Women's tears or why do women cry? Why is the woman crying? What to do when a woman cries

Women are amazing and unpredictable creatures. Any man will confirm this fact. They are sweet, mysterious and... often cry for no apparent reason.

Women's tears put men into a stupor, frighten, irritate and disarm. What are the reasons for this exciting phenomenon? Let's try to figure out why a woman cries.

Why do women cry

The tendency to cry has a biological basis - the hormone prolactin, which is present in the body of every woman. In children under 10 years of age, this hormone is present regardless of gender, but after 13 years of age it remains in the blood only in the female half of humanity. That's why strong women cry too. This is not a sign of powerlessness, it’s just how nature ordered it.

There is no clear answer to the question why a woman cries. The uncontrollable desire to burst into tears can be caused by anything.

Causes of women's tears

1. Stress and emotional release

Women's tears can be caused by severe stress and the need for emotional release. The reasons why women cry can be both negative and positive.

It is not without reason that the song says that Strong woman crying at the window. If your woman is crying, you should not leave her alone, it is better to caress and hug her, demonstrating your tenderness. After all, love and care are what every representative of the fairer sex dreams of. And they will help her survive any grief.

10 out of 10 men become nervous when a woman cries. Is it true that this is how a woman wants to use you? How to react to women's tears correctly?

Read now:

1. Why do women cry, and is it always bad?
2. In what cases does a woman use tears for manipulation?
3. How can you tell when a woman is crying sincerely and when she is crying on purpose?
4. What does a woman need from a man when she cries?
5. How to react to women's tears correctly?

Why do women cry, and is it always bad?

What is important for men to understand?

A woman lives by feelings, and tears reflect her internal state. A woman can cry from tenderness and happiness, from grief and disappointment, from insults or humiliation... or demonstratively.

Often a woman needs to cry in order to get rid of accumulated emotions.

A woman’s tears are like a safety valve that prevents her from “exploding.”

What does a man do when he feels bad or needs to internally experience certain events?

He goes into himself! He needs to be alone to think things over. Only then does it become easier for him.

What does a woman do in the same situations?

She urgently needs to discuss everything with someone - a friend, colleague or own husband(by a guy). If you can’t “let off steam” through conversation, tears are used. Then it becomes easier for her!

In what cases does a woman use tears for manipulation?

Many men believe that a woman cries only to force her tears to force them to do things their way.

Is it really?

Of course, whims, and sometimes even “exemplary hysterics,” are characteristic of women. Some women use tears very skillfully, evoking pity and other necessary feelings in a man.

BUT! Note to husbands!

Wives use this technique extremely rarely, unlike “stranger” women. In most cases in family life a woman begins to cry when she can no longer contain her emotions. And this is not a method of manipulation¹, not a desire to evoke feelings of guilt, pity or anything else - this is a way to alleviate your condition!

How can you tell when a woman is crying sincerely and when she is crying on purpose?

If a woman really needs to cry, she will try to hide her tears, walk away from the man so that he does not see her at this moment.

When a woman cries demonstratively, showing with all her appearance how unhappy she is, this is clearly manipulation.

There is one more sign!

If a woman cries beautifully (wiping her eyes with a handkerchief and trying not to ruin her makeup), then these are tears for the purpose of influence. If a woman cannot hold back her sobs, and she no longer cares what she looks like, this means that she really feels bad.

What does a woman need from a man when she cries?

If women's tears are a means of manipulation, then everything is clear. With tears, the woman tries to get the man to make concessions. How to react in this case? Everyone decides for themselves. You can follow the lead if it is acceptable, or stand your ground.

But if a woman needs to free herself from accumulated emotions, then at this moment she does not need anything from you!

Often men don’t know how to react - he didn’t seem to say anything, but she burst into tears and began accusing her of all mortal sins.

Not at all!

If this happened, then this only means that the woman has reached “the point.” She can no longer contain herself, this is beyond her. At this moment she needs a release.

