairs up the stairs: she was given a new one workplace. Seeing me, she pointedly turned away and continued to pull this load. I see that it’s hard, but since she doesn’t want help, let her do it herself, I decided. I even had some kind of protest inside me, well, why behave like this if there are men all around, well, really, no one will help? In general, things didn’t work out with her; no one in the team appreciated her efforts.”

5. “Help yourself to some pies”

Trying to please the male team, some women begin to bake pies and listen to complaints about their bosses or naughty children. As a result, they are no longer considered business partners and, even worse, they may begin to be used. The logic is simple: “Do you want to please me? Do this."

Leave all the traditional ways to please the team and don’t try to please them at all. Take a stand, follow business ethics and do your job well. In a male team this will work better than pies.

4 more female mistakes in a male team

6. “I’m just like you.”

This is the other extreme of trying to please your male colleagues. Carefully study how Spartak played and why new model a car of one brand is worse than the old model of another, it will also be redundant.

Of course, informal communication needs to be supported in some way, and men’s topics are often not entirely clear to us. How to be? You just need to keep abreast of world news and their descriptions. There is no need to specifically study auto and tech topics, it will look strange. But what you really have in common: discussing new fines on the road (if you are a driver) and a new computer game that your son is interested in will be appropriate.

Working in a male team

If a discussion has begun about the long-awaited match, you can demonstrate your awareness by saying that “they say that this was the brightest game of Spartak in recent seasons.” This information is always in all headings. And you can surprise. And perhaps even inspire further storytelling. This is where a woman’s ability to listen will come in very handy. And this will be the best conversation for a man.

7. “I’m going to cry now” or “I’ll fight back to anyone”

A woman is an emotional being, and an unstable position in a male team demonstrates this quality in the best possible way. Some, when faced with rudeness or injustice from a man at work, become offended and even begin to cry. Others try to respond with rudeness to rudeness, preferably in front of everyone, so that “everyone knows that I’m not a mistake!”

Even in relationships, men don’t really favor women’s emotionality, because they don’t know what to do with it, and at work it will definitely be superfluous. Firstly, by showing your weakness, you immediately lose any business authority in the eyes of men. And if you actively show your strength, you will be treated the same as other men. And then your weakness will reveal itself, you are still a woman.

In other words, working in a male team is a great way to learn to control your emotions outside the home. Try to speak at approximately the same volume level all the time, calmly. If you need to say something to the offender, then do it one on one, even if he allowed him to say something rude to you in front of everyone. In such cases, you can simply limit yourself to a phrase like “I will definitely answer you, but I will do it personally.” Men know how to admit their mistakes if you show a worthy approach and do not mirror incorrect behavior.

Leave emotions about a wonderful corporate event, a dress you just bought at a crazy discount, or a friend’s divorce for another, non-work environment. An increased degree of emotionality takes the smooth masculine atmosphere beyond the limits of effectiveness, which, of course, will soon irritate all your male colleagues.

8. “You should have done it differently.”

Men know better, men are smarter. This is how they think about themselves, and no one will force them to change their minds, so if you suddenly decide to give advice, criticize men or discuss their decisions, do not wait for yourself good attitude- there will be a war.

If you find yourself in a conversation where some problem is being discussed, then do not rush with the phrases “Do it”, “Call”, etc., it is better to ask your colleague what he is going to do, and then put your ideas into the wording “A what if we...", "What do you think, if we do this, then...". If your idea is valuable, then men will definitely remember it and will continue to listen to you.

Working in a male team

But if you give advice to men left and right, then due to the peculiarities of their psychology, men will prefer not to use it, no matter how valuable it may be. This is not harmful, as it sometimes seems to us, but simply a natural feature. Men will not give up their championship.

9. "Let's talk!"

Psychologists have calculated that a woman needs to pronounce three times more words per day than a man (21 thousand versus 7). Therefore, men talk more to the point, and all “thinking about...” usually remains only in the head. Therefore, when tuning into the excitement of working in a male team, take this feature into account and speak only to the point.

