From disposable plates with your own hands. Crafts from disposable plates. Volumetric craft from paper plates “Goldfish”

Crafts from disposable plates can be done with kids different ages. What makes me happy is that the material for making it costs a penny, and sometimes it just sits at home idle. It's easy to create crafts from disposable plates. Little ones will definitely be interested in such things.

Paper plate products

What to make from such material? For example, paper plates can be decorated with markers, paints and pencils. If you have plasticine, you can sculpt the shapes of animals. Using colored paper, you can create various animals, for example, a dog or a turtle. Some do Carnival masks. For example, it could be a lion. To create a mask, you need to paint the plate itself yellow, and draw the face of the animal inside. To create more complex animals, it is recommended to use two plates.

Owl from plates

Looking at crafts made from disposable plates, one cannot help but remember the owl. An older child could do this thing. To create crafts from disposable plates, you will need to stock up on: glue, two plates, paints, scissors, colored paper and brushes.

Making an owl at home

1. First paint two plates brown, then let them dry.

2. From colored paper, cut out two large yellow circles, as well as two circles white smaller in diameter and 2 small black circles.

3. Cut out the owl's beak from orange paper.

4. Using scissors, cut one plate in half. As a result, you will get wings.

5. Then glue the eyes and beak onto the plate.

6. Then glue the wings to the back side of the whole plate. That's it, you have an owl.

Similar toys can be used in a puppet theater. You can also make a photo frame out of a plate. To do this, it should be painted. You will get beautiful jellyfish if you glue ribbons to the plate.

Frog from plates

What other crafts can be made from disposable plates? For example, a frog. To create you will need:


Colored paper (black, white and red);

Two egg cups;

Glass of water;



1. Paint a plate and egg cups with green paint.

2. Cut out the tongue from red paper, and small circles (these will be eyes) from black and white paper.

3. Glue the tongue on the unpainted side, then fold the plate in half.

4. Then glue on the “eyes”. That's all, the frog is ready.

Crafts from disposable multi-colored plates

Colored tableware is also sold. The plates, as you understand, do not need to be painted. You can create crafts from them right away. For example, if you can cut out fish from colored plates. You can place them in an aquarium drawn on paper.

Bouquet for mom

If, in addition to plates, you also have plastic cups, then you can give your child an interesting gift.

To make a bouquet you will need:


Green and white plastic plate;

Yellow plastic cup.

Making crafts from disposable plates

1. Cut out chamomile petals from white paper and stems from green paper. The cores of the flowers will be the bottoms of the cups. They also need to be cut out.

2. Then glue all the parts of the daisy together.

3. Place the resulting flower in a yellow cup. That's all, the bouquet is ready.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to make crafts from disposable plates; photos of interesting products are presented in our article. We hope that with our recommendations you will be able to create fun things at home. Such activities will allow you to develop your child’s imagination and creativity. Good luck!

Create beautiful and original products can be made from almost any material. The main thing for this is the desire to create beauty with your own hands.

Ordinary plastic spoons are perfect for home crafts. You can make bright, interesting, creative compositions from standard and unremarkable items of disposable tableware.

This exciting activity will appeal to both adults and children.

What can be made from spoons

We invite everyone who wants to please themselves and their loved ones with the results of their creativity to the “Crafts from Spoons” master class.

You will see step by step the entire process of forming crafts from plastic spoons.


In order to make a charming bouquet of tulips, we will need:

  • spoons (5 pieces for each flower);
  • colored corrugated paper;
  • glue with a brush;
  • scissors;
  • green electrical tape.

Cut squares of red paper. We wrap spoons in each square and seal it.

Then we collect the tulip. To do this, we fasten 2 spoons, add 3 more to them and fix the resulting flower with electrical tape. We cut out the leaves from green paper, attach them to the stem and tie them with ribbon.

We make a bouquet and put it in a beautiful vase.

Water lily

To create a plastic water lily you need to prepare:

  • spoons of different sizes,
  • glue gun;
  • regular glue;
  • paints;
  • scissors;
  • green plastic bottle.

After cutting off the handles of the spoons, attach the future petals with a glue gun. You should now have an inner layer of petals.

Make the outer layer of the flower in the same way. Cut a strip measuring 12x3 cm from the bottle and make a fringe along one of its edges. Roll the strip and secure it with glue.

Dye the fringe in yellow and let it dry.

Make leaves from the bottle as shown in the photo.

Attach the dried strip to the inside of the petals - this will be the middle of the flower. The magnificent snow-white water lily is ready!