The fact that she remembers all the grievances does not mean that she is trying to make you feel guilty and show how bad you are!

This way she is simply freed from negative emotions.

Don't take her words personally, even if they seem unfair to you. Don’t start making excuses or defending yourself (even if you really want to). Apart from clarifying the relationship, this will not give anything, and, believe me, when a woman cries, this is not the best moment. In such a situation, she can be aggressive and merciless in her statements.

How to react to women's tears correctly?

When a woman cries sincerely, a man should wait a little (10 minutes until the first wave passes), and then come up and offer to talk. This is the best tactic that will quickly return a woman to her normal state and make her feel grateful!

Just to talk is to listen without offense or complaints, without taking anything personally.

For example, when a woman, in response to your offer to talk, says: “I was hoping that we would go somewhere together, but you are busy again, work is most important to you,” you should not take this as an accusation, feel guilt, irritation, desire justify yourself.

In fact, she just wanted to say:

“I feel bad without you, I miss you, I need your attention and your support. Give me some time!”

Sounds different, doesn't it?

But this is a communication problem. When a woman, as it seems to you, accuses you, then in fact she just wants to say about her condition, that she feels bad about herself. this moment. And the reason may not even be you! But to “heal” she needs your understanding and support.

You should not take an offensive position. Just try to enter her state, feel what she feels (for this it’s worth). Then you will always come out of such situations as a winner, and your significant other will be grateful to you.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Psychological manipulation is a type of social, psychological influence, which is the desire to change the perception or behavior of other people using hidden, deceptive and violent tactics (

Tears are a woman's powerful weapon. But we will tell you below what a man should do if a woman cries.

1. First of all, try to find out whose woman is crying. When a woman is someone else's, it is not safe to console her. If the woman is a draw, take her for yourself. Now, if she continues to cry, it will be completely clear that it is from happiness.

2. When your personal woman cries, do not leave her alone. Otherwise everyone around just thinks that it’s a draw. Be as close and attentive to her as possible. Move no further than to a distance where her voice can no longer be heard, and do not let her out of sight - use binoculars.

3. Questions that should not be asked to women in tears:
"What do you want?"
"Who is guilty?"
"What to do?"
The answer to the first question will hurt your wallet, and the last two will hurt your pride.

4. In response to women's tears, there is no need to run anywhere. There is no need to save anyone. There is no need to punish anyone. It will certainly turn out that saving and punishing should have been completely the opposite.

5. The practice of giving gifts to sad women is vicious. Better give me a pack of handkerchiefs. Remember, gifts should only be given to cheerful women. This is how a useful conditioned reflex and an attitude towards a pleasant character are developed.

6. If you have followed all the above rules, and a woman continues to cry in front of you and does not leave for another, then she really needs your consolation. Show her a sad but interested face. To do this, you will have to put down your binoculars and come closer.

7. It is not necessary to listen to what a sobbing woman says. The main thing is to sigh during pauses and gently hug between them.

8. A performance of aerobatics will be a well-timed tear running down an unshaven cheek. At this moment, the woman forgets about her own troubles and begins to comfort you in fear.

If a man cries. Memo to women.

1. Try to be tactful. Pretend not to notice the restrained male sobs.

2. If the sobs are not restrained enough, pat the man on the shoulder and say, “Well, well!”

3. If the man continues to cry, check his diaper and give the breast.

But if you cry constantly and are easily angered, this may indicate that you are in trouble. depressed state. Something is bothering you, but you have given up on yourself so much that you don’t know the reason for your condition, or you know, but try not to pay attention to it, pretending that the problem does not exist. And holding back tears won't help here. You need to understand what oppresses and worries you, what makes you cry all the time? Often tearfulness occurs against the background of emotional fatigue.

