Congratulations to the organization on Motor Transport Day. Official congratulations on Road Transport Worker's Day. Congratulations on Motorist Day in verse

In 2017, Road Transport Workers Day falls on October 29.

Today we can no longer imagine our life without road transport. But we don’t even think about how difficult the work of professional drivers is, those who deliver goods, who ensure the smooth operation of enterprises, and who work on passenger transport. Well-functioning operation of motor transport is one of the components of the smooth functioning of the entire national economy of the country.

The professional holiday of road transport and road workers has been celebrated in our country since 1996 on the basis of a Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated 07.11.96 N 1435 “On establishing the Day of Road Transport and Road Workers.” In 2000, it was decided to celebrate separately the professional holiday of road workers annually on the third Sunday of October, and the holiday every year on the last Sunday of October.

Road transport today is a connecting link between many industries and regions; the economic potential of the entire country depends on its condition. Therefore, the issues of developing the road network and ensuring traffic safety are of particular relevance and require coordinated work of all levels of government.

Holiday Day of Road Transport Workers is a holiday of drivers, workers, engineers and employees, managers of motor transport and passenger automobile enterprises, industry scientists and teachers of educational institutions. In solving all the problems facing the industry, the experience of veterans of automobile and passenger transport who have dedicated themselves to their favorite profession is invaluable. best years life.

Today, without motor transport, not only the stable functioning of the national economy is unthinkable, but also everyday life millions of Russians. Motorists account for more than half of freight traffic; passenger vehicles alone transport 75% of the country's population every day.

The role of motor transport in ensuring Russia's foreign economic relations has increased significantly. Despite fierce competition, domestic carriers are strengthening their positions in the international market of road transport services; cars with the Russian flag are exploring new roads and countries.

Every year in Russia the number of cars increases and the composition of the vehicle fleet changes qualitatively. The increase in the number of personal cars clearly shows an improvement in the well-being of the population, and a significant increase in freight traffic on the country’s roads indicates economic growth.

Of great importance conscientious work and professional skills of employees of motor transport enterprises providing services to the population, industry and agriculture of Russia.

The car is becoming the main means of transportation for the population. Mass motorization is already having a noticeable impact on the development of territories and settlements, on the processes of trade and consumption, on the development of entrepreneurship, and on the entire way of life of many Russians.

In a number of sectors, there is no alternative to road transport. This includes provision of retail trade, transportation of expensive and urgent goods over short and medium distances, transport support for production logistics, and small businesses.

Road transport is the most flexible and widespread mode of transport. It has a number of important differences from other transport industries. The bulk of the country's vehicle fleet is operated by non-transport organizations. At the same time, the road network, along with the fleet of commercial vehicles, is also used by cars for the personal use of citizens.

The scope of motor transport is wide. It carries out most of the short intra-district transportation, delivering cargo to stations railways and river piers and delivers them to consumers.

Over 97% of all licensed subjects of transport activities are concentrated in road transport. The field of commercial and non-commercial road transportation now employs about half a million business entities. Their activities take place in conditions of fairly high intra-industry and interspecific competition.

In recent years, the total number of bus and truck fleets has changed almost insignificantly. Meanwhile, the number of passenger cars owned by citizens is growing rapidly. The country's motorization is stimulated by investments from the population and business, which annually invest up to $4 billion in new cars alone. In fact, the end consumers of motorization are all sectors of the economy, as well as the socio-cultural sphere, passengers and owners of personal cars and other types of transport, which are related links in the goods distribution system.

The disadvantages of motor transport include the low productivity of rolling stock, as well as the relatively high (significantly higher than in water and rail transport) cost of transportation. In addition, road transport is one of the main air pollutants.

Among the problems of motor transport, it is necessary to mention the intensive increase in the number of passenger cars (by 8-10% annually). Especially in large cities. At the same time, it intensifies harmful effects cars on the environment, safety issues become more complicated traffic, the capacity of many roads is reduced. First of all, urban ones.

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Cars are irreplaceable, and their number is increasing every year (Photo: Krivosheev Vitaly, Shutterstock)

Without exaggeration, we can state that the history of land vehicles began with the invention of the wheel. But times have changed, the pace of life has accelerated, and now we can no longer do without cars, buses, trolleybuses - transport plays an increasingly important role in our daily lives.