Garland of flowers

A bright flower garland will look very impressive, for the manufacture of which you will need:

  • 18 multi-colored spoons;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • thick thread;
  • dye;
  • pom-poms;
  • thick cardboard.

Cut out 3 triangles of the same size from cardboard and color them.


Cut off the handles of the spoons. Mark the middle in the triangles and stick petals around it (6 pieces per flower). Place a pompom in the center of each flower.

Make 2 holes in each triangle and thread a thread through them, thus connecting the flowers into a garland.

Flower vase

Making a cute flower vase will require you to have:

  • spoon;
  • tin cans;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • paints.

Paint the jar your favorite color. Cut off the handles from the spoons. Paint the rounded parts of the spoons in the desired colors.

Glue the spoons to the jar, placing them in even rows.



You can make a cute ladybug from spoons using:

  • spoon;
  • glue;
  • large voluminous button;
  • paints;
  • scissors

After cutting off the handles of the spoons, paint the oval part of each of them. Glue the wings together. Attach a button head on top.


To create a sterile original candlestick All you need is the spoons and glue.

By gluing the spoons together as shown in the photo and attaching a candle to the top of the structure, you will get a stylish decorative element that will brighten up any holiday.

Decorative frame

You can use disposable spoons to create original frames decorating various interior items.


For this you will need:

  • spoons in large quantities;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • polystyrene foam or thick cardboard;
  • a watch, a small round mirror, a photograph or another item that is valuable to you.

After measuring the diameter of the desired object, cut out a circle of the appropriate size in cardboard or foam plastic.

Place a watch, photo or mirror in the resulting frame and secure it. Cut off the handles of the spoons. Glue the rounded parts of the spoons to the frame in rows in a circle, from the edge to the center.

Color the finished product of your creativity the way you want.

Christmas tree

Among crafts made from disposable spoons, picturesque Christmas trees are very popular, for the manufacture of which you will need:

  • paper cone;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • dye.

As usual, cut the spoons into 2 parts;

Glue the oval part of the spoons to the cone in a checkerboard pattern.

We paint the resulting Christmas tree any color or leave it white and admire our creation.

Maracas (musical instrument)

Creating this unusual instrument will take you very little time, but is guaranteed to delight your children.

Prepare the following materials for this:

  • 2 spoons;
  • plastic egg;
  • scotch;

Place a small amount of rice into the egg and close.

Press the sides of the egg with spoons.

Cover the resulting model with tape.


To make big spoons bright pumpkin, you need to prepare:

  • yellow or orange spoons in large quantities;
  • foam ball.

Cut the handles off the spoons.

Attach the rounded part of the spoons to the ball in a checkerboard pattern from bottom to top.

The top of the resulting pumpkin can be decorated with a small branch.

The process of creating all the described compositions is reflected in the photo of crafts made from spoons. We talked about the most popular and beautiful products from this material and shared secrets on how to make crafts from spoons with your own hands.

We hope that our master class was useful to you and gave you aesthetic pleasure.

Photos of crafts made from spoons

When regular plates are not enough, disposable paper plates always come to our rescue. It’s quite possible to create disposable tableware items decorative elements, which could decorate your life, but for some reason this idea is visited mainly only by teachers of child care institutions.

In this article you can look at photos of crafts made from plates, take something for yourself, or recommend it to friends and relatives who are interested in such things.

Materials for work

To create something truly beautiful and original, you will need:

  • Disposable plates made of various materials
  • Plastic forks, knives or spoons
  • Disposable glasses
  • Plastic drinking straws

In fact, there are no limits to your imagination; be creative and you can create an infinite number of decorative items from disposable tableware.

Use of disposable plates

The most common use of disposable plates as decoration is in children's work - just show a little imagination, add a mouth, mustache, eyes and nose to the plate and voila - a cheerful face is ready.

If you are just starting to decorate plates, then you can choose this option. Once you get the hang of it, you can move on to more complex solutions.

You can also create clothing items for children from disposable plates with your children! For example, it could be a lucky hat that represents a clover four leaf clover or a crown for the birthday boy. To celebrate Halloween, you can make a hat in the shape of a bat.

In addition to the benefits of labor for children, this can become entertainment if you invite the guests of the hero of the occasion to come up with their own animal, and then together with them make hats with these animals out of plates.

Play a game with them, let none of the children see their animal, and others will ask him questions to which he could only answer “yes” or “no”; whoever guesses first wins! Original crafts made from plates it's a lot of fun!

