DIY topiary fruit tree. How to make topiary from fruits. Making topiary from fruits

Fruit topiary. Master class with step-by-step photos and description

The work was done using bonsai and topiary techniques.

The master class is designed for older children before school age, school age, teachers and parents.

Purpose: interior decoration, good idea for a gift.

To beautifully decorate your home with various fashionable decorative elements, you do not have to spend huge amounts of money. We can make much of what is sold in stores with our own hands from various improvised means or from what we previously purchased for other work. For example, it could be TOPIARY.

I bring to your attention a master class on making topiary from foam (ready-made) dummies, although in this work you can use dummies made from salt dough.

To work you need: newspaper, foil, masking tape, awl, any stick (will serve as a tree trunk), twine or any thick threads, wooden skewers or toothpicks, hot melt glue (you can use the moment), silicate glue, polyurethane foam or floral foam, dummies and decorations optional.

Work process

1. This is the final topiary.

2. First we need newspaper, foil and masking tape.

3. We crumple the newspaper, giving it the shape of a ball, and wrap the ball in foil.

4. Then wrap the ball tightly with masking tape.

5. We insert a stick into the ball, which will later serve as a barrel.

6. Wrap the ball with twine...

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Today I want to tell you how you can quickly and happily build a topiary with your own hands for beginners - as always, I will give several master classes and explain in detail how even a beginner in needlework can create a topiary with their own hands. Topiary - gorgeous gift, they are also used for decorating and scenting rooms, and such an artificial tree can also be a wonderful gift - for example, a topiary made from money will attract wealth to the house.

Satin ribbons

Let's try to make topiary from satin ribbons. If you know how to do it, then it will be very easy for you, but even if this is your first time taking up ribbon topiary, you will succeed. So, I’ll tell you about the experience of making topiary from satin ribbons with your own hands.


  • about six meters of satin ribbon (no narrower than 5 cm, it’s better to take several colors);
  • threads, beads, and ribbon for decoration;
  • glue gun or regular superglue;
  • a stick or a piece of plastic tube for the barrel;
  • pot or bucket;
  • material for the middle - a fabric bag, crumpled newspaper or a foil ball;
  • earth, pebbles, crushed stone (I used colorful glass for an aquarium).
To make this topiary, a master class on making flowers will also come in handy - look at the video on how to make a simple rose from a satin ribbon.

We make 12-15 roses from satin ribbon. You can use several shades of ribbon (for example, three or four), or you can get by with one shade - when I made topiary younger sister to decorate the wedding photo booth, I used a beautiful satin ribbon ivory.

We make the middle - for example, we crumple up foil or old newspaper, wrap it with threads to make a tight shape. You can wrap it with ribbon, but there is no need - satin roses turn out quite lush.

The trunk can be made from a branch, a plastic pipe or any suitable stick. In extreme cases, dense wire, folded in several layers and wrapped with tape, is suitable. Wrap your trunk with tape, and then glue the trunk to the crown of the tree on one side and to the pot or bucket on the other.

We string a couple of beads onto a thread and “sew” the beads and a satin rose to the topiary. It should be sewn or glued firmly. When the entire ball is covered with roses, you need to prepare the trunk and pot.

You need to pour a weighting agent into the bucket, straighten all the flowers, and, if necessary, decorate with a decorative ribbon.

From coffee

We will also make a coffee tree with our own hands. To make topiary from coffee beans you will need:

  • the basis ( plastic ball, foam ball - sold in craft stores);
  • trunk (branch, stick, tube);
  • a pot or something instead (I had a beautiful clay jar last time, but now I have a regular glass);
  • coffee beans (you shouldn’t skimp - good coffee has an indescribable bright aroma);
  • solution for fixing (I use regular putty, plaster, alabaster, or even cement will also work);
  • brown acrylic paint;
  • glue gun and glue sticks;
  • newspaper or scrap paper;
  • burlap or other characteristic fabric;
  • decor for decorating a coffee topiary with your own hands.
How to make a coffee tree:


By the way, using the same logic as using coffee, you can make a topiary out of coins with your own hands. Look at the photo to see how beautiful it is to make part of a topiary out of coins, and you will get a money tree topiary. You can use regular coins and paint them with gold paint, or you can buy special decorative coins (they will shine brightly).

The manufacturing principle is the same as for a coffee tree - you need to take a base, cover it with paint, first cover it partially with coins (you can do it with a lock - as if coins are shining from an open wallet), and then cover it with coffee and fix it in a pot. Unbleached linen and burlap go well with this tree as decoration.