Before you propose something, think it through, answer the questions you might be asked in advance, and speak out loud only clear conclusions. Avoid unnecessary discussions, speak only on the issue at hand.

If you have something to offer on a related topic, write it down and bring it up for discussion later. If you explain something to a man for a long time, then after a minute he will lose interest in it, and after 2 minutes he will begin to get irritated because “many words, little action” and will not understand what action you expect from him.

Indicate the purpose of your conversation if you are addressing a man. “Just so you know: the cargo will only arrive the day after tomorrow” - the man knows that no action is required, he has memorized the information. “Call the suppliers in an hour, please, I can’t because the boss gave me the task of going on business” - the man understands what he needs to do and why you can’t do it yourself.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Women and men differ from each other in many ways. In the business sphere, the main difference lies in the psychology of the sexes. People in Russia still live by old attitudes. Soviet times left an indelible imprint: leading positions are given to men, and professional preferences are given to them. The salary ratio is amazing. On average, a representative of the stronger sex earns 40% more than a woman under the same conditions. Labor equality is just words in the labor code. Unspoken rules are much stronger.

When a woman joins a male team, she undergoes a test of strength, confirming her right to equality. How to survive among men? There is no need to be afraid. Gather your strength.

Men's team

Representatives of the stronger sex have been engaged in intellectual work for thousands of years and have developed effective mechanisms of relationships. The laws of the business sphere are the laws of men.

Restrained relationships.

They may seem stingy and inexpressive to a woman. This is an optional condition: the brightness of the reaction depends on temperament. Men show more actively. It is customary to hide “weak” feelings.


Rivalry in male teams is a common occurrence. Yes, the times of tribal struggle are over, but subconsciously the stronger sex perceives colleagues as competitors. This is a woman’s fault: the fair sex evaluates a man by his career achievements and salary level. An advantageous position in a team guarantees prestige not only at work, but also in personal relationships.


Within the team, men are divided into warring groups. Each has a leader and its own tasks. It is more profitable to fight competitors together.


The origins lie in male nature. Natural selection occurs. A man’s position in a team depends not only on professional, but also on personal qualities. Relations between colleagues are built in accordance with their positions on the hierarchy ladder.


Men are big children. Work is work, but you also need to fool around. Men's jokes in a group can baffle the fair sex.

These characteristics determine the personal attitudes of men working in the group. The most common of them:

“I myself!”

The representative of the stronger sex believes in his infallible professionalism. Even if he guesses that this is not so, the man does not admit his incompetence. If he makes a mistake, he will try to solve the problem on his own. If it doesn't work, he'll try again. His stubbornness and pride force him to spend more time and effort on work. A man seeks help either in case of a fiasco or in an emergency.

"I am strong and independent»

This is the attitude of professional men who are in good standing in the group. Dependent on colleagues and even their boss is not for them.

"I must fight"

The struggle in a team occurs on a psychological level. Objective: make the enemy tuck his tail between his legs. This is a mechanism of natural selection that strengthens hierarchical relationships in a team.

"We are a team"

In minutes real danger, the male team unites to solve the problem, forgetting about previous differences.

But you shouldn’t join the men’s struggle and accept all the strict rules of the game. You are a woman, which means you are different from your male colleagues. Your task is to combine the business and social roles so as not to disturb the atmosphere familiar to men, but also not to end up at a loss.

Roles in the team

Getting into new team, you must take a certain position in it and decide on a role. Often the team itself awards a place to newcomers, especially if they show indecisiveness and excessive softness. The roles in the team are:

In leading roles you will find a leader, manager, coordinator, creative person and simply someone who is able to unite some of the employees around him.

Among followers, the most disadvantaged position is occupied by rejected employees. If you do not want to be one of them, avoid roles that are unacceptable in a male team.

What roles should you not take?


By cleaning out the office after men, swearing at your colleague’s mess and unorganized workplace, you remind the representatives of the stronger sex of a mother hen. Pies to the office every day and home lunches will also not add respect, but will only strengthen gender prejudices in the minds of men.

