Scenario "heroes of fairy tales at Maslenitsa." Maslenitsa in kindergarten, at school - a scenario for the Maslenitsa holiday: words of song poems, competitions, games on the street A musical reworked fairy tale for Maslenitsa

The Russian soul is structured in such a way that as soon as the last New Year’s fireworks die down and the protracted feasts die down, the people begin to wait for spring. That is why Farewell to the Russian Winter is celebrated so widely and joyfully Wide Maslenitsa. On these days, both those who strictly observe Orthodox traditions and those who do not adhere to them happily gorge themselves on pancakes and participate in fun activities and folk festivities. For those who like to add something new to the traditional program of this have a wonderful holiday we offer outdoor games and fun for Maslenitsa: some of them are more suitable for small company, others - for mass celebrations.

1. Outdoor game - skit for Maslenitsa "Pancakes with Caviar"

To play this game, you need to prepare fiery folk music and six chairs (bench) and invite six people to participate in it. Before the start of the skit, assign roles and introduce the participants to the audience to the music, at the same time rehearsing their movements and words with each (it is better not to give cards with words, they will interfere with movement). The presenter calls each character, he expressively says his phrase and demonstrates his movement to a musical excerpt. Then the presenter will explain the rules: everyone sits down, the text is read, every time their character is mentioned, the participant gets up and runs clockwise around the chairs, making a characteristic movement and shouting out his line, then sits down again. If the word “Pancakes” is heard in the text, everyone jumps up and shouts: “Happy holiday, people!” and run around the chairs together.

There are no winners or losers in this game, even if someone gets confused, it doesn't matter, it's just a reason to have fun and move around the holiday.

(The game was invented by analogy with the famous skit - if the presenter likes the option with cards more, you can distribute the words, removing the movements).

Characters, lines and characteristic movements:

Grandfather: “I want a drink!” - one hand on the back of the head, the other on the waist

Baba: “I’ll treat everyone!” - spreads his arms hospitably

Daughter: “Life is good!” - claps his hands

Son-in-law: “The soul has turned around!” - hands on hips

Caviar: “The mouth is happy!” - thumb shows a gesture: “Wow!”

Pancakes: “Happy holiday, people!” - welcome hand gesture

Sketch text

They lived - there was Grandfather... and Baba..., they lived - they didn’t grieve,

On Maslenitsa they loved to bake pancakes.

Son-in-law... with Daughter... for Pancakes... they came to them,

They brought caviar... sterlet to the Pancakes!

Grandfather... with Son-in-law... They take pancakes, dip them in Caviar,

And they themselves hint to Baba.. and Daughter.. about the holiday!

And Baba..., you know, bakes Pancakes... with heat,

It’s as if he and his Daughter...don’t understand their hints.

Grandfather... almost suffocated with Blin from anger,

Son-in-law... actually choked on caviar... sterlet.

Here immediately Baba. and Daughter..., they got some liqueur

Everyone drank and began to eat Pancakes with gusto!

The hut on Maslenitsa is red with love, delicious pancakes,

Children's laughter, and housewives with smart minds!!!

Among all the folk entertainments, Maslenitsa was a truly universal, very cheerful, riotous holiday. This is a holiday of seeing off winter and welcoming spring. The roots of this holiday go back to our ancestors - the pagan Slavs, when they organized such a holiday in honor of the god of fertility and cattle breeding Volos (Veles). Maslenitsa was accepted by the Orthodox Church as religious holiday and received the name cheese, or meat-free week. Maslenitsa precedes Lent and is celebrated 7 weeks before Easter - from the end of February to the beginning of March.

Maslenitsa scenes for every day of the festivities

Has long been loved in Rus' Maslenitsa- a fun, mischievous holiday. At this time, they said goodbye to winter, burned an effigy of Winter and glorified Spring. This holiday symbolized people's hopes for a fruitful and fruitful year, so Maslenitsa was always very satisfying. At the center of the holiday was Maslenitsa - a figure, a doll made of straw, which was dressed up in a caftan, a hat, put on bast shoes, rode on a sleigh, and sang songs. People referred to her as a long-awaited and dear guest - “honest, broad-minded, cheerful; noblewoman Maslenitsa, Mrs. Maslenitsa." Maslenitsa was accompanied by costumed youth at the Maslenitsa skating events.

The fun continued for a whole week, which was filled with festive worries and preparations. During Maslenitsa week, people did not eat meat, which is why it is called Meat Week.

During Maslenitsa there were sleigh rides down the icy mountains, games and activities filled all the days to capacity; festivities were held right on the streets with songs, circle dances, and mummers. In the old days, only old people and babies did not take part in these folk festivities. Maslenitsa is still celebrated throughout Russia today. Every day Maslenitsa week has its own name and determines what is done on this day and how it is celebrated.

Monday – meeting.

By the first day of Maslenitsa, communal mountains, swings, and tables with sweet dishes were set up. The children made a straw doll in the morning - Maslenitsa - and dressed it up.

Tuesday is a flirt.

In the morning, the girls and young men rode on the mountains and ate pancakes. On this day (as well as on all other days of Maslenitsa), the guys were looking for brides, and the girls were looking for grooms.

Wednesday - gourmet, revelry, turning point. On Wednesday, mothers-in-law invited their sons-in-law to pancakes, and for the fun of their sons-in-law - and all their relatives.

Thursday - go for a walk, Thursday, wide.

They rode through the streets and had fist fights. They carried a man on a sleigh with wine and rolls of bread. At the appointed place they gathered to drink beer and sing songs.

Friday - Mother-in-law's evening.

On this day, sons-in-law invited their mothers-in-law to pancakes, and the son-in-law was obliged to invite his mother-in-law personally.

Saturday – “sister-in-law’s get-togethers”, “farewell”.


At the meeting of Maslenitsa they sang:

Maslenitsa - torticollis,

We welcome you well:

Cheese, butter, pancake

And a rosy pie!

And we were expecting Maslenitsa,

They didn’t eat jelly with milk.

Now Maslenitsa is moving into the yard,

The wide one enters the yard.

All on black horses,

All on painted sleighs,

And we girls welcome her,

And we, the Reds, meet her,

We have fun in round dances.

They rode down from the icy mountains singing:

And we were expecting Maslenitsa,

We met our dear guest.

The mountain was covered with pancakes,

Oil was poured on top.

The mountain is steep like pancakes,

The mountain is as clear as butter.

And snow is pouring on the hill,

And our mothers are calling us home.

It's not good for us to go home.

We decided to ride down the mountain.

Oh, Maslenitsa-Krivosheyka,

Give us a good ride!

When the children walked around the houses, they asked at the windows:


Bring me the blink

Pancake - increase.

The last piece

Mouth weasel!

Don't be stingy

On the last day of Maslenitsa they sang:

And we saw off Maslenitsa,

They sighed heavily for her:

-Oh, Maslenitsa, come back,

Cling to the white birch tree,

Cling to the white birch tree,

Reach out to the red summer!