A topiary made from banknotes also looks very interesting, but I won’t lie - I haven’t yet created a beautiful topiary from banknotes, I’m still working on a tree made from banknotes with my own hands, so if you want to make a money tree from coins or a tree from banknotes that attracts wealth, then watch the master class on how to make a money tree with your own hands.

The kusudama-style tree is also interesting - see how to make topiary with your own hands following step-by-step instructions.

Video bonus: two master classes on how else you can make an original money tree from banknotes:

From napkins

A chic topiary made from napkins with your own hands is made literally from nothing, you will need:
  • several bright napkins;
  • base ball (plastic or foam);
  • branch or stick;
  • gypsum (any mixture for fixation);
  • titanium glue or any polymer glue;
  • pot or glass;
  • stapler and scissors;
  • various ribbons and lace, decor and paper for the pot (can be replaced with fabric).

So, how to make a tree with your own hands from ordinary napkins:
  1. First, we make ordinary flowers from napkins and paper clips - we fix the napkin folded several times with a stapler, cut it out in a circle, and crumple it into petals.
  2. You will need 15-20 flowers, if there are not enough, you will make more, but usually this amount is enough for a lush and beautiful topiary tree of happiness.
  3. We cover the ball with a napkin, wrap the barrel with ribbon, and dry it;
  4. We cover the ball with flowers from napkins, skillfully weaving decor into your tree from napkins with our own hands - it can be lace, beads, bows and even plastic figures; small wooden letters or words on topiary look very attractive;
  5. We dilute the gypsum and “plant” our tree - we immerse the finished topiary with its trunk in the pot and fill it with gypsum, hold it until it sets.
We decorate the outside of the pot, decorate it with plaster.

Now you know how to make a tree of happiness with your own hands and you can decorate such products to your taste.


By the way, you can make a very beautiful topiary from cones, especially since it is quite easy to do. What is needed to make topiary from cones:
  • pot or glass;
  • stick, branch, tube - trunk;
  • a round base for topiary - you can take a ball made of polystyrene foam, you can cut it out of polyurethane foam, in extreme cases, a crumpled newspaper wrapped in threads will do;
  • lumps (preferably bigger);
  • brown acrylic (preferably glossy, dark);
  • fabric for decorating a glass;
  • decor to decorate your topiary made of cones - beads, threads, buttons and so on;
  • gypsum or any building mixture for fixation;
  • glue gun and rods for it;
  • scissors, brushes.
Our craft must be neat, only then it will not be a child’s product, but a chic craft decor.

We start making topiary from pine cones by decorating the glass - we cut the fabric diagonally (this way it drapes better), and we tighten it, gluing it with a gun. By the way, do you want to avoid unsightly glue marks? Glue it where it will not be visible (on the bottom and inside the glass, and the walls should just be covered).

We prepare the base - fix the stick to the ball, paint everything with acrylic (it’s better to cover it with newspaper first).

We cover the ball with cones, let it dry and fix it in a pot - for this we dilute plaster, dip the trunk of our tree and hold it until the plaster sets.

You can decorate topiary from pine cones different ways, I prefer beads in natural shades.

You can decorate your pine cone topiary with ribbons, hang artificial berries or even small figurines on the cones.

Beads and beads

You can also make a charming topiary from beads. It’s easier to understand how to make a tree from beads with your hands, so watch the video below on how to make a topiary from beads. By the way, a craftsman can make absolutely anything from beads - including decor, for example, berries that can be used to decorate a money tree made of beads.

Now you know how to make an artificial tree with your own hands step by step. I admit honestly, every topiary made by yourself is something special, and you will understand what it will be like only when you start decorating it. Try making festive trees and ordinary modest trees for the interior - those that are laid out with pine cones and coffee beans can not only decorate the room, but also flavor it (you can add a couple of drops essential oil).

And my sister makes money topiaries with her own hands, which lure money into the house; I will publish a tutorial next time - for now I can only show from photographs what such products look like. Try making your own topiaries and surprise your loved ones with unusual gifts!

A few more original master classes + Video bonus

DIY shell tree:

From the tapes:

And one more lesson on creating a tree from petals with singed edges:

Ideas for inspiration:

It is fruit topiary that is a symbol of prosperity and wealth. To make topiary with artificial fruits, you can use not only fake fruits, but also fresh vegetables and fruits. Making such an unusual tree with your own hands is not at all difficult; the master class below will help you. You will make a great accessory for your home or a wonderful gift for your loved ones.