"Tender young lady"

Do men's jokes hurt your psyche? Are conversations of the stronger sex embarrassing and seem rude? Don't interfere. If your coworkers' behavior is beyond reasonable limits, you can make a polite remark about using rude words in your presence. Hint that such behavior is far from business ethics. Do not reprimand men, as this will cause open hostility among your colleagues.

Don't abuse your position. Yes, you are a representative of the weaker sex and can ask for help: carry heavy folders to your workplace, get a report from the top shelf, which you cannot reach. This does not mean that you have the right to demand easy work. Whatever the circumstances, do not ask to make the task easier.


By flirting with a man in the workplace, you lose the title of professional, becoming an ordinary woman who is subject to all male prejudices. You devote less time to work responsibilities when you are involved in your personal life at work. In the office, you are not an object of attention, but a competent employee.

A serious mistake would be flirting with your boss. Men have been fighting for positions for years. Colleagues will perceive an attempt to seduce the boss as a way to get a promotion, bypassing direct competitors by dishonest methods.

"Man in a Skirt"

Imitating representatives of the male sex will not achieve respect. By copying men's habits, supporting Friday binges and conversations in the smoking room, you will cause rejection among your colleagues. Rudeness is unusual for women and repels men on a subconscious level.


Don't try to get men to have an open conversation. Do not discuss your personal life or ask your colleagues for details of relationships. Meddling in other people's affairs in a men's group is a bad idea.

"Errand Girl"

When you allow men to delegate their work to you or voluntarily offer such “help” in order to please the team, you dramatically lose respect. Other people's responsibilities will be assigned to you, but you will not receive gratitude.

How to find a place in a men's team?

Show professionalism and diligence in your work

Do quality work, prove that you are well versed in your field. What qualities does a professional have?

He singles out the main thing from the mass of the secondary. Men appreciate this. Women, getting bogged down in details, miss the point of the task and waste more time than necessary.
A professional is aware of the place of his work in the overall system.
A professional is always attentive. An overlooked little thing sometimes lets down the entire team.
The pro doesn't show that it's difficult for him.
Create an image of a competent specialist

Even if you are experiencing difficulties and do not know what to do, . Put aside your doubts. Remember that in a male team, help is asked only in extreme cases.

Overcome embarrassment

Men can be rude, but you don't need to blush at every joke. Confusion is... Clumsiness in communicating with colleagues will not bring any benefit. Be bolder and more decisive, then men will begin to trust you.

Don't make eyes

You came to work, not to seduce men, right? “Colleague” and “object of passion” are incompatible roles. By choosing one of them, you sacrifice the second. Advice from colleagues can be a dangerous provocation.

When starting a relationship with a member of a business team, think about the possible outcome. Imagine that you are breaking up. How to work together further? Don't forget that men also gossip and talk about women among themselves.

Watch your appearance

Business suit, strict make-up, neat hairstyle. Don't allow yourself to be careless in your appearance.

Forget about your personal life at work

Leave problems in the family and on the personal front at home. At work, focus on the task at hand. You will also have to forget about love and a romantic evening. Colleagues will not appreciate having your head in the clouds and being absent-minded.

Men and women slack off at work in equal amounts, but do it in different ways. Representatives of the fairer sex alternate idleness with work. A woman can fill out a report and read a fashion magazine at the same time. Thus, the work extends throughout the day. The man will first take care of work matters, and in the remaining time he will allow himself to mess around.

What can confuse a woman in a male team?

Obscene expressions

Men love harsh words. They are used to enhance emotion. A harsh phrase that can sober up a man and put him in a working mood turns out to be a strong blow for a woman. Managers who are accustomed to communicating with fixed “male” phrases, which are perceived by the stronger sex as something natural, forget about the subtleties of female nature. If something seems rude to you, don't rush to conclusions. Don't get hysterical, get yourself together and talk to your boss and colleagues. Often men make concessions to a woman without negative consequences. If a polite request does not help, you just have to accept it.