And we celebrated Maslenitsa,

You lost your dear one,

They thought she would be seven years old,

And she stayed for seven days.

Hey, Maslenitsa, come back!

Show yourself again!

IN " Forgiveness Sunday“We went to the cemetery, left pancakes on the graves and worshiped the ashes of our relatives.

“What a simple and handy way of salvation! Your sins are forgiven, provided that your neighbor's sins against you are forgiven. Forgiveness day, what a great heavenly day of God this is! If we all used it as we should, then today Christian societies would be transformed into “heavenly societies,” and the earth would merge with heaven...”

St. Theophan the Recluse

On Maslenitsa It was a tradition for couples who got married that year to slide down the mountain. This is how the magazine “Good Advice” (3-97) describes the celebration of young couples on Maslenitsa: “Young couples went out “in public” in painted sleighs, paid visits to everyone who walked at their wedding. Then the sleigh with the newlyweds drove up to woe, when many men and single guys gathered there. As soon as the young husband climbed the mountain, the others shouted: “Young so-and-so up the hill!” The wife, having heard the invitation, got out of the sleigh and, bowing on both sides, went up to her husband waiting for her, and having ascended the mountain and made three more low bows, she sat on her husband’s lap, kissed him two or three times, and those standing nearby did not content with such a small courtesy of the newlyweds, they held the sled, saying: “Grease it again, it will go better!” Having rolled down the mountain, the young woman kissed her husband again. All the recently married had to slide down once. Young couples dressed in best suits, more often in those in which they got married, they took part in the game “Pillars”. Following the rules, they stood on both sides of the village street and publicly showed how they loved each other. At the same time, people shouted to them: “Gunpowder on their lips!” - and offered to kiss again.”

In some areas, where the housewife baked pancakes (the main “Maslenitsa dish”) in advance, the ritual of celebrating Maslenitsa has been preserved. A boy with a pancake was jumping around the garden on a poker and shouting: “Goodbye, snotty winter! Come, red summer! I’ll take a plow and a harrow and go plow!”

The holiday was often opened by children who built snowy mountains and said greetings to Maslenitsa: “He called and invited the honest Semik wide Maslenitsa to visit his yard. Are you my soul, Maslenitsa, your sugar lips, sweet speech! Come visit me in the wide yard, ride in the mountains, roll around in pancakes, amuse your heart. Are you my Maslenitsa, red beauty, light brown braid, thirty brothers, sister, forty grandmothers, granddaughter, three-mother’s daughter, little cat, you’re my little quail! How honest Semik rode out to meet Maslenitsa in a sled, wearing only foot wraps, without shoes. The honest Maslenitsa, the broad noblewoman, came to Semik’s yard to ride in the mountains, lie in the valleys, and amuse her heart. Semik hits her with his forehead, bows, invites her to the planked tower, to the oak table, to green wine. Like her, honest Maslenitsa, she had fun with her soul, had fun with her mind, and enjoyed her speech.”

After such a meeting, the children ran down the mountain and shouted: “Maslenitsa has arrived! Maslenitsa has arrived!”

Throughout the week, children, and adults too, gathered on the ice and snow mountains, rolled down from there shouting: “Wide Maslenitsa, we boast about you, we ride on the mountains, we gorge ourselves on pancakes!” Adults started skiing from the mountains on Wednesday or Thursday. Skiing from the mountains had a special meaning: whoever rides further will have longer flax in his family.

It’s probably impossible to imagine Russian Maslenitsa without pancakes. The pancake has long been a symbol of the Sun. Ritually eating a pancake is for the glory of spring and the fertility of the earth. The shape of the pancake is also not accidental - the circle was considered a sign of the Sun. “The pancake is round, like a real generous Sun. The pancake is red and hot, like the hot all-warming Sun, the pancake is poured with melted butter - this is a memory of the sacrifices made to powerful stone idols. The pancake is a symbol of the Sun, red days, good harvests, happy and healthy children” (A.I. Kuprin). Pancakes were baked from Monday until the end of the week. On the eve of Monday, in the evening, a woman went out into the street and invited the month to look through the window and blow on the dough: “You are a month, a month, your golden horns! Look out the window and blow on the dough!”

Housewives prepared pancakes according to their own recipes. Buckwheat, oat, egg, and wheat flour were used. They ate pancakes with caviar, salmon, navaga, cottage cheese, sour cream, chopped eggs, and honey.

During Maslenitsa week, the first pancake is for the repose of all the departed. It was placed “for the souls of parents” with the words: “Our honest parents, here is a pancake for your darling!”

When the sons-in-law held a mother-in-law party on Friday, the invited mother-in-law, according to custom, had to send in the evening everything necessary for baking pancakes: a tagan, frying pans, a ladle, a tub for sponge, and the father-in-law would send a bag of buckwheat and cow butter.

Tips for the hostess

A few tablespoons of granulated sugar added to the dough will make the pancakes crispier and golden in color.

To keep the pancakes warm, place them stacked on a plate over a pan of boiling water.

If you want to bake thick, fluffy pancakes, add only the yolks to the batter first, and then add the whipped whites later.

Under Peter I, Maslenitsa was very fun. The fun was located near the Red Gate, where Peter I himself opened the celebration on Maslenitsa Monday, swinging with his servants on a swing. This is how the solemn masquerades under Peter I are described by M. Zabylin (1880 edition): “After Peter the Great concluded peace in 1722, the emperor gave in Moscow a famous, unprecedented masquerade and sleigh ride on the 4th day cheese week.

On this day, the movement of a large train began from the village of Vsesvyatsky, where, in the evening, many sea vessels of various sizes and types, about a hundred sleighs drawn by various animals, had been collected. At the signal made by the rocket, the land fleet, reminiscent of Oleg’s fleet, on runners and sleighs stretched in a long line from Vsesvyatsky to the Tver triumphal gates.

The procession was opened by a harlequin, riding a large sleigh drawn by five horses, decorated with trinkets and bells. On another sleigh rode Prince-Papa Zotov, dressed in a long robe of red velvet, lined with ermine, and at his feet sat... on a barrel; behind him
a retinue completed by a jester, who sat in a sleigh drawn by four pigs.

Then the procession of the fleet itself began, led by Neptune, sitting on a chariot with a trident in his hands, driven by two sirens. In the procession was Prince Caesar Romodanovsky in a royal robe and a princely crown; he occupied a place in a large boat, carried by two live bears. Finally, a huge ship appeared, an 88-gun ship... it had three masts and full ship armament even down to the last block. On this ship, carried by sixteen horses, Tsar Peter I himself sat in the clothes of a naval captain with naval generals and officers and maneuvered it as if at sea during the procession. This ship was followed by the gilded gondola of the empress, who was dressed as a peasant woman, and her retinue consisted of court ladies and gentlemen dressed in Arabic style. Behind the gondola, real members of the masquerade appeared, under the name of the restless monastery. They sat in wide, long sleighs made like a dragon's head, and were dressed up as wolves, cranes, dragons, and represented Aesop's fables, etc.