Cars are irreplaceable, and there are more and more of them every year. Cars have become high-speed transport, thanks to which we have the opportunity to cover vast distances and get to the most inaccessible corners of the world. In this regard, the number of professions serving road transport is also increasing. And the driver’s profession has been and remains one of the most widespread.

Therefore, it is not surprising that in many countries there are holidays dedicated to these professions. After all road transport personnel is the basis of its life activity. In the era Soviet Union Road Transport Workers Day was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorable days"and was celebrated on the last Sunday of October.

In 1991, the republics of the USSR became independent states, but traditionally today is the Day of Road Transport Workers - Motorist Day - celebrated in


Motorist Day is a professional holiday not only for drivers, but also for repair workers, engineering and technical workers, managers of motor transport enterprises and everyone who works conscientiously, fulfilling their professional duty. Without the dedication of these people to their profession and their sense of responsibility for the work, the daily life of the city and its inhabitants is impossible.

Cars have left a significant mark on the events of world history. This is the founding of the world famous automobile company Ford Motor in 1903, the world's first automobile competition in 1894, and the first tests of a home-made car in 1885. These and many, many other unforgettable events.

The editors of the “Calendar of Events” project sincerely congratulate all motorists - professionals and amateurs - on this dynamic and one of their favorite professional holidays. We wish everyone a safe ride, fair winds and excellent roads.

Other holidays in the section " International holidays»

“The Day of Road Transport Workers first appeared by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on January 15, 1976. It was celebrated annually every last Sunday of October until 1996, when the holiday of road transport workers was combined with the Day of Road Workers. Thus, on the last Sunday of October every year "Day of Road Transport and Road Workers" has already been celebrated." (from the site)

« Motorist Day"is a professional holiday for road transport workers, which is celebrated in the Russian Federation annually on the last Sunday of October.

"The history of this professional holiday begins on October 1, 1980, when the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics issued Decree N 3018-X" About holidays and memorable days”, which, among other things, ordered the establishment of “Motorist Day” in the USSR on the last Sunday in October (which was better known as “ Driver's Day"). On November 1, 1988, the USSR Supreme Council issued another Decree N 9724-XI “ On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorial days"However, the changes made did not affect this holiday in any way." (Wikipedia)

"Day of Automotive and Urban Passenger Transport Workers" (established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 25, 2012 No. 897) and is celebrated everywhere on the last Sunday of October."

On the last Sunday of October, Motorist Day is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Modern life is characterized by speed, you need to keep up with everything and not be late! In urban life, this is only possible thanks to the availability of transport, which allows for rapid travel. without any special physical effort .

Our comment:

This often leads, unfortunately, to many diseases caused by, so we advise moderation in everything, then there will be less traffic jams.

Motorists - amateurs and drivers - professionals - treat their “iron horses” with reverence and take care of them like family members! Cars need care and repair.

Our comment:

Therefore, sometimes they forget that there is another life outside the car. Without fanaticism. And it’s better to have affordable service stations for everyone, then there will be fewer accidents, more time, and safety, but for now this is just a dream.

If there is a profession, then there must be a holiday!

Our comment:

It is important that it does not end tragically. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon yet, especially since the holiday falls just at the beginning of the ice season, and it often becomes “the day of the tinsmith,” or even worse. Don't forget that in the Russian Federation A huge number of people are killed and injured on the roads every year. This is hundreds of thousands for a variety of reasons, and you should always remember this when you get behind the wheel. Therefore, before celebrating motorist day, it is worth noting.

We all want safety for ourselves and our loved ones.

This public recognition, of course, is not surprising, because roads connect cities and villages, and drivers are direct participants in the movement, and without them, cars simply won’t move! Without motor transport, the economy cannot survive, because there are roads and country roads everywhere, even in places where there will never be trams and trolleybuses, where electric trains and trains do not go, and, of course, airplanes do not fly!

On this holiday, we congratulate all those involved in the work of road transport. Our most good wishes for drivers, auto mechanics, engineers, designers, testers, automakers and car service workers. Congratulations to motorists - fans and teachers of driving schools and those who work as dispatchers and organize transport transportation. Congratulations to all employees of trolleybus depots and bus depots, all taxi drivers and truck drivers, ambulance drivers and employees of a wide variety of automobile services in many sectors of the economy.