Gender prejudice

In any team there are men who do not perceive a woman as a specialist. For them, femininity and professionalism are incompatible concepts. It is useless to actively fight such a colleague. You can't prove anything with words. Do quality work, and over time he will get used to it or find an excuse for your “uniqueness.”

Male self-confidence

Representatives of the stronger sex tend to exaggerate their advantages. Boasting among men is commonplace. Remember how wild animals try to show strength before a fight? This is how men create competitive images. If you follow the general tactics and attribute a couple of extra advantages to yourself, it will work out to your advantage.

IN competition you will have to enter on an equal footing with your colleagues. Psychological discomfort must be overcome, and feelings must not be shown to anyone. If you are not striving for a promotion and you are satisfied with the position, salary and working conditions, show femininity. You will be given the role of “hearth keeper” in the team. You will take a leading position, but will avoid the main troubles when getting used to the men's team. The advantage of this situation is the mitigation of gender prejudices. A woman who maintains a healthy climate and positive attitude in the team fulfills her natural role, defusing the situation and making a man’s life calmer.

Research shows that when a representative of the fairer sex successfully integrates into a male team, the effectiveness of teamwork increases. Both parties benefit: the woman improves her professional and communication skills, and the men overcome prejudices and learn cultural business communication.

15 March 2014, 18:56

Congratulations: you've finally found your dream job! Career opportunities are unlimited. Vacation is endless. You can’t spend your salary in your entire life. But there is one small detail: tomorrow you will find an all-male team. So completely that even the cactus on the window is male. What to do now - fall into? Or enjoy unexpected luck? How quickly can you accept changes in the rules of the game? After all, a woman in a male team discovers a new, unfamiliar and unusual model of behavior for representatives of the stronger sex.

Where did I end up?

What is shocking right out of the gate is the high level of aggression. In a men's group, a clear hierarchy is established: here are the leaders, there is the majority, in the corner are outsiders. The struggle for territory and status goes on continuously: sometimes openly, sometimes subconsciously. Men tease each other, tease each other, test their strength and readiness to defend their “possessions.”
This misleads a woman: trying to copy aggressive behavior, it does not take into account that men tacitly understand the convention of struggle, not allowing it to spill over into work or personal relationships.

For them, competition and rivalry are a familiar natural process, part of the game. Now they are arguing furiously about who will get a comfortable chair or who will sit by the window - and a minute later they are peacefully going to drink coffee. The same woman taking external manifestation for the essence, experiences severe stress and declares military action, thinking that she has managed to make mortal enemies for herself.

The second female mistake is connected with this - invading the boundaries of the space that men protect as their zone of influence. It includes the material (the computer, the tools, the parking space) and the abstract (his part of the job, professional activity and qualifications). Now do you understand why men react violently to women's advice on what and how to do at work? Or cleaning up their desk without permission?

And the third consequence: a woman in a male group would be better off not rushing to make friends without understanding the hierarchy of the group. By recklessly joining the outsiders, she will bear part of the disrespect or even contempt for them from the rest of the team. Who knows how this will affect career growth?

And what to do with it?

There's really nothing wrong with it. Men understand perfectly well that you don't have to follow these rules. However, it can be useful to immediately identify your area of ​​competence: in the future you will avoid persistent requests to make coffee, unsolicited recommendations on organizing your work process, and even eliminate the unpleasant harassment of anxious colleagues. Be prepared for the fact that men will repeatedly try to test the strength of your defense - but treat this as an element of the game, and not an act of aggression.

At the same time, you definitely shouldn’t go on the defensive, think that you are surrounded by opponents, or communicate with colleagues dryly, coldly and exclusively to the point. By distancing yourself from the team, you are thereby hinting to them that you are supposedly better, higher and more intelligent than them. How well do you think this will be received? How quickly will you find yourself in a complete information vacuum? Most often, such condescending behavior is the reason for male aggression towards women in a team. Take the example of men: it is quite possible to be sociable and responsive, maintain communication and go on joint smoke breaks, without crossing the boundaries of personal space.