Such a motley and wonderful masquerade procession through the Tverskaya Gate stretched with cannon shots into the Kremlin, where it reached in the evening. The gathering was appointed at the gates built at that time by the merchants. This masquerade ended with a magnificent fireworks display and feast. In continuation of four
During the days of the Moscow carnival, the persons participating in it changed their costumes several times.”

According to historical data, Empress Anna Ioannovna gathered guards non-commissioned officers with their wives at Maslenitsa, where they enjoyed dancing, and there were other folk entertainments.


Invitations for children (your child’s friends) can be made in the form of a doll, which will be easy for you to paint according to the description given in the story about the history of the celebration. Draw a straw doll in a caftan, a hat, with a sash, legs in bast shoes; inscription: “Maslenitsa has come - open the gates.”

Home decoration.

Try it yourself or ask an artist to draw historical pictures of Maslenitsa celebrations in Rus' (based on the stories above) and hang these pictures in the room where you will greet guests. Make a doll with your children - Maslenitsa on Monday (according to custom), it can be burned at public festivities on Sunday.

In the hallway or dining room, hang posters with the following sayings:

Damn is not the only one who is kind.

Damn it's not bad for the belly.

A pancake is not a wedge, it won’t split your belly.

Ride in the mountains, lie in pancakes.

It’s not Maslenitsa without a pancake, and it’s not a birthday party without a cake.

Prizes: cookbooks with pancake recipes, small Maslenitsa dolls.


Ask the parents of the guest children to prepare costumes for them: gypsies, jesters, sirens, pirates, witches, clowns, dragons, princes, peasants. Remind parents that they make costumes that are not expensive (since the children will have fun in them on the street, riding in the mountains).

Decorate children's sleds with bells and rattles. Try inviting a carriage with a pony or a simple horse so that children can experience the joy of horseback riding. If you celebrate Maslenitsa with your children on Sunday (on this day folk festivals everywhere), then you and the children, together with other parents, can go to a mass celebration. If you celebrate Maslenitsa on one of the days of meat-eating week, then the holiday can be held in the courtyard of the house.

You can have fun with your children outside first.

In addition to skiing from the mountains, facilities snow town and “taking it by force”, offer the children the following outdoor games:

"Swan geese".

Participants in the game choose a wolf and an owner, everyone else is a geese-swan. On one side of the site there is a house where the owner and geese live, on the other there is a wolf under the mountain. The owner lets the geese out into the field to take a walk and browse some green grass. Geese go far from home. After a while, the owner calls the geese: “Geese-swans, come home!” The geese answer: “The old wolf is under the mountain!” - "What is he doing there?" - “The little gray hazel grouse are stinging” - “Well, run home!” The geese run home, and the wolf catches them. The one caught leaves the game. The game ends when all the geese are caught.


1) Geese can fly home, and the wolf can catch them only after saying: “Well, run home!”

2) Geese, entering the field, must disperse throughout the entire area.


All participants in the game are divided into threes, each of which has a coachman and two horses. During the game, the driver gives various commands, the horses must carry them out, and the coachman controls and carefully watches whether the horses perform all the movements accurately. Commands can be: “Step!”, “Gallop in a circle!”, “Turn right,” “Left,” etc.

To the words of the presenter: “Horses, in different directions!” the coachman lets go of the reins, and the horses run off in different directions. To the words of the presenter: “Find your coachman!” – they must find their coachman as quickly as possible. When the game is repeated, the coachman in each trio changes.


1) Horses must follow all commands accurately.

2) The coachman whose horses make a mistake receives a fine - a blue ribbon is tied to his reins.

The difficult role in this game is the role of the leader, because he needs to come up with various movements on the fly. Therefore, when the game is played for the first time, it is advisable that an adult play the role of driver. At the end of the game, so that the triplets get together, you can give a new task: “Coachman, find your horses!”

The game ends as soon as the three players play the role of coachman. The triplets can be made again.

Catch-up (game on skis).

This game is best played with no more than 4-6 children. A ski track is laid in a circle (if there are more children, lay two ski tracks). All children stand on it at the same distance from each other and ski in a circle. Everyone must catch up with a comrade running in front and touch his ski with a stick. Whoever is caught up is eliminated from the game, and the one who remains on skis alone wins.

"Karelian Races" (sledding game).

Opponents sit on a sled and rest their feet on the runners or on special stops made on the sled, and they can push off either with their hands or with ski poles. Two teams of children can compete in this way until all pairs have completed such a “test track.”

Try to organize a competition: who can go the furthest down the mountain on skis, on a sled, or on a cardboard. Give the winner a medal (made of foil, plasticine; see the “Prizes” section), on which, for example, it will be written: “Excellent skier from the mountain.”

How were ice sleds made before? It seems that children would not mind learning this method and trying to make these sleds.

The ice cube is made from an old sieve, a round basket, a basket, etc. Up to half of these items are filled with moistened snow. The snow must freeze, after which the ice cube is lowered into water several times and exposed to the cold so that an ice crust forms. Place hay, straw or old cloth in the icebox to make it warmer and more comfortable to sit on.

Riding on the ice is very interesting: you can slide down on it like a top.

After such outdoor fun, children will work up an appetite. Now is the time to treat them to the traditional Maslenitsa dish - pancakes with berry tea or tea with aromatic herbs (so that no one gets a cold). And at the table you can organize a competition “Who ate the most pancakes?” The winner will receive a postcard “Pancake Lover” (a fat guy in funny clothes near a mountain of pancakes).

Riddles about pancakes.

The king sits on golden eggs. (Frying pan on coals)

You drop a drop on your bald spot, put it in, steam it, take it out, straighten it. (Pancakes are baking)

The shores are iron, the fish is boneless, the water is expensive. (Frying pan, pancake and oil)

Now you can play some quiet games.

Hit the jack (playing cards).

The game develops children's reactions well and has simple rules.

Players sit at a table or on the floor in a circle, cards are placed in the middle.

The entire deck is dealt, the first player goes: opens one of his cards and puts it in the middle. The players, without looking at their cards, take turns opening one card and placing it on top. The game should take place at a good pace.

As soon as the Jack is on the table, everyone immediately tries to put their palm on it.

Whoever “hits” the Jack first takes the cards for himself. If the player makes a mistake and hits a card that is not a Jack, he must give one of his cards to the participant who just played this card.

The game continues until one player has the entire deck, the rest are left without cards.

Short and funny skits and games for celebrating Maslenitsa

The word “gatherings” speaks for itself. This holiday is designed for a small number of participants, so it is best to spend it in a separate class or group. The main entertainment this evening: games, food and songs.