We wish everyone who is friendly with road transport safe traffic, serviceable cars, excellent roads and wonderful travel companions! Let the car be a reliable assistant and never let its owner down!

Our comment:

And attentive pedestrians, high-quality roads, fair traffic inspectors, adequate road signs, competent city logistics who know how to develop optimal traffic patterns in existing conditions and create new ones (if there are such, and if not, then let new road networks and regulations appear for)

Good luck, positivity and a safe journey! Happy Motorist Day!" (from the site)

4th Sunday of October - Day of Road Transport Workers (Motorist Day)

Motorist Day is a professional holiday for road transport workers, which is celebrated in the Russian Federation annually on the last Sunday of October.

Cars are irreplaceable. There are more and more cars every year. Cars have become high-speed transport, thanks to which we have the opportunity to cover vast distances and get to the most inaccessible corners of the world. In this regard, the number of professions serving road transport is also increasing. And the driver’s profession has been and remains one of the most widespread. That's why Motorist Day in Russia- one of the most favorite holidays among a huge army of car enthusiasts!

Without exaggeration, we can say that the history of land vehicles began with the invention of the wheel. But times have changed, the pace of life has accelerated, and now we can no longer do without cars, buses, trolleybuses - transport plays an increasingly important role in our daily lives.

Cars have left a significant mark on the events of world history. This is the founding of the world-famous automobile company Ford Motor in 1903, the world's first automobile competition in 1894, the first tests of a home-made car in 1886, as well as many other unforgettable events.

The history of this professional holiday begins on October 1, 1980, when the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics issued Decree N 3018-X “On Holidays and Memorial Days,” which, among other things, ordered the establishment of “Motorist Day” in the USSR on the last Sunday in October. (which was better known as "Driver's Day").

On November 1, 1988, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued another Decree N 9724-XI “On Amendments to the Legislation of the USSR on Holidays and Memorial Days,” but the changes made did not affect this holiday in any way.

At that time, being administrative units of the USSR, all republics celebrated “Motorist Day” together, but after perestroika and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the situation changed. Having gained independence, some of them moved this holiday to another day, some changed its name, and some even abolished it altogether. However, there were also those who sought to preserve the best traditions established during the reign of the CPSU.

Thanks to this, Belarus and Ukraine also celebrate “Motorist Day” on the last Sunday of October, together with the Russian Federation. There is only one difference: in these post-Soviet republics, “Motorist Day” is celebrated simultaneously with “Road Worker Day”, and in Russia, according to the Decree of the second President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin “On the Day of Road Workers” No. 556 dated March 23, 2000, “Day Road Worker" was moved to the third Sunday in October.

Apparently, the state leadership has despaired of trying to reconcile these two categories Russian workers(Previously, since 1996, “Day of Road Transport and Road Workers” was celebrated in the Russian Federation on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1435 of October 14, 1996 “On establishing the Day of Road Transport and Road Workers” on the last Sunday in October).

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the Day of Workers of Automobile and Urban Passenger Transport" dated June 25, 2012 No. 897 declared invalid Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 23, 2000 No. 1435 "On establishing the Day of Workers of Automobile Transport" and paragraph 2 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 23, 2000 No. 556 "On the Day of Road Workers."

Motorist Day is a professional holiday not only for drivers, but also for repair workers, engineering and technical workers, managers of motor transport enterprises and everyone who works conscientiously, fulfilling their professional duty. Without the dedication of these people to their profession and their sense of responsibility for the work, the daily life of the city and its inhabitants is impossible.

Congratulations on the Day of Road Transport Workers.

Congratulations on Driver's Day. Congratulations to all drivers and car enthusiasts.

Congratulations on Motorist Day in verse

Motorists of all stripes,
A variety of positions
Happy Driver's Day,
From professional to amateur.
May your favorite car
Doesn't take away your strength
But it only helps
Delivers to any location.
Even if it’s a breakdown or a fine,
It will be like a mirage for you,
It seems like you heard, read,
We just haven’t met them ourselves.

Your whole life is a path
And you are always driving a car,
I wish you - neither nail nor rod
And let the star be your guide!
Changing, the landscape flashes through the window again,
You're always running headlong on business,
But so that you always return home,
Tired on the way, so that he returns to us!