By the way, about personal things: for men, work is a priority, so all domestic problems, girlfriends and relatives should be left at the door. Strictly not welcome:

  • spend hours on the phone, talking with girlfriends about fashion news;
  • Call home every minute to find out what your child had for lunch and what grades he got today;
  • leave the workplace for personal matters - especially to visit the hairdresser.

If your absence is due to really important reasons - you need to go to the doctor or take your child to him, there was a flood at home - at least pretend that you are upset by the forced distraction from your favorite work: this will earn you extra points. Free advice: any absence from work related to car repairs or maintenance is viewed favorably by men.

Business lady

Having figured out what a male team looks like through the eyes of a woman, let’s try to create an image and model of behavior that will be at least neutrally perceived by men and will describe how a woman should behave in a male team in order to win a place for herself. The nuance is that if this image or model causes an internal protest in you and does not correspond to your character, you most likely will not be able to stay in a male team.

1. People are greeted by their clothes

There is an opinion that to work successfully, a woman in a male team needs a strict business style, a minimum of makeup and taboos on clothing bright colors. This is only half true:

  • taking liberties in clothing is definitely not recommended for newcomers, whose professional qualities the team has not yet formed an idea about;
  • your too revealing, tight and bright clothes distract men from their “sacred cow” - work. Yes, they will show purely masculine interest, but the damage to your career and the image of a “frivolous twirler” will many times outweigh the possible benefits;
  • men cannot be shocked. A lady who has carefully maintained a business style can stop the work of an entire company by suddenly appearing at work in a mini and stiletto heels. Therefore, shorten your skirt and deepen your neckline by a centimeter per month - and in six months you will be guaranteed freedom in choosing outfits;
  • some freedom in clothing is acceptable for those women who have already demonstrated their professional skills, have earned the authority of high-class workers and know how to win the respect of colleagues in other ways;
  • purely men's accessory or a detail of a suit (tie, jacket, formal trousers) show men that you “belong” even if the rest of your clothes are exclusively feminine.

2. Do you respect me?

Do you know what is most useless here? Demand respect. Not to deserve, not to earn, but to demand - on the basis that “I am a woman here, and you are men.” It’s even worse - using this argument, try to remake the male team according to your own female understanding: forbid them to smoke, express themselves “from the heart,” or discuss girls passing by. They will still continue to do this - but in their own circle, with their backs turned to you. Do you understand the danger?

Sometimes a woman in a male group tries to become “the guy”: she starts smoking, talking vulgarities and getting into fights. Such ladies will never be recognized as full members of the team, but they will lose that important part of themselves that makes them women.

From the point of view of men, there is no division based on gender. Here everyone does a common job on an equal footing and is equally responsible for the result. Therefore, all privileges are revoked, and feminine ways conflict resolution is not applicable. Crying, throwing tantrums or expressing emotions is a sure way to cause misunderstanding and rejection - because this is a clear demonstration of weakness and unpredictability. And weakness, as we already know, in conditions of constant male competition is unacceptable: it is not kindergarten, but serious work.

But at the same time, reactions to understandable situations that men can understand will be met with approval. No one will raise an eyebrow if you curse after a conversation with, slam the table after an unpleasant client leaves, or make a characteristic hand gesture when concluding a million-dollar contract.

In a team, you can earn the respect of men in two ways: become a master of your craft and throw yourself into your work - or show yourself as a strong personality. If everything is clear with mastery, then the second involves some work on oneself. We are talking about things that require willpower and a certain courage: take up sports (especially extreme ones), start studying foreign languages, learn to drive a car quickly and confidently. Add to this strong internal principles and as a reward you will receive the constant respect and admiration of the male part of the team. Now we can remember about short skirts...