DIY fruit topiary: preparatory stage

Topiary made of fruits and vegetables is a small piece of comfort in a home environment. Also, such a tree of happiness can be presented to someone as a gift. To create such crafts they use various materials. Our master class will tell you how to make a tree from artificial fruits and vegetables with your own hands.

For production we will need:

  • Pot;
  • Newspapers;
  • Threads;
  • Floral sponge;
  • Foil;
  • Scotch;
  • Wooden stick;
  • Wooden skewers;
  • Artificial fruits, vegetables

Do-it-yourself fruit topiary: master class, preparing the base

The necessary materials are ready, now let’s start making topiary from fruits and vegetables, which the next master class will talk about.

Master class on making the base of fruit and vegetable topiary:

  1. Let's start the master class with how to make your own base for topiary from decorative fruits and vegetables. To do this, you need to crumple up several pairs of newspapers and wrap them in foil.
  2. Now wrap this newspaper ball tightly with masking tape. It is better to do one or two more layers so that the base does not lose its shape.
  3. A wooden stick will serve as a trunk, which we will attach to the resulting ball.
  4. Next, wrap the ball with threads or twine, constantly changing the direction so that the turns intersect. After wrapping the ball, begin wrapping the trunk of the future tree, moving from top to bottom.

To ensure that the twine fits tightly to the trunk, you need to apply a thin layer of glue to it and wait until it dries completely.

DIY fruit topiary: preparing the pot

Next, the master class will tell you how to decorate the pot. If you don’t have a pot, you can make one from thick cardboard by gluing the shape together. Then wrap thread or twine around the pot and cover its surface with clear glue. Next, place a floral sponge at the bottom of the pot and stick the tree trunk into it.

You can combine any fruits and details, making them a “highlight”

You may need weighting agents to make the vegetable topiary more stable.

Fill the pot with foam or plaster. If you choose polyurethane foam, then after drying, be sure to cut off the excess.

Decorating a fruit topiary with your own hands

Now the master class will show you how to decorate topiary with your own hands. You need to prepare the required amount of vegetables, fruits, flowers. To make it more interesting, you can cut them in half.

We really hope that our DIY master class will be very useful to you in creating an unusual fruit tree. This topiary will fit harmoniously into any interior. And even in the coldest frosts it will remind you of the warm summer.

Do-it-yourself dummies of fruits and vegetables: master class

We present to your attention 4 ways to create dummies.

Fruit dummies: method 1

You will need foil, newspaper, tape, colored paper and glue.

Crumple the newspaper and create the shape of the item you want to make. Next, secure the newspaper form with foil, securing with tape. Then apply layers of newspaper and glue, then leave the finished form to dry.

To make it more convenient, pierce the dummy with a thin wooden stick and, holding it in your hands, continue to apply layers of newspaper and glue.

Once the mold is ready, start gluing it in layers. colored paper until the desired color is obtained.

The second method of making artificial fruits

You will need a model of a fruit or vegetable, glue, brushes and paints (gouache).

This method repeats the process of the first option, only we will use the vegetable or fruit itself to ensure the accuracy of the desired shape. For example, to make a banana, you need to take a real banana and apply layers of newspaper and glue on it. After drying, cut the shape with a sharp knife and remove the fruit from the middle and glue the edges. All that remains is to color the resulting dummy as desired.

Method - 3

As a base, take a foam frame and apply layers of colored paper and glue, leaving it until completely dry.

Method - 4

A great opportunity to keep yourself and your children busy creating artificial vegetables and fruits, which you can then simply play with or make various crafts with. Such fruits will never wither and will always delight you. This option for creating a dummy involves drying in the literal sense. It is better suited for vegetables such as pumpkin, squash and others. To do this, wash the vegetables thoroughly and place them in the sun. Be sure to turn the vegetables once a day. This dummy will be ready in two weeks.

If the question arises about where to get or buy beautiful artificial fruit or vegetables for crafts, there is a solution - make them yourself! In the future, you can use decorative figures to decorate any room or play with children.

A tree of happiness can be created from the most unpretentious materials. Fruit topiary is another manifestation of the extraordinary imagination of people who want to decorate and ennoble their life. After all, this is not a simple superstition, but a way to improve and decorate your home interior, and make a wonderful gift with your own hands. This is a way to add a bright note to the daily expectation of beauty and simply self-realization, satisfying a person’s eternal craving for creativity.

Fruit topiary is a wonderful talisman, the presence of which in the house can attract good luck, happiness and prosperity, according to some religions and traditions. Even if this is a simple superstition, such a tree can decorate and make a design original if it is made with imagination and love.