There are countless drivers in the country,
It’s not for nothing that they have their own holiday,
Truly popular.
We have a great honor
Congratulate him today
The one who is like God in technology,
Who couldn't do it without wheels?
Who is the lord of all roads,
Who is our closest friend?
And for whom is the pretext ready:
Happy Motorist Day!

Drivers! Drivers! Congratulations!!!
We would like to wish you with all our hearts:
Today or very soon
Let everything be “five” for you,
The car will be fine
(After all, it’s impossible to live without her)
And may the road be smooth
And all traffic police officers are friends.

Congratulations on Motorist Day in prose

Our dear motorists and road transport workers! Accept Congratulations on Motorist Day (Happy Driver's Day) those who can proudly consider themselves part of this glorious profession, and this is the majority of the population of our country. Almost every adult on the last Sunday of October will consider himself involved in this holiday.
What can I wish to the whole army of motorists: and those who have associated themselves with motor transport professionally, the so-called “car enthusiasts”? Of course, first of all, an accident-free environment on the road, straight, wide and smooth roads, an atmosphere of mutual understanding and respect on them, health, family happiness and well-being, good luck in everything! May you only be able to overcome time and space on your life and automobile routes!
Happy holiday to you!

Dear motorist! On this holiday, my wishes will be simple and clear: I wish you smooth roads and low fuel prices, normal rules and adequate traffic inspectors, good routes and cheerful fellow travelers, always reaching your destination and never using insurance. Happy holiday, happy motorist day!

Dear drivers, we congratulate you on Motorist Day! We wish you understanding, because this is what your communication with colleagues is based on. We wish you a bright road, because it is what helps you feed your families. We wish you a strong horse, because it is yours best friend on my way. We wish you good health, because this is what will help you earn money. Happy holiday to you!

SMS congratulations on Motorist Day

Short congratulations on Motorist Day

Motorist, I congratulate you!
I wish you happiness and health,
And may you and your iron horse
I didn’t meet with either a nail or a rod!

Happy Driver's Day!
I wish you all the very best, friend!
I wish you easy control of the steering wheel
And so as not to confuse a holiday with drinking!

You know, if all drivers are like you, we will not have accidents, and the traffic police will remain without fines! Well, today, happy holiday to you! Don't be discouraged, make new acquaintances and take care of the old ones strong relationships, dream and dare to live happily!

Motorist! Happy birthday to you today!
Let the traffic light burn green!
Always be healthy and elegant,
Well, be careful on the road!

Happy Driver's Day! So much
Nice words I want to tell you!
Let the path be easy,
And all routes will be within your reach!

Voice congratulations on Motorist Day

Congratulations on Motorist Day to your phone you can listen and send what you like to the recipient as music or voice greeting to a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send congratulations on Motorist Day to your phone either immediately or by first specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. An audio congratulation on Motorist Day on your phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to your mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving the congratulation by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Cool congratulations on Motorist Day

Today motorists celebrate the holiday:
Drivers of all categories and taxi drivers.
We wish everyone happiness today,
Let all bad weather pass you by on the road.
To ensure that your car is always in good working order,
So that quadrille always sounds in your soul,
The green light always preceded the journey,
Good luck to you and finding your true love!

May your steel horse and the same nerves never let you down. Let there always be a firm hand and the same male friendship. May the forces of nature and the traffic police inspectors be favorable to you on the road. May your road, like the path of life, be long and smooth. No matter how far you go, always return to your native threshold. And no matter how you rush, remember - those whose hearts beat in unison with yours are waiting for you at home. In general, Happy Motorist Day!

Hands hold the steering wheel securely
Under the steady noise of the engine,
After all, every day is a long journey
You have to go again.
On this holiday I wish you
We want a lot of everything
Nails and rods are not to be found
And the wind is crazy for you.

Don't forget to send to your colleagues, friends and family Congratulations on Motorist Day in poetry or prose for their professional holiday, which is celebrated annually in October. For this holiday we have selected the most popular, interesting, fun and... For you, drivers!


The Day of Road Transport Workers first appeared by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on January 15, 1976. It was celebrated annually every last Sunday of October until 1996, when the holiday of road transport workers was combined with the day of road workers. Thus, on the last Sunday of October, the “Day of Road Transport and Road Workers” was celebrated annually.