3. Citizen boss

It is logical that a woman who has proven herself to be a great specialist will be appointed to a leadership position. Some tension will inevitably arise, but out of respect for her authority, men will give the woman her due: she honestly earned her reward. In this case, a female leader in a male team will feel at home: all the ambitions, internal hierarchy and moods of her colleagues are well known to her.

It is much more difficult if the female boss is invited “from the outside.” The probability that the team will not accept her is almost one hundred percent. After all, the respect of men must be earned, remember? It will be very useful to immediately inform your subordinates about your high qualifications and past achievements - only in indirect ways, otherwise men will take it for bragging.

Correct policy: show yourself as a caring, but fair and demanding “mother”. Direct the destructive energy of men outward, let them understand that you are on the same side in the battle with competitors, that in any controversial situations you will act on the side of the team. If at the same time you confirm in action previously launched rumors about your professional qualities, then positive result will not keep you waiting.

Wrong policy: trying to subjugate men with authoritarianism, psychological pressure, threat of dismissal and shouting. By the way, have you noticed how many women leaders choose this path? Men already suffer painful blows to their pride, but to receive them from a woman... The result is predictable: war will be declared, the team will close, deprive you of access to up-to-date information, begin to sabotage your orders and, at the first opportunity, openly set you up.

4. Love will come unexpectedly...

What about flirting and coquetry, is this acceptable in the workplace? We answer: only in two cases. Firstly, if you came to a men's group in search of a life partner and do not plan to stay here for a moment after the treasured ring sparkles on your ring finger.

Secondly, liberties are acceptable for a woman who has worked in a male team for a long time, who has earned authority and has already established the boundaries of what is permitted (think about clothes - the situation is the same here). Only then can female coquetry, presented in a comic form, brighten up the harsh everyday life of the male team. However, it doesn’t hurt to make sure that men understand the conventions of this “performance” - otherwise some poor fellow will take your flirting at face value, get rejected and begin to take revenge, spread unpleasant rumors behind your back and cause other troubles.

If you are not sure that the men around you have a sense of humor, it is better not to take risks: any random touches and hints can be misinterpreted. In the speed of spreading rumors and gossip, the male team will give a head start to the female team, and if you also flirt with your superiors...

Service or romance?

The statistics are inexorable: no more than 15% of office romances end in marriage. But every second person has to quit after the end of the relationship. Even if it doesn’t come to a job change, violent feelings and the work process are mutually exclusive things and therefore not approved by management.

Definitely not worth it in your own department, in plain sight of everyone. Gossip, advice, even attempts to quarrel between you will come not only from rejected fans, but also from completely indifferent colleagues. When you start an affair with a subordinate, you will never know how pure his intentions are and what he says to his colleagues behind your back. By starting an affair with your boss, you end your career as a specialist - no one will ever again believe that you have achieved something on your own. In an ideal office romance, the partners are not connected by a “superior-subordinate” relationship, are not direct colleagues and are not constantly in each other’s sight.

What advantages can a woman find in a male team?

Let's be honest: when you come to work in a male team, you set yourself a difficult task. You cannot let your guard down for a minute, you cannot show weakness or use the classic female “arsenal” - how long can you withstand such stress? Fortunately, men’s views on this problem are much more loyal than it seems - they will forgive many small mistakes and will again and again provide you with the opportunity to prove yourself. And more good news: this tension will soon pass. As soon as you earn the trust of your colleagues, you will have at your service not just one strong male shoulder, but a dozen or two - and not only shoulders, but also consultants on problems with cars, repairs, household appliances and computers.

You will learn to work the way they do - quickly, decisively, without torment or doubt, instantly moving from a state of rest to vigorous activity. You will begin to control your words and restrain your emotions, eliminate ambiguity, and convey information to your opponent briefly and clearly.

You will understand how to build not only at work, but also in life. And finally, a woman in a male team must constantly look after herself and be in good shape. Lack of makeup or old jeans and flip-flops may not be noticed by men. But would you allow yourself to show up like this to work, where even the cactus is male?

Only at first glance it may seem that for a girl working in a male team is a real paradise, especially if she is unmarried and has easy contact with the opposite sex.