You can make a real children's bag from a foam plate - to do this, just divide the plate into two parts, fasten them together and decorate them according to the child's wishes. In such a bag you can put, for example, sweets.

If you don’t decorate the bag, but glue small strips to it Brown, then you get a chick’s nest. Any child, even a very small one, can handle such things.

Getting too bored?

Try making cute boxes from disposable plates in which you can put berries, candies or dessert. At first glance, it may seem that this is not easy to do, but all you have to do is cut the plate on four sides, fold the edges, connect with paper clips, and the box is ready. Such dishes, made from other dishes, will be very useful at children's parties.

Bird made from colored disposable plates

For the manufacture of spring bird you will need:

  • Plastic plates of various colors
  • Pencil
  • Stapler
  • Scissors
  • Colored paper

It is best to entrust this task to a child from six years old and help him if something does not work out. On the back of the plate, you need to mark the wings and beak of the future bird and cut with scissors along the drawn lines. Next, you need to fasten the wings with a stapler and glue them to the body of the bird with glue.

The next important step is decorating the bird and its design. Cut out from colored paper various figures, such as flowers, ovals, eyes, etc.

All small elements cut out of paper should be placed on the bird and glued in those places where the child deems it necessary - this is his bird, after all!

Show your idea of ​​what kind of craft to make from plates and create it together with your children.

For example, you can take corrugated colored paper, a plastic plate and tools and make an arrangement that includes flowers on the plates. A child can give such a thing to his mother for any holiday or just because.

In addition to having fun, children can learn in a fun way. To do this, it is enough to make fruits and vegetables from disposable colored plates, because vegetables and fruits are mostly round. Such edible toys will be an excellent example for teaching children; you can teach them what a particular fruit or vegetable looks like.

Try bending a plate and making a small slit in it, insert paper folded into it in the shape of an accordion, which will look like bird wings. Cut out a triangular beak from cardboard and glue it to the plate. And you can take ready-made eyes or make them yourself. It will take the child a little time to do everything, but the result will be very surprising.

Simple crafts from disposable plates for children are very exciting and fun. Make a frog princess. If you fold the plate in two, it will look just like a frog's mouth. The eyes and nose can be cut out from the cells of an egg carton, and the eyelashes and tongue can be cut out from paper. A few simple steps and adorable toy ready.

Moreover, if you cut off the edge of the plate and add decorative elements to it in the form of pointed leaves, you will get an extraordinary flower. Glue a photo of the child in the middle, and decorate the edges of the photo with something - the photo frame is ready. Turn on your imagination and there will be no end to the crafts.

If you and your child are not afraid of snakes, then you can cut the plate in a spiral, leaving an oval part in the core, glue on eyes, a forked tongue and paint it in the color you like. The snake toy is very interesting and fun, as it has some kind of mobility.

Master class on making killer whale crafts from plates

Fasten the black plate on top and the white plate on the bottom using a stapler, so that one edge is open like a mouth and you will get a killer whale. All that remains is to add eyes, fins, a tail and a fountain from the back in the form of wires to the animal and you can play with it.

Seek out detailed instructions for making crafts and create masterpieces of toys with your children, or maybe you will go further and do something that no one has ever done?

In any case, such games will be an excellent development for your children, and besides, this is a very exciting activity, during which time flies by.

Photos of crafts from plates

Perhaps you won’t find a cheaper material for New Year's crafts than plastic utensils. You can use everything:

  • dishes
  • cups
  • bottles
  • spoons and forks

Disposable plates and cups made of paper are suitable for crafts.

In this article you will see photos of absolutely simple jewelry for home interiors and Christmas tree toys made from plastic and paper dishes.

So what can you do? made of plastic and paper plates so that it is simple, fast and at the same time unusual, bright and non-standard? Let's fantasize together!

First of all, prepare it yourself dishes, A also tools and materials that will be needed for work. The plates must be intact and clean. The color can be any. The following tools and materials may be useful to you:

  • scissors
  • stapler
  • glue gun and glue sticks for it
  • felt-tip pens or markers
  • gouache or acrylic paints
  • glue type “Moment Crystal”
  • PVA glue
  • tassel

Let's start with something simple: let's do “decoupage” of a plastic (or paper) plate . Glue the top layer of a three- (or two-) layer napkin onto the plate using PVA glue and a brush. When the napkin is completely dry, coat it with acrylic varnish. The New Year's plate is ready!