Traditional and non-traditional materials

You can make it from any available materials. Traditionally, paper and beads, pine cones and coffee beans, beads and artificial flowers, banknotes and coins, pebbles and shells are used.

The fruit tree is one of the relatively new types of topiary, which appeared after papier-mâché fruits, used as a decorative element of the interior, were replaced by brighter, more durable and lighter plastic fruits. You can decorate a fruit topiary, like any other tree of happiness, with anything. You can start decorating by giving the tree unique scents (using sachets or aromatic oils for sprinkling), and you can finish the decoration with ribbons and beads.

Minimum equipment - maximum pleasure

Making topiary from fruits with your own hands is quite simple and does not require virtually any material costs. For this process you just need:

  • artificial fruits;
  • pot;
  • threads and glue;
  • wooden skewers;
  • floral sponge;
  • wooden stick;
  • tape and foil.

When designing and decorating fruit topiaries, you can use any available materials, in addition to artificial fruits, which are their distinctive feature. Fantasy in application decorative elements- an indispensable condition for creating an original and unique composition.

Fruit topiary for beginners (video)

Elements of technology and unlimited creativity

Now directly about how to make topiary. First you need to crumple up several newspapers and make them into a dense ball of a size corresponding to the dimensions of the planned composition. The size of the ball depends on the capacity of the pot and the thickness of the stick on which it will be placed.

Next, the ball is tightly wrapped in foil, which is carefully and firmly secured with adhesive tape, evenly wrapping it over the entire surface. Due to its ideal plasticity and maximum creasing properties, foil in this case is an ideal material for holding the shape of crumpled newspapers.

If you don’t have foil on hand, you can use colored paper or wrapping paper With beautiful design in a good condition.

The next step is to wrap the ball with thread or twine. It is advisable to use not thick twine, but rather denser threads. The twine can be carefully painted acrylic paints color suitable for the composition. Fruit topiaries are good because the range of their execution can be very diverse, since it repeats the whimsical play of natural colors.

After the threads or twine are covered with a thick layer of transparent glue, the ball is firmly fixed on the stick and no less firmly in the pot using a floral sponge.

Pot as a separate decorative element

When creating fruit topiaries, you should remember that any detail in the tree of happiness must harmoniously correspond to the overall design of the composition. You can buy a simple one flower pot bright color and limit it to this, but it will be a significant damage to the overall plan.

The pot needs the same careful design as the piece of artificial fruit itself. It can be decorated with colored foil, layers of wound twine, followed by gluing on beads or beads and painting with acrylic paints. You can decorate with a layer of small artificial fruits, smaller in diameter than those used in the main color scheme.

Depending on the size of the ball and the number of fruits, you may need a gypsum solution or foam with wire spacers to keep the composition in balance. They fill the pot, using it as an additional decorative element, and then level or trim it for neatness.

Master class on the tree of happiness (video)

Vibrant summer colors all year round

When creating topiaries from artificial elements, people usually time them to coincide with a specific holiday or special date. New Year's, wedding, Christmas or financial reasons for topiary largely determine the specifics of the material used.

The reason for fruit topiary can be simply good mood, a thirst for creativity or a desire to decorate your home. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in decorating with fruits - pierce it with a toothpick, the other end of which is coated with glue, and stick it into the prepared ball.

But topiary, made with your own hands in the summer, can all year round pleasing to the eye, recalling the time of creation.

The flight of fancy is unlimited

All the beauty of summer lies in the bright colors of fruits, and topiaries, collected with your own hands taking into account pleasant associations and preferences from a wide variety of components, will be a positive note in any interior if they are made taking into account the color scheme of the room.

Color range can be solved in warm colors, using the color features of fruit shades. Red apples or pears with a red side, oranges and pomegranates, figs and dogwoods, strawberries and cranberries.

It can be green with grapes, apples, lime, kiwi and feijoa or purple with grapes, plums, blackberries and honeysuckle. A variant of a variegated multi-colored composition with green leaves, smoothly transitioning from shade to shade is possible, it can also be sunny yellow - everything is in the hands of a creator and dreamer who is working on creating a topiary.

After all, the choice of the form of the composition and its decorative elements for your own tree of happiness, or topiary prepared as an unforgettable and wonderful gift, always remains the personal choice of the master. The variety of beautiful things around us is just an additional incentive to use them in creating perfect and soul-pleasing works of art.

And if this is your own work, made with your own hands, and also a talisman for yourself or as a gift, the pleasure of making it will be especially pleasant.