In fact, after the temporary euphoria dissolves, and curiosity on the part of the male team continues to grow, a woman in such an environment immediately faces many problems.

In order not to make fatal mistakes, especially if you really value your workplace and also do not want to turn into a real outcast for a long time, you need to think through your behavior in advance.

There is a category of women who pursue slightly different goals when they get a job in a male team: to find, so to speak, their prince. However, we will assume that this is not so and you really got a job because of work, which means that your future is now only in your fragile female hands.

All thoughts about “I am the only beauty, and therefore I should be surrounded with care and compliments” should be left outside of working hours, where you are a full and equal member of the team, for whom there are no special concessions or discounts for the “weakness” of the sex. So, let's figure out how a girl should behave in a male team in order to earn respect and trust from her colleagues?

Work on one level

If you still decide that you can work in a male team, then learn to behave like a man, at least when it comes to work issues.

Surrounded by the stronger sex, there is often a temptation to succumb to your feminine essence, to feel weak and defenseless, appealing to the natural instincts of men, which, in this case, should become real support and support.

If you often use this and blame all your mistakes on your feminine essence, then before you even blink an eye, you will turn into an empty place that no one takes into account.

Therefore, since this has happened, you will have to work with everyone on the same level, not give yourself any concessions, in any situation you must remain a “business partner,” albeit in a skirt.

Deal with work problems yourself, formulate tasks and goals clearly, look for solutions quickly and smoothly, men do not like to “draw out the pleasure.”

Take part in brainstorming sessions, do not hesitate to offer your ideas, and also take on complex projects, if, of course, you are capable of them. Let your colleagues, first of all, value you for your business qualities, and not just for the fact that you were lucky enough to be born a woman.

No coquetry

As we have already said, there is a separate category of the fair sex who join men’s groups solely for the sake of relationships. But by default we believe that you need a job, which means that flirting will not be tolerated here under any circumstances.

Important advice: constantly monitor your behavior, especially at various corporate parties, because they can become a source of extremely unpleasant gossip and, as a result, the wrong attitude towards your person. Any, even the most insignificant signs of attention on your part, can be viewed completely differently, not in your favor.

It’s even worse when, when communicating with colleagues, you gradually begin to single out one person from the general team, even if only slightly. In this situation, there is a risk of alienating others, who may feel rejected and may want to take revenge.

It’s even worse if several people start “fighting” for your attention, which will most likely turn into a disaster for the three of you. Do you really want to continue working in such a team after this?

And yet you are a woman

However, there is no need to completely forget that you are still a lady, of course, if you do not want to turn into your “shirt-guy” who can listen to any conversations, stupid jokes and even strong words.

The emphasis is on the fact that you are, after all, a woman, worth doing in those situations where you really need to feel it: for example, moving a heavy cabinet or box from office to office, dealing with a jammed lock or fixing a burnt out lamp.

But “making tea” or constantly asking for help with the next project - this can be perceived as coquetry or your own incompetence. Do you need it?

Watch your appearance

Working in an exclusively male team, it is not easy for a girl; there are many inconveniences and disadvantages, one of which is that she is not allowed to wear her favorite skirts, revealing neckline or bright make-up. eAvoid transparent blouses and dresses that are too short; your appearance should comply with the general dress code, and if there is none, then at least not attract prying eyes. Restrained and moderate - these are the basic rules for your work wardrobe.

Emotions on lock

Of course, such work also has its advantages - general attention to women's holidays, the absence of gossip and intrigue that are inherent in the women's team, as well as other, personal views on this matter. And yet, think several times before going to a group that is overcrowded with males.

Another important rule, which women are not always able to observe, is complete control over their emotions and conversations, watch everything that comes from you. Here you can’t cry over a broken nail or spend the whole day washing your ex’s bones, they simply won’t understand you!

Remember, nothing irritates men as much as women's tears, so be strong by controlling your emotions. By following these simple rules, you can not only get into male society, but also firmly gain a foothold in it.