In 2000, the holiday was separated again, moving Road Workers Day to the third Sunday in October.

Since 2012, the holiday, celebrated on the last Sunday in October, has been divided between motorists and city public transport employees. Since then, the Day of Automobile and Urban Passenger Transport Workers appeared, which is professional holiday all urban transport drivers, managers of passenger and motor transport enterprises, engineering and technical workers and employees, as well as teachers of transport educational institutions and scientists in the relevant industry.

Russian public transport

Road transport on the territory of Russia has a special role, since it connects the country along main roads and ensures transport accessibility to the most remote regions. Daily transport mobility of 2/3 of the Russian population is ensured with the help of such urban public transport as trolleybus, bus, metro, tram, light rail, electric trains, monorails and so on.

All public passenger transport is essential element a system that allows a huge number of people to function every day.

In the fall of 2011, according to a representative of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Russian road transport reached 60% of passenger traffic in the country and 55% of freight traffic. More than 3 million people and 39 million vehicles from Russian state parks work in this sector - which is 33 million cars, 900 thousand buses and 3.5 million trucks. In cities, passengers travel using seven subways (6.3 thousand cars) and more than 20 thousand trams. This allows public transport provide approximately 85% of household and work trips of the population in suburban and urban traffic.

From March 1, 2020, good news awaits Ukrainian pensioners- pensions for our neighbors will increase by 11% (according to local laws, the increase should occur automatically, although the authorities have not yet officially confirmed this).
What awaits Russian pensioners? We tell you whether or not pensions will be indexed in Russia from March 1, 2020 .

Unfortunately, we have to report: in Russia as a whole from March 1, 2020, pensions will NOT be indexed. Only “individual indexation” (recalculation) of the amount of payments is possible for those pensioners for whom it was initially calculated incorrectly.

That is, whether or not there will be indexation of pensions in Russia from March 1, 2020:
* no, it will not.

In the future, a revision of pensions for length of service awaits working pensioners ( from August 1, 2020), and military pensioners from October 1, 2020.

When do the clocks change in 2020?

In many countries around the world, in 2020, clocks are changed twice a year: in the spring from winter to summer (1 hour forward), and in the fall, vice versa - from summer to winter (1 hour back).

For example, 2020 clock changes occur in:
* Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, European Union, USA, Canada, Israel, Great Britain, Australia, Mexico, Iran (71 countries in total).


  • In Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan in 2020, clocks do not change time!
Here is a list of some more countries whose residents are “exempt” from changing clocks in 2020:
* Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, China, South Korea, Mongolia, India, Japan, Brazil, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iraq, Maldives, Venezuela (total 178 countries).

In Russia in 2020, a constant winter time, to which the country switched in 2014. And the regular “change of hands” has been abolished in the Russian Federation since 2011. It should be noted that subsequently, in some regions of Russia, a one-time time change was carried out based on the wishes of residents.

Despite the fact that in Russia the rule of changing time twice a year has now been abolished, when planning trips to other countries, as well as when communicating with foreigners (friends, relatives or colleagues), it is important to know in other countries. Below we provide this information for some of the most popular countries.

When do they change the time in 2020 (list of some countries):

* EU, UK:
for summer time - on the last Sunday in March (from March 28 to 29, 2020 at 01:00).
for winter time - on the last Sunday of October (from October 24 to October 25, 2020 at 01:00).

* Ukraine:
for summer time - on the last Sunday in March (from March 28 to 29, 2020 at 04:00).
for winter time - on the last Sunday of October (from October 24 to 25, 2020 at 04:00).

* USA(except in Hawaii and Arizona, where time is not changed) , Canada, Cuba:
for summer time - on the second Sunday in March (from 7 to 8 March 2020 at 02:00).
for winter time - on the first Sunday of November (from October 31 to November 1, 2020 at 02:00).

* Israel:
for summer time - the Friday before the last Sunday in March (from March 26 to March 27, 2020 at 02:00).
for winter time - on the last Sunday of October (from October 24 to October 25, 2020 at 02:00).

* Syria:
for summer time - on the last Friday of March (from March 26 to March 26, 2020 at 00:00).
for winter time - on the last Friday of October (from October 29 to October 30, 2020 at 00:00).