To lead, you can choose three girls who will portray relatives gathered for the holiday. The number of “relatives” will also include the rest of the invitees. Each of the presenters, dressed in Russian costume, will be responsible for conducting individual games and creative competitions. You can invite an accompanist. There is an opinion that young people do not know and do not sing Russian songs. This is not entirely true. Young people know and sing Russian songs, although not everyone wants to take part in the chants. One of the most popular songs among young people is “Oh, Frost.”

A table with refreshments will be organized. All participants sit around and the gatherings begin. What can the presenters offer the audience?

1. A fairy tale with a continuation.
The presenter begins a fairy tale (of your choice), the participants must sequentially add one sentence at a time. Anyone who does not continue the tale on the count of “three” performs some task as a penalty.

2. Game "winders".
A prize is tied exactly in the middle of a long stretched ribbon. The ends of the tape are held by two participants. They must wind up the ribbon as quickly as possible. The one who gets to it first will receive the prize.

3. Game “Princess Nesmeyana”.
A girl is seated on the chair at the head of the table, who must play the role of Nesmeyana. The participant can wear a kokoshnik or crown on her head. The task of those present is to make the princess laugh with the help of lively songs, funny poems, and funny jokes. The one who makes Nesmeyana smile wins a prize.

4. Game “Fish, Bird, Beast”.
The presenter points his hand at one of the players and says: fish! The player must name any fish (perch, pike, bream, etc.). You cannot repeat yourself and make mistakes (name a bird instead of a fish). You'll have to pay a fine.

5. Game “Recognize the picture.”
The presenter shows the player a picture that is closed large sheet with a hole two and a half centimeters in diameter in the middle. By moving the sheet across the picture, you need to find out what is depicted. Answered correctly - get a prize. For each player (no more than 5-7 players) you need to prepare a separate picture.

6. Game “One letter”.
At the suggestion of the presenter, the player chooses any letter, for example “B”. Now he must give answers to the presenter’s questions; words begin only with the selected letter. The list of questions should be different for different players. For example:

What is your name?


What country do you live in?

In Bovaria.

What's your favorite vegetable?


What movie did you watch yesterday?

White Sun of the Desert.

Your favorite writer?


The list of questions should be prepared in advance on a piece of paper. For another player, a different selection should be made. For example, the player chose the letter “C”.

What is your last name?


What city did you come from?

From Sverdlovsk.

What book did you read yesterday?

"Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm."

What bird lives at your house?


What did you have for breakfast?


If a player makes a mistake and names a word with a different letter or hesitates and is unable to continue the game on the count of “three,” he is considered a loser.

7. Game “Horse name”.
In fact, we need to remember the surnames of Russian celebrities who have the name of an animal, bird or fish in their surname. It is best to play in teams; to do this you need to separate the players. Those sitting on one side of the table will be one team, and those sitting on the other side will be part of team two. The teams give their answer one by one. If a team makes a mistake - they say the wrong name or find it difficult to answer, they are considered losers. We only wait three seconds for an answer.
Surnames where, for example, a beast is mentioned, can be like this:
Volkov Alexander - writer.
Zaitsev Vyacheslav - couturier.
Medvedev Valery - writer.
Alexander Zverev is an athlete.
Alexey Kozlov - musician.
Bykov Rolan - actor and director.
Gorbachev Mikhail - ex-president (possibly named after the humpback whale, mammal), etc.

8. Game "Fanta".
This game requires two identical decks of cards. Cards from the first deck are dealt to the players, the second deck remains with the host. The presenter takes any card from the deck. One of the players must have exactly the same card. The presenter proclaims: “Whoever has this card in his hands must jump on one leg!”

9. Comic fortune telling from a book.
For this game, a book is used, preferably a book of fairy tales. The presenter asks to name a specific page and line at the top. For example, take the book “Russian Folk Tales” from the collection of A.N. Afanasyeva. The player calls: page 51, line 19. The presenter reads: “...bring the milk to the girl, the girl will give the threads, bring the threads to the sticky...” Approximate interpretation: you have trouble ahead of you.

10. Music game"Sing about the birds."
Players are divided into two teams according to the principle described in game 7. Task: perform a verse of a song that sings about birds. The teams do this in turns. The team that failed to find a suitable song is considered the loser.
For example:
"Two merry geese lived with granny".
“Chick-chick-chick, my chickens.”
"Stork on the Roof"
"There's a lapwing on the road."
“Dance of the Little Ducklings”, etc.
Topics can be different: animals, birds, fish, professions, and finally, love and friendship.

Scene for Maslenitsa with Buffoons

This day is dedicated to games and competitions. Folklore ensembles also take part. A treat was provided: pancakes.
Buffoon 1.
Get ready, people.
Cheese week is coming!
Buffoon 2.
The second day is coming,
Full of game!
Buffoon 3.
A day of fun and treats
Laughter, songs and fun!
Buffoon 4.
Come, hurry up,
Have fun with us!

The folk ensemble performs the song “Oh, Sleigh.”

Don't look, dear, at the people, at the people.
People judge you - they say, they say,
And they scold me, a beautiful girl,
And they scold me, a beautiful girl!

Oh, sleds, scooters,
Oh, I'll sit on the sled.
Yes, to the extreme.
Oh, little pipe, blow, blow,
My dear, walk, walk!
Don't go, dear, to the garden, to the garden,
Don't look, dear, at the people, at the people,

While the song is playing, spectators gather. The barkers and musical number serve to give the audience an opportunity to get organized. This - First stage celebration, after which the organizers move directly to the competition.

Buffoon 1.
Let's start the fun
For fun and for laughter.
So that the guys don't fall asleep,
Give them stilts.

Stilts are made from well-polished timber 40 x 50 mm, about 2 meters long. The material should be very light. Do not forget that the competition involves children who may not be able to cope with massive stilts, and besides, the action usually takes place in an open area, still covered with icy snow. At a height of thirty centimeters, foot rests are attached in the form of short thick bars. Pieces of rubber can be nailed to the lower ends of the stilts so that they do not slip so much on the compacted icy snow. Usually two participants compete. To do this, gymnastic hula hoops are placed at the same distance on the site. Two hoops for each participant to exit one at the start and enter the other. Hoops are more useful than drawn circles, and they can also be removed, moved further apart, or vice versa. The distance for movement is chosen at your discretion. It could be two meters, three or four. The starting position is inside the circle. On command, the players stand on stilts, walk along the path, enter the far circle, turn around and hurry back. The first one to get back wins. The winner receives a prize, the loser receives a consolation prize. You can assign assistants, they hold the hoops in place so that they do not slip and are not moved out of place due to the efforts of the players. You should also secure the competitors so that they do not fall off the stilts. This is a job for male teachers.

Buffoon 2.
Now it's time for the people
Try on pillar walkers!
Your size or not yours?
We'll pick any one for you!

Pillar walkers can be made from logs 15-25 centimeters high (options are possible). The material should also be light. Pillar walkers are tied to their legs with ropes, the ends of which can be held with their hands for balance. For variety, so that the competition does not look like a competition on stilts, you can do this: place the same number of pins along the paths in different orders. The winner is the one who touches the fewest pins, going around them from different sides.
Competitions on pole walkers are a very difficult type of competition; children often cannot cope with them, fall or lose their legs. Please pay attention to this.