If you don't have a dark green paper plate, a white one can be easily painted with gouache or acrylic paint. Let it dry well and cut it into three isosceles triangles. Glue the resulting parts into a Christmas tree shape. You can make a hole at the top and tie twine in the form of a loop. Such Christmas trees decorate curtains or wall. Don’t forget that it’s customary to decorate any Christmas tree. In our case, small beads, sequins or buttons are suitable.

We use the same technique - cut the plates into triangles. Now from the resulting triangles we will make checkboxes. If you take colored plates, the garland of flags will be more elegant.

It is not necessary to paint the back of the plate if you do not intend to hang the flags so that they will be visible from both sides.

It's not at all difficult to cut out of white paper or plastic plates. Christmas angels . See for yourself: a few cuts with scissors and the silhouette of an angel is already emerging.

If you want to make the figure three-dimensional, look at another method: using a felt-tip pen, draw lines along which we cut out the wings and robe of an angel. Then bottom part We bend the plates so that we get a “skirt” and secure them with a stapler.

Of course, plates make wonderful snowmen. It doesn't take much effort either.

The plates are easy to fasten with a regular stapler or glue with hot glue. Several of these snowmen hung around the apartment will decorate your home and create

The plates are easily pierced with an awl or hole punch. Thread strong twine or rope into the resulting holes and make it together with your children. a garland of funny snowmen.

A New Year's clock ? What, if not plastic or paper plates, can they be made from? Don't know where to get numbers for the dial? You can take it from children's sets of letters and numbers. Usually these are alphabets with numbers. To make your “clock” also show minutes, take two plates different sizes and glue them together. On the outer plate, beautifully write the minutes with a felt-tip pen, and on the inner plate, stick the numbers to indicate the hours.

If you can’t find the numbers anywhere, you’ll just have to draw them on the plate. Make the arrows and pendulum from cardboard.

And how many fun New Year’s “faces” can be made using plates. Firstly, this Father Frost.

And secondly and thirdly and... everyone you come up with yourself.

For the New Year, let them “settle” in your son’s children’s room pirates.

From small colored plastic (or paper) plates, make "lollipops". They look elegant and can be hung like a garland.

New Year's wreath made of paper or plastic plate Even a child can do it. You just need to cut out the middle, paint the resulting headband in the desired color and glue on the decorations.

Easy to make from plastic (or paper) plates "fairytale" animals: Sivka-Burka, for example.

And the symbol of 2017 is young cockerel, is made from half a plate, a mug cut from the other half, two “eyes”, several feathers and “palms” made of colored paper.

If you don’t know how to pack small gifts in an unusual and special way, also use plastic plates. It turns out original bunny handbag. You can make a bear bag in the same way.

That's probably enough about plates. Let's move on to other material for New Year's crafts - plastic cups. If you didn’t have time to buy a snow globe, which symbolizes the arrival of winter and new year holidays, do something similar with your own hands.

Take plastic cover or cut a circle out of cardboard (it is important that the size matches the diameter of the glass). Look around the house for small figurines (usually found in chocolate eggs). Glue them to the lid using hot glue from a glue gun or Moment type glue. Sprinkle grated foam or small white beads, coconut shavings, broken eggshells, semolina, finally! That's Christmas story came to you! Place it on the windowsill or on a small table. Believe me, it lifts your spirits! Yes, you can also lightly moisten the side surfaces of the glass with water and sprinkle with a small amount of granulated sugar. Let it dry and you will get a “snow-covered” glass.

Watch this video, maybe it will inspire you or give you something new idea how to decorate your house for the new year.

Maybe you decide to do snowman from plastic cups . It turns out BIG and absolutely wonderful.

How can you do it BIG SNOWMAN from plastic cups, watch in this video.

Do flock of penguins can be made from bottles of different heights. You don't even need to cut the plastic here. Just insert a rolled-up white sheet of paper or a white plastic bag inside the bottle. And cut out the “black plumage” from black colored paper.

If you don’t throw away plastic bottles for a long time, then by the New Year you can easily afford to make something like this from the bottoms. You can use strong wire. You will have to make holes in the plastic with a hot awl or a drill with a thin drill bit. It will work out

Another option wreath of plastic bottles It turns out very elegant. You can’t even tell right away that this unusual wreath is made practically from garbage. In this case, each bottom of a plastic bottle is cut out in the shape of a flower with sharp petals. All blanks are painted with gold paint from a can or other suitable for plastic. Assemble the blanks into a wreath on a strong (thick wire) using an awl or drill.