If you cry out of loneliness and self-pity, then these are destructive tears, they lead you into even bigger problems. Such tears have no therapeutic effect because the negative frame of mind you are in causes more harm. You need to pull yourself together and understand that you are doing it because it benefits you. In general, a person is never lonely if he wants to. And what kind of man needs a whiny, melancholic and touchy woman?

Sometimes we use women's tears as manipulation, trying to get something or influence the resolution of a conflict situation in our favor. A woman has no inner strength, no female support, and she includes a “little girl.” If this technique is used infrequently, then there is nothing wrong with it. But this method is not worth adopting. Men are very afraid of women's tears, and at first they will want to pity you and reassure you. But if you start crying often, your tears will simply start to irritate him.

You should not cry when a man offends you or behaves harshly with you. You must have feminine power, to withstand it, but this does not mean that you should hold the defense, and enter into an argument or respond also aggressively, but you should not turn into a weakling. Because such female tears do not evoke any pity or compassion in a man. This rather causes a backlash. He doesn't know what to do with you, how to bring you to your senses. Instead of tears, say directly and openly that it is unpleasant and painful for you when he behaves this way. When you are ready for dialogue and are ready to talk about your feelings without making claims to the man, this indicates your maturity.

But if you don’t know what to do and the conflict goes far, it’s better to cry. Tears are better than any hysteria with breaking dishes, threats and silence, but remember, everything has a limit.

What to do when every touching and romantic little thing makes you cry? This is the letter I received:

Hello Tatiana. I think I'm TOO sentimental. Tears flow with or without reason. For example, today: I helped an old lady cross the road. She thanked me with all her heart, I smiled at her with all my heart. It seemed so nice, but I walked and for several minutes just tried to stop the tears. Sometimes, I think it reaches the point of absurdity. Ceremonial music, for example, in the circus. It seemed fun, it was good, I came to the circus with my child, and when the music started, tears flowed. I want to understand: is this JUST ordinary sentimentality, or does it still speak of some internal problem that needs to be solved? Thank you so much for everything!

Sometimes women's tears are not ordinary sentimentality.

After all, you can just be touched, be pleasantly excited, and you don’t have to cry. If tears flow, it means you are touched and emotional. Tears help remove defenses; at this moment a person becomes defenseless and who he really is.

The question arises, why are you wearing protection? Who are you protecting yourself from?

This may indicate that you lack warm and close relationships. Most likely, you are closed internally, your heart is frozen, a little warmth drowns it, and tears flow. What are you closing yourself off from and what are you afraid of?

This may also indicate that you forbid yourself to feel, control yourself, treat yourself harshly, place high demands on yourself, and drill yourself. You are on guard, you don’t trust, you close your heart to love, you are afraid of pain. After all, a closed heart is not capable of loving and deeply experiencing. And a woman's heart must love. This is the only way a woman can be happy.

You always restrain yourself and forbid yourself to feel, but then solemn music sounds and you cry. Tears just want to melt the ice of your heart.

The heart often closes after suffering pain; once upon a time you did not have enough strength to cope with the pain. But by closing your heart from pain, you also closed it from love.

An adult woman has the mental strength to experience pain and transform it into love. This is feminine power. More about this in . We are learning to be strong as women.

Pain also needs to be dealt with correctly, you cannot close yourself off from it, you cannot ignore it, you need to live it and then it will leave you alone. When you stop being afraid of pain, trust arises and your heart opens.

You also need to pay attention to your needs and needs, to establish a connection with yourself. This connection is lost if your emotions control you and not you control them. More attention, more warmth, less complaints and demands on yourself. Stop drilling yourself and saying “you can’t” or “this is not for me” all the time. You need to warm yourself up, then your heart will melt. When there is no inner warmth, it is very difficult for a woman to show feelings, it is difficult to love. But it is our nature to love.

Allow yourself to feel! When it’s funny, laugh, when you’re sad, cry, don’t hold anything in, open up. And allow yourself to be different!

In general, how often do you smile?

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Tatyana Dzutseva

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