Buffoon 3.
We urgently need a hero
Throw a couple of weights into the sky!
Who wants to try?
Show your strength?

For this competition, you need to choose guys of the same age and build, so that the weight category is more or less the same. Of course, one-pound weights cannot be used; children will not be able to lift them. Ordinary dumbbells or weight-shaped products with a suitable weight will do. The winner is the participant who presses the “weight” large quantity once. Each of the “heroes” should be assigned a buffoon who will carefully count all the push-ups.

Buffoon 4.
A new task for you -
You need to turn into a car.
People will have fun -
Who is faster? Who's ahead?

This competition can be organized in the form of a relay race, in which teams of five pairs (a total of ten people) participate. Pairs are organized immediately so that there is no fuss. One of the participants rests his hands on the ground (each team must be provided with tarpaulin mittens). His partner (who does not need mittens) hooks the “wheelbarrow” by the legs, and both players begin to move. The “wheelbarrow” moves its hands and thus moves forward. His companion supports his legs. You can also use gymnastics hoops to determine distance. Pairs, having walked back and forth, pass the mittens to their teammates, and the relay continues. Members of the winning team are awarded prizes, while members of the losing team receive consolation prizes.

Buffoon 5.
And witches since ancient times
Everyone was flying on a broom.
Which one of you, now we ask,
Will he throw the broom the farthest?

The broom is thrown into the distance from one line, which must not be crossed under any circumstances. The buffoons are watching this closely. The throw range can be determined using a tape measure. You can “set” a record for throwing a broom. The record holder is awarded the main prize of the competition.

Buffoon 6.
Now I ask for your attention!
New competition!
Who wants - old and young
Tug of war?

A traditional competition that takes place during Maslenitsa. It is necessary to determine the line beyond which one cannot cross. Teams line up at the same distance from this line (2-3 m). The winner is the team that pulls the rope over the opponents' line. When the first participant steps into illegal territory, the game is declared over.

Buffoon 7.
Today I played to my heart's content
Our miracle baby.
I need to rest a little -
Tomorrow again from the yard!

Maslenitsa: short scenarios and chants

We congratulate you on the tender Maslenitsa,
The time has come for pies to reign.
The winter farewell cannot be enjoyed without pancakes,
We invite you to song, to jokes, to joy!

Oh, Maslenitsa, reach out!
You cling to the oak tree, to the deck!
Oh, they said - our Maslenitsa
Seven years old
And everything about Maslenitsa
Seven days.
Oh, Maslenitsa is a deceiver!
Deceived, deceived,
She didn’t let me go for a walk!

We are waiting for you at Maslenitsa!
We'll meet you with a butter pancake,
Cheese, honey, kalach
Yes, with cabbage pie.
Great Lent awaits us all,
Eat up for future use, people!
Walk all week
Eat up all your supplies.
And the Day of Forgiveness will come,
We are not too lazy to bow,
Come on Sunday -
We will ask for forgiveness
To remove all sins from the soul,
WITH with a pure heart meet post.
Let's seal our friendship with a kiss,
Even though we're not fighting anyway:
After all, on Maslenitsa you need
Strengthen friendship with love.
Come visit us
We will be glad to have guests!

We sincerely congratulate you
And we cordially invite:
Leave all your worries behind,
Come to visit,
Straight to our porch
Come to us for Maslenitsa.
See for yourself:
Let's treat you to pancakes,
Puffs on sour cream,
Lush pies,
Let's wave to February,
Let's say hello to Martha.

Like during Shrovetide
Pancakes were flying out of the oven!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Maslenitsa, treat!
Serve everyone some pancakes.
In the heat of the moment, take it apart!
Don't forget to praise.

At the beginning of five, their conversation was interrupted by powerful applause, reminiscent of the sound of a rainstorm. Apparently, the stadium welcomed the Klapzubites who appeared. Three minutes later, more applause, stomping and repeated loud shouts - the Australian players ran onto the field. Then immediately a deathly silence reigned, seemingly endless. Behind the wall, pale with excitement, the outcasts craned their heads, trying to catch the slightest sound from the stadium. But it was so quiet, as if someone invisible had covered the entire stadium with one hundred and sixty thousand spectators with a huge glass dome.
The clock hands moved painfully slowly.
Suddenly everyone shuddered. Sharp sound a whistle cut through the air. “Bang-bam-bam,” the hits on the ball sounded loudly. The fans, their eyes bulging, shifted their gaze, as if following the ball, the direction of which they guessed from the blows they heard.
There was a moment when a yellow-green ball flew over the fence like a rocket, flashed in the sun and silently descended again. Then two blows were heard.
At that moment, three boys emerged from around the corner of the main street of the suburb. They ran after each other with long, athletic strides, raising their legs high and lowering smoothly onto their toes. A disheveled boy with black curls under a red cap is in front, followed by two others. Halfway from the stadium, the last one picked up the pace, the middle one pressed on, and they ran the remaining meters side by side. Having caught up with the first group of rejected fans, the guys stopped. Each of them had a bundle of newspapers stuck under their arms.
- Special issue of the Herald!
- The teams took to the field!
- First minutes of the competition! Buy Herald! Buy Herald!
The shrill screams of the three boys excited the listeners. How, is it possible?.. Everyone rushed for newspapers.
Indeed! Black and white! A record for newspaper efficiency! Paragraph after paragraph, tons of headings, in big bold font!

“The phenomenal Klapzuba team in white suits with the Czech national badge on the left side of the chest runs out in a stretched chain onto the green field. Classic figures of eleven athletes..."
“The stadium once again bursts into rapturous applause. It is old Short, our incomparable Hiram Girford Short, who begins the divine offensive of eleven red Australians..."
“John Herbert Nearing pulls down his cap and raises his whistle. Let us once again take a quick look at the sparkling field on which twenty-two opponents lined up like statues. A sharp whistle penetrates our hearts “The ranks trembled...”
“The first minutes belong to us!”
People fought over the Herald and attacked each copy like wasps on an overripe apricot. And three ragamuffins, darting among the crowd, barely had time to put money in their pockets. In ten minutes they sold out. In front of them is a huge closed gate. They looked at each other, their faces long.
- Here you go, Sam! - turning to the black-haired one, the boy running third blurted out. - And you assured us that we would get there with the newspapers!
Sam walked gloomily to the gate. In vain, they were tightly locked. Sam spat and looked in confusion at his comrades, who were waiting for his decisive word.
A whistle came from behind the wall, as if from afar. Probably an out, or maybe a corner, or even a free kick. Terrible! So Sam Spargo doesn't see the match!
- Run around the stadium to the left, and I’ll run to the right. Maybe we'll find a hole somewhere! Meet me on the opposite side.
The boys obediently started running. Sam ran along right side, and his sharp newsboy eyes vigilantly examined the wall in search of a hole through which he could get into the stadium.