A simple Christmas tree garland can be decorated with plastic flowers. To do this, you need to cut off the necks of plastic bottles, but do not throw away the corks. Drill holes in the plugs equal to the diameter of the mini-sockets of the Christmas tree garland.

What else can you make from plastic bottles for the New Year? Certainly, candlesticks. In this case, two bottle bottoms were used: one larger, the other smaller. Cuts were made in the plastic and the blanks were heated over an open flame. Then the cut and heated strips were bent in different directions. When the blanks had cooled, hot (or “Moment”) glue was applied to the edges and sprinkled with glitter. For the candle, we prepared a glass bowl with colored bath salts. Plastic candle holders They placed each other, and placed a bowl with a candle inside. All is ready!

You can see another way to make plastic candlesticks in this video.

And in this video you will see wonderful New Year's crafts made from plastic spoons and forks.

That's all! Get ready for the holidays, decorate your home! After all, family happiness always comes to the house where it is expected!

"Making African animals from paper plates." Master class with step-by-step photos.

Description: master class is intended for parents, educators, teachers primary classes, teachers additional education, creative people. In this simple master class we will learn how to create animals such as zebra, tiger, giraffe, and leopard from scrap materials.
Purpose: craft, gift, applique.
Target: making crafts from waste materials, development of creative abilities among teachers and parents.

- Introduce one of the options for making crafts from paper plates
- To cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste, patience, diligence and accuracy in work.
- Develop labor skills and abilities.
- Develop fine motor skills
- Develop aesthetic taste
- Develop creativity and creativity
Necessary materials:
- disposable paper plates
- felt-tip pens
- PVA glue
- colored paper and cardboard
- acrylic paints
- tassel
- scissors
- officer ruler or other ruler with form templates

1. In order to make a zebra, on a sheet of black paper we trace all the necessary patterns with a felt-tip pen - 6 stripes (2 * 5 cm), 1 large circle (4 cm) for the nose, two small circles (0.8 mm) for pupils, two parts for ears.

2.Cut out all the drawn details.

3.C right sides We glue 3 strips to the plate, at an equal distance from each other. We bend the ends of the strips and glue them to the back of the plate.

4.Glue the remaining three strips symmetrically on the opposite side.

5.Glue a large black circle-nose at the bottom of the plate.

6.On a sheet of white paper, draw two large circles (2.5 cm) for the eyes and two small circles (1 cm) for the nostrils.

7.Cut out the drawn parts

8.Glue two eyes in the middle of the plate, and two nostrils on the black circle of the nose. Glue the pupils over the eyes

9.On a sheet of white cardboard we outline two parts of the ears. Draw a rectangle (4*6 cm) on a sheet of black cardboard. Draw strips approximately 1 cm wide on the rectangle.

10.Cut out the parts. On the black rectangle we make cuts along the stripes, without cutting to the end.

11.Glue the black parts to the white ears.

12. Turn the plate over and glue the ears and mane to the reverse side.

13. We turn the plate over again and this is what we should get. Zebra is ready!

14. Let's start making a giraffe. Turn the plate over and paint the back side acrylic paints or yellow gouache.

15.On a sheet of brown paper, draw circles of different diameters. Cut it out.

16. Glue the circles onto the plate in random order.

17.Draw on brown paper oval shaped nose. Cut out the parts and glue them to the bottom of the plate.

18.On a sheet of white paper, draw and cut out 2 circles for the eyes. From black paper we cut out two small ovals for the pupils, and two larger ovals for the nostrils.

19.Glue the eyes and nostrils in place.

20.From yellow cardboard we cut out two parts for the ears and horns.

21.Cut out 2 large circles and several small ones from brown paper. Glue them onto the ears and horns.

22.Glue the ears and horns with reverse side dishes.

23.Draw a mouth with a black felt-tip pen. The giraffe is ready!

24.Now let's start making the tiger. Color the paper plate orange.

25.Cut out ten triangle strips from black paper.

26.Glue three strips to the plate on the left and right sides, one strip on the bottom and three strips on top.

27.On a sheet of white paper, trace and cut out 2 large circles for the eyes. From black paper we cut out two small circles for the pupils and an oval-shaped nose.

28.Glue the eyes and nose to the plate.

29. Cut out 2 large triangles from orange cardboard - for the ears. Cut out 2 small triangles from black paper. Glue the black triangles on top of the orange ones.

30.Glue the ears on the back of the plate.