Shrovetide skit - How Pancake helped Spring

Do you want to know why pancakes are baked and eaten on Maslenitsa? Our skit will tell you and your children about this! Your children will love this exciting and educational Maslenitsa scene! It can be added to the holiday script or played separately. So, while there is still time before the holiday, distribute and learn the roles of already familiar characters: Baba Yaga, the teacher, Spring; and the main character himself - Pancake! Just don't forget to bake some pancakes, because you'll need them in this scene!


Characters: Teacher (leader), Spring, Baba Yaga, Pancake.

Spring comes on stage and cries.

That's it guys, there won't be spring this year (sobs), leaves won't bloom on the trees, beautiful flowers won't appear (sobs), birds won't fly in, animals won't wake up from hibernation (covers his face with his hands and cries)

Don't cry, Spring! Better tell us what happened, why won’t you come to us this year?

Baba Yaga stole the red sun! How will the snow melt now? How will the earth warm up now? If the sun is not returned to the sky in the coming days, then winter will reign on earth forever, and the cold will remain forever (cries).

Baba Yaga comes out. She goes and fans herself as if she is hot.

Baba Yaga:
Wow, that's good!

Teacher (or presenter):
Come on, Baba Yaga! Where did she hide the sun? Let's give it back!

Baba Yaga:
Why were they shouting! I won’t give you the sun, I need it more!

Can't be! Why YOU?! Why do you need it?

Baba Yaga:
I decided to fly to a warm place to rest, but my stupa broke, so I thought that since I can’t fly to warm places to sunbathe, let the warmth come to me on its own! Now it’s real summer in my hut! Eh, only the sea is missing!

What about the children?

Baba Yaga:
What about the children? It’s normal for children even in winter: they ride on a snow slide, on a sled. Skiing, skating. Yes, they play in the snow. Why is this bad?

Children need both warmth and spring! After all, if there is no spring, there will be no summer! It’s also not possible! Bring back the sun!

Baba Yaga:
What else did you want? I won't return it! (stomps his foot and leaves)

Spring begins to cry even more.
Then Pancake runs out.

Spring and the teacher (leader) together: And who are you?

Hi all! I'm damn it, Pancake! I've come to help you!

But how will you help us!

Look at me!
I look like the sun!
Just as round and rosy,
Mixed with butter and sour cream!
I’ll replace the sun for a while,
I will shed light and warmth on the world!
And you will have spring, fun,
And you will be in a good mood!

Hooray! Pancake! You are my savior! How good it is that you showed up! And now, every time I come, let everyone bake pancakes and eat them and treat everyone! And let the holiday of seeing off winter and welcoming spring be called Maslenitsa!

Pancake and spring hold hands and leave together.

Teacher (or presenter):
So dear children and guests! Since then, everyone has been baking and eating pancakes on Maslenitsa, because pancakes symbolize the red sun! Let's try these wonderful pancakes.

The teacher (or presenter) treats everyone to pancakes.

Traditions make life predictable and stable. It's nice to know that in a crazy rhythm modern people there is something unshakable that allows you to feel a connection with the past and reach out to the future. It’s not without reason that they say: “Keep traditions, and traditions will preserve you.”

An approximate scenario for celebrating Maslenitsa for children

The below script can be used as:

Maslenitsa scenario kindergarten,
scenario of Maslenitsa at school (for children of primary school age).

It’s worth starting your acquaintance with Maslenitsa with a fairy tale. After all, a fairy tale for a child is a vital necessity, allowing him to create a model of the world around him.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived two sisters. People called one Winter, the second Maslenitsa. The sisters lived in a magical mansion.

Tale of Maslenitsa for children

The winter was very beautiful and very cold. There was ice in her eyes and frost on her lips, so Winter couldn’t smile. Winter dressed in snow-white outfits. The servants of Winter were the North Wind and the Snowstorm.

Maslenitsa, unlike her sister, was kind and welcoming. She wore a bright colorful sundress. Maslenitsa looked at people tenderly with eyes as blue as the spring sky and smiled with scarlet lips. Not only people loved Maslenitsa, but also birds and animals. Maslenitsa came to visit people once a year and helped prepare for the meeting of her friend Vesna. For people, the arrival of Maslenitsa meant that Spring would soon become the mistress of the magic mansion, and Winter would go far to the North.

One day, Winter decided not to let Maslenitsa near people. Winter did not want to hand over the keys to the magic tower to Spring. And the evil sister ordered her servants:
- North wind! Blizzard! make sure people can't go out. Cover everything around with white snow, swirl with blizzards! May people never meet Maslenitsa! And Spring will never come to them!

The North Wind howled, whirled the Snow Storm in a wild dance, and they rushed away. People sit at home and don’t go out. There is no one to celebrate Maslenitsa, to invite Spring.

There is one week left until the arrival of Spring. And the good Maslenitsa came up with a way to help people. She sent the chirping birds and asked them to tell people that housewives should bake pancakes as round as the sun all week.

Maslenitsa took the hot pancakes and scattered them over the snowdrifts. Wherever the rosy and hot pancake fell, a thawed patch appeared. Winter's servants did not have time to pour snow, because the housewives were baking pancakes together and quickly.

Maslenitsa image for children
  • Maslenitsa told the children to collect snow into high slides and slide down them
  • sledding And in order to annoy Winter, the children had to laugh loudly and cheerfully!
  • The young guys were asked to attack the magic tower with snowballs, which Winter had turned into a snow fortress.
  • And in order not to freeze and turn into ice, all people had to eat many, many pancakes.
  • But nothing helped. The winter became stronger and stronger, and the warmth in human hearts became less and less. And then Maslenitsa asked to burn her on a big bonfire so that the heat would escape magic fire melted the snow and allowed Spring to come.
  • People were sad. They didn’t want to hurt Maslenitsa, but there was no other way out. People said goodbye to Maslenitsa, asked each other for forgiveness and were about to light the fire when one of the children shouted: “Let's make a straw effigy and burn it!”

Straw effigy for Maslenitsa

Oh, how happy the people were. The whole world built a huge effigy and burned it on a high hill. The flame was so bright and hot that the snow melted. Now everyone was sure that Spring would definitely come.

That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done!

Maslenitsa games for children on the street

No one will be able to remember the authors of the fun and active games that were played not only by mothers and fathers, but also by the grandparents of modern children. These games are part of the cultural heritage of our people. They are of the same value as fairy tales, songs, ditties, and nursery rhymes. Russian folk games develop resourcefulness, dexterity, perseverance, temper and strengthen.

The games are suitable for children of all ages, and even adults will not refuse to take part in fun games from childhood.

Russian folk game "Golden Gate"

Two players stand opposite each other, join hands, raise their clasped hands up, forming a “gate.” The rest of the children join hands and form a long snake. The snake must go through the gate.
While the snake is moving, the “gate” players say the words:

Maslenitsa game "Golden Gate"

Pronouncing the last word The “gates” suddenly give up. Children cut off from the main snake also become “gates”. The number of “gate” players increases during the game, and the snake decreases. The game ends when all participants enter the "gate" status.

Finger game"Bucket Sun"

There are a lot of games in Russian culture that can become the basis of any phonemic rhythm lesson.

Round dance has always been more than just a dance or ritual. Round dance is a state of the Russian soul, where they combined
X- eternal cycle,
Or- a disparate set united into one whole,
ABOUT- energy contained in infinity,
Waters- movement.

But even among serious traditions there is always a place for a funny joke.

Comic round dance-game “At Melania’s, at the old lady’s”

VIDEO: “At Melania’s, at the old lady’s”

Maslenitsa carousel

The leader stands in the center of the circle and holds in his hands a hoop (wheel) on which long bright ribbons are attached. Children take hold of the free edges of the ribbons and move in a circle, “riding” on the carousel. During the round dance, you can use the phonogram of the Russian folk song “Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes...”

Maslenitsa carousel

VIDEO: “Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes...”

Outdoor game “Burn, Burn Clear!”

VIDEO: “Burn, burn clear!”

Competitions for Maslenitsa

Among the competitions that can be held on Maslenitsa there may be
competition “Best poem about Maslenitsa”
competition for guessing thematic riddles
proverb competition
competition of the most funny ditties
Maslenitsa skit competition

Poems about Maslenitsa for children

Poem about Maslenitsa

This holiday is coming to us
Early spring
How much joy it brings
He is always with him!
Ice mountains await
And the snow sparkles
The sleds are running down the hills,
The laughter doesn't stop.
At home the aroma of pancakes
Festive wonderful,
We invite friends for pancakes,
Let's eat them together.
Noisy, fun
Cheese Week,
And behind it is Lent,
Time to pray.

Cat and Maslenitsa

The cat walked, sat, lay,
I've been waiting for Maslenitsa for a long time.
He sang songs, hissed, snorted:
“Not winter, but chaos!”
There's a battery under the window
It warms you with cat-like warmth!
And hopes that: Here!
Spring will come quickly!

A poem about Maslenitsa for kids

We baked some pancakes
Cooled on the window,
We will eat them with sour cream,
Let's invite mom to dinner.

Damn, we ate with pleasure -
Got dirty with jam.
To remove the jam from your lips,
The mouth needs to be licked.

Grandma's pancakes

Grandma baked pancakes
Round rosy.
Maslenitsa has come to us
A welcome guest.

The sun is round as a pancake,
Smiling, shining.
We are glad to have a warm meeting with him
Adults and children.

I'm at Maslenitsa for my mother,
And arms and legs,
Helped bake pancakes
Unprecedented width!

Wide Maslenitsa - cheese week!

Wide Maslenitsa
Cheese week!
You came dressed up
Come to us to welcome Spring.
Bake pancakes and have fun
We'll be there all week
May the cold winter
Get me out of the house!

Morning... MONDAY
The “MEETING” is coming.
Bright sled
They slide down the hills.
All day fun.
Evening is coming...
Having ridden to my heart's content,
Everyone eats pancakes.

"PLAY" carefree
TUESDAY is a joy.
Everyone walk, frolic
They came out as one!
Games and fun
And for them - a reward:
Rich and rosy
Maslenitsa pancake!

WEDNESDAY is suitable here
It's called "Gourmand".
Every housewife
He casts his spell at the stove.
Kulebyaki, cheesecakes -
They succeed in everything.
Pies and pancakes –
All swords on the table!

And on THURSDAY - free time
"ROLL OUT" is coming.
Ice fortresses,
Snow fights...
Threes with bells
They go out into the fields.
Guys are looking for girls -
Your betrothed.

FRIDAY has arrived
Mother-in-law invites
Son-in-law for pancakes!
Eat with caviar and salmon,
Could it be a little simpler?
With sour cream, honey,
We ate it with butter.

SATURDAY is approaching
All the relatives meet
Leads a round dance.
The holiday continues
General fun.
Gloriously seeing off
Winter time people!

SUNDAY bright
It's coming fast.
Ease the soul
all on "FAREWELL DAY".
Straw effigy -
Zimushka is burned,
Dressed up in a sheepskin coat,
felt boots, belt...

Lush festivities
The fair is crowning.
Goodbye, Maslenitsa,
Come again!
A year later, Beauty
We'll meet again.
Let's celebrate again
Treat us to pancakes!

Songs about Maslenitsa for children

VIDEO: “Collection of children's songs for Maslenitsa”

VIDEO: Song “We welcome spring with fragrant pancakes...”

Ditties about Maslenitsa for children

VIDEO: “Ditties for Maslenitsa”

Riddles about Maslenitsa with answers

We know this holiday
Time to see off winter.
People these days have to
Have fun, bake pancakes.

Before Lent - folk festivities,
Meat eater, fun and pancakes.
And goodbye to fierce winter
According to the traditions of good old times.

The sun fell in the snow,
The milk river flowed in
Sailing to a hot country
There you can make a moon in the holes.

For my beloved grandmother
I'll bake pancakes.
So blush and delicious
These lush...

Maslenitsa is a delicious meal!
Let's bake pancakes in the morning.
They come with sour cream and jam
And, of course...!

And with caviar and sour cream
They are all delicious!
Nostrils and blush -
Our suns are...

On Maslenitsa Sunday
Old Titus tried everything
Ask everyone for forgiveness
And answer:...
("God will forgive!")

Proverbs about Maslenitsa

Not life, but Maslenitsa
Maslenitsa lasts for seven days
Maslenitsa is afraid of bitter radishes and steamed turnips (i.e. fasting)
Maslenitsa is coming, damn it, it’s bringing honey
Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like the wheels of Spring
Maslena does not last forever
Maslenitsa without pancakes, there is no name day without pies
Maslenitsa is crazy, money is in order
We thought Maslenitsa was seven weeks, but it’s only seven days
So that you can be up to your elbows and get your fill of food
How pancakes flew to the ceiling during the oil week
It’s not Maslyana without a pancake
At least pawn everything from yourself and celebrate Maslenitsa
Damn is not a sheaf - you can’t prick it with a pitchfork
Looking for forty years of Maslenitsa and three years of minor holidays
Damn is not a wedge, it won’t split your belly
And the coolest man loves hot pancakes
Pancakes and kisses don't like bills

Scenes for Maslenitsa

VIDEO: Comic skit “Gypsy with Gypsy on Maslenitsa”

VIDEO: Comic skit “Matryona and Erema”

The festive Maslenitsa mood will be created by folk items in the interior of the hall (group): embroidered towels, pottery, wooden spoons, painted Russian scarves.
Among the obligatory accessories: sun, pancakes, Maslenitsa doll.

Decor children's party Maslenitsa

Decoration of the Maslenitsa children's holiday in kindergarten

VIDEO: “How to make a Maslenitsa doll”

Maslenitsa costumes for children

For the room it is better to use simple outfits in folk style.

Maslenitsa costumes for children

The obligatory guests of the holiday should be buffoons and a bear.

Festive tea party on Maslenitsa

Festive tea party with pancakes for Maslenitsa
DIY crafts for Maslenitsa

VIDEO: “Maslenitsa in kindergarten”

VIDEO: “Children about Maslenitsa”

VIDEO: “Living encyclopedia. Broad Maslenitsa »

Maslenitsa holiday.

Herald. Make way, honest people! Listen to the decree.

On this _____ day, ____, month, 2013, I order my board to hold a celebration in class 5A on the verge of winter and spring. On this day, people of different ranks gather for festivities and bliss. For all this, I command: everyone should find joy in my joys, everyone should have fun according to their dignity.

2 buffoons appear.



    Well, how are you doing?

    Yes, I'm okay. But before you ask me, say hello to everyone who came to the holiday!

    Well done and well done, you are welcome to come and visit us and invite your friends and comrades.

Vasilisa appears.

Vasilisa . Good afternoon, little people, girls and boys!

    Hello, Vasilisa!

Vasilisa. Hello, if you're not joking.

    What story will you tell us today?

Vasilisa . A new fairy tale about the king.

Together. About the king?

Vasilisa . About the king and about his faithful jester, and about the little children who were looking for Maslenitsa.

As the old fairy tale says,

And in this fairy tale we will begin,

Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak, A golden chain on the oak tree.

The sun rises over the Lukomorie.

At Lukomorye there is chedesa.

The spring wind blows from the fields,

And the forests awaken.

And like in a fairy tale,

The goblin is wandering.

And we, saying goodbye to the winter cold,

We'll start a round dance soon.

Let according to ancient customs

All the people are having fun here.

Vasilisa and the buffoons .

A tale about the king, and about his faithful jester, and about the little children who were looking for Maslenitsa.

Song “Oh, the guards get up early”

King Give me a horse, I’ll go to the barber!

. Jester . Yes, there is not a single horse in our stable.

King . How do you talk to the king?

Jester . But you shouldn’t be thinking about barbers right now. Look out the window, Your Majesty.

King There are so many people. What is this, a strike in my state?

Jester . Not a strike. Holiday today. So the people demand to find Maslenitsa.

King . So seek, do not mock your king. Who do you think would help us in this matter?

Jester . Yes, you can contact Baba Yaga.

King . Well, let's get in touch.

Baba Yaga enters. Music is playing .

Yaga . I’ve been living for a thousand years, I’ve grown old, and I have to do aerobics.

King . Yagushechka, there is a thing.

Yaga . Finally he remembered about me.

King . I come to you on business, and you again do your own thing. Tell me better, where can I find Maslenitsa?

Yaga . So you only called me to find out where this pretty girl has been disappearing! You don't care about my feelings!

King . I’m not doing it for myself, the people are demanding it!

Yaga . There is no need to justify yourself to me. I won't set foot here anymore! (leaves)

King . What we are going to do?

Jester . Maybe I should call Koshchei the Immortal?

King. Call.

Koschey enters.

Koschey. Well, what was your name?

King b. Koschey, help me find Maslenitsa.

Koschey . Yes, I have no time. Very busy.

King . I see how busy you are.

Koschey . IN free time I do what I want. Please don't bother me anymore.

King . Nobody wants to help the unfortunate king.

Jester . The guys will help us.

    We walked, we looked for the light of Maslyon, in the courtyards, in the backyards, in the fairs.

    Have you guys seen her? Have you ever met her? Let's call her.

All . Show yourself to us, O beautiful maiden,

Treat your guests with dishes.

The ringing of bells.

Leading . Maslenitsa is coming. A common, worldly holiday, say goodbye to melancholy.

    The holiday is fun and very important.

    A cheerful round dance awaits, don’t be timid, honest people!

    Maslenitsa has arrived, Maslenitsa has arrived.

A song is playing.

All . Hello, Maslenitsa!

    Our annual Maslenitsa, our dear guest. She doesn’t come to us on foot, she rides around on horseback.

Vasilisa . Maslenitsa-wry neck,

We welcome you well:

Cheese, butter and pancake

And a rosy pie.

    We haven’t eaten pancakes for a long time, we wanted pancakes.

Maslenitsa . Wait, don't rush, you'll deserve some pancakes. Guess minepuzzles. Whoever guesses it gets damn.

The floor is iron, the rug is non-woven. (pancakes in a frying pan).

I dropped a drop on my bald spot, inserted it, took it out, turned it, took it out, put it in. What did I do? (baked pancakes).

- Tell me, who was the first pancake intended for? Do not know?

The first pancake was intended for the wake of the souls of deceased relatives. The first pancake must be given to a beggar, a passerby or the birds.

-Do you know any proverbs about me?

Proverbs and sayings are shouted out.

It’s not all Maslenitsa, there will be Lent too.

Maslenitsa is crazy, I'm saving money.

It’s not life that’s rich, but Maslenitsa.

At least pawn your last shirt and celebrate Maslenitsa.

Pancakes don't spoil your belly.

Maslenitsa. You know both riddles and proverbs. Are you good at games?

Games. Who will be the first to eat a pancake without hands from a plate? Rewards the winner. Your skill is not bad, get a rooster.

What are the names of the days of the Maslenitsa week?

Seven guys enter.

Monday . I am Monday, they call me “meeting” because I celebrate Maslenitsa.

Tuesday . I am Maslenitsa Tuesday, they call me “bunny.” On this day, good fellows invited the red girls to ride on the snow slides, eat pancakes, play games, and dance to the accordion.

Wednesday . I am Wednesday of Maslenitsa week. They call me "gourmet". What was not on the tables that day! We've already enjoyed ourselves to our heart's content!

Thursday . I am the Thursday of Maslenitsa week, they called me “wide”, “let’s go for a walk”, “a turning point”. On this day, a cheerful fair was noisy with tambourines, rattles, accordions, cheerful buffoons walked around the fairs, amusing people.

Friday . I am Friday of Maslenitsa week. They called me “mother-in-law’s party.” Sons-in-law invited their mothers-in-law to visit for pancakes, and treated them to glory.

Saturday . I am Saturday of Maslenitsa week. They call me “sisters-in-law’s get-togethers.” Young daughters-in-law and sisters-in-law gathered on this day: they treated each other, played games, and gave each other gifts.

Sunday . The last day of Maslenitsa was called “Forgiveness Sunday.” On this day, people asked each other for forgiveness for previously caused grievances and tried not to hold evil in their hearts. They burned an effigy of winter - a symbol of cold and darkness.

Presenter. Let's welcome spring and spend winter.

The song “Farewell, Maslenitsa” is playing.

Presenter . That's it for us today folk holiday Maslenitsa, which our grandparents loved. Let's spend the winter.

All . Go away quickly, winter, we don’t need